HomeMy WebLinkAbout12-11-2023 HHDC Joint Meeting Draft Mins (2) 1 Board Members Stephen Robichaud – Chair Robert Twiss – Vice Chair Tim O’Neill - Clerk Mary Barry Michael Mecenas Raymond Sexton Matthew Teague Mathew Levesque – Town Council Liaison Planning & Development Dept. Staff Support Elizabeth Jenkins, AICP, Director James Kupfer, AICP, Assistant Director Kaitlyn Maldonado, Senior Planner Karen Pina, Principal Assistant - karen.pina@town.barnstable.ma.us Town of Barnstable JOINT MEETING PLANNING BOARD and HYANNIS MAIN SREET WATERFRONT HISTORIC DISTRICT COMMISSION Minutes December 11, 2023 Stephen Robichaud – Chair Present Robert Twiss, Vice Chair Present Tim O’Neill – Clerk Present Mary Barry Present Michael Mecenas Present Raymond Sexton Absent Matthew Teague Present Cheryl Powell, Chair Present Jack Kay, Vice Chair Absent Tom Doherty, Clerk Present Laura Cronin Absent Matt Clark Present Jennifer Hinckley Needham Absent Cornelius Cawley Present Kevin Matthews Present Also in attendance were Planning & Development Staff; James Kupfer and Karen Pina, Principal Assistant. Call to Order Introduction of Board Members and Staff Members Notice of Recording The meeting will be televised live via Xfinity Channel 8 or high definition Channel 1072. It may also be accessed via the Government Access Channel live stream on the Town of Barnstable’s website: http://streaming85.townofbarnstable.us/CablecastPublicSite/watch/1?channel=1 Continued Joint Meeting with the Hyannis Main Street Waterfront Historic District Commission Hyannis Main Street Waterfront Historic District Commission (HHDC) call to order HHDC Attendance Roll call Tom Doherty Town of Barnstable Pl a n n in g B oa r d www.town.barnstable.ma.us/PlanningBoard 2 Corneilis Cawley Kevin Matthews Matt Clark Cheryl Powell Planning Board Call to order Planning Board Attendance Roll Call Matt Teague Michael Mecenas Tim O’Neill Mary Barry Bob Twiss Stephen Robichaud Unified Downtown Hyannis Design Guidelines and Regulations In accordance with Section 240-24.1.3.B.2.(a) the Planning Board shall review proposed amendments to the Design and Infrastructure Plan – continued from November 27, 2023 Jim Kupfer gives an update from last meeting and recap of the process thus far. Updated redlined version Dec. 2023, Exhibit A. Guidelines went out for public comment Review of the updated redlined document and changes/amendments made. Also Pg. 9 picture originally was during COVID – put a different picture is here now. Pg. 18 – Building Design Regulations and Guidelines. Insert for paragraph A. HHDC Chair Cheryl Powell – native shade, is there a list? Jim Kupfer, had some Staff work with him on this list. Can edit over time. Tom Doherty, building and design regulations, maximum length of the building – separation. Jim Kupfer, did bring this up, re set back. This is a separate foundation. Not certain how many parcels are of length. Most other lots are small. Tom Doherty, maybe some type of guideline? Doesn’t like a row of buildings. Some separation needed. Administration review, there will be a list of things? Jim Kupfer, shall review, only maintenance, quotes from the draft - replacement shall be in kind and in size. Zoning reflects to pg. 18 – codified in other ways re the frontage of the property. Trying to mimic the historic pattern of Main Street, Hyannis. Gives opportunity for two structures on one lot, but doesn’t require. Public Comment Planning Board Chair Stephen Robichaud - this public hearing is not in any reference to any specific property. Catherine Ledec in attendance. Barnstable resident. Did the Chairs receive comments she submitted? Chairs confirm that they did. Recommend be every three to five years reviewed. Feels more work to be done on this document. Document not good to go, has missing information. Public realm. Landscaping and streetscape. Not much here for public property. Climate change. Urban design guidelines for each village, need unified vision. 3 Eric Schwaab in attendance. Presentation done, Exhibit B. Design Guideline and Regulation Comparison. Cape Cod Commission (CCC) 1994 Design Guideline, handed out. This document has more detail than the draft unified guidelines being presented here. 2005 DIP, 2012 historic guidelines. All of these documents have more detail. Growth Incentive Zone (GIZ). DIP – Design & Infrastructure Plan. There is no reference to character. No update to four stories. Cape Cod Multifamily Housing. A lot of details missing in the unified guidelines. Character matters. Need an architectural review of these draft guidelines. Ask to defer and create a working group. William Headley Smith in attendance. Mathematically this doesn’t work. What is the vision going to be? This is a historic community. Chris Kuhn in attendance, Centerville resident. Doesn’t see anything historic in the draft guidelines. Attorney Rob Brennan in attendance. Barnstable resident and property owner in Hyannis. Speaking as a citizen. Regulation does carry a price and has an impact on development. Cost of and benefit. Why have a Hyannis of 1953 when we need to look forward to future. Challenges and housing needs and cost of development. Development in a form based code. Development challenges. Construction costs. Consider all aspects. Planning Board Chair Stephen Robichaud entertains a motion to close the public hearing, moved by Bob Twiss, seconded by Michael Mecenas, Roll Call Vote Matt Teague – aye Michael Mecenas - aye Tim O’Neill – aye Mary Barry – aye Bob Twiss – aye Stephen Robichaud - aye HHDC Chair Cheryl Powell entertains a motion to close the public hearing, moved by Cornelius Cawley, seconded by Tom Doherty, Roll Call Vote Tom Doherty – aye Cornelius Cawley - aye Kevin Matthews – aye Matt Clark – aye Cheryl Powell - aye Public Hearing is closed. Tim O’Neill reference to telecommunications on the roof. FCC requirements. Jim Kupfer, if opportunities to screen should thrive for, but ultimately there are higher levels of regulations that take precedence. Planning Board Chair Stephen Robichaud – look at document possibly once a year and Local Comprehensive Plan (LCP) will influence the document. Jim Kupfer, put this at the beginning of the document. HHDC Chair Cheryl Powell agrees. Planning Board Chair Stephen Robichaud makes a motion to add to introduction of the Unified Design Regulations and Guidelines that the Hyannis Main Street Waterfront Historic District Commission and the Planning Board convene once per year to discuss his living document, seconded by Bob Twiss, 4 Roll Call Vote: Matt Teague – aye Michael Mecenas – aye Tim O’Neill – aye Mary Barry – aye Bob Twiss – aye Stephen Robichaud – aye HHDC Chair Cheryl Powell makes a motion for the Hyannis Main Street Waterfront Historic District Commission meet with the Planning Board annually to discuss this living document for any amendments or changes, seconded by Kevin Matthews, Roll Call Vote: Tom Doherty – aye Cornelius Cawley – aye Kevin Matthews - aye Matt Clark – aye Cheryl Powell - aye HHDC Chair Cheryl Powell clarifies that historic character will not change per our guidelines. Kevin Matthews, good to assure a living document. Good to have for each village as well. Tom Doherty, character – I don’t know if this is the Hyannis we want. Maybe we need more time and check the character of what we are trying to do. Re look at the process. This is going to quickly. Cornelius Cawley agrees. Is there a way to accommodate part of our mission? HHDC Chair Cheryl Powell, pg. 13 and 15 - put part of ordinance in. Identified as purpose. Jim Kupfer, if looking at historic significance, pg. 5, 6, and 8 and 9. Can add under pg.12 under general ordinance citations – jurisdiction – Jim Kupfer HHDC Chapter 112-24 Purpose– The purpose of this article is to promote the educational, cultural, economic and general welfare of the inhabitants of the Town of Barnstable and the Town’s unique community character, through the preservation and protection of the distinctive characteristics of buildings, structures, ad places significant in the history and architecture of Barnstable and through the preservation, maintenance and improvement of appropriate settings for such buildings, structures and places and the encouragement of new design which is compatible with the existing historical and community character, and through the benefits resulting to the economy of said Town by preserving and enhancing the amenities and historical aspects of the various villages and areas which make Barnstable a desirable place to live and for tourists to visit. Add purpose section to the document. Can add on pg. 12. Kevin Matthews, seems a lot of the problems are things that we don’t have purview over. This is zoning. There are some things that we can’t change or fix. Tom Doherty, can change some things, can we have some sections regarding the length of the building. HHDC Chair Cheryl Powell, would definitely like to keep purpose in – strengthen. HHDC Chair Cheryl Powell makes a motion to add the Purpose, Chapter 112-24 into this document, seconded by Cornelius Cawley, Roll Call Vote: 5 Tom Doherty – aye Cornelis Cawley – aye Kevin Matthews - aye Matt Clark - aye Cheryl Powell - aye Planning Board Chair Stephen Robichaud makes a motion to amend the document to include section 112-24 ordinance to pg. 12 before section 112-29 is referenced in the document, seconded by Tim O’Neill, Roll Call Vote: Matt Teague - aye Michael Mecenas - aye Tim O’Neill - aye Mary Barry - aye Bob Twiss - aye Stephen Robichaud - aye Matt Teague, lengths of parcels/buildings - opportunity for different modules, gables don’t think this is particularly important, as we don’t have vast parcels here in Downtown. Tim O’Neill, this is mostly for aesthetics not zoning. Enough in the guidelines to set the tone, thinks document covers enough. Bob Twiss, when look at in entirety proposal out of length that thought to be inappropriate then say no per the guidelines. HHDC Chair Cheryl Powell 100 ft. – up to. Length. Kevin Matthews, don’t think need to be codified. Tom Doherty, too many guidelines and not enough regulations. Planning Board Chair Stephen Robichaud entertains a motion, moved by Mary Barry to adopt the Unified Downtown Hyannis Design Regulations and Guidelines by repealing Section VII of 2005 Downtown Hyannis Design and Infrastructure Plan and replacing with the Unified Downtown Hyannis Design Regulations and Guidelines as amended, second by Bob Twiss, Roll Call Vote: Matt Teague - nay Michael Mecenas - aye Tim O’Neill - aye Mary Barry – aye Bob Twiss - aye Stephen Robichaud - aye HHDC Chair Cheryl Powell makes a motion (recited by Jim Kupfer) to adopt the Downtown Hyannis Unified Design Regulations and Guidelines as amended and replace the existing guidelines, moved by Cheryl Powell, seconded by Kevin Matthews, Roll Call Vote: Tom Doherty – nay Cornelius Cawley – aye Kevin Matthews – aye Matt Clark – nay Cheryl Powell - aye - 6 Jim Kupfer clarifies: Planning Board has formerly adopted. HHDC – three to two - will need to come back at a later date – need a majority for it to pass. Planning Board Chair Stephen Robichaud entertains a motion to adjourn, moved by Matt Teague, seconded by Mary Barry, Roll Call Vote: Matt Teague - aye Michael Mecenas - aye Tim O’Neill - aye Mary Barry - aye Bob Twiss - aye Stephen Robichaud - aye HHDC Chair Cheryl Powell entertains a motion to adjourn, moved by Cornelius Cawley, seconded by Neil, second by Kevin Matthews, Roll Call Vote: Tom Doherty - aye Cornelius Cawley - aye Kevin Matthews - aye Matt Clark - aye Cheryl Powell - aye Adjournment from Joint Meeting with the Hyannis Main Street Waterfront Historic District Commission Respectfully Submitted Karen Pina, Principal Assistant Planning & Development Further detail may be obtained by viewing the video via Channel 18 on demand at http://www.town.barnstable.ma.us