HomeMy WebLinkAboutPublic Comment from the Welch family in support1 Ziino, Genevey From:jane welch <64jjwelch@gmail.com> Sent:Thursday, September 14, 2023 12:00 PM To:Ziino, Genevey Cc:Brigham, Anna; Mary Welch; Barbara Mikus Subject:170 Fifth Avenue, West Hyannisport, Massachusetts Dear Mr. Dewey and Members of the Zoning Board of Appeals, Our names are Mary Welch, Jane Welch, Gabriel Welch and Barbara Welch Mikus and we own the property located at 158 Fifth Avenue, West Hyannisport, Massachusetts. We have had the opportunity to review the plans submitted to you by Ann LaFrance for the tear down/rebuild of the house at 170 Fifth Avenue. Our family has owned the property abutting Ann’s property for a number of years. We are writing to express our support for the proposal to allow Ann to rebuild her house on the same footprint as the existing structure through grant of the Special Permit requested. Please let us know if you have any further inquiries. Sincerely, The Welch Family CAUTION:This email originated from outside of the Town of Barnstable! Do not click links, open attachments or reply, unless you recognize the sender's email address and know the content is safe!