HomeMy WebLinkAboutChipotle Forfeiture of Alcohol License1
Logan, Erin
From:ServiceNow Notifications <chipotle@service-now.com>
Sent:Wednesday, November 1, 2023 5:02 PM
To:Logan, Erin
Subject:RE: [EXTERNAL] Chipotle - 2024 Alcohol & Entertainment Renewal - TKT0147089
Follow Up Flag:Follow up
Flag Status:Flagged
Hi Erin,
I am confirming ABCC license number 00326-RS-0070 will not be renewed. We are forfeiting this license.
Should you have any additional questions, please feel free to reach out!
Thank You,
Jose Alcantar
Licensing Team
Chipotle Mexican Grill
Office: 500 Neil Ave, Suite 400, Columbus, OH 43215
Mailing: PO Box 182566 Columbus, OH 43218
2023-11-01 12:35:27 EDT - Guest Addi#onal comments (customer visible)
[reply from: Erin.Logan@town.barnstable.ma.us]
Good a,ernoon, Jose,
Thank you for reaching out! Should you decide to forfeit the license I would simply need a le0er or email from you
advising of such. With that being said, the Alcohol Beverages Control Commission does require that renewals are
processed in November, so we would need to know before the end of this month.
Please feel free to reach out with any addi#onal ques#ons.
Best regards,
Erin Logan
Interim Deputy Director of Asset Mgmt & Licensing
Town of Barnstable | 367 Main Street | Hyannis, MA 02601
P 508.862.4774
C 774.470.8033
Original Email Information:
Recipients: licensing@chipotle.com
Ticket Reference Number: TKT0147089
Subject: [EXTERNAL] Chipotle - 2024 Alcohol & Entertainment Renewal
Good morning,
The Barnstable Licensing Division is now ready to accept alcohol and entertainment renewal applica#ons. Per
the Alcoholic Beverages Control Commission, the deadline to submit your renewal, including payment, is
Thursday, November 30th.
Please follow the below steps to complete your renewal applica#on:
1. Sign-In to the permit portal by clicking here.
2. Renew your record: from the “Ac#on Required” sec#on, click on “Renew your Alcohol license”.
o If you have an Entertainment License you will also need to “Renew you Entertainment license”.
You will only need to renew and make the payment. Thera are no required a0achments for
Entertainment renewals.
3. ABCC Renewal form: Sign, date, and upload the a0ached ABCC Renewal Form.
4. Cer*ficate of Insurance: upload your current Cer#ficate of Insurance reflec#ng your General and
Liquor Liability Insurance
5. Workers’ Compensa*on Affidavit: upload a completed Workers’ Compensa#on Affidavit.
o Click here for a fillable version of the form. Reminder – this form is required by the state for all
businesses regardless of if you have employees or not.
6. Payment: Submit your payment online via credit card ( a 5% fee is applied), or via e-check. OR you may
mail a check to my a0en#on at our 367 Main Street, Hyannis office.
o If mailing a check and you have both alcohol and entertainment, you may combine the total
amount due on one check.
Reminder – Changes cannot be accepted at renewal. If you need to make changes to your license, you must
renew as is and apply for the changes separately. Please reach out to me for further instruc’ons.
Need help?? Click here to access the tutorial video. Of course, you may always reach out to me with any
Best regards,
Erin Logan
Interim Deputy Director of Asset Mgmt & Licensing
Town of Barnstable | 367 Main Street | Hyannis, MA 02601
P 508.862.4774
C 774.470.8033
My Schedule:
In-office Monday, Wednesday & Thursday – 8:30am to 4:30pm
Remote Tuesdays – 8:30am to 4:30pm
In class all day Friday with limited access to voicemail and email
Barnstable Licensing Authority Rules & Regulations
Barnstable Mission: Protect the Town’s quality of life and unique character; Engage our ci’zens; Enact policies that respond to and
an’cipate the needs of our community.
Note: This message is not from Chipotle. Always use caution when clicking on email attachments or links. Never enter
your username, password, or any other confidential information into external email links.