HomeMy WebLinkAboutBHC 07 18 23 DRAFT MINUTES rev
Barnstable Historical Commission
This meeting was held remotely via Zoom on July 18, 2023 at 3:00 PM
Nancy Shoemaker, Vice Chair Present
Marilyn Fifield, Clerk Present
George Jessop Absent
Cheryl Powell Present
Nancy Clark Present
Jack Kay Present
Barbara DeBiase, Alternate Present
Jessica Rapp Grassetti, Town Council
Elizabeth Jenkins, Planning &
Development Director
Erica Brown, Administrative Assistant Present
Vice Chair Nancy Shoemaker called the meeting to order at 3:00 pm.
Acting under the provisions of the Code of the Town of Barnstable, ss 112-1 through 112-7, the
Historical Commission held a Public Hearing on the following applications previously
determined significant and referred to Public Hearing:
Torbay, George– 70 Ocean Avenue, Hyannis, Map 288, Parcel 182/005, Built 1916, Not In-
Partial Demolition: Replace sunroom windows and doors (no elevation or size changes) with
Marvin windows and doors to match. Portico modification will have new trim and copper roof.
Front steps to be resurfaced with bluestone and traditional brick. Permits for window replace-
ments siding, trim, and roofing were previously approved.
George Torbay explained that he would like to keep the home historically accurate, with the re-
placed roof, windows and doors, and trim all respectful of the historical accuracy of the home.
He said the original front door and the sidelights will be kept, and the size of the sunroom win-
dows will not be changing, as the structural engineer and architect designed the windows to meet
code but still appear to be traditional.
Discussion: Nancy S. asked about the copper roof. George answered that the roof itself is not
copper, but the future portico will be, with the roof itself asphalt in charcoal black, the home still
painted white, and the shutters will be functioning shutters with traditional window sills. Nancy
C. asked about the sunroom changes, and George replied that the existing sunroom’s single-door
entrance will not be changing in size. On the right side of the home, he said, a previous owner
had replaced the windows with sliders that are leaking, weren’t installed correctly and are not up
to the wind code, and on the left side of the home, he said, the single-pane windows are in bad
condition. George said that they are proposing similar replacements with hurricane clips with
correct spacer bars and grids to match the other windows, and a double-door entrance for his
brother. Each of the sunrooms will match the other for symmetry and balance. Nancy C. fol-
lowed up by asking if the sunroom windows could have screens, and George answered that they
Public Comment:
Councilor Rapp Grassetti asked if there were more recent photos of the home that could be
shared with the Commission.
George was able to email a current photo that was shared with the Commission. Nancy S. asked
about the windows that have already been installed. George explained that the windows, siding,
and roofing had a previously-approved building permit. Nancy C. said she appreciated that the
door and the sidelights are being rehabbed rather than replaced. Marilyn asked if original
windows were being replaced, and also expressed appreciation for the shutters, adding that we
tend to lose more shutters than are ever replaced. George replied that the windows were not
original but were vinyl windows that were warped, although he said that he would have loved to
have the original wood windows.
Cheryl moved that after review and consideration of public testimony, the application, and
associated materials, the Significant Building at 70 Ocean Avenue, Hyannis, is a Preferably-
preserved Significant Building.
Nancy C. seconded the motion.
So Voted:
Nay- Marilyn, Nancy C., Cheryl, Jack, Barbara, Nancy S.
Motion 2:
Cheryl moved that, in accordance with Section 112-3(F), the Barnstable Historical
Commission determines that the partial demolition of the building located at 70 Ocean
Avenue, Hyannis, is not detrimental to the historical, cultural, and architectural heritage or
resources of the Town.
Jack seconded the motion.
So Voted:
Aye- Marilyn, Nancy C., Cheryl, Jack, Barbara, Nancy S
Voronina, Olga- 11 Red Lily Pond Road, Centerville, Map 227, Parcel 043, Built 1948, Not
Partial Demolition: Demolish enclosed 3-season porch, including two walls and flat roof. Lift
house and place on new foundation, preserving the pre-existing roof height. Construct addition to
the rear of the cottage with steep roofs, double-hung windows with divided lights, shingles, and
Olga Voronina narrated a slide presentation, explaining that the house was built in 1948 and
abuts Red Lily Pond and stating that the proposed demolition complies with all the zoning regu-
lations. She said they are proposing to demolish two walls and the flat roof of the three-season
porch to use as transition into the proposed addition, with all new materials to match the existing
Discussion: Nancy C. asked if the chimney needs to be removed and if they would be putting a
new chimney in. Olga replied that the old chimney would be demolished, with no replacement
planned, as it is not needed. Nancy C. countered that the chimney is a part of the story of the
house, and asked how large the house will be with the addition. Olga answered that it will be
roughly be 2109 sq. ft. A faux chimney was suggested, and Jack confirmed that the it could be
feasible, noting that chimneys are not counted in the height of the home. Olga pointed out that
siting the chimney where it is now would put it in the valley between the original house and the
new addition. Nancy C. suggested placing a reasonable chimney on the taller part of the left-
hand side of the home, saying that she didn’t mind where the chimney is placed as long as there
is a chimney. Cheryl agreed with Nancy C. and suggested that the obvious place for the chimney
would be on the elevated left-hand side of the new part of the home, cautioning against use of the
word “anywhere.”
Public Comment: An abutter, David, called the overall structure lovely and supported the plans,
saying that a lot of the structures in the area are much larger than the cottage and this will add a
tremendous benefit to the neighborhood. He said that he understood the view of the chimney but
most of the chimneys today aren’t even usable, and he felt that it is not needed because of the
new ways of heating current homes.
The Commission’s motions followed with the strong recommendation of adding a faux
chimney to the left side roof plane on the second story.
Cheryl moved that after review and consideration of public testimony, the application, and
associated materials, the Significant Building at 11 Red Lily Pond Road, Centerville, is a
Preferably-preserved Significant Building.
Barbara seconded the motion.
So Voted:
Nay- Marilyn, Nancy C., Cheryl, Jack, Barbara, Nancy S.
Motion 2:
Cheryl moved that, in accordance with Section 112-3(F), the Barnstable Historical
Commission determines that the partial demolition of the building located at 11 Red Lily Pond
Road, Centerville, is not detrimental to the historical, cultural, and architectural heritage or
resources of the Town.
Jack seconded the motion.
So Voted:
Aye- Marilyn, Nancy C., Cheryl, Jack, Barbara, Nancy S.
Community Preservation Committee Update: Marilyn reported that she missed the
Annual Meeting at Town Hall on July 17th, but she watched it on TV, including a presen-
tation by Tales of Cape Cod on their use of CPA funds and State grants for rehab. of the
Olde Colonial Courthouse. She said the Regular Meeting followed the Annual Meeting,
but there was no historic preservation aspect to it.
Discussion of upcoming historical events open to the public: Nancy S. announced a
special organ concert on August 4th at 7pm at the 1717 Meetinghouse, then on Saturday,
August 12th at 9 am, Sturgis Library will sponsor a tour of Barnstable Village led by re-
tired Judge Greg Williams focusing on Village mysteries and murders over the centuries.
Barbara pointed out the week of August 12th is Centerville’s Old Home Week.
Historical Society of Santuit and Cotuit- Letter of Support for Historical Artifact:
Nancy C. moved to support this project to preserve the messages in a bottle from World
War II German prisoners of war as a historically-significant artifact.
Cheryl seconded the motion.
So Voted:
Aye- Nancy C., Barbara, Marilyn, Cheryl, Jack, Nancy S.
Annual Election of Officers
Nancy S. nominated Nancy C. as Chair. Jack seconded the nomination.
So voted:
Aye- Barbara, Marilyn, Jack, Nancy C., Nancy S.
Abstain- Cheryl
Nancy C. nominated Nancy S. as Vice Chair. Cheryl seconded the nomination.
So voted:
Aye- Barbara, Marilyn, Jack, Cheryl, Nancy C., Nancy S.
Cheryl nominated Marilyn as Clerk. Nancy C. seconded the nomination.
So voted:
Aye- Barbara, Marilyn, Jack, Cheryl, Nancy C., Nancy S.
Approval of Minutes
August 16, 2022
Nancy S. moved to approve the minutes of August 16, 2022, as submitted.
Seconded by Jack.
So Voted:
Aye- Marilyn, Nancy C., Jack, Barbara, Nancy S.
September 20, 2022
Nancy S. moved to approve the minutes of September 20, 2022, as submitted.
Seconded by Jack.
So Voted:
Aye- Marilyn, Nancy C., Jack, Barbara, Nancy S.
May 16, 2023
Nancy S. moved to approve the minutes of September 20, 2022, as submitted.
Seconded by Cheryl.
So Voted:
Aye- Marilyn, Nancy C., Jack, Cheryl, Nancy S.
Abstain- Barbara
Amend Approved February 21, 2023
Nancy S. moved to continue the amended minutes of February 21, 2023, to the next
meeting on August 15, 2023.
Seconded by Jack.
So Voted:
Aye- Marilyn, Nancy C., Jack, Barbara, Cheryl, Nancy S.
Matters Not Reasonably Anticipated by the Chair
Cheryl proposed that Barbara DeBiase move from an Alternate Member to a full Member
of the Commission. Barbara said that she would be happy to accept the appointment,
andCheryl reviewed the procedure via the Appointments Committee and Town Council.
Cheryl moved to recommend Town appointment of Alternate Barbara DeBiase as a full
member following the Town’s procedures.
Nancy S. seconded the motion.
So voted:
Aye- Nancy S., Cheryl, Marilyn, Jack, Barbara, Nancy C.
Councilor Jessica Rapp Grassetti commented on the Cotuit Form B project, hoping that
the project can come to a conclusion with the help of the Historical Commission and
staff. Elizabeth Jenkins explained that the staff have been sorting through the Form Bs,
conferring with Sarah Korjeff from the Cape Cod Commission as a helpful liaison with
the MHC in addressing this project.
Next meeting will be August 15, 2023
With no further business before this Commission, a motion was duly made by
Commissioner Powell and seconded by Commissioner Shoemaker to adjourn the meeting.
Aye: Cheryl, Marilyn, Jack, Barbara, Nancy S., Nancy C.
Meeting adjourned at 4:35pm.
Respectfully Submitted,
Erica Brown, Administrative Assistant
and edited by Commission Clerk Marilyn Fifield