HomeMy WebLinkAboutLetterFor Gimmy'sRenewalLicenseGimmy's Tavern 26 October 2023 1840 Iyannough Rd UNIT 2 Hyannis, MA 02601 Erin Logan and Chair Nunheimer Interim Deputy Director of Asset Management and Licensing Town of Barnstable 367 Main Street Hyannis, MA 02601 Dear Board for liquor license renewal I am wri2ng on behalf of Gimmy's Tavern, which operates at Hyannis Golf Course, managed by the non- profit corpora2on Massachuse5s Military Support Founda2on. We greatly appreciate your dedica2on to the Town of Barnstable and your role as the Interim Deputy Director of Asset Management and Licensing. Gimmy's Tavern at Hyannis Golf Course plays a crucial role in the local community, serving as a mentoring facility for veterans and their family members to receive training in various posi2ons within the hospitality industry. This ini2a2ve not only imparts valuable skills but also aids in their employment opportuni2es, allowing them to transi2on successfully into civilian life. As you may be aware, the Hyannis Golf Course clubhouse is currently undergoing renova2ons. Gimmy's Tavern managed to operate a mobile food truck outside the clubhouse during the summer season and was granted limited usage of the liquor license on the food truck. However, as the season is coming to a close, we find ourselves temporarily without a loca2on to con2nue our opera2ons. While we are expec2ng to return next season to serve the golf course patrons from the food truck un2l the clubhouse is fully opera2onal again, we do not have a precise 2meframe for when this transi2on will occur. Therefore, on behalf of Gimmy's Tavern and the Massachuse5s Military Support Founda2on, we kindly request your considera2on in allowing us to renew our license, even though we are currently without a loca2on, as we eagerly an2cipate reoccupying the clubhouse. Thank you so much for your considera2on. Your assistance and support are greatly appreciated, and we look forward to your response. Sincerely, Brenda Meehan Brenda Meehan Director of Opera2ons brendameehan@mmsfi.org