HomeMy WebLinkAbout2021-040 SWM O & M Report 2023-08-25 SITE OPERATION and MAINTENANCE PLAN for Multi-Family Housing 900 Old Stage Road Centerville, Massachusetts 02632 Prepared for:underground Bayridge Realty, LLC August 25, 2023 BAXTER NYE ENGINEERING & SURVEYING Registered Professional Engineers, Land Surveyors & Scientists 1597 Falmouth Rd., Suite 1, Centerville, MA Tel: (508) 771-7502 Email: info@baxter-nye.com Site Operation and Maintenance Plan Multi-Family Housing Project August 25, 2023 900 Old Stage Road, Centerville, MA 2 TABLE OF CONTENTS INTRODUCTION ........................................................................................................................................................3 SMS INSPECTIONS AND MAINTENANCE ..............................................................................................................3 Unscheduled Maintenance .....................................................................................................................................4 General Maintenance ..............................................................................................................................................4 Quarterly Maintenance ............................................................................................................................................5 Major Maintenance..................................................................................................................................................6 Project Inspection Reporting ...................................................................................................................................6 SOLID WASTE MANAGEMENT ................................................................................................................................7 Covered Trash/Storage Areas ................................................................................................................................7 SPILL PREVENTION PLAN AND CONTROL PROCEDURE....................................................................................7 Source Control ........................................................................................................................................................7 Spill Prevention And Material Management Practices ............................................................................................7 Spill Control .............................................................................................................................................................8 SPILL RESPONSE & NOTIFICATION .......................................................................................................................9 Assessment – Initial Condition ................................................................................................................................9 Initial Notification .....................................................................................................................................................9 Further Notification If Required ...............................................................................................................................9 EDUCATIONAL PROGRAM ................................................................................................................................... 10 ATTACHMENT A – INSPECTION LOG .................................................................................................................. 11 Site Operation and Maintenance Plan Multi-Family Housing Project August 25, 2023 900 Old Stage Road, Centerville, MA 3 INTRODUCTION This plan is intended to provide guidelines for the Multi-Family Housing Project at 900 Old Stage Road in Centerville, MA (the Project) for the proper Operation and Maintenance (O&M) of the stormwater management and drainage system (SMS), and discuss general guidelines for the management of solid waste and response to hazardous spills. The O&M Plan will be conducted for the Project by facilities staff that have been educated and trained to understand the general functions of the O&M. The frequency and extent of minimum maintenance is outlined herein. More frequent cleaning, repair, or maintenance may be necessary based on weather and other conditions. Future development of the overall site area may result in changes to this plan. SMS INSPECTIONS AND MAINTENANCE A system for stormwater runoff collection and management has been designed using BMP’s (Best Management Practices) as defined by Mass Dept. of Environmental Protection (MDEP) for the project. The collection and conveyance system is comprised of overland flow through curb openings to sediment forebays. These systems collect, treat, attenuate and convey the runoff to the catch basins and the underground infiltration facilities. All the runoff from the building roof area is captured and conveyed directly to the underground infiltration systems. These systems control and infiltrate stormwater runoff through the 100 year storm events and assist in removing suspended solids including sediments, oil and grease from the stormwater run-off while allowing for nitrogen uptake through the vegetation. The facilities as sized will retain and infiltrate the runoff through the 100-year storm event. The sediment forebays will act to control heavier sediment loads from the site during construction, and will remain in place for this parcel as designed. The devices described above are referred to as the stormwater management and drainage system (SMS). To keep the SMS functioning properly and to ensure that the stormwater TSS and other pollutants are reduced, periodic maintenance is required. The owner/operator of the Project facility is responsible for the periodic maintenance requirements of the O&M Plan for the SMS. The following is a guideline of the minimum maintenance schedules and tasks required to keep the SMS functioning properly. Site Operation and Maintenance Plan Multi-Family Housing Project August 25, 2023 900 Old Stage Road, Centerville, MA 4 Unscheduled Maintenance The following inspections and maintenance activities should be completed after each rain event in excess of two- and one-half inches (2.5”), or after any significant event accompanied by high winds. General judgment needs to be used. If there appears to be significant debris after a storm event, maintenance personnel should walk the site to inspect for and address the following: 1. Inspect the curb opening inlets, slopes, swales, and riprap areas for debris. Remove any branches, trash or other large debris. 2. Inspect roof downspouts, leaders and outfalls to ensure they are not clogged. If roof leaders are clogged, they shall be cleaned out by snaking or other acceptable means. 3. Inspect the sediment forebays for debris. Remove any branches, trash or other large debris. 4. Inspect the Cultec system through the inspection ports for debris. Remove any branches, trash or other large debris. 5. Inspect the catch basins within the sediment forebays. Inspect to make sure the grated inlet area at the catch basins to the underground piping is clear and unobstructed. General Maintenance The following inspections and maintenance activities must be completed on a regular basis as conditions warrant: 1. Maintain the vegetated side slopes and bottom of the sediment forebays and drainage swales. Areas that consist of grass standing are to be mowed at least once per year to prevent undesirable woody vegetation from taking hold. Remove any grass clippings and trimmings from the swm areas to prevent them from impeding the flow of stormwater or slowing infiltration rates. 2. In the fall remove any accumulated leaves from the curb openings, swales, and forebays. Prevent fallen leaves from accumulating over and blocking any inlets. 3. In the spring perform a cleanup to remove any accumulated leaves, branches, or debris from the SMS. The forebays, vegetated swales, and infiltration systems shall be inspected for cracking, erosion, and accumulated sediment. Sediment removal and repair of the area shall occur as needed. Sediment removal shall be done by either hand or vacuum. Damage to the area must absolutely be avoided. All areas shall be raked out and stabilized after removal of sediment or debris as needed. 4. Sediment from catch basin sumps shall be removed when it’s depth reaches 24” (this would put sediment to within 24” of the outlet invert on 4 foot sumps). Catch basins should be inspected in the spring and Site Operation and Maintenance Plan Multi-Family Housing Project August 25, 2023 900 Old Stage Road, Centerville, MA 5 sediment removed by vacuum or clam shell or other appropriate method. Care shall be made to not damage the hood in the catch basin. If it is damaged it shall be replaced per the original detail within the plans. Quarterly Maintenance The following inspections and maintenance activities must be completed quarterly (generally January 15, April 15, July 15, October 15 or other acceptable quarterly dates): 1. Clean the parking area with a street sweeper or vacuum to reduce the amount of sediment entering the SMS. The property will be cleaned in this manner with at least one sweeping per season. 2. Inspect curb openings for debris. Remove any branches, trash or other large debris that could interfere with the proper operation of the outlet of the curb opening. Remove accumulated sediment around the opening. 3. Inspect the swales for debris. Remove any branches, trash or other large debris that could interfere with the proper operation. Remove any accumulated sediment, by the use of hand tools (shovels, rakes, wheelbarrows, etc.) when it exceeds six-inches (6”) but not less than annually. 4. Inspect all stone riprap outfalls and overflow areas. The stone acts to stabilize the ground but also dissipate the erosive velocities and energy in the stormwater runoff. Stone riprap aprons are intended to slow the stormwater runoff and allow it to permeate through the stone to downstream areas. To keep the stone functioning as intended it shall be cleaned of sediment and debris. If stone has moved or broken down it shall be replaced and chinked to interlock stones together. Add stone to these areas as needed as the stone settles or is transported to keep these areas stabilized. Any cracking, channeling in soil or erosion shall be repaired immediately. 5. Inspect all areas for erosion, cracking, or excessive sediment transport. Repair any erosion or cracking areas immediately. 6. Inspect the sediment forebays for debris. Remove any branches, trash or other large debris. Remove any accumulated sediment, by the use of small mini-track (“Bobcat” or equivalent) equipment if needed or by hand (shovels, rakes, wheelbarrows, etc.) when it reaches a maximum of six-inches (6”) but not less than annually. Vegetation shall be inspected to ensure a reasonable growth and survival rate of at least 75% of the plantings. Dead or dying vegetation shall be replaced in-kind or with equal plantings. Site Operation and Maintenance Plan Multi-Family Housing Project August 25, 2023 900 Old Stage Road, Centerville, MA 6 Major Maintenance The following inspections and maintenance activities must be completed annually (April 15 or another acceptable date): 1. Inspect the swales and sediment forebay areas for accumulated sediment. Remove buildup of sediment in the swales and forebays when it reaches a maximum of 12 inches in depth. Restore the forebays to the original elevation and volume per the design drawings. Dispose of the sediment in a legal and lawful manner. 2. The stone riprap aprons may require periodic reconstruction. This will need to occur when during the months of April through November (when the ground is not frozen). If the section upstream of a stone check dam fails to drain within 48-hours (2-days) after the completion of a rainfall event, the stone check dam should be removed and reconstructed in accordance with the original design drawings. 3. Inspect the underground SWM chamber systems at inspection ports. This should be done at least 72 hours after any rainfall. Open the inspection port provided in each row. The inlet row should be the main inspection port reviewed but all chamber rows should be inspected. Look for standing water or excessive accumulated sediment (in excess of 4”). If standing water is seen in the chambers after 72 from any rainfall the chamber system may not be infiltrating properly anymore. In this case, the chambers should be inspected via CCTV camera inspection, cleaned through vacuuming out of the sediment through the inspection ports and the inlet pipe (or other methods recommended by the Manufacturer of the chambers). Monitoring or vacuuming of the sediment out of the chambers shall be performed with a CCTV camera system to ensure there is not removal of any stone in the system. Project Inspection Reporting A site maintenance log will be kept. This log will record the dates of completion of maintenance task, the person or company who completed the task, and any observations of malfunctions in components of the stormwater management system (SMS). Inspections are to be performed by owner rep personnel educated with the general understanding of the SMS functions, maintenance and repair requirements. In addition to the inspection requirements identified above for the Project SMS, the inspector must look for evidence of, or the potential for, pollutants entering the storm water system and take action to remediate any of these potentials. For each site inspection, a SMS Inspection Form in accordance with Attachment A shall be completed and filed for the Project. The completed forms should be maintained for three years on the Project site. Site Operation and Maintenance Plan Multi-Family Housing Project August 25, 2023 900 Old Stage Road, Centerville, MA 7 SOLID WASTE MANAGEMENT The solid waste program for the Project shall be in conformance with applicable Massachusetts’ regulations which emphasizes recycling. All waste material will be collected and stored in covered metal dumpsters or other acceptable waste containers leased from a license solid waste management company. Containers will meet all local and state waste management regulations. All general waste materials from the site will be deposited in the containers; and the dumpster will be emptied as necessary. General waste will be hauled by a licensed contractor and disposed in accordance with federal, state and local environmental regulations. Any hazardous or bio-waste materials will be disposed of in accordance with all federal, state and local environmental regulations. Covered Trash/Storage Areas Trash dumpsters, compactors or other raw or waste materials will be covered to prevent contact with stormwater and will be placed on concrete pads. Dumpsters, waste materials and recyclable materials will be maintained within the refuse enclosure area. SPILL PREVENTION PLAN AND CONTROL PROCEDURE All maintenance personnel will be instructed regarding the following spill prevention practices and procedures. Source Control The first place to start in controlling pollution spills is reducing the chances and amounts of this at the source. Source control of pollution relies on reducing potential pollutants on site. Part of the source controls involves constraints on materials used in or generated by site maintenance. Trash removal, designated trash storage areas, pavement sweeping and controlled use of fertilizer on the site will reduce the pollutant load in the site’s stormwater management system. The Project owners shall educate maintenance personnel on the proper use and storage of potentially hazardous and hazardous materials. Spill Prevention And Material Management Practices Use of any hazardous materials on site will comply with all applicable spill control and prevention requirements, including maintaining spill containment and clean-up equipment on site as appropriate. Storage of materials on site such as pesticide, herbicide, fungicide, and fertilizer will be kept to a minimum to reduce the possibility of spills. Site Operation and Maintenance Plan Multi-Family Housing Project August 25, 2023 900 Old Stage Road, Centerville, MA 8 The following material management practices will be used to reduce the risk of spills or other accidental exposure of materials and substances to stormwater runoff. These include good housekeeping practices and guidelines for the handling of hazardous products. The following good housekeeping practices will be followed on the Project site: · All materials stored on-site will be stored in a neat orderly manner. · Products will be kept in their original containers with original manufacture’s label to allow for proper identification of the material. · All containers will be tightly sealed and stored when not required for use. Excess materials will not be discharged to the stormwater system, but will be properly disposed according to manufacturer’s instructions, state and local regulations. · Slow release organic fertilizers will be used to the maximum extent possible and applied only in the minimum amounts recommended by the manufacturer. · Substances will not be mixed with one another unless recommended by the manufacturer. · Whenever possible, all of a product will be used before disposing of the container. · Manufacturer’s recommendations for proper use and disposal will be followed. · Inspect the storage area weekly to ensure proper use and disposal of materials. · If surplus product must be disposed, manufacturers or local and state recommended methods for proper disposal will be followed. Spill Control In addition to the good housekeeping and material practices discussed above, the following practices will be followed for spill control and cleanup. · Manufacturer’s recommended methods for spill cleanup will be understood and maintenance personnel will be educated on the procedures and the location of the information and cleanup supplies · Materials and equipment necessary for spill cleanup will be kept in a material storage area (to be designated by the facility owner) on site. Equipment and material will include, but will not be limited to: o shovels, wheel barrows, brooms, dustpans, mops, rags, gloves, kitty litter or Speedi-Dry, roll of plastic, plastic trash bags, and one metal trash container specifically designated for spill cleanup purposes. o A covered weatherproof container shall be maintained at the facility. This box shall contain a handled spade shovel, a handled square shovel, filled sand bags and loose sand. There shall be enough sand bags (approximately 6 bags measuring approximately 1 ft. x 2 ft.) to span the drainage curb opening in the event of a spill. The sand bags shall be placed on the upstream side of the Site Operation and Maintenance Plan Multi-Family Housing Project August 25, 2023 900 Old Stage Road, Centerville, MA 9 curb opening entirely blocking the opening to prevent any release of spilled material traveling through the curb opening and into the drainage systems. Loose sand will be placed around the bags as needed to create complete damming of the opening. Once the spill is cleaned up, the loose sand and sand bags should be disposed of properly if contaminated. If not contaminated, they shall be placed back in the weatherproof container and the materials shall be replenished as needed. · All spills will be removed immediately after discovery. · The spill area will be kept well ventilated, and personnel will wear protective clothing when necessary per manufacturer’s recommendations, cautions, and common sense practice, to prevent injury from contact with a hazardous substance. · Depending on the nature of the spill, it will be reported to the Authorities as necessary (see Response and Notification section below). SPILL RESPONSE & NOTIFICATION Assessment – Initial Condition The facility maintenance manager will assess the incident and initiate containment control measures with the appropriate spill containment included in the spill kit kept on site. Initial Notification In the event of a spill, the facility maintenance manager will be notified immediately. If there is any release of or contamination by a hazardous material immediate notification of the local Fire Department and Health Department is required. Further Notification If Required Based on the assessment from the fire chief, additional notification to a cleanup contractor may be made. The Massachusetts Department of Environmental Protection may be notified depending upon the nature and severity of the spill. The Fire Chief will be responsible for determining the level of cleanup and notification required. Spills of toxic or hazardous material in excess of reportable quantities, as established in the Massachusetts Contingency Plan (MCO) will be reported to the Massachusetts Department of Environmental Protection Emergency Response Line at (888) 304-1133. Site Operation and Maintenance Plan Multi-Family Housing Project August 25, 2023 900 Old Stage Road, Centerville, MA 10 EDUCATIONAL PROGRAM The facility maintenance manager will provide educational information and training for all maintenance personnel. The information and training will review the information contained in the O&M Plan at a minimum, as well as other procedures and practices the facility owner requires to be implemented. The training shall review O&M procedures, required schedules, necessary inspection logs, and where response materials are kept. All new maintenance employees shall receive this information and training. The training shall be reviewed with maintenance personnel annually. Site Operation and Maintenance Plan Multi-Family Housing Project August 25, 2023 900 Old Stage Road, Centerville, MA 11 ATTACHMENT A – INSPECTION LOG O:\2021\2021-040\ADMIN\REPORTS\SWM\2021-040 SMW O and M.docx Inspection Item Inspection Frequency Date Inspected Weather at Time Minimum Maintenance Cleaning or Date of Cleaning Repair Recommendations/of Inspection- Note & Key Items to Check Repair needed Cleaning/ Performed by: Corrective Actionsof Weather Conds. (list Items) RepairSince Last Inspect.Curb OpeningsCatch BasinsSediment ForebaysRiprap and StoneVegetated SwalesRoof drains/leadersErosion and StabilizationVegetation - survival/healthMowing/trimming of SWM areasStreet/ Parking Lot Sweeping In the Event of a Spill refer to the spill response procedure and contact appropriate agencies. Describe any Corrective action required at this time (attached figures to show location of concern):Inspector: Title: Date:Attachment A - SMS INSPECTION FORM900 Old Stage Road, Centerville, MA