HomeMy WebLinkAbout2024-05-28 Response Letter May 28, 2024 Barnstable Planning Board Attn: James Kupfer, Assistant Director 367 Main Street Hyannis, Massachusetts 02601 Via: Email to James.Kupfer@town.barnstable.ma.us Reference: Definitive Subdivision Plan 307 Main Street Hyannis, Massachusetts B+T Project No. 3447.00 Dear Members of the Board: On behalf of the applicant, WinnDevelopment Company, LP, we have updated the Definitive Plan to address comments raised by the Hyannis Fire Department on May 6, 2024 and the Town of Barnstable DPW Engineering Department in their memorandum dated May 13, 2024. We have provided the original comments in italics and response to each comment in bold font for ease of review by the Board and town staff. Hyannis Fire Department: 1. Please show that the Hyannis ladder truck can fully circulate the proposed cul-de-sac and center island. We have provided a swept path fire truck turning exhibit using the Hyannis ladder truck template to show that the cul-de-sac is sized adequately to allow the ladder truck to fully circulate. 2. Please provide a hydrant at the end of the cul-de-sac. The Definitive Plan includes a hydrant at the end of the cul-de-sac. Barnstable DPW Engineering Department: 3. The Mass Plane Coordinate System coordinates are not provided for two lot corners of proposed lot 2, per §801-24. B (2)(c). We have updated the Lotting Plan to include bounds and coordinates at the two additional corners of proposed Lot 2. Barnstable Planning Board Attn: James Kupfer, Assistant Director May 28, 2024 Page 2 4. Proposed roadway stationing must begin at the centerline/centerline intersection of Old Colony Road and Proposed Road A, per §801-24. B(3)(d). We have updated the plan and profile to extend the centerline of the proposed Road A to the centerline of Old Colony Road. 5. The road and road cross section profile drawings do not depict the proposed dry wells (DW-1, DW-2, and DW-3), catch basin (CB-5), or drainage manhole (DMH-1), per §801- 24. C(5). We have updated the profile and cross-sections to depict proposed drainage structures. 6. Two benchmarks are not provided for each street, per §801-24. C(9). We have added two benchmarks each for Old Colony Road and Main Street. 7. A cross section profile should be provided for the end of the proposed road including spot elevations to confirm gutter flow is maintained. We have revised contours in the cul-de-sac bulb to show that gutter flow is maintained along the outer curbline. 8. The proposed drainage swale overflow dry wells (DW-2 and DW-3) are not included in the stormwater analysis report, confirm there is no overflow to Old Colony Road. We have regraded the lots for the temporary condition prior to development of the lots. The graded and loamed/seeded areas will drain to temporary surface infiltration basins therefore eliminating the need for the two referenced dry wells. The temporary infiltration basins have been added to the stormwater analysis showing that there is no overflow to Old Colony Road. 9. The proposed catch basin (CB-5), drain manhole (DMH-1), and leaching basin (DW-1) are not included in the stormwater analysis report. We have updated the stormwater analysis to include the referenced structures within Old Colony Road to show that the leaching basin will retain the volume of runoff from a 25-year design storm prior to overflowing to DMH-1. Barnstable Planning Board Attn: James Kupfer, Assistant Director May 28, 2024 Page 3 10. Water mains and service lines will need to be sleeved if they are unable to meet the minimum required separation to sewer lines defined in §901-9. E. We have added notes to the plan indicating that sewer lines will be required to be encased in concrete if the separation criteria of §901-9. E cannot be met. Each service line will need to be evaluated during the design of the residential units. 11. The proposed sewer connection will require installation of a sewer manhole in Main Street at the junction of the proposed subdivision sewer main and the existing Main Street sewer main, per §901-14. We have added a sewer manhole at the connection point within Main Street. 12. The proposed sewer connection will require installation of a sampling manhole centered on the property line shared by proposed Lot 5 and the Main Street right of way, per §901-13. We have moved the sampling manhole to the right-of-way line of Main Street. 13. Sheet C4.0 identifies “ACCESS AND UTILITY EASEMENT” for proposed lots 3,4, and 5, please identify what access is granted by the proposed easement. The easement is intended to provide sewer and water to the subdivision from Main Street as there are no existing mains within Old Colony Road. Additionally, the easement will provide access from Road A to Lot 5 to avoid an additional curb cut on Old Colony Road. A note to this effect has been added to the Definitive Plan; the easement document will be prepared by the Project Attorney prior to recording of the Definitive Plan. 14. Please identify how lot 5 will be accessed, if lot 5 is to be accessed from Main Street, then DPW Engineering will need to review and approve any impacts to paving, curb cuts, and appropriate separation to the intersection. The project proposes to access Lot 5 from Road A to avoid an additional curb cut on Old Colony Road. 15. The new sidewalk along Old Colony Road should include ADA compliant curb ramps on both sides of the proposed roadway, and a crosswalk between curb ramps consistent with the Town of Barnstable’s Standard Crosswalk detail. We have added curb ramps on both sides of the proposed roadway. Barnstable Planning Board Attn: James Kupfer, Assistant Director May 28, 2024 Page 4 16. The project will require a road opening/trench permit, a stormwater management permit, and a sewer connection permit prior to commencing construction We have added notes to the Definitive Plan indicating that these additional permits will be required prior to commencing construction. We look forward to reviewing the proposed Definitive Plan, plan updates, and comment responses with the Board at their June 10, 2024 hearing. Should you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact our office. Sincerely, BEALS AND THOMAS, INC. Paula A. Thompson, PE, LEED AP, SITES AP Associate Enclosures: Definitive Plan, 307 Main Street, dated May 28, 2024 Stormwater Management Report amended May 28, 2024 cc: Matthew J. Wrobel, P.E., Senior Project Manager Water & Sewer Ramie Schneider, WinnDevelopment Company LP (via email) Robert Brennan, Esq., Smolak & Vaughan, LLP (via email) PAT/mc/mac/344700LT010