HomeMy WebLinkAboutKarle, Darcy_UPDATED Revised plan for Evangelista FW_ Evangelista - NOIFrom: Karle, Darcy
Sent: Tuesday, September 5, 2023 10:28 AM
To: Cavanaugh, Kimberly
Cc: 'Tom Lee'
Subject: UPDATED Revised plan for Evangelista FW: Evangelista - NOI
A achments: Evangelista Conserva on Mi ga on Plan (Revised 9-4).pdf
Importance: High
HI Kim,
Well here is the updated revision, I guess I should have waited. Please forward to the Commission and copy the file.
Thank you
From: Tyler Gaudreau [mailto:tyler@elscapecod.com] Sent: Tuesday, September 5, 2023 10:22 AM To: Karle, Darcy Cc: 'Tom Lee' Subject: RE: Evangelista - NOI
Good morning Darcy,
A ached is the revised plan with the mi ga on table updated and revised plan date.
I will have the 2 updated stamped plans submi ed to the office this week, but can we proceed with this plan for tonight ’s
Thank you
Tyler Gaudreau
Principal / Owner
Mashpee MA, 02649
Phone : (508) 274-7718
Email : tyler@elscapecod.com
Web : www.elscapecod.com
From: Karle, Darcy <Darcy.Karle@town.barnstable.ma.us> Sent: Friday, September 1, 2023 10:45 AM To: Tyler Gaudreau <tyler@elscapecod.com> Cc: 'Tom Lee' <tlee@horsleywi en.com> Subject: FW: Evangelista - NOI
Hi Tyler,
Can you change the descrip on in the mi ga on calcula on table as well, add a revision date, and get it stamped? Then I
can send it out.
From: Tyler Gaudreau [mailto:tyler@elscapecod.com] Sent: Friday, September 1, 2023 10:05 AM To: Karle, Darcy Subject: RE: Evangelista - NOI
Hi Darcy,
A ached is a revised plan with the updated label for the walkway and pa o with dimensions of the walkway and pa o, as
well as the dimension of the closest point from the wetland to the pa o.
It would be helpful for me to be a co-host and be able to share my screen, but in case there is any problems with
connec on could you please have a copy of the a ached plan available?
Thank you for all the help and will see you Tuesday.
Tyler Gaudreau
Principal / Owner
Mashpee MA, 02649
Phone : (508) 274-7718
Email : tyler@elscapecod.com
Web : www.elscapecod.com
From: Karle, Darcy <Darcy.Karle@town.barnstable.ma.us> Sent: Thursday, August 31, 2023 4:46 PM To: Tyler Gaudreau <tyler@elscapecod.com> Subject: Evangelista - NOI
Hi Tyler
For your filing for 4 St. Francis Circle NOI can you send in a revised plan that would re-label the un-permi ed path
footprint as a walkway and a pa o and put the dimensions on it please. also we need a distance measurement from
resource area to the pa o.
We will see you on Tues. I can make you a co-host so you can share your screen. Let me know if that is what you would
like to do.
Thank you
Darcy Karle, Conserva on Administrator
Planning & Development/Conserva on Program
Town of Barnstable l 230 South Street l Hyannis, MA 02601
P 508-862-4041
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