HomeMy WebLinkAbout2023-11-27 HHDC Joint Draft Minutes (1) 1 Board Members Stephen Robichaud – Chair Robert Twiss – Vice Chair Tim O’Neill - Clerk Mary Barry Michael Mecenas Raymond Sexton Matthew Teague Mathew Levesque – Town Council Liaison Planning & Development Dept. Staff Support Elizabeth Jenkins, AICP, Director James Kupfer, AICP, Assistant Director Kaitlyn Maldonado, Senior Planner Karen Pina, Principal Assistant - karen.pina@town.barnstable.ma.us Town of Barnstable JOINT MEETING PLANNING BOARD and HYANNIS MAIN SREET WATERFRONT HISTORIC DISTRICT COMMISSION Minutes November 27, 2023 Stephen Robichaud – Chair Present Robert Twiss, Vice Chair Absent Tim O’Neill – Clerk Present Mary Barry Absent Michael Mecenas Present Raymond Sexton Absent Matthew Teague Present Cheryl Powell, Chair Present Jack Kay, Vice Chair Present Tom Doherty, Clerk Absent Laura Cronin Present Matt Clark Present Jennifer Hinckley Needham Absent Cornelius Cawley Present Kevin Matthews Present Also in attendance were Planning & Development Staff; James Kupfer and Karen Pina, Principal Assistant. The Planning Board’s Joint Meeting with the Hyannis Main Street Waterfront Historic District Commission will be held at Barnstable Town Hall, 367 Main Street, Hyannis, MA, James H. Crocker, Jr., Hearing Room, 2nd Floor at 7:00 p.m. Attendance Roll Call to Order Introduction of Commission and Board Members and Staff HHDC Members Jack Kay Matt Clark Kevin Matthews Cornelius Cawley Laura Cronin Cheryl Powell Town of Barnstable Pl a n n in g B oa r d www.town.barnstable.ma.us/PlanningBoard 2 Attendance Roll Call Planning Board Members Michael Mecenas Tim O’Neill Matt Teague Stephen Robichaud Notice of Recording: The meeting will be televised live via Xfinity Channel 8 or high definition Channel 1072. It may also be accessed via the Government Access Channel live stream on the Town of Barnstable’s website: http://streaming85.townofbarnstable.us/CablecastPublicSite/watch/1?channel=1 Planning Board: Unified Downtown Hyannis Design Guidelines and Regulations In accordance with Section 240-24.1.3.B.2.(a) the Planning Board shall review proposed amendments to the Design and Infrastructure Plan. HHDC: Unified Downtown Hyannis Design Guidelines and Regulations In accordance with Section 112-28 of the Barnstable General Ordinances, the Commission shall adopt and amend guidelines which set forth design standards and criteria for certain exterior architectural building and site features which will meet the requirements of the district regarding appropriateness. Motion made by Matt Teague to open the public hearing, seconded by Tim O’Neill, Roll Call Vote: Michael Mecenas – aye Matt Teague – aye Tim O’Neill – aye Stephen Robichaud - aye HHDC Chair Cheryl Powell entertains a motion to open the public hearing, moved by Cornelius Cawley, seconded by Kevin Matthews, Roll Call Vote: Jack Kay – aye Matt Clark - aye Kevin Matthews – aye Cornelius Cawley – aye Laura Cronin – aye Cheryl Powell – aye Jim Kupfer gives a presentation – thanks all for participation and reviewing all and giving an effort. March, kick off joint meeting with Planning Board (PB) and Hyannis Main Street Waterfront Historic District Commission (HHDC) on Zoom. Discussed what want done and how can improve Design Guidelines. HHDC has 2012 supplemental and 2005 for PB. Established a working group. Walked the District. July met again to review feedback and enhanced into a robust draft, that went out for review and picked up by news media and discussed at Hyannis Greater Civic Association (HGCA). Public comment period. October it was posted and submitted for consideration to PB and HHDC. Update and to review tonight in order to adopt enhanced Design Guidelines to be used moving forward. Is posted online. Two documents trying to marry. Added regulations to this process. Sections with regulations. Table of Contents will be updated. Jim Kupfer reviews the document. Exhibit A – Draft Design Guidelines - Proposed changes, Exhibit B. Growth Incentive Zone (GIZ) areas. Jurisdiction of review. Laura Cronin, pg. 9 examples – recommendation to use part of the block that does represent how Main Street is currently. 3 Laura Cronin, pg. 12, The Applicant files a date stamped application, clarify who filed with? Pg. 13, numbering sequence, clerical error, listing. Also PB section notification is made to the public, Pg. 14, section b., II. Jim Kupfer clarifies special permit criteria for the Planning Board – Special Permit Granting Authority (SPGA). Clarifies Administrative Review Pg. 15. In kind and like could be administratively done. Could appoint someone to review, could be Staff, Chair. Speeds up the time/effort to get maintenance done. Tim O’Neill, add modifications to approve Certificate of Appropriateness (COA) and changes? HHDC Chair Cheryl Powell clarifies how done and approved. Planning Board Chair Stephen Robichaud suggests language for HHDC appointed by the Chair for modifications. Jim Kupfer, PB is SPGA. Administratively review, allowed by right. Zoning, may need Site Plan review. Planning Board Chair Stephen Robichaud suggests if diagram be full page Pg. 16 – graph. Building Design Regulations and Guidelines – Will be application by application review. Facades and trim. Color and color chart. Applicants can ask for waiver. Shades of white – can use any, white has not been regulated. Building Design Guidelines. Pg. 20, and zero lot lines. Images of storefronts. Parking. Parking Design Guidelines. Site amenities. Kevin Matthews, clarifies HHDC and regulations, differences. Jim Kupfer, have two parties here – HHDC, yes to site amenities, bike racks. PB has different discretion and review. Hoping to incorporate all. Laura Cronin, Section 5, site amenities. Definition. Amenities for outside. Suggest take out of guidelines. HHDC Chair Cheryl Powell clarifies taking out section 5, (b) – thinks should stay in. Matt Teague, guidelines solar – add it to as many areas as can. Some parking areas, this is the chance if want to discourage. i.e., can state solar canopy arrays not acceptable, as a guideline. Jim Kupfer, landscaping. Pg. 41, wrought iron fencing – D. (v) – not consistent with what is in Downtown Hyannis. Some areas have now. Laura Cronin, section 7, (b), (c), (d) – Art and designs. Must be all approved through the Historic Commission. Kevin Matthews clarifies, assuming still reviewable by us/HHDC. Jim Kupfer clarifies. HHDC Chair Cheryl Powell - should still come before us. Signage. Sign Regulations. Planning Board Chair Stephen Robichaud, limited to one free standing sign..is that to limiting? Jim Kupfer clarifies that this is place based. Tim O’Neill, not to be overly done, wayfinding signs. 4 HHDC Chair Cheryl Powell, plastic A frame signs – allowed, must be made of wood. To be brought in at close of business. Jack Kay, pg. 19, EIFS is prohibited – could be good to use. This is foam based, fiberglass on the outside, it’s indestructible. Can’t be marred. Good product. Tim, O’Neil, stucco is more traditional for Cape products. Matt Teague, can’t tell the difference. Discussion the EIFS product and how guideline covers. Pg. 16, HHDC these are requirements, and shall be adhered to unless specifically -Is PB subject to this? Jim Kupfer, PB is not the authority if a by right project. GIZ confirm that meets the guidelines and can offer, if outside Historic District, we have guidelines and here are the recommendations. Could re word to be used with care and installation. Matt Teague, applicable to all projects and make clear that there are two standards and to make conformity. Jim Kupfer, yes, we can do that. HHDC Chair Cheryl Powell, pg. 5, centuries, photos to keep more with historic - (b) 1 and 2 and wrought iron fencing. Stucco or modern equivalent. Pg. 20, a building reform, pg. 21 – Ocean Street looks different. Preference for color of iron. Decorative. Consensus to leave it in. Planning Board Chair Stephen Robichaud, windows? Have some comments. Planning Board Chair Stephen Robichaud asks for any public comment. Roberta Mauch in attendance. Diagram on pg. 16, thinks this is too general. More attention to architectural salvage. Any guidelines set for this? A lot of history in 307 Main Street Bldg. Could have more details in this diagram. Open space and capacity limit. Concerned with overcrowding on Main Street. Light pollution concerns. Roof, are we allowing gardening on roofs? Stormwater treatment. Window treatments. Cathy Ledec, Barnstable Village in attendance. Development projects and reworking of projects, urban design guidelines need to be clear. Urge all to link - Linking these with the Local Comprehensive Plan (LCP) and participate with the process as much as possible. Conservation should be involved. Streetscape. Not a lot of street trees. Recommends a section that includes landscape. Need guidelines for all seven villages. Comments: solar canopies for parking lots are important, if not add street trees. Roof top amenities. Buildings need to serve as telecommunications facilities. Downward directed light. Same color for wrought iron fences. Windows – should be non mirrored and non reflected, can cause fires. These are a great start. Eric Schwaab in attendance. Hands out picture “walkable Street. Livable Spaces on Main Street”. Some gaps in these guidelines. Need a whole section on roofs, materials. Height. Buildings out of scale. Design features, need to detail bays. Balconies. Parking, no preference stated for in front of buildings. Bikes, how many? Need a section on bikes. Sidewalks and trees, distance from trees to the building. Storefronts. Brick buildings are the history here. This is a Downtown style. Loading area concerns. Need to be more specific. Need more detail. Heather Swenson in attendance. Seems like Main Street is going to be housing. Window treatments in buildings, some kind of regulation in this Historic District to keep it looking good. Balcony regulations. 5 Apartments on Main Street, will have U Hauls here. Build out of Main Street. Where does small business go? Planning Board Chair Stephen Robichaud windows, pg. 22, it’s clear that balconies are encouraged. Pg. 27, can we add something to explain what would make composite windows permissible? Pg. 28, grill size and grids can we specify? Pg. 20 window section. Fenestration, it is listed as prohibited for reflective and dark tinted windows. Jim Kupfer, doesn’t have the exact ratio – can add. Tim O’Neill, different windows that go with each type of building, goes with overall character of the building. HHDC Chair Cheryl Powell, windows, something like size and shape appropriate for character/bldg., and in keeping with the historic nature/character. Put some more detail. Balconies. Jim Kupfer, language – windows size and shape and appropriate scale - shall be of appropriate in accordance with the building and historic nature. Kevin Matthews, should be some kind of decorum for the outside of balcony. Something that is a regulation for the building/development. Jim Kupfer, can offer that as a regulation with the apartment complex. HHDC Chair Cheryl Powell, any outside features that can be viewed by public to be maintained and with the historic character. Matt Teague, all items should be sufficiently secure. Hard time proving what historic character is if for a balcony. Should be anything as long as sufficiently secure. Planning Boad Chair Stephen Robichaud, need to put these changes into a new draft. Tim O’Neill, planters, window boxes – any language for that? Jim Kupfer, PB is amending section 7, HHDC is adopting/replacing supplemental guidelines from 2012. Was being discussed that go to Town Council and coming to the LCP, as phase 2 comes up. December 11th. At 7 p.m. is suggested for another Joint Meeting. Matt Teague makes motion to continue to December 11th, at 7 p.m., seconded by Michael Mecenas, Roll Call Vote: Michael Mecenas - aye Tim O’Neill - aye Matt Teague - aye Stephen Robichaud - aye HHDC Chair Cheryl Powell entertains a motion to continue to December 11th, at 7:00 p.m., seconded by Kevin Matthews, Roll Call Vote: Laura Cronin - aye Cornelius Cawley - aye Matt Clark - aye Jack Kay - aye Kevin Matthews - aye 6 Cheryl Powell - aye Adjournment PB - Motion made by Tim O’Neill to adjourn, seconded by Michael Mecenas, Roll Call Vote: Matt Teague – aye Tim O’Neill – aye Michael Mecenas – aye Stephen Robichaud - aye HHDC – Chair Cheryl Powell entertains a motion to adjourn, moved by Kevin Matthews, seconded by Jack Kay, Roll Call Vote: Laura Cronin – aye Cornelius Cawley – aye Kevin Matthews - aye Matt Clark – aye Jack Kay – aye Cheryl Powell - aye The meeting adjourned at 9:04 p.m. Respectfully Submitted Karen Pina, Principal Assistant Planning & Development Further detail may be obtained by viewing the video via Channel 18 on demand at http://www.town.barnstable.ma.us List of Exhibit Documents Exhibit A - Draft Downtown Unified Design Regulations and Guidelines dated November 2023 Exhibit B – Green and Yellow mark up