HomeMy WebLinkAboutZBA Presentation_900 Old Stage CVille_Kerkado 11_8_23 FINAL– A w a l k a b 9 0 0 l e , v i l l a g e -c e n t e r e d 2 0 U n i t C o n d o m i n i u m 9 0 0 D e n n i s V i l l a g e a t 7 4 4 M a i n S t & 1 8 H o p e L a n e Courtyard PROJECT TEAM: Applicant : Bayridge Realty, LLC - Sandwich MA Dennis Kerkado , Owner-Manager Attorney: Peter L. Freeman, Freeman Law Group LLC , Yarmouthport Site/Civil Engineer : Matthew Eddy, Baxter Nye Engineering & Surveying, Centerville Architect : John LaFreniere, LaFreniere Architects, Cambridge Traffic Engineer : Randy Hart, VHB, Watertown A P P L I C A N T: BAY R I D G E R E A LT Y LLC •Dennis Kerkado, Owner of Sandwich/ Cape Cod Based Property Development & Management Company •50 Years of Experience in local real estate sales, construction & property management •Own s & Manage s over 100+ Units of housing •In-House Management, Customer Service & Maintenance Division •Currently Re -Developing: ➢78 North St Hyannis - 11 Units ➢79-81 Bassett Ln Hyannis WORK COMPLETED TO DATE - NEXT STEPS •Informal Meetings w/ BARNSTABLE PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT STAFF •INFORMAL SITE PLAN REVIEW – NOVEMBER 9, 2022 •OBTAINED “PEL”/ PROJECT ELIGIBILITY LETTER MassHousing 5/25/23 (“NEF” New England Fund Program under “FHL Bank Boston”) •Tonight’s Presentation to Barnstable Zoning Board of Appeals to seek support for the MGL Ch. 40B Comprehensive Permit Application •Final Approval by MassHousing upon approval by Town of Barnstable PROJECT OVERVIEW Tonight, Bayridge Realty LLC seeks Barnstable ZBA support for a Comprehensive Permit under MGL Ch. 40B 900 Old Stage Rd . consists of : •14 new residential units for rent on 3.95 Acres within the ‘RC’ Residential Zoning District (Density = 3.54 Units Per Acre ) •10 Market rate units + 4 Dedicated Affordable -restricted units to households earning at OR below 80% of Area Median Income •Market Units: 5 - One BR Units, 4 - Two BR Units + 1 - Three BR Unit •Affordable Units: 1 - One BR Unit, 2 - Two BR Units + 1 - Three BR Unit •Total Bedrooms = 24 Average Unit Sizes Range: 550SF – 1380 SF •4 Total Buildings – Gross Building Area = 16,463 GSF PROJECT OVERVIEW CONT. •4 – Two Story W/F Buildings inclusive of Detached Garage Building w/ Two Residential Units above •4 Garage + 23 grade -level surface parking spaces provided – 27 Total •“Tot Lot” play area provided at northerly portion of site •Shared/ Enclosed solid waste and recycling dumpsters provided •Shared I/A Level septic wastewater system provided in response to site location within town’s Saltwater Estuary Protection Overlay District •Stormwater management systems will contain and recharge all storm run -off on -site •Robust landscaping to include screen plantings along westerly property line consisting of Arborvitae and White Pines E X I S T I N G S I T E P L A N P RO P O S E D M A S T E R P L A N P RO P O S E D BU I L D I N G & L OT C OV E R AG E S P RO P O S E D S I T E L AYO U T P L A N S I G H T D I S TA N C E P L A N G R A D I N G & D R A I N AG E P L A N S TO R M WAT E R M A N AG E M E N T D E TA I L S U T I L I T Y D I S T R I BU T I O N P L A N S E P T I C S Y S T E M P L A N L A N D S C A P E P L A N V I E W F RO M E N T RY D R I V E V I E W F RO M N O RT H S I D E O F P RO P E RT Y L O O K I N G T OWA R D S O L D S TA G E R D. T R A N S P O RTAT I O N A S S E S S M E N T •Assessment completed by Vanasse Hangen Brustlin Inc. (VHB)- Report dated 10/11/23 submitted to ZBA •Three Key Areas Evaluated : 1. Review of Accident History along Old Stage Rd. near site entrance 2. Projections of Trip Generation for Proposed Residential Development 3. Review of Site Distance at Proposed Driveway T R A N S P O RTAT I O N A S S E S S M E N T C O N T. Key Findings: 1.No crashes identified during crash analysis in the vicinity of site driveway for 5 yr data 2.No “Highway Safety Improvement Program (HSIP) “clusters” were found in vicinity 3.Trip Generation Summary per ITE Trip Generation Rates as follows: T R A N S P O RTAT I O N A S S E S S M E N T C O N T. 4. Stopping Site Distance (SSD) & Intersection Site Distance (ISD) EXCEEDS minimum requirements as follows: B A R N S TA B L E H O U S I N G P RO D U C T I O N P L A N 900 Old Stage Community addresses many of the stated demographic needs in the Town’s Housing Production Plan/Needs Assessment: •Demographic Profile: Barnstable households decreased by 3%/ population increased by 8% between 2010 -2020 •69% of Barnstable households live in one or two -person households; however most homes are 3 Bedrooms - Mismatch indicates a need for studio, one and two BR options •81% of Barnstable housing stock is detached singe -family homes •33% of Barnstable homes are second homes and 5% are short term rentals •Only 2% of Net Land Area in Barnstable allows Multi -Family as -of-right •Per DHCD Ch 40B Subsidized Housing Inventory (thru 4/26/23), Barnstable has 1485 (SHI) Units = 7.23% of its housing inventory/ 570 units below req’d statutory minimum of 10% Source: Barnstable Housing Needs Assessment/ November 2022 PROJECT BENEFITS SUMMARY The Proposed 900 Old Stage Rd. Housing Community: •Provides much needed Market Rate & dedicated Affordable Housing as cited in the Barnstable Housing Production Plan •Provides a Mix of 1, 2 & 3 BR Units •Expands housing opportunities in a way that is compatible with the community’s general scale and character •Provides a high level of wastewater treatment via an I/A sewage disposal system THANK YOU! Q&A R E QU E S T E D WA I V E R L I S T R E QU E S T E D WA I V E R L I S T R E QU E S T E D WA I V E R L I S T R E QU E S T E D WA I V E R L I S T