HomeMy WebLinkAbout2023-12-20-2023 HHDC Draft Minutes (1) Town of Barnstable Hyannis Main Street Waterfront Historic District Commission www.townofbarnstable.ma.us/hyannismainstreet MINUTES December 20, 2023 6:30 p.m. Members Present: Cheryl Powell, Kevin Matthews. Laura Cronin, Cornelius Cawley, Matt Clark and Jack Kay Members Absent: Tom Doherty and Jennifer Hinckley Needham Staff Present: James Kupfer, Assistant Director, and Karen Pina, Principal Assistant, Planning & Development Dept. in attendance. To all persons deemed interested or affected by the Town of Barnstable’s Hyannis Main Street Waterfront Historic District Commission Ordinance under Chapter 112, Article III of the Code of the Town of Barnstable, you are hereby notified that a hearing is being held at Town Hall, 367 Main Street, Hyannis, MA Selectmen’s Conference Room, 2nd Floor 6:30 P.M. on Wednesday, December 20, 2023. The meeting will be televised live via Xfinity Channel 8 or high definition Channel 1072. It may also be accessed via the Government Access Channel live stream on the Town of Barnstable’s website: http://streaming85.townofbarnstable.us/CablecastPublicSite/watch/1?channel=1 Please silence your cell phones Call to Order Attendance Roll Call Kevin Matthews Cornelius Cawley Matt Clark Laura Cronin Jack Kay Cheryl Powell Welcome to New Members, Special Guests, Advisors and Comments Updates • Trainings • Awards • Correspondence Reminder of Commission’s Purpose and Proper Procedure Minor Modifications Wayne Kurker – 77 Pleasant Street, Hyannis – Map 327 Parcel 118 Egress – Stairs Wayne Kurker in attendance. He gives an explanation of the proposed modification. Moved the house. During construction stairs were built and saw that worked better than original design for stairs. Reference to orange staircase on rendering, Exhibit A. Pg. 2, dark green colored is proposal of how would like to build the staircase. Trim and all other renovations have been done as approved per previous approved Decision. False chimney is same size as original, which also came to this Commission and was approved for minor modification. Chair Cheryl Powell gives a history from when applicant first came and got approved Decision. Came back regarding chimney. Commission agreed. 2 Chair Cheryl Powell opens up public comment. None. Commissioners all in agreement with revised staircase. Chair Cheryl Powell entertains a motion for the Findings, moved by Cornelius Cawley to find this application to be compatible with the preservation and protection of the district, seconded by Kevin Matthews, Roll Call Vote: Jack Kay - aye Matt Clark - aye Kevin Matthews - aye Laura Cronin - aye Cornelius Cawley - aye Cheryl Powell - aye Chair Cheryl Powell entertains a motion for a Certificate of Appropriateness (COA) (minor modification for COA), moved by Cornelius Cawley to issue for application at 77 Pleasant Street as described in the submitted materials, seconded by Jack Kay, Roll Call Vote: Cornelius Cawley - aye Laura Cronin - aye Kevin Matthews - aye Matt Clark - aye Jack Kay - aye Cheryl Powell - aye New Business Verizon New England, Inc. – 49 Ocean Street, Hyannis – Map 326 Parcel 025 New Fence Applicant requests to continue to January 17, 2024. Chair Cheryl Powell reads in email letter request dated December 19, 2023, from Bob Bradley for continuance to January 17, 2024, per Site Plan Review finalization. Chair Cheryl Powell entertains a motion to continue, moved by Cornelius Cawley, seconded by Kevin Matthews, Roll Call Vote: Cornelius Cawley - aye Laura Cronin – aye Kevin Matthews - aye Matt Clark - aye Jack Kay - aye Cheryl Powell - aye Matters not Reasonably Anticipated by the Chair Chair Cheryl Powell directs to Staff/Jim Kupfer about next steps for Design Guidelines. Jim Kupfer gives history of the Design Guidelines, 3 to 2 vote when last joint meeting with the Planning Board. Will provide some dates to reconvene for this matter. Also, will need to re notice, 14 days in advance. Most likely late January or early February. Planning Board is open to another joint meeting if needed. Chair Cheryl Powell gives review of the Design Guidelines history as started. Length was an issue, 100 ft. One suggestion and Planning Board agreed to meet on a yearly basis. Kevin Matthews, maybe anyone not on the walk around could go another time. Willing to do to see everyone else’s side/opinion. Chair Cheryl Powell, can Commission do in entirety? 3 Jim Kupfer replies, recommend two (2) members at a time to walk members around. Will put out a poll to see when Commissioners would be available. Kevin Matthews, this would be helpful to see and understand. Chair Cheryl Powell asks Staff to coordinate and get comments to compare with draft. Can submit differences that they may have to Planning Board. Matt Clark, need to have a sense of concerns. Discussion regarding a walking trip. Laura Cronin, Patriot Press Bldg. was to be renovated and restored. Needs to be repaired. Can we request Planning Board bring it forward? Jim Kupfer, can make a request for an update for this. Approval of November 15, 2023, Draft Minutes Chair Cheryl Powell entertains a motion to approve the draft minutes of November 15, 2023, moved by Kevin Matthews, seconded by Laura Cronin, Roll Call Vote: Cornelius Cawley - aye Laura Cronin - aye Kevin Matthews - aye Matt Clark - aye Jack Kay - aye Cheryl Powell - aye Approval of November 27, 2023, Joint Meeting with Planning Board draft minutes Chair Cheryl Powell entertains a motion to approve the draft minutes of November 27, 2023, moved by Cornelius Cawley, seconded by Kevin Matthews, Roll Call Vote: Cornelius Cawley – aye Laura Cronin - aye Kevin Matthews - aye Matt Clark - aye Jack Kay - aye Cheryl Powell - aye Next HHDC meetings scheduled for January 3, 2024 and January 17, 2024 Adjournment Chair Cheryl Powell entertains a motion to adjourn, moved by Laura Cronin, seconded by Kevin Matthews, Roll Call Vote: Matt Clark - aye Jack Kay aye Kevin Matthews - aye Laura Cronin - aye Cornelius Cawley - aye Cheryl Powell - aye The meeting ended at 7:00 p.m. Respectfully submitted, Karen Pina 4 Further detail may be obtained by viewing the video via Channel 18 on demand at http://www.town.barnstable.ma.us List of Exhibit Documents Exhibit A - Wayne Kurker – 77 Pleasant Street, Hyannis – Map 327 Parcel 118 – sketch of staircase