HomeMy WebLinkAboutBHC 06 20 23 DRAFT MINUTES rev DRAFT MINUTES Barnstable Historical Commission This meeting was held remotely via Zoom on June 20, 2023 at 3:00 PM Fran Parks, Chair Present Nancy Shoemaker, Vice Chair Present Marilyn Fifield, Clerk Present; late arrival George Jessop Absent Cheryl Powell Present Nancy Clark Present Jack Kay Absent Barbara DeBiase, Alternate Present Jessica Rapp Grassetti, Town Council Liaison Present Elizabeth Jenkins, Planning & Development Director Present Erica Brown, Administrative Assistant Present Chair Fran Parks called the meeting to order at 3:00 pm. Acting under the provisions of the Code of the Town of Barnstable, ss 112-1 through 112-7, the Historical Commission held a Public Hearing on the following applications previously determined significant and referred to Public Hearing: APPLICATIONS Welch, Pamela & Christopher – 340 Seapuit Road, Osterville, Map 095, Parcel 010, Built 1700 Partial demolition: Gutting kitchen and changing roofline.for kitchen renovation within existing footprint. Pamela and Christopher Welch were present, and. Pamela explained that they would like to put in a new kitchen within the existing footprint, and the kitchen is not located in the antique part of the house which she pointed out as the left side of the home. She also pointed out the smaller shed roof that connects the two homes, where a gable roof. is proposed. Christopher said the interim section where the work is pro- posed seems to have been a breezeway that connected the two homes. They said the windows will match the historic part of the home, and the plan is to open up the home by changing the roofline. Discussion: Nancy S. asked for clarification on what part of the original 1700s home will be demolished. The applicants answered that the only change in the exterior of the antique part will be the window to be replaced by a square window to mimic the antique part of the home. Barbara asked if the new roofline will be parallel to the old section of the house, and the reply was that the roofline will be shorter. Nancy C. asked if a window will need to be removed from the antique part of the home in order to accommodate the new gable roof, and Pamela answered that there is no need, as the proposed work is all within the ex- isting footprint. Public Comment: None MOTION 1: Barbara moved that after review and consideration of public testimony, the application, and associated materials, the Significant Building at 340 Seapuit Road, Osterville, is a Preferably-preserved Significant Building. Cheryl seconded the motion. So Voted: Aye- Nay- Marilyn, Cheryl, Nancy S, Nancy C, Barbara Abstain- Motion 2: Barbara moved that, in accordance with Section 112-3(F), the Barnstable Historical Commission determines that the partial demolition of the building located at 340 Seapuit Road, Osterville, is not detrimental to the historical, cultural, and architectural heritage or resources of the Town. Cheryl seconded the motion. So Voted: Aye- Marilyn, Cheryl, Nancy C, Fran, Nancy S, Barbara Nay- Abstain- Vilsaint, Kevin & Corrie – 358 Flint Street, Marstons Mills, Map 101, Parcel 121, Built 1800 Partial demolition of accessory dwelling (guest house): demolish and rebuild a portion of the existing guest house to remodel and restore what was the original barn. Jean Bowden was in attendance on behalf of the Vilsaints, along with Matt York from York Building. Jean explained that they had come before the Historical Commission for the main house and are now coming for the guest house which was originally a barn. She said they would like to restore the barn and rebuild the 1950s addition. Discussion: Nancy S. clarified that the only part of the original barn that will be demolished already has been from the addition in the 1950s. Fran asked if the door in the elevations is the proposed door, and Jean answered that yes, it is a craftsman door. Nancy C. commented that the door doesn’t seem to fit the design at all. Nancy S. stated that the door seems to fit, but the pediment above the door does not. Nancy C. suggested a shed roof instead of what is there over the doorway. The Commissioners agreed to allow the representative to reach out to the architect and homeowners to receive permission for the suggested change. Jean conferred and reported that they have agreed with the shed roof with a six pitch. Public Comment: None MOTION 1: Nancy S. moved that after review and consideration of public testimony, the application, and associated materials, the Significant Building at 358 Flint Street, Marstons Mills, is a Preferably-preserved Significant Building. Cheryl seconded the motion. So Voted: Aye- Nay- Marilyn, Cheryl, Nancy C, Nancy S., Barbara, Fran Abstain- Motion 2: Nancy S. moved that, in accordance with Section 112-3(F), the Barnstable Historical Commission determines that the partial demolition of the building located at 358 Flint Street, Marstons Mills, is not detrimental to the historical, cultural, and architectural heritage or resources of the Town. Cheryl seconded the motion. So Voted: Aye- Marilyn, Cheryl, Nancy C, Barbara, Fran, Nancy S. Nay- Abstain- Johnson, Beth & David – 5 Putnam Avenue, Cotuit, Map 036. Parcel 034, Built 1852 Partial demolition to construct two-story addition for garage/family room with connection to existing house corner. This will cover two existing windows and existing bulkhead. Steve Devlin from Central Cape Construction pointed out the existing front elevation of the home as the original building built in 1852, with an addition built in 1986 in which construction of a new attached garage is proposed. He said the new addition will be covering two windows: one on the far left of the left side elevation and one window at the rear of the home, along with the bulkhead at the rear of the existing home, with roofing, siding, and trim all matching the home’s existing materials. He added that the two six-over-one windows from the home will be re-used, and the new windows will match. Discussion: Nancy C. commented that the peak of the new garage appears to be almost in line with the height of the house, and Steve answered that it is close but will be lower. Nancy C. asked about how much square footage will be added, and Steve answered that it will be 672 sq. ft., with the house at about 2500 sq. ft. Fran asked how far from the property line it will sit, and Steve replied that it is fifteen and a half feet and within the setbacks by about half a foot. Public Comment: A direct abutter commented that she is in favor of this project. MOTION 1: Nancy S. moved that after review and consideration of public testimony, the application, and associated materials, the Significant Building at 5 Putnam Avenue, Cotuit, is a Preferably-preserved Significant Building. Cheryl seconded the motion. So Voted: Aye- Nay- Marilyn, Cheryl, Nancy S., Nancy C, Barbara, Fran Abstain- Motion 2: Nancy S. moved that, in accordance with Section 112-3(F), the Barnstable Historical Commission determines that the partial demolition of the building located at 5 Putnam Avenue, Cotuit, is not detrimental to the historical, cultural, and architectural heritage or resources of the Town. Cheryl seconded the motion. So Voted: Aye- Marilyn, Cheryl, Barbara, Fran, Nancy S., Nancy C. Nay- Abstain- Other:  Community Preservation Committee Update: Marilyn reported that the next meeting is next week.  Discussion of upcoming historical events open to the public: Nancy S. announced that - 1. A book highlighting the 250th anniversary of the American Revolution on the Cape is to be published in 2026 by the Cape and Islands Historical Association. 2. There will be a celebration of Protect Our Past from 5-8pm on June 24th 3. Whelden Memorial Library will host a July 1st lecture on the Otis family at 2pm, with a walk to follow by the graveyard where some of the Otis family members are buried. Approval of Minutes  May 16, 2023 Nancy S. moved to continue the minutes of May 16, 2023 , to the July 18th meeting. Cheryl seconded. So voted: Aye- Cheryl, Jack, Marilyn, Nancy S, Fran  Amend approved February 21, 2023 Minutes Nancy S. moved to continue the February 21, 2023, minutes to the July 18th meeting. Cheryl seconded. So voted: Aye- Cheryl, Jack, Marilyn, Nancy S, Fran Matters Not Reasonably Anticipated by the Chair  Fran noted that the Preservation Award guidelines have not returned to the Commission for review again.  Fran shared a request from the Cotuit Historical Society regarding a bottle found at Point Isabella over the winter that contained names and addresses of German POWs that were held at Camp Edwards. The Society sought Historical Commission support for its preser- vation as a historically-significant artifact.  Cheryl asked Councilor Jessica Rapp Grassetti about information regarding the Section 106 meeting, but Councilor Grassetti had no information to share. Cheryl asked Erica about the email containing the presentation and if that could be sent out. Erica replied that she would reach out for a pdf version of the presentation, as it was too large a file to send out, and she would send it out to the Commission, along with any details of the meeting, once obtained.  Nancy C. inquired if this was Fran’s last meeting with the Historical Commission, and Fran confirmed. Nancy C. expressed her gratitude for Fran’s service and wished her well in her future endeavors. Cheryl also wished Fran well, and Nancy S. expressed her sad- ness that Fran is leaving. Councilor Jessica Rapp Grassetti also regretted that the Com- mission would lose a valuable member, and she said she deplored the genesis of Fran’s decision to not seek reappointment. Next meeting will be July 18, 2023 With no further business before this Commission, a motion was duly made by Commissioner Powell and seconded by Commissioner Fifield to adjourn the meeting. Aye: Cheryl, Marilyn, Nancy C, Nancy S, Barbara, Fran Meeting adjourned at 4:13pm. Respectfully Submitted, Erica Brown, Administrative Assistant and edited by Commission Clerk Marilyn Fifield