HomeMy WebLinkAbout0 Long BeachI »I ; i 4fiv-Vi//^ B3Ck2313 m 158 058-15 I.JOICI ETWT^l CW^T^RD,.JlU,oC Barrwtnblo (Oahi»xvill«),r.-invotahla County, Kas!jachu.'.;ttj,EXnCtTOn urslar tho wru,of JOIN EDWIN IVMNAPD labs of IVinviUiblo (OatorvlUo),Eamntablo Country,Kaaoaohuaotto,Damntablo Probito No. 51503, by pcwcar conferred by Licenco of tlvi Probato Cburt dfltod Kirch 5th,1976,and ovury othor pou-or,for^EICinY-fOOR aiKXr/-L0LLAR3 ($04,000.00),paid,granta txi^ERagT It.aVCTL"^emj (lAV.Virr^:-:Snffi ig^KiLTCH,husband and wljb,ag joint tenants,both of Klin Street,Groton,Middlesex County,MossachuootAs,tho land,together with the Udldingo thereon,situated in natTiatablo (Ootervillo), Bamotablo County,Masoachuoetts,bounded and described aa follcwat PWOT,^1 -uiiTxjiSTErro i;\nd SCUli.-:rj.Y by the State lligljway,aixty-throo (63)fret,rorti or lesa; by tfw uiid lligh-cy,t>rnty-fcur and 09/103 (24,09)feot;awl l;y BAid StAto Hla,7wuy^£ivQ hinclrod ninety find 13/100 (590.13)feet; by Tarcol D,one l.uiidrod forty-nine and 24/100 (149.24)feot> fcy said Parcel D,nix hundrtsd twunti^aix (626)feet,maro or leca; by arr>3 River,fifty-five (55)feet;more or leaa. noiny FArm.Aaa ch:».,r.on plan entitled "Planof in Oot^rvillc, D.ar^tablo,y^s.aa Survc/od for Donald Kirk David,Scale 1 inch oniala 80 ft.,ray 3,1945,Doarsa &Kellogg,Civil Enyincers,Centcrville,* Mann.,which plan is record'ad with BamstobLa County Bogistry of Decda, Plan Ecok 72,P<acc 65.j ^Jt ^hjoct to a reservation aa set forth in deed firm Karinn Oustavua to Jchn Ec.'in Eamani ot ux rc-cvrdixl wit-Ji Po.'-ngta.ble County r«>.jisU-v/or '.ocdn in _/luax /57,Pago ST?. -laiCIS'iT'.FED IWJD lJ0Fh'h'.',cSTi'3ll,Y iy Ccntervi.llo River (forrnorjy Qieqavruot River)» E.^S^i:lC,Y byI/at 1)(L.C,59103),abcwt two hundred twenty-<*«• (221)foot;^ Sd/nnniLY by Hontuckct Sound; and W-OTPLY by Lot 2,about ono hundred ninety-six (196)fcot. X Doiny LOT 3 as siicwn on lontl Court Subdiviaion Plan No.13407'^. )dGscrilxxl lot is subj(>jt to tho building and zoning laws of the ;^^forth in DocuTKnt No.52,236/frt^which Ccrtlficato No.20C60 ia issued.• ^benefit of the rights set forth in said Docirncnt^th «U of the right,title and interest,if any,to so mxh offorcslwre,^ch,flats Oid eocrction acormlated and added thereto toIwwn^r r.ark ^both the said Cont^irville River and oald Nanuujket SouM f private ov.nerihip inay extcrxl and to any awl all ottor riparianrigntsaaorenowaj:p«.irtenint to tho prtsidreo herein conveyed. ^V/WKl oil pv9il.tc rights legally odsUng in and over the sometolcwhighwatermarxinCcnterviUelUvcrendNantudcetSound, being the premises rir-n/Tribcd in Certificate of Title No.20C60. EA-VillliY SOUniEihlY VESTOILY NOIOlIlddiY EASlldlLY WTTOESS ray hand and seal this 29th dav of January •*(OMMONV/rALTH OF MAOSACi lU'.CTIS J^iii Eci-wln Bamaid,Jr,,ExtxJL;roR /»raW EDWIN DARI^lRD #1976 dcuikc ft uivii tnp.ineere Sept.17,1934 Subdivision of land &lots B,C &G Shown on plane 196glA &104'}0^ Filed with Certs.of Title No,g6l7 &74'^') Registry District of Barnstable County' bump^ •4\^\ •^»\* b. ^*N •***'***••••».»J^r cX 55 i.i., ^l.^n -.•0S'l4"~~" -/ rvil .WK . I +•!. .^I y IS ••) "5'|5 V'-4 y^fT^. 4^j f V<^ C -^U'S^m\ Vo >5!) ^I ^O/^n iV*^- ui V*^•:^—C*\* ^.*0 C5^ ..UVV0 '»<*in. yy y\^ -•*--r .~ji._--r ...I-,.^JM,X___ 89 5> -•101.9 /.-r " iipiand -"Cj'i 8/.g^}fn 1 i //,* zr IS'00"w J39:-35 iL.». 16 '3/.53 't c . Ci O ci •fti^ 386.68-• Copy p/on\xt9 681 LAND ^ISTRATION PFFiCE SEPT.20,1954 Scale of this plan 120 feet to an inch CM Aflde r$on,engineer for l^urt Separate certificates^oF title may be issuedforlots...4 8c 7 thru //..yCS sLfomt bereon &cr.7jas.4; c_.