HomeMy WebLinkAbout0072 CARRIAGE LANE - Health 72 Ca17 age Lane Barnstable f A= 298 — 043 ` \ a -� TOWN OF BARNSTABLE ,LOCATION 9A e o r -to e h'::. -CA04, 1•o SEWAGE# oZQD 7-oZ$fl VILLAGE &rMTL I p ASSESSOR'S MAP&PARCEL l0 4/3 INSTALLERS NAME&PHONE NO. doss'" SEPTIC TANK CAPACITY �(7 LEACHING FACILITY: (type) (size) NO.OF BEDROOMS OWNER ! Le PERMIT DATE: 6. 49• 07 COMPLIANCE DATE: 7 2 d 7 Separation Distance Between the: Maximum Adjusted Groundwater Table to the Bottom of Leaching Facility _ --.-Feet Private Water Supply Well and Leaching Facility(If any wells exist on site or within 200 feet of leaching facility) eet Edge of Wetland and Leaching Facility(If any wetlands exist within 300 feet of leaching facih Feet FURNISHED BY ` d yg, a `l No. 9007_A THE COMMONWEAL ^� "S s TT E BOARD OF HEALTH �1"`""`� OF APPLICATION FOR DISPOSAL SYSTEM CONSTRUCTION PERMIT Application for a Permit to Construct ( ) Repair (6<upgrade ( ) Abandon ( ) - ❑Complete System ❑Individual Components Location Owner's Nam �{ 1*7 fl ?Z a a Map/Parcel# VAddress HL �y Lot# c�j''' y Telephone�ty 1� _ L. B of✓h C�GYl¢� �. V' �+ In Iler's Name74` /J Designer's Na e / � Address Ad ess Telephone# Telephone# Type of Building: Lot Size S .feet Dwelling—No.of Bedrooms Garbage Gr nder (Ay Other—Type of Building No.of persons Showers ( ), Cafeteria ( ) Other fixtures Design Flow(min.requi ed) 30 gpd Calculated design ow— gpd Design flow provided c�[�gpd Plan: Date 6 Number of sheets f Revision Date Title Description of Soil(s) Soil Evaluator Form No. Name of Soil Evaluator Date of Evaluation DESCRIPTION OF REPAIRS OR ALTERATIONS The undersigned agrees to install the above described Individual Sewage Disposal System in accordance with the provisions of TITLE 5 and rther agrees not to place the system in operation until a Certificate of Compliance has been issued by the Board of Health. Signed ate - FORM t - APPLICATION FOR DSCP DEP APPROVED FORM S/96 J, ;t'.. . = y�, ..r ..� Rik yJ" /,/J�y'^At.':9. .. .q y 0 .� a���`.-w� cam• f {Y!�/r't1 NO. a007-a2 Vv THE COMMON WEptL ti-O•F-M•ASSAC-H-U.S.E_LTS A SEE L/ B OA.R D 1,O F ::,H EA`L`T-H OF APPLICATION FOR DISPOSAL SYSTEM CONSTRUCTION PERMIT Application for a Permit to Construct ( ) Repair (L.<Upgrade ( ) Abandon ( ) - ❑Complete System ❑Individual Components Z ✓1 C / /C P P Location 72 cz r ��e�r'sNamQ ,-Hs 'Map/Parcel# VAddress Lot# Telephonny#-y A iC Cri �i rJSV C_'a . T _ 6 Lin (_IC6& In Iler's Name I Designer's Na ee Address Ad4fess Telephone# Telephone# Type of Building: Lot Size Sq.feet Dwelling—No.of Bedrooms Garbage Gr nder (AV OthLer—Type of Building No.of persons Showers ( ), Cafeteria ( ) Other fixtures Design Flow(min. requi ed) gpd Calculated designf ow _W lgpd Design flow provided "gpd Plan: Date �< .Number of sheets Revision Date Title Description of Soil(s) Soil Evaluator Form No. Name of Soil EvaluatorN -� ' Date of Evaluation DESCRIPTION OF REPAIRS OR ALTERATIONS The undersigned agrees to install the above described Individual Sewage Disposal System in accordance with the provisions of TITLE 5 and rther agrees not to place the system in operation until a Certificate of Compliance has been issued by the Board of Health. OSigned _ Date FORM 1 - APPLICATION FOR DSCP DEP APPROVED FORM 5/96 No. a2�7' a'l1"+ � T COMMONWEALTH OF MASSACHUSETTS FEE ti^ BOARD OF HEALTH rZTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE Description of Work: Individual Component(s) ❑Complete m The undersigned hereby certify that the Sewage Disposal System;Constructed( ,Repaired( ),Upgraded( ),Abandoned( ) by: Pic K s at 7 Z 'q r 4 AC... has been installed in accordance with he provisions of 310 CMR 15. 0 (Title 5) and the approved desig pl as-built plans relating to application No. Ou'^9r6d dated q` A proved Design Flow (gpd) Installer /� t) Designer: �._ Inspector / Ie The issuance of this certificate shall not be construed as a guarantee that t,�e system will function as designed. / FORM 3 - CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE DEP APPROVED FORM 5/96 ^ No, ;007_ 1�1J THE COMMONWEALTH OF MASSACHUSETTS FEE /6o BOARD OF HEALTH. s J DISPOSAL SYSTEM CONSTRUCTION PERMIT -� Permission is hereby granted to Construct ( ) Repai ( Upgrade ( Abandon an individ al sewa e /Sl. g �j ) �t�, ( ) g (� disposal system at '?2— r Ut ate_ b�'�''.N SlGi�.� jas ribe in the application for Disposal System Construction Permit No. -dat / Provided: Construction shall be completed within three years of the date of this er/mit._A 1 c nditions mrtSt�e':me -; Date l7- t 1 0 4 Board of Health ` J FORM 2 - DSCP DEP APPROVED FORM 5/96 FORM 1255 (REV 5/96) 'H&W HOBBS&WARREN TM PUBLISHERS- BOSTON raj FROM :down cape engineering inc FAX NOS, :150Q3629880 Jul. 05 2007 02:17PM F1 m 'down of Barnstable i g Reulatory Services 'Thomas F. Geiler,Director Public Healtb Division Thomas McKean, Director 200 Main Street,Hyanaic,MA,02601 Fax: 509-790­(f 304 Installer & Desimper-Certif cation Form lC►at: : Sewage Permit# "61 �:�� ! Ssessor'S M.ap\]P2rcel /'tQP-✓JT installer: 6 1 C C. O r ,,r: cJv�n e � Address: �G�✓My w Cal +Jyr. was issued a permit m install a Lie) (ansstaller) fv7 G£ based on a desisn draAm by (address) + dated 6 d,7 d� c� er) I. ccrtit, that the septic system referenced above was installed substantially according, to the design, which may include minor approved changes such as lateral relocation of the dl5aihution boa and/or septic laid:. I cdrtif that the septic system referenced above was installed Vnth mnor changes (i.e, greater than 10' lateral relocation of the S 4S o7 any vertical relocation of any component of-the- septic system) but in accordance x;ith State 8: Local. Regulations. Plan revision or certified as-built by designer to foll0XV. OF l4NI- A RNE= H tik �JALA ller's Signature) CIVIL No. 30792 o � ��s^ TIn G� 'i+d4L E. . (r)esiener'S Signature.) W (Affix I)esi er s . mp Here) Y�I_.:•SE IgETURN TO BARNSTABI,E PL1BL{C HEALTI�T 1)ItrIS{ON, CERTIFICATE OF: CO; 9 F1.1�.NCE ` '{L), NOT BE, ISS1.1ED UNTIL BOTH THIS FORM. ANT) AS-BU1I;T' CARD ARE REt=;:E 1VEU BY THE BAR.NSTAI3LI;PUBLIC HEALTH Dl\'15IC)N. THANK YOU. Q: 1-ir.z,hhJSepiie/Desi�mcr Cenification Form 3-2.6-(Wdoe q $�21d 1?reyasatlon of flans ana Spectncznu a� n u • . �,r< r r n - r r - Tne plans and specifications for every on-site system shall be prepared as follows: (1) -Ev'sry system shall be designed by a Massachusetts Registered Professional Engineer or a Massacfrusetu Registered Sanitarian provided that such Sanitarian shall nat-design a. system designed to discharge more than 2,000 gallons per day pursuant to 310 CMR 15.203. Any other agent of the owner.may prepare plans for the repair of a system.designed to / discharge not more.than than 2,000 gallons per day pursuant to 310 CMR 15.203 provided s Registered Sanitarian and approved by the approving they are reviewed by:a Massachusett authority; ( ). .Everyy:plan submitted for approval must be dated and bear the stamp and signature of - Z the designer, (3J Every plan for a new system or plan for theupgrade or expansion of an existing:system which requires a variance to a property Line setback distaitcc,- must:alsn rcference"a plan q / which bears the stamp and signature of a lvtassachusctts: Iaceised Land Stuveycr in V accordance with M.t.L. c: 112, § S ID, Every plan for a system shall be of suitable scale(one inch=40 feet or fewer for plot plans and one-inch—20 feet or fewer for derails of system components). Ind.shall include. dcp on of; ` - (a) the legal boundaries of the facility to be served:(b) the holder and location of any easements appurtenant to or which could impact the • /✓4 .stem; _. . ... existing and proposed an the facility (C) the local orr'of the all dwelliag(s)or buildrsg(s) and idenLi�reaadri of those to be served by the system; _7­7:7 tihe'iacation of cresting or proposed irnper�tious•arcas,- includng-driveways and ling areas; _. . _ ._... . (e) location and dimensions of the system {including reserve area); �Ef), system design calculations, including design daily sewage flow, septic rank capacity / (required and proyided); soil absarp$on system capacity (required and provided); and ✓✓✓ }tether system is designed for garbage grinder; (g) Northarrow and existing and proposed cotztours; (h) -.lodation and'log of deep*observation Bole tests including the date of test, existing de elevations marked on each test, and he nairtes of the representative of the a proving authority and soil evaluator, i) location and results of po:colation tests itduding the hate-of test and the names of Etta representative of the approving authority and soil evaluator, . _Q) name and cerrficatidr number of-the Soil E-val atar-ef-zscIIrd:_—_ - - (k) location of every, Water supply,public and-private, 1. within 400 feet of the proposed system Location in the case of surface water supplies'and gravel picked public water supply wells, 2. within 250 feet of the proposed system location in the case;of tubular public water supply wells, and 3. within 130 feet,of the proposed system locarion in the case of private water t1/ supply wells. YC etated 1) location of--any surface waters of the Cemsnonwealtn, ravers, bordering g wetlands, salt marshes, inland or coastal banks. regulatory floodway, velocity zons, surface water supplies, tributaries to surface water supplies,certified varnal pools,private ` water supplies or-suction lines, gravel packed or tubular public water supply wells, ' .. 5ubsnzface drains; leaching catch basins, or dry wells; and She location of any nittogen sensitive area identified in 310 CNS 15.215 within which portions of the proposedPk _. !V 'stern are located. m) location of water lines and other subsurface utilities on the facility; _4(n observed and adjusted ground-water elevation in the vicinity of the system; o) a.completc profile of the system; (p) a note on the plan listing all variances to the provisions of 310 CMR 15.000 sought i conjunction with the plan; (q) . the location and elevation of one benc'tmark.v6itltin 50 to 75 feet of the facility width is not si,bjcct to d;slccation or loss.dti:rng consffvctiois on tXte faciliiy; (r) where dosing is'przposcd, 'complete desig i'and sFerifiaztinn of the.dosing syste st proposed including.buc not limited to dosing chamber capacity (required and:provided),' N pump curves and,specifications, number of dosing cycles and depth per,cycle; (s) when a Recirculating Sand Filter or equivalent alternative technology is required or roposed, a complete plan and specification for the system,including a hydraulic profile; I locus plan,to show he location of the facility including the nearest existing Suter, u the sheet number and lot number, if any, of the facility; and ___�v) the materials of constntction.and the specifications of the system. d -F I 1 7 ��r� No....... Fas..�:.. J.... THE COMMONWEALTH OF MASSACHUSETTS BOARD HEALT _ OF....... ... .. .... 2 , �. - 0 L� Appliratiun -for iliivviial Works Cnonstrurtton Vaniit Application is hereby made for a Permit to Construct ( or Repair ( ) an Individual Sewage Disposal Sys, �a Lot No. Location-Addre or--•••......................... 'Owner Address Installe Address �/ UType of Build Size Lot :_/., ...Sq. feet Dwelling—No. of Bedrooms.-.----__.��_________________________Expansion Attic ( ) Ga bage Grinder ( ) aOther—Type of Building ---------------------------- No. of persons---------------------------- Showers ( ) — Cafeteria ( ) a' Other fixture ------ - ---------- W Design Flow-- -----------5-.._...._e lions per person per day. Total daily flow---.---•--.....-----•._-- -----•----•.---_--gallons. WSeptic Tank Liquid capacity allons Length---------------- Width................. lliameter__._._..._..._._ Depth---.__.._.._-- x Disposal Trench—No_ ____________________ Width----------- __. al Len -___-_-___ .._.�C�tal 1 leaching area--------------------sq. ft. 3 Seepage Pit No....../............. Diameter/ ___ -e e nle .................. leaching area._...__._._.__..sq. ft. z Other Distribution box ( ) Dosing tank ( ) aPercolation Test Results Performed by--------- ----•---------•-----••••--•--••---------.........---•••......... Date--------------- ------------------- Test Pit No. 1----------------minutes per inch Depth of "Pest Pit____________________ Depth to ground water-..------_--.--.----___- �14 Test Pit No. 2................minutes per inch Depth of Test Pit._. __............. Depth to ground water- .---_-.-_---_-..._. I ---------------------------------- •-_.--- ---------- Descriptionof Soil----------------------- -- .... ------------ ------.--....- x - - - - - --- - - - - - w Tina 6oU - t.-. s f - '- /� I- L/Et- d . / Q D� x -•-•-••-----. -- - ------------------------------------------------ -------------------------------------------�------------------------------------------------------------ V Nature of Repairs or Alterations—Answer when applicable.--------------------------------------------•_•----------------------------------------------- . ----------------------------------------------------- ------•-------------------------•-----------------•-----------•-------•-------------------------------------------------------------------------- Agreement: The undersigned agrees to install the aforedescribed Individual Sewage Disposal System in accordance witli the provisions of Article \I of the State Sanitary Code e undersi W further agr s not to place the system in operation until a Certificate of Compliance has been-'ised by th o f health. Sied-i. •....... •----------- -- --------------------- 71 Dale Application Approved By---•....... . • -----•--•- ------------••. .D tl Application Disapproved for the following reasons:....................................--------••-- ----------------------------------------------------------- ..••••••••••-•-•••••••----•---•-••••--••-•-••---••----•----------------•••......-•••••••. ----------------- Date PermitNo......................................................... Issued...................... ................................. Date No....... F>�s. -.................... THE COMMONWEALTH OF MASSACHUSETTS BOARD OF HEALTH. �.. -6`�, "'.... .OF...... 43. Appliration -fur BiBpouttl 10orkii To Btrurtion Urruift Application is hereby made for a Permit to Construct ( �o) or Repair ( ) an Individual Sewage Disposal System at: v Location-Address f y or Lot No. ' (:_•l-� ram-- a.F.�!:-� Owner w Address a ", ..-•--f _l of/--•----•-- --•-------•-- ---------------- Installe Address , UType of Build �y Size Lot - .f. _. ___Sq. feet Dwelling—No. of Bedrooms-----------rr?---------------------_-----Expansion Attic ( ) Garbage Grinder ( ) aOther—Type of Building ---------------------------- No. of persons---------------------------- Showers ( ) — Cafeteria ( ) dOther fixtures -------------------------------------------•--•----------------- •---------------------------•---•--• - --- W Design Flow...____.__.;� r)_________......._gallons per person per day. Total daily flow-----_--�.__��- _-v._.........gallons. WSeptic T.ink—Liquid capacity/// alions Length................ Width_-------------- Diameter_-.--...--..-.-_ Depth.--.--._-._.... x Disposal Trench—No_____________________ Width................ _`Total Lengtl/--------___ _.. Total leaching area...-----------------sq. ft. Seepage Pit No...... Diameter-/_ j_l�r1._.+e l �belo 'nle}. _` _.".._'=Total leaching area-------_--.---__sq. ft. z Other Distribution box ( ) Dosing tank ( ) aPercolation Test Results Performed by.......................................................................... Date--------------.---.-_-----..------.----. a Test Pit No. 1----------------minutes per inch Depth of Test Pit-------------------- Depth to ground water....---..----..----.--.- �14 Test Pit No. 2----------------minutes per inch Depth of Test Pit----_-________-__-_ Depth to ground water--_---.-----.-----.... a �� - r �' o = --------------••-- Description of Soil---------------------------------------------------���-'=-------�-=�---f •G--� -------------------------------- U -------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- W U Nature of Repairs or Alterations—Answer when applicable------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -------------------•••------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Agreement: The undersigned agrees to install the aforedescribed Individual Sewage Disposal System in accordance witli the provisions of Article XI of the State Sanitary Code The undersigned-further agrees not to place the system in operation until a Certificate of Compliance has been issued by the�board�f health Signed-:--_-=! --- ../1. L- t G` _• -------- f- •---- --------•---------•-- ✓ . .�F 1. :.±i/ ,F.r '�.^"i,,.!> r,,r-,ems.. / Date Application Approved BY 4,,.. b` • __-- = % �--"? ` �. s� o r -- / Date Application Disapproved for the following reasons:................................................. ------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------•---- ------------------ Date PermitNo.......................•------------•••------------•---- Issued...................---------- ........................... Date THE COMMONWEALTH OF MASSACHUSETTS BOARD OF HEALTH ....... ..........................O F....r% . :...G� y' -� :,.........r-.......................... r 011rrtif iratr of Tlimpliaurr THIS IS TO CBRTIF , That the Individual Sewage Disposal System constructed ( or Repaired ( ) Instiller at.....- / ` ;` ! ct..! % .. --� ''cF =---------------------------------------------- ..._.._..� IV has been installed in accordance with the provisions of Article YzI of The State Sanitary Code as,described in the `'y � application for Disposal Works Construction Permit No._,,.___!_p_._��____ •-•--•--- dated.... ~� THE ISSUANCE OF THIS CERTIFICATE SHALL NOT BE CONSTRUED AS A GUARANTEE THAT THE SYSTEM WILL FUNCTION SATISFACTORY. DATE--------------------------------------------................................... Inspector.................................................................................... Ai. THE COMMONWEALTH OF MASSACHUSETTS , BOARD OF HEALTH r , f ,J rGj ................!:`L.�'? s...........OF............ NO.__._.lr............... FEE---- ........ Dispuuttl Morkii Tu ptrortion Prrmit Permission is hereby granted-----;--- G? •,-za------ •-- 't•.,'- ' --------------------------------.................................. to Construct_(,- ) o /RKeair ( )pan Individual Sewage Disposaal.Syspm -------------------------- at No.. •--•- �7' !.� .. _ r ppcaon or Disposal C street as shown on the aliti f Di l Works i Permit N Construction ermt o.....e..___._Z Dated -. _ _ -- -•-•- , 1 Board of Health DATE................................................................................ , FORM 1255 HOBBS & WARREN. INC., PUBLISHERS _ _ �E .. _ ., w A4c.'. , y l � � III W .II Assessor's map and lot number . ...........2. ,..0.f 4 {{ , z 1 s ,I - .Sewage Permit number .. /.. ' ,,, ,- f �fTNEt�� � � �1 1 . , OWN ®� ID L]E , ax } . j�3 4i� O a a a Sw o � 1. a ' - .A t *�a" , lu,k}r Sri 4 } 9ASaSTOBL `� r :�ui{ r }" r I,�� ;si daea ",s t t._ t ,,1., I t '.�i,ems r} 3- �"y� . R APPLICATION FOR PERMIT TO � L cT , ` t TYPE OF CONSTRUCTION i2 iA, �- ttM } ; xi 1 Y 1 } , a TO THE INSPECTOR OF BUILDINGS IA I 1 p � .9.' The undersigned hereby,.applies for. a permit .according to' the following information �..; >.,�+ ..� - w I l x° r ��I 1...�-.("tI,":18I��.��,,t�4�;.:1�"�I�1.f4. :r,�I�"�,I;.,",,:,,.1-�"1;,,.o-�-":,,-,-.�,�,;��.�,_,.,I.-..1-,.I�V'?�-I I�;.1'-�..,,, ,���..,,-�.��,-,I.I.��,,'.i.;.�,.:I.I�,�`4 I,.�i.��,,�,,,:..-r./.-L,.,.1-:z,-.,�-:I,,.:,-,"4-i�,I�*.:J,,� ,.%I:_...b.LII�,-3..-..1 I..- /�,�''1.�.-.�-.—jj;jI�-�—,I,.- .\.V.�,1.4.......-,I.,,,..., Location ^-U.. �..�7. ........CAl'!-/L t o C7 `..::...:.........A K) — r� fr �'"f - ,& '. a Proposed Usef /�tJ��-L... AMiL`�.. ..... -.L.Lr.1.. .6 ....... .. j` 'i 'f1. 1 I I. ;44 v, .. p b '? r r7�: x Zoning District ...:..�. .. .&IZ.A)L I � (_ �` �. ,'S ,� .... .Fire District ........ ,, 1 Name of Owner -'.OLJ� L �24:5 'G ../.(e fl,A'ddress r?AC C G•�9NE �/1-�2�uS�-�4B L ,- x` wI- J !' fir. A .. , Name of Builder .. .... .::.. .Address , 4 �-,; •} s � i }1, - a r Name`of Architect Address` . //...:.... r f �� kY �� ` - . x, Number of !Rooms ... y.' Foundation Ot),2e� N 2I T i ° r� �� b J a ,u m, � Exterior Y S' S 1 ( <,y�f�o�^� Roofing ... l� P L� 1.',' g . ; t : t i t" / I��° Floors :l.r. �!!W�!� 1:... �!9v2/' T. ......Interior .. 11Z- .. `f?2`t'rOC �� N 0 .-' Heating `7 1•YL �. . . .W T' .. :Plumbing ..... ..`/ -.. �`�-�} S ' I, Fireplace . i ... A , 1-,� T'pproximate Cost t 0. .. s Definitive Plan Approved by Planning Boa�d�` _u �-`�p ___�q _ = Area 2�©o ` * Ate, k ..:;• " 4 Diagram of Lot and Building with, Dimensions . fi ( , - .,r{ - -•. Fee y R- h, 4 v t SUBJECT TO APPROVAL OF BOARD OF=HEALTH a .3 �C D/1-ooa7 k * y a` �, ' v > y c '�'y f 1 +,.,.. + E' %,�, ,,y�- -'fir 1 q , 4 1 `R7� Ph .:'kLs iv , { 1 iN4 a 0% A(� j �I�� 3 y, 4 ,1 tq _�I r`k k ,c A," !,', } .'fix rrC ?f .:tit",+tom.... �, ' ti .. .+� 9 - '� I `(��„ Q ""'~ +' �� Jam( 3 '*t .Lw�� V ', , -i N kf 1 � Y R Y •' } 2 � i e E w, y t> /� j k}i t.. 'e a�+ M„ e ; ! _ 9 $`, k'� `i , ..T(r-,1r1 Yt- € ';.`'}� :;I Ix {f." s• ,E.,.e x 5 P , `?, - I. I. 1� t.. , mi t"-, �i�''�" X 4. 1k µ x -gf' S {l" } Y ., 1`„ wn .. ' + .. 2 r' �,b- ,fir; e 1 Iz.'� .'. ' a 1 y r-V r $: 4 S ;iT a i I :6�,. - t `- I hereby agree to conform to all the Rules and Regulations of the Town of Barnstable re rding the above I I, Y construction. , + y ^ > s / sw �� Name- �"� x-- 'y t 4. E, w .... 'r h ff �ti.., .. - ..e.f'^-•e.... :+'' +,', _-`„, a ... / _ ./ - ^^{..:*+Y-«.o,.:.A.(t3 .e... si;:ery 41 •1,..7 SYSTEM PROFILE NOTES LEGEND TOP FNDN. AT EL. 51.4' ACCESS COVER TO WITHIN 6" OF FIN. GRADE (Nor TO SCALE) ACCESS COVER TO WITHIN 3" OF FIN. GRADE ALL SYSTEM COMPONENTS SHALL BE 1. DATUM IS APPROXIMATE NGVD ACCESS COVER (WATERTIGHT) TO MARKED WITH MAGNETIC TAPE OR 100.0 PROPOSED SPOT ELEVATION WITHIN 6" OF FIN. GRADE COMPARABLE MEANS FOR FUTURE LOCATION. 69 o�o°a 48.0 MINIMUM .75' OF COVER OVER PRECAST /� 2% SLOPE REQUIRED OVER SYSTEM 45.0 2. MUNICIPAL WATER IS _EXISTING C 100x0 EXISTING SPOT ELEVATION 2" DOUBLE WASHED PEASTONE " 44.0' FRUN PIPEOR FIRST LEVEL OR GEOTEXTILE FABRIC 3. MINIMUM PIPE PITCH TO BE 1/8 PER FOOT. 100 PROPOSED CONTOUR EXISTING 3' MAX. 4. DESIGN LOADING FOR ALL PRECAST UNITS TO BE AASHO 100 EXISTING CONTOUR " EXISTING 1000 42.6'f =A/ EXISTING GALLON SEPTIC TANK GAS /16SUMP 42.21' H- 10 �gUhoP LOCUS oilrood � 41.54 Ef BAFFLE 41.71 pppp 0 pppp 5. PIPE JOINTS TO BE MADE WATERTIGHT. " 0 41.41 pp pp p pppp a 6. CONSTRUCTION DETAILS TO BE IN ACCORDANCE WITH s 6 CRUSHED STONE OR MECHANICAL pppp p pppp � oc�' �agro9g COMPACTION. (15.221 [21) 2' p 0 0 (� p p ED p p o 39.41, MASS. ENVIRONMENTAL CODE TITLE V. o�� i� aye Q DEPTH OF FLOW = 4 �- TEE SIZES: 3/4" TO 1 1/2" DOUBLE WASHED STONE 7. THIS PLAN IS FOR PROPOSED WORK ONLY AND NOT TO Qr� Cb INLET DEPTH = 1Q- BE USED FOR LOT LINE STAKING OR ANY OTHER PURPOSE. R06,/,g s ( 1 % SLOPE) . .8. PIPE FOR SEPTIC SYSTEM TO SCH 40-4" PVC OUTLET DEPTH = 14" (1• % SLOPE) ._. FOUNDATION EXISTING SEPTIC TANK 89' D' BOX 7' LEACHING 6.41' 9. COMPONENTS NOT TO BE BACKFILLED OR CONCEALED FACILITY WITHOUT INSPECTION BY BOARD OF HEALTH AND PERMISSION OBTAINED FROM BOARD OF HEALTH. LOCUS MAP 10. CONTRACTOR SHALL BE RESPONSIBLE FOR CALLING SCALE: 1" = 2,000't *THE INSTALLER SHALL VERIFY THE **THE INSTALLER SHALL CONFIRM MIN. DIGSAFE (1-888-344-7233) AND VERIFYING THE LOCATION LOCATIONS OF ALL UTILITIES AND ALL SEPTIC TANK SIZE AT 1000 GALLONS AND BOTTOM TH-1 EL. 33.0' OF ALL UNDERGROUND & OVERHEAD UTILITIES PRIOR TO ASSESSORS MAP 298 PARCEL 43 BUILDING SEWER OUTLETS AND ELEVATIONS ITS SUITABILITY FOR RE-USE COMMENCEMENT OF WORK. PRIOR TO INSTALLING ANY PORTION OF LOCUS IS WITHIN AP OVERLAY DISTRICT SEPTIC SYSTEM 11. EXISTING LEACHING FACILITY SHALL BE PUMPED AND REMOVED OR PUMPED AND FILLED WITH CLEAN SAND. 12. ANY UNSUITABLE MATERIAL ENCOUNTERED SHALL BE TEST HOLE LOGS REMOVED 5' BENEATH AND AROUND THE PROPOSED LEACHING FACILITY. ENGINEER: DAVID FLAHERTY, R.S. WITNESS: DONNA MIORANDI, R.S. DATE: JUNE 25, 2007 PERC. RATE _ < 2 MIN/INCH CLASS I SOILS P# 11794 167.38' SYSTEM DESIGN: ELEV. ELEV. GARBAGE DISPOSER IS NOT ALLOWED 0" 46.0' 0" 45.3' DESIGN FLOW: 3 BEDROOMS ® 110 GPD = 330 GPD A A USE A 330 GPD DESIGN FLOW LS LS 1OYR 3/2 1OYR 3/2 SEPTIC TANK: 330 GPD (2) = 660 6" 45.5' S" 44.9' **RE-USE EXISTING 1000 GAL. SEPTIC TANK B B LS LS LEACHING: / " 1OYR 7/6 SIDES: 2 (25 + 12.83) 2 (.74) = 112 GPD 41" 10YR 7 6 42 6' 42 41.8 LOT 16 - 35,843f SF BOTTOM 25 x 12.83 (.74) = 237 GPD 0.8f AC. ' TOTAL: 472 S.F. 349 GPD C C USE (2) 500 GAL. LEACHING CHAMBERS (ACME OR EQUAL) PERC BENCH MARK - SILL AT WITH 4' STON` ALL ^RO:!ND BASEMENT SLIDER EL. = 44.2 ' YviITS MFS 2.5Y 6/4 2.5Y 6/4 42 MA APPROVED DATE BOARD OF HEALTH 156" 33.0' 144" 33.3' NO GROUNDWATER ENCOUNTERED �\ �S 3D'1' PAVED DRIVE 32.3' rn , tD .O H- t DECK /W w,w TITLE 5 SITE PLAN H- EXISTING 3 BR OF DWELLING A6 46 TOP OF FNDN 'EL. 51.4' �s 14" OAK 1 72 CARRIAGE LANE L�0� c �1 BARNSTABLE, MA F �� C,� , PREPARED FOR I F � 10 ���\ HICKEY CONSTRUCTION 9 C� SO r r ✓ ��\ 1 DATE: J U N E 27, 2007 SS S2 N sue, Scale: 1"= 20' cn SQ 41 0 10 20 30 40 50 FEET 16� SS 19 S SO S � S6 S S3 2 S6 SS 4 off 508-362-4541 fax 508 362-9880 o ARNE H °� o ARNE OJALA down cope en gfn eerin g� Inc. o� m t H. �� CIVIL OJALA No 30792 No. 2s3ae Cl VIL ENGINEERS ''IST �0� ( FESS\0� �tia,S R�E�o LAND SURVEYORS 07107 10'7 DATE ARNE H. OJALA, P.E., P.L.S. 939 Maim Street - YARMOU THPOR T, MASS. DCE #Q f - 122 07-122 HICKEY.DWG (DDF) LEGEND TOP FNDN. AT EL. 51.4' SYSTEM PROFILE NOTES ACCESS COVER TO WITHIN 6' OF FIN. GRADE (NOT TO SCALE) ACCESS COVER TO WITHIN 3' OF FIN. GRADE ALL SYSTEM COMPONENTS SHALL BE 1. DATUM IS APPROXIMATE NGVD 100.0 PROPOSED SPOT ELEVATIONACCESS COVER (WATERTIGHT) TO MARKED WITH MAGNETIC TAPE OR FF4-870-lMINIMUM .75' OF COVER OVER PRECAST WITHIN 6' OF FIN. GRADE COMPARABLE MEANS FOR FUTURE LOCATION. 2. MUNICIPAL WATER IS EXISTING q � 290 SLOPE REQUIRED OVER SYSTEM 45.0' 10OX0 EXISTING SPOT ELEVATION 2" DOUBLE WASHED PEASTONE 44.0' FRUN OR PIFIRST L2E'VEL OR LEOWASH E FABRIC 3. MINIMUM PIPE PITCH TO BE 1/8 PER FOOT. 100 PROPOSED CONTOUR EXISTING 3' MAX. 4. DESIGN LOADING FOR ALL PRECAST UNITS TO BE AASHO 100 EXISTING CONTOUR EXISTING **EXISTING 1000 42.6'f g" SUMP 42.21' H- 10 �AUhoP LOCUS ciiioad GALLON SEPTIC TANK GAS 17� BAFFLE 41.71' �� \41.54' 41.41' p p O p p p p o 5. PIPE JOINTS TO BE MADE WATERTIGHT. p p p p p p O p 6" CRUSHED STONE OR MECHANICAL p p p p p p p p p 6. CONSTRUCTION DETAILS TO BE IN ACCORDANCE WITH COMPACTION. (15.221 [21) 2' p ED p p p p p p p o 39.41 MASS. ENVIRONMENTAL CODE TITLE V. DEPTH OF FLOW = 4 - 7. THIS PLAN IS FOR PROPOSED WORK ONLY AND NOT TO c to TEE SIZES: 3/4" TO 1 1/2" DOUBLE WASHED STON= BE USED FOR LOT LINE STAKING OR ANY OTHER PURPOSE. Qr\ Cb INLET DEPTH = 10" R0& 6 OUTLET DEPTH = 14 ( 1 % SLOPE) (1.9 % SLOPE) 8. PIPE FOR SEPTIC SYSTEM TO SCH. 40-4" PVC. FOUNDATION EXISTING SEPTIC TANK 89' D' BOX 7' LEACHING 6.41' 9. COMPONENTS NOT TO BE BACKFILLED OR CONCEALED FACILITY WITHOUT INSPECTION BY BOARD OF HEALTH AND PERMISSION OBTAINED FROM BOARD OF HEALTH. LOCUS MAP 10. CONTRACTOR SHALL BE RESPONSIBLE FOR CALLING SCALE: 1" = 2,000'f *THE INSTALLER SHALL VERIFY THE **THE INSTALLER SHALL CONFIRM MIN. DIGSAFE (1-888-344-7233) AND VERIFYING THE LOCATION LOCATIONS OF ALL UTILITIES AND ALL SEPTIC TANK SIZE AT 1000 GALLONS AND BI�TTOM TH-1 EL. 33.0' OF ALL UNDERGROUND & OVERHEAD UTILITIES PRIOR TO ASSESSORS MAP 298 PARCEL 43 BUILDING SEWER OUTLETS AND ELEVATIONS ITS SUITABILITY FOR RE-USE COMMENCEMENT OF WORK. PRIOR TO INSTALLING ANY PORTION OF LOCUSIS WITHIN AP OVERLAY DISTRICT SEPTIC SYSTEM 11. EXISTING LEACHING FACILITY SHALL BE PUMPED AND REMOVED OR PUMPED AND FILLED WITH CLEAN SAND. 12. ANY UNSUITABLE MATERIAL ENCOUNTERED SHALL BE TEST HOLE LOGS REMOVED 5' BENEATH AND AROUND THE PROPOSED LEACHING FACILITY. ENGINEER: DAVID FLAHERTY, R.S. WITNESS: DONNA MIORANDI, R.S. DATE: JUNE 25, 2007 PERC. RATE _ < 2 MIN/INCH CLASS I SOILS P# 11794 167.38' SYSTEM DESIGN: ELEV. ELEV. GARBAGE DISPOSER IS NOT ALLOWED 0„ 46 0' 0" 45.3' DESIGN FLOW: 3 BEDROOMS @ 110 GPD = 330 GPD A A USE A 330 GPD DESIGN FLOW LS LS 1OYR 3/2 1OYR 3/2 SEPTIC TANK: 330 GPD (2) = 660 6" 45.5 5" 44.9' **RE-USE EXISTING 1000 GAL. SEPTIC TANK B B LS LS LEACHING: SIDES: 2 (25 + 12.83) 2 (.74) = 112 GPD 41" 1 OYR 7/6 42 6, 42" 1 OYR 7/6 41 8' LOT 16 35,843f SF BOTTOM 25 x 12.83 (.74) = 237 GPD 0.8f AC. 1 TOTAL: 472 S.F. 349 GPD C C USE (2) 500 GAL. LEACHING CHAMBERS (ACME OR EQUAL) PERC BENCH MARK - SILL AT WITH 4' STONE ALL AROUND MFS MFS BASEMENT SLIDER EL. = 44.2 ' 2.5Y 6/4 2.5Y 6/4 42 t' MA APPROVED DATE BOARD OF HEALTH 156" 33.0' 144" 33.3' �S 30.1 PAVED DRIVE NO GROUNDWATER ENCOUNTERED 3' 32. 1 � : .� o Cp ,. O :, 44 H- .*' s � DECK `r so �� srs w w,w H EXISTING 3 BR TITLE 5 SITE PLAN DWELLING 1 OF R6 q.6 TOP OF FNDN EL. 51.4' 14" OAK � 72 CARRIAGE LANE Q0 V C i BARNSTABLE, MA / , PREPARED FOR F � Q Q8 F 10) HICKEY CONSTRUCTION 9 C7V SO E DATE: JUNE 27, 2007 S, s T `Su1 Scale: 1"= 20' v, N �a Sg 16o QO, 0 10 20 30 40 50 FEET �9 SS S So S � S6 S S3 2 S6 SS 4 off 508-362-4541 fax 508 362-9880 w Q9�n�ss �ZK C)F Mgss ARNE H 9cycN go` o ARNE OJALA H. 9cyGs �O � cope engineering, Inc. CIVIL OJALA No 30792 A No. 26348 Cl VIL ENGINEERS 'P P Qr�FGIST OFESS ()� S s R%E'�o L A ND SUR VE YORS r� c� DATE ARNE H. OJALA, P.E., P.L.S. 939 Maim Street - YARMOU THPOR T, MASS. DCE #O/�y'- 1 07-122 HICKEY.DWG (DDF)