HomeMy WebLinkAboutM-120623 December 6, 2023 Page 1 of 8 1 Zoning Board of Appeals MINUTES Wednesday, December 6, 2023 at 7:00 PM To all persons interested in or affected by the actions of the Zoning Board of Appeals, you are hereby notified, pursuant to Section 11 of Chapter 40A of the General Laws of the Commonwealth of Massa chusetts, and all amendments thereto, that a public hearing on the following appeals will be held on Wednesday, December 6, 2023, at the time indicated: The Zoning Board of Appeals Public Hearing will be held by remote participation methods. Public access to this meeting shall be provided in the following manner: 1. The meeting will be televised live via Xfinity Channel 8 or high definition Channel 1072. It may also be accessed via the Government Access Channel live stream on the Town of Barnstable’s website: http://streaming85.townofbarnstable.us/CablecastPublicSite/watch/1?channel=1 2. Real-time access to the Zoning Board of Appeals meeting is available utilizing the Zoom link or telephone number and Meeting ID provided below. Public comment can be addressed to the Zoning Board of Appeals by utilizing the Zoom link or telephone number and Meeting ID provided below: Join Zoom Meeting Option Telephone Number Option https://townofbarnstable- us.zoom.us/j/83731660579 US Toll-free 888 475 4499 Meeting ID: 837 3166 0579 Meeting ID: 837 3166 0579 3. Applicants, their representatives and individu als required or entitled to appear before the Zoning Board of Appeals may appear remotely, and may participate through accessing the link or telephone number provided above. Documentary exhibits and/or visual presentations should be submitted in advance of the meeting to anna.brigham@town.barnstable.ma.us so that they may be displayed for remote public access viewing. Copies of the applications are available for review by calling (508) 862-4682 or emailing anna.brigham@town.barnstable.ma.us. Call to Order Chair Jake Dewey calls the meeting to order at 7:02 PM with an introduction of Board members: Also present is Anna Brigham, Principal Planner, and Genna Ziino, Administrative Assistant. Notice of Recording This meeting of the Zoning Board of Appeals is being recorded and broadcast on the Town of Barnstable’s Government Access Channel. In accordance with MGL Chapter 30A §20, I must inquire whether anyone is recording this meeting and if so, to please make their presence known. Minutes October 25, 2023 – Mark Hansen moves to approve the minutes. Aaron Webb seconds. Member Present Absent Dewey, Jacob – Chair X Bodensiek, Herbert – Vice Chair X Pinard, Paul – Clerk X Alves, Manny X Hansen, Mark X Hurwitz, Larry X Johnson, Denise X Webb, Aaron X Page 2 of 8 2 Vote: Aye: Jake Dewey, Herb Bodensiek, Aaron Webb, Denise Johnson, Mark Hansen, Larry Hurwitz Nay: None Old Business 7:00 PM Appeal No. 2023-019 Vilsaint Kevin Y. and Corrie L. Vilsaint have applied for a Special Permit in accordance with Section 240-47.2 Accessory Dwelling Units (ADUs). The Applicants seek to remove and replace an existing accessory structure with a new accessory dwelling unit (ADU). The Applicants also seek to modify Special Permit No. 2020-038 to allow further build out of the property for the accessory dwelling unit and additions to the principal dwelling. The subject property is located at 358 Flint Street, Marstons Mills, MA as shown on Assessor’s Map 101 as Parcel 121. It is located in the Residence F (RF) Zoning District. Members assigned: Dewey, Webb, Bodensiek, Pinard and Johnson. Continued from August 23, 2023 and October 25, 2023. Paul Pinard is an assigned member but is absent. Larry Hurwitz will sit on this instead, as he attended the original hearing. Attorney Chris Kirrane is representing the applicants. He explains the two requests being made: the first is to add an addition to the main dwelling. The addition will comply with current zoning—the only reason it needs to come before the Board is because of a prior condition in an existing special permit (2020-038) limiting buildout. The second request is to raze an existing accessory structure and replace it with a structure that is in kind. They are asking for relief because the proposed structure is larger than the allowed 900 sq.ft. This will increase housing stock in the town and does not derogate from the bylaw. It will be going from 3 bedrooms to 2 and will eliminate the front yard nonconformity. They have gotten approval from historic. Back to the Board for questions. The Board expresses confusion because nothing has changed about this situation since the last meeting, so their concerns about the size of the ADU still stand. The Board had asked for justification—if they are razing the structure, why can’t the new structure be built to conform with the size requirement. 900 sq. ft. was determined by Town Council to be the appropriate size for creating ADU housing. Attorney Kirrane believes his presentation has shown that this will not be more detrimental. He believes Town Council added in the option for a special permit for situations like this. Attorney Kirrane says it does not sound like he has the votes needed to grant the ADU so he would like to withdraw that part and reconvene with his client about the addition part. Anna Brigham says the Board may consider requesting an amended application so she can amend the staff report. Chair Dewey opens for public comment. There is none. The Chairman leaves public comment open. Chair Dewey makes a motion to continue this to January 10, 2024. Herb Bodensiek seconds. Vote: Aye: Jake Dewey, Herb Bodensiek, Denise Johnson, Mark Hansen, Aaron Webb, Larry Hurwitz Nay: None Appeal No. 2023-019 Vilsaint is continued to January 10, 2024. New Business 7:01 PM Appeal No. 2023-037 Munsell David and Diane Munsell have petitioned for a Variance pursuant to Section 240-11 E. Bulk Regulations for relief from Lot Size, Lot Width, and side yard setback. The Petitioners seek relief (in the alternative to their request for modification of Special Permit 2022- 043) to allow for the complete deconstruction of an existing structure and reconstruction of a new 2-story single-family dwelling. The subject property is located at 3075 Ma in Street, Barnstable, MA as shown on Assessor’s Map 279 as Parcel 041. It is located in the Residence F-2 (RF-2) Zoning District. Attorney Peter Freeman is representing the applicants and requests both appeals be read into the record so he can present for both at the same time. The Chairman reads 2023-038 into the record: 7:02 PM Appeal No. 2023-038 Munsell David and Diane Munsell have applied to modify Special Permit No. 2022 -043 to allow the demolition of the existing structure due to lack of structural integrity. The Applicants seek to then construct the same house that was previously approved in Special Permit No. 2022-043 with minor changes proposed. The subject property is located at 3075 Main Street, Barnstable, MA as shown on Assessor’s Map 279 as Parcel 041. It is located in the Residence F-2 (RF-2) Zoning District. Page 3 of 8 3 Sitting on this is Jake Dewey, Herb Bodensiek, Aaron Webb, Denise Johnson, and Mark Hansen. Attorney Freeman is joined by the applicants, David and Diane Munsell. Attorney Freeman explains that this Board had granted a special permit to reconstruct/enlarge the existing barn structure. At the time of the application, the applicant believed they would be able to deconstruct the existing structure while keeping it intact and reusing as many elements as possible. In the process of deconstruction, it became apparent that none of the walls could be saved and so they were torn down and construction was restarted. He shows the Board photographs of the home and the process (document entitled “Photos of carriage house and during deconstruction”). Many elements were saved to be reused. He believes the end result is the same as intended. The applicant received a cease and desist from the Building Department because they did not get a demo certificate from Old Kings Highway Historic District Committee because they believed an existing wall would be maintained. They have since obtained the necessary approval from OKH. It was a mistake and his clients acted in good faith. He explains some slight changes in the site plan. A small bulkhead was added. Less than a foot was added in a couple jogs. There is no increase in nonconformities. The only changes to the approved façade was a roofline adjustment on the west side, the removal of decorative brackets from the porch posts, and the materials were changes to exterior cedar clapboards and the color to be white— all were approved by OKH. He mentions the supportive public comments received. It fulfills the intent of the bylaw and they have the support of the neighborhood. It’s not substantially more detrimental and the building is in keeping with the neighborhood. David Munsell explains that they always had the intention to save as much of the old barn as possible. During deconstruction, the builders deemed the remaining walls unsuitable and not structurally sound. Back to the Board for questions. It is clarified that construction has been stopped because of the cease and desist. Chair Dewey opens for public comment. He says the Board received a letter from Paul Richard in support. Paul Galvin addresses the Board: he is a neighbor who has known the Munsells for a long time. In his professional opinion, the walls couldn’t have been saved—they were already patched over several times and are in bad condition. As a neighbor, he thinks they are going to a lot of expense to keep this as it is. Chair Dewey moves to close public comment on Appeal No. 2023-038. Mark Hansen seconds. Vote: Aye: Jake Dewey, Herb Bodensiek, Aaron Webb, Denise Johnson, Mark Hansen, Larry Hurwitz Nay: None The Board deliberates. Chair Dewey thinks this is a commendable project that is not more detrimental. After request for explanation, Attorney Freeman clarifies that they are following the Building Commissioner’s advised process to ask for a modified special permit and then the cease and desist will be lifted. Aaron Webb makes a motion to approve with the following findings: David and Diane Munsell have applied to modify Special Permit No. 2022 -043 to allow the demolition of the existing structure due to lack of structural integrity. The Applicants seek to then construct the same house that was previously approved in Special Permit No. 2022-043 with minor changes proposed. The subject property is located at 3075 Main Street, Barnstable, MA as on Assessor’s Map 279 as Parcel 041. It is located in the Residence F-2 (RF-2) Zoning District. 1. He finds that the application falls within the category specifically excepted by this chapter. 2. An evaluation of all the evidence presented at the public hearing by the petitioner and interested parties as it relates to the fulfillment of the spirit and intent of this chapter without substantial detriment to the public good or the neighborhood affected. He finds that this has already been approved and the modifications since that are minor. It’s also been approved by OKH and there are letters of support. 3. A site plan has been reviewed and found approvable in accordance with Article IX herein subject only to the issuance of a special permit. 4. The proposed alteration/expansions are not substantially more detrimental to the environment, community, and/or historic character of the neighborhood than the existing building or structure. He finds the changes to be minor. Herb Bodensiek seconds. Vote: Aye: Jake Dewey, Herb Bodensiek, Aaron Webb, Denise Johnson, Mark Hansen Nay: None Aaron Webb moves to approve the appeal subject to conditions 1-5 from the staff report dated November 9, 2023. Page 4 of 8 4 Vote: Aye: Jake Dewey, Herb Bodensiek, Aaron Webb, Denise Johnson, Mark Hansen Nay: None Special Permit No. 2023-038 Munsell is granted with conditions. Attorney Freeman requests to withdraw without prejudice the variance application , 2023-037. Chair Dewey moves to withdraw without prejudice Appeal No. 2023-037. Mark Hansen seconds. Vote: Aye: Jake Dewey, Herb Bodensiek, Aaron Webb, Denise Johnson, Mark Hansen Nay: None Variance No. 2023-037 Munsell is withdrawn without prejudice. 7:03 PM Appeal No. 2023-039 Baird Daniel and Karen Baird have filed an Appeal of an Administr ative Official’s Decision in accordance with 240-125 B. (1)(A) and M.G.L. Chapter 40A Section 8. The Petitioners seek to overturn the Notice of Violation and Order to Cease, Desist, and Abate from the Building Commissioner, dated September 11, 2023. Summary of violations determined by the Building Commissioner include Barnstable Zoning Ordinance Chapter 240 Section 14 A.(1) RF Residential District and Chapter 240 Section 10C Prohibited Uses. Specifically, the use of a trailer/camper as a substitute dwelling unit or for temporary sleeping purposes on a property without a permitted principal dwelling. The subject property is located at 27 Falcon Road, West Barnstable, MA as on Assessor’s Map 196 a s Parcel 032. It is located in the Residence F (RF) Zoning District. Chair Dewey says the Board received a request from the Building Commissioner to continue this item. Attorney Brian Wall is representing the applicants and defers to the Chair. Chair Dewey moves to continue to January 24, 2024. Herb Bodensiek seconds. Vote: Aye: Jake Dewey, Herb Bodensiek, Mark Hansen, Aaron Webb, Denise Johnson, Larry Hurwitz Nay: None Appeal No. 2023-039 Baird is continued to January 24, 2024. 7:04 PM Appeal No. 2023-040 Swartwood Alexander and Cynthia Swartwood have applied for a Special Permit pursuant to Section 240-92 B. Nonconforming Buildings or Structures Used as Single- and Two-Family Residences. The Applicants propose to construct a garage attached to the existing dwelling. The proposed garage will be located 15.8 feet from the front yard setback where 20 feet is required but will be in line with the façade of the existing dwelling. The subject property is located at 256 Parker Road, Osterville, MA as shown on Assessor’s Map 116 as Parcel 067. It is located in the Residence C (RC) Zoning District. Sitting on this is Herb Bodensiek, Mark Hansen, Aaron Webb, Jake Dewey, and Larry Hurwitz. Attorney Michael Schulz is representing th e applicants and is joined by Tim Luff and Cindy Swartwood. The property has a single- family dwelling and a cottage, both of which predated zoning in Osterville. Both are consistent with the neighborhood in terms of size and setback. They are proposing to construct a garage that will encroach into the 20-foot front yard setback. He submits that it meets the spirit and intent of the ordinance. It is not substantially more detrimental than the existing structure. All other bulk requirements are met. They have received letters of support from neighbors at 268 Parker Road, 278 Parker Road, and 33 2nd Ave. Back to the Board for questions. Attorney Schulz confirms that the existing nonconformity is the frontage setback on 2nd Ave, which is 15.8 ft. This is not a primary residence. Chair Dewey opens for public comment. The Board received public comment from Veitas, Healey, and Kelley in support. The Chairman moves to close public comment. Aaron Webb seconds. Vote: Aye: Jake Dewey, Herb Bodensiek, Mark Hansen, Aaron Webb, Larry Hurwitz Page 5 of 8 5 Nay: None Mark Hansen makes findings: Alexander and Cynthia Swartwood have applied for a Special Per mit pursuant to Section 240-92 B. Nonconforming Buildings or Structures Used as Single- and Two-Family Residences. The Applicants propose to construct a garage attached to the existing dwelling. The proposed garage will be located 15.8 feet from the front yard setback where 20 feet is required but will be in line with the façade of the existing dwelling. The subject property is located at 256 Parker Road, Osterville, MA as shown on Assessor’s Map 116 as Parcel 067. It is located in the Residence C (RC) Zoning District. 1. The application falls within a category specifically excepted in the ordinance for a grant of a special permit. Section 240-92 B. allows for the alteration of a nonconforming dwelling on a nonconforming lot. 2. Site Plan Review is not required for single-family residential dwellings. 3. After an evaluation of all the evidence presented, the proposal fulfills the spirit and intent of the Zoning Ordinance and would not represent a substantial detriment to the public good or the neighborhood affected. He finds that this is a scaled- down, two-car garage with no detriment and is in keeping with the scale of the neighborhood. 4. The proposed alteration would not be substantially more detrimental to the neighborhood than the existing dwelling. Herb Bodensiek seconds. Vote: Aye: Jake Dewey, Herb Bodensiek, Mark Hansen, Aaron Webb, Larry Hurwitz Nay: None Mark Hansen says the appeal is subject to conditions 1-5 from the staff report dated November 14, 2023. The Chairman takes a vote on approving the appeal with the proposed conditions. Vote: Aye: Jake Dewey, Herb Bodensiek, Mark Hansen, Aaron Webb, Larry Hurwitz Nay: None Special Permit No. 2023-040 Swartwood is granted with conditions. 7:05 PM Appeal No. 2023-041 Ludtke Betty Ludtke has applied for a Special Permit pursuant to Section 240-92 B. Nonconforming Buildings or Structures Used as Single- and Two-Family Residences. The Applicant proposes to combine two preexisting nonconforming single-family dwellings into one single-family dwelling. The lot, now known as 30 Wachusett Ave., was previously two lots that have since merged. The existing dwellings are comprised of 4 and 3 bedrooms and the proposed dwelling has 6 bedrooms. The proposed construction includes relocating the smaller dwelling away from the neighboring house, a new septic system, and a new addition to connect the buildings. The subject property is located at 30 Wachusett Avenue, Hya nnis, MA as shown on Assessor’s Map 287 as Parcel 053. It is located in the Residence F-1 (RF-1) Zoning District. Sitting on this is Jake Dewey, Herb Bodensiek, Mark Hansen, Aaron Webb, and Denise Johnson. Attorney Dan Creedon is representing the applicant and is joined by Dan Ojala of Down Cape Engineering, who is the engineer. Attorney Creedon explains that the properties have merged for all purposes—they have been in common ownership and so merged since 2019. The buildings are preexisting nonconforming (1890 and 1942, predating bulk regulations). He suggests the proposal is not substantially more detrimental, as it will render the existing nonconformities less nonconforming, especially the rear and side setbacks. The rear setback will be 8-10 feet as opposed to the existing 0 feet. The encroaching ramp structure will be removed. The lot size is closer to conforming as one larger lot. Density becomes more conforming because it’s one house on the lot rather than two. It would be more in keeping with other houses in the neighborhood. There will also be an upgraded septic, along with the bedrooms reducing from 7 to 6. They have received approval for a 6-bedroom septic system. Back to the Board for questions. Chair Dewey asks how the lots merged. Attorney Creedon answers just by virtue of common ownership. If the owner hasn’t kept the lots separate, they can be deemed merged. The Board is unsure because there are two deeds. Chair Dewey opens for public comment. There is none. The Chairman moves to close public comment. Herb Bodensiek seconds. Page 6 of 8 6 Vote: Aye: Jake Dewey, Herb Bodensiek, Mark Hansen, Aaron Webb, Denise Johnson, Larry Hurwitz Nay: None The Board deliberates. They discuss concerns that if the house was sold, it could end up back before them to unmerge the lots. The Board is concerned that this would create a two-family lot. Attorney Creedon believes the lot is a single-family with an accessory structure. He suggests conditioning the decision that for all purposes these lots have merged in perpetuity—that’s his client’s intent. His client took down the fence separating the lots when she bought the second lot. The assessor’s record was updated to merge the two lots, and she has paid taxes as such. He suggests the Board could make a finding that the lots have merged and add a condition that the lots have merged into one lot known as 30 Wachusett Ave in perpetuity to be used as a single-family residential structure once constructed. The group discusses an 81X and the option of going before the Planning Board. Herb Bodensiek makes findings: Betty Ludtke has applied for a Special Permit pursuant to Section 240-92 B. Nonconforming Buildings or Structures Used as Single- and Two-Family Residences. The Applicant proposes to combine two preexisting nonconforming single -family dwellings into one single-family dwelling. The lot, now known as 30 Wachusett Ave., was previously two lots that have since merged. The existing dwellings are comprised of 4 and 3 bedrooms and the proposed dwelling has 6 bedrooms. The proposed construction includes relocating the smaller dwelling away from the neighboring house, a new septic system, and a new addition to connect the buildings. The subject property is located at 30 Wachusett Avenue, Hyannis, MA as shown on Assessor’s Map 287 as Parcel 053. It is locat ed in the Residence F-1 (RF-1) Zoning District. 1. The application falls within a category specifically excepted in the ordinance for a gra nt of a special permit. Section 240-92 B. allows for the alteration of a nonconforming dwelling on a nonconforming lot. 2. Site Plan Review is not required for single-family residential dwellings. 3. After an evaluation of all the evidence presented, the proposal fulfills the spirit and intent of the Zoning Ordinance and would not represent a substantial detriment to the public good or the neighborhood affected. 4. The proposed alteration would not be substantially more detrimental to the neighborhood than the existing dwelling. He finds that it would be an improvement. Mark Hansen seconds. Vote: Aye: Jake Dewey, Herb Bodensiek, Mark Hansen, Aaron Webb, Denise Johnson Nay: None Herb Bodensiek says the appeal is subject to conditions 1-5 from the staff report dated November 14, 2023. He proposes a 6th condition that a perimeter plan under the applicable section of MGL chapter 41 showing one combined lot is conducted to be approved by the Planning Board and recorded at the registry of deeds. The Chairman takes a vote to approve the application with the proposed findings and conditions. Vote: Aye: Jake Dewey, Herb Bodensiek, Mark Hansen, Aaron Webb, Denise Johnson Nay: None Special Permit No. 2023-041 Ludtke is granted with conditions. 7:06 PM Appeal No. 2023-036 READVERTISED Ganey John and Elizabeth Ganey have applied for a Special Permit pursuant to 240-91 H.(3) Developed Lot Protection. The Applicants propose to demolish the existing 1-bedroom cottage and patio containing approximately 800 sq. ft. and construct a new cot tage and deck containing approximately 918 sq. ft. The proposed cottage will encroach into the front and side yard setbacks. The subject property is located at 251 Bay Lane, Centerville, MA, as shown on Assessor’s Map 166 as Parcel 057. It is located in the Residence D- 1 (RD-1) Zoning District. Sitting on this is Jake Dewey, Mark Hansen, Herb Bodensiek, Larry Hurwitz, and Denise Johnson. Aaron Webb leaves the meeting at this point. Attorney John Kenney is representing the applicant and is joined by John O’Dea, the engineer on the project. Attorney Kenney provides background information: the parcel is developed with a main house and a cottage. It contains 69,260 sq. ft but only 26,000 Page 7 of 8 7 of upland. It was created from 4 separate parcels of land in 1941. In 1985 it was sold, and that deed indicated there were plural buildings on it. 1951 introduced the first dimensional requirements for this zoning district, which made the existing cottage nonconforming. In 1985, zoning changed to 1-acre minimum lot size, which made the lot preexisting nonconforming. In summary, both the structure and lot are preexisting nonconforming. He explains that the proposed placement of the cottage lessens the degree of nonconformity of the side yard and front yard setbacks. The figures are well below the allowed 20% lot coverage and 30% floor area. The proposal is architecturally consistent with the existing structure and the surrounding neighborhood. Back to the Board for questions. Mark Hansen asks if topography is the reason for not meeting the setback requirements. Attorney Kenney says it’s because the cottage is located within 50 ft of the top of the coastal bank so they have competing Conservation Commission requirements. They can’t go any further in because of the proximity to the septic system. Chair Dewey opens for public comment. There is none. The Chairman moves to close public comment. Denise Johnson seconds. Vote: Aye: Jake Dewey, Herb Bodensiek, Mark Hansen, Denise Johnson, Larry Hurwitz Nay: None Larry Hurwitz makes findings: 1. The application falls within a category specifically excepted in the ordinance for a grant of a special permit. Section 240- 91(H)(3) allows for the complete demolition and rebuilding of a residence on a nonconforming lot. 2. Site Plan Review is not required for single-family residential dwellings. 3. After an evaluation of all the evidence presented, the proposal fulfills the spirit and intent of the Zoning Ordinance and would not represent a substantial detriment to the public good or the neighborhood affected . 4. The proposed front yard setback and side yard setbacks are greater than the existing. 5. The existing lot coverage is 12% and proposed lot coverage is 13%. 6. The existing FAR is 11% and the proposed FAR is 12%. 7. The proposed height is 15 feet to the top of the plate. 8. The proposed new dwelling would not be substantially more detrimental to the neighborhood than the existing dwelling. Herb Bodensiek seconds. Vote: Aye: Jake Dewey, Herb Bodensiek, Mark Hansen, Denise Johnson, Larry Hurwitz Nay: None Larry Hurwitz says the appeal is subject to conditions 1-6 from the staff report dated November 14, 2023. Attorney Kenney requests to strike condition no. 3 because the wetland could grow and affect that condition. The Board agrees and votes on granting the appeal with the conditions as discussed. Vote: Aye: Jake Dewey, Herb Bodensiek, Mark Hansen, Denise Johnson, Larry Hurwitz Nay: None Special Permit No. 2023-036 Ganey is granted with conditions. Correspondence • Park City Wind LLC Meeting Notice Letter to ZBA • Park City Wind LLC Notice of Board Meeting • Letter from Barbara Thompson re: judgment issues for land court plan 17933 Matters Not Reasonably Anticipated by the Chair Upcoming Hearings January 10, 2024, January 24, 2024, February 7, 2024 Adjournment Chair Dewey moves to adjourn the meeting. Mark Hansen seconds. Page 8 of 8 8 Vote: Aye: Jake Dewey, Herb Bodensiek, Mark Hansen, Denise Johnson, Larry Hurwitz Nay: None Documents Used at This Meeting • October 25, 2023 minutes • Appeal No. 2023-019 Vilsaint application packet • Appeals No. 2023-037 Munsell and 2023-038 Munsell application packets • Document entitled “Photos of carriage house and during deconstruction” • Public comment from Richard in support of 2023-037 and -038 • Staff Report dated November 9, 2023 for Appeal No. 2023-038 • Request from Building Commissioner Brian Florence to continue Appeal No. 2023-039 Baird • Appeal No. 2023-040 Swartwood application packet • Public comment from Veitas, Healey, and Kelley in support of 2023-040 • Staff Report dated November 14, 2023 for Appeal No. 2023-040 • Appeal No. 2023-041 Ludtke application packet • Staff Report dated November 12, 2023 for Appeal No. 2023-041 • Appeal No. 2023-036 Ganey application packet • Staff Report dated November 14, 2023 for Appeal No. 2023-036 • Park City Wind LLC Meeting Notice Letter to ZBA • Park City Wind LLC Notice of Board Meeting • Letter from Barbara Thompson re: judgment issues for land court plan 17933 Respectfully submitted, Genna Ziino, Administrative Assistant Further detail may be obtained by viewing the video via Channel 18 on demand at http://www.town.barnstable.ma.us