HomeMy WebLinkAboutChris Kuhn Comment FW_ Twin Brooks HearingFrom: Karle, Darcy
Sent: Tuesday, September 5, 2023 4:23 PM
To: Cavanaugh, Kimberly
Subject: comment from Chris Kuhn FW: Twin Brooks Hearing
Hi Kim,
Please forward to the Commission and copy the file for 35 Scudder. I will advise him of the lateness of this email.
Thank you
-----Original Message-----
From: Chris [mailto:chriskuhn1@yahoo.com]
Sent: Tuesday, September 5, 2023 4:10 PM
To: Karle, Darcy
Subject: Twin Brooks Hearing
Dear Ms. Karle
I have a very disnct recollecon of a conversaon I had with our brilliant Town Aorney, the late Bob Smith. It was at
the me the Town was increasing the minimum Lot Size to one acre of conguous upland and I had some property I was
hoping to subdivide into a few lots. There was a wetland area on the property and I asked him very specifically whether I
could, with the permission of The Conservaon Commission, fill in a small poron of the wetland, which would thereby
create an area of one acre of conguous upland. His response was immediate and conclusive in that, and I quote him as
saying, “under the proposed one acre zoning bylaw, you cannot fill wetlands for the purpose of creang a buildable lot,
the one hundred percent upland must be naturally occurring ”, needless to say, that zoning bylaw was adopted and I
abandoned my plans. It might be that since the wetlands at Twin Brooks were filled prior to that bylaw being adopted, it
may not apply in this instance.
It ’s just a thought, but I’m also wondering if those cranberry bogs were ever assessed under the Chapter 61 Agricultural
program and if so, was the Town ever given the Right of First Refusal to purchase them before they were sold and resold?
I would like to ask that you please provide this email to each member of the Conservaon Commission, as well as having
it read into the record at the September 5th. hearing.
Chris Kuhn
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