HomeMy WebLinkAboutOKH 04 24 24 Draft Minutes Town of Barnstable Old King’s Highway Historic District Committee MINUTES Wednesday, April 24, 2024, 6:30pm To all persons deemed interested or affected b y the Town of Barnstable's Old King’s Highway Historic District Act under Section 9 of Chapter 470, Acts of 1973 as amended. You are hereby notified that a hearing was held by remote participation via Zoom Meetings on the following applications: Bett McCarthy, Chair Present George Jessop, AIA Present Ryan Coholan Present Lesley Wallace Present Wendy Shuck, Clerk Present Erica Brown, Administrative Assistant Present A quorum being met, Chair Bett McCarthy called the hearing to order at 6:30 pm. The Chair explained the hearing and appeal process and invited the public to address the Committee and view the plans of interest when the application is called. ______________________________________________________________________________ Roll Call Chair Bett McCarthy called the meeting to order at 6:30 pm and took roll call. Attendance Roll Call: Ryan Coholan George Jessop Lesley Wallace Wendy Shuck Bett McCarthy CONTINUED APPLICATIONS Carey, Steven & Kristy, 302 Church Street, West Barnstable, Map 153, Parcel 009/001, Built 1948 Add a second-floor dormer and a 16’ x 30’ addition to the south facing elevation. Steve and Kristy Carey were in attendance for this item. Steve and Kristy presented that they decided to move the addition and dormer from the front of the home (south side elevation) to the rear of the home (north side elevation). The addition will extend approximately 14 feet off the rear of the existing dwelling. All materials to be used will match the existing home. Wendy- No dormer on the front? Steve- No dormer on the front. Wendy- Will the materials match what is existing? Steve- Looking to change to shingle style. George- Why the single lights on the rear? Steve- For furniture placement. Over the beds. All the other walls have either a wall or a window. George- Building will decide if the windows will meet egress. Thinks the single transoms are inappropriate. Maybe a double hung next to the beds. Lesley- The switch to the rear is appropriate. Is there a deck coming out of the addition? Steve- Yes. Ryan- Think the switch to the rear makes a lot of sense. The transom windows are not visible from the road. Materials to match. Thinks it is appropriate. Bett- Visited the house and the revised plan is much more appropriate. Public Comment: None Wendy Shuck moved to close the public hearing. Lesley Wallace seconded. Roll Call Vote Ryan Coholan – aye George Jessop- aye Lesley Wallace- aye Wendy Shuck- aye Bett McCarthy- aye A motion was made by Wendy Shuck to approve the Certificate of Appropriateness for Carey, Steven & Kristy, 302 Church Street, West Barnstable, Map 153, Parcel 009/001, Built 1948 to add a second-floor dormer and a 16’ x 30’ addition to the south facing elevation as submitted per revised plans. Seconded by Ryan Coholan. Roll Call Vote Ryan Coholan – aye George Jessop- aye Lesley Wallace- aye Wendy Shuck- aye Bett McCarthy- aye APPLICATIONS OConnor, Judith Carroll TR, 70 High Street, West Barnstable, Map 133, Parcel 028/001, Built 1988 Replacement Sign. Wendy Shuck moved to open the public hearing. Seconded by Lesley Wallace. Roll Call Vote Ryan Coholan- aye George Jessop- aye Lesley Wallace- aye Wendy Shuck- aye Bett McCarthy- aye No representative was in attendance for this item. Erica explained that this was previously a B&B and the previous owner took the sign. This application is for a replacement sign and to use the existing post to hold the sign. The Committee agreed that it is a straightforward application and proceeded with Committee discussion. George- Noted it is not a large sign. Wendy- Noted that she has a house number sign that is approximately that size. Appropriate and not unlike other house number signs in the area. Ryan- Take no exception, thinks it is appropriate. Lesley- Appropriate. Bett- Concurs with the Committee. It is appropriate. Public Comment: None Wendy Shuck moved to close the public hearing. Ryan Coholan seconded. Roll Call Vote Ryan Coholan – aye George Jessop- aye Lesley Wallace- aye Wendy Shuck- aye Bett McCarthy- aye Wendy Shuck moved to approve the Certificated of Appropriateness application for OConnor, Judith Carroll TR, 70 High Street, West Barnstable, Map 133, Parcel 028/001, Built 1988 for a replacement sign as submitted. Seconded by Ryan Coholan. Roll Call Vote Ryan Coholan- aye George Jessop- aye Lesley Wallace- aye Wendy Shuck- aye Bett McCarthy- aye MINOR MODIFICATIONS Munsell, David & Diane, 3075 Main Street, Barnstable, Map 279, Parcel 041, Built 2023 Change ‘K’ style gutters to 6” ½ round with white downspouts. Change split rail fence line. Certificate of Appropriateness approved on 9/27/2023. Diane and David Munsell were in attendance. George- Asked to see site plan of the fence and asked if it was facing route 6A. Diane- It is not facing 6A. David- It is not a stockade fence. It is a cedar fence with a cap on top. Vertical board fence. George- Appreciate the change to a vertical board fence. David- Original fence was a split rail that sits along the right of way between the dwelling and the rectory building. It hides the generator. There’s a gate on the side of the shed. Lesley- Dressier. Appropriate. David- Felt the 6” ½ round was more appropriate. Bringing the downspouts around the corner. Wendy- The purple highlighted is where a split rail fence will go? David- Originally there was an approved split rail fence from the shed, along the property line, and then perpendicular to Route 6A. It was taken down for construction. Orange highlight is the 5’ vertical board fence, the yellow highlight will be arborvitaes, and the purple will be a replacement of the split rail fence perpendicular to Route 6A. Ryan- No comments. Thinks it is appropriate. Lesley- Likes the fence and the downspouts. Appropriate. Bett- The fence proposed is appropriate. The house is coming along beautifully. Wendy Shuck moved to approve the Minor Modification application for Munsell, David & Diane, 3075 Main Street, Barnstable, Map 279, Parcel 041, Built 2023 to change ‘K’ style gutters to 6” ½ round with white downspouts. Change split rail fence line. Certificate of Appropriateness approved on 9/27/2023 as submitted. Seconded by Ryan Coholan. Roll Call Vote Ryan Coholan- aye George Jessop- aye Lesley Wallace- aye Wendy Shuck- aye Bett McCarthy- aye Romanowicz, Mark & Sherry, 188 Marstons Lane, Barnstable, Map 350, Parcel 033, Built 1972 Modification proposed to the first floor bedroom located at the rear of the dwelling to include increase building footprint by 136 sq. ft., add bay window to rear elevation, modify roof configuration, and modify window configuration. Mark & Sherry Romanowicz were in attendance. Mark- The first slide shows the finished front of the home as approved. The elevations show what was originally approved and what is now proposed. The intention is to improve the roof lines and the windows. George- Roof pitches to match existing? Materials and window fenestrations to match existing? Mark- Yes. Materials are complimentary as well as same window fenestrations. Wendy- The right elevation, there are no other windows planned except for the two quarter windows? Mark- Correct. That’s the headboard wall for the proposed master bedroom. Wendy- Glad it will be stepped back. It is the back of the home and the changes fit in with the house and neighborhood. Appropriate. Ryan- Given it is the back of the home and the materials are matching, it is appropriate. Agrees with Wendy the step back is helpful. Lesley- Step back is great and it will look good. Likes the little windows as it reminds her of the Amityville Horror house. Appropriate. Bett- Concur with the Committee remakes. It is appropriate. Wendy Shuck moved to approve the Minor Modification application for Romanowicz, Mark & Sherry, 188 Marstons Lane, Barnstable, Map 350, Parcel 033, Built 1972 for the modification proposed to the first floor bedroom located at the rear of the dwelling to include increase building footprint by 136 sq. ft., add bay window to rear elevation, modify roof configuration, and modify window configuration as submitted. Seconded by Ryan Coholan. Roll Call Vote Ryan Coholan- aye George Jessop- aye Lesley Wallace- aye Wendy Shuck- aye Bett McCarthy- aye EXTENSIONS None OTHER None Approval of Minutes April 10, 2024 Wendy Shuck made a motion to approve the minutes of April 10, 2024 as submitted. Ryan Coholan Seconded. Roll Call Vote Ryan Coholan – aye George Jessop- aye Lesley Wallace- aye Wendy Shuck- aye Bett McCarthy- abstain Next Meeting Date: May 8, 2024; May 22, 2024 ADJOURNMENT- Wendy Shuck moved to adjourn the meeting Wednesday April 24, 2024. Ryan Coholan seconded. Ryan Coholan- aye George Jessop- aye Lesley Wallace- aye Wendy Shuck- aye Bett McCarthy- aye Meeting adjourned at 7:07 pm. Respectfully Submitted, Erica Brown, Administrative Assistant Planning & Development