HomeMy WebLinkAbout2023-10-18 HHDC Draft Minutes (1)l Town of Barnstable Hyannis Main Street Waterfront Historic District Commission www.townofbarnstable.ma.us/hyannismainstreet MINUTES October 18, 2023 6:30 p.m. Members Present: Cheryl Powell, Jack Kay, Tom Doherty, Kevin Matthews. Laura Cronin, Matt Clark and Cornelius Cawley Members Absent: Jennifer Hinckley Needham Staff Present: James Kupfer, Senior Planner, and Karen Herrand, Principal Assistant, Planning & Development Dept. in attendance. To all persons deemed interested or affected by the Town of Barnstable’s Hyannis Main Street Waterfront Historic District Commission Ordinance under Chapter 112, Article III of the Code of the Town of Barnstable, you are hereby notified that a hearing is being held at Town Hall, 367 Main Street, Hyannis, MA, James H. Crocker, Jr., Hearing Room, 2nd Floor 6:30 P.M. on Wednesday, October 18, 2023. The meeting will be televised live via Xfinity Channel 8 or high definition Channel 1072. It may also be accessed via the Government Access Channel live stream on the Town of Barnstable’s website: http://streaming85.townofbarnstable.us/CablecastPublicSite/watch/1?channel=1 Please silence your cell phones Call to Order Attendance Roll Call Kevin Matthews Cornelius Cawley – late Jennifer Hinckley Needham - absent Matt Clark Laura Cronin Tom Doherty Jack Kay Cheryl Powell Welcome to New Members, Special Guests, Advisors and Comments Town Council Liaison Betty Ludtke in attendance. Updates • Trainings • Awards • Correspondence Reminder of Commission’s Purpose and Proper Procedure New Business Donovan Kerr d/b/a Thrift on Main – 211 Main Street, Hyannis – Map 327 Parcel 152 Sign Donovan Kerr in attendance. Local church in Hyannis, New Life Ministries. Thrift store proposed to be open. Paula Smart in attendance. She explains where the sign will be, will be refacing the existing sign. Wood sign, 72 x 12 inches and open and close sign as well. 2 Laura Cronin asks for verification of open/close sign, if neon, is it flashing, or plastic. Plastic is not allowed. Jim Kupfer explains, signs made of plastic are not appropriate for this district, so maybe suggest something else. Laura Cronin – other options, open flag or other open signs that are not lit. Cornelius Cawley - now in attendance. Chair Cheryl Powell clarifies wood sign. Kevin Matthews, is a light over the existing sign now? Paula Smart, doesn’t know if this is a light or not. Sign is visible enough. Jim Kupfer, will there be new bracket material for the sign or use what is there now? Paula Smart, use what is there. Chair Cheryl Powell opens up public comment. Roberta Mauch in attendance, 80 Greenwood Ave. Thinks great idea. Chair Cheryl Powell closes public comment. Chair Cheryl Powell entertains a motion for the Findings, moved by Laura Cronin to find this application to be compatible with the preservation and protection of the District for 211 Main Street, and work with Staff for appropriate open/close sign, seconded by Jack Kay, Roll Call Vote Laura Cronin - aye Kevin Matthews - aye Jack Kay – aye Tom Doherty - aye Matt Clark - aye Cheryl Powell - aye Chair Cheryl Powell entertains a motion for a Certificate of Appropriateness, moved by Tom Doherty to issue for 211 Main Street as described in the submitted materials and working with staff on open/close sign, seconded by Kevin Matthews, Roll Call Vote: Matt Clark – aye Tom Doherty - aye Laura Cronin - aye Kevin Matthews - aye Jack Kay - aye Cheryl Powell - aye Jason Mello d/b/a Kicks & Collectibles – 507 Main Street, Hyannis – Map 308 Parcel 093 Sign Jason Mello in attendance. Owner of Kicks & Collectibles Cape Cod. Sneakers, clothing. He explains he has moved into the Main Street store here and has logo. 24 x 96 inch sign being proposed, aluminum composite material. Black and White colors. Chair Cheryl Powell confirms ACM material (aluminum composite). Laura Cronin confirms the sign on the building already and this is what it will be. Any open/close sign. Jason Mello states, yes already here from previous owner. Laura Cronin - work with Staff to do open close that is appropriate. 3 Jim Kupfer confirms sign mounted directly on front of building. Chair Cheryl Powell opens up public comment. None. Chair Cheryl Powell closes public comment. Chair Cheryl Powell entertains a motion for the Findings, moved by Kevin Matthews to find this application to be compatible with the preservation and protection of the District, with the amendment to work with Staff for appropriate open/close sign, seconded by Jack Kay, Roll Call Vote: Tom Doherty – aye Laura Cronin – aye Jack Kay - aye Kevin Matthews - aye Matt Clark – aye Cornelius Cawley – aye Cheryl Powell - aye Chair Cheryl Powell entertains a motion for a Certificate of Appropriateness, moved by Kevin Matthews to issue for 507 Main Street as described in the submitted materials and with amendment to work with Staff for open/close sign, seconded by Jack Kay, Roll Call Vote: Tom Doherty - aye Laura Cronin - aye Kevin Matthews - aye Jack Kay - aye Matt Clark - aye Cornelius Cawley - aye Cheryl Powell - aye Continued Business WinnDevelopment Company, LP for 307 Main Street Nominee Trust, Conrad Watson, Trustee 307 Main Street, Hyannis – Map 327 Parcel 103 – continued from August 30, and September 20, 2023 Demolition WinnDevelopment Company, LP for 307 Main Street Nominee Trust, Conrad Watson, Trustee 307 Main Street, Hyannis – Map 327 Parcel 103 – continued from August 30, and September 20, 2023 New Building Attorney Rob Brennan in attendance. Gives a history of past meetings and comments. Window mulliuns added new window type and shutters. Old Colony approach changed to pitch roof added the gables and addition of brick as well. Changed all the roof lines, shed dormers. Brick added to end massing. Increase of Juliet balconies, 60 have them, exclusively on Old Colony approach. Historic lighting, onion lighting added to the entrance on Main Street and also Old Colony. Clock, and added way finding signs for the signage, we will come back for that – indicated right now. Clock face detailing. Tom Doherty, thinks additions are good. The size of the project is his concern. We are working on new guidelines, would like Zoning and Town Council input. Rob Brennan – this project is/has been under agreement and with members of the public and designed with the new zoning that is in place and as stands now. Zoning as is reflected and written is what this project is going further on with. Team has worked very hard under the zoning and the guidelines as they stand. Laura Cronin, changes done as requested. It does not look like it fits in the Historic District. Need something more in line with character, this doesn’t match those features. Rob Brennan, there are no zoning exceptions from zoning, this 100% fully complies with zoning. 4 Laura Cronin, no cut outs or no entrances on Main Street. This is first project with Form Based Zoning, to massive for the frontage to be along the front with now commercial here. Has to have historic character. Design and how fit. Revisit to see what it is that can do. Rob Brennan – all outside the purview of this Commission – what Laura Cronin has stated. This is entirely compliant with Form Based Zoning. The design team has responded to all comments that have been made. Did not create the lot, but under zoning 80% of actual has to be occupied. The design is as shown for that reason. Materials and clock and other elements have been in response to the design. He’s concerned that the opposition by this Commission is in regards to the zoning. Chair Cheryl Powell interjects and asks Staff to clarify zoning. Jim Kupfer, Downtown 30 ft. minimum is minimum when creating a new lot, Frontage are 80% of the minimum frontage to be a building frontage. Historic pattern on Main St. for corner lots and this project does meet those standards/has met requirements. Laura Cronin, purview is to make sure that meets with character and conformity of historic village. Maybe have something else that makes it look more inline with historic character. Meeting a need for housing is not our purview. Kevin Matthews, thought about this project a great deal. Applicant has done all that Commission has asked. Don’t think it’s my purview to discuss what Zoning and Town Council has approved and is allowed. At this point Applicant is going by the rules. Thinks project looks much better now. Tom Doherty, thinks better also and did go by guidelines of the zoning. Think have to pull back and review with Planning and Town Council. This will set the tone for Main Street and we will have a canyon of housing. Rob Brennan, the lots on Main Street, thinks Tom’s concern is unfounded and this is a unique lot. This is a corner lot. Laura Cronin, making more approachable on the first floor was a comment made. If more pedestrian or commercial or retail on first floor. Make part of walkway, instead of making non approachable. Rob Brennan, have discussed this. There are lots of existing retailers already and trying to support several cafes. Objective assessment. Public and having invested interest. Applicant has offered to make their meeting space available to the public, community meeting places, non profit groups, film festival, there is a need for this, but Winn has agreed to make the community meeting space available for community groups. This does conform to the zoning and with 75% of affordability. Jack Kay the refinements have met all the requirements that you have done. Challenges with this lot for sure. He will approve, it meets what Hyannis is ready for. Matt Clark, public opinion matters, the goal line has been from members of the public and their position. We try to be responsive to solicitive comments from the public. Cornelius Cawley asks about his attendance and meetings for this matter. Who may vote. Jim Kupfer, explains that only one member can mullin in and Laura Cronin has already mullined in. Only one. But Cornelius can listen in and comment. Cornelius Cawley, purview and be mindful of this. Commission deals with specific area. This end of Main Street is in dire need of re centrification. Gives an example of progress. Respects the historic nature, we are not a museum piece and this is the focus of who we are as an area. The Applicant has shown good faith in responding to our concerns. Cornelius Cawley reads correspondence from Susan Battista into record (in support) Chair Cheryl Powell, trying to do a balance, don’t have purview for Zoning, and Planning. There is new zoning, want to set the bar high, don’t want just anything to be accepted. Any more pictures or materials? Rob Brennan, no, everything is/has been submitted. Cheryl Powell confirms the first floor available for community groups. Rob Brennan, yes, this is a change made today. 5 Kevin Matthews, clarifies that people are the ones that make the call. Chair Cheryl Powell opens up public comment. Roberta Mauch in attendance. This is big improvement – refers to the updated rendering. A lot of history in our community. Likes historical type/style windows, gives character. Space for meeting area and use for the arts. Concerns for loss of the old TD Bank building/lobby. Nathan Herschler, owner of 296 – 302 Main Street, and owner of Bread and Roses Café. Need for housing and this is a perfect place for this. Happy that there is support for this project. The Community is afraid of change and workforce housing. This needs to happen. Felicia Penn in attendance. Not opposed to workforce housing, welcomes people of all economic status. Elevations of what will look like from Aselton Park general area? Coming up from Old Colony. Slide No. 14, Old Colony view. Roof, is this flat roof? Rear of Bldg., but the front for everyone at the Harbor, not appealing. Landscape plan, actual trees? Concerns about the scale of this from the Harbor area. William Headly Smitt, – How did this get to this Historic Commission? This would not happen to other villages. Zoning changes in Hyannis. No mention of aesthetics. Homeless issues. Suggests moratorium. Michael Mecenas – thanks all for this. Means a lot for the community. Proud to see the changes on Main Street. This will make a big change for Hyannis. In support. David Colombo, just found out about this project. Previous member of HHDC and owner of several businesses all in this area. Thanks all for their work. Thinks this is a great project. The materials, colors etc. In support of this project. Been in business for 42 years, multiple businesses and resident. This is important moving forward in a positive way. Elizabeth Wurfbain in attendance, Executive Director of Hyannis Main Street Business Improvement District (BID). This is the business capital of Cape Cod, the Boston of Cape Cod. BID brings in the culture and activity. We don’t want it to be something ugly, we have to let it grow, but in a managed way. This architecture/brick is beautiful. Form based code, is 4 to 4.5 to much – as long as great details in it. Thinks they have done this and a good job, the public space is really good as well, bottom floor. In support Bruce Prescott, 448 Main St, business owner and lives above store. Important project, thanks all for work done on this project. Well needed. In support Tom Foley, has lived in a Winn Development property, they are responsible and kept beautiful. Constant revitalize with their buildings. This is a good opportunity. In support. Town Council Liaison Betty Ludtke, appreciates all the comments. Large. 4 stories maybe too much. Like the affordability component. Have heard good things about the Developer. Public use of space. A lot of space. More suggestions for the public/corner area so they know this is open. Conrad Watson, this will have people come onto Main Street. Hyannis is an urban renewal project. The East End needs a lot of help. BID has worked very hard to bring this Town back. The building here now is ugly and is vacant. Chair Cheryl Powell clarifies clock in the TD Bank bldg.? Is this being preserved? Rob Brennan, can preserve this/museum maybe. Chair Cheryl Powell closes public comment. Confirms vote for both the Demotion and the COA application together. Chair Cheryl Powell entertains a motion for the Findings, moved by Kevin Matthews to find to be compatible with the preservation and protection of the District – at 307 Main Street, Hyannis for both the demolition and Certificate of Appropriateness and as submitted per the latest version of plans, seconded by Jack Kay, Roll Call Vote: 6 Matt Clark- aye Jack Kay - aye Tom Doherty - nay Laura Cronin - aye Kevin Mattews - aye Cheryl Powell - aye Chair Cheryl Powell entertains a motion for the Certificate of Appropriateness, motion made by Jack Kay to issue for the application at 307 Main Street, Hyannis as described and submitted with the latest revisions, for both the demolition and the Certificate of Appropriateness, seconded by Kevin Matthews, Roll Call Vote: Tom Doherty - nay Laura Cronin – aye Kevin Matthews - aye Jack Kay – aye Matt Clark - aye Cheryl Powell - aye Matters not Reasonably Anticipated by the Chair Approval of October 4, 2023 draft minutes Chair Cheryl Powell entertains a motion to approve, moved by Kevin Matthews to approve the October 4, 2023, draft minutes, seconded by Jack Kay, Roll Call Vote Laura Cronin - aye Matt Clark – aye Cornelius Cawley - aye Tom Doherty - aye Kevin Matthews - aye Jack Kay - aye Cheryl Powell - aye Next HHDC meetings scheduled for November 1, and November 15, 2023 Adjournment Chair Cheryl Powell entertains a motion to adjourn, moved by Laura Cronin, seconded by Kevin Matthews, Roll Call Vote Cornelius Cawley - aye Matt Clark - aye Tom Doherty - aye Laura Cronin - aye Kevin Matthews - aye Jack Kay - aye Cheryl Powell - aye The meeting ended at 8:14 p.m. Respectfully submitted, Karen Herrand Further detail may be obtained by viewing the video via Channel 18 on demand at http://www.town.barnstable.ma.us