HomeMy WebLinkAboutDraft Minutes LCPC 113023 November 30 2023
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Local Comprehensive Planning Committee
Thursday, November 30, 2023 at 5:30 PM
Call to Order
Wendy Northcross opens the meeting at 5:30 p.m. with an introduction of Board Members.
Member Present Absent
Wendy Northcross X
Cheryl Powell X
Mark Hansen X
Amanda Converse X
Sue Rohrbach X
Meaghan Mort X
Alyssa Chase X
Asia Graves X
Fran Parks X
Katia DaCunha X
Lindsey Counsell X
Jennifer Williams X
Bob Twiss X
Avery Revere X
Also in attendance are Planning & Development staff Elizabeth Jenkins, Director; Kate Maldonado, Senior Planner; Kyle Pedicini,
Community & Economic Development Planner; Jennifer Engelsen, Office Manage; Jill Slankas, Barrett Planning Group and Jeff Davis,
Horsley Witten Group.
Notice of Recording
This meeting is being recorded and broadcast on Channel 18 and in accordance with Massachusetts General Law Chapter 30A
Section 20, the Committee must inquire whether anyone is taping this meeting and to please make their presence known.
No response.
A motion to approve the minutes from January 26, 2023, June 22, 2023 and October 12, 2023 was made by Cheryl Powell and
seconded by Lindsey Counsell.
Aye: Wendy Northcross, Cheryl Powell, Sue Rohrbach, Meaghan Mort, Alyssa Chase, Asia Graves, Fran Parks, Lindsey Counsell,
Jennifer Williams, Bob Twiss, Avery Revere
Abstain: none
Election of Officers (Chair, Vice Chair, Clerk)
Cheryl Powell moves to elect Wendy Northcross as Chair, Lindsey Counsell seconds.
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Aye: Cheryl Powell, Sue Rohrbach, Meaghan Mort, Alyssa Chase, Asia Graves, Fran Parks, Lindsey Counsell, Jennifer Williams, Bob
Twiss, Avery Revere
Abstain: Wendy Northcross
Sue Rohrbach moves to elect Lindsey Counsell as Vice Chair, Jennifer Williams seconds.
Aye: Wendy Northcross, Cheryl Powell, Sue Rohrbach, Meaghan Mort, Alyssa Chase, Asia Graves, Fran Parks, Jennifer Williams,
Bob Twiss, Avery Revere
Abstain: Lindsey Counsell
Sue Rohrbach moves to elect Avery Revere as Clerk. Cheryl Powell seconds.
Aye: Wendy Northcross, Cheryl Powell, Sue Rohrbach, Meaghan Mort, Alyssa Chase, Asia Graves, Fran Parks, Lindsey Counsell,
Jennifer Williams, Bob Twiss,
Abstain: Avery Revere
Topics for Discussion
Overview of the Land Use Chapter:
Kate Maldonado introduces herself and informs the new members of the charge of the LCPC and why it is important. Reviews the
plan for Phase II. There will be four topic areas: Land Use & Housing, Natural Resources, Facilities & Infrastructure, Economic
Development and Culture, Heritage and Design. The end product will be the Land Use Policy Plan that will serve Barnstable over the
next ten to twenty years.
Elizabeth Jenkins gives a presentation on the goals, strategies and action plan moving forward into Phase II. We want to make sure
we are bringing our work back to our vision statement. This vision statement will be used to build the goals, strategy and action plan
on each topic. Goals tell where the town wants to be in the future. They provide a specific target or state and end result. Goal
statements help interpret the vision statement into something meaningful. Goals are long-term, should be ambitious but realistic.
Strategies are built from goals. They are a group of actions that work together to reduce threats and capitalize on opportunities.
They include one or more activities and are designed to achieve specific goals. As we move through these we will think about their
impact, feasibility, urgency and responsibility.
The focus of the meeting tonight is the land use map. The 2010 LCP map showing policies and growth town-wide is shared.
Since 2010, the town has incentivized redevelopment and encouraged new development toward locations with adequate
infrastructure and away from environmentally sensitive areas through the RPOD & GIZ. The GIZ encourages economic development,
no review before the Cape Cod Commission. The Regional Economic Center, Chapter H, mixed use subzone of medical services and
shopping center redevelopment overlays. Our Village Centers were designated for redevelopment as may be appropriate to
maintain strength as business and community centers and to retain traditional mix of uses. Residential not designated for growth.
Manage existing development, actively guide redevelopment, plan for necessary capital improvements, Primary change is adoption
of accessory dwelling unit ordinance in 2021. Lindsey Counsell asks if there is a plan to return to the village centers. Elizabeth shows
a timeline in early spring where this committee will go back to all villages for input. Our commercial nodes are loosely classified in
the 2010 plan as West Main St, Route 28 Corridor, Route 6 Interchange, Transfer Station Area, Yarmouth Road Triangle and some
other non-conforming uses. HB zoning amendment in 2019 and the expansion of B & HB on Route 132 from 2014 to 2016. Our
Maritime areas comprise of Barnstable Harbor, Hyannis Harbor and Osterville (West Bay). Some changes to the Hyannis Harbor
District and Downtown rezoning were adopted in 2012. A summary of open space and recreation land was shown. Between 2010
and 2023, the town added an additional 562 acres of protected open space. The other major factor affecting growth since the last
plan is the CWMP. Fran Parks asks about Cotuit Oyster Company and where would that business fall. Elizabeth speculates that they
are a non-conforming use before zoning was adopted.
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The land use mapping exercise for tonight, we ask you to evaluate:
How are we doing today?
What would a “healthy, safe, inclusive, equitable” future look like?
What threats and opportunities are there to that ideal future?
Consultants to facilitate the groups. The public was encouraged to participate as well.
Elizabeth Jenkins and Jill Slankas worked with a group that reported the town has done a good job managing growth. A threat would
be the additional sewer infrastructure, do we have the tools to protect natural resources and regulate growth, Specific threats were
additional development on individual lots due to the sewer. Construction around potential sewers and offshore wind and how will
be prepared to protect historic areas and tree removal. A discussion on the expansion of housing opportunities and where that was
appropriate. Making our existing village centers and commercial areas more mixed use. Thinking more about the type and scale of
housing. Great conversation on building more small compact residential housing communities, accessible to services, transportation,
etc. Sewer discussion was had and how do we keep that balanced. How do we make Hanover more livable, open space, recreation,
town center. Bigger buildings are not desirable.
Kate Maldondo and Jeff Davis worked with the other group of members. Meaghan Mort reports that there are many similarities
between the two groups. Independence Park not tying anything together, no transportation and after dark you are kind of just
stuck. Recognized housing needs to exist outside of Hyannis. We need to build out in our village centers appropriately with
duplexes and three family homes close to public transportation. The areas around Route 6A and Route 132 toward the college
might be right for a housing incentive zone due to the sewer. We need more parks and recreational areas for children. Many
agreed that we should be expanding out if we are going to build apartments, we should include mixed use (grocery store). Cheryl
Powell reports sewers are not a real problem since they are moving forward, by making additional housing we attract revenue
through businesses and developers.
Avery Revere would like to see buildings and designs from local builders and not big developers. We need to offer incentives to local
people. We do not need to put all the burden on Hyannis and its fire district when it comes to housing. She likes that this plan is
forward thinking.
Sue Rorhbach comments on how some of the fire districts are more burdened than others and asks the town council to look at those
fire districts.
Elizabeth Jenkins returns to report on a couple of items her group mentioned. Developing on a scale that encourages local builders.
Potential for additional data needs around land uses and development that will promote jobs and economic development. A strong
support for family housing. The growth smart initiative as a model for where we want to grow and what needs to be preserved. It
was pointed out that Newport as a parallel to Hyannis for youthfulness, entertainment and energy along with Pinehill’s for their
mixed uses were areas to look at.
Fran Parks comments that people leaving Hyannis traveling toward Marstons Mills and Cotuit see trees and do not think of big
developments and neighborhoods but in fact they exist to the Mashpee line.
Public Comment
George Ledec from Cummaquid has a couple of questions for this committee regarding open space conservation. Asks how the map
showing open space preservation was put together. What tools does the town have in place to encourage open space
conservation? Lastly, on the global level there is an international initiative called 30 X 30. Is this an attainable goal for Barnstable?
Wendy thanks him for his questions and informs him that they will be answered at the next meeting.
Felicia Penn inquires about her vacant seat (Hyannis) not filled. Asia reports that she and Katia are both from Hyannis. Comments
that Hyannis does have sensitive area (west part). Beaches/ponds need to be protected. It was difficult to read the open space
chart, perhaps reporting that information by village would be helpful. Would like to know how much of that open space was
acquired or preserved in Hyannis. Wendy states that her questions will be answered at the next meeting. Elizabeth Jenkins notes
that the table Felicia could not read is in the existing conditions report by village.
Cathy Ledec thanks the committee for their work. She echoes Mr. Ledec’s comments on 30 X 30 but believes it is more like 40 X 30.
Land use changes impact the environment and natural resources. Would like to have had someone from Conservation present
tonight. Urban design guidelines are being redone for Hyannis. Each village needs urban design guidelines. We need to be sure we
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are thinking about climate change when redevelopment. Important of maritime areas, a map of protected areas where the boats
and ferries are following the guidelines. Meaghan Mort asks if she can respond to Ms. Ledec. Meaghan saw her comment about the
dark skies project at a joint meeting and believes this should be looked at further. Fran Parks informs her that all the water districts
have protected land and Avery Revere thanks her for putting a capital “P” on planning.
Next Meeting Date
December 14, 2023
Matters Not Reasonably Anticipated by the Chair
Cheryl Powell makes a motion to adjourn. Asia Graves seconds.
Aye: Wendy Northcross, Cheryl Powell, Sue Rohrbach, Meaghan Mort, Alyssa Chase, Asia Graves, Fran Parks, Lindsey Counsell,
Jennifer Williams, Bob Twiss, Avery Revere
Abstain: none
Respectfully submitted,
Jennifer Engelsen, Office Manager
Further detail may be obtained by viewing the video via Channel 18 on demand at http://www.town.barnstable.ma.us