HomeMy WebLinkAboutLCPC Meeting Presentation_2024-02-22Barnstable Local Comprehensive PlanCommittee Meeting February 22, 2024 Meeting Agenda Natural Resources Survey Question Local Comprehensive Plan Structure Next Steps: Schedule for March & April Breakout Groups: Review Natural Resources Goals & Strategies Natural Resources Survey Question Rank, in order of importance to you, the priority use for public land: Protect drinking water quality and quantity Preserve wildlife habitat and increase biodiversity Provide passive recreational opportunities Protect land from development Protect historic, scenic, and cultural resources Provide public land to meet community needs (for example renewable energy, housing, and wastewater infrastructure) Live Monday February 26th Natural Resources Chapter Survey Question Local Comprehensive Plan Structure Local Comprehensive Plan: Overall Structure Existing Conditions & Vision Statement Chapters Land Use, Housing, Natural Resources, Infrastructure & Facilities, Economic Development, and Culture, Heritage and Design Action Plan & Performance Measures Addendum Maps, Community Outreach, Summary of Subject Matter Expert Presentations and Additional Documentation Local Comprehensive Plan: Chapter Structure Introduction Data Sheet Actions Achieved Since 2010 Issues and Opportunities Policies/Goals and Strategies Natural Resources Chapter Groundwater Marine Waters Freshwater Lakes & Ponds Wetland Resources Habitat Open Space Natural Resources Chapter Natural Resources: Draft Goals & Strategies Next Steps: Schedule for March & April March: Facilities and Infrastructure Thursday March 14th Thursday March 28th Local Comprehensive Plan Committee Schedule April: Community Outreach