HomeMy WebLinkAbout1975-68975-68/Hyannis Inn Motor Hotel,-Inc. i I l FIAW V ILI R L 92063Q G y _ THE Appeal No. .. ...T.:.1. ... ®.,Q................................. pF fp y Date Received Z "7, i BAflH9TAHL i MASS. pp 1639. TOWN OF BARNSTABLE VARIANCE cy PETITION FOR NDER THE ZONING BYLAW SPECIAL PERMIT To the Board of Appeals, Hyannis, Mass. Date ......................................................... 19 .................. The undersigned petitions 'the Board of Appeals to vary, in the manner and for the reasons hereinafter set forth, the application of the provisions of the zoning by-law to the following-described premises. Hyannis Inn Motor Hotel Inc. 473 rain StreetApplicant: .........3'..................................................................................................................................................:7.7.................................... Full,Name) Winter Address) James F.. Pendergast Treas. ) l South Street .Hyannis9 Mass.Owner: ...............................................................................................................:.............................................. ............................................................................................... Full Name) Winter Address) Tenant (if any) : ...:......... Full Name) Winter Address) J. Assessors,map and'lot.number ........................................................................................................ ....................... 2. Location of Premises .....High School road., ••: •••Area . Name of Street) S'a ](What section of Town) 3. Dimensions of lot l 28 7 1+0 4-. - rontage) Depth)Square Feet) 4.'Zoning district in which premises are located ...f\.6.................................................................................................................................. 10555. How long has.owner had title to the above premises? ............................. .......................................:..................................... r 6. How many buildings-are now on the lot? ...............:.. 1. Give size of existing buildings ......................... Proposed buildings ...:................................ ....... 21 x 30 Church .& .Mo .el Packing 8. State present use of premises ............................. ........................ 9. State proposed use of premises ................................ LaundryB.1•J•.... foi.....dot l..... ........ ........................... 10. Give extent of proposed construction or alterations. ............Sinal l Bl d. 11. Number of living units for which building is to be arranged NSA 12. Have you submitted plans for above to the Building Inspectors yes 13. Has he refused a permit? .................:................................y.e s...........................................................:.:........:.............:........:............................................... 14. What section of zoning by-law do you ask to be varied? ...P 15. State reasons for variance or special permit Special Permit Ih..........nf... ................................................................. ... ... hasMrHealyaurcased.... : eiiovin : . au1r3 c.`J... o. ..L. vea nl atner Mot;.ed orLodge and Laundry Blg. I............................................... I............................ Respectfully submitted, y V M C>Tpk. cfbTF 1, TNCrA Signature) ........ Petitionreceived by .................................................................................... SS. r.?:::. ....................t./1//fl(• Hearing date set for ...................................................... 19 ........:.........( Address) ....................Q Filing fee of $25.00 required with this petition. This form may also be used for Appeals. OVER) The following are the names and mailing addresses of the abutting owners of property and the names and addresses of the owners of property abutting the abutting owners of property and the names and addresses of the owners across the'•stre'et all ivith their corresponding map and lot num- bers according to the records in the Assessor's Officer at the date of this application: Please type or print only. X 308 74 Poorva Samuel W, etal tr. '25 Hew. Churdo-n Sty. Boston' 02114 X 75 Flabb .Sidney R . etal Tr. 393 St .- Boston mass, 02110 x 76 H sv4li Charles Co, etal Tr Bob 417 0stervilleo ' Hassii X 77 Baptist Church 78. Baxter Robert L,,. 20 FIarvard fit.,- Hyannis , Fuss:. 02601 1` 309 225 14-bttes Joseph. J:, etal HoodQ Rd H.?.D. 1 Box k 125 J'ewitt city* coign,. 06351 k v/ 26 manes Charles D& Oak Hill -3d r Hyannis, Nasa, 02601 212 Fitzgerald William J;: & Anna P.B 216 Tremont St4 Soston. Hass 02116 X 267 Rabb Sidney H, etal 393 D Boston Mess 92110 . X 262 Nathanson Darold etal Bus' 2 %PI1grIm Vi-ust' Plymouth,7aas 02360 k 261 McManus Thelma 37 Elm Street Hya-dais, mass.. 6260" 224 , . 'Sebb1 . Gertrude 8. 290 Q,est Main Street Hyanad_Vs'.,. Mass., Apr a j k 224 0neil Agues eta148 Winter Street Hyannis, fuss. 0260" Y 223 BarnstEible County 'NiA11 Bahk 442 main St.'Ayan»iso gloss.: . X N8 96 Valerio Michael A., etal % Queen 185 Devonshire, sr,, Bost n 021.00 x 95 Si n©lar .,.. '&ti1iP ..& with P,06.90 11,76 Brockton, Kass. 02403 94 . -Kordls FJames & XanthlW 36 Byrneide St Medford. Mass.. 02155 X 3 , John A,. Lemos Bay. bane Centerville, Mass, 02632 X..":2, . Morris Willi-:in B. & Nancy J., Box 108 E - -Sande-lah Kass 025- X. 1 . '.. O' oil Lillian V 491 Main Street Hyannis Mass 02601 26 Cook' Phippip li, Jr.— etas. 11 Htgh Schaal ftlda Hyannis, Mass. X v25.9.... MoArdle. Margaret B.; 17 High School: Ltd.. Hyannis, -Mass > 02601 k 01 Si coe Lawrence 1 & Eleanor 0,4, 348 South St, HyAnn s., . ass;, 426oi Xt . .0 ... ....S.l c, e. IAWretic'6' I & Elean®r 0" 348 South St Byaraniss Massx.. 9 Babbitt Cory & Alice C., 356 South —St— HyrAnnil", Hass;, xx 98 ...Hearse Clara. II'. & Eleanor C. Boar, 231 Hyannis, Mass:'.. 48 Riebard J, Gerard & 811se f i 357 South St,, Hyannla, Mays g.VX247BishopofFall 'Rlver:Xath.ollc Churbh South St. Hyisnnis,%HG*g. 44 Ila'lo"hman .Nelson 't4 Suzanne` fit.. -34 Hampshire -Dr,,,,, hyanoia, Has' X J85 00"N 1.1 Vrandls C,... & Marle * Box 501 Hyaranlsport I'asp 02647 X ,/86 Sherman H. 3Lest2r Jr. & Jung B. 306 South St, Hyannis, Mass,# x :/ 3 .. Choquette. 'Peter etal; % Mdtta 78 Cho.ti St. Hyannis, I ass c.. .2. Ar ranitls Nary 453 Main Street 'Hyanu s,' ease;.. 02601 X B . CandIb3 igh.t 'Realty Corp . 85 Prescott St;,. Worcester Mass 0,1605 236 9iison Theodore P,, 323 South St,, Hyannis,. Mass 02601 kJ235 Janisse Maurice T. & Oldrence Li 309 South st Hyanni:s firms k ,234-.... .BAk R,. Brnest 'M , Ethel P., 299 South St, 'Hyannis, Kass,+ k 256 .. ..Hallgr°een Carl 0.: Marie l , 251 Phinneys. Lane Centervill,ea Massi, 37 erclensI Aida H. 82 High School Road Hyannis, : 4ass _ k J'238 Piknick Walter .* & Cynthid 0. ' 92 ._A. .High School. HdHyFahnis, Ness , x 240 Rooney Clara It... 98 High School: Haad:, .Hyannis.;;. Mass j x 080 Boucher Nortaan. & .Pbyllis Scudder Bay Circle Centerville Mass X 094 Bassett Cleone C. 135 Wallace t,: Malden, Mass 02148 X .89.. .Bond dladjis 39 pearl St., ffyataniss; Maus.. k. 146 Eames. Nark.. P. &, Alfta.P., Boas 864 Hyannis, mass.: 41 Burke James A & Katherine 1- 04 Hi h School mid. Hyannis, 02601 Chuch There must be submitted with the within application at the time of filing a plan of the land, in duplicate, (or two prints) showing: 1. The dimensions of the land. 2. -The.location of existing buildings on the land. 3. The exact location -of the improvements sought to be placed on the land. Applications filed without such plans will be returned without action by the Board of Appeals. ww Li.3, ' C.g _._ 7 rrr N .r'a;r r 4•r_.*x* :.Mo?a4.• ate.` f `•.. yw..r.- r.,'' a 7-' t_"_,*r '1 fir. Wj'r ,..a.' +1 -^r; iR f At fi..try -.-r, r` - i, i r N r i r i i +..p. '- ,mil± 1 i ' w ,, IL lk ol t- 1 f t / w. - 1r/'! _ ` w'... - 7srfri _ _ ig_-, --` 4 ., tC4- I 1! / s I` .. ;'' e', R•-n".. n-s4_. ... - 1+1'-, ._.,. f: a. '•'i RE + ro 2 y Ell292xNj( p rise 02601 TOWN OF BARNSTABLE Board of Appeals HYANNIS INN MOTOR HOTEL I......................._.......... Petitioner AppealNo. ......1..9 ..5-6.8......................................... 1,3~' .1-0.................................. M5 FACTS and DECISION Petitioner 1 Yanr is...Inn Motor Hote.1 ....................................... filed petition on Sept. 2 7519 , Hi h School Road Street, in the villagerequestingavariance-permit for premises at .................... .......... ................................ of H ann..8 adjoining premises of...............e.ee attaakvc entadjoining for the purpose of ..construe'tion of laundry building for motel Locus is presently zoned in ......te91d;e1oe.....Zon.Ong...D....stz'id.............................................................................................................. I........ Notice of tihis hearing was given by mail, postage prepaid, to all persons deemed affected and by publishing in Cape Cod News a weekly newspaper published in Town of Barnstable a copy of which is attached to the record of these proceedings filed with Town Clerk. A public hearing by the Board of Appeals of the Town .of Barnstable was held at the Town Office Building, Hyannis, Mass., at 5 P.q October 1 I............. 1975 , upon said petition under zoning by-laws. Present at the hearing were the following members. loge,ll..A.....1t1].]..].a..=..............nw B.....a.trw.ar.......BUX.0'ra...W......GQing......................... Chairman TOWN OF BARNSTABLE BOARD OF APPEALS AAM& 1039' \397 MAIN STREET 0 MAY M' HYANNIS, MASSACHUSETTS 02601 Appeal No. 1975-68/Hyannis Inn Motor Hotel - Abutters List Mary Arvanitis; Cory & Alice C. Babbitt; Ernest M. & Ethel F. Baker; Baptist Church; Barnstable County National Bank; Barnstable Junior High School; Cleone C. Bassett; Robert L. Baxter; Clara R. & Eleanor C. Bearse; Bishop of Fall River; Gladys Bond; Norman & Phyllis Boucher; Alfred B. Buckler; James A. & Katherine Burke; Candlelight Realty Corporation; Thelma. T. Capolilupo; Malcolm P. & Mary B. ''hhase; Peter Choquette etal; Philip R. Cook, Jr. etal; Edmund J. & Betty C. Daley; Mark E. & Alana F. Eames; Aida M. 1--'erdensi; William J. & Ann P. Fitzgerald; Richard J. & Elise M. Gerald; Carl G. & Marie A. Hallgren; Charles C. Haskell etal, Tr.; Maurice T. & Florence L. Janisse; James & Xanthippe Kordis; John A. Lemos; Carmen G. Lorena; Nelson M. Malehman & Suzanne E. Malchman; Charles D. Manes; Margaret B. McArdle; Thelma. McManus; Frederick J. & Ethel J. Mildren; William B. & Nancy J. Morris; Joseph J. Mottes etal; Harold Nathanson etal; Theodore P. Nelson; Agnes O'Neil etal; Francis C. & Marie E. O'Neill Lillian F. O'Neil; Walter J. & Cynthia 0. Piknick; Samuel W. Poorvu etal; Wilfred F. & Barbara L. Powell; Sidney R. Rabb etal; Clara K. Rooney;. H. Lester, Jr. & June B. Sherman; Philip & Faith Simolari; Lawrence I. & Eleanor C. Siscoe; Harry & Gertrude Sobel; William A. & Rachael E. Spinney; Michael A. Valerio etal. At, the conclA of the hearing, the Board took sai*etition under advisement. A view of the locus was had by the Board. On ...............October 29 75............................................................................................................... 19 ............ I the Board of Appeals found The Petitioner, Hyannis Inn Motor Hotel, Inc. has appealed to the Board of Appeals from a decision of the Building Inspector and petitions for a variance from Section I Use Regulations, Residence Districts and/or a special Permit under Section PA 4 - Extension of a non-conforming use$ Barnstable Zoning By-Law as revised December 18, 1974, to allow construction of laundry building for motel at High School Aoadq Hyannis in an RB Zoning District. Attorney David Pyne and Attorney Joseph Beecher represented Petitioner. Petitioner seeks to construct a 20 ft. by 30 ft. laundry facility for present business interests of James Pendergast, owner of Hyannis Inn Motor Hotel, Inc. Locus is presently a non-conforming parking lot used in conjunction with motel and church across South Street. Proposed use would be in conjunction with Mr. Pendergast's present business interests only and would not be a public laundry or a laundry service. Proposed building would be constructed of stuccoed cement block, painted gray to match motel and dryers would be vented toward High School Road. Hours of operation would be normal daylight hours with some Saturdays, but probably not Sundays. It would be hooked into the main sewer line. There would be 2 or 3 employees. Building and locus will be landscaped. The Board examined this as to the aspect of a non-conforming use. The motel is in a business zone and has already penetrated 30 feet into the residential z,.ne. However, the parking lot, which abutts this business use, has been used in con- junction with the motel. Therefore, the Board feels it can consider the whole area as a non-conforming use, including the parking lot. The Board notes that the laundry is part of a motel operation in as much as normally motels do have laundry facilities on premises. The Board does not consider this a second use, which would be in derogation of the Eamnstable Zoning By-Law. Therefore, the Board agreed to grant the construction of a 30 foot by 21 foot unit to house this laundry, however, the Board felt that in order to protect the neighborhood from detriment, it should impose the following restrictions: 1) The venting of the laundry shall be in the direction of High School Road. 2) There shall be evergreen plantings around this building to screen it from all sides visible by either abutting properties or from a street. 3) Use of laundry facility to be limited to those businesses wholly owned by James H. Pendergast only. Said laundry facilities not to be used for commercial purposes. Distribution:— Board of Appeals Town Clerk Town of Barnstable Applicant Persons interested Building Inspector Public Information B Board of Appeals By OARD OF APPEAP 3AS3STA8L i A lop f6Jq. ` Appeal 14o. 1975. /Nyamis Ina Motor Hotel, Inc. Page4 4) s building shall coWly idtia all lot line setback requirema-nts of this toning district involved. Tha Board: found that with the aforesaid restrictions there would be no detriment to the area involved nor derogation of the Barnstable coning ,By»mow and voted unanimously to grant this special permit as restricted. Board of ki peal s Pow Of Barnstable By z^ TH&MMONWEALTH OF MASSACHUSETTS TOWN OF BARNSTABLE BOARD OF APPEALS Deeambex.A ..............................19 75 NOTICE OF VARIANCE Conditional or Limited Variance or Special Permit General Laws Chapter 40A, Section 18 as amended) Notice is hereby given that a Conditional or Limited Variance or Special Permit has been granted To.......................liy ? ? s_.Inn_. toter__Hotel. .....-------------- Owner or Petitioner Address--------------A73-Tn_Street City or Town..... Warmis,__MA_02601___________________________ Map-_3tinAssessor sRecords - p lot__ _ n Identify Land Affected I---•-•------------------- -•------- by the Town of Barnstable. Board of Appeals affecting the rights of the owner with respect to the use of premises on---H;L9h--S-Q11P-a1..toad................yawns.................................. Street City or Town the.record title standing in the name of James.-1+'=--Pendergast--------------- -----------------------------•---------------------------•------- whose address is........5oath:_$txeat.................Hyanni 1_t!It__02601______-_____ ------ Street City or Town State by a deed duly recorded in the........................................County Registry of Deeds in Book Page---------------- ____....._Bamg table........._._.........Registry District of the Land Court Certificate No.....26668- -------------Book205-----------Page...8........... The decision of said Board is on file with the papers in Decision or Case No..197.5-68-.... in the office of the Town Clerk of the Town of Barnstable. Signed this---Mtl?_day of---Deeember.............................1475 Board of Appeals- Chairman Board Of Appeals i Clerk Board of Appeals 19........ at..............o'clock and.................................minutes ---.M. Received and entered with the Register of Deeds in the County of......................... ................ Book........................ Page------••---------------- ATTEST Register of Deeds Notice to be recorded by Petitioner F yoFTNETo APpeal. ...................................................................... DateReceived ............................................................. Z BA"STAK i Ms. p p 1639• MPY. s TOWN OF BARNSTABLE PETITION FOR VARIANCE UNDER THE ZONING BY-LAW SPECIAL PERMIT To the Board of Appeals, Hyannis, Mass. Date ......................................................... 19 .................. The undersigned petitions the Board of Appeals to vary, in the manner and for the reasons hereinafter set forth, the application of the provisions of the zoning by-law to the following described premises. Hyannis Inn. Motor Hotel Inc. Applicant: .......................... . ...................................................................:...................................................: t`73...... I I Street I.. I................... Pull ast (Treas. )Winter Jamsf Penderg 1 South St. Hyanniq, Mass.Owner: .:..................... Full Name) Winter Address) Tenant (if any) Full Name) Winter Address) 1. Assessors map and lot number ......................................................................................................................................................................................... 2. Location of Premises 1Eh....Sc'nool Road. .. ............................................... Area ............................................................................ Name of Street) c F7 (What section-of-Town) 22 Sr 1 28, 9C 0 3. Dimensions of lot ...................27.5.7................................................................................................................................................................................. ............. Frontage) Depth)Square Feet) 4. Zoning district in which premises are located .................................................................................................................................................. 5. How.long has owner had title to the above premises 1955.............. 6. How many buildings are now on the lot? ..................................................................... 7. Give size of existing buildings. ...................................................................................................................................................:..................................... 21 x 3 0 Proposed buildings .......................... 8. State present use of premises .................... Church... `.......Motel. :.... .....n.0................................................I............................. 9. State proposed use of premises .................Laundry....B.l.g.'......fc r....I.lote1................................................................................ 10: Give extent of proposed construction or alterations .............Small Bld. 6.................. r............ ........ 11. Number of living units for which building is to be arranged ....................N/A.................................................................. 12. Have you submitted plans for above to the Building Inspectors ves 13. Has he refused a permit? ...................................................................................................................................Y.k.s............................................................. 14. What section of zoning by-law do you ask to be varied? .................................................................................................................. 6..................... Special Permit15. State reasons for variance or special permit: .................................................................................................................................................. r...........................................................................1.......................... Moving Laundry from -rear of Velvet Hammer, as M Nea y pur' 'Yl'a'U' 'd' t.he.....Eastend,er........J1o,tor....L.od.Ge....and....Laun.dr.Y......Zg.................................................................................................................... Respectfully submitted,y /yl r(S /6'h' 11 1G7uR aTF Signature) .... . .... - .... _ 11lG Petitionreceived by .................................................................................... cAddress) Hearing date set for ...................................................... 19 .................. A1fl Filing fee of $25.00 required with this petition: This form may also be used for Appeals. OVER) L The following are the 'names and mailing addresses of the abutting owners of property and the names and addresses of the owners of property abutting- the abutting owners of property and the names and addresses of the owners across the street alPwith their corresponding map and lot num- bers according to the records in the Assessor's Officer at the date of this application: Please type or print only. K 0 4—, t o e ' 0.4, 40 S .. baton 02 1' 1,30"h ,l Ch6v os C.0 altal Tr Goa 417 0 vvsllqv lama*. I a 0016po OP yy;yc p gpy q y 1 u V+Ao •.••,•, iA001• f.'A u, dtbl,bu as I S/ ",fpi7 r bLFld"hN1'Wr' page' 'N`dr°r3 tA ' 'val sms + IM + t eee"e "Yabol # zegco ka47 a6011rile6oflar-'r O1 " 3 4; Gr .k3tir t ly6b -et. 141118 ',0.1p . vilasp t ok Hyamult ..Moots OQ Rio .41.6, add A. etas % I, Kto 944 _.,: , o lama Ufathi - 96. Son 4, 1406-tor4 0# 0 53 OM:towel 9 taw Centorvs1lov Race W6 Phi PIP Jr* 00 jU660, e Ca.. 3,56 $ouch U4 ours Cla a « :. 1ewot C .' als ry der-o'd UCe F1 7 sod S> n 3©.N ,3• r ti pep ¢yy,q* { t two) im qg St It dG7 GdCd 6rV `'i Y k''`'e ff 9 .Y ra r F.4 liir l 't itd':1.I 'i1V A;: A GmEYo ii m:l d.,- f..,awvA;, w. .. 3 AlC R R r dss =k 8 4 V001D H. et"!)v June 306PorIto y nsiev nabb Mutt r dg}yy l{Fp rqq a 00 8;Alr Ab t4r}a: R"d c,, q. ome U4 i/ p ? if ' a 3 ya s `it ;a 'i vlorgi1 g} Vyaffi' b ' , y" >{ w1y4ggyy3yF gy ' qr. q v ,. .... 1lere 3n,Coe 0y R 'Pit 6.;} 2 1, ltri,ii:iG4E3i7V d,a 'b 6ato i+316•r Qt GG 0. 1-1 sobORh 0 _. . BOA.,Ugy Yyr g,..$ Y ep Gel ,It :trN afteay +{?y µV410 y }« aa i wg j 110 140aro., y KA yY 7Q}i`i f¢iy p9 ih 1 o' 6d':j!F ,1 q3$ ria ifce Oc44t @ya i. s' s g :,lte"l0.:7' wfil`+i' r od". 'kS I V Sri.vW # rTTiYe7Y"JF d 1:X r c600A; a'jiM a s..) .... .. t!31%. -e,ll i i x EI E .s' ftb Chajobt V There 'must be 'submitted with the within application at the time of filing a plan of the Land, in duplicate, (or two prints) showing: 1. The dimensions of the land. 2. The- location-of existing buildings on the land. 3. The exact location .of the improvements sought to be placed on the land. Applications filed without such plans will be returned without action by the Board of Appeals. T11E0D0ttE NELSON, D. M. 1). 323 SOUTH STREET HYANNIS, MASS. SPRING 5-3960 September 24, 1975 Appeal Board: I have no objections to a laundry being built on the Hy anni s Inn Motel property adjacent to the existing buildings. Theodore P. Nelson C` ` O ' NEIL AGENCY RS RS ol1flUG/fCP 14GEIVT dqmsemeewuciwsr 491 MAIN STREET, HYANNIS. MASSACHUSETTS 02601 TELEPHONE: 617 - 775-1178 September 24, 1975 Town of Barnstable Appeal Board Main Street Hyannis, Massachusetts Dear Sirs: The O'Neil Insurance Agency, 491 Main Street, Hyannis, Mass. , has no objection to the construction of a laundry room in the rear of the Hyannis Inn Motel for their personal use. Respectfully yours, I R 975-68 Hyannis Inn Motor Hotel, Inc. The Board examined this as to the aspect of a non-confo i.no use. The motel is in a business zone and has already penetrated 30 feet into the resideztiai zone. However, the parking lot, which abutts this business use, has been used in conjunction with themotel. Therefore,- the Board feels it can consider the whole area as a non-conforming use, including the park:i.ng area. The Board also notes that the laundry is part of a motel operation in as m-ach as normally motels do have laundry facilities on premises. The Board does not consider this a second use, which would be in derogation of the Barnstable Zoning By-Law. Therefore, the Board agreed to grant the construction of a 30 foot by 21 foot unit to house this laundry, however, the Board felt that in order .to protect the neighborhood from detriment it should. impose the following restrictions 1) . The venting of. the laundry shall be in the direction of High School Road. 2) There shall be evergreen plantings around this building to screen. it from all sidavisible by either abutting properties or from a street ` t_ 3) _ crf-the_OTPIt3@''a.? L0 2i' op-Y irCi 3``JnI.-n d7 k). This building shall comply with all lot line setback requirements of the zoning district involved. The Board found-that with the aforesaid restrictions there would be no detriment to the area involved nor derogation of the Barnstable Zoning Ey-LaW and voted unanimously to grant this special permit as restricted. IT 3) as revised. . Use of laundry facility to be lirlitEd to those .businesses wholly owned by James H. Pendergast only. Said laundry facilities not to be used for corumercial purposes. HLM, Jr. c TOWN OF BARNSTABLE Board of Appeals HYANnS INN MOTOR HOTEL a........................._....................................................................................._._ .. Petitioner Appeal No. ......19157. 8.................. December..1 ..._____....._....__. 1975 FACTS and DECISION Petitioner ....HY.a.nis,Inn Motor Hotel I. ................. filed petition on ......Septa 2 1975 requesting a variance-permit for premises at ............ RaadJ......_............... Street, in the village of ..........Byannis........................ adjoining premises of_....._... .see attachment for the purpose of ..construction of laundry building„ for motel......_.......................................................................... ............................... Locus is presently zoned in ......Residence B Zonfng„.District Notice of this hearing was given by mail, postage prepaid, to all persons deemed affected and by publishing in Cape Cod News a weekly newspaper published in Town of Barnstable a copy of which is attached to the record of these proceedings filed with Town Clerk. A public hearing by the Board of Appeals of the Town -of Barnstable was held at the Town Office Building, Hyannis, Mass., at .......z. 5 P.M. October 1 1975 upon .said petition under zoning by-laws. Present at the hearing .were the following members. 1? Y... .........$.-....Stray..er........ Buford W. Goins....... Chairman p oFYxrPoed TOWN OF BARNSTABLE BOARD OF APPEALSHAHY9TLLHLi y :rAaa. o al39- 397 MAIN STREET HYANNIS, MASSACHUSETTS 02601 Appeal No. 1975-68/Hyannis Inn Motor Hotel- Abutters List Mary Arvanitis; Cory & Alice C. Babbitt; Ernest M. & Ethel F. Baker; Baptist Church; Barnstable County National Bank; Barnstable Junior High School; Cleone C. Bassett; Robert L. Baxter; Clara R. & Eleanor C. Bearse; Bishop of Fall River; Gladys Bond; Norman & Phyllis Boucher; Alfred B. Buckler; James A. & Katherine Burke; Candlelight Realty Corporation; Thelma T. Capolilupo; Malcolm P. & Mary B. Chase; Peter Choquette etal; Philip R. Cook, Jr. etal; Edmund J. & Betty C. Daley; Mark E. & Alana F. Eames; Aida M. Ferdensi; William J. & Ann P. Fitzgerald; Richard J. & Elise M. Gerald; Carl G. & Marie A. Hallgren; Charles C. Haskell etal, Tr. ; Maurice T. & Florence L. Janisse; James & Xanthippe Kordis; John.A. Lemos; Carmen G. Lorena; Nelson M. Malchman & Suzanne E. Malchman; Charles D. Manes; Margaret B. McArdle; Thelma McManus; Frederick J. & Ethel J. Mildren; William B. & Nancy J. - Morris; .Joseph J. Mottes etal; Harold Nathanson etal; Theodore P. Nelson; Agnes O'Neil etal; Francis C. &.Marie E. O'Neil; Lillian F. O'Neil; , Walter J. & Cynthia 0. Piknick; Samuel W. Poorvu etal; Wilfred F. & Barbara L. Powell; Sidney R. Rabb etal; Clara K. Rooney; H. Lester, Jr. & June B. Sherman; Philip & Faith Simolari; Lawrence I. & Eleanor C. Siscoe; Harry &Gertrude Sobel; William A. & Rachael E. Spinney; Michael A. Valerio etal. At the conclusion of the hearing, the Board took said petition under advisement. A view of the locus was had by the Board. On ...............Octo......erb 19 ..75.., the Board of29................................................................ Appeals found The Petitioner, Hyannis Inn Motor Hotel, Inc. has appealed to the Board of Appeals from a decision of the Building Inspector and petitions for a variance from Section I Use .Regulations, Residence Districts and/or a special Permit under Section PA 4 - Extension of a non-conforming use, Barnstable Zoning By-Law as revised December 18, 1974, to allow construction of laundry building for motel at .High School Road, Hyannis in an RB Zoning District. Attorney David Pyne and Attorney Joseph Beecher represented Petitioner. Petitioner seeks to construct a 20 ft. by 30 ft. laundry facility for present business interests of James Pendergast, owner of Hyannis Inn Motor Hotel, Inc. Locus is presently a non-conforming parking lot used in conjunction with motel and church across South Street. Proposed,:use would be in conjunction with Mr. Pendergast's. present business interests only and would not be a public laundry or a laundry service. Proposed building would be constructed of stuccoed cement block, painted gray to match motel and dryers would be vented toward High School Road. Hours of operation would be normal daylight hours with some Saturdays, but probably not Sundays. It would be hooked into the main sewer line. There would be 2 or 3 employees. Building and locus will be landscaped. The Board examined this as to the aspect of a non-conforming use. The motel is in a business zone and has already penetrated 30 feet into the residential zone. However, the parking lot, which abutts this business use, has been used in con- junction with the motel. Therefore, the Board feels it can consider the whole area as a non-conforming use, including the parking lot. . The Board notes that the laundry is part of a motel operation in as much as normally motels do have laundry facilities on premises. The .Board does not consider this a second use, which would be in derogation of the tarnstable Zoning By-Law. Therefore, the Board agreed to grant the construction of a 30 foot by 21 _foot unit to house this laundry, however, the Board felt that in order to protect the neighborhood from detriment, it should impose the following restrictions: 1) The venting of the laundry shall be in the direction of High School Road. 2) There shall be evergreen plantings around this building to screen it from all sides visible by either abutting properties or from a street. 3) Use of laundry facility to be limited to those businesses wholly owned by James H. Pendergast only. Said laundry.facilities not to be used for commercial purposes. Distribution:—Board of Appeals Town Clerk Town of Barnstable Applicant Persons interested Building Inspector Public Information B y Board of Appeals liairmau BOARD OF APPEALS DAMIT"L rasa a"J"t Appeal No. 1975-68/Hyannis Inn Motor Hotel, Inc. Page+ 4) This building shall comply with all lot line setback requirements of the zoning district involved. The Board found that with the aforesaid restrictions there would be no detriment to the area involved nor derogation of the Barnstable Zoning By-Law and voted unanimously to grant this special permit as restricted. Board of Appeals Town Of Barnstable By 04 CiTAn 1 x TOWN OF BARNST'ABLE Board of Appeals HYANNIS INN MOTOR HOTEL Petitioner Appeal No. ......19..757. 8..............„.._....December 10 1975 FACTS and DECISION Petitioner ...Hyannis„„Inn Motor Hotel filed petition on 1975 requesting a variance-permit for premises at ............ Street, in the village of ...........Hyannis..............._,„.adjoining premises of_.......... ..see attachment a for the purpose of ..construction of laundry building..forn Locus is presently zoned in ......Residence B Zoning..„DistrictRe.s.i.dence B Notice of this hearing was given by mail, postage prepaid, to all persons deemed affected and by publishing in Cape Cod News a.weekly newspaper published in Town of Barnstable a copy of which is attached to the record of these proceedings filed with Town Clerk. A public hearing by the Board of Appeals of the Town of Barnstable was held at the Town Office Building, Hyannis Mass. at ......»2.5........... Y.3I. October 1 1975 ,a1 7 upon said petition under zoning by-laws. Present at the hearing were the following members. Y... ..$.-....Stray„er........ Buford, W. ,coins........_..... ._. Chairman f o Ta¢rOb TOWN OF BARNSTABLE BOARD OF APPEALSBARNSTAMi 2639 397 MAIN STREET HYANNIS, MASSACHUSETTS 02601 Appeal No. 1975-68/Hyannis Inn Motor Hotel - Abutters List Mary Arvanitis; Cory & Alice C. Babbitt; Ernest M. & Ethel F. Baker; Baptist Church; Barnstable County National Bank; Barnstable Junior High School; Cleone C. Bassett; Robert L. Baxber; Clara R. & Eleanor C. Bearse; Bishop of Fall River; Gladys Bond; Norman & Phyllis Boucher; Alfred B. Buckler; James A. & Katherine Burke; Candlelight Realty Corporation; Thelma T. Capolilupo; Malcolm P. & Mary B. Chase; Peter Choquette etal; Philip R. Cook, Jr. etal; Edmund J. & Betty C. Daley; Mark E. & Alana F. Eames; Aida M. Ferdensi; William J. & Ann P. Fitzgerald; Richard J. & Elise M. Gerald; Carl G. & Marie A. Hallgren; Charles C. Haskell etal, Tr.; Maurice T. & Florence L. Janisse; James & Xanthippe Kordis; John A. Lemos; Carmen G. Lorena; Nelson M. Malchman & Suzanne E. Malchman; Charles D. Manes; Margaret B. McArdle; Thelma McManus, Frederick J. & Ethel J. Mildren; .William B. & Nancy J. Morris; .Joseph J. Mottes etal; Harold Nathanson etal; Theodore P. Nelson; Agnes O'Neil etal; Francis C. & Marie E. O'Neil; Lillian F. O'Neil; Walter J. & Cynthia 0. Piknick; Samuel W. Poorvu etal; Wilfred F. & Barbara L. Powell; Sidney R. Rabb etal; Clara K. Rooney; H. Lester, Jr. & June B. Sherman; Philip & Faith Simolari; Lawrence I. & Eleanor C. Siscoe; Harry & Gertrude Sobel; William A. & Rachael E. Spinney; Michael A. Valerio etal. I At the conclusion of the hearing, the Board tool: said petition under advisement. A vices of.the locus was had by the Board. On .............October 29 is .75.., the Board of Appeals found The Petitioner, Hyannis Inn Motor Hotel, Inc. has appealed to the Board of Appeals from a decision of the Building Inspector and petitions for a variance from Section I Use Regulations, Residence Districts and/or a. special Permit under Section PA 4 - Extension of a non-conforming use, Barnstable Zoning By-Law as revised December 18, 1974, to allow construction of laundry building for motel at High School Road, Hyannis in an RB Zoning District. Attorney David Pyne and Attorney Joseph Beecher represented Petitioner. Petitioner seeks to construct a 20 ft. by 30 ft. laundry facility for present business interests of James Pendergast, owner of Hyannis Inn Motor Hotel, Inc. Locus is presently a non-conforming parking lot used in conjunction with motel and church across South Street. Proposed.:.use would be in conjunction with Mr. Pendergast's present business interests only and would not be a public laundry or a laundry service. Proposed building would be constructed of stuccoed cement block, painted gray to match motel and dryers would be vented toward High School Road. Hours of operation would be normal daylight hours with some Saturdays, but probably not Sundays. It would be hooked into the main sewer line. There would be 2 or 3 employees. _Building and locus will be landscaped. The Board examined this as to the aspect of a non-conforming use. The motel is in a business zone and has already penetrated 30 feet into the residential zone.f' However, the parking lot, which abutts this business use, has been used in con- junction with the motel. Therefore, the Board feels it can consider the whole area as a non-conforming use, including the parking lot. The Board notes that the laundry is part of a motel operation in as much as normally motels do have laundry facilities on premises. The Board does not consider this a second use, which would be in derogation of the gam- stable Zoning By-Law. Therefore, the Board agreed to grant the construction of a 30 foot by 21 foot unit to house this. laundry, however, the Board felt that in order to protect the neighborhood from detriment, it should impose the following restrictions: 1) The venting of the laundry shall be in the direction of High School Road. 2) There shall be evergreen plantings around this building to screen it from all sides.visible by either abutting properties or from a street. 3) Use of laundry facility to be liuited to those businesses wholly owned by James H. Pendergast only. Said laundry facilities not to be used for commercial purposes. Distribution:—Board of Appeals Town Clerk Town of Barnstable Applicant Persons interested Building Inspector Public Information By ,...... Board of Appeals hairman BARD OF APPEALSOWQ 011 O SAY O" Appeal No. 1975-68/Hyannis Inn Motor Hotel, Inc. Page4 4) This building shall comply with all lot line setback ' requirements of the zoning district involved. The Board found that with the aforesaid restrictions there would be no detriment to the area involved nor derogation of the Barnstable Zoning By-Law and voted unanimously to grant this special permit as restricted. Board of Appeals Town Of Barnstable By 0,4,Z.4 C n 15' a 1 2„! A I AL_jr 74 Z>a MAI®'S DAILY REPORT FOR HOUSEKEEPER NAmg CITY ATE I 1200M NO.6UESTS ®yly- NO.HANDTOWELS NO.BATHTOWELS IN THIS SPACE ANYTHING NEEDING IMMEDIATE ATTENTION BOLe1-';-lBHHHT6 SLIPS SHORT NO. TR. Pa.OUT SHORT IH OUT SHORT REMARKS f I V LEAKY FAUCET.REPAIR WINDOW BLINDS, SPRAY FOR ROACHES OR'BUGS.ETC. MAID TO TEST LIGHT BULBS DAILY - REPORT BULBS OUT TO OFFICE AT ONCE. IF LINEN CHANGE IS INDICATED AND NOT MADE - MARK "DID NOT CHANGE-- INDICATE VACUUM CLEANING BY WRITING "VACUUMED" SYMBOLS MAID'S SIGNATURE VACANT-V SLEEP OUT - S.O. OUT OF ORDER - O.O. NO BAGGAGE - N. B. AM.HO,T.EL REGISTER CO. 226 W.ONTARIO ST.. CHICAGO.ILL.60610 FORM 47 n., 1 tzLo0soa f• G.H cCHOo J PUBL(c) ROAD V)r . .. 7-50u' y . r I CIOcI o a i o p o 1 o Ic t 01000 m Rt FrQC'S t".c ` r N w 1 ro rp V :I l M K i t n a Nei r TT r•- 114 e 00 a S y e it r ARNSTABLE PLANNING BOARD APPROS%A¢. ` m r = VNDER THE su'sol, spoN CONTROL LAW o rorJcQilJr?Fu o i Z' c P5• OR J' b U c va P' I l ALP s,. 3° J Aso G too 3OS tip' 30-L WN a2 g° 4a•'`den w it P.S. p2p Ok 2 Pi c. v a