HomeMy WebLinkAboutBHC 04 16 24 DRAFT MINUTESDraft DRAFT MINUTES Barnstable Historical Commission This meeting was held on April 16, 2024 at 3:00 PM Nancy Shoemaker, Vice Chair Present Marilyn Fifield, Clerk Absent George Jessop Present Cheryl Powell Absent; Late Arrival Jack Kay Absent Barbara DeBiase Absent Robert Frazee, Alternate Present Erica Brown, Administrative Assistant Present Vice Chair Nancy Shoemaker called the meeting to order at 3:00 pm. Acting under the provisions of the Code of the Town of Barnstable, ss 112-1 through 112-7, the Historical Commission held a Public Hearing on the following applications previously determined significant and referred to Public Hearing: CONTINUED APPLICATIONS None APPLICATIONS Zanineli, Fabio, 347 Great Marsh Road, Centerville, Map 210, Parcel 006, Built 1910 Partial Demolition: Remove roof from existing building. Changes to each elevation including additions. Fabio Zanineli was in attendance for this item. Fabio gave an overview of the project starting with the front elevation. He stated the house would be clapboard. There would be an addition to the left side of the home to expand the bedroom . On the right side an addition would also come to align with the addition on the left. The front wall will be flush. The house will be perfectly rectangular. Discussion: Jack questioned how the support for the dwelling will be reinforced. Fabio said they will be reinforcing what is already there. Bob commented that additions typically break up the massing of the house. With this proposal the increase of volume of the home will not be broken up by additions since all the elevations will be flush. Bob suggested that at least from the street view, it may be worth looking into pulling out the front entry to make it look a little smaller than it will look. Bob also commented that this home is not on the national register nor is it located in a national register district. George commented that the proposal looks like a summer cottage of the 50s. George made several suggestions including changing the color from black to blue or dark green, turning the downspouts in from the corner, a trellis on the side of the home to fill in some of the blank space. Public Comment: An abutter of the project spoke in favor of this project stating she believes that this change will be great for the current lot and overall appearance of the neighborhood. MOTION 1: Draft Bob Frazee moved that after review and consideration of public testimony, the application, and associated materials, the Significant Buildings located at 347 Great Marsh Road, Centerville, is a Preferably Preserved Significant Building. Jack Kay seconded. So Voted: Nay- Jack Kay, George Jessop, Robert Frazee, Nancy Shoemaker. Abstain- Cheryl MOTION 2: Bob Frazee moved that in accordance with Section 112-3(F), the Barnstable Historical Commission determines that the full demolition of the Preferably Preserved Significant Building located at 94 Stevens Street, Hyannis, is not detrimental to the historical, cultural, and architectural heritage or resources of the Town. Jack Kay seconded. So Voted: Aye- George Jessop, Jack Kay, Robert Frazee, Nancy Shoemaker. Abstain- Cheryl Other: • Community Preservation Committee Update: None • Discussion of upcoming historical events open to the public: • George mentioned the village LCP meetings. • Barnstable Historical Society will have a Jazz band on May 18th. • Hyannis Historical Annual Meeting on Saturday May 4th at the JFK museum. El- len Briggs will be speaking. • 94 Steven’s Street- Erica will check on when the portion of the structure to be saved will be relocated. • 2 Irving Ave (Julia’s House)- Nancy shared some photos she took of the existing dwelling. Commission discussed updating the Form B. Nancy also mentioned there’s a possibility of a neighbor may be interested in relocating the structure to their property. • Workshop- Erica suggested to look at May or June to conduct a workshop re- garding the historic ordinance, OML, and zoning questions as they pertain to the Commission. • Election of Chair- Nancy S. agreed to Chair for another month. • Trayser Artifacts Update: Erica Brown gave an update about the Trayser Artifacts stating that the consultant started on April 3rd. She has been working diligently on a master inventory of the artifacts. Erica showed the inventory form to the Commission detailing the items. • Correspondence: New Section 106 Vineyard Northeast Project Invitation to Consult: The Vineyard East project is going through a beach in RI and a beach in CT with the wind farm South of Martha’s Vineyard. The Commission agreed that this project would not affect Barnsta- ble and that they would not like to be a consulting party. Draft Matters Not Reasonably Anticipated by the Chair Next meeting will be May 21, 2024 With no further business before this Commission, a motion was duly made by Commissioner Powell and seconded Commissioner Frazee by to adjourn the meeting. Aye: George Jessop, Jack Kay, Cheryl Powell, Bob Frazee, and Nancy Shoemaker. Meeting adjourned at 4:13pm. Respectfully Submitted, Erica Brown, Administrative Assistant