HomeMy WebLinkAboutEmail site plan for 99 Seventh Ave NOI DurcanFrom: Karle, Darcy Sent: Tuesday, September 5, 2023 1:58 PM To: Cavanaugh, Kimberly Subject: FW: site plan for 99 Seventh Ave NOI Durcan Aachments: 99 SEVENTH 952023.pdf Importance: High Hi Kim, Please forward to the Commissioners and copy the Durcan file for tonight. Thank you From: brad@ecrwetlands.com [mailto:brad@ecrwetlands.com] Sent: Tuesday, September 5, 2023 1:28 PM To: Karle, Darcy Cc: 'Tom Lee'; Cavanaugh, Kimberly; 'Jack Durcan'; 'JOSEPH WEBBY'; cameron@ecrwetlands.com; tricia@ecrwetlands.com Subject: RE: site plan for 99 Seventh Ave NOI Durcan HI Darcy, Per your email below we have made the requested changes. Please see aached. Cameron Larson from our office will be presenng this to the Commission tonight. We will mail out copies to your office aer the Commission reviews tonight, in case there is another plan edit. If there is anything else you need in preparaon for the hearing, please let us know. Thanks, Brad From: Karle, Darcy <Darcy.Karle@town.barnstable.ma.us> Sent: Thursday, August 31, 2023 3:19 PM To: 'brad@ecrwetlands.com' <brad@ecrwetlands.com> Cc: 'Tom Lee' <tlee@horsleywien.com>; Cavanaugh, Kimberly <Kimberly.Cavanaugh@town.barnstable.ma.us> Subject: site plan for 99 Seventh Ave NOI Durcan Hi Brad, The survey plan for 99 Seventh Ave. is missing a stamp. It also doesn’t indicate a work limit line. Any banks within 100’ of the project need to be defined on the plan as they are a resource and I saw a note on the plan stang the bank is approximately at the pavement. All resources need to be indicated on a plan. I understand an engineer stamped the detailed plan, however it is the site plan by an engineer or surveyor that needs a stamp. A coastal bank should be labeled for example “State Bank” “Town Bank” of both if that is the case. Will you have me to submit a stamped plan? Thank you Darcy Karle, Conservaon Administrator Planning & Development/Conservaon Program Town of Barnstable l 230 South Street l Hyannis, MA 02601 Darcy.Karle@town.barnstable.ma.us P 508-862-4041 CAUTION:This email originated from outside of the Town of Barnstable! Do not click links, open aachments or reply, unless you recognize the sender's email address and know the content is safe!