HomeMy WebLinkAboutInfrastructure Chapter Survey Question Results0 10 20 30 40 Improving congested intersectionsImproving road conditions and pavementConnecting paths and improving sidewalksExpanding transit access and frequencySewer improvementsStorm water drainage improvementsDrinking water infrastructure improvements18 (24.7%) 25 (34.2%) 26 (35.6%) 5 (6.8%) 21 (28.8%) 8 (11.0%) 37 (50.7%) Barnstable LCP Infrastructure Survey Question: What are your top two priorities for community investment in infrastructure? 73 responses What Are Your Top Two Priorities For Community Investment In Infrastructure (Other Responses) Land Preservation Rte149 from roundabout tovillage Historic preservation Keep the County Farm ORGANIC addressing illegal businesses in residential areas and overcrowded properties with 10-20 people in a 2 bedroom house with septic Control the budget to keep taxes reasonable/low. Sewer improvements, Drinking water infrastructure improvements Adding some sidewalks to Phinney's Lane More signage and street lights at some intersections "Making sidewalks where needed, rte. 149 Marston’s Mills, up rte 28, on the right to eastern bank area" Access to water for recreation with enough parking Wind turbine danger and our aquaphor Main Street 2-way conversion "Keeping the charm of ""The Cape""" Bicycle infrastructure