HomeMy WebLinkAboutPublic Comment from G. Williams in Opposition1 Ziino, Genevey From:williams-greg@comcast.net Sent:Wednesday, January 24, 2024 1:27 PM To:Brigham, Anna; Ziino, Genevey; Jenkins, Elizabeth Subject:Wendy's Restaurant application - 715 West Main Street, Hyannis Dear ZBA members, I am writing in very strong opposition to the application to allow a drive-through facility at a proposed restaurant at the corner of Pine Street and West Main Street in Hyannis: 715 West Main Street. I understand that this parcel is zoned HB, so a restaurant is a permitted use. I also understand that it must be a challenge for ZBA to consider applications that change the use, and greatly intensify traffic, at properties which is very near or directly abuts residential areas. 715 West Main Street is such a parcel. The best use for that location is a bank, insurance office, real estate office, medical office, or some similar use that does not significantly increase traffic and allows the residential butters a quality of life. The property housed a bank since 1983 and the neighbors were fortunate to have nights, weekends, and holidays noise-free. A drive-through situation in a fast food restaurant like Wendy's depends on maximizing the vehicular throughput. West Main Street is already increasingly clogged. Allowing intense vehicular use, such as a drive-through function, at that location would severely negatively impact traffic on Pine Street and West Main Street. Secondly, the neighborhoods throughout the side streets will suffer greatly, just last week a resident from Lincoln Rd asked the Town Council to assist his neighborhood with speeding cars. The existing businesses will suffer by loss of business due to the congestion and customers choosing to avoid the area. My primary concern is citizens' safety. Barnstable High School is directly across the street. A restaurant such as Wendy's is bound to attract many high school students and crossing busy West Main Street is a disastrous accident waiting to happen. Years ago, the intersection at Pine and West Main was redesigned due to accidents and fatalities. I speak for dozens of my neighbors who are adamantly opposed to a drive-through situation at 715 West Main Street. I hope that you put the interests of our community, its residents, its residential taxpayers, and the safety of our students ahead of the commercial interests of a fast food franchise owner. Additionally, I hope that you require signage that is in keeping with the local Centerville neighborhood and not what we are seeing on rt 132. The buildings up until the last few years have dormers, peaks, and attractive details, character is the word I would describe the buildings. Route 132 has changed dramatically, losing the charm we once had. Older buildings such as EMS, the Christmas Tree Shop plaza, Sam Diegos, and the Fairfield Inn have that quaint look Cape Cod still has. If you look at the new Bank of America, Holiday Inn, Wendy’s, Citizens Bank, and Walgreens the buildings are modern, square blocks and do not resemble the character of the upper and lower cape. Falmouth has maintained a mix of modern and dormered buildings to maintain the charm we know as Cape Cod. If you approve this project, please enforce the building to resemble the older buildings along Rt 28 in Centerville and West Main Street and not a modern Wendys such as the one on rt 132. Lastly, the owners of the property have neglected the parcel for over two years with overgrown grass and landscaping. They are not good neighbors. Lamberts, the Daily Paper, Cape Fish the funeral home, and businesses along West Main 2 Street take pride in their appearances and this company allowed the parcel to become an eyesore. The old motel and church at the corner of Lincoln and W Main have always maintained their buildings despite being vacant and the 715 West Main Street building is a mess. The owners chose to allow this to occur with zero regard for the businesses, residents, and town of Barnstable. Past behavior predicts future behavior and they will continue to have little regard for the neighborhood and Town. Thank you, Greg Williams Barnstable