HomeMy WebLinkAboutPublic Comment from Fish in Opposition1 Ziino, Genevey From:Susan Fish <susanf0731@gmail.com> Sent:Wednesday, September 13, 2023 12:21 PM To:Brigham, Anna Subject:Fwd: Meeting 9/13 - Proposed Wendy's on West Main Street, Hyannis Ms. Brigham, I am not in favor of allowing a Wendy's to exist on West Main Street in Hyannis across from the Barnstable High School. I live on Oak Hill Road, the residential neighborhood across the street (off Pine Street). My thoughts: 1. Traffic. In recent years West Main Street has become highly traveled. Before and after school, this section can be gridlocked with buses and cars. Adding a Wendy's drive through will exacerbate this problem. What is the plan for back up traffic during peak hours, let alone during the normal day? Even the addition of lights will have a limited impact during these times. 2. Safety. There are many who walk to the high school. There will also be many students who will cross the street to go to Wendy's during the day. Even with the addition of a crosswalk or lights, I suspect there will be some who don't take the time to walk to the corner to cross. Cars crossing from the High School parking lot will add to the gridlock. Do we have the staff to physically monitor this area to assure safety. 3. Rodents. Wendy's cooks on site. This raises a sanitation concern certainly for the residential neighborhood, as well as neighboring businesses of an increasing number of rats and I suspect seagulls. Not the conditions we want or deserve. 4. Healthy foods. The Town of Barnstable and food service have made a great effort to provide healthy food choices for the students. I suspect many parents would not want their children to have easy access to some of the choices available at Wendy's. 5. Appropriate location. Wendy's restaurants are historically found in busy, retail locations e.g. Route 132 in Hyannis. This location is at the fringe of occasional stores on West Main Street, across the street from a busy high school, and adjacent to a residential neighborhood. I believe there are far better choices of locale for a second Wendy's in Hyannis. I am disappointed I won't be able to attend the meeting. I hope you will take my statement into consideration and deny Wendy's the ability to build a restaurant at this location. Thank you, Susan Fish CAUTION:This email originated from outside of the Town of Barnstable! Do not click links, open attachments or reply, unless you recognize the sender's email address and know the content is safe!