HomeMy WebLinkAbout20240116 NOI Nedder 30 Oxford Dr FINAL Prepared by: 349 Route 28, Unit D W. Yarmouth, Massachusetts 02673 30 Oxford Drive, Cotuit Notice of Intent Application Proposed Extension of Existing Pier Town of Barnstable Conservation Commission January 2024 Prepared for: Antonia Nedder 16 Bayberry Lane Westport, CT 06880 BSC Job #50861.00 Engineers Environmental Scientists Software Developers Landscape Architects Planners Surveyors 349 Main Street, Route 28, Unit D /West Yarmouth, MA 02673 /508-778-8919 DECEMBER28, 2023 www.bscgroup.com Town of Barnstable Conservation Commission 230 South Street Hyannis MA 02601 Attn: Darcy Karle, Conservation Administrator RE: Notice of Intent Application, Proposed Extension of Existing Pier, 30 Oxford Drive, Cotuit, MA BSC Job #50861.00 Dear Ms. Karle and Members of the Conservation Commission: BSC Group, Inc. (BSC) is pleased to submit this Notice of Intent (NOI) Application on behalf of Antonia Nedder (the Applicant), for the property located at 30 Oxford Drive, Cotuit, MA (the Site). The proposed project at the Site involves the extension of an existing pier into No Bottom Pond. For more information, please refer to the attached Site Plans and attached narrative. Enclosed please find the Notice of Intent application and accompanying materials. If you have any questions or require additional information, please contact our office at (508) 778 - 8919. Truly yours, BSCGROUP,INC. Hannah Raddatz Wetland Scientist cc: Antonia Nedder, 16 Bayberry Lane, Westport, CT 06880 Barnstable Waterways Committee, 1189 Phinney's Lane, Centerville MA 02632 Massachusetts DEP SERO, 20 Riverside Dr, Lakeville, MA 02347 TABLE OF CONTENTS Item Attachment Barnstable Application Forms 1 Notice of Intent Form 2 Project Description 3 USGS Site Locus Map 4 FEMA Map 5 NHESP Priority & Estimated Habitat Map 6 Site Photographs 7 BVW Data Forms 8 Abutter Information 9 Site Plans 10 Chap 707/rev. March 2022 Page 1 CHAPTER 707 Regulation Governing Minimum Submission Requirements for a Notice of Intent Application The Barnstable Conservation Commission has adopted the following requirements in order to obtain more consistently complete submission documents necessary for a thorough and efficient review of all Notice of Intent (NOI) applications. Failure to complete any of the items in this checklist may result in your application being denied. Applicant or applicant’s agent should check each box denoting that the task has been completed or in certain instances, like field staking, denoting that the task will be completed. The following submission checklist covers the requirements of Chapter 237, Wetlands Protection, of the Part I General Ordinances of the Code of the Town of Barnstable. This checklist shall be submitted to the Barnstable Conservation Division with the NOI application. 1. Requirements a. The applicant understands, unless they’ve instructed otherwise, they are applying both under the Massachusetts Wetlands Protection Act M.G.L. c.131,§40 and Chapter 237 of the Town of Barnstable General Ordinances. b. Attach a written narrative to the NOI application (WPA Form 3), available at: www.mass.gov/eea/agencies/massdep/service/approvals/wpa-form-3.html describing any project impacts and proposed mitigation as they relate to the following: 1) Any of the interests of Chapter 237 of the General Ordinances and the MassDEP Wetlands Protection Act M.G.L. 131, §40. 2) The performance standards contained in the MassDEP Wetlands Protection Regulations (310 CMR 10.00) 3) Chapter 704: Regulation Governing Activity in the 100-ft. Buffer Zone. 4) Chapter 703: Private Docks and Piers. 5) Any other applicable regulations (310 CMR 10.00 or as promulgated under Chapter 237 of the General Ordinances). c. Enclose proper payment to cover the fee for Chapter 237 filings. Consult current Fee Schedule at www.townofbarnstable.us/Conservation d. Please indicate who is to record the Order of Conditions (check one): Applicant Agent 2. Abutter Notification (See Abutter Notification Regulation, Chapter 706) Town of Barnstable Conservation Commission 230 South Street Hyannis Massachusetts 02601 Office: 508-862-4093 E-mail: conservation@town.barnstable.ma.us x x x x x x x x x x Chap 707/rev. March 2022 Page 2 a. Contact the Conservation Division office at (508) 862-4093 regarding the docketing process, or see current schedule of Conservation Hearings and submission deadlines at: www.townofbarnstable.us/Conservation/ b. Provide a copy of the list of abutters within a 100 ft radius of the project parcel. c. Provide a copy of the Assessor’s Map indicating the parcel of the project site and showing the 100 ft radius of the project parcel. d. Provide a copy of the abutter notification letter. Use the form letter provided in our Abutter Notification Regulation (Chapter 706), available on the Conservation Division website. e. Bring the green return receipts, from the certified mailings to the abutters, as proof of notification to the public hearing. If any mailings are returned, bring the entire envelope, indicating by postal service stamp the reason for return. You will retain the receipts afterwards, not the Conservation Division. f. I further certify under the penalties of perjury that all abutters were notified of the Notice of Intent Application, pursuant to the requirements of Chapter 237 of the General Ordinances of the Code of the Town of Barnstable. Notice must be made in writing by certified mail to all abutters within 100 ft of the property line of the project location. _______________________________________ Signature of Applicant or Representative Date 3. Field Staking: a. On or before Tuesday, @ 8:30 a.m., one week prior to the scheduled public hearing, have your project staked by a professional engineer or registered land surveyor showing all outside corners of all proposed structures and the continuous proposed “limit of work” line. b. Have a wetland scientist or other qualified professional flag all wetland resource areas on or within 100 ft of the work area. Make sure that the flags are sequentially numbered. c. Provide a project identification stake with bright painted top and applicant name and address, easily visible from the street approaching the site. 4. Legal Advertisement Fees: a. Conservation will submit the legal ad for publication in a local newspaper. The applicant or his/her agent is responsible for payment, by check (payable to the Town of Barnstable), at the hearing or by mail. The cost of the legal ad will be pre-calculated and posted on the hearing agenda prior to the hearing. 5. Minimum Documentation for a Complete Application: a. Provide a completely filled-out (in all parts) NOI application as locally adopted for the Town of Barnstable, including MassDEP Vegetated Wetland Field Data Form. Indicate Assessor’s map and parcel of the project, as well as the street or road address, and pertinent village (i.e., Hyannis, Centerville, Barnstable, etc). b. Provide two (2) original project plans, stamped in blue or red ink (wet stamp). Plans must be signed and dated by a Massachusetts licensed, professional engineer, land surveyor, architect or landscape architect (as applicable), and shall be drawn at a readable scale (1" = 20' preferred). For multi-acre sites, a second site plan, drawn at larger scale showing the entire site, should also be provided. x x x x x x 11/21/2023 x x x x x x Chap 707/rev. March 2022 Page 3 c. Provide a signed Permission to Access Property, Form PA. The form must be signed by the property Owner, or legal representative and submitted prior to NOI being docketed and application advertised. Form PA is available at www.townofbarnstable.us/Conservation/. Do not send the abutter letter out until the form is submitted to the Conservation Division office. d. For projects requiring mitigation plantings under Chapter 704-3, 704-4, and 704-5, mitigation planting location(s) shall clearly be shown on landscaping planting plan. The planting plan shall include species list (chosen from the Town of Barnstable Conservation Commission approved planting lists), sizes, densities and/or quantities. The plan shall also provide area calculations between 0 to 50 and 50 to 100 separately for the amount of mitigation planting required, and the amount of mitigation planting proposed. e. Provide detailed, written street directions to the locus (site). f. Provide a copy of a U.S.G.S. locus map indicating the general area of the project site. g. Provide a check for the Town of Barnstable portion of the required filing fee. (The portion payable to the Commonwealth, see 7. e. below) h. Provide any other documentation, photographs, architectural renderings or other supporting data prepared by professionals competent in the field which may be relevant to the application. 6. The site plan shall also show: a. All existing and proposed contours at 2-ft. minimum intervals (1-ft. preferred). b. Clear delineation of all existing and proposed structures and features. Building structures must be accurately dimensioned (fixed location) from property lines and wetland resource areas. Plans shall provide sufficient detail to show all potential wetland impacts, mitigation, compensatory areas, engineered structures, utilities, landscaping, etc. within the area of jurisdiction. On complicated sites, existing and proposed conditions must be shown on separate sheets. c. Locus inset map of the site clearly showing its location relative to surrounding public streets. d. All wetland resource area flags by individual flag number (matched to the field) to clearly identify all resource areas on or within 100 feet of the work area. The individual who performed the flagging and date of flagging shall be identified on the plan next to the resource line. e. Section views showing changes in grade, cuts and fills. 7. SUBMISSION OF THE COMPLETED APPLICATION WITH PLANS: a. Provide a signed Permission to Access Property, Form PA. The form must be signed by the property Owner, or legal representative and submitted prior to NOI being docketed and application advertised. Form PA is available at www.townofbarnstable.us/Conservation/. Do not send the abutter letter out until the form is submitted to the Conservation Division office. b. Email NOI application and all associated materials in PDF format to Kimberly.Cavanaugh@town.barnstable.ma.us AND Darcy.Karle@town.barnstable.ma.us . Do not include copies of checks. All attachments must be named with the hearing date (year first), type, name, address. Examples 20220301 NOI Smith 21 Main Street or 2022031 NOI Plan Smith 21 Main Street. c. Provide two (2) full NOI applications with folded plans (colored ink stamp) with signature/date to the Town of Barnstable Conservation Division Office for administrative use; x x x x x x x x x x x x x         !"  !#$%&   & '()' ('%&              *&&+& ( (',-($'        .&((-($' ( (' ( / 0   12*'($ 3()'       4 (0 ('5 $ (' $$$ $ 6'&(('($ (4 ((7" 89    :((  *'($53(&(7  3()'  ; <3  0((& ' 0'(& "  0((&  ,=   0'(&    $(%&     $0(%&    $ '(" '('  #(%  %   0(%   8'>(' *0' :((  -((  3()' 3)  :((   <3   . .'%&    #9%&  '('' ? $  4 ! $  ('5@&  '( $ '(7"3. 6 (.'''     -.'$$'&(  '(.  &(1& '$(.(6 ( & &, '( &(.(&' 6 %(" *  $('(.   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Coastal engineering Structure 7. Agriculture (e.g., cranberries, forestry) 8. Transportation 9. Other 7b. Is any portion of the proposed activity eligible to be treated as a limited project (including Ecological Restoration Limited Project) subject to 310 CMR 10.24 (coastal) or 310 CMR 10.53 (inland)? 1. Yes No If yes, describe which limited project applies to this project. (See 310 CMR 10.24 and 10.53 for a complete list and description of limited project types) 2. Limited Project Type If the proposed activity is eligible to be treated as an Ecological Restoration Limited Project (310 CMR10.24(8), 310 CMR 10.53(4)), complete and attach Appendix A: Ecological Restoration Limited Project Checklist and Signed Certification. 8. Property recorded at the Registry of Deeds for: Barnstable a. County b. Certificate # (if registered land) 32528 c. Book 28 d. Page Number B. Buffer Zone & Resource Area Impacts (temporary & permanent) 1. Buffer Zone Only – Check if the project is located only in the Buffer Zone of a Bordering Vegetated Wetland, Inland Bank, or Coastal Resource Area. 2. Inland Resource Areas (see 310 CMR 10.54-10.58; if not applicable, go to Section B.3, Coastal Resource Areas). Check all that apply below. Attach narrative and any supporting documentation describing how the project will meet all performance standards for each of the resource areas altered, including standards requiring consideration of alternative project design or location.          !"  !#$%&   & '()' ('%&              *&&+& ( (',-($'        .&((-($' ( (' ( / 0   12*'($ 3()'   ! "#      $    %"   &$ '(& +& :> $((' +$  '(5'7   *'6   $'(   $'(  * 'I((  -($'   @&(   @&(   @&(   @&( 0' C'  -( '  -(  &     +& :> $((' +$  '(5'7 #$$4 (  ('(. +& 1 $(( . '( 9$''. 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Identify the method for BVW and other resource area boundary delineations (MassDEP BVW Field Data Form(s), Determination of Applicability, Order of Resource Area Delineation, etc.), and attach documentation of the methodology. 4. List the titles and dates for all plans and other materials submitted with this NOI. Plan to Accompany A Notice of Intent a. Plan Title BSC Group Inc. b. Prepared By Kieran J. Healy, PLS c. Signed and Stamped by 12/18/2023 d. Final Revision Date 1" = 20' e. Scale f. Additional Plan or Document Title g. Date 5. If there is more than one property owner, please attach a list of these property owners not listed on this form. 6. Attach proof of mailing for Natural Heritage and Endangered Species Program, if needed. 7. Attach proof of mailing for Massachusetts Division of Marine Fisheries, if needed. 8. Attach NOI Wetland Fee Transmittal Form 9. Attach Stormwater Report, if needed. E. Fees 1. Fee Exempt: No filing fee shall be assessed for projects of any city, town, county, or district of the Commonwealth, federally recognized Indian tribe housing authority, municipal housing authority, or the Massachusetts Bay Transportation Authority. Applicants must submit the following information (in addition to pages 1 and 2 of the NOI Wetland Fee Transmittal Form) to confirm fee payment: 1028 2. Municipal Check Number 12/19/2023 3. Check date 1027 4. State Check Number 12/19/2024 5. Check date Joseph A and Antonia R 6. Payor name on check: First Name Nedder 7. Payor name on check: Last Name noifeetf.doc • Wetland Fee Transmittal Form • rev. 10/11 Page 1 of 2 Massachusetts Department of Environmental Protection Bureau of Resource Protection - Wetlands NOI Wetland Fee Transmittal Form Massachusetts Wetlands Protection Act M.G.L. c. 131, §40 Important: When filling out forms on the computer, use only the tab key to move your cursor - do not use the return key. A. Applicant Information 1. Location of Project: 30 Oxford Drive a. Street Address Barnstable (Cotuit) b. City/Town 1027 c. Check number $66.50 d. Fee amount 2. Applicant Mailing Address: Antonia a. First Name Nedder b. Last Name c. Organization 16 Bayberry Lane d. Mailing Address Westport e. City/Town CT f. State 06880 g. Zip Code h. Phone Number i. Fax Number antonianedder@gmail.com j. Email Address 3. Property Owner (if different): a. First Name b. Last Name c. Organization d. Mailing Address e. City/Town f. State g. Zip Code h. Phone Number i. Fax Number j. Email Address To calculate filing fees, refer to the category fee list and examples in the instructions for filling out WPA Form 3 (Notice of Intent). B. Fees Fee should be calculated using the following process & worksheet. Please see Instructions before filling out worksheet. Step 1/Type of Activity: Describe each type of activity that will occur in wetland resource area and buffer zone. Step 2/Number of Activities: Identify the number of each type of activity. Step 3/Individual Activity Fee: Identify each activity fee from the six project categories listed in the instructions. Step 4/Subtotal Activity Fee: Multiply the number of activities (identified in Step 2) times the fee per category (identified in Step 3) to reach a subtotal fee amount. Note: If any of these activities are in a Riverfront Area in addition to another Resource Area or the Buffer Zone, t he fee per activity should be multiplied by 1.5 and then added to the subtotal amount. Step 5/Total Project Fee: Determine the total project fee by adding the subtotal amounts from Step 4. Step 6/Fee Payments: To calculate the state share of the fee, divide the total fee in half and subtract $12.50. To calculate the city/town share of the fee, divide the total fee in half and add $12.50. noifeetf.doc • Wetland Fee Transmittal Form • rev. 10/11 Page 2 of 2 Massachusetts Department of Environmental Protection Bureau of Resource Protection - Wetlands NOI Wetland Fee Transmittal Form Massachusetts Wetlands Protection Act M.G.L. c. 131, §40 B. Fees (continued) Step 1/Type of Activity Step 2/Number of Activities Step 3/Individual Activity Fee Step 4/Subtotal Activity Fee Category 5a.) Pier 1 39.5' x $4 $158.00 Barnstable Bylaw Fee ($2.50/lf+$250) $348.75 Step 5/Total Project Fee: $158.00 Step 6/Fee Payments: Total Project Fee: $158.00 a. Total Fee from Step 5 State share of filing Fee: $66.50 b. 1/2 Total Fee less $12.50 City/Town share of filling Fee: $91.50 c. 1/2 Total Fee plus $12.50 C. Submittal Requirements a.) Complete pages 1 and 2 and send with a check or money order for the state share of the fee, payable to the Commonwealth of Massachusetts. Department of Environmental Protection Box 4062 Boston, MA 02211 b.) To the Conservation Commission: Send the Notice of Intent or Abbreviated Notice of Intent; a copy of this form; and the city/town fee payment. To MassDEP Regional Office (see Instructions): Send a copy of the Notice of Intent or Abbreviated Notice of Intent; a copy of this form; and a copy of the state fee payment. (E-filers of Notices of Intent may submit these electronically.) Notice of Intent 30 Oxford Drive Cotuit, MA PROJECT DESCRIPTION 1.0 INTRODUCTION The proposed project at 30 Oxford Drive in Cotuit, MA (the Site) consists of the permitting a pier extension (the Project). This application is being submitted in accordance with the Town of Barnstable Wetlands Protection Bylaw (the Barnstable Bylaw) and Massachusetts Wetlands Protection Act and associated regulations (the WPA). 2.0 SITE DESCRIPTION The property located at 30 Oxford Drive in Cotuit, is bordered by private residences to the east, west, and south, with No Bottom Pond (a freshwater pond) to the north. The lot is currently developed with a single-family dwelling and a small pier at the edge of No Bottom Pond. The jurisdictional wetland resource areas that are protected under the Barnstable Bylaw and the WPA includes Bordering Vegetated Wetland (BVW), Inland Bank (Bank) to No Bottom Pond, Land Under Waterbodies associated with No Bottom Pond, as well as the associated 100-foot Buffer Zones to BVW and Bank. 3.0 PROPOSED ACTIVITIES The purpose of this application is to authorize the following proposed activities: Proposed Extension of Pier: The proposed project at the site consists of the extension of an existing pier (permitted under SE3-5062) and the addition of a float (as previously permitted but not fully built). The existing grated decking installed at the edge of No Bottom Pond will be replaced by a pier extending by 22.5’ to reach the outer edge of vegetation and approximately 2-3 feet of water for kayak access (non-motorized boat access). The proposed pier will be supported by helical anchor piles and will extend 33.5’. Two 2” metal pipes will be installed at least 6’ below grade at end of the extended pier. A seasonal float will be installed using the aforementioned metal pipes as support pilings. The seasonal float will be 6’ wide by 10’ feet long. The proposed pier extension and seasonal float will comply with the conditions listed in the Barnstable Conservation Commission Guidelines for Private Freshwater Docks, Piers and Floats. No vegetation trimming or clearing within BVW or the associated buffer zone is proposed as there is already an opening for the pier and an existing 4’ wide access path. Because the impacts to Land Under Water will be minimal and no significant change to the 0-50-foot Buffer Zone to BVW and Inland Bank is anticipated, the proposed project is not anticipated to have any adverse impacts on jurisdictional resource areas and their associated buffer zones. 4.0 MITIGATION The proposed project will have minimal impacts to Land Under Water, Inland Bank, BVW and the 100-foot Buffer Zones to BVW. Access will be gained from the existing cleared 4’ wide path which leads from the lawn to the edge of water. Work to install the pier will be done by hand, with no anticipated need for construction equipment. No ground disturbance is proposed for the work, however if any rutting or disturbance should occur during the construction process, all disturbed areas will be returned to their original grade and stabilized with native grass seed mix and covered in straw for stabilization. Copyright:© 2013 National Geographic Society, i-cubed 70°26'0"W 70°26'0"W 70°27'0"W 70°27'0"W 41°38'0"N41°38'0"N41°37'0"N41°37'0"NDocument Path: P:\5086100\Environmental\GIS\Output\Maps\MXD\ReportMaps\Locus_Map.mxd Date Saved: 11/1/2023 6:05:35 PM THIS DOCUMENT IS INTENDED FOR GENERAL PLANNING & INFORMATION PURPOSES ONLY. ALL MEASUREMENTS & LOCATIONS ARE APPROXIMATE Scale:Source: 2013 National Geographic Society, i-cubed30 OXFORD DR, COTUIT, MA Locus Map (Page size: 8.5 X 11) 1 inch = 1,667 feet 0 875 1,750 Feet H 1:20,000 ,SITE LOCUS 1 D W L R Q D O ) O R R G + D ] D U G / D \ H U ) , 5 0 H W W H ˘ ˘ ˘ ) H H W ı 6 ( ( ) , 6 5 ( 3 2 5 7 ) 2 5 ' ( 7 $ , / ( ' / ( * ( 1 ' $ 1 ' , 1 ' ( ; 0 $ 3 ) 2 5 ) , 5 0 3 $ 1 ( / / $ < 2 8 7 6 3 ( & , $ / ) / 2 2 ' + $ = $ 5 ' $ 5 ( $ 6 : L W K R X W % D V H ) O R R G ( O H Y D W L R Q % ) ( = R Q H $ 9 $ ˝ ˝ : L W K % ) ( R U ' H S W K = R Q H $ ( $ 2 $ + 9 ( $ 5 5 H J X O D W R U \ ) O R R G Z D \ $ Q Q X D O & K D Q F H ) O R R G + D ] D U G $ U H D V R I D Q Q X D O F K D Q F H I O R R G Z L W K D Y H U D J H G H S W K O H V V W K D Q R Q H I R R W R U Z L W K G U D L Q D D U H D V R I O H V V W K D Q R Q H V T X D U H P L O H = R Q H ; ) X W X U H & R Q G L W L R Q V $ Q Q X D O & K D Q F H ) O R R G + D ] D U G = R Q H ; $ U H D Z L W K 5 H G X F H G ) O R R G 5 L V N G X H W R / H Y H H 6 H H 1 R W H V = R Q H ; $ U H D Z L W K ) O R R G 5 L V N G X H W R / H Y H H = R Q H ' 1 2 6 & 5 ( ( 1 $ U H D R I 0 L Q L P D O ) O R R G + D ] D U G = R Q H ; $ U H D R I 8 Q G H W H U P L Q H G ) O R R G + D ] D U G = R Q H ' & K D Q Q H O & X O Y H U W R U 6 W R U P 6 H Z H U / H Y H H ' L N H R U ) O R R G Z D O O & U R V V 6 H F W L R Q V Z L W K $ Q Q X D O & K D Q F H ˆ ˘ : D W H U 6 X U I D F H ( O H Y D W L R Q & R D V W D O 7 U D Q V H F W & R D V W D O 7 U D Q V H F W % D V H O L Q H 3 U R I L O H % D V H O L Q H + \ G U R J U D S K L F ) H D W X U H % D V H ) O R R G ( O H Y D W L R Q / L Q H % ) ( ( I I H F W L Y H / 2 0 5 V / L P L W R I 6 W X G \ - X U L V G L F W L R Q % R X Q G D U \ ' L J L W D O ' D W D $ Y D L O D E O H 1 R ' L J L W D O ' D W D $ Y D L O D E O H 8 Q P D S S H G 7 K L V P D S F R P S O L H V Z L W K ) ( 0 $ V V W D Q G D U G V I R U W K H X V H R I G L J L W D O I O R R G P D S V L I L W L V Q R W Y R L G D V G H V F U L E H G E H O R Z 7 K H E D V H P D S V K R Z Q F R P S O L H V Z L W K ) ( 0 $ V E D V H P D S D F F X U D F \ V W D Q G D U G V 7 K H I O R R G K D ] D U G L Q I R U P D W L R Q L V G H U L Y H G G L U H F W O \ I U R P W K H D X W K R U L W D W L Y H 1 ) + / Z H E V H U Y L F H V S U R Y L G H G E \ ) ( 0 $ 7 K L V P D S Z D V H [ S R U W H G R Q D W ˛ 3 0 D Q G G R H V Q R W U H I O H F W F K D Q J H V R U D P H Q G P H Q W V V X E V H T X H Q W W R W K L V G D W H D Q G W L P H 7 K H 1 ) + / D Q G H I I H F W L Y H L Q I R U P D W L R Q P D \ F K D Q J H R U E H F R P H V X S H U V H G H G E \ Q H Z G D W D R Y H U W L P H 7 K L V P D S L P D J H L V Y R L G L I W K H R Q H R U P R U H R I W K H I R O O R Z L Q J P D S H O H P H Q W V G R Q R W D S S H D U ˛ E D V H P D S L P D J H U \ I O R R G ] R Q H O D E H O V O H J H Q G V F D O H E D U P D S F U H D W L R Q G D W H F R P P X Q L W \ L G H Q W L I L H U V ) , 5 0 S D Q H O Q X P E H U D Q G ) , 5 0 H I I H F W L Y H G D W H 0 D S L P D J H V I R U X Q P D S S H G D Q G X Q P R G H U Q L ] H G D U H D V F D Q Q R W E H X V H G I R U U H J X O D W R U \ S X U S R V H V / H J H Q G 2 7 + ( 5 $ 5 ( $ 6 2 ) ) / 2 2 ' + $ = $ 5 ' 2 7 + ( 5 $ 5 ( $ 6 * ( 1 ( 5 $ / 6 7 5 8 & 7 8 5 ( 6 2 7 + ( 5 ) ( $ 7 8 5 ( 6 0 $ 3 3 $ 1 ( / 6 ˙ % 7 K H S L Q G L V S O D \ H G R Q W K H P D S L V D Q D S S U R [ L P D W H S R L Q W V H O H F W H G E \ W K H X V H U D Q G G R H V Q R W U H S U H V D Q D X W K R U L W D W L Y H S U R S H U W \ O R F D W L R Q ˛ ˇ ˆ … ˆ : … ˆ ˙ 1 ˆ … ˇ ˘ : … ˆ 1 % D V H P D S , P D J H U \ 6 R X U F H ˛ 8 6 * 6 1 D W L R Q D O 0 D S BARNSTABLE MASHPEE 70°27'0"W 70°27'0"W Document Path: P:\5086100\Environmental\GIS\Output\Maps\MXD\ReportMaps\NHESP_Map.mxd Date Saved: 11/1/2023 6:10:40 PM THIS DOCUMENT IS INTENDED FOR GENERAL PLANNING & INFORMATION PURPOSES ONLY. ALL MEASUREMENTS & LOCATIONS ARE APPROXIMATE Scale:Source: 2013 National Geographic Society, i-cubed30 OXFORD DR, COTUIT, MA NHESP Map (Page size: 8.5 X 11) 1 inch = 250 feet 0 130 260 Feet H 1:3,000 ,PROJECT AREA Sources: Esri, HERE, Garmin, Intermap, increment P Corp., GEBCO, USGS, FAO, NPS, NRCAN, GeoBase, IGN, Legend Town Boundary kj Certified Vernal Pools kj Potential Vernal Pools NHESP Priority Habitats NHESP Estimated Habitats Areas of Critical Environmental Concern 3KRWR9LHZRIH[LVWLQJSLHUDQGHGJHRI1R%RWWRP3RQGIURPH[LVWLQJSDWKWRSURSHUW\ /RRNLQJQRUWK 3KRWR9LHZRIH[LVWLQJSDWKVRXWKHUQHGJHRISLHUDQG%9: DWWKHHGJHRI1R%RWWRP3RQG IURPH[LVWLQJSLHU/RRNLQJVRXWK 6LWH3KRWRJUDSKV 2FWREHU 2[IRUG'ULYH &RWXLW0$ 3DJH BORDERING VEGETATED WETLAND DETERMINATION FORM Project/Site: ___________________________________ City/Town: ____________________ Sampling Date: ___________ Applicant/Owner: ____________________________________________ Sampling Point or Zone: ____________________ Investigator(s):_______________________________________________Latitude / Longitude:________________________ Soil Map Unit Name:_________________________________________ NWI or DEP Classification: ___________________ Are climatic/hydrologic conditions on the site typical for this time of year? Yes _____ No _____ (If no, explain in Remarks) Are Vegetation _______ , Soil ______ , or Hydrology _____ significantly disturbed? (If yes, explain in Remarks) Are Vegetation _______ , Soil ______ , or Hydrology _____ naturally problematic? (If yes, explain in Remarks) SUMMARY OF FINDINGS – Attach site map and photograph log showing sampling locations, transects, etc. Wetland vegetation criterion met? Yes ______ No ______ Is the Sampled Area within a Wetland? Yes ____ No _____ Hydric Soils criterion met? Yes ______ No ______ Wetlands hydrology present? Yes ______ No ______ Remarks, Photo Details, Flagging, etc.: HYDROLOGY Field Observations: Surface Water Present? Yes ______ No _______ Depth (inches) ______________ Water Table Present? Yes ______ No _______ Depth (inches) ______________ Saturation Present (including capillary fringe)? Yes ______ No _______ Depth (inches) ______________ Wetland Hydrology Indicators Reliable Indicators of Wetlands Hydrology Indicators that can be Reliable with Proper Interpretation Indicators of the Influence of Water ____ Water-stained leaves ___ Hydrological records ____ Direct observation of inundation ____ Evidence of aquatic fauna ___ Free water in a soil test hole ____ Drainage patterns ____ Iron deposits ___ Saturated soil ____ Drift lines ____ Algal mats or crusts ___ Water marks ____ Scoured areas ____ Oxidized rhizospheres/pore linings ___ Moss trim lines ____ Sediment deposits ____ Thin muck surfaces ___ Presence of reduced iron ____ Surface soil cracks ____ Plants with air-filled tissue (aerenchyma) ___ Woody plants with adventitious roots ____ Sparsely vegetated concave surface ____ Plants with polymorphic leaves ___ Trees with shallow root systems ____ Microtopographic relief ____ Plants with floating leaves ____ Hydrogen sulfide odor ___ Woody plants with enlarged lenticels ____ Geographic position (depression, toe of slope, fringing lowland Remarks (describe recorded data from stream gauge, monitoring well, aerial photos, previous inspections, if available): This form is only for BVW delineations. Other wetland resource areas may be present and should be delineated according to the applicable regulatory provisions. &ŽƌŵZĞǀŝƐĞĚ:ƵůLJϮϬϮϯ 30 Oxford Drive Cotuit (Barnstable) 10/6/2023 Antonia Nedder Wetland Plot Hannah Raddatz, BSC Group 41.626640, -70.448008 Carver coarse sand, 8 to 15 percent slopes PEM1E ✔ ✔ ✔ Steep bank drops down to a narrow (5'-15' wide) BWV surrounding freshwater pond, upland forest and maintained lawn adjacent to narrow BVW fringe ✔ ✔3.00 ✔1.00 ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ Freshwater pond adjacent to data plot ✔ ✔ Sampling Point__________ 2 VEGETATION – Use both common and scientific names of plants. Tree Stratum Plot size _______________________ Common name Scientific name Indicator Status Absolute % Cover Dominant? (yes/no) Wetland Indictor? (yes/no) 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. ________ = Total Cover Shrub/Sapling Stratum Plot size _______________________ Common name Scientific name Indicator Status Absolute % Cover Dominant? (yes/no) Wetland Indictor? (yes/no) 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. ________ = Total Cover Herb Stratum Plot size _______________________ Common name Scientific name Indicator Status Absolute % Cover Dominant? (yes/no) Wetland Indictor? (yes/no) 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. ________ = Total Cover &ŽƌŵZĞǀŝƐĞĚ:ƵůLJϮϬϮϯ Wetland Plot 30' Pitch Pine Pinus rigida FACU 20.0 Yes No Black Oak Quercus velutina UPL 15.0 Yes No Choke Cherry Prunus virginiana FACU 10.0 No No Red Maple Acer rubra FAC 10.0 No Yes 55.0 15' Common Buttonbush Cephalanthus occidentalis OBL 5.0 No Yes Smooth Arrowwood Viburnum dentatum FAC 5.0 No Yes Common Winterberry Ilex verticillata FACW 30.0 Yes Yes Sweet pepperbush Clethra alnifolia FAC 40.0 Yes Yes 80.0 5' Sphagnum sp Sphagnum sp OBL 20.0 Yes Yes Sweet pepperbush Clethra alnifolia FAC 5.0 No Yes 25.0 Sampling Point__________ 3 VEGETATION – continued. Woody Vine Stratum Plot size _______________________ Common name Scientific name Indicator Status Absolute % Cover Dominant? (yes/no) Wetland Indictor? (yes/no) 1. 2. 3. 4. ________ = Total Cover Rapid Test: Do all dominant species have an indicator status of OBL or FACW? Yes _____ No ________ Dominance Test: Number of dominant species Number of dominant species that are wetland indicator plants Do wetland indicator plants make up ш 50% of dominant plant species? Yes ______ No _______ Prevalence Index: OBL species Total % Cover (all strata) Multiply by: Result X 1 = FACW species X 2 = FAC species X 3 = FACU species X 4 = UPL species X 5 = Column Totals (A) (B) Prevalence Index B/A = Is the Prevalence Index ч 3.0? Yes ______ No _______ Wetland vegetation criterion met? Yes _______ No ________ Definitions of Vegetation Strata Tree - Woody plants 3 in. (7.62 cm) or more in diameter at breast height (DBH), regardless of height Shrub / Sapling - Woody plants less than 3 in. (7.62 cm) DBH and greater than or equal to 3.3 ft. (1 m) tall Herb - All herbaceous (non-woody plants, regardless of size, and woody plants less than 3.3 ft. (1 m) tall Woody vines - All woody vines greater than 3.3 ft. (1 m) in height Cover Ranges Range Midpoint 1-5 % 3.0 % 6-15 % 10.5 % 15-25 % 20.5 % 26-50 % 38.0 % 51-75 % 63.0 % 76-95 % 85.5 % 96-100 % 98.0 % &ŽƌŵZĞǀŝƐĞĚ:ƵůLJϮϬϮϯ Wetland Plot 30' fox grape Vitis labrusca FACU 30.0 Yes No glaucous-leaved greenbriar Smilax glauca FACU 20.0 Yes No 50.0 ✔ 73 ✔ 20 30 60 80 15 20.00 60.00 180.00 320.00 75.00 205 655 3.20 ✔ ✔ Sampling Point__________ 4 SOIL Profile Description: (Describe to the depth needed to document the indicator or confirm the absence of indicators) Depth (inches) Matrix Redox Features Texture Remarks Color (moist) % Color (moist) % Type1 Location2 1Type: C=Concentration, D=Depletion, RM=Reduced Matrix, MS=MaskĞd Sand Grains 2Location: PL=Pore Lining, M=Matrix Hydric Soil Indicators (Check all that apply) Indicators for Problematic Hydric Soils ____ Histosol (A1) ____ Polyvalue Below Surface (S8) ____ 2 cm Muck (A10) ____ Histic Epipedon (A2) ____ Thin Dark Surface (S9) ___ 5 cm Mucky Peat or Peat (S3) ____ Black Histic (A3) ____ Hydrogen Sulfide (A4) ____ Loamy Gleyed Matrix (F2) ____ Stratified Layers (A5) ____ Depleted Matrix (F3) ____ Depleted Below Dark Surface (A11) ____ Redox Dark Surface (Fϲ) ___ Iron-Manganese Masses (F12) ____ Thick Dark Surface (A12) ____ Depleted Dark Surface (Fϳ) ___ Mesic Spodic (A17) ____ Sandy Mucky Mineral (S1) ___ Red Parent Material (F21) ____ Sandy Gleyed Matrix (S4) ___ Very Shallow Dark Surface (FϮϮ) ____ Sandy Redox (S5) ___ Other (Include Explanation in Remarks) ____ Stripped Matrix (S6) ____ Dark Surface (S7) Restrictive Layer (if observed) Type: _____________________________ Depth (inches): ______________________ Remarks: Hydric Soils criterion met? Yes _______ No ________ ____ ZĞĚŽdžĞƉƌĞƐƐŝŽŶƐ(&ϴ) &ŽƌŵZĞǀŝƐĞĚ:ƵůLJϮϬϮϯ Wetland Plot 0-16 10YR 4/2 100.00 loamy sand saturated at surface, water in hole at 3" 16-24 10YR 5/2 100.00 sand ✔ ✔ BORDERING VEGETATED WETLAND DETERMINATION FORM Project/Site: ___________________________________ City/Town: ____________________ Sampling Date: ___________ Applicant/Owner: ____________________________________________ Sampling Point or Zone: ____________________ Investigator(s):_______________________________________________Latitude / Longitude:________________________ Soil Map Unit Name:_________________________________________ NWI or DEP Classification: ___________________ Are climatic/hydrologic conditions on the site typical for this time of year? Yes _____ No _____ (If no, explain in Remarks) Are Vegetation _______ , Soil ______ , or Hydrology _____ significantly disturbed? (If yes, explain in Remarks) Are Vegetation _______ , Soil ______ , or Hydrology _____ naturally problematic? (If yes, explain in Remarks) SUMMARY OF FINDINGS – Attach site map and photograph log showing sampling locations, transects, etc. Wetland vegetation criterion met? Yes ______ No ______ Is the Sampled Area within a Wetland? Yes ____ No _____ Hydric Soils criterion met? Yes ______ No ______ Wetlands hydrology present? Yes ______ No ______ Remarks, Photo Details, Flagging, etc.: HYDROLOGY Field Observations: Surface Water Present? Yes ______ No _______ Depth (inches) ______________ Water Table Present? Yes ______ No _______ Depth (inches) ______________ Saturation Present (including capillary fringe)? Yes ______ No _______ Depth (inches) ______________ Wetland Hydrology Indicators Reliable Indicators of Wetlands Hydrology Indicators that can be Reliable with Proper Interpretation Indicators of the Influence of Water ____ Water-stained leaves ___ Hydrological records ____ Direct observation of inundation ____ Evidence of aquatic fauna ___ Free water in a soil test hole ____ Drainage patterns ____ Iron deposits ___ Saturated soil ____ Drift lines ____ Algal mats or crusts ___ Water marks ____ Scoured areas ____ Oxidized rhizospheres/pore linings ___ Moss trim lines ____ Sediment deposits ____ Thin muck surfaces ___ Presence of reduced iron ____ Surface soil cracks ____ Plants with air-filled tissue (aerenchyma) ___ Woody plants with adventitious roots ____ Sparsely vegetated concave surface ____ Plants with polymorphic leaves ___ Trees with shallow root systems ____ Microtopographic relief ____ Plants with floating leaves ____ Hydrogen sulfide odor ___ Woody plants with enlarged lenticels ____ Geographic position (depression, toe of slope, fringing lowland Remarks (describe recorded data from stream gauge, monitoring well, aerial photos, previous inspections, if available): This form is only for BVW delineations. Other wetland resource areas may be present and should be delineated according to the applicable regulatory provisions. &ŽƌŵZĞǀŝƐĞĚ:ƵůLJϮϬϮϯ 30 Oxford Drive Cotuit (Barnstable) 10/6/2023 Antonia Nedder Upland Plot Hannah Raddatz, BSC Group 41.626492, -70.448201 Carver coarse sand, 8 to 15 percent slopes ✔ ✔ ✔ Upland forest and maintained lawn adjacent to narrow BVW fringe/freshwater pond ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ Sampling Point__________ 2 VEGETATION – Use both common and scientific names of plants. Tree Stratum Plot size _______________________ Common name Scientific name Indicator Status Absolute % Cover Dominant? (yes/no) Wetland Indictor? (yes/no) 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. ________ = Total Cover Shrub/Sapling Stratum Plot size _______________________ Common name Scientific name Indicator Status Absolute % Cover Dominant? (yes/no) Wetland Indictor? (yes/no) 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. ________ = Total Cover Herb Stratum Plot size _______________________ Common name Scientific name Indicator Status Absolute % Cover Dominant? (yes/no) Wetland Indictor? (yes/no) 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. ________ = Total Cover &ŽƌŵZĞǀŝƐĞĚ:ƵůLJϮϬϮϯ Upland Plot 30' Pitch Pine Pinus rigida FACU 40.0 Yes No Black Oak Quercus velutina UPL 30.0 Yes No 70.0 15' Carolina rhododendron Rhododendron carolinianum 20.0 No No Burning bush Euonymus alatus 15.0 Yes No Weeping forsythia Forsythia suspensa 5.0 No No Norway maple Acer platanoides UPL 5.0 No No Black oak Quercus velutina FACU 5.0 No No 50.0 5' English Ivy Hedera helix FACU Yes Yes Yes 0.0 Sampling Point__________ 3 VEGETATION – continued. Woody Vine Stratum Plot size _______________________ Common name Scientific name Indicator Status Absolute % Cover Dominant? (yes/no) Wetland Indictor? (yes/no) 1. 2. 3. 4. ________ = Total Cover Rapid Test: Do all dominant species have an indicator status of OBL or FACW? Yes _____ No ________ Dominance Test: Number of dominant species Number of dominant species that are wetland indicator plants Do wetland indicator plants make up ш 50% of dominant plant species? Yes ______ No _______ Prevalence Index: OBL species Total % Cover (all strata) Multiply by: Result X 1 = FACW species X 2 = FAC species X 3 = FACU species X 4 = UPL species X 5 = Column Totals (A) (B) Prevalence Index B/A = Is the Prevalence Index ч 3.0? Yes ______ No _______ Wetland vegetation criterion met? Yes _______ No ________ Definitions of Vegetation Strata Tree - Woody plants 3 in. (7.62 cm) or more in diameter at breast height (DBH), regardless of height Shrub / Sapling - Woody plants less than 3 in. (7.62 cm) DBH and greater than or equal to 3.3 ft. (1 m) tall Herb - All herbaceous (non-woody plants, regardless of size, and woody plants less than 3.3 ft. (1 m) tall Woody vines - All woody vines greater than 3.3 ft. (1 m) in height Cover Ranges Range Midpoint 1-5 % 3.0 % 6-15 % 10.5 % 15-25 % 20.5 % 26-50 % 38.0 % 51-75 % 63.0 % 76-95 % 85.5 % 96-100 % 98.0 % &ŽƌŵZĞǀŝƐĞĚ:ƵůLJϮϬϮϯ Upland Plot 30' English Ivy Hedera helix FACU 15.0 Yes No Glaucous-leaved greenbriar Smilax glauca FACU 5.0 Yes No 20.0 ✔ 60 ✔ 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0 0 0.00 ✔ Sampling Point__________ 4 SOIL Profile Description: (Describe to the depth needed to document the indicator or confirm the absence of indicators) Depth (inches) Matrix Redox Features Texture Remarks Color (moist) % Color (moist) % Type1 Location2 1Type: C=Concentration, D=Depletion, RM=Reduced Matrix, MS=MaskĞd Sand Grains 2Location: PL=Pore Lining, M=Matrix Hydric Soil Indicators (Check all that apply) Indicators for Problematic Hydric Soils ____ Histosol (A1) ____ Polyvalue Below Surface (S8) ____ 2 cm Muck (A10) ____ Histic Epipedon (A2) ____ Thin Dark Surface (S9) ___ 5 cm Mucky Peat or Peat (S3) ____ Black Histic (A3) ____ Hydrogen Sulfide (A4) ____ Loamy Gleyed Matrix (F2) ____ Stratified Layers (A5) ____ Depleted Matrix (F3) ____ Depleted Below Dark Surface (A11) ____ Redox Dark Surface (Fϲ) ___ Iron-Manganese Masses (F12) ____ Thick Dark Surface (A12) ____ Depleted Dark Surface (Fϳ) ___ Mesic Spodic (A17) ____ Sandy Mucky Mineral (S1) ___ Red Parent Material (F21) ____ Sandy Gleyed Matrix (S4) ___ Very Shallow Dark Surface (FϮϮ) ____ Sandy Redox (S5) ___ Other (Include Explanation in Remarks) ____ Stripped Matrix (S6) ____ Dark Surface (S7) Restrictive Layer (if observed) Type: _____________________________ Depth (inches): ______________________ Remarks: Hydric Soils criterion met? Yes _______ No ________ ____ ZĞĚŽdžĞƉƌĞƐƐŝŽŶƐ(&ϴ) &ŽƌŵZĞǀŝƐĞĚ:ƵůLJϮϬϮϯ Upland Plot 0-16 10YR 3/3 100.00 loamy sand 16-24 10YR 3/6 100.00 sand ✔ NOTICE OF INTENT ABUTTER NOTIFICATION LETTER DATE: RE: Upcoming Barnstable Conservation Commission Public Hearing To Whom It May Concern, As an abutter within 100 feet of a proposed project, please be advised that a NOTICE OF INTENT application has been filed with the Barnstable Conservation Commission. APPLICANT: PROJECT ADDRESS OR LOCATION: ASSESSOR’S MAP & PARCEL: MAP PARCEL PROJECT DESCRIPTION: ________________________________________________________ APPLICANT’S AGENT: PUBLIC HEARING: WILL BE HELD REMOTELY VIA ZOOM See agenda posting on Town Clerks website available at least 48 hours in advance of the meeting for details. DATE: / / TIME: P.M. NOTE: Plans and applications describing the proposed activity are on file with the Conservation Commission at https://itlaserfiche.town.barnstable.ma.us/WebLink/Browse.aspx?id=825530&dbid=0&repo=TownOfBarns table, by email to Kimberly.Cavanaugh@town.barnstable.ma.us or by calling (508-862-4093) 12/28/2023 Antonia Nedder 30 Oxford Drive, Cotuit 21 62 Proposed extension of existing pier Hannah Raddatz, BSC Group 349 Route 28, Unit D West Yarmouth, MA 02673 1 16 2024 3:00 2,100.00Conservation Notice of Intent (NOI) Abutter Map for Subject Parcel 021062This map is for illustration purposes only. It is not adequate for legal boundary determination or regulatory interpretation. This map does not represent an on-the-ground survey. It may be generalized, may not reflect current conditions, and may contain cartographic errors or omissions.LegendProperty owners within 100 feet of the perimeter of the subject parcel upon which work is proposed. Parcel lines shown on this map are only graphic representations of Assessor’s tax parcels. They are not true property boundaries and do not represent accurate relationships to physical objects on the map such as building locations.88Town of BarnstableGIS Unit17511/1/2023gis@town.barnstable.ma.usPrinted on:0ft.175Subject ParcelAbutters100 ft. Bufferft.1 inch = approx.ParcelsTown BoundaryRailroad TracksBuildingsApprox. BuildiBuildingsParking LotsPavedUnpavedRoadsPaved RoadUnpaved RoadBridgePaved MedianWater Bodies Conservation Notice of Intent (NOI) Abutter List for Subject Parcel 021062Property owners within 100 feet of the perimeter of the subject parcel upon which work is proposed. Parcel ID Owner 1 Owner 2 Address Line 1 Address Line 2 City State Zip021046 FITZGERALD, EDWARD F JR & GABRIELLA P25 OXFORD DRIVE COTUIT 02635MA 021047 ENGLEMAN, ROBERT J 39 OXFORD DRIVE COTUIT 02635MA 021061 PALMER, FREDERICK E & PATRICIA K TRSPATRICIA K PALMER TRUST 22 OXFORD DRIVE COTUIT 02635MA 021062 NEDDER, JOSEPH A TR&NEDDER, ANTONIA R TRJOSEPH A & ANTONIA R NEDDER 2019 FAM TRS16 BAYBERRY LANE WESTPORT 06880CT 021063 BUTTS, SHEILA B 112 SPIERS ROAD NEWTON CENTER 02459MA 022114 KAISER, ERIC M & ROBERTA J 25 QUEEN ANNE LANE COTUIT 02635MA 11/1/2023 5:35 PMReport Generated On:Page 1 of 16Total Number of Abutters:This list by itself does NOT constitute a "Certified List of Abutters" and is provided only as an aid to the determination of abutters. If a Certified Abutter List is required, you must contact the Assessing Division to have this list certified.