HomeMy WebLinkAboutOKH 05 08 24 Draft Minutes Town of Barnstable Old King’s Highway Historic District Committee MINUTES Wednesday, May 8, 2024, 6:30pm To all persons deemed interested or affected b y the Town of Barnstable's Old King’s Highway Historic District Act under Section 9 of Chapter 470, Acts of 1973 as amended. You are hereby notified that a hearing was held by remote participation via Zoom Meetings on the following applications: Bett McCarthy, Chair Present George Jessop, AIA Present Ryan Coholan Present Lesley Wallace Present Wendy Shuck, Clerk Absent Erica Brown, Administrative Assistant Present A quorum being met, Chair Bett McCarthy called the hearing to order at 6:30 pm. The Chair explained the hearing and appeal process and invited the public to address the Committee and view the plans of interest when the application is called. ______________________________________________________________________________ Roll Call Chair Bett McCarthy called the meeting to order at 6:30 pm and took roll call. Attendance Roll Call: Ryan Coholan George Jessop Lesley Wallace Bett McCarthy CONTINUED APPLICATIONS None APPLICATIONS Desisto, Peter & Marie, 39 Tonela Lane, Barnstable, Map 336, Parcel 018, Built 1971 Convert existing enclosed porch to interior mudroom/laundry. Ryan Coholan moved to open the public hearing. Seconded by Lesley Wallace. Roll Call Vote Ryan Coholan- aye George Jessop- aye Lesley Wallace- aye Bett McCarthy- aye Peter Desisto was in attendance for this item. Existing is a three-season porch with original door and glass. They would like to pull out the existing door and glass, replace with one door, and close it up and have it as part of the interior space. George- The arch that forms the header, would that be retained? Peter- Would like to but is unsure how it would look with only one door. George- Thinks it would look fine and would not like to lose that architectural feature. Peter- Love the architectural detail and will save it and leave the arch. Lesley- Also agrees that the arch is unique and nice. Will the trim be like for like? Peter- Everything will match existing. Ryan- Concurs with the Committee and thinks it is appropriate. Bett- Keeping the arch will give it a little more interest rather than a blank wall. Public Comment: None Ryan Coholan moved to close the public hearing. Lesley Wallace seconded. Roll Call Vote Ryan Coholan – aye George Jessop- aye Lesley Wallace- aye Bett McCarthy- aye Ryan Coholan moved to approve the Certificated of Appropriateness application for Desisto, Peter & Marie, 39 Tonela Lane, Barnstable, Map 336, Parcel 018, Built 1971 to convert existing enclosed porch to interior mudroom/laundry with the modification to retain the arch over the door otherwise as submitted. Seconded by Lesley Wallace. Roll Call Vote Ryan Coholan- aye George Jessop- aye Lesley Wallace- aye Bett McCarthy- aye Ansel, David J TR, 25 Kent Road, Barnstable, Map 280, Parcel 030, Built 1965 Replace front door and shutters. Change color to navy. Ryan Coholan moved to open the public hearing. Seconded by Lesley Wallace. Roll Call Vote Ryan Coholan- aye George Jessop- aye Lesley Wallace- aye Bett McCarthy- aye David Ansel was in attendance for this item. David presented that they would like to replace the front door is old with leakage issues. Would have preferred to be able to replace like for like, but the three panel sidelights are not available and have to go with a full panel of sidelights. Shutters t o be replaced. Color change to the Benjamin Moore HC 154 navy color. George- Suggested to paint the bottom sidelights inside and out to give the partial sidelight look. David- Really appreciated and liked the idea. George- Are the shutters panels or louvers? David- Louvers. George- Look to use fully functional shutters? David- No. Composite full shutter. No intent to close them but will be mounted on the wall like real shutters. George- Appropriate. Lesley- All glass sidelights will provide more light. Appreciates George’s ideas. Thinks the navy will look great. Ryan- Love the color. Enjoy the three lights and not the solid pane down. Recommend that they take advantage of George’s suggestions, but either way it is appropriate. Bett- Thinks the navy will look nice and likes George’s suggestion as well. Appropriate. Public Comment: None Ryan Coholan moved to close the public hearing. Lesley Wallace seconded. Roll Call Vote Ryan Coholan – aye George Jessop- aye Lesley Wallace- aye Bett McCarthy- aye Ryan Coholan moved to approve the Certificated of Appropriateness application for Ansel, David J TR, 25 Kent Road, Barnstable, Map 280, Parcel 030, Built 1965 to replace front door and shutters. Change color to navy as submitted. Seconded by Lesley Wallace. Roll Call Vote Ryan Coholan- aye George Jessop- aye Lesley Wallace- aye Bett McCarthy- aye MINOR MODIFICATIONS Dasque, Erik & Jaime, 113 Boulder Road, Barnstable, Map 315, Parcel 030, Built 1988 Garage door. Original COA approved on 3/27/2024. No representative in attendance. Attendance is not required for minor modifications. George- Asked if this is one door. Erica- Yes, it is one door. George- It’s hard to meet the wind code with one door. No objection to the design. Thinks the applicant would be better off with two doors. Lesley- Likes this garage door better than the original that was presented. Ryan- The proposed garage is 100 plus feet off the road, and it is on a road that is not travelled often, appropriate. Bett- Boulder Road is off the beaten path and will not be all that noticeable. This door is a big improvement over the original. No issues with this door. Ryan Coholan moved to approve the Minor Modification application for Dasque, Erik & Jaime, 113 Boulder Road, Barnstable, Map 315, Parcel 030, Built 1988 for the garage door selection as submitted. Seconded by Lesley Wallace. Roll Call Vote Ryan Coholan- aye George Jessop- aye Lesley Wallace- aye Bett McCarthy- aye EXTENSIONS None OTHER None Approval of Minutes None Next Meeting Date: May 22, 2024; June 12, 2024 ADJOURNMENT- Ryan Coholan moved to adjourn the meeting Wednesday May 8, 2024. Lesley Wallace seconded. Ryan Coholan- aye George Jessop- aye Lesley Wallace- aye Bett McCarthy- aye Meeting adjourned at 7:11pm Respectfully Submitted, Erica Brown, Administrative Assistant Planning & Development