HomeMy WebLinkAboutPriscilla Jones LetterProposal for Installation of Solar Panels at 260 Church Street My name is Priscilla Jones and I live next door to this address at 240 Church Street. My apologies for sending this letter so late, but I only learned of the hearing three hours ago. I was out of town for two weeks before the first hearing, did not collect my mail until after it occurred, and was not aware that the proposal was to receive a second hearing. I am totally opposed to Ryan Coholan’s proposal to install solar panels on the front of his roof at 260 Church Street, because their rather ugly appearance will definitely detract from the scenic qualities of Church Street, be incompatible with homes in the surrounding neighborhood, and especially visually unappealing to the neighbors directly across the street. Now that the Coholans have cut down all the trees in their front yard, these neighbors have nothing to shield them from a view of the house at 260, day and night, a factor that surely will lower the value of their property. I strongly support using alternative sources of energy to reduce CO-2 emissions, so detrimental to Cape Cod and our personal health and might support the proposed solar panels if they were placed out of sight in the back yard. The Old King’s Highway rules allow for “Energy Conscious Design” so long as there is “minimal visual impact on the surrounding neighborhood.” By choosing to cut down 130 trees, according to Mr. Coholan’s own count, in his front and back yards and opting for all lawn and a very suburban look to his property, he has changed the look of a very historic rural street and led other residents to follow suit with excessive tree cutting. By choosing to erect a huge barn 15 feet off his neighbor’s property line; parking a 35-foot RV in his driveway; placing a boat very near the street on the edge of my forest; erecting a flagpole lit up 24 hours a day and many other lights on his buildings, he has already made changes considered to be harmful to his close neighbors who have lost privacy, peace of mind, and the ability to see the stars clearly. Mr. Coholan has made some very good changes to his home and surroundings that. indeed, do make it look like the Hamptons, and have raised the value of his property, but the solar panels on the front roof would not be a favorable addition. The members of the Old King’s Highway should review the evidence presented to the Town Council as to why Church Street was selected as one of about 50 Scenic Roads in Barnstable and be distressed by years of lack of oversight in insuring that Church Street will recuperate and continue to be a Scenic Road, so important to tourists who love the history and beauty of our villages. Mr. and Mrs. Tansey who live across the street have suffered a great loss of privacy due to Mr. Coholan’s excessive tree cutting and lighting and should not be asked to endure another action that completely overlooks their needs. Old King’s Highway needs to do the right thing and say “No” to solar panels on the front roof of a house on historic Church Street. Thank you for listening to my concerns. Priscilla Jones 11/15/23