HomeMy WebLinkAboutLtr. A. Brigham 773 South Main Supplemental Materialsffir Eliza Cox Direct Line: (508) 790-5431 Fax: (617) 310-9191 E-mail: ecox@nutter.com May 15,2024 121775-1 By Email Town of Barnstable ZoningBoard of Appeals 200 Main Street Hyannis, MA 02601 Attn: Anna Brigham, Principal Planner 773 South Main Street. LLC - Proposed Plunge Pool Appeal No. 2024-011 Dear Members of the Board: Following the initial public hearing on April 10,2024 for the above matter, and in response to comments from the Board and the direct abutter at the public hearing, I am pleased to enclose an updated site plan dated last revised on May 14,2024, which incorporates the following changes: r The size ofthe proposed dipping pool has been decreased. The newproposed dimensions are 10 feet x 19 feet. As the Board may recall, the originally proposed dimensions were 12 feet x 20.5 feet. Accordingly, the area of the proposed dipping pool is now proposed to be reduced by 56 square feet. o The revised plan shifts the location of the pool to the east, bringing it away from the abutting property line and toward my client's home. As depicted on the updated plan, at its closest point, the pool is now proposed to be 8.02 feet away from the abutter's property line. The updated site plan also shows the approximate distance of the pool to the following features on the abutting property: o Accessory Structure/Guesthouse: 20.62 feet at the closest point; o Guesthouse Patio Area:25.37 feet; and o Guesthouse Deck: 43.24 feet; and o Main House: 87.37 feet. Re: a Nutter McOtennen & Fish LLP / l47llyannough Rd, P.0, Box 1630 / Hyannis, MA 02601 / T: 508.790.5400 / nutter,com Anna Brigham, Principal Planner May 15,2024 Page2 a As noted at the hearing, the grade of the proposed pool is several feet lower than the abutting property, and there is a mature privet and evergreen hedge buffering the two properties. The proposed equipment areahas been slightly reconfigured, but remains in the same location on the subject property. As noted on the revised plan, this area will be screened/buffered by a 6-foot high stockade fence with a gate pointing toward my client's home (and away from the abutter). The area surrounding the equipment will also be planted with a 6-foot high evergreen hedge. In addition, the revised plan also depicts two "LS" areas near the equipment location where the existing gravel will be removed and additional landscaping will be planted. This additional planting creates a nice aesthetic near South Main Street, and also results in a fruther decrease of overall impervious coverage on the property. As noted on the revised plan, the proposed condition decreases the total site impervious coverage by 65 square feet. The initial plan proposed a 39 sf reduction in hardscape. My client has always tried to be a good, quiet, and respectful neighbor; this is further evidenced by the foregoing proposed changes to the plan in response to comments received. We maintain that this small plunge pool will not have a significant impact to the neighborhood, particularly with the increased setback and reduced dimensions. We hope that with these changes, the Board will grant the requested relief. We look forward to reviewing these changes at the upcoming May 22,2024hearing. Thank you very much. Very truly yours, *1* Gr^Etiz{Cox f EZC:cmf Enclosure cc: 773 South Main Street, LLC (w/ enclosure) Attorney Michael Gill (w/ enclosure) 6663565.1