HomeMy WebLinkAbout20240123 NOI Hempstead 11 Freezer Rd Mit Plan-reduced3'3'3'NON-NATIVE SPECIESMANAGEMENT-PHASE 1PHRAGMITESMANAGEMENT-PHASE 2(OPTIONAL)NON-NATIVE SPECIESMANAGEMENT-PHASE 3 (OPTIONAL)NON-NATIVE SPECIESMANAGEMENT-PHASE 2 (OPTIONAL)EXISTING SALTMARSH TO REMAINMITIGATION AREA(2,000 SF +/-)EXTENTS OF VIEWWINDOW TO BEMAINTAINEDMAINTAIN 3' WIDEACCESS AROUNDLIVING SPACES; BUFFERTO BE COMPRISED OFNATIVE SEDGEEXTENTS OF VIEWWINDOW TO BEMAINTAINEDPHRAGMITESMANAGEMENT-PHASE 3(OPTIONAL)NON-NATIVE SPECIESMANAGEMENT-PHASE 3 (OPTIONAL)EDGE OF FILTEREDVIEW WINDOW TOBE MAINTAINEDEDGE OF FILTEREDVIEW WINDOW TOBE MAINTAINEDAREA OF SPORADICJAPANESE KNOTWEEDTO MANAGE IN PHASE 1(12)Lb(12) Vt(22)Am(11)Cal(13) Cam(12)Lb(10) Co(10) Iv(10) Iv(10) Co(10) Vc(10) Vt(10) Lb(8) Vc(8) Vd(10) Vd(10) Cal(10) Cal(1) ArNON-NATIVE SPECIESMANAGEMENT-PHASE 3 (OPTIONAL)PHRAGMITESMANAGEMENT-PHASE 3(OPTIONAL)PHRAGMITESMANAGEMENT-PHASE 1PROPERTY LINEPROPERTY LINEPROPERTY LINEL IM I T O F WORKLIM IT OF WORKLIMIT OF WORKSCALE:DATE:NO:DATE:REVISION:BY:All rights reserved. The drawings, designs, andideas embodied therein are property of CLMand shall not be copied, reproduced, ordisclosed in connection with any work otherthan the project for which they have beenprepared, in whole or part, without priorwritten authorization of CLM.88 Route 6A, Suite 2B | Sandwich, MA 02563www.crawfordlm.com | 508.477.1346BARNSTABLE, MA 11 FREEZER ROAD HEMPSTEAD RESIDENCE 1/9/241" = 20'1 of 1MITIGATION/RESTORATION PLANN20 10 0 20 60PHRAGMITES MANAGEMENT-PHASE 1OPTIONAL PHRAGMITES MANAGEMENT-PHASES 2 & 3NON-NATIVE SPECIESMANAGEMENT- PHASE 1OPTIONAL NON-NATIVE SPECIESMANAGEMENT- PHASES 2 & 3DOWN CAPE ENGINEERING939 ROUTE 6A, SUITE CYARMOUTH PORT, MA 02675O: (508) 362-4541F: (508) 362-9880SURVEYOR/ENGINEER:CLM WILL NOT PROVIDEOVERSIGHT OR CERTIFICATIONFOR ANY WORK COMPLETEDBY OTHERS, NOR DOES CLMTAKE ANY RESPONSIBILITY FORWORK COMPLETED BY OTHERS.PLANT SCHEDULE- MITIGATION AREASYMBOL SCIENTIFIC NAMECOMMON NAMEQTY.SIZEWOODY SHRUBSAmAronia melanocarpaBlack chokeberry22#3 - #5CalClethra alnifoliaClethra11 #3 - #5CamCorylus americanaAmerican hazelnut13 #3 - #5LbLindera benzoinSpicebush24#3 - #5VtViburnum trilobumAmerican cranberrybush12#3 - #5GRASS PLUGS FOR ACCESS PATH/BUFFER AROUND LIVING SPACES (14" O.C.)Carex pensylvanicaPennsylvania sedge750 DP50Restoration Seed Mix:Carex brevior (Plains Oval Sedge), Danthonia spicata(Poverty Oat Grass), Schizachyrium scoparium (LittleBluestem), Sporobolus cryptandrus (Sand Dropseed)MITIGATION AND RESTORATION NOTES*see the Project Activity Timeline in the Land Management Planfor more details regarding the timeline of proposed work.SITE PREPARATION WITHIN THE CONSTRUCTION LIMIT OF WORK:·After construction work is complete, a soil compaction meter will beused to determine if soils remain over-compacted by constructionactivity. If so, soils will be ripped to de-compact until compactionmeter readings are acceptable.·The area will be fine-graded, raked smooth and prepared forseeding or planting with specified materials.INITIAL INVASIVE MANAGEMENT·Treat and remove all approved invasive, non-native oraggressive vegetation using an appropriate herbicide(Glyphosate-based or Triclopyr-based) using a cut andwipe method.·Vegetation to be flush cut leaving the roots in place tomaintain soil stability.·Seed all exposed soils with the specified Restoration SeedMix and cover with a thin layer of clean hardwood woodchips OR hydro-seed with the ProGanics Biotic SoilMedia/Flexterra erosion control system.·Rejuvenate any native shrub species uncovered in therestoration area, if needed, with regenerative pruningtechniques to encourage new, dense growth.PHRAGMITES MANAGEMENT:·Cut and remove dead stalks prior to the start of the growingseason to facilitate the treatment process later in thegrowing season.·Where stalks occur densely enough, bundle, cut and treatcut ends using a Glyphosate-based herbicide speciallyformulated for use around aquatic environments.·If stalks are sparse, cut stalks individually and treat with anappropriate herbicide.·If stalks are too small to cut and treat, use a swipe methodto apply an appropriate herbicide to the stalks and leaves.·Manage re-growth over the following seasons using a swipemethod or low-volume foliar spray to apply herbicide to thestalks and leaves, ideally in the late summer or early fall.KNOTWEED MANAGEMENT:·In late summer or early fall, treat Japanese knotweed using a steminjection method with a Glyphosate product between the nodesinside the stem.·In winter or early spring, remove old/dead stalks from treatmentarea to ease the treatment process later in the growing season.·Repeat treatment for several growing seasons to achieve completeeradication. Knotweed which has grown back in awitch-broom-like manner should be treated with a foliar applicationmethod on an as-needed basis with a Glyphosate-based product,ideally in the late summer or early fall.MAINTENANCE & ESTABLISHMENT FOR ALL NATURALIZED AREAS(3 SEASONS MIN.):·Monitor mitigation/restoration area and performmaintenance cut and wipe treatments or hand weedinvasive, non-native, and aggressive species that havegerminated from existing seed bank, or re-sprouted fromroots after removal.·Mow/cut cool season grasses in June to encourageestablishment of warm-season grasses, if necessary.·Rejuvenate native shrub species, if needed, withregenerative pruning techniques to encourage new, densegrowth.RESTORATION PLANTING:·Mitigation plantings are to be installed once constructionand site preparation activities are complete.·Restoration plantings may be installed once invasivespecies have achieved at least 80% control.·Plantings to be installed ideally in the spring or fall.SUPPLEMENTAL IRRIGATION:·Install a temporary, above-ground irrigation system toprovide supplemental water to all plantings for 2-3 growingseasons, or until plants are fully established.APPLICATOR & OVERSIGHT QUALIFICATIONS:·Herbicide application will only be completed byMassachusetts state-licensed and insured pesticideapplicators knowledgeable with invasive, non-native, andnative plant identification, both in-leaf and bare-twig.·All restoration work will be overseen by a CertifiedEcological Restoration Practitioner (CERP).ANNUAL MONITORING REPORTS:Submit annual monitoring reports each year for three years tothe Conservation Commission. Annual monitoring reports shouldinclude:·Representative project area photographs·Project activities completed to-date·Anticipated activities to be completed during the next year·Assessment of invasive species management progress·Assessment of restoration planting establishment·Recommendations for any changes in land managementtechniques necessary to ensure the success of the project·Any unexpected or arbitrary changes to the project areaMITIGATION AREA (2,000 SF +/-)EXISTING SITE FEATURE TO BEREMOVED OR RECONFIGUREDINVASIVE NORWAY MAPLE TREEFOR REMOVALPLANT SCHEDULE- PHASE 1 INVASIVE REMOVAL AREASYMBOL SCIENTIFIC NAMECOMMON NAMEQTY.SIZETREESArAcer rubrumRed maple1#15 or equiv.WOODY SHRUBSCalClethra alnifoliaClethra20 #2 - #5CoCephalanthus occidentalisButtonbush20 #2 - #5IvIlex verticillataWinterberry20 #2 - #5LbLindera benzoinSpicebush10 #2 - #5VcVaccinium corymbosumHighbush blueberry18 #2 - #5VdViburnum dentatumArrowwood viburnum18 #2 - #5VtViburnum trilobumAmerican cranberrybush10 #2 - #5NOT FORCONSTRUCTION(ISSUED FORPERMITTING)KNOTWEED MANAGEMENT- PHASE 1*A PLANTING PLAN FOR PHASES 2 & 3WILL BE PROVIDED FOR APPROVAL BYTHE CONSERVATION ADMINISTRATORPRIOR TO IMPLEMENTATION.*SEE SITE PLAN BY DOWN CAPE ENGINEERING FORA BREAKDOWN OF MITIGATION CALCULATIONS.