HomeMy WebLinkAboutRDA_Orenda RDA ApplicationFebruary 28th, 2024 Ms. Darcy Karle Barnstable Conservation Commission 230 South St. Hyannis, MA 02601 RE: Request for Determination of Applicability – Restoration of Diamondback Terrapin Nesting Habitat at 210 and 194 Meadow Ln, W. Barnstable Dear Ms. Karle and Commissioners: Orenda Wildlife Land Trust is submitting a Request for Determination of Applicability to conduct tree cutting and vegetation management at two of our adjacent wildlife sanctuaries for the purpose of maintaining and restoring active nesting habitat for the Northern Diamondback Terrapin. These sanctuaries are located in West Barnstable. The project occurs within the jurisdictional area of the flood plain and extend approximately to the 75 ft wetland buffer line. The area is also partially within the NHESP Priority Habitat for Rare Species and the Great Marsh ACEC. Please find the Request for Determination form attached along with all supporting documents, including comments from NHESP on this proposal. A copy of this application was sent to the Mass Department of Environmental Protection regional office as well. Sincerely, Greta Nelson Land Steward Orenda Wildlife Land Trust 20240319 RDA Orenda 194 & 210 Meadow Ln I 9 RDA Orenda 194 & 210 Meadow Ln Massachusetts Department of Environnnental Protection Bureau of Water Resourrces - Wetlands WPA FOfm d - Request for Deternninatisn of rApplicability Barnstabre Massachusetts Wetlands Frotection Act M.G.L. c. 131, $40 rVlunicipalitv A. General lnformation 1. Appiicant: Orenda Wildlife Land Trust Daniel Morast, Pres lmportant: \Mren filling out forms on the computer, use only the tab key to move your cursor - do not use the retum key. I:isi l.iaine 401'1 tt4ain St Last Name Ai]ilre s.(. Barnstable MA 02630 Ciiyl'f ctt'.i (s08) 362-4798 Siait Jip ;.l.rle landstewa rd @orendalandtrust.org Phsne Number 2. Property Owner (if different from Applicant) See above Email Address First Name Last Name Address CitylTown State Zip Code Phone Number Email Address (if known) 3. Representative (if any) Greta Nelson First Name Orenda Wildlife Land Trust Last Nama Compa:ry Nan:e P.O. Box 669 iiddt *5$ West Barnstable tuA 02668 L.':J; I til;n 508-362-4798 *ltilt* Zi[ Ccie landsteward @orendalandtrust.org Phone Number Email Address (if known) B. Project Description 1. a. Project Location (use maps and plans to identify the location of the area subject to this request) 194 &21A Meadow Lane West Barnstable How to find Latitude and Lonqitude Street Address 41.72054 Cityi r0v/il -70.38080 Latitude (Decimal Degrees Format with 5 digits afrer decimal e.g. )<X.XXXXX) 158 Longitude (Decimal Degrees Format with 5 digits after decimal e.g. -XX.XXXXX) 005/001 & 005t002and how to convert to decimal deorees Assessors'Map Number Assessors'LouParcel Number b. Area Description (use additional paper, if necessary): Upland meadow, mixed forest and diamondback terrapin nesting location adjacent to the Barnstable Great Marsh c. Plan and/or Map Reference(s): (use additional paper if [\4eadow Restoration for Diamondback Terrapin Nestlng TiIIC Date Title wpafoml.doc . rev. 4/28/2023 Date VVPA Fom 1 - Request ior Detemination of Appliebility . Page 1 of 3 19 RDA Orenda 194 & 210 Meadow Ln Massac h usetts Department of E nvi ronrulental Preteetion Bureau of Water Resources - Wetlands }ffpA Fgrm { - Requ*st for Deterrnination *f Applicability Barnstable Massachusetts Wetlands Protection Act M.G.L. c. 131, $40 Municipalitv B. Project Description (cont.) 2, a. Activi$Mork Description (use additional paper and/or provide plan(s) of Activity, if necessary) Selective tree cutting and vegetation and grass removal as well as limited planting of native grasses and shrubs in efforts to maintain and expand nesting locations for the Northern Diamondback Terrapin. b. Identiff provisions of the Wetlands Protection Act or regulations which may exempt the applicant from having to file a Notice of lntent for all or part of the described work (use additional paper, if necessary). NIA 3. a. lf this application is a Request for Determination of Scope of Alternatives for work in the Riverfront Area, indicate the one classification below that best describes the project. f] Singte family house on a lot recorded on or before 811196 t] Singte family house on a lot recorded after 8/1/96 I Expansion of an existing structure on a lot recorded afler 811196 I eroject, other than a single-family house or public project, where the applicant owned the lot before 817196 f] New agriculture or aquaculture project I puOtic project where funds were appropriated prior to 817196 f] Project on a lot shown on an approved, definitive subdivision plan where there is a recorded deed restriction limiting total alteration of the Riverfront Area for the entire subdivision f] Residential subdivision; institutional, industrial, or commercial project I Municipalproject I District, county, state, or federal government project n Project required to evaluate off-site alternatives in more than one municipality in an Environmental lmpact Report under MEPA or in an alternatives analysis pursuant to an application for a 404 permit from the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers or 401 Water Quality Certification from the Department of Environmental Protection. b. Provide evidence (e.9., record of date subdivision lot was recorded) supporting the classification above (use additional paper andlor attach appropriate documents, if necessary.) wpafom 1.doc . rev. 412812023 WPA Fom 'l - Request for Detemination of Appliebility . Page 2 of 3 Town of Barnstable Conservation Commission 230 South Street Hyannis Massachusetts 02601 Form PA Office: 508-862-4093 E-mail: conservation@town.bamstab le.ma. us Permission to Access Property Property owner's name(s): _____ Daniel Morast, President Orenda Wildlife Land Trust Applicant's (Representative's) Name(s) _____ Greta Ne=ls=oa.a.n....aaL=a'""'"nd"'-"'S""te=w"'-'a=r""'d ________ _ Project street address_194 & 210 Meadow Lane West Barnstable, MA 02668 Barnstable Assessor's Map & Parcel: Map __ 158__ Parcel_005001 & 005002 __ _ Applicant's Contact Phone Number: �50�8�-�3�6=2-_4�7�9�8 ___________ _ ACCESS TO PROPERTY PERMISSION As the Owner(s) of the above referenced property, I/we have been advised that under the provisions of the Massachusetts Wetlands Protection Act (MGL Ch 131, Section 40) and the Town of Barnstable General Ordinances (Chapter 237), the Barnstable Conservation Commission, its Agents or its designated staff are authorized, as a matter of law, to enter the outside areas of the property for the purpose of reviewing the existing conditions and the proposed work as described in my/our application (Notice of Intent or Request for Determination) to the Barnstable Conservation Commission. Where possible, notice will be provided to the applicant prior to the visit. Visits will occur during daylight hours on either weekdays or weekends as necessary for the Commission and its agent to examine said property. I understand that if attempts to contact me are unsuccessful, the Commissioner or its agent may proceed to inspect the outside areas of said property under this application. I/we confirm my/our understanding the purpose of this permission and I/we grant perm1ss1on to Commissioners, its agent, and its designated staff, to enter the outside areas of my/our property regarding this application for the period as described below: 1.From the submission of the Application (Notice of Intent or Request for Determination) until the approval of the Notice of Intent Request or Request for Determination; and 2.From the issuance of the Order(s) of Conditions (approval for Notice of Intent) to the completion of the project and the final inspection by the Conservation staff to confirm the completion of the project. I have read the above and I understand and agree to allow inspections as described. Adoplcd March 15, 2022, cffcc1ive April 18, 2022. 0� � z_7' 2.(2 z.._.4-, Date signed { oz _z_q -2,t,"LiDate signed 20240319 RDA Orenda 194 & 210 Meadow Ln Request for Determination of Applicability – Restoration of Diamondback Terrapin Nesting Habitat at 210 and 194 Meadow Ln, W. Barnstable Direc�ons to 194 and 210 Meadow Lane: From 230 South Street: Turn le� onto Main Street. A�er .2 Miles, turn right onto high school road extension. At the light con�nue straight onto Bearses Way, and at the traffic circle, take the first exit to stay on Bearses Way. Con�nue on Bearses Way for 1.7 miles. At the lights, turn le� onto Iyannough Road. Con�nue on Iyannough Road for 2.4 miles. At the stop sign, turn le� on to Main St, Route 6A heading West. In 2.7 miles, turn right onto Meadow Lane, Follow Meadow Lane all the way to the end past where the pavement ends. Park at the very end of the lane. 194 and 210 Meadow Lane are directly on the right. Attachment A: -Project Description -Figure 1: Project Area and Wetland Boundaries. -USGS Topographic Map 20240319 RDA Orenda 194 & 210 Meadow Ln Request for Determination of Applicability – Restoration of Diamondback Terrapin Nesting Habitat at 210 and 194 Meadow Ln, W. Barnstable Project Description Area Description: The project is located at 210 and 194 Meadow Lane, West Barnstable. These properties are undeveloped wildlife sanctuaries owned by Orenda Wildlife Land Trust. 210 Meadow Lane extends into the Barnstable Great Marsh with some upland forest habitat along its southern edge, and 194 Meadow Lane is primarily a shrinking meadow habitat and nesting ground for the Northern Diamondback Terrapin. This historic meadow is slowly being succeeded by a mix of cedars, black cherries, oaks and pitch pines. The site is accessible at the end of Meadow Lane, a public way off Rte 6A in West Barnstable. The project area is the level upland area between these two parcels. The project area lies partially withing the state-designated Sandy Neck/ Great Marsh Area of Critical Environmental Concern, as well as the NHESP Priority Habitat for Rare Species. Most of the project area is located on land subject to coastal storm flowage (FEMA AE Flood Zone). A small portion of the project area extends inside the 100 ft wetland buffer as well. The wetland boundary was flagged by Michael Ball of Marsh Matters Environmental on January 15th, 2024. He also provided an aerial map of the approximate wetland border and buffers (See Attachment B). Wildlife Context: Orenda’s Terrapin Nest Protection Success The Northern Diamondback Terrapin, a threatened species, have been using this site for nesting for many years. Protection of this species and habitat was a primary reason for Orenda acquiring 194 Meadow Lane in 2017. Through the efforts of our Terrapin Protection Coordinator and a dedicated cohort of volunteers, Orenda has established a successful nest protection program for the Northern Diamondback Terrapin at the project area in question. After Orenda took possession of the site, nesting was confirmed in 2020 through observational data collection over the course of that summer. In 2021, Orenda applied for and was granted the permitting to conduct nest protection using predator exclusion devices. The 2022 nest protection efforts 20240319 RDA Orenda 194 & 210 Meadow Ln resulted 7 protected nests and 26 depredated nests. But with increased volunteer support in 2023 we identified 37 nests total, with 24 nests protected, 3 depredated and 10 successful wild nests (without protection) in this less than two-acre nesting area. During the 2023 nesting season, our team released 59 live hatchlings, and an additional 315 hatchlings were estimated to have left the nest independently. These estimates are based on the number egg shards found during nest excavation. This success story, both for the terrapins and the strength of our volunteer program, has urged us to seek permission to maintain and expand the nesting site to accommodate the Diamondback Terrapin and their tendency towards site fidelity. Due to the success of our nest protection program, we expect to have greater numbers in the years to come, but this nesting site is starting to shrink as it becomes reforested as evidenced by aerial photos of this location over the last 20+ years available through the Town. Orenda’s team has seen reforestation shading out and encroaching on active nesting sites within the last three years of nest protection alone. This work will maintain existing nesting sites and make room for greater numbers in the future, ultimately have a positive impact on Diamondback Terrapin numbers for the Great Marsh in the years to come. Activity Description: The purpose of this project is to expand already existing nesting habitat for the Northern Diamondback Terrapin through selective tree cutting and removal of underbrush in the historic meadow. The following activities outline the scope of the work that will take place within the area detailed in blue in Figure 1 (see below): -Cutting at, ground level, small and medium sized scrub oak and pine trees. -Removal of dense underbrush (green briar, beach plum, small oaks) -Pulling of grasses and small underbrush to create “postage stamp” nesting sites, squares of open sand for nesting sites. These open sites allow for more accurate nest monitoring. -Seeding some native grasses where applicable to keep bear ground areas after vegetation removal limited to the nesting locations. -Planting a buffer of native shrubs (winterberry and beach plumb) along the neighbor’s fence line to add bird habitat and help offset some of the other vegetation removal. We will not be grading or changing the elevation of the site, nor affecting a change in flood storage. We will not be removing any stumps or using herbicides at this location. Due to the capacity of our organization, we will be conducting this working over the course of the maximum three-year permit duration as we have volunteer support available. We are requesting confirmation that the work outlined above does not require a Notice of Intent. 20240319 RDA Orenda 194 & 210 Meadow Ln Data provided by Marsh Matters Environmental and Orenda Wildlife Land Trust THE LOCATIONS OF ALL JURISDICTIONAL BOUNDARIES SHOWN ON THIS FIGURE ARE SKETCHED AS APPROXIMATE AND SHOULD ONLY BE USED FOR PROJECT PLANNING AND REGULATORY REVIEW PURPOSES. GREEN-DASHED LINE = WETLAND BOUNDARY (FLAGGED) RED-DASHED LINE = 50-FT BUFFER LIMIT (APPROX.) YELLOW-DASHED LINE = 100-FT BUFFER LIMIT (APPROX.) LAMBERT PROPERTY PLANTING AREA BLUE SOLID LINE = PROPOSED VEGETATION MANAGEMENT Figure 1: Project Area and Wetland Boundaries 20240319 RDA Orenda 194 & 210 Meadow Ln Plan: Meadow Restoration for Diamondback Terrapin Nesting Orenda Wildlife Land Trust 210 &194 Meadow Lane USGS TOPOGRAPHIC MAP Data provided by USGS Topographic Series, Sandwich Quadrangle, Barnstable County, 1975 and MassGIS 2024 20240319 RDA Orenda 194 & 210 Meadow Ln Attachment B: Marsh Matters Environmental Wetland Boundaries and Resource Layers -Figure 1: Aerial photo with site boundaries -Figure 2: Wetland Resource Delineation Sketch -Figure 3: Barnstable GIS Site Locus Map -Figure 4: MassGIS/MassMapper Site Locus Map -Figure 5: Flood Insurance Rate Map Site Locus 20240319 RDA Orenda 194 & 210 Meadow Ln FIGURE 1 – AERIAL PHOTO w/SITE BOUNDARIES (APPROXIMATE) 194 and 210 MEADOW LANE, WEST BARNSTABLE, MASSACHUSETTS MARSH MATTERS ENVIRONMENTAL SOUTHERN AND WESTERN PROPERTY BOUNDARIES (APPROX.) 192 MEADOW LN. LAMBERT PROP OWLT, INC. PROPERTY (TWO PARCELS) 199 MEADOW LN. GOLDSTEIN PROP 231 MEADOW LN. SOARES PROP OWLT, INC. PROPERTY (SINGLE PARCEL) 20240319 RDA Orenda 194 & 210 Meadow Ln FIGURE 2 – WETLAND RESOURCE DELINEATION SKETCH 194 and 210 MEADOW LANE, WEST BARNSTABLE, MASSACHUSETTS MARSH MATTERS ENVIRONMENTAL THE LOCATIONS OF ALL JURISDICTIONAL BOUNDARIES SHOWN ON THIS FIGURE ARE SKETCHED AS APPROXIMATE AND SHOULD ONLY BE USED FOR PROJECT PLANNING AND REGULATORY REVIEW Wetland Resource Area boundary (pink “WRA” flags established on 1.15.24) MOST OF SITE IS A MIXED-OAK, PITCH PINE, BLACK CHERRY, AND EASTERN RED CEDAR-FORESTED UPLAND PLANT COMMUNITY WITH A RELATIVELY OPEN UNDERSTORY OF WOODY AND HERBACEOUS VEGETATION GREEN-DASHED LINE = WETLAND BOUNDARY (FLAGGED) RED-DASHED LINE = 50-FT BUFFER LIMIT (APPROX.) YELLOW-DASHED LINE = 100-FT BUFFER LIMIT (APPROX.) SMITH CREEK SALT MARSH BLACK TUPELO (Nyssa sylvatica) GROVE Most of Site is within the Coastal Floodzone (see Figure 5) Most of Site is within Priority Habitat PH892 (see Figure 4) Most of Site is within the limits of the Sandy Neck Barrier Beach System ACEC (the coastal floodzone elevation is the ACEC boundary) LAMBERT PROPERTY 20240319 RDA Orenda 194 & 210 Meadow Ln FIGURE 3 – Barnstable GIS Site Locus Map 194 and 210 MEADOW LANE, WEST BARNSTABLE, MASSACHUSETTS MARSH MATTERS ENVIRONMENTAL 20240319 RDA Orenda 194 & 210 Meadow Ln FIGURE 4 – MassGIS / MassMapper Site Locus Map 194 and 210 MEADOW LANE, WEST BARNSTABLE, MASSACHUSETTS MARSH MATTERS ENVIRONMENTAL SALT MARSH PRIORITY HABITAT PH892 (yellow-hatched area) 20240319 RDA Orenda 194 & 210 Meadow Ln FIGURE 5 – Flood Insurance Rate Map Site Locus 194 and 210 MEADOW LANE, WEST BARNSTABLE, MASSACHUSETTS MARSH MATTERS ENVIRONMENTAL MAJORITY OF SITE IS WITHIN THE COASTAL FLOODZONE ( LAND SUBJECT TO COASTAL STORM FLOWAGE – 310 CMR 10.04 ) 20240319 RDA Orenda 194 & 210 Meadow Ln Attachment C: NHESP MESA Review Comments - NHESP Comments - Permissions for filing - Site Photos 20240319 RDA Orenda 194 & 210 Meadow Ln February 23, 2024 Greta Nelson Orenda Wildlife Land Trust P.O. Box 669 West Barnstable, MA 02668 RE: Applicant: Greta Nelson, Orenda Wildlife Land Trust Project Location: 210 and 194 Meadow Lane West Barnstable MA 02668 Project Description: Restoration of Terrapin Nesting Habitat at 210 and 194 Meadow Ln, W. Barnstable NHESP File No.: 24-17074 Dear Applicant: The Natural Heritage & Endangered Species Program of the Massachusetts Division of Fisheries & Wildlife (the “Division”) received the MESA Project Review Checklist and supporting documentation for review pursuant to the Massachusetts Endangered Species Act (MESA, MGL c.131A) and its implementing regulations (321 CMR 10.00). According to the filing, the Town of Barnstable Conservation Agent has requested comment from the Natural Heritage office on this proposed site work before the project is reviewed by the Conservation Commission pursuant to the Wetlands Protection Act (WPA, MGL c. 131 s. 40). The applicant proposes to restore and expand an existing turtle nesting habitat by the removing trees, woody shrubs and grasses to create pockets of exposed sandy soils, and seed with native grasses where necessary. The proponent also proposes to plant native shrubs along the property boundary with an adjacent single family home. The Division has determined that this Project, as currently proposed, will occur within the actual habitat of the following species: Scientific Name Common Name Taxonomic Group State Status ThreatenedReptileNorthern Diamond-backed Terrapin Malaclemys terrapin This species and their habitats are protected in accordance with the MESA. The Division hereby approves the submitted project plan provided that the conditions attached to this letter are met. Provided the attached conditions are fully implemented, the Plan appears to be exempt from a MESA review pursuant to 321 CMR 10.14 which states: “[t]he following Projects and Activities shall be exempt from the requirements of 321 CMR 10.18 through 10.23…” 20240319 RDA Orenda 194 & 210 Meadow Ln 24-17074NHESP No.Page 2 of 3 Issued February 23, 2024 (15) The active management of State-listed Species habitat, including but not limited to mowing, cutting, burning, or pruning of vegetation, or removing exotic or invasive species, for the purpose of maintaining or enhancing the habitat for the benefit of rare species, provided that the management is carried out in accordance with a habitat management plan approved in writing by the Division.” Please continue to submit an annual report of turtle nesting activities to the Division. In addition, please continue to report nesting sites and turtle observations via Heritage Hub. Any changes to the proposed project or any additional work beyond that provided may require a filing with the Division pursuant to the MESA regulations. This approval is valid for five (5) years from the date of issuance. Please note that this determination addresses only the matter of state-listed species and their habitats. If you have any questions about this letter, please contact Alexandra Echandi, Endangered Species Review Biologist at alexandra.echandi@mass.gov or 508-389-6354. Sincerely, Everose Schlüter, Ph.D. Assistant Director cc: Daniel Morast, Orenda Wildlife Land Trust Attachment: List of Conditions 20240319 RDA Orenda 194 & 210 Meadow Ln 24-17074NHESP No.Page 3 of 3 Issued February 23, 2024 List of Conditions Applicant:Greta Nelson Project Location: 210 and 194 Meadow Lane West Barnstable MA 02668 Project Description: Restoration of Terrapin Nesting Habitat at 210 and 194 Meadow Ln, W. Barnstable NHESP File No.: 24-17074 Heritage Hub Form ID: RC-82992 Approved Plan: Figure 1: Project Area and Wetland Boundaries Plan date: January 29, 2024 To avoid a prohibited Take of state-listed species, the following condition(s) must be met: 1.A Collection Permit, obtained from the Division, is required for the handling of any state-listed species or manipulation of nests. 2.All work associated with nest site creation shall only occur from to October 1 - May 30 of any year. 20240319 RDA Orenda 194 & 210 Meadow Ln 20240319 RDA Orenda 194 & 210 Meadow Ln Photo 1: Existing open nesting areas with small pine trees flagged for removal. Orenda Wildlife Land Trust 210 &194 Meadow Lane SITE PHOTOS Photo 2: Nesting area that has been over grown. Proposed removal of small pine trees and grasses to create “postage stamp” nesting areas of open ground. Approximate NHESP Priority Habitat behind the line drawn in yellow. 20240319 RDA Orenda 194 & 210 Meadow Ln Photo 3: Pioneer species (oak and pitch pine) encroaching on the NW corner of the meadow flagged for removal to bring back meadow habi- tat. Orenda Wildlife Land Trust 210 &194 Meadow Lane SITE PHOTOS Photo 4: Previously active nesting site that has not seen activity in the last two years. Oaks and small cedar flagged for removal. Red painted stake and yellow line mark approximate NHESP Priority Habitat to the North, behind yellow line. 20240319 RDA Orenda 194 & 210 Meadow Ln Photo 5: Existing nesting sites with small trees flagged for removal to maintain sun expo- sure and bear ground for nesting. Orenda Wildlife Land Trust 210 &194 Meadow Lane SITE PHOTOS 20240319 RDA Orenda 194 & 210 Meadow Ln Attachment D: Abutter Information - List of Abutters - Abutter Map - Abutter Notification Letter 20240319 RDA Orenda 194 & 210 Meadow Ln Conservation Request for Determination (RDA) Abutter List for Subject Parcels , 158005002, 158005001 Property owners actually touching on the subject parcel upon which work is proposed. Parcel ID Owner 1 Owner 2 Address Line 1 Address Line 2 City State Zip 158003 BARNSTABLE, TOWN OF (LDG)367 MAIN STREET HYANNIS 02601MA 158005001 ORENDA WILDLIFE LAND TRUST INC PO BOX 669 WEST BARNSTABLE 02668MA 158005002 ORENDA WILDLIFE LAND TRUST, INC 1000 MAIN ST WEST BARNSTABLE 02668MA 158005003 BARNSTABLE, TOWN OF (CON) CONSERVATION COMMISSION 230 SOUTH STREET HYANNIS 02601MA 158005004 LAMBERT, DAVID & LISA 3 MEADOW ROAD NORTHBOROUGH 01532MA 1/24/2024 10:22 AMReport Generated On:Page 1 of 1 5Total Number of Abutters: This list by itself does NOT constitute a "Certified List of Abutters" and is provided only as an aid to the determination of abutters. If a Certified Abutter List is required, you must contact the Assessing Division to have this list certified. 20240319 RDA Orenda 194 & 210 Meadow Ln 2,700.00 Conservation Request for Determination (RDA) Abutter Map for Subject Parcels , 158005001, 158005002 This map is for illustration purposes only. It is not adequate for legal boundary determination or regulatory interpretation. This map does not represent an on-the-ground survey. It may be generalized, may not reflect current conditions, and may contain cartographic errors or omissions. Legend Property owners actually touching on the subject parcel upon which work is proposed. Parcel lines shown on this map are only graphic representations of Assessor’s tax parcels. They are not true property boundaries and do not represent accurate relationships to physical objects on the map such as building locations. 113 Town of Barnstable GIS Unit 225 1/26/2024 gis@town.barnstable.ma.us Printed on: 0 ft.225 Subject Parcel Abutters ft. 1 inch = approx. Parcels Town Boundary Railroad Tracks Buildings Approx. Building Buildings Parking Lots Paved Unpaved Roads Paved Road Unpaved Road Bridge Paved Median Water Bodies 20240319 RDA Orenda 194 & 210 Meadow Ln REQUEST FOR DETERMINATION OF APPLICABILITY ABUTTER NOTIFICATION LETTER DATE: RE: Upcoming Barnstable Conservation Commission Public Hearing To Whom It May Concern, As an immediate abutter of a proposed project, please be advised that a Request for Determination application has been filed with the Barnstable Conservation Commission. APPLICANT: PROJECT ADDRESS OR LOCATION: ASSESSOR’S MAP & PARCEL: MAP PARCEL PROJECT DESCRIPTION: ________________________________________________________ APPLICANT’S AGENT: PUBLIC HEARING: WILL BE HELD REMOTELY VIA ZOOM See agenda posting on Town Clerks website available at least 48 hours in advance of the meeting for details. DATE: / / TIME: P.M. NOTE: Plans and applications describing the proposed activity are on file with the Conservation Commission at https://itlaserfiche.town.barnstable.ma.us/WebLink/Browse.aspx?id=825530&dbid=0&repo=TownOfBarns table, by email to Kimberly.Cavanaugh@town.barnstable.ma.us or by calling (508-862-4093) February 29th, 2024 Orenda Wildlife Land Trust 210 and 194 Meadow Lane 158 005/001 & 005/002 Greta Nelson, Orenda Land Steward 20240319 RDA Orenda 194 & 210 Meadow Ln Selective tree cutting and vegetation and grass removal as well as limited planting of native grasses and shrubs in efforts to maintain and expand nesting locations for the Northern Diamondback Terrapin. 03 19 24 6:30