HomeMy WebLinkAbout3240 MAIN ST./RTE 6A(BARN.) - HAZMAT �a y� MQ.��► ��.�-- �s 1�1� - 2 q�-��� - -.� � LVI Environmental Services Inc. 401-S Second Street - Everett, MA 02149 SERVICES�� Phone:(617) 389-8880 Fax: (617) 389-9502 www.lviservices.com boston@lviservices.com NOTIFICATION OF ASBESTOS ABATEMENT ATTENTION: Barnstable Health Department 367 Main Street Hyannis, MA 021601 LVI Environmental Services Inc. will be conducting an asbestos abatement project at the following location. Please note the site and dates listed below. Do not hesitate to contact us at(617)389-8880 with any questions on schedule adjustments, as the start and end dates are subject to changes. BUILDING LOCATION: Verzion 13,20 Main Street DECEIVED Barnstable, MA Equipment Room APR 16 2004 START DATE: 4/27/04 TOWN OF BARNSTABLE HEALTH DEPT. END DATE: 4/30/04 Asbestos signs will be clearly posted in all areas where work is being conducted. Please take the necessary precautions in the event you are required to enter the building during an emergency. If you have further questions with respect to this project,please do not hesitate to contact our office at any time at(617) 389-8880. Thank you very much for your attention regarding this matter. Very truly yours, LVI Environmental Services Inc. Sarah Marcone Projects Coordinator Commonwealth of Massachusetts ■ 100004015 Decal Number Asbestos Notification Form ANF-001 ;------------------------------- "" Affix Asbestos Notification Decal ; Here ; Important: A. Asbestos Abatement Description When filling out comps on the computer,use 1. a. is this facility fee exempt-city,town,district,municipal housing authority, owner-occupied only the tab key residence of four units or less?❑Yes ❑✓ No to move your cursor-do not b. Provide blanket decal number if applicable: Blanket Decal Number use the return key.. 2. Facility Location: Verizon 1320 Main Street 4. a.Name of Facility b.Street Address Bamstable 102630 c.Cityrrown d.State e.Zip Code f.Telephone Number INSTRUCTIONS 3. Worksite Location: 1.All sections of this equipment room C� 1 [� form must be a.Building Name/Building Location b.Building# c.Wing d.Floor e.Room completed in order to comply with 4. Is the facility occupied? ❑✓ Yes ❑No DEP notification requirements of 310 CMR 7.15 5. Asbestos Contractor: and the Division LVI ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES INC 401-S SECOND STREET of Occupational Safety(DOS) a.Name b.Address notification EVERETT 02149 617-389-8880 requirements of 453 CMR 6.12 c.City/Town d.Zip Code e.Telephone Number AC000097 g.Contract Type: ❑Written ❑Verbal f.DOS License Number Jim Brlmhall, Hyglenetics h.Facility Contact Person I.Contact Person's Title FREDDY BATISTA I JAS031004 6' a.Name of On-Site Su ervisor/Foreman b.Su ervisor/Foreman DOS Certification Number Hygienetics AA000036 7' a.Name of Pro'ect Monitor b.Project Monitor DOS Certification Number Yee consulting Group AA000145 8' a.Name of Asbestos Analytical Lab b.Asbestos Analytical Lab DOS Certification Number 04/27/2004 04/30/2004 0 9' a.Project Start Date mmldd/ b.End Date mm/dd/ —0 4pm-12am I IN/A =N c.Work hours Mon-Fri. d.Work hours Sat-Sun. �0 10. a.What type of project is this? C ❑Demolition ❑✓ Renovation ❑Repair ❑Other,please specify: b.Describe 11. a. Check abatement procedures: O ❑Glove bag ❑Encapsulation o ❑Enclosure ❑Disposal only El Cleanup El Other, specify: �a 0 Full containment b.Describe -z Q 12. Is the job being conducted: ❑✓ Indoors? ❑Outdoors? , anf001ap.doc-10/02 Asbestos Notification Form-Page 1 of 3 Commonwealth of Massachusetts ■ 100004015 Asbestos Notification Form ANF-001 Decal Number A. Asbestos Abatement Description (cont.) 13. Total amount of each type of Asbestos Containing Materials(ACM)to be removed, enclosed, or enca sulated: 10 1200 a.Total pipes or ducts linear ft otal other surfaces square c.Boiler,breaching,duct,tank C� d.Insulating cement surface coatings Lin.ft. Sq.ft. Lin.ft. Sq.ft. e.Corrugated or layered paper f.Trowel/Sprayer coatings I pipe insulation Lin.ft. Sq.ft. Lin.ft. Sq.ft. g.Spray-on fireproofing L�� h.Transite board,wall board Lin.ft. Sq.ft. Lin.ft. Sq.ft. I.Cloths,woven fabrics J.Other,please specify: L�1 120 V 0 Lin.ft. So.ft. Lin.ft. Sq.ft. k.Thermal,solid core pipe AT/mastic insulation Lin.ft. Sq.ft. I.Specify 14. Describe the decontamination system(s)to be used: Three-chambered decontamination facility with shower 15. Describe the containerization/disposal methods to comply with 310 CMR 7.15 and 453 CMR 6.14(2)(g): ACM will be wet(hand to bag).ACM will be properly labeled, packaged and transported. 16. For Emergency Asbestos Operations,the DEP and DOS officials who evaluated the emergency: N/A a.Name of DEP Official b.Title c.Date(mm/dd/ )of Authorization d.DEP Waiver# N/A e.Name of DOS Official f.DOS Official it e g.Date(mmlddlyyyy)of Authorization h.DOS Waiver# �0 17. Do prevailing wage rates as per M.G.L.c. 149, §26,27 or 27A—F apply to this project?❑Yes[D No B. Facility Description N office �0 1. Current or prior use of facility: o 2. Is the facility owner-occupied residential with 4 units or less? ❑Yes R No == 3 Verizon-New England Inc. 114 Adams Street a.Facility Owner Name b.Address 0 IMIlton 02186 617-696-4112 o c.Cityrrown d.Zip Code e.Telephone Number area code and extension Jim Brimhall,Hygienetics 432 Columbia Street -� 4' a.Name of Facility Owner's On-Site Manager b.On-Site Manager Address Z Cambrldge 102141 617-621-0363 —71 c.City/Town d.Zip Code e.Telephone Number(area code and extension) ■ anf001 ap.doc•10/02 Asbestos Notification Form•Pa a 2g of 3■ Commonwealth of Massachusetts 100004015 Asbestos Notification Form ANF-001 Decal Number B. Facility Description (cont.) NIA 5' aa.Name Contractor b.Address c.Citvrrown d.Zip Code e.Telephone Number area code and extension f.Contractor's Worker's Comp.Insurer ..Policy = h.Exp.Date(mm/dd 6. What is the size of this facility? a.Square Feet b.Number of floors C. Asbestos Transportation and Disposal 1. Transporter of asbestos-containing material from site to temporary storage site(if necessary): LVI Environmental Services Inc. 401-S Second Street Note:Transfer a.Name of Transporter b.Address Stations must IlEverett 02149 (617)389-8880 comply with the c.City/Town d.Zip Code e.Telephone Number Solid Waste Division 2. Transporter of asbestos-containing waste material from removal/temporary site to final disposal site: Regulations 310 CMR 19.000 1waste Management NEEt 1203 Pickering Street,PO Box 144 a.Name of Transporter b.Address Portland,CT 06480 (800)272-3867 c.City/Town d.Zip Code e.Telephone Number 3. 1 NIA a.Refuse Transfer Station and Owner b.Address c.City/Town d.Zip Code e.Telephone Number 4. ITURNKEY LANDFILL(WASTE MGT.NH) a.Final Disposal Site Location Name b.Final Disposal Site Location Owner's Name 97 ROCHESTER NECK ROAD I IROCHESTER c.Final Disposal Site Address d.Ci /Town NH 1 103839 (603)332-2386 e.State f.Zip Code g.Telephone Number �o D. Certification N The undersigned hereby states,under the Isarah Marcone I penalties of perjury,that he/she has read the a.Name b.Authorized Signature �o Commonwealth of Massachusetts regulations jProjects Coordinator for the Removal,Containment or c.PosltionTtle d.Date mm/dd/ Encapsulation of Asbestos,453 CMR 6.00 and (617)389-8880 LVI 310 CMR 7.15,and that the information contained in this notification is true and correct e.Telephone Number f.Representing ° to the best of his/her knowledge and belief. 401-S Second Street .Address Everett 102149 h.Cityrrown I.Zip Code Asbestos Notification Form•Page 3 of 3 � anf001ap.doc•10/02 9 .j. COMMONWEALTH OF MASSACHUSETTS z w EXECUTIVE OFFICE OF ENVIRONMENTAL AFFAIRS i a DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION 20 RIVERSIDE DRIVE, LAKEVILLE, MA 02347 50.8-946-2700 JANE SWIFT BOB DURAND Governor Secretary LAUREN A.LISS Commissioner GENT LEGAL MATTER: PROMPT ACTION NECESSARY CERTIFIED MAIL: RETURN RECEIPT REQUESTED December 18, 2002 Verizon Massachusetts RE: BARNSTABLE-BWSC 4 Bennett Street 3240 Main Street Wakefield,MA 01880 Verizon Facility RTN#4-16856 �+ � M.G.L.NOTICE OF RESPONSIBILITY CMR 40.0000 OF` 2 7 ATTENTION-Ed McGrath (pN�ij;yS On`January 24, 2002 the Department of Environmental Protection (the "Department") received a Release Notification Form ("RNF") which indicates that.a release of oil and/or hazardous material has occurred at the location referenced above. The Massachusetts Oil and Hazardous Material Release Prevention and Response Act, M.G.L. c.21E, and the Massachusetts Contingency Plan (the "MCP"), 310 CMR 40.0000, require the performance of response actions to prevent harm to health, safety, public welfare and the environment which may result from this release and/or threat of release and govern the conduct of such actions. The purpose of this notice is to inform you of your legal responsibilities under State law for assessing and/or remediating the release at this property. For purposes of this Notice of Responsibility, the terms and phrases used herein shall have the meaning ascribed to such terms and phrases by the MCP unless the context clearly indicates otherwise. The Department has reason to believe that the release and/or threat of release which has been reported is or may be a disposal site as defined by the M.C.P. The Department also has;reason to believe that you(as used in this letter, "you"refers to Verizon Massachusetts)are a Potentially Responsible Party(a "PRP") with liability under M.G.L. c.21E §5, for response action costs. This liability is "strict", meaning that it is not based on fault,.but solely on your status as owner, operator, generator, transporter, disposer or other person specified in M.G.L. c.21E §5. This liability is also "joint and several", meaning that you may be liable for all response. action costs-incurred at a:disposal site regardless of the existence of any other liable parties. The"'Department' encourages parties with liabilities under M.G.L. c.21E to take prompt and appropriate actions in response to releases and threats of release of oil and/or hazardous materials.By taking This information is available in alternate format by calling our ADA Coordinator at(617)574-6872. DEP on the World Wide Web: http://www.maghet.state.ma.us/dep i"«1 Printed on Recycled Paper 2 e prompt action, you may significantly lower your assessment and cleanup costs and/or avoid liability for costs incurred by the Department in taking such actions. You may also avoid the imposition of,the amount of or reduce certain permit and/or annual compliance assurance fees payable under 310 CMR 4.00. Please refer to M.G.L. c.21E for a complete description of potential liability. For your convenience, a summary of liability under M.G.L.c.21E is attached to this notice. You should be aware that you may have claims against third parties for damages, including claims for contribution or reimbursement for the costs of cleanup. Such claims do not exist indefinitely but are governed by laws which establish the time allowed for bringing litigation. The Department encourages you to take any action necessary to protect any such claims you may have against third parties. i SITE INFORMATION Information on file with the Department indicates the following contaminant(s) were detected in soil samples collected from the site at a concentration which exceeded the Reportable Concentrations for Soil Category 1 (RCS-1)per 310 CMR 40.1600. CHEMICAL CONCENTRATION RCS-1 Napthalene 5.2 mg/Kg 4 mg/Kg C11-C22 Aromatics 210 mg/Kg 200 mg/Kg 2-Methylnapthalene 8.6 mg/Kg 4 mg/Kg Specific approval is required from the Department for the implementation of all Immediate Response Actions ("IRA"), and Release Abatement Measures (RAMS) pursuant to 310 CMR 40.0420 and 310 CMR 40.0443, respectively. Assessment activities, the construction of a fence and/or the posting of signs are actions that are exempt from this approval requirement. This site shall not be deemed to have had all the necessary and required response actions taken unless and until all substantial hazards presented by the release and/or threat of release have been eliminated and a level of No Significant Risk exists or has been achieved in compliance with M.G.L. c.21E and the MCP. Unless otherwise provided by the Department, potentially responsible parties ("PRP's") have one year from the initial date of notification to the Department of a release or threat of a release,pursuant to 310 CMR 40.0300, or from the date the Department issues a Notice of Responsibility,whichever occurs earlier, to file with the Department one of the following submittals: (1) a completed Tier Classification Submittal; (2) a Response Action Outcome Statement or, if applicable, (3) a Downgradient Property Status. The deadline for either of the first two submittals for this disposal site is January 24,2003. If required by the MCP, a completed Tier I Permit Application must also accompany a Tier Classification Submittal. The MCP requires that a fee of $750.00 be submitted to the Department when a Response Action Outcome ("RAO")statement if filed greater than 120 days from the date of notification. You must employ or engage a Licensed Site Professional ("LSP") to manage, supervise or actually perform the necessary response actions at this site. The Department has Anthony F. Andronico of Gannett Fleming,Inc.listed as the LSP of Record. s 3 If you have any questions relative to this Notice, please contact Tyson Rose at the letterhead address or at (508) 946-2743. All future communications. regarding this release must reference the following Release Tracking Number: 4-16856. ery truly yours, Richard F.Packard, Chief Emergency Response/Release Notification Section P/TLR/re CERTIFIED MAIL,#7002 2030 0006 4996 9838 RETURN RECEIPT REQUESTED Attachments: Summary of Liability under M.G.L. c.21E cc: Board of Selectmen Board of Health Fire Dept. Gannett Fleming,Inc. 154 Pine Street Quincy,NIA 02170 ATTN: Anthony Andronico DEP-SERO ATTN: Data Entry ment Release Abate 1 Measure Completion 1 Report and Response 1 Action Outcome Statement 1 Verizon New England, Inc. Facility 3240 Main Street Barnstable, Massachusetts 1 1 January 2004 . e i 1 Submitted to: Verizon New England, Inc. ' 650 Park Avenue East Orange, NJ 07017 Gannett Fleming '- 199 Wells Avenue 0 Suite 210 0 Newton .* Massachusetts I Gannett Fleming GANNETT FLEMING,INC. Suite 210 199 Wells Avenue Newton,MA 02459 Office:(617)527-7822 Fax:(617)527-7806 www.gannettfleming.com January 23, 2004 ' Massachusetts Department of Environmental Protection Bureau of Waste Site Cleanup Southeast Regional Office ' 20 Riverside Drive Lakeville,MA 02347 ' Re: Release Abatement Measure Completion Statement and Response Action Outcome Statement Verizon Facility ' 3240 Main Street Barnstable,MA ' RTN#4-16856 Dear Sir: ' Enclosed are the Release Abatement Completion Statement and Response Action Outcome Statement for the above referenced site. Any questions or comments pertaining to this report may be directed to me at 617-527-7822. Sincerely, Kristen Alberti Enclosure cc: S. Baldisserotto—Verizon Town of Barnstable Department of Health'-- A Tradition of Excellence ' RAM Completion Report and RAO Statement RTN#4-16856 3240 Main Street Barnstable January 2004 RELEASE ABATEMENT MEASURE COMPLETION REPORT AND RESPONSE ACTION OUTCOME STATEMENT VERIZON NEW ENGLAND, INC. ' 3240 Main Street Barnstable, Massachusetts MA DEP RTN 4-16856 January 2004 Prepared For: ' Steve Baldisserotto Environmental Management Verizon New England, Inc. 650 Park Avenue East Orange,NJ 07017 Prepared by: Gannett Fleming, Inc. 199 Wells Avenue ' Newton, MA 02459 ' RAM Completion Report and RAO Statement RTN#4-16856 3240 Main Street Barnstable January 2004 TABLE OF CONTENTS 1 1.0 Introduction...........................................................................................................................l ' 2.0 Description of Release, Site Conditions and Surrounding Receptors ' 3.0 Release Abatement Measures Activities Completed......................:.....................................2 4.0 Investigatory and Monitoring Data .....................................................................................4 5.0 Management of Remediation Waste.....................................................................................6 t6.0 Risk Characterization............................................................................................:...............6 7.0 Findings and Conclusions ..................................................................................................12 8.0 Ongoing Activities..............................................................................................................13 9.0 LSP Opinion and Responsible Party Certification..............................................................13 ' Figures Figure 1: Site Locus Figure 2: Site Plan Figure 3: ORC Injection Points Figure 4: Post Excavation Soil Sample Locations Figure 5: Post Excavation Soil Sample Location from Spread Footings Figure 6: Soil Boring/Monitoring Well Locations Figure 7: Disposal Site Boundaries Plan Tables Table 1: Soil Analytical Results ' Table 2: Groundwater Analytical Results Table 3: EPC Concentrations in Soil Table 4: EPC Concentrations in Groundwater ' Appendices Appendix A: Bill of Lading for Soils Removed in May 2002 Appendix B: ' Bill of Lading for Soils Removed in July 2002 iii ' RAM Completion Report and RAO Statement RTN#4-16856 3240 Main Street Barnstable January 2004 ' Appendix C: Waste Manifest for pp Groundwater Appendix D: Post Excavation Soil Samples Analytical Results ' Appendix E: Post Excavation Soil Samples from Spread Footings Analytical Results Appendix_F: Groundwater Analytical Results ' Appendix G: Chemical and Physical Characterization of Petroleum Appendix H: Environmental Fate and Transport Characteristics of Petroleum Appendix I: RAM Completion Statement Transmittal Form ' Appendix J: RAO Completion Statement Transmittal Form iv ' RAM Completion Report and RAO Statement RTN#4-16856 3240 Main Street Barnstable January 2004 ' 1.0 INTRODUCTION This Release Abatement Measure (RAM) Completion Report and Response Action Outcome ' (RAO) Statement has been prepared by Gannett Fleming, Inc. on behalf of Verizon New England, Inc. (Verizon) in accordance with 310 CMR 40.0446 to document remediation activities at the Verizon facility located at 3240 Main Street in Barnstable, Barnstable County, ' Massachusetts (the "Site"). The Massachusetts Department of Environmental Protection (MADEP) has assigned Release Tracking Number(RTN) 4-16856 to this Site. 2.0 DESCRIPTION OF RELEASE, SITE CONDITIONS AND SURROUNDING RECEPTORS ' 2.1 Release Description ' In October 2001 Gannett Fleming conducted a limited environmental investigation at the Site to evaluate groundwater conditions and investigate the possible presence of a 500-gallon fuel oil underground storage tank (UST). Laboratory analyses of groundwater samples collected during the October 2001 sampling event revealed detectable concentrations of Volatile Petroleum Hydrocarbons (VPH) carbon range C9-Clo aromatic hydrocarbons, naphthalene, Extractable Petroleum Hydrocarbons (EPH) carbon range C9-C18 aliphatic hydrocarbons, EPH carbon range t C11-C22 aromatic hydrocarbons and the polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon (PAH) 2- methylnaphthalene in excess of the MCP Reportable Concentrations (RC) GW-1 values. The exceedance of RCGW-1 values triggered a 12.0-day Reporting Condition in accordance with the Massachusetts Contingency Plan, 310 CMR 40.0000 to the MADER The MADEP was subsequently notified of the release on January 24, 2002. t A geophysical survey conducted as part of the 2001 investigation revealed the possible presence of an UST near the southeast corner of the building. In November 2001 the area of the presumed fuel oil UST was excavated. An area of approximate 16 feet in length, 5 feet in width and 6 feet ' deep was excavated on November 12, 2001. No UST or associated piping was encountered. A soil sample was collected along the northern wall of the excavation at a depth of approximately 6 feet below ground surface. The soil sample was submitted to the laboratory for analysis of EPH ' and VPH with target analytes. Analytical results indicated that naphthalene, 2- methylnaphthalene and C11-C22 aromatic hydrocarbons were detected at concentrations exceeding the applicable MCP RCS-1 standards. In February 2002 additional soil and groundwater samples were collected along the southeast p g corner of the property. Laboratory analysis of soil samples collected from two of the eight soil ' borings installed, detected EPH/VPH constituents at concentrations in exceedance of the S-1 soil standards. The horizontal extent of soil contamination associated with the suspected former UST on-site was defined with soil boring GF-2 to the east and south and GF-7 to the west. The area ' between these borings is approximately 7.5 feet in length and 3.2 feet in width. The vertical extent of soil contamination was found to extend to a depth of 10 feet below ground surface. ' 1 RAM Completion Report and RAO Statement RTN#4-16856 3240 Main Street Barnstable January 2004 Laboratory analyses of groundwater samples collected from monitoring wells; GF-2, GF-4, GF-7 .and GF-8 revealed detectable concentrations of C11-C22 aromatics range hydrocarbons in exceedance of the GW-1 groundwater standards. Concentrations of the C9-Clo aromatics hydrocarbon range were detected in groundwater collected from GF-2, GF-7 and GF-8 at concentrations in exceedance of the GW-1 groundwater standards. ' Based on the results of the 2002, limited subsurface investigation, it was concluded that residual soil and groundwater contamination exists at the Site. It is presumed that an UST was formerly ' located along the southeastern side of the property. This assumption is based on the residual contamination observed in the groundwater and soils in this area, tank clips observed during a previous investigation, and a figure depicting a former UST at the Site. 2.2 Site Conditions The Site is located in a commercial area along the north side of Main Street in Barnstable Massachusetts. The Site consists of a square shaped parcel of land improved with a two-story brick building, currently owned and occupied by Verizon. The footprint'of the building occupies the majority of the Site. There are lesser asphalt-paved parking areas along the north, east and west sides of the building and a small landscaped area along the front, south side, of the building. Historical information shows that the Site was developed some time prior to 1928 with a one-story structure. Construction of a second floor addition of the on site building was completed in the spring of 2003. Historical Sanborn Maps show the Site has been occupied by the telephone company since 1928. A Site Locus Map showing the location of the Site is included as Figure 1. ' A Site Plan showing pertinent site features is included as Figure 2. 2.3 -Surrounding Receptors ' The Site is located in a mixed comm ercial and residential area. The area immediately to the ' north of the Site is a designated salt water wetland and an Area of Critical Environmental Concern (ACEC). There are no known private potable water supply wells within 500 feet of the Site. Based on a review of the MASS GIS Site Scoring Map available at the DEP Southeast ' Regional Office, the Site lies within a Potentially Productive Aquifer (PPA) that has not been excluded as a Non-Potential Drinking Water Source Area. The Site is not located within the Zone H Protective radius for the Barnstable Municipal Supply Wells. 3.0 RELEASE ABATEMENT MEASURE ACTIVITES COMPLETED 3.1 Soil Excavation Activities On April 30, 2002 remedial activities proposed in the April 2002 RAM Plan were conducted at the Site. The approved activities included the excavation and off-site reuse/recycling of petroleum-contaminated soil. Excavation activities were preformed by Cyn Environmental Services, Inc. (Cyn), of Stoughton Massachusetts under the supervision of a Gannett Fleming 2 ' RAM Completion Report and RAO Statement RTN#4-16856 3240 Main Street Barnstable January 2004 geologist. Soils were excavated around monitoring well GF-2. GF personnel observed the removal activities, and used a 10.2 eV photoionization detector to screen for the presence of ' contaminated soil and direct soil excavation activities. Groundwater was not encountered during excavation activities as anticipated thus dewatering was not required. The final excavation was ten feet in length and six feet wide. The excavation ' extended from the sewer line located approximately six feet east of the building to approximately one foot west of the fence line that is the property boundary between Verizon and the Dolphin ' Restaurant. The excavation extended to a depth of 10 feet below ground surface along the southern excavation perimeter and a depth of 7 feet along the northern excavation perimeter. On-site runoff was controlled via berms and silt fencing placed around the northern excavation perimeter. The majority of excavated soils were temporarily stored in a 25-cubic yard, covered, steel roll off container. An additional 3 cubic yards of excavated soils were temporarily stockpiled on-site atop six-mil polyethylene sheeting and covered. The polyethylene sheeting was anchored in place on top of the stockpile by placing hay bales along the edge of the sheeting to minimize'stormwater infiltration into the stockpile. Soils remained onsite until analytical results were received and reviewed. Upon completion of the excavation activities and the collection of confirmatory soil samples, the excavation was backfilled with certified clean ordinary borrow and the excavation area was restored to its original grade. On May 14, 2002 C n returned to the Site and removed Y Y o ed the stockpiled soil, plus the roll off container filled with impacted soil. A total of 28.02 tons of soil were removed from the Site, and transported to Aggregate Industries asphalt batch plant in Stoughton, Massachusetts for recycling. A copy of the completed Bill of Lading and associated laboratory analytical data are ' attached as Appendix A. In June 2002 construction of a second floor addition to the Verizon Building was started. As part ' of the construction activities, soils were excavated around the building foundation. On July 1, 2002 during the excavation of two spread footings located along the eastern building foundation, the contractor for Verizon uncovered soils with a strong petroleum odor. The contractor ' immediately contacted Verizon Environment Management and construction activities were halted. Cyn was then contracted to finish excavations activities of the spread footings in accordance with the approved RAM Plan. The final excavation of the two spread footings was ' approximately four feet in length, four feet wide and approximately seven feet deep. Gannett Fleming collected a composite soil sample for disposal purposes from the soils that were ' generated from the two spread footing excavations. On July 11, 2002 an additional 6.2 tons of soil were removed from the Site, and transported to Aggregate Industries asphalt batch plant in Stoughton, Massachusetts for recycling. A copy of the completed Bill of Lading is attached as Appendix B. 3 ' RAM Completion Report and RAO Statement RTN#4-16856 3240 Main Street Barnstable January 2004 The excavation of the spread footings extended to a depth of approximately 7 feet below ground surface. This depth is below the shallow groundwater table (approximately five feet below ground surface), requiring dewatering of the excavation. During the excavation' of the footings, on July 29, 2002 approximately 220 gallons of groundwater, which accumulated in the excavation, was pumped from the excavation into 55-gallon steel drums. Groundwater was pumped using a large portable pump placed in the center of the excavation. A copy of the completed Waste Manifest for the groundwater removed from the Site is attached.as Appendix C. i3.2 Oxygen Releasing Compound Injection As described in the October 2002 RAM Plan Amendment, on April 4, 2003 remedial activities conducted at the site included the injection of an oxygen releasing compound (ORC). ORC is used to provide terminal electron acceptors to support the oxidative biodegradation of many types of petroleum-based hydrocarbons. ORC is a proprietary formulation of magnesium peroxide, designed to provide a timed release of oxygen. The area treated was approximately 14 feet by 40 feet in size. Due to the limited area at the Site, a total of eight injection points were installed. Due to the low petroleum contaminant concentrations detected in the groundwater only one application of the ORC was performed. ORC was applied using direct push hydraulic equipment. Drive rods were pushed to the bottom of the contaminant saturated zone and then an ' ORC/water slurry was injected as the rods were withdrawn. The ORC dose rate in pounds (lbs.)/vertical foot of injection is 3 lbs/foot. The total amount of ORC injected was 200 lbs. approximately 25 lbs. per injection point. The injection point locations are depicted on Figure 3. 4.0 INVESTIGATORY AND MONITORING DATA 4.1 Soil Confirmation Samples ' A total of five post excavation soil confirmation samples were collected along the sidewalls and bottom of the excavation completed on April 30, 2002. Soil samples were submitted to ESS Laboratories in Cranston, Rhode Island and analyzed for MADEP VPH (with target analytes) and MADEP EPH (with diesel fuel target analytes) analysis. The analytical results indicated that soil contamination concentrations were below the MCP .Method 1 S-1/GW-1 soil standards. The laboratory sample locations are depicted on Figure 4 and analytical results are summarized in Table 1. The laboratory analysis report is attached as Appendix D. On July 1, 2002 two soil samples were collected from the western sidewalls of the two spread footing excavations (footing #2 and footing #3) and screened in the field for the presence of total organic vapors using the head space analysis technique with a Photovac 2020 PID ,analyzer. ' The soil sample with the highest PID reading (footing #3) was then sent to the laboratory and analyzed for VPH/EPH by the MADEP Method. Analytical results indicated that VPH/EPH concentrations were below the applicable Method l .S-1 soil standards. The laboratory sample 4 RAM Completion Report and RAO Statement RTN#4-16856 3240 Main Street Barnstable January 2004 ' locations are depicted on Figure 5 and Table 1 summarizes the analytical results. The laboratory analysis report is attached as Appendix E. ' 4.1 Groundwater Monitoring Samples ' On May 3, 2002, after the soil removal was completed and backfilled, one 1-inch diameter microwell (GF-9) was installed to replace GF-2 that was removed during excavation activities. A groundwater sample was collected from newly installed monitoring well GF-9 on May 3, 2002 ' for analysis of VPH with target analytes and EPH with diesel target analytes per the MADEP Method. ' As part of construction activities conducted at the property in the Spring 2002, a utility trench was installed along the eastern property boundary. During the excavation of the utility trench monitoring well GF-9 was removed. On September 19, 2002 an additional one 1-inch diameter ' microwell was installed to replace GF-9. A groundwater sample was collected from the newly installed GF-9 on September 13, 2002 for analysis of VPH with target analytes and EPH with diesel target analytes per the MADEP Method. ' Two additional one 1-inch diameter microwells GF-10 and GF-11 were in( ) stalled along the buildings eastern edge on February 3, 2003. Groundwater samples were collected from GF-10 ' and GF-11 as well as existing monitoring wells (GF-4, GF-5 and GF-9) on February 3, 2003 and were analyzed for VPH with target analytes and EPH with diesel target analytes per the MADEP Method. ' The first post treatment groundwater sampling event was conducted on May 20, 2003. Groundwater samples were collected from GF-4, GF-9, GF-10 and GF-11 and analyzed for VPH ' with target analytes and EPH with diesel target analytes per the MADEP Method. Microwell GF-5, which was sampled during pervious sampling events was not intact during the May 2003 sampling event; therefore was not sampled. Additional post treatment groundwater sampling events were conducted on September 12, 2003 and December 8, 2003. ' To ensure the quality and representative nature of the groundwater data, groundwater samples were collected following the low flow sampling methodology. Groundwater samples were collected using a GeoTech Model II Peristaltic Pump with disposable t/a-inch diameter tubing. ' The wells were purged at a rate between 200 and.500 milliliters per minute. A stable depth to water was maintained while purging. During sampling, field parameters including pH, conductivity, temperature, turbidity and dissolved oxygen were collected. Also, observations of ' clarity, odor, color, and turbidity were recorded. Groundwater samples collected for laboratory analysis were transferred into the proper sampling containers. Groundwater samples for analysis of VPH were collected first and placed in 40-m1 glass vials preserved with hydrochloric acid. The sample vials for analysis of VPH were carefully and completely filled minimizing dissolved air, headspace, and air bubbles prior to 5 ' RAM Completion Report and RAO Statement RTN#4-16856 3240 Main Street Barnstable January 2004 ' transport to the laboratory. Groundwater samples collected for EPH were transferred into 1-liter amber glass bottles preserved with hydrochloric acid. Groundwater Analytical Results ' During the four quarterly groundwater monitoring events conducted between February 2003 and December 2003, C11-C22 aromatic hydrocarbons were detected at concentrations slightly above the 0.2 mg/L MCP GW-1 groundwater standard. Exceedances.of the MCP GW-1 standard were ' detected in groundwater collected during the February 2003 and May 2003 sampling events. Specifically, analytical results from groundwater collected from GF-4, GF-10 and GF-11 during the February 2003 sampling event showed a C11-C22 aromatic hydrocarbons concentration of 0.3 mg/L, 0.9 mg/L and 0.8 mg/L, respectively. During the May 2003 sampling event groundwater collected from GF-10 and GF-11 detected a Cil-C22 aromatic hydrocarbons concentration of 0.4 mg/L and 0.3 mg/L, respectively. During the February 2003 sampling event, groundwater collected from GF-10 also detected a C9-Clo aromatics hydrocarbon concentration of 0.339 mg/L and a naphthalene concentration of 0.03 mg/L, both slightly above their respective MCP GW-1 groundwater standards of 0.2 mg/L and 0.02 mg/L, respectively. ' Analytical results from groundwater samples collected during the September and Dece mber 2003 sampling events revealed concentrations of C11-C22 aromatic hydrocarbons at or below the MCP GW-1 groundwater standard. Analytical data from groundwater samples collected on September 8, 2003 from GF-11 showed a C9-C18 aliphatic hydrocarbon concentration of 0:2 mg/L. This concentration is below the 4 mg/L MCP GW-1 groundwater standard. Analytical data for ' groundwater samples collected during the September and December 2003 sampling events for all other parameters were not detected above the method detection limits. Table 2 summarizes the ' groundwater analytical data of the four quarterly groundwater monitoring events. Figure 6 shows all monitoring well locations. Groundwater analytical reports are included in Appendix F. 5.0 MANAGEMENT OF REMEDITION WASTE GF reviewed the soil and groundwater analytical data to assist in the completion of the Bill of ' Ladings and Waste Manifest. All remediation waste transported and disposal activities were undertaken in accordance with 310 CMR 30.00 and 301 CMR 40.000 regulations. A total of 34.22 tons of fuel-impacted soil was generated during this RAM and 220 gallons of groundwater. No other remediation waste or wastewater was generated, and no remedial additives were used. The completed Bill of, Ladings and Waste Manifest are provided in Appendices A, B and C, respectively. 6.0 RISK CHARACTERIZATION ' Risk Characterization was conducted using Method 1 as described in 310 CMR 40.0904 through 40.0975. Method 1 is applicable because soil and groundwater are the only contaminated media, and standards are available for the Oil and Hazardous Material (OHM), which were reported in ' 6 RAM Completion Report and RAO Statement RTN#4-16856 3240 Main Street Barnstable January 2004 ' the soil and groundwater samples from the disposal site. Reporting and detection limits used by the laboratory were lower than the applicable Method 1 Risk Characterization Standards. ' 6.1 Selection of Method The Risk Characterization was conducted using a Method 1 Risk Characterization as described in ' 310 CMR 40.09000. Method 1 may be used to characterize the risk of harm to health, public welfare, and the environment at disposal sites where assessments have determined that the presence of OHM is limited to soil and/or groundwater. Indoor air is not likely to be a contaminated media, or exposure point, because soil and groundwater contamination has been mitigated through active remedial response actions. 6.2 Disposal Site Information ' 6.2.1 Physical Characteristics Disposal site physical,characteristics are described in Sections 2.1 and 2.2 of this document. ' 6.2.2 Source and Extent of Release a. Source of Release: It is presumed that an UST was formed located along the Y g southeastern side of the property and was the source of petroleum-related OHM on the disposal site. This assumption is based on the residual contamination observed in the groundwater and soils in this area, tank clips observed during a previous investigation, and a figure depicting a former UST at the Site. It is uncertain when this UST was ' removed. b. Extent of Release: Soil and groundwater analytical data collected in February 2002 along the southeast corner of the property defined the horizontal and vertical extent of contamination at the Site. Laboratory analysis of soil samples collected from two of the eight soil borings installed detected EPH/VPH constituents at concentrations in ' exceedance of the MCP S-1 soil standards. The horizontal extent of soil contamination associated with the suspected former UST on-site was defined with soil boring GF-2 to the east and south and GF-7 to the west. The area between these borings is approximately ' 7.5 feet in length and 3.2 feet in width. The vertical extent of soil contamination was found to extend to a depth of 10 feet below ground surface. The approximate boundaries of the disposal site are shown on Figure 7 —Disposal Site Boundaries Plan. ' The analytical results of post-excavation soil samples collected from the sidewall P sand bottom of the excavation indicated that the RAM was successful in removing petroleum- contaminated soil from the former suspect UST location to the extent feasible. All post- excavation soil samples meet the applicable DEP Method 1 Risk Characterization Standards for Soil Category S-1. The analytical results of post-ORC injection it 7 ' RAM Completion Report and RAO Statement RTN#4-16856 3240 Main Street Barnstable January 2004 groundwater samples collected from the monitoring wells on site also indicated that the RAM was successful in reducing petroleum hydrocarbons from groundwater from the former suspect UST location to the extent feasible. The latest two post-treatment ' groundwater samples (September and December 2003) meet the applicable DEP Method 1 Risk Characterization Standards for Groundwater Categories GW-1, GW-2 and GW-3. ' In addition, concentrations of residual fuel oil-related OHM in soil and groundwater are at levels, which represent background, or detected at levels, which approach background. c. Background: Background concentrations of OHM were not specifically determined during assessment activities. Background, as defined in 310 CMR 40.0006, means "those levels of OHM that would exist in the absence of the disposal site of concern which are either: (a) ubiquitous and consistently present in the environment at and in the vicinity of the disposal site of concern; and attributable to geologic or ecological conditions, or atmospheric deposition of industrial process or engine emissions; and (b) attributable to coal ash or wood ash associated with fill material." Background concentrations for groundwater were assumed to be the analytical detection limits. The background values for PAHs for "natural soil' from DEP Technical. Update Background Levels of ' Polynuclear Aromatic Hydrocarbons and Metals in Soil (May, 2002) were used in -this comparison. Two PAHs; acenaphthene and phenanthrene exceeded established background concentrations. These concentrations were however well below the MCP Method 1 Risk Characterization Standards for Soil Category S-1. There are no established background values for VPH and EPH in soil; therefore ' background concentrations of VPH and EPH are assumed to be the method detection limits. Three EPH fractions; C9-C18 Aliphatics, C19-C36 Aliphatics and C11-C22 Aromatics and two VPH fractions; C9-C12 Aliphatics and C9-Cl0 Aromatics exceeded the assumed ' background concentrations. These concentrations were however well below the MCP Method 1 Risk Characterization Standards for Soil Category S-1. ' d. Migration Pathways: The potential for migration of contaminants in soil is low. Groundwater flow is a potential mechanism for contaminants to be transported away from the source area at the Site. Groundwater flow at the Site is towards to northwest towards the marsh area located to the rear of the property. Subsurface utility lines extend along the western edge of the disposal site boundary. Utility lines may act as a migration ' pathway for contaminants to be transported. Contaminated soils have been excavated and removed from the site to the extent feasible; therefore, leaching of contaminated soils to groundwater as a potential migration pathway has been minimized. In addition residual OHM remaining on the disposal site are at concentrations below applicable Method 1 Risk Characterization Standards, and the contaminants of concern are not generally highly soluble or mobile in the subsurface. The potential exposure to fuel oil-related p p OHM via inhalation, due to vapor migration into the commercial structure, is'low. Some of the compounds detected at the disposal 8 ' RAM Completion Report and RAO Statement RTN#4-16856 3240 Main Street Barnstable January 2004 site are volatile; therefore volatilization from soil or groundwater into soil-gas, and then into ambient air (indoor or outdoor) is a potential migration pathway; however, based on ' the depth of the contaminants (5 to 10 ft below ground surface), the building construction type (slab on grade foundation), the relatively low soil concentrations (well below. Method 1 soil standards), and the groundwater concentrations (below Method 1 GW-2 groundwater standards), the migration pathway into indoor air is not considered to be a significant migration pathway. Because the impacted soils and groundwater are approximately 5-10 feet below the ground surface and only low levels of petroleum ' hydrocarbons remain in soil and groundwater at the Site, particulate transport via surface water runoff and/or via fugitive dust emission is not a likely migration pathway. ' 6.3 Characteristics of OHM 6.3.1 Chemical and Physical Characteristics ' The OHM of concern on the disposal site is heating oil: Information on chemical and P g physical characteristics of petroleum is described in Appendix G. 6.3.2 Environmental Fate and Transport Characteristics Environmental fate and transport characteristics for petroleum hydrocarbons are provided in Appendix H. ' 6.4 Identification of Human Receptors The disposal site is located in a mixed commercial and residential area. Immediately to the north of the disposal site is a paved parking area and beyond that a designated salt water wetland and an Area of Critical Environmental Concern (ACEC). To the east of the disposal site is the ' Dolphin Restaurant. To the south of the disposal site is Main Street and beyond that the Town of Barnstable Fire Department and Fleet Bank. To the immediate west of the disposal site is the Verizon office building and beyond that a small commercial plaza. A total of 34.22 tons of fuel-impacted soil was excavated from the site to the extent feasible and transported off site for disposal. The disposal site area was then paved over with asphalt. The analytical results from post excavation confirmation soil samples revealed soil concentrations were below the MCP Method 1 S-1 soil standards. Because the impacted soils exceeding the MCP Method 1 S-1 soil standards have been removed from the Site, and residual soil ' contamination is located approximately 10 feet below ground surface, potential exposure pathways for soil are unlikely. Potential human receptors under current and expected future property use would include commercial worker and the occasional youth trespasser. The groundwater in the vicinity of the Site is n g y of used as a drinking .water source; therefore, human exposure is unlikely. Based on the classification of the groundwater as a potential 1 9 tRAM Completion Report and RAO Statement RTN#4-16856 3240 Main Street Barnstable January 2004 '. drinking water source, direct ingestion is also considered a potential human exposure pathway, although installation of a water supply well at this particular location is not likely in the 1 foreseeable future. Migration of vapors into the nearby buildings is possible due to the volatile nature of some of the contaminants present. 6.5 Identification of Environmental Receptors The potential impact to environmental receptors from OHM is low. The closest surface water body is a small unnamed tributary to Barnstable Bay located approximately 300 feet to the northwest of the disposal Site. There are no known private potable water supply wells within 500 feet of the Site. Based on a review of the MASS GIS Site Scoring Map, the Site lies within a Potentially Productive Aquifer (PPA) that has not been excluded as a Non-Potential Drinking Water Source Area. The Site is not located within the Zone II Protective radius for the Barnstable Municipal Supply Wells. 6.6 Identification of Disposal Site Activities and Uses The current and expected future use of the property is commercial. Activities at or in the immediate vicinity of the disposal site are also commercial in nature. The disposal site is covered with asphalt pavement. Occupants of the commercial structure may occasionally walk over the surface of the disposal site. Future use of the disposal site is expected to be the same. 6.7 Identification of Exposure Points,Pathways and Concentrations The migration of hydrocarbon vapors from the disposal site into ambient air in the commercial structure is possible due to the volatile nature of the contaminants, however it is considered to be unlikely due to low concentrations of VOC detected in soil and groundwater following soil excavation and ORC injection activities. Therefore, ambient air in the commercial structure is not considered an exposure point. As such, based on the RAM activities conducted on the disposal site in response to the identification of residual petroleum contamination in soil and groundwater, the likely CEPs associated with the release have been reduced or eliminated to the extent feasible. ' Because the disposal site is used for commercial purposes, current and future use would be the same. The disposal site is located immediately adjacent to the east exterior wall of the structure ' Potential exposure points and pathways under future use such as excavation for new construction or utility maintenance/installation could include dermal contact, ingestion and inhalation of petroleum-contaminated soil. ' Soil: Du e ue to the low level of soil contamination identified on the disposal site following RAM ' soil excavation, exposure point concentrations (EPCs) in soil were estimated by taking the 10 ' RAM Completion Report and RAO Statement RTN#4-16856 3240 Main Street Barnstable January 2004 highest recorded concentration in soil and utilizing that concentration as a "worst case" condition. EPCs in soil were calculated from the post excavation soil samples. The "worst case" condition EPCs of all OHM in soil are below their respective Method 1 Risk Characterization Standards. Soil sample identification, analytical results, and the resulting EPCs for OHM in soil are listed in Table 3. Groundwater: There is no current critical human exposure pathway to dissolved-phase OHM. Groundwater at the disposal site is not used for any specific purpose, and the disposal site is not located within a DEP-Approved Zone 11. Groundwater at the disposal site however lies within a Potentially Productive Aquifer (PPA) that has not been excluded as a Non-Potential Drinking Water Source. ' Based on the classification of the groundwater as a potential drinking water source, direct ingestion is also considered a potential human exposure pathway, although installation of a water supply well at this particular location is not likely in the foreseeable future due to the proximity of the disposal site to an unnamed tributary to Barnstable Harbor (approximately 300 feet northwest) and the adjacent salt marsh. ' Exposure point concentrations for groundwater were determined by calculating the average concentration of each constituent in each well for post remediation sampling rounds (May, September and December 2003). For nondetected results, one half the detection limit was used in determining the average. These values represented the average post-remediation concentrations of the COCs in each well. The EPC for all OHM in groundwater are at or below their respective Method 1 Risk Characterization Standards. Soil sample identification, analytical ' results, and the resulting EPCs for OHM in soil are listed in Table 4. 6.8 Applicable Soil Categories Soil containing petroleum-related OHM on the disposal site was encountered along the eastern ' portion of the Verizon property from approximately 5 to 10 feet below ground surface. Following the excavation of petroleum-contaminated soil, residual . contamination was encountered only along the north and west sidewalls of the excavation at levels just above the laboratory detection limits. Under current disposal site activities and uses, adults and children may frequently visit the disposal site and their "intensity" of use may be "low" (e.g. walking across the disposal site). The disposal site is covered by asphalt pavement. Under current disposal site conditions, soil would be categorized as S-2/GW-1, S-2/GW-2 and S-2/GW-3. Future disposal site activities are assumed to theoretically include residential uses (in order to avoid the possible need for an Activity and Use Limitation); therefore, under future disposal site conditions, soil would be categorized as S-1/GW-1, S-1/GW-2 and S-1/GW-3. ` 6.9 Applicable Groundwater Categories ( , Based on a review of the MASS GIS Site Sc oring Map available at the DEP Southeast Regional Office, the disposal site is not located within the Zone R Protective radius for the Barnstable 11 RAM Completion Report and RAO Statement RTN#.4-16856 3240 Main Street Barnstable January 2004 1 Municipal Supply Wells. The disposal does however lie within a Potentially Productive Aquifer (PPA) that has not been excluded as a Non-Potential Drinking Water Source Area. No private drinking water supply wells are located within 500 feet of the disposal site. Groundwater Categories GW-1 and GW-2 are applicable at the site because groundwater underlying the disposal site is within a Potentially Productive Aquifer and groundwater on the disposal site is within 30 feet of an occupied building and is at a depth less than 15 feet below the ground surface. Category GW-3 is applicable to all disposal sites as a potential source of discharge to surface water. The applicable Groundwater Categories are GW-1, GW-2 and GW-3. 6.10 Risk Evaluation ' OHM concentrations in soil at the disposal site as summarized p on Table 1, are all below their respective Method 1 Risk.Characterization standards for Soil Categories S-1/GW-1, S-1/GW-2 tand S-1/GW-3 and Categories S-2/GW-1, S-2/GW-2 and S-2/GW-3. Fractions of EPH and VPH have historically been present in groundwater collected from monitoring wells prior and following the ORC injection treatment phase of the project; however, current EPH and VPH concentrations in groundwater collected from these wells are at concentrations at or below the respective Method 1 GW-1, GW-2 and GW-3 Standards. Pursuant to 310 CMR 40.0973, a condition of No Significant Risk of harm to health, public welfare and the environment exists on the disposal site. 6.11 Harm to Safety The levels of OHM remaining in soil and groundwater do not represent a potential risk of harm ' to safety. ' 7.0 FEASIBILITY OF ACHIEVING BACKGROUND Remedial actions taken at the disposal site consisted of excavation of 34.22 tons of fuel-impacted soil and the injection of ORC. The remedial action reduced contaminant concentrations in soil to levels, which approach background. However, low concentrations of VPH and EPH remain in soil and groundwater on the disposal site. 7.1 Technical Feasibility The disposal site is situated between two buildings, the Verizon facility to the west and the Dolphin restaurant to the east. The distance between these two buildings is only approximately 15 feet. Background concentrations in soil could probably be reached by excavating additional ' soil or continuing in-situ treatments. Pursuant to 310 CMR 40.0860(5), it is probably technically feasible to reach background concentrations of OHM, although such actions could require temporary evacuation of the building to reduce safety risks and could result in structural damage 12 rRAM Completion Report and RAO Statement RTN#4-16856 3240 Main Street Barnstable January 2004 to the two buildings. 7.2 Benefit-Cost Analysis Exposure point concentrations of all identified OHM at the disposal site are at or below DEP Method 1 Risk Characterization standards. A condition of No Significant Risk, as defined by the ' MCP, exists at the disposal site. Therefore, the additional benefit that would be achieved by reducing site contaminants to background levels would be far outweighed by the additional cost that would be incurred. The costs for providing additional remediation via either excavation or further in-situ treatment (including monitoring and reporting costs) are estimated to exceed $40,000. Further costs would be incurred if evacuation of the buildings was required or if.the work resulted in damage to either of the two buildings. In addition, based on the in-situ bioremediation results, natural attenuation mechanisms will ' continue to reduce contaminant levels, therefore background levels are likely to be achieved at this site over time. 8.0 FINDINGS AND CONCLUSIONS The objectives of the RAM Plan were accomplished with the excavation, transport and disposal of approximately 34.22 tons of petroleum-impacted soil for the Site and the injection of ORC conducted on April 4, 2003. Post groundwater sampling of on-site monitoring wells indicates that the contaminant concentrations in groundwater have been reduced to levels within MCP Method I risk assessment standards. Therefore a Class A-2 RAO has been filed with this RAM Completion report. Background levels have not been achieved; however, the benefits to be achieved from further remediation to achieved background would be outweighed by the costs. Based on the nature of the contaminants, and the success of the bioremediation treatments, natural attenuation mechanisms are expected to eventually reduce the residual contaminants to background levels.. 9.0 LSP OPINION AND RESPONSIBLE PARTY CERTIFICATION ' The required certifications are provided on BWCS Forms 106, which is attached as Appendix G. It is the opinion of the LSP that the RAM activities completed to date have been performed in accordance with the requirements of the MCP and the approved RAM Plan and RAM Plan Amendment. The conclusion of the RAM, based on a Method I risk assessment, is that a condition of no significant risk of harm to human health, safety, public welfare or the environment is concluded to exist, but background conditions have not been achieved. Therefore, the conditions necessary for submittal of a Class A-2 Response Action Outcome (RAO) Statement have been met. RAO Form BWSC-104 has been completed and is attached as ' Appendix H to this report. 13 1 - 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 FIGURES 1 ' @k, -_1-0-om 4,1 lz Cobbs Village 0� f tr commferce , b 1 -t8,00 I I� fain St r .3 i 07Main St 9 h r r � ���� 'r�rn�st t3le V) I £ -6" r' 1 I ow N t7 r 'Lj Ur 0, ,_ � r co � = SITE LOCATION rr erag �- t r r� 1 tt 2001 MapQuestoom. Inc.• 02001 Naviciation Tech no b iss Bob ida Fed 1 ' FIGURE 1: Site Locus Ma (ionnert Remind P r199 Wells Avenue,Suite 210 SITE: 3240 Main Street Newton,Massachusetts 02459 Barnstable arnstable MA ' SCALE: A h s shown above ' N Approximate Location of Wetland ' Approxi ate Property Boundary Fence Line Approximate ' ! location of septic and • i abandoned phone line i i i i Verizon Facility Asphalt i i 3240 Main Street Location of Adjai ent ; Shopping Plaza i Dolphin • Restaurant i i i i i i i 1 -----i i i i i ��— Approximate to aiion of water line i Side Walk MAIN STREET IR Gannett Flemin FIGURE 2: Site Plan 199 Wells Avenue,suite 210 9 SITE: 3240 Main Street, Barnstable Newton,Massachusetts 02459 SCALE: Not to Scale (617)527-7822 N ® =ORC Injection Point Fence line , Verizon Asphalt Facility 3240 Main Street Dolphin , Restaurant Approximate location of septic and abandoned phone line ; ; -----, G , , , i , Approximate location of water line Side Walk , MAIN STREET Gannett Fleming FIGURE 3: ORC Injection Points � 9 � 199 Wells Avenue,suite 210 SITE: 3240 Main Street,Barnstable Newton,Massachusetts 02459 (617)527-7822 SCALE: Not t0 Scale NNote: G =soil confirmatory samples N =monitoring well 4, Figure Not to Scale i i i i i Fence line i i Verizon Approximate 1 cation of septic and abandoned tel phone line Facility Asphalt Dolphin p 3240 Main i Restaurant Street ;Area of Excavation i ®No Wall5- ' GF-9 West all5-8 ! i G last W all4-8' B om 10'G i G th Wall 8-1 ' �— Approximate location of water line Side Walk MAIN STREET ' IR Gannett Fleming FIGURE 4: Post Excavation Soil Samples 199 Wells Avenue,Suite 210 SITE: 3240 Main Street, Barnstable Newton,Massachusetts 02459 SCALE: Not to Scale (617)527-7822 i ' N i ; Note: Figure Not to Scale i i i �- Fence line 1 i I i i Verizon �4— Approximate 1 cation of septic and Facilit i abandoned telephone line y 3240 Main Asphalt Dolphin Restaurant Street I I I 1 I I I k Footing#3 i I ; 1 I Footing#2. i I I I 1 � Approximate location of water line Side Walk MAIN STREET [9§ Gannett Fleming FIGURE 5: Post Excavation Soil Samples 199 Wells Avenue,suite 210 From Spread Footings Newton,Massachusetts 02459 SITE:(617)527-7822 3240 Main Street, Barnstable 1 N ! =Soil Boring/Monitoring Well Location ! Fence line g ' ! cAsphalt Verizon Facility 3240 Main "GF-5 Street Dolphin "GF-4 Restaurant "GF:3 GF-f 0 GF-8 ®GF-7 � GF=:9 ' GF- GF-2 I Approximate location of septic GF-6 and abandoned phone line i GF-1 Approximate location of water line ' Side Walk MAIN STREET ' Gannett Fleming FIGURE 6: Soil Boring/Monitoring u 9 Well Location Map 199 Wells Avenue,Suite 210 ' Newton,Massachusetts 02459 SITE: 3240 Main Street, Barnstable (617)527-7822 N Approximate Location of Wetland tApproxi ate Property Boundary :�— Fence Line Approximate ' location of septic and • i abandoned phone line i i Verizon Facility i 3240 Main Street ' Asphalt i Location of Adjai ent ■.�.............. Shopping Plaza Disposal Site i • Boundary Dolphin � ■ Restaurant i ■ i ■ ■ ■ ■ i ■ ■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■ -----i i � Approximate to anion of water line i ' Side Walk MAIN STREET ' 1991 Gannett Flemin FIGURE 7: Disposal Site Boundary Map 199 Wells Avenue,suite 210 9 SITE: 3240 Main Street, Barnstable ' Newton,Massachusetts 02459 SCALE: Not to Scale (617)527-7822 1 1 1 1 1 TABLES 1 1 TABLE 1 SOIL CONFIRMATORY RESULTS VERIZON FACILITY 3240 MAIN STREET BARNSTABLE, MA CHEMICAL North W2115-8' South Wall 8-10' East Wall4-8' West Wall5-8' Bottom S-1 SOIIJGW-1 EPH S-1 S0I1JGW-2 S-1 SOILGW-3 C9-C18 Ali hatics ND ND ND 27.4 ND 1000 1000 1000 C19-06 Ali hatics ND ND ND 27.3 ND 2500 2500 2500 Cl 1-C22 Aromatics 135.0 ND ND 73 ND 200 gpp gpp VPH CS-C8 Ali hatics ND ND ND ND ND 100 300 100 C9-C-12 Ali hatics ND ND ND ND 16.7 1000 1000 1000 C9-C10Aromatics ND ND ND ND ND 100 too, 100 CHEMICAL North Wall 5-8' South Wall 8-10' East Wall4-8'END: Wall Bottom 10' S-1 S0I1/GW-1 S-1 S0IIIGW-2 S-1 SOIL/GW-3 PAH Anal tes 2-Meth Ina hthalene ND ND ND ND 4 500 500 Acena hthene 0.882 ND ND ND. -20 1000 1000 Naphthalene ND ND ND ND 4 100 100 Phenanthrene 4.37 ND ND ND 700 1000 100 CHEMICAL North Wall5.8' South Wall 8-10' East Wall4-8' West Walls-8' Bottom 10' S-1 SOIUGW-1 S-1 S0I1JGW-2 S-1 SOIL/GW-3 VOC Anal tes Benzene ND ND ND ND ND 10 40 40 Eth (benzene ND ND ND ND ND 80 500 500 Methyl ten-butyl ether ND ND ND ND ND 0.3 100 100 Naphthalene ND ND ND ND ND 4 100 100 Toluene ND ND ND NDI ND 1 90 500 500 1n&p x lenes ND ND ND ND ND 500 mixed isomers) 500 mixed isomers 500 mixed isomers) o-x lene ND ND ND ND ND 500 mixed isomers) 500(mixed isomers) 500(mixed isomers) Analytical Results reported in mg/Kg(ppm) Shaded areas are in exceedance of S-1 Soil standards. Note S-1 soil standards are the most stringent ND=Not detected ' Xlenes QAAQ QAA AAgQ PAgq AgQq o0 y zzzz zzz zzzz zzz zzzz . o q q q Toluene AAQA QA "' zzzz zzzz zzzz o zzzz zzz z Nathalene AAAA AAA AAAA QzAz 12) p zzzz zzz zzzz . , z zzz o Methyl_tert-butyl ethe z z z z z z z z z z z z z 2 12222 oEthylbenzene zzz QAA A z zzz gz Benzene QAA `" QAAQ AA A zzzz zzz zzzz zzzz zzzz M PhenanthreneN Q AAo zz oqz zA zA zQ zq zQ zQ q q z o M o W A A Naphthalene Q Q z ozQ g zA zA A z q o A zA o�`' a � c~n qq q q q q q --iZ Acenaphthene zzzz zzz zzzz zzzz zzzz o N } V Q p J m Q LL H a 0 w 2-Methylnaphthalene zq zz zz zA zCr N W Q zzA o zzzz o W jE H � q q q q q q b 0 > C9-C10Aromatics zzz : z zzo2Z z oN � O A z N C\ OO N zz zz zzzz z CO) o oozQz O cc A A z Q ¢ � QAA A A AAAA o g A A CDq C5-C8Aliphatics P� zzz zzz zzzz ozzz ozzz CD b CU C11-C22 Aromatics H `o AAQA ? z Q o; zz zzz zzzz oo. z oeozN o '~ G o . AAAA AAA QAAQ r? AAA r? AQQ �' C19-C36Aliphatics zzzz zzz zzzz ozzz ozzz , U A C9-C18Aliphatics zzzz zzz zozz oz ozoz z C Q CIO M ' M MCDMM N[� MM OM MM OM MMMMMMO O O CD O CD O O O O O O CD OMONOMN OOOCDOOCDCDOO CDNM CAanN N N N N N N CD Noo N 00 00 CD N 00 N N N N N N N N i/1 G1 �--� in O� -. kr) a U C7 C7 V C7 TABLE 3 EPCs IN SOIL VERIZON FACILITY 3240 MAIN STREET, BARNSTABLE, MA CAS Chemical Minimum Maximum Location of Maximum Detection Background Number Concentration�'� Concentration(2) Units Concentration Frequency EPC 131 Value(4) Is Max>Bkg? VPH C5-C8 Aliphatics ND ND mg/kg 0 / 5 ND 11.1 No C9-C12 Aliphatics ND 16.7 mg/kg Bottom 1 / 5 16.7 11.1 Yes C9-C10 Aromatics ND ND mg/kg 0 / 5 ND 11.1 No EPH C9-C18 Aliphatics ND 27.4 mg/kg West Wall 1 / 5 27.4 27.58 No C19-C36 Aliphatics ND 27.3 mg/kg West Wall 1 / 5 27.3 27.58 No C11-C22 Aromatics ND 135 mg/kg West Wall 2 / 5 135 27.58 Yes PAHs 83329 Acenaphthene ND 0.882 mg/kg North Wall 1 / 5 0.882 0.5 Yes 55185 2-Methyl naphthalene ND ND mg/kg 0 / 5 ND 0.5 No 91203 Naphthalene ND ND mg/kg 0 / 5 ND 0.5 No 85018 Phenanth.rene ND 4.37 mg/kg North Wall 2 / 5 4.37 3 Yes (1) Minimum concentration detected. (2) Maximum concentration detected. (3) EPC- Exposure Point Concentration per MCP guidance is average concentration. (4) Values for S-1 Soils, From Draft Technical Update:Anthropogenic Background Levels of Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons and Metals in Soils, MA DEP, February 2002. There are no established background values for EPHNPH therefore,backgound was assumed to be the average method detection limit. ND=Not detected TABLE 4 EPCs IN GROUNDWATER VERIZON FACILITY 3240 MAIN STREET, BARNSTABLE, MA CAS Chemical Minimum Maximum Location of Maximum Detection MCP GW-1 Is Max>GW Number Concentration Concentration(2) Units Concentration Frequency EPC Standard Standard 1? VPH C5-08 Aliphatics ND ND mg/L 0 / 12 0.05 4.00 No C9-C12 Aliphatics ND 0.227 mg/L GF-10 2 / 12 0.095 5.000 No C9-C10 Aromatics ND ND mg/L 0 / 12 0.05 0.20 No EPH C9-C18 Aliphatics ND 0.3 mg/L GF-10 3 / 12 0.136 0.400 No C19-C36 Aliphatics ND ND mg/L 0 / 12 0.1 4.0 No C11-C22 Aromatics ND 0.4 mg/L GF-10 4 / 12 0.2 0.2 No 83329 Acenaphthene ND ND mg/L 0 / 12 0.005 0.02 No 55185 2-Methyl naphthalene ND ND mg/L 0 / 12 0.0034 0.01 No 91203 Naphthalene ND ND mg/L 0 / 12 0.005 0.02 No 85018 Phenanthrene ND ND mg/L 0 / 12 0.005 0.3 No (1) Minimum concentration detected. (2) Maximum concentration detected. (3) EPC- Exposure Point Concentration per MCP guidance is average concentration. EPC calculated from posttreatment groundwater samples. ND=Not detected above method detection limits 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Appendix Bill of Latling — Soil Removed May 2002 1 May 15, 2002 Ak b, AGGREGATE ' RUTH COSGROVE INDUSTRir=s CYN ENVIRONMENTAL ' 100 TOSCA DRIVE P.O. BOX 119 STOUGHTON,MA 02072 Re: Soil, Verizon ' 3240 Main St. Barnstable, MA ' Release Tracking#: 4-16856 Recyclable soil from the above address was received at our facility on May 14, 2002. ' Attached is the shipper's log of soil receipts totaling 28.02 tons along with the Bill of Lading and other receipt documentation. We will issue a"Certificate of Recycling"upon request after processing. Thank you for recycling soil at our Stoughton facility. r Yours truly, William R. Reinhardt ' Manager, Soil Division MAGGREGATE INDUSTRIES Northeast Region ' 1101 Turnpike Street Stoughton, Massachusetts 02072 Telephone 781-344-1100 Facsimile 781-341-5523 05/13/02 IU:41 FAA 1 761 341 bZ4b UYN ENV1HUNMhKIAL 4/1UUc 05/13/2002 15: 58 6175277806 GF NEWTON PAGE 02 Massachusetts Department of Environmental Protection BWSC-012A Bureau of Waste Site Cleanup Relessa 7racldng Number BILL OF LADING (pursuantto 310 CMR10,0030) - 16856 ' A LOCATION OF SITE OR DISPOSAL SITE WHERE REMFDIATION WASTE WAS GENERATED: Measa Name(opdonalj: Streel; 3 2 4 G)—M a e Location Aid Cityrrown: _ RaJ-n4tA)31 o ZJPCade', ' DateJPCried of Generation: to: - Addbonel Release Trac dng Numbers Associated with this B;II of LSdirq -Noss:!f this EW of Ladht9 k:(he result of a Lkuled Removal Acfiorr(LRAJ taken prior to NoW a&A. a Release rracka 79 Numbet is no!needed ' S. PERSON CONDUCTING RESPONSE ACTION ASSOCIATED WfTH BILL OF LADING,: Name of Organtza6n: Name 01C=13ct Ed McGrath 11Vc _POSIT rnnmental M ' street 4 Bennett Street- cityrrown: Wakefield 5'!ale; MA 21P Code: 01880 ITelephong ,,- 7,1--224-2n4R E-A: �_ C. RELATIONSHIP To RELEASE OF PERSON CONDUCTING RESPONSE ACTION ASSOCIATED WITH BILL OF LADING: RP orPRP spea7y: owner C] operator DGenerator C3 Tmnspcnvr Other RP or PRP• Fiduciary.Secured Lender Or Mun;cpality uA1h 6,ampt StaluS(as defined by M.GL G 21 E.s.2) ' Agency or Pubrie Utility on 8 Right of Way(ai defined by M.G.L.c 21E,s,50) OknerPerson: If an owner and/or operelor Is not conducting the response scdon associeted with the INII of Ladng,provide on an 3*3ohmsnt the nam contact person,address and telephone number.inck dnq any area code and r>dansion,for each,if known. ' D. TRANSPORTER OR COMMON CARRIER INFORMATION: TrwsportedCommon CanierNarne: Carrot#Person: John Cola Title: Sveet 100 Tosca Drive C;lyrrown: _ S t A u g h t o O - State: M A 7�P Code: ' Telephone: 781-341-1777 62: —142 I . RECEIVING FACWTY/TEMPORARYSTORAGE LOCATION: Operator/FaoTb Name: A g q e r a t e Y n d u S t r i e ' Contact Person: _ Wil 1 i a Re' a TWe: Street: _ 1101 Turnpike Street Ctp crown: Stoucjhtpj2 State:_ M A ZIP Code: 112072 ' Telephone; 7 81.-3 4.1-5 5 0 0 ; Type of Fm*.. ® Asphalt RatchlCold Mix Land611Jplsposal Incinerator(check one) Temporary Storage ' ® Asphaft Batc!V t rwx Land%Dally Cover Ophar Thermal Processing LandRIVS-tructurel Fill EPA Identifcadon k MAD 9 812 13 5 31 DN;sion of Hazardous WssterClass A Perm1* 9—dQ— . 055 . t?;vision or Solid Waete Mans�gernent Pennh ' AdU:aVAntidpated DerSod of Ternponry Storage(spe ify detes;f applicable): �. Reagan for Temoorwy Storage: Rev;sad I M)94 Page 1 of 3 05/13/02 1b:41 r`AA 1 Ybl J41 6Z4b l-,XN h14V1XUNIHb1N1AL C- UUJ MAY-13-2002 10:35 BA ENU AFFAIRS-MCGRATH 781, 245 1247 P.03 14flassachusetts Department of Environmental Protection BWSC-Dia.A Bureau of Waste Site Cleanup Re►e9s.Trx�np Nun+be! 16959 ®ILL OF LADING lawrsuarAj031D CMR4DAD301 . ,SZOAA►GEUxA'fM*Im : E Ters+pore4 Stceeg�I►ddreet. ' Slnet, State: ZIP Code: Cityfraw F, DESCAIPr OKOF RME MATM1 M(ASM (er+edr au that■ov�y) C'1 a yadis,(K:h"k air Usal.pp►y)t 3oit O �• Contens:�eted p�.nttUoNCcmlaKt:on Waern Q h' ehod all P�af epvly)' lavwputi.n or Oigenie Dbbrh: CbntarnMotcd Oe ns( Other. O' inorganre rtbaorbenl strKKeriara Non-aQueoUe Dhsso llQuld O Other ,:. � Nan-hstsnloua Uncm+telnsrizdd Wa>•e Mack all that apolYL' O '- tenteogomslSltKdp O D Non eN�*Con rl:od wasle(crtoekall That apply). O OEn9lneored tenpoundn+cnts Q Other. , Diesad Feet � it�0i1 � fK t)11 � a6 Oil l.J Wecte on Typs of ccmomtrte6erK(chociras*1orepphk D GVvelina QKerosene Q iatwd ODKrr— Tom E9Urn lad Volume of hlst4KWr CUDIeYardG . suwrd,*BTaalt O Other: Coneamina++t So++r�leMer!deeltpedlyl Q Traneporsatton.ACddaMt lledrrprn - d v1V+6h1 erl�np(cnec>t cool: KKsaema►e ReaPonte�O^ stevasa Abstarnept M a"Ure Reeponte Aeon/�esnodae .e/V:don Q OQrer b-Flalsi d Abetanront Meesur. (in+aed Remov.l Aodan� 'CenpreherreNt•fiabFcr! Re 4lellonW+e�Chsraodzatton 9UPPeKDocorrm netbct+ed: D Flold screening call Sha Merl►Inron*atlon San+ptlnQ atr�Arrabmcal ylethodtsend'ProetQores � tat:ora�7 Dols 1f SJOpotting doolmenlation le,nol appended,pfovida an alraehnrertts+IDminod d In eonnedt efa.riln rAtal document such InloRnsAon rrae p►tYtotKSty M ucENsw arrE pf(OFE610MAL(LSP) NynaoFOresn�►;sic G • nC Tito:Lsp Name- Antho ' talepOone: — EgU 1 e11�turKdvr aespei^e Bwai ret+.iLe�.�ds'f'�1'tl�/�q.speroonalry w�I��a°''IornlOar rllA Ihlc alabrt+ltK9�:ndudinp onr end ell do WTenta aoceMMnIng Vtls gubmldal. In my pmfesclonsl apinlon and Jud9mont DUNN upon appucatlon of (�e,o dtendero of sure in 30e CMR 4.as(t), and (1q Ne appUntlsle Pm"Wonsof d3WC4 172(2)and(W, f„-?g"fflyklons of 309 C FI AA(5). to the beet of my 9 aitR O�a9ppltoable prorl"Iono er710 pdR ea,0oD0,end suott MrrosAed e�Wornrslfon end bolht,Kite aeeescment acllons unmrtakelt to charbdertte th+RemPd'ratten WBale tKAlioh le H+n ce at Ina foci IoenMPed-ln Ihle'MONwsl comPly fiunt penaWet w0Y rowlL yub(ocl of this Bubrninal lot eocoptan ",Characf*rtttfc> d■c ed irrih}treubmi 1`10 ft toec�+Krem er melt+nWr Uearnplar.. rtally IN permitfod>b onoapl rinmodla ansII t�ls AMM,M tsLb�t►nnrmatlonvYr�tt.lhaor to IrK•Juding,br8001 Ilmlwd to.pia sell: y�`v LSP S;gnaWra. r @ ANTHONY e► to Zoos F. Mir , ANppOHlco ? ' ! qNo. 01050 L;rgnae NutrtSer. Q f s-r Pepe 2 Mt9• Rayless cor3f� Friday, May 10,2002 1:33 PM Anthony F. Andronico 617-328-/3/3 N.U4 Massachusetts Department of Environmental Protection . BWSC-012A Bureau of Waste Site Cleanup ' Release Tracking Number- BILL OF LADING (pursuant to 310 CMR40.0030) _ 16856 H. CERTIFICATION OF PERSON CONDUCTING RESPONSE ACTION ASSOCIATED WITH THIS BILL,OF LADING: I certify under penalties of law that I have personally examined and am familiar with the information contained in this submittal,including any and all documents accompanying this certification,and that,based on my inquiry of those individuals immediately responsible for obtaining the information,the material information contained herein is,to the best of my kno ge d belief,true,accurate and complete. I am aware that there are significant penalties,inducting,but not limited to,possible fines an for fully sub 'tting false,inaccurate•or incomplete information. Signature: Date: Ml3 D z ' Name of Person(print): Ed McGrath cl- z i' Revised 1013/94 Page 3 of 3 Massachusetts Department of Environmental Protection Bureau of Waste Site Cleanup BWSC-01 BILL OF LADING (pursuant to 310 CMR 40.0030) a Track7n, 5:Z: ' -SUMMARY SHEET - of — - ,f' K. SUMMARY OF SHIPMENTS: ' DATE OF SHIPMENT: DATE OF RECEIPT: NUMBER OF LOADS SHIPPED: DAILY VOLUME SHIPPED(CU.yD JT --------------- Y-� =_ ----------- -------------- ---- - _-_- Z - _-_----- ----------------- --------------- ---:---- ------ --------------------------- ----------------------- -- --------------- --------------- --------------------------- ------------------- ------ -------------- -------------------------- ----------------- --------=------ -------- --------------- --------------- ----------- ---------------- ---------_ ------------ ' ----------- --------------- ------------------ -----. -- --------------- ------------ --------- --------------- --------------- --------------------------- --------------------- --------------------------- --------------------------- --------------- --- ------ -------------------- --------------------------- ---------------- -------------- --------------- --------------- --------------------------- --------------------------- ------------------------------------- --------------------------- -------------------------- SUMMARY SHEET TOTAL SHIPPED: BILLOF LADING TOTALSHIPPED(only If different): Revised 1011M4 I hl (m s pn n r c y paper. Massachusetts Department ofEtivirenmenta! Protection EWS�C 0t2C .Bureau of Wase:Sle Cleanup BILL OF LADING 1pu7suanitO.319 CUR 40.0030l >! SUMMARY SHEET l ' L ACKHOW1.60EMENT OF RECEIPT OF REt,IEDIA710N WASTE TEMPORARY$TO.RAQE•.LOCA710Ht AT RECEIVING. FACILliY OR Receiw+pFaaLty porary W11 :lam R Re�nfiardt ray: Manager ' Locatwrr a h+re �stnt} sign3lute: M.ACKNGWL 1900EMEHT QF SHiA�r1 Ni'k b pECE.Ipx'ii;>'tEMEDIA ON WASTL'p �Y PSOU ' CONDUCTING RE;SPON$E AGTiON kSfiC1TE17.W�7'}i' j .RiLL OF LA01N.O: 1 eerLy:under pen3h,es of law tlut{have personalty eXartuned artd am larn5�ar with the W4.D rn abon:contained�n{h1s submdtat irich�dinp an acid a�documents nccomQrtrmna Ups aerUticat�on,nod that,based ort my�QuyY d those+r+dmduats un+nedate res y the uttormdbon,ttse matenal:intorrnbti9n cpnta di+e+[in a -bis for obtainitV 10 thg 4est of my knawtedye grid bgGel;true' accurate and com fete .t ari,awtrR L1at theca.atenueant pet►atLt+s. eCludi RO united IO:poss+ e Gn83 slid irr+D�►3omienG for x?IIuRy wbTitUn9 latse:maccvrate,or incompteke nlormatian r Gate: Yam- Z_ . !Name of Person(pnntY i i Revised to11197 Tnrs form rs pruxeC on recytls0.paper, Page 2 of Aggregate --.jj SCALE TICKET INQUIRY UNDATTOW ... ................................. ............................................................... ............ OIL ................. ......................................... ............. 0 5//:1.4/0"2 ............. C-1 I...OADS 0 YDI 1)!.'5 DTI SPECIAL 28. 02 TON rP ................................................................................................. (:;K E-f T:I: OF 1)E, 1: Fl."ODUCT crvy ..........I....... .................. ...................... ..................................................... ........................ ................... ............ 9 is R 7 MOW? RECY SOIL OIL FOB HAULER CYNBIF-5 4 28 TON :1.08'.) 9 c 24 22082 RECY SOIL OIL FOB HAULER CYN81:1. 7-4. TON ..................... .................: ESC to exit Wearch Wlear THE FOLLOWING IS/ARE THE BEST IMAGES FROM POOR QUALITY ORIGINALS) M A- 7-�C&' -'L DATA ? r e { ! Q r eft i e tet e ' r 2 s r � t •s t 1 . c ttY-'s .�.� ��' : � 4 t - t +s N d. 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LOG SHEET OF 1 _ r 1--J I LpAD`INFORMATION: ' Sig ure of Transporter Re rescntativc: Receiving F l- / P I g cm porary St r gc Represcntativc l ' Date o i cnt: Time of Shipment(circle onc . I ^ p ( a /pm Date of cceipt: TiTimc f Rccc 4 ! UZ- _ :oy 'p` �: Trudc/rractor Registration: Trailer Registration if an .j d g ( y) � � �Dq ( (circle one)arrt/prnFv` 4 ! Load Size(cu.yds.hons): ` �:ate, € AD 2: Signature of Transporter Rcprexntative: ( Receiving Facili71M to ofShipment: Timc of Shipment(circic onc)am/pm Date of Recei t-At PTruekfFractor Registration: Trailer Registration(if any); crcc onc)am/pm 4 jLoad Size(cu-ydsJtons): al JR -AD 3z $ignatureotTransportcr Rcprcxntativc: Receiving Facility/Temporary Storag 'ate ofShipment: Timc of Shipment(circic onc)am/pmDate of Rcccipt: TiTtiactor Registration: Trailer Registration(if any): (cLoad Sizc(cu.ydsJtons): ' �r.OAD<: Signature of Transporter Representative: Receivin Facilim/Tem 'f g porary Storage Rcprescntauvc-- to of Shipment: Time of Shipmcnt(circic onc)am/pm Date of Receipts Time of Receipt / 4 po $Truekfrlr ctor Registration: Trailer Registration(if any): ; t (circle one)am/pmx'. f Load Size(cu.yds./tons): , AD S`.Signature of Transporter Representative: ( Receiving Facilitx-:Tcmporary StorageRcprescnta6%c is of Shipment: Time of Shipment(circle one)ant/pm ( Datc of Receipt: Time of Receipt. '>' ruck/I ractor Registration: Trailer Registration(if any): ` (circle one)am/pm ' Load Size(cu.yds./tons): 3 AD 6: Signature of Representative: Receiving Facility/Temporary Storage Representative. gn d e of Shipmcnt: Time of Shipment(circle one)am/pm ` Date of Receipt: Time of Receipt: ruek/Fracior Registration: Trailer Registration(if any): (circle one)am/pm Load Size(cu.yds-lions): I t AD 7: Signature ofT Transporter Representative: gnattr ranspo eP ' Receiving Facility/Temporary Storage Representative: of Sh4xT%cnt Tune of Shipment(circk one)am/pm Date of Receipt: Tune of Receipt: nsdrPi icscior Registration: Trailer Registration(if any): (circle onc)am/pm ' Load Size(cu.ydshoas): JVGG SUEET VOLUME INFORMATION: Total Volum h e This Page(cu.ydsons): Total Carried Forward(cu.ydshow): ' Total Carried F onward and This Page(eu.ydshons): 711A Thisform Is printed on eeeycledpaper Page I of I ir � - . � X/ t fit...sC r e i rho S V�; i,t Y t f 1r iY.--`. ? t 4 ry ��6•f �i i>t r� Y ; f t •Y7 l> r ,.SLs.� j �}�..{{. it r ,f ; r it�• .t'k�ct i..riFa _rrl I i. -• ri tp a } f :. y x[n° t�$ is I Syi ..'.rl"'s�al{. 7"� ✓�,.}/,..� 'r .�?A'�`SfY 1_�{.y, jy kl 1}t:.l/,P mMY, �3 � r. is v+ ; W a ti •� -r l`� \ a t r. -,p i t ems_13 as ' N+2:7 ., >.!;: ' C _ �' r'', ' t' S`� ,."r r ,�Y ����®,SLU�IIIA��.�:�zt'�i p t�'t 4 � c r ,��� Jn.� .'� .y'�s. _ •r,,i`;a ���•S.ac? �r� 'Fg�+.�'FS nXt` YA "'�"4� '�Y�.-� 'Ykrr,��`i f�k- '�yr, � ''•}`�'� a i,• " t\�i r•� � r. f y `:n �`1' �t K� + r�- r .t yy L'� {z � r`c�;F-t-_,,, 1::. �-x� r:r� f' y'—>f,�. _- ,��,��,'f � 5 t N. 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'f"'�{`-s "ice > i•}j +-tY i ��`SF� i+g. �S•3-c c, { _t , C!f$I�%�f > j ¢1 .j. y,n s 1 -r 2u'.,S%4r.•r�f'�`� *ga,{•Zt"a� gg F Mel,; a:+ . \+ e7 ..ts.#1`��'?s+�-�,z1 i'�rti,�Y.rz,�%1,4� a ,0-;,' ,� ONu Yd,+S-1 L '-rm -.i. _ ,-;.r3,f...e t��;,i,iv € a,1Yr„R r. -T,, " mot Y 3 y.yr 3i z?M X T -Le pb I`• t s : �.7J , Sti`Q�CdB'�.� 3 T y ',kt �c }.-t•�...zJ , E+s'a:fir.,#: *t,t'fft �" L- '�}, Y q e}fir r. rf '•�''�''" pd. t'�. 1, r r y. •.N .,.. ,.y� ' het _1 � �5t,;Q 3�(�•" i 1 ilV 11 t 4 s7 S a t a - a a ' Massachusetts Department of Environmental Protection Bureau of Waste Site Cleanup 7BWSC-012B BILL OF LADING(Pursuaut to 310 CMR 40.0030) Rcle r - umber LOG SHEET OF (- 1. LOAD IN TION: ' LOAD l: S- at e T . s er Ryprescntativc: f Rccci�F01pbqcmg6rary Storage Representative:Date Shi m nt: Time of Shipmen�cle one)am/pm Date Time of Receipt: / lbZlY /C-> T rad gistration: Trailer Rc r tion if any):ell �"o ( Y) e��( D (circle one)am/ m m� '"//7 Load Size(cu.yds.7tons): P LOAD 2: Signature of Transporter Representative- ' Receiving Facility/Tcmporary,Storage Representative: Date of Shipment: Time of Shipment(circle one)am/pm i Date of Rcccipt: Time of Receipt: Trueklrractor Registration: Trailer Registration(if any): (circle one)am/ Load Size.(cu.ydsJ(ons): m P LOAD 3: Signature of Transporter Representative: ' Receiving Facility/Tcmporary Storage Representative: Date of Shipment: Time of Shipment(circle one)am/pm Date of Receipt: Time of Rcccipt: / / Truek/Trador Registration: Trailer Registration(if any): ( (circle one)am/pm Load Size(cu.ydsJtons): LOAD e: Signature of Transporter Representative: ( Receiving Facility/Temporary Storage Representative: Date of Shipment: Time of Shipment(circle one)am/pm Date of Receipt:P Time of Receipt- Truck/Tractor Registration: Trailer Registration(if any): ( (circle one)am/pm Load Size(cu.yds.hons): LOAD 5: Signature.of Transporter Representative: Receiving Facility-Temporary Storage Representative: Date of Shipment: Time of Shipment(circle one)am/pnr Datc of Rcccipt: Time of Receipt Truck/Tractor Registration: Trailer Registration(if an}'): (circle one)am/pm Load Size(cu.yds./tons): LOAD 6: Signature of Transporter Representative: I Receiving Facility/Tcmporary Storage Representative: Date of Shipmcnt% Time of Shipment(circle one)am/pm i Date of Reccipt: Time of Receipt: tvek/Tractor Registration: Trailer Registration(if any): (circle one)am/pm. Load Size(cu.ydsJtons): AD 7: Signature of Transporter Representative: I Receiving Fecility/Temporary Storage Representative: of Shipment: Tune of Shipment(circle one)am/pm Date of Receipt: Time of Receipt: rrudc/Tractor Registration: Traikr Registration(if any): (circle one)am/pm ' Load Size.(cu.ydsJtons):-LOG SHEET VOLUME INFORMATION: Total Volume This Page cu.ag ( ydshons): Total Carried Forward(cu.ydshons): Total Carried Forward and This Page(cu.ydshons): kcvisod 1/93 Tbls form Is,prlreted on recyded paper Page I of 1 J 1 1 1 1 ' r i i - Appendix B 1 Bill of Lading — Soil Removed July 2002 1 r 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 July 16, 2002 RUTH COSGROVE ' CYN ENVIRONMENTAL 100 TOSCA DRIVE P.O. BOX 119 STOUGHTON, MA 02072 ' Re: Soil, Verizon 3240 Main Street Barnstable, MA ' Release Tracking#: 4-16856 Recyclable soil from the above address was received at our facility on July 11, 2002. Attached is the shipper's log of soil receipts totaling 6.2 tons along with the Bill of Lading and other receipt documentation. We will issue a"Certificate of Recycling" upon request after processing. Thank you for recycling soil at our Stoughton facility. Yours truly, William R. Reinhardt L �` Manager, Soil Division AGGREGATE INDUSTRIES Northeast Region 1101 Turnpike Street Stoughton, Massachusetts 02072 Telephone 781-344-1100 Facsimile 781-341-5523 U rrv�• � +�< yJ. Lv uy rJGr IUVO- Vr I`ICWIUI`I I"Aut bL -' ur Nl-W I UN PAGE 02 Gannett Fletarrting Massachtuetts Department p rnent of Environmental ProtectiDn Bureau of Waste Site Cleanup CSC-012A BILL OF LADING (pursuant to 310 cwrRao.Bo3p) RCleaseTra�ng Number• � LOCATION.OF SITE OR OISNQ$gL SITE WHERE REMEpIATION WASTE WAS GENERATED: 0_ 1685.61 Marne Raleasm Mae(opt;anef): Street 3240 -Main Street ctYfTown; Barnstable Location Aid: Verizon 1 Dste/P ZIP Code:. 02630 erlod of Cenerebon: addiGdnat Release Trdduna 1`4 tubers Aasdciated AIDf Wlth fh s Bilt of Lading " o, pfhit87lo/Llofnglslhernsurtofa(intfl'edRMO',JActron LRA ' B. PERSON CONDUCTING RESPONSE ACTION ASSOCIAYED WITH BI pEf LADING 'Reloose'Traclonri N� 9 erR9nornveded: rgan Nameo(Oizalion: Verizon NorneofConfacr.. Gar Schmitz Ttla: strt:¢r. 7 Graham Drive Ctryiro„m Nashua Tefe hone: 6D3-897-0205 State: NH---' Code .......... 5203 ' C. RELAT10 Fit.: NS1fS TO REt-!'A9E DF.PP_/iSpH CpNp(IG'TING R�E,SPDNSE ACTION RPorPR? gpoc;fj ❑ _O"Qr Operator ❑ ASSOCI Tjlz b1tITFi B►L�OF Fiduciary. Generator ❑ Transoonef Other RPorp� LADING: A en Secured L n a RI �P3lity.ilh tempt%WS(mot deA�by W.G.L.0 21E.s.Z) ' 9 cy or Public tJtO; Right of Way(e,detancd D ❑ Otnef Pereon:. y M.G.L.e.21 E.a.50) M an owner and/or cocrstor fs not Conduer- eontact g 1Ae response acaon a9sae;atea with u're eltt of l..t<d;. per3°n.address Ana telephone number.inctudln rffi vrwide ottrf a!leehrr t the name, D_ TRaNSPORI'ERpR COMMON CARRIERINFORMA710nL panraro® eanddtters;on.fore aCd1,ifknoWn. TransaonsdEvn n CMr1ef Warno: C k'1V•.En v i z On rrten t d l Contact Person; John Cole stroot: 100'Tbsea Drive -Tree- cayfrown; Stoughton Tare hon 781-3.41-1777 $��' MA z1PCodet 02072 ' E RECEIVING FACILITY/TEMPO - fit' --�2 RARYSFORAGE L.bCATION: operaror/FadityNw,e: Aggerate Industries Contact Person: William Reinhardt srcee 1101 Turnpike Scr ee rive: Manager 'Soi2 Division • n Ciry/Tmm- StO Ugh tor, ralephont: 781-341-5500 $tam:--MA _ zn'Code: 02072 Type of raox), EXT..: (check one) ❑ /liphalt�t�Cold Mix LandfU gj Asphalt B ❑ /Dispose) ❑ Incinerator (--� P archn•f l MIX ❑ Lond m;t3 ty Cover !_I 7B^+Dorsry Slorege ❑ Thermsf Processln9 ❑ ❑ Other: LandfilUStructural FIII Dw!' ;On of Hazardous wDsuJClass A P EPA Idsnbf;mlion!p: MAD 9812135 31 Crm;l S -0 1 -0 29 ACuaVAnVc;paIed' PDriod of T¢ O'v's'an of Solid Waste Managerrvem Pcrm:t K•mvornry Storage{speary dates if apyicaDle); i Reason ror Temporary Storage: to Page 1 of 3 07/09/2002 10: 45 6175277806 U- NtwIUN rHvt ri 1 ui rJ<,IDUD or Nr_WtUN - PAGE 03 Massachusefts Department ofEnvironrlwntal Pngectlort SWSC-012A ' Bureau of Waste Site Clear)up• BILL OF LADING (PWr3U'nt 40 310 CMR 40.0039) Re1�.e TrOelorrg Wumoe,- • F a~ RECE7VI O F�►c STORAGE wcATXW(Wnt)ntltac �4 16856 Temporary Storage Address: Str¢cf;, CilyrTown: Steer: 21P coast. F DMTW710N OP R6M6DWTION WASTE (Check ab ttlel apply) Conr+mtnakd Media(check all pnatapply): S Soil O' Cnsunowmer. Surface Water O O Orl+er_ Contsn+'v+alcd Debris(check dl)ithat apply); O Vepatggpn er Orgar+lt OtilrlS OGTOLIion/CpnilruCllon Wave O Inar9eeaeAhsprDOnlNafarlets O Od,er, Q non-hatardau3 unconWneeaed Waste(chaek till Dta(apNY): O Non-11WMA Phaeelleuld Q Other Non.naoroous Contalnsrised haste IchccA an thst sop y): O Yank 9Cttome19wEyes O Contwrlora 0 Drums O Erglneered ImpoandTentg O O)her. , Typo e}Connmrnation(choq atl the!aPDlyl: 0 Gasoline aeBe1 IRta 1" P ON t>d_ aft El al; ❑ W1sto Od D -Kerosene � Jet Fuel � OttkCr, Eonmicd volume O(Meterwe: cubic Yaree, 15 Tops Olney Centamtnant Souree(cheat one/speofy): Trartepomoon Accident Underoround Stowe,-r Cl Sher . Racpamre Aclion Aw nclated with S11 or Laarng(Cheep oral: El Imelema9e RrapoMe Adorn a Releaas Abalcmenl Maosuro 0 UUnb-Rels[ea Abatement measure D L;m,tea adrnoeea Actieno Comprehen3ivc IRoeponseAction 0 Olhur ft0hud,adon Waole Charatarl=otion Support UgCYmarntabOR alpcAad: D, Slit IKsfory Information D SoMpring and Anary6ca'l Matnoas and procedures ® Laporot Oeto ►tore Scr2atlnp Dgq rt supporting voaurmentstlon Is not apoendod.provido an atuMme»r' etatlnD U1 document ouch WOremtion.re3 PMvtoua 0tlalo arc a eor+r+eeopn a U what n!f suamitled.io DEP. G. L1MSM Snf PROFESSIONAL(LSP)OPIN)DN: �n`e�o�gsnisaelan; G nnett. Flernin r Inc. ' tSoNamet_Anthr,nY P. Andronico Title: L .P_ IT91epnene: . Ext.: 1 altesl vndcr the 031nt and penalties of perjury that I hsve Patonally saaraGrd and am(ernlbor W+Ih tUr sabnu ReOoenpanying th(s swbmlrtol• In my prcdcjManal Mnion andjudgment bocc „�Cppl;cetion of tttt,including any end an doeua,eny (1)the standard of cans in 309 CMR 4,e12(1), G)'he applicable pmvlsiohs of 309 CMQ s,02(2)pnd(]),and NO the FM;Rkdrtt of 302 CMR a,n3(5). Is the beet of my knewdedpo.information and ooliot,y,e astrsgrneru 10onet un r t:utgbOl o1 this sue'"i"al for ect"LlAce at the tacill dt Traitor to characterize the Re(nedl*Mn waste which Is e fs cillty is pern,trreo to ace& Qv;ng the Cn In this atp,,, l comply wnh the SPICa"ple Provisions Or 310 CLM a 00 Mho Dt RomedtAUon West¢navinp cn!rnarXaertepos kfacr;t>ktd in u+;a OubrrJttar. I Sr"aware ltult fl nif. t>v0000,end soon wcludi".but nol"I"Ired to,possible Gnee snd•;mpnepnFMni.if I subA"worrrnllon"ieh I thOb 10 bo farm Ina eaM anehisa ma ' p y+rsWl, �ewmplete, LSPSignatvre' 61Q5 N Seal: card ANTH00tV ' ' LICenss*(MbarNo. `ie$ Remised +ar�r9s ��T Pa t 9e2ot3 ®: _bI eOOZ-90 -ini 07/09/2002 10: 4b bl /S'ZIIbUb ur IYGWIUIV fHVL uU 1. r . Massachusetts Department of Environmental protection $WSC-012A Blireau of Waste Site Cleanup BILL OF LADING (pursuant to 31D ll A ccTr�ckko NurMer . G1f}t IC.0030) Q- 15856 K CERTI ICATION OF PERSON CGNDUCTING RESPON6B ACTION Icer}I undo 4S$OCIATLD-MTff 7HM BILL 10 r+oa,h sa�tal6es"d iee+ a pe70 � d art0 artr�+�'�or Mlle!>a L�KG: meals aaawpw"th rlon. i ,Dash M rry�lfayjr).or r*ftl inairfd tdna0 In this SUam;"m►.tnc rlg MY anaan n>3lalk 1dtctfon eenUi in b � Den t or nD Igrowled�Ana Cei;ef IruQ,�ptuna.nd �res0ortsib�e for oe:s;nk�g lne ink�mwtbn,Wv altlst.Mdue+nQ.but ta.vo A ;n+pRSOrnr+enciorrWlSYnysuhm;f6 � . 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LOAD INFORMATION: LOAD : i at f Transporter Representative: Receivin F emporary Storage Representative Date of Shipment: Time of Shipment: ' /1(� �� Date of Receipt: Time of Receipt. ` �� �� (circle one)a- J , �//� �O ' Truck/Tractor R isV lion: �_ ' '— g� Trailer Regis:ration (it any): ' 356 $',5?�{ (circle one)am/pm I Load Size(cu.yds. tons):, LOAD 2: Signature of Transporter Representative: t I Receiving Facility(Temporary Storage Representative: ' Date of Shipment: Time of Shipment: ' Date of Receipt. Time of Receipt: Truck/Tracior Registration (circle one)am/pm : ' Trailer Registration(if any): ' t (circ le cle one)am/pm i Load Size(cu.yds.Aons): LOAD 3: Signature of Transporter Representative- Receiving Facitity/Temporary Storage Representative: Dale of Shiprrient: Time of Shipment: /— Date of Receipt;/ Time of Receipt: (circle one)am/pm Truck/Traclor Registration: Trailer Registration(if any): ' ' (circle one)am/pm t Load Size(cu.yds.Aons): LOAD 4: Signature of Transporter Representative: Receiving Facility/Temporary Storage Representative: Date of Shipment: Time of Shipment: , Date of Receipt: Time of Receipt: /— /— (circle one)am/pm � / � , TrucW7ractor Registration: Trailer Registration(if any): (circle one)am/pm ' Load Size(cu.yds.Aons): LOAD S: Signature of Transposer Representative: , Receiving Facility(Temporary Storage Representative: Date of Shipment: jime of Shipment: Date of Receipt: Time of Receipt: (circle one)am/pm ' Truck/Tractor Registration: Trailer Reoistration(if any): i (circle one)arn/pm Load Size(cu.yds.Aons): LOAD 6: Signature of Transporter Representative: Receiving Faciliry(Ternporary Storage Representative: Date of Shipment: Time of Shipment: i r Date of Receipt: Time of Receipt: (circle one)am/pm Truck/Tractor Registration: t Trailer Registration(it any): i (circle one)am/pm Load Size(cu.yds./tons): 7AD.S7Signature of Transporter Representative: Receiving Facility(Temporary Storage Representative: ment: jime of ShipmcnLDate of Receipi:— /— Time of Receipt: (circle one)am;pm /— / Truck/Tractor Registration: Trailer Registration(if any): , ' (circle one) am/pm load Size(cu.yds.Aons): _ ' J. LOG SHEET VOLUME INFORMATION: `/ ( Total Volume This Page(cu.yds.Aonsy t Total Carried Forward(cu.yds./tons): t — Tola;Carried f erward and This Page(cu.yds./ons): _ Hevised t 0/t/93 this lorm rs pnnrcd on rec tied Y Paper. Page 1 o! t • � I }B..J W. 4 �j �sH,i4_ Ry >f s Massachusetts Department of Environmental Protection BWSC-012C Bureau of Waste Site Cleanup 81LL OF LADING (Pursuant to 310 CMR 40.0030) y� R eTrxkl } b� } -SUMMARY SHEET of K. SUMMARY OF SHIPMENTS: DATE OF SHIPMENT: DATE OF RECEIPT: NUMBER OF LOADS SHIPPED: DAILY VOLUME SHIPPED(CU.YD 1TOIJ --------------- --------------- ---------------- ------------------- --------------- - -=�r- ----- ----------- -------=------ -------- -' `)---- --------------- --- ----------- --------- \--------------- --------------- --------------------------- ----------------- -------- --------------- --------------- -------------------------- --------------------------- --------------- --------------- --------------=------------ -------------------------- --------------- --------------- --------------------------- --------------------------- I --------------- --------------- --------------------------- -------------------------- --------------- --------------- --------------------------- --------------------------- - ---------------- --------------- --------------------------- --------------------------- --------------- --=------------ ------------------------=-- -----------=--------------- - ------------------- --------------- --------------- --------------------------- -------------------------- --------------- --------------- --------------------------- -------------------------- --------------- --------------- --------------------------- -------------------------- --------------- --------------- ——————————————————————————— -------------------------- ——————————————— ——————————————— --------------------------- -------------------------- ---------------------------- ---- ------------------- ---------- ----------------- -------------------------- -- ------ -------------------------- ------- ----------------- --------------- -_------------- --------------------------- -------------------------- SUMMARY SHEET TOTAL SHIPPED: BILL OF LADING TOTALSHIPPED(only If different): !.n• i n1S 116MM J.,;nrOWI 6n f..vr nanor 6- -a i� !) 3 }S Massachusetts Department Of Environmental Protection BWSC_ Bureau of Waste Site Cleanup 012 BILL OF LADING (p,rr,u,nt to 319 CUR 40.0030) a'�`"'T"`k^o►+..�„ SUMMARY SHEET L. ACKNOWLEDGEMENT OF RECEIPTLOCATION,OF TEMPORARY STORAGE LOCATIOH REMEDIATION WASTE AT RECEIYINa.FACILITy�OR " Receiving Fac iaryffemmwy William R.Location Repre live txintrR e ' n h a r d t Signature: 741.: Manager Date: M.ACKNOWLEDGEMENT OF SHIPMENT AND RECEIPT OF REMEDIATION WASTE BY PERSON CONDUCTING RESPONSE ACTION ASSOCIATED WITH THIS BILL OF LADING: I ceNty under penahies of law that 1 have personally examined and am familiar with the information comained in Uis s and ad documents accompanying this certUicadon,and that,based on my Inquiry of those ind-idvats unmediate res���1�i oCt f o'nQ any the informal',,the matefiat information coruained herein is,to{!�bast d tY ponuble for oDtainir,g Mat Uwe are sig6rkant pe,tattitrs,imtud+'ng,put not tirnited to, r^Y k++owledge and b,,e vue,accurate and comytete. 1 em awr.,,Incomplete Wormation possbte Gnes and impruom�ent.for n,tlutty Submitting lake.inaccurate.or Signature: /- / Name a Person(print): Date: Ka-&ed 1 CV 1193 T�vs Corm rs p+a t[ed r Page 2 c Appendix C ' Waste Manifest - Groundwater NOV-22-2002 16:55 CYN ENVIRONMENTAL 7813416298 P.02i02 DIVISION OF HAZARDOUS MATERIALS" . One Winter$treat Boston, Massachusetts 0216E ' INA- Please tit)t of Form dgs( {}pr uae on elite 12- ftch er UNIFORM M.AZARDOUS 1•rQenerator's US EPA ID No. Manifest Dowrnent No 2:PEI"1 IttformaUon in the shaded art3as WASTE MANIFEST M 6 11171512.-� 8 of ," is not required by Federal taw: 3.Oenemtor's Name and Mailing Address tr.VY,EFTEL D, f4k 0199SO xp y' 41 }rA'r W t!�{' t 'Y _'F•... R.GeneratOt's Phone I>rI 1 52 7-73�'t, 1 .`.•: N. 5.Transporter 1(%ornpany Name 6 US EPA ID[dumber ,: y,• T , - ao C`f'N CIIL CCFPC1f',ATICN IM A D 0 1,113101 7.Transporter 2 Con K ' � po Company Name S.US EPA ID Number r- � 9.Designated Fadlfty.Name and Site Address 10.U$EPA ID Number xfo CYN CI1L COPPMATION 1771 WASHING-TCN sT.. FO ECU: 119 } r f>"TOL1vl�l'fCfV MA C072 -ItIlAl 131,01 al 2131.01 , 14:US DOT Description(IrtcfudkW PmwSJdpping Afante,Hard Class end7D Ni"Ihar} f2 tekiero ToW c>+ F1 TFa-EUM:OIL, CaYSLIS78LE LIQUID, M1270, PGTY o " (STATE RE%t A-M `aASTE OIL WATFR) aG :D ar E b: �• G I I T O 'cs d. co to 21 a):. i �>:, , .�� {1 !r� i fit•. "�yyCr � t. '•ry ' � � 'y�y,gYJ yy �,r�l•yf•� ea�ta+��,., / � ' frC Y •`4i .' it r~ i�r"M: ,'S' �`' f spate• 'Aw. aP wLr.^' Ey Y f. 4 _ (n 16;Special Handihig Instructions and Additional Information O WE OF .�"'Y CALL -QuLk 24,'�. 0) 16,OENERATOmS CERTIFICATION:I>laroby dedare that the contents of this consignment are fully and accurately dgscrtbed above by Proper snippin9 fi9mt+anti ai8 CJasaifad• packed.marKed,and labeled,end ere In atl respects in proper conbitlon forbAnsport by highway Axording to appllcabtg intornEd tat and 9ovemrrlertt regttlaUons. If I am a large quenflt generator,I cemty teat I have a program In place to reduoq the volume grid tO)i1Chy of waste generated IO lh8 degree I liaise determirieG I r be a Norm.Gcal pprtacticable and that f nave saleead the pradlcable method of treatment,yto►ape,or disposal curmnil�yr atadable to me which rylm the present and future threat to ttiiman hgBllh And fire ernAronmenY,OR,H I am a aW quantity generator.I have made a good fa{th Orion!to nlfnirrks my waste generation and select the beat waste management N method that is avallaW to me and that I can afford. Pdnted/7yPed Date Sign- M Y pT 17-Tranuportii—rfkknowladgerfient of Receipt of Materials ate Printed/Typed Nem,9 S►gnaturo Month Day Year p fa OR 1 B.7rart8pprter 2 Acttnowledge ent of Receipt of Material9 E PrfntedlTyped Namo, Sl9rtahire ate R Idvrilh Day Year F 19.Discrepancy Inplcatlon Space A C 20,Facility owner or Operator Certifir aeon of receipt of ha2ardous mater}als covered ey this manlhrst except as noted In Itemi9 I yP"edl�iped[Name; , Slgnatttra Oats MOMtr try Yi. -nFor i 0Q2F ®4fttDrn�'aty 19. r .i ,e .- r c1 d:3 5 ,5 c� J a'3 -P ... y '_d z ti TOTAL P.02 1 Appendix D ' Post Excavation Soil Analytical Results 1 t ESS Laboratory ' Division of Thielsch Engineering, Inc. t---CERTIFICATE OF ANALYSIS PROJECT NARRATIVE ' PAGE ONE OF TWO CLIENT: Gannett Fleming ' CLIENT PROJECT ID: Verizon-Barnstable ESS PROJECT ID: 02050014 ' Sample Receipt 6 Soil samples were received on May 01, 2002 for the analysis 'specified on the enclosed Chain of Custody Record. ' Analytical Summary The project as described above has been analyzed in accordance wnth the ESS Quality Assurance Plan. This plan utilizes ttie followuig;methodologies US EPA SW-846, US EPA Methods 'for Chemical Analysis ;of WatWae 0CFRPart 136, APHA Standard Methods for the Examination of Water and Wastewater, American Society for ' Testing and Materials (ASTM), and other recogrnzed methodologies ,The analyses with these noted observations are in conformance to the Quality Assurance:Plari. ' EPH Analysis The following modification to the MASS EPH. Method was performed: The Aromatic Fraction and Target PAH analytes were analyzed by GUMS. ' Metals Analysis ESS Laboratory utilized the established linear dynamic range to determine acceptable ' analytical results. No other observations noted. This signed Certificate gn of Analysis is our approved release of your analytical results. Beginning with this Project Narrative, the entire report has been paginated. The Chain of Custody is the final ' report page. This report should not be copied except in full without the approval of the laboratory. ' Continued 185 Frances Avenue,Cranston, RI 029 1 0-22 1 1 Tel.: 401-461-7181 Fax: 401-461-4486 http://www.thielsch.com An Equal Oppenumly Employer ESS Laboratory ' Division of Thielsch Engineering, Inc. �— CERTIFICATE OF ANALYSIS PROJECT NARRATIVE ' PAGE TWO OF TWO CLIENT: Gannett Fleming CLIENT PROJECT ID: Verizon-Barnstable ESS PROJECT ID: 02050014 '. CERTIFICATION ' Were any significant modifications made_to the MADEP VPH and EPH method? ---No Yes—Details Above Were all QA/QC procedures REQUIRED by the VPH and EPH method followed? LYes _No—Details Above Were all performance/acceptance standards for required QA/QC procedures.achieved? ' P . Yes _No—Details Above I attest under the pains and penalties of perjury that, based upon my inquiry of those individuals immediately responsible for obtaining the information, the material,contained in this report is, to ' the best of my knowledge and belief, accurate and complete. ' End of project narrative. Laurel St ard/Eric Baanante Date r Laboratory Director/Operations Manager I I ' 185 Frances Avenue, Cranston.RI 02910-2211 Tel.: 401-461-718 t Fax: 401-461-4486 http://www,thielsch.com An Equal Opportunity Employer ESS Laboratory Division of Thielsch Engineering, Inc. CERTIFICATE OF ANALYSIS Extractable Petroleum Hydrocarbon (EPH) Analysis (Modified) Method For Ranges: MADEP EPH 98-1, Method For Target Analytes: 82 OC Client Name: Gannett Fleming ESS Project ID: 02050014 ' Client Project ID: Verizon-Barnstable ESS Sample ID: 02050014-01 Client Sample ID: North Wall 5' Matrix: Soil .Date Sampled: 4/30/02 F 1 Dilution: 1 ' Date Extracted: 05/02/02 F2 Dilution: 1 Date Analyzed: .05/03/02 Percent Solid: 89 Analyst: CH Sample Amount: 30.2g Container: Satisfactory Temperature: See Chain Preservative: None Units: m dry.weight Extraction Method: 3550B ' Range Name Result MRL C-C8 Aliphatic Hydrocarbons' ND C19—C36 Aliphatic Hydrocarbons' ND 27.9 C11-C22 Unadjusted Aromatic Hydrocarbons' 140 27.9 ' C11-C2 Aromatic Hydrocarbons 1,2 135 27.9 ` =Range result excludes concentrations of surrogates and internal standards.elutm m that ran e. 27 9 Z =Range result excludes concentrations of target analytes.elating m:that range g g Diesel PAH Analytes Result MRL 2-Methylnaphthalene ND 0.372 Acenaphthene 0.882 0.372 Naphthalene ND 0.372 Phenanthrene 4.37 '0312 MRL=Method Reporting Limit. ND =Not Detected above MRL. i Extraction Surrogate ID: WHY030602A Fractionation Surrogate ID: WHY041802A Extraction Surrogate % Rec. Limits Fractionation Surro ate % Rec. Limits I-Chlorooctadecane 71 40-140 2-Bromonaphthalene 100 O-Terphenyl 90 40-140 2-Fluorobiphenyl 40-140 106 40 140 i Approved By: Date: 2` ,r 1 Page 1 of 1 J ' MDP 185 Frances Avenue, Cranston, RI 029 1 0-22 1 1 Tel.: 401-461-7181 Fax 401-461-4486 http://www.thielsch.com An Equal oppurtunily Empluye, ESS Laboratory Division of Thielsch Engineering, Inc. CERTIFICATE OF ANALYSIS Volatile Petroleum Hydrocarbon (VPH) Analysis Method For Ranges and Target Analytes: MADEP VPH 98-1 Client Name: Gannett Fleming ESS Project ID: 02050014 ' Client Project ID: Verizon-Barnstable ESS Sample ID: 02050014-01 Client Sample ID: North Wall 5' Matrix: Soil Date Sampled: 4/30/02 Alkane Dilution: I ' Date Analyzed: 05/07/02 Aromatic Dilution: 1 Analyst: MD Percent Solid: 89 Container: Satisfactory Sample Amount: 21g Preservative: Methanol Temperature: See Chain Methanol Volume: 15 Units: mg/Kg dry weight Extraction Method: 5030 Range Name Result C,-C Aliphatic Hydrocarbons'•Z MRL Na. C9-C,Z Aliphatic Hydrocarbons'' 10 C-C,o Aromatic Hydrocarbons' ND 10 1 ' =Range result excludes concentrations of surrogates and internal sta>dars elutug m that ran e. 10 =Range result excludes concentrations of target aralytes.elutmg in that rar%ge g =Range result excludes the concentration of the G9 C,o aromah'c`rar�ge Compound Name Result 1 B enzene 1VIRL ND EthylbenzeneND 0l Methyl tert-butyl ether p:1 Naphthalene ' 0:0 803 ' Toluene 0;201 Nb m- & p-Xylenes - 0 301 o-Xylene .0.401 ND ' MRL = Method Reporting Limit. 0.201 NI) Not Detected above 1VIRI.: 1 Method Surrogate ID: WV042902M Extraction Surrogate ID: P122601A Method Surrogate % Rec. Limits Extraction Surro ate Bromofluorobenzene (FID) 107 70-130 TrifluorotoluenegFID % Rec. Limits Bromofluorobenzene (PID) 1.12 70-130 Trifluorotoluene (PID) 103 70-130 ( ) 103 70-130 1 Approved By: Date: bn Page I of 1 1 MD 185 Frances Avenue, Cranston,RI 02910-2211 Tel.: 401-461-7181 Fax:401-461-4486 http://www thielcrh ; T ESS Laboratory Division of Thielsch Engineering, Inca CERTIFICATE OF ANALYSIS Extractable Petroleum Hydrocarbon (EPH) Analysis Method For R s Modified)Ranges: MADEP EPH 98-1, Method For Target A(aiy Client Name: Gannett Fleming 0C ' Client Project ID: Verizon-Barnstable ESS Project ID: 02050014 . Client Sample ID: South Wall 8-10 ESS Sample ID: 0205 Date Sampled: 4/30/02 Matrix: Soil 0014-02 ' Date Extracted: 05/02/02 F1 Dilution: 1 Date Analyzed. 05/03/02 F2 Dilution: 1 Analyst: CH Percent Solid: 89 ' Container: Satisfactory Sample Amount: 30.3g Preservative: None Temperature: See Chain Units: mgLKg dry weight Extraction Method: 3550B ' Range Name Result C9-CG8 Aliphatic Hydrocarbons' - MRL C19-C36 Aliphatic Hydrocarbons' ND ND 27.8 CII-C2Z Unadjusted Aromatic Hydrocarbons ND 27.8 Ctt-CZZ Aromatic Hydrocarbons' 27.8 ' = Range result excludes concentrations of,surrogates and internal standards elutin 27 8 2 = Range result excludes concentrations of target anatytes elutulg'in that range.. . g IM that�ange' Diesel PAH Analytes Result NIRL 2-Methylnaphthalene ND 0.37I Acenaphthene ND 0.371 Naphthalene ND 0.3;71 'Phenanthrene ND 0.371 MRL=Method Reporting Limit. ND =Not Detected above MRL. Extraction Surrogate ID• WHY030602A Limits Fractionation Surrox-Ttrea cthioen S1u rro ate %8Rec. 40-1 ate ID: WH 041802A Fractionation Surrogate % Rec-Chlorooctadecane 81 40-1 Limits 440 omonaphthalene 78 40-1402-Fluorobi hen 1 96 40-140n Ipproved By: Y Date: ' Page 1 of 1 ' 185 Frances Avenue, Cranston, RI 02910-221 I MDP Tel,: 401-461-7181 Fax: 401-46 I-4486 � ' - ESS Laborator Y Division of Thielsch Engineering, Inc. CERTIFICATE O AANALYSIS Volatile Petroleum Hydrocarbon (VPH) Analysis Method For Ranges and Target Analytes: MADEP VPH 98-1 Client Name: Gannett Fleming ESS Project ID: 02050014 Client Project ID: Verizon-Barnstable Client Sample ID: South Wall 8-10 ESS Sample ID: 02050014-02 Date Sampled: 4/30/02 Matrix: Soil Date Analyzed: 05/06/02 Alkane Dilution: I Analyst: MD Aromatic Dilution: I Container: Satisfactory Percent Solid: 89 Preservative: Methanol SamPle Amount: 18.lg Methanol Volume: 15 Temperature: See Chain Units: mg/Kg dry weight Extraction Method: 5030 Range Name Result ' CS Ca Aliphatic Hydrocarbons' MRL ID C9 C,Z Aliphatic Hydrocarbons1.3 11.6 C,-C,° Aromatic Hydrocarbons' ND., 11.6 =Range result excludes concentrations of surrogates and tnterzial standards elut><n �n th 11.6 z =Range result excludes concentrations of target aralytes elutaig> tf rat range g at range. ' =Range result excludes the concentration of the C C,a,aromatic range Compound Name Result' Benzene MRL Ethylbenzene IND 0.1 16 Methyl tert-butyl ether 0.;116 ' Naphthalene 0.0931 TolueneND 0233 m- &p- Xylenes ND 0.349 O'4 ' o-Xylene ND 66 MRL =Method Reporting Limit. 0;233 ND Not Detected above MRL. Method Surrogate ID: WV042902M Method Surrogate %Rec. Limits Extraction Surrogate ID: P122601A Extraction Surrogate /o Rec.Bromofluorobenzene FID Limits ( ) 99 °70-130 Trifluorotoluene (FID) 90 Bromofluorobenzene (PID) 104 70-130 Trifluorotoluene (PID) 90 70-130 70-130 ' Approved By.-y f Date: 5 ,L ' Page I of 1 MD 185 Frances Avenue, Cranston, RI02910-2211 Tel.: 401-461-7181 Fax: 401-4Lrt-ZIAQ4 77777 777777777 ESSLaboratory Division of Thielsch Engineering,Inc. CERTIFICATE OF ANALYSIS Extractable Petroleum Hydrocarbon (EPH) Analysis (Modified)Method For Ranges: MADEP EPH 98-15 Method For Target A alytes 8 0 Client Name: Gannett Fleming C ESS Project ID: 02050014 Client Project ID: Verizon-Barnstable Client Sample ID: East Wall 4-8 ESS Sample ID: 02050014-03 Date Sampled: 4/30/02 Matrix: Soil Date Extracted: 05/02/02 FI Dilution: 1 Date Analyzed: 05/03/02 F2 Dilution: 1 Analyst: CH Percent Solid: 90 Container: Satisfactory Sample Amount: 30.2g Preservative: None Temperature: See Chain Units: m d weight Extraction Method: 3550B Range Name Result C9-C,8 Aliphatic Hydrocarbons' MRL C'9-CM Aliphatic Hydrocarbons' ND 27.6 C1,-C22 Unadjusted Aromatic Hydrocarbons' ND 27.6 ' C1 I-C22 Aromatic Hydrocarbons -' 27.6 ' =Range result excludes concentrations of surrogates and internal starllards elut2ng m that ran' 27 6 ' Z =Range result excludes concentrations of target analytes glut<ng m that rarige range. Diesel PAH Anal es Result MRL ' 2-Methylnaphthalene ND 0.368 Acenaphthene ND 0.368 Naphthalene ND 036$ ' Phenanthrene ND 0.368 MRL = Method Reporting Limit. ND =Not Detected above MRL. Extraction Surrogate ID: WHY030602A Fractionation Surrogate ID: WHy04180' Extraction Surrogate % Rec Li e % Rec Limits Fractionation Surrogate 2A 1-Chlorooctadecane . Limits 86 40-140 2-Bromonaphthalene 86 ' O-Terphenyl 79 40 140 2-Fluorobi 102 hen 1 40-140 40-140 Approved By: Date: ' Page I of 1 r' MDP 185 Frances Avenue, Cranston, RI 029 1 0-22 1 1 Tel.: 401-461-7181 Fax: 401-461-4486 http://www.thicisch.com An Equal Oooununli Fmnlnvr, 1 . ESS Laboratory Division of Thielsch Engineering, Inc. CERTIFICATE OFANALYSIS 1 Volatile Petroleum Hydrocarbon (VPH) Analysis Method For Ranges and Target Analytes: MADEP VPH 98-1 Client Name: Gannett Fleming ESS Project ID: 02050014 1 Client Project ID: Verizon-Barnstable ESS Sample ID: 02050014-03 Client Sample ID: East Wall 4-8 Matrix: Soil Date Sampled: 4/30/02 Alkane Dilution: 1 1 Date Analyzed: 05/06/02 Aromatic Dilution: 1 Analyst: MD Percent Solid: 90 Container: Satisfactory Sample Amount: 17.5g 1 Preservative: Methanol Temperature: See Chain Methanol Volume: 15 Extraction Method: 5030 Units: mg/Kg dry weight Range Name Result 1 CS_C8 Aliphatic Hydrocarbons'.2 ND MRL RL C,, C„ Aliphatic Hydrocarbons',; 11.9 ND 11.9 1 C,-C,o Aromatic Hydrocarbons' ND 11.9 Range result excludes concentrations of surrogates,and internal standards eutmgn than range.2 =Range result excludes concentrations oT?target ar<alytes elutmgn that,range- = Range result excludes the concentration of the Cg Ito aromat<c range 1 Compound Name Result 1 Benzene IVD IVIRL lbenzene 0.119 Eth Y ND 0.1 19 Methyl tert-butyl ether ND 1 Naphthalene 0 0952 Toluene 0.23$ 0.351 in- &p- Xylenes } o-Xylene ND 0.476 1 0,238. MRL=Method Reporting Limit. T D =Not Detected above 1VIRL. 1 1 Method Surrogate ID: WV042902M Extraction Surrogate ID: P122601A Method Surrogate %Rec. Limits Extraction Surrogate %o Rec. Limits Bromofluorobenzene (FID) 99 70-130 Trifluorotoluene (FID) 94 70-130 ' Bromofluorobenzene (PID) 103 70-130 Trifluorotoluene (PID) 90 70-130 Approved By: Date.- Page 1 of 1 MD 185 Frances Avenue, Cranston,RI 02910-22!1 Tel.:401-461-7181 Fax: 401-461-4486 http://www.thicisch.com ESS Laboratory Division o Thielsch Engineering, Inc. .f 1 CERTIFICATE OF ANALYSIS ' Extractable Petroleum Hydrocarbon (EPH) Analysis (Modified) Method For Ranges: MADEP EPH 98-1, Method For Target Analytes: 8270C Client Name: Gannett Fleming ESS Project ID: 02050014 ' Client Project ID: Verizon-Barnstable ESS Sample ID: 02050014-04 Client Sample ID: West Wall 5-8' Matrix: Soil Date Sampled: 4/30/02 Fl Dilution: 1 ' Date Extracted: 05/02/02 F2 Dilution: 1 Date Analyzed: 05/03/02 Percent Solid: 92 Analyst: CH Sample Amount: 30.l g Container: Satisfactory Temperature: See Chain Preservative: None Extraction Method: 3550B Units- mg/Kgda weight Range Name Result MRL C9-G8 Aliphatic Hydrocarbons' 27.4 27.1 Cls-G6 Aliphatic Hydrocarbons 27 3 27.1 C,,-Cry Unadjusted Aromatic Hydrocarbons' 73.8. 27.1 ' C I r-C22 Aromatic Hydrocarbons' 73 27:1 ' =Range result excludes concentrations of surrogat es,'an, u te�rnal standards eluthng xn thaf range: 2 =Range result excludes concentrations of target analytes eluting in that range. Diesel PAH Analytes Result MRL ' 2=Methylnaphthalene ND 0.361 - Ace.naphthene ND 0.361 Naphthalene ND 0.361 : Phenanthrene 0.829 0.361 MRL—Method Reporting Limit. ND =Not Detected above MRL. Extraction Surrogate ID: WHY030602A Fractionation Surrogate ID: WHY041802A Extraction Surrogate % Rec. Limits Fractionation Surrogate % Rec. Limits 1-Chlorooctadecane 81 40-140 2-Bromonaphthaiene 98 40-140 O-Terphgnyl 92 40-140 2-Fluorobiphenvi 102 40-140 Approved By: '`� Date: Pagel of 1 MDP 185 Frances Avenue, Cranston, RI 029 1 0-22 1 1 Tel.: 401-461-7181 Fax: 40t-461-4486 http://www.thietsch.com An Equal oppornmily Employer ESS Laborato r y Division of Thielsch Engineering, Inc. CERTIFICATE OFANALYSIS Volatile Petroleum Hydrocarbon' (VPH: ) Analysis Method For Ranges and Tar Client Name: get Analytes: MADEP VPH 98_1 Gannett Fleming ESS Project ID: 02050014 Client Project ID: Verizon-Barnstable Client Sample ID: West Wall 5-8' ESS Sample ID: 02050014-04 Date Sampled: 4/30/02 Matrix: Soil . Date Analyzed: 05/06/02 Alkane Dilution: 1 ' Analyst: MD Aromatic Dilution: 1 Container: Satisfactory Percent Solid: 92 Preservative: Methanol Sample Amount: 19.7g Methanol Volume: 15 Temperature: See Chain Units: mg/Kg dry weight Extraction Method: 5030 Range Name CS-C8 Aliphatic Hydrocarbons'•2 Result C9 CU Aliphatic Hydrocarbons'•' MRL Cq-C,° Aromatic Hydrocarbons' ' 10.3 ' 10.3 exclues— ND=Range result dconcentrations of surrogates and internal standards 10.3 ' —Range result excludes concentrations of target analytes.eluting to that range eluting in that range. z =Range result excludes the concentration of the9- 0 aromatid range Compound Name ' Benzene Result Ethylbenzene ND MRL Methyl tent-butyl etherTqD 0.101 Naphthalene 103 . 0 ' Toluene ND 0 08.28 m- &p- Xylenes ND :. 04-207 o-Xylene ND MRL =Method Reporting Limit. ND 0 414 0.207 ND Not Detected above NIRI Method Surrogate ID: WV042902M ' Extraction.Surrogate ID: Method Surrogate % Rec. P122601A Limits Extraction Surrogate o Bromofluorobenzene (FID) 106 70-130 /° Rec. Limits Bromofluorobenzene PID Trifluoiotoluene (FID) 92 ' ( ) 107 70-130 Trifluorotoluene (PID) 88 70-130 70-130 Approved BY: Date: Page 1 of 1 MD 185 Frances Avenue, Cranston,RI 029I0-2211 Te1.: 401-461-7181 Fax ani nK, ,�. Laboratory Division of Thielsch Engineering, Inc. CERTIFICATE OF ANALYSIS ' Extractable Petroleum Hydrocarbon (EPH) Analysis (Modified) Method For Ranges: MADEP EPH 98-1, Method For Target Analytes: 8270C Client Name: Gannett Fleming ESS Project ID: 02050014 ' Client Project ID: Verizon-Barnstable ESS Sample ID: 02050014-05 Client Sample ID: Bottom 10' Matrix: Soil Date Sampled: 4/30/02 F1 Dilution: 1 ' Date Extracted: 05/02/02 F2 Dilution: 1 Date Analyzed: 05/03/02 Percent Solid: 91 Analyst: CH Sample Amount: 30g ' Container: Satisfactory Temperature: See Chain Preservative: None Extraction Method: 3550B Units: mg/Kg dry weight Range Name Result MRL CI-C18 Aliphatic Hydrocarbons' ND C19-C36 Aliphatic Hydrocarbons ND 27.5 Cu-C22 Unadjusted Aromatic Hydrocarbons' ND 27.5 ' G�-Cu Aromatic Hydrocarbons'Z ND 27 5 ' =Range result excludes concentrations of surrogates and internal standards eluting m th`at'range, 2 =Range result excludes concentrations of target analytes eluting ui t)lat range. . Diesel PAR Analytes Result MRL ' 2-Methylnaphthalene ND 0.366 Acenaphthene ND 0.366. Naphthalene ND 00366 ' Phenanthrene ND 0.366 MRL=Method Reporting Limit. ND =Not Detected above MRL. I Extraction Surrogate ID: WHY030602A Fractionation Surrogate ID• WHY041802A Extraction Surrogate % Rec. Limits Fractionation Surrogate % Rec. Limits 1-Chlorooctadecane 96 40-140 2-Bromonaphthalene 85 40-140 ' O-Terphenyl 82 40-140 2-Fluorobiphenyl 102 40 140 f Approved By: G% Date:_ Page 1 of 1 MDP 185 Frances Avenue, Cranston, Rl 02910-2211 Tel.: 401-461-7181 Fax: 401-461-4486 http://www.thielsch.com P orn An Equal Oppurnmity Employer fo ESS Laboratory ' Division of Thielsch Engineering, Inc. CERTIFICATE OF ANALYSIS ' Volatile Petroleum Hydrocarbon (VPH) Analysis Method For Ranges and Target Analytes: MADEP VPH 98-1 Client Name: Gannett Fleming ESS Project ID: 02050014 ' Client Project ID: Verizon-Barnstable ESS Sample ID: 02050014-05 Client Sample ID: Bottom 10' Matrix: Soil Date Sampled: 4/30/02 Alkane Dilution: 1 Date Analyzed: 05/06/02 Aromatic Dilution: 1 Analyst: MD Percent Solid: 91 Container: Satisfactory Sample Amount: 17.6g Preservative: Methanol Temperature: See Chain Methanol Volume: 15 Extraction Method: 5030 Units: mg/Kg dry weight Range Name Result MRL CS-CB Aliphatic Hydrocarbons',' 13D 11.7 C,-C12 Aliphatic Hydrocarbons',' ND 11.7 C9-C,o Aromatic Hydrocarbons' ND 11.7 =Range result excludes concentrations of surrogates and internal standards elutmg`in that range. Z =Range result excludes concentrations of target analytes elutingin-A.that range ' =Range result excludes the concentration of the C,'C,o aromatrc range. Compound Name Result MRL. BenzeneND 0._lI7 Ethylbenzene ND 0.117 Methyl tert-butyl ether ND 00937 ' Naphthalene ND 0 234 Toluene ND 0.351 m- &p- Xylenes ND 0.45$: ' o-Xylene ND 0.234 MRL=Method Reporting Limit. ND =Not Detected above MRL. Method Surrogate ID: WV042902M Extraction Surrogate ID: P122601A ' Method Surrogate %Rec. Limits Extraction Surrogate % Rec. Limits Bromofluorobenzene (FID) 96 70-130 Trifluorotoluene (FID) 88 70-130 Bromofluorobenzene (PID) 101 70-130 Trifluorotoluene (PID) 86 70-130 Approved By: r? Date: '1 Page 1 of 1 MID 185 Frances Avenue,Cranston, RI 02910-2211 Tel.: 401-461-7181 Fax: 401-461-4486 http://www.thielsch.com An Eamal OVporlunity Employer . ESS LABORATORY CERTIFICATIONS U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Soil and Water Navy Installation Restoration QA Program 1 S oil.and Water ' Rhode Island: A-179 ' Connecticut: PH-0750 ' Maine: RI002 Massachusetts: M-RIO02 New Hampshire (NELAP).: Drinking Water: 242400-C Wastewater: 242400-D New York (NELAP): 11313 Potable Water Non Potable Water Solid and Hazardous Waste United States-Department of Agriculture 1 Soil Permit: S-54210 ' New Jersey (NELAP) R1002 Potable Water Non Potable Water Solid and Hazardous Waste 1 1 L"S aMy— CHAIN OF C Division of Thielsch Engineering, Inc. USTODY,- Page Of 185 Frances Avenue, Cranston, RI 02910-221 1 Turn Time k-f_Standard( ) Other Electronic D li ables Tel. (401) 461-7181 Fax (401) 46.1-4486 If faster than 5 days,prior approval by laboratory is required# ES B PROJECT'ID www thielsch.c o m _Yes No Z G ) G to here samples were collected from: M RI CT NH NJ NY ME USACE Other_ Special Detection Limits Co.Name or. Project# m Project Nae(20 Cl,ar.or less) / r Analysis Required Conga t Person Address City 0-4' State. fy� Zip PO# v 02 27 , Telephone# Fax# rel o (Jt" j 7 �Q� Email �s V� e ESS LAB Date Collection x V v Sample# Time " o J c Sample Identification (20 Char.or less) a n620 {.l ©.a til I ZJ ` ov lAva -.. 3 32iart✓`� Wes[ � Ova�f _ Container Type: P-Poly G-Glass S-Sterile V-VOA Matrix: S-Solid D-Sludge WW-Waste Water GW-Ground Water SW-Sur ace Water DW-Drinking Water Cooler Present �5s _No Internal Use Only g r O-Oil W--Wipes F-Filters Seals Intact y ✓ (�'. p Comments: �` � Mards Yes No NA: I tcku / Cooler Temp: f�` ` ( )Technicians Rehngwshed by (Signature) Date/Time ived ture) Dace/Time Re' u' hed b : (Signature) y � try' 4 L1;y-G'�. ��Z.S ►l O� q Date/Time Received by: (Signature) Date/Time Relinquished by: (Signature) Date/Time . f Received 6y: (Sign � ) Date/Time Relinquished by:( tgnature Date/Time eived by: (Signature) Date/Time Appendix E ' Post Excavation Soil from Spread Footings Analytical Results ESS Laboratory ' Division of Thielsch Engineering, Inc. CERTIFICATE OFANALYSIS PROJECT NARRATIVE PAGE ONE OF TWO ' CLIENT: Gannett Fleming CLIENT PROJECT ID: Verizon-Barnstable ESS PROJECT ID: 02070017 ' Sample Receipt 2 Soil samples were received on July 02, 2002 for the analysis specified on the enclosed Chain ' of Custody Record. Analytical Summary The project as described above has been analyzed in accordance with the ESS Quality ' Assurance Plan. This plan utilizes the following methodologies: US EPA SW-846, US EPA Methods for Chemical Analysis of Water and Wastes per 40 CFR Part 136, APHA Standard Methods for the Examination of Water and Wastewater,. American Society for Testing and ' Materials (ASTM), and other recognized methodologies. The analyses with these noted observations are in conformance to the Quality Assurance Plan. EPH Analysis The following modification to.the MASS EPH Method was performed: The Aromatic Fraction and Target PAH analytes were analyzed by GC/MS. The batch duplicate was outside of the recommended range for Phenanthrene due to matrix ' interferences. The batch Matrix Spike/Matrix Spike Duplicate was outside of the recommended range for Tetradecane (C 14), Naphthalene, Acenaphthene, Anthracene, Pyrene, and Chrysene due to t matrix interferences. For sample 02070017-02, components attributed to silica cartridge contamination were ' omitted from the C11-C22 Aromatic Hydrocarbons range results. These components were present at 1.8 mg/Kg dry weight. VPH Analysis ' The batch duplicate was outside of the recommended range for Naphthalene due to matrix interferences. Metals Analysis ESS Laboratory utilized the established linear dynamic range to determine acceptable analytical results. The batch duplicate was outside of the recommended range for Mercury, however, was ' within±MRL. No other observations noted. ' Certificate of Analysis is our This signed y approved release of your analytical results. Beginning with ' this Project Narrative, the entire report has been paginated. The Chain of Custody is the final report page.This report should not be copied except in full without the approval of the laboratory. Continued 185 Frances Avenue, Cranston,RI 62910-2211 Tel.: 401-461-7181 Fax: 401-461-4486 http://www,thielsch.com An Equal Opportunity Employer ESS Laboratory ' Division of Thielsch Engineering, Inc. CERTIFICATEOFANALYSIS�....___...:_._._._._- --- ._._.._...,���.....,__.__..._...._._..._.�___.w__._.__.._._._.__..._._..W._.......�._�_.._. PROJECT NARRATIVE ' PAGE TWO OF TWO ' CLIENT: Gannett Fleming CLIENT PROJECT ID: Verizon-Barnstable ESS PROJECT ID: 02070017 CERTIFICATION ' Were anysignificant modifications made to the MADEP VPH and EPH method? No le—Yes—Details Above ' Were all ce A/ C r Q Q procedures dures REQUIRED by the VPH and EPH method followed? 2CYes _No—Details Above Were all performance/acceptance standards for required QA/QC procedures achieved? Yes No—Details Above ' I attest under the pains and penalties of perjury that, based upon my inquiry of those individuals immediately responsible for obtaining the information, the material contained in this report is, to the best of my knowledge and belief, accurate and complete. End of project narrative. Laurel�ddard/Eric Baanante Date Laboratory Director/Operations Manager 185 Frances Avenue, Cranston,RI 02910-2211 Tel.: 401-461-7181 Fax: 401-461-4486 http://www.thietsch.com An Equal Opportunity Employer ESS Laboratory ' Division of Thielsch Engineering, Inc. CERTIFICATE OF ANALYSIS Extractable Petroleum Hydrocarbon (EPH) Analysis (Modified) Method For Ranges: MADEP EPH 98-1, Method For Target Analytes: 8270C Client Name: Gannett Fleming ESS Project ID: 02070017 Client Project ID: Verizon-Barnstable ESS Sample ID: 02070017-02 Client Sample ID: Footing #3 Matrix: Soil Date Sampled: 7/1/02 F1 Dilution: 1 Date Extracted: 07/02/02 F2 Dilution: 1 Date Analyzed: 07/03/02 Percent Solid: 82 Analyst: EP Sample Amount: 30.4g Container: Satisfactory Temperature: See Chain ' Preservative: None Extraction Method: 3550B Units: mg/KR dry weight Range Name Result MRL C,-C,8 Aliphatic Hydrocarbons' 72 30.1 C,,-C,, Aliphatic Hydrocarbons ND 30.1 Cll-C22 Unadjusted Aromatic Hydrocarbons' 45.1 30.1 ' Cll-C22 Aromatic Hydrocarbons1.2 45.1 30.1 ' =Range result excludes concentrations of surrogates and internal standards eluting in that range. Z =Range result excludes concentrations of target analytes eluting in that range.. Diesel PAH Analytes Result MRL 2-Methylnaphthalene ND 0.401 Acenaphthene ND 0.401 Naphthalene ND 0.401 Phenanthrene ND 0.401 ' MRL = Method Reporting Limit. ND =Not Detected above MRL. Extraction Surrogate ID: WHY041602A Fractionation Surrogate ID: VMY062202A ' Extraction Surrogate % Rec. Limits Fractionation Surrogate % Rec. Limits 1-Chlorooctadecane 79 40-140 2-Bromonaphthalene 61 40-140 O-Terphenyl 69 40-140 2-Fluorobiphenyl 69 40-140 1 -, Approved By: r� Date: Page 1 of 1 ` MDP 185 Frances Avenue,Cranston, RI 02910-2211 Tel.: 401-461-7181 Fax:401-461-4486 http://www.thiclsch.com An Equal Opportunity Employer ESS Laboratory Division of Thaelsch Engineering, Inc. CERTIFICATE OF ANALYSIS Volatile Petroleum Hydrocarbon (VPH) Analysis Method For Ranges and Target Analytes: MADEP VPH 98-1 Client Name: Gannett Fleming ESS Project ID: 02070017 ' Client Project ID: Verizon-Barnstable ESS Sample ID: 02070017-02 Client Sample ID: Footing#3 Matrix: Soil Date Sampled: 7/1/02 Alkane Dilution: 1 Date Analyzed: 07/03/02 Aromatic Dilution: 1 ' Analyst: JL Percent Solid: 82 Container: Satisfactory Sample Amount: 17.2g Preservative: Methanol Temperature: See Chain Methanol Volume: 15 Extraction Method: 5030 Units: mg/Kv-dry weight Range Name Result MRL C5-C8 Aliphatic Hydrocarbons" ND C9-Cl2 Aliphatic Hydrocarbons"' ND 13.3 C9-Clo Aromatic Hydrocarbons' 17.6 13.3 ' 13.3 R' = ange result excludes concentrations of surrogates and internal standards eluting in that range. 3_ Range result excludes concentrations of target analytes eluting in that range. Range result excludes the concentration of the C9-Clo aromatic range. Compound Name Result MRL Benzene Ethylbenzene ND 0.133 Methyl tert-butyl ether ND 0.133 ' Naphthalene 1.11 0.106 Toluene ND 0.266 m- &p-Xylenes ND 0.399 o-X lene ND 0.532 MRL =Method Reporting Limit. 0.266 ND=Not Detected above MRL. i Method Surrogate ID: WV042902P Extraction Surrogate ID: P122601A Method Surrogate % Rec. Limits Extraction Surrogate % Rec. Limits Bromofluorobenzene (FID) 108 70-130 Tnfluorotoluene (FID) 116 70-130 Bromofluorobenzene (PID) 126 70-130 Trifluorotoluene PID 116 70-130 ' Approved By: / � Date: Pagel of 1 MDP 185 Frances Avenue, Cranston,RI 02910-2211 Tel.:401-461-7181 Fax: 401-461-4486 http://www.thielsch.com An Equal Opportunity Employer ESS Laboratory ' Division of Thielsch Engineering, Inc. CERTIFICATE OF ANALYSIS Client Name: Gannett Fleming ESS Project ID: 02070017 Client Project ID: Verizon-Barnstable ESS Sample ID: 02070017-01 Client Sample ID: Composite Footings Date Sampled: 7/l/02 Test Name Result Units MRL Date Analyzed Method Analyst ' Conductivity 53 D . umhos/cm 5 07/02/02 9050A JDR Corrosivity (pH) 6.41 S.U. N/A 07/02/02 9045 JDR ' Flashpoint >200 OF 200 07/03/02 1010 PLH Paint Filter ND ml/5 min 0.3 07/03/02 9095A PLH Reactive Cyanide ND mg/Kg dry wt. 2 07/03/02 AR Reactive Sulfide ND mg/Kg dry wt. 2 07/03/02 AR ' D = Results obtained from a deionized water leach of the sample. ND =Not Detected above MRL MRL =Method Reporting Limit. J t f Approved By: Date: 1 '," �; � Page 1 of 1 JJc 185 Frances Avenue, Cranston, RI 02910-2211 Tel.: 401-461-7181 Fax: 401-461-4486 http://www.thielsch.coni An Equal Opporcutim,Employer . r ESS. Laboratory ' Division of Thielsch Engineering, Inc. CERTIFICATE OF ANALYSIS ' Client Name: Gannett Fleming Total MetalsESS Project ID: 02070017 Client Project ID: Verizon-Barnstable ESS Sample ID: 02070017-01 Client Sample ID: Composite Footings Units: mg/Kg dry weight ' Date Sampled: 7/l/02 ICP2 Information: 1/1.54/100 Percent Solid: 84 MpLcua Information: 2/0.66/40 Date ' Test Name Result MRL Analyzed Analyst Method Arsenic ND 3.86 07/05/02 ML 6010 Cadmium ND 0.773 07/05/02 ML 6010 Chromium ND 3.87 07/05/02 ML 6010 Lead 53.8 7.73 07/05/02 ML 6010 . ' Mercury ND 0.0722 07/03/02 SVD 7471 MRL=Method Reporting Limit. ND =Not Detected above MRL. r i 1 r r r r r r Approved By: Date: j '," Page 1 of I ' HJL ' 185 Frances Avenue, Cranston,RI 02910-2211 Tel.: 401-461-7181 Fax:401-461-4486 http://www.thielsch.com An Equal Opportunity Employer ESS Laboratory ' Division of Thielsch Engineering, Inc. CERTIFICATE OF ANALYSIS TCLP Metals Client Name: Gannett Fleming ESS Project ID: 02070017 Client Project ID: Verizon-Barnstable ESS Sample ID: 02070017-01 Client Sample ID: Composite Footings Units: mg/L ' Date Sampled: 7/1/02 ICP2 Information: 1150150 Percent Solid: N/A Mercury Information: 1/20/40 TCLP Extraction Date: 7/2/02 ' TCLP Date Test Name Result MRL Limit Analyzed Analyst Method ' Lead 0.12 0.05 5 07/05/02 ML 1311/6010 Mercury ND� 0.001 0.2 07/05/02 SVD 1311/7470 tMRL =Method Reporting Limit. ND=Not Detected above MRL. ' Approved By: i t PDate: I _; Page 1 of 1 t HJL 18S Frances Avenue,Cranston,RI 02910-2211 Tel.: 401-461-7181 Fax:401-461-4486 http://www.thietsch.com An Equal Opportunity Employer ESS . Laboratory Division of Thielsch Engineering, Inc. CERTIFICATE OFANALYSIS ' Client Name: Gannett Fleming EPA Method 8082ESS Project ID: 02070017 Client Project ID: Verizon-Barnstable ESS Sample ID: 02070017-01 Client Sample ID: Composite Footings Units: µg/Kg dry weight ' Date Sampled: 7/1/02 Dilution: 1 Analyst: VSC Percent Solid: 84 Date Analyzed: 7/3/02 Sample Amount: 19.7 g Date Prepped: 7/2/02 ' Arochlor 1016 ND Arochlor 1221 ND 60.4 Arochlor 1232 ND 60.4 Arochlor 1242 ND 60.4 Arochlor 1248 ND 60.4 Arochlor 1254 ND 60.4 Arochlor 1260 ND 60.4 60.4 MRL =Method Reporting Limit. ND =Not Detected above MR-L. Approved By: Date: FA/ Page 1 of 1 MDP ' 185 Frances Avenue, Cranston,RI 02910-2211 Tel.: 401-461-7181 Fax:401-461-4486 http://www.thielsch.com An Equal Opportunity Employer ESS Laboratory Division of Thielsch Engineering, Inc. CERTIFICATE OF ANALYSIS ' 8100M Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons Client Name: Gannett Fleming ESS Project ID: 02070017 Client Project ID: Venzon-Barnstable ESS Sample ID: 02070017-01 Client Sample ID: Composite Footings Units: mg/Kg dry weight ' Date Sampled: 7/l/02 Dilution: 1 Analyst: EP Percent Solid: 84 Date Analyzed: 7/3/02 Sample Amount: 19.7 g Date Prepped: 7/2/02 Te.-,t Name Result Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons 666 45.3 MRL =Method Reporting Limit. ND Not Detected above MRL. Approved By: fit,, Date: Page 1 of 1 MDP 185 Frances Avenue, Cranston,RI 02910-2211 Tel.: 401-461-7181 Fax:401-461-4486 http://www.thielsch.com An Equal Opportunity Employer ESS Laboratory Division of Thielsch Engineering, Inc. CERTIFICATE OFANALYSIS EPA Methods 5035/8260B Client Name: Gannett Fleming Methanol ExtractionESS Project ID: 02070017 Client Project ID: Verizon-Barnstable ESS Sample ID: 02070017-01 Client Sample ID: .Composite Footings Units: µg/Kg dry weight Date Sampled: 7/1/02 Dilution: 1 - ' Analyst: JL Percent Solid: 84 Date Analyzed: 7/3/02 Sample Amount: 15.6 g Test Name Ru 1,1,1,2-Tetrachloroethane ND 57.2 1,1,1-Trichloroethane ND 57.2 1,1,2,2-Tetrachloroethane ND 57.2 1,1,2-Trichloroethane ND 57.2 1,1-Dichloroethane ND 57 2 1,1-Dichloroethene ND 57.2 1,1-Dichloropropene ND 57.2 1,2,3-Trichlorobenzene ND 57.2 1,2,3-Trichloropropane ND 57.2 1,2,4-Trichlorobenzene ND 57.2 1,2,4-Trimethylbenzene 1210 57 2 1,2-Dibromo-3-Chloropropane ND .2 1 1,2-Dibromoethane ND 57.2 1,2-Dichlorobenzene ND 1,2-Dichloroethane ND 57.2 1,2-Dichloropropane ND 57.257 2 1,3,5-Trimethylbenzene 454' 57 2 1,3-Dichlorobenzene ND 1,3-Dichloropropane ND 572 1,4-Dichlorobenzene ND 57.2 1-Chlorohexane ND 57.2 2,2-Dichloropropane ND 57.2 2-Butanone ND 57.2 2-Chlorotoluene ND 1140 2-Hexanone ND 57.2 572 4-Chlorotoluene ND 4-Isopropyltoluene 334 57.2 ' 4-Methyl-2-Pentanone ND 57.2 Acetone 572 Benzene ND ND 1430 Bromobenzene ND 57.2 Bromochloromethane ND 57.2 Bromodichloromethane ND 57.2 Bromofonn ND 57.2 t Bromomethane ND 57.2 Carbon Disulfide ND 114 Carbon Tetrachloride ND 57.2 57.2 Page 1 of 2 MDP 185 Frances Avenue, Cranston,RI 02910-2211 Tel.: 401-461-7181 Fax: 401-461-4486 http://www.thielsch.com An Equal Opportunity Employer ESS Laboratory ' Division of Thielsch Engineering, Inc. CERTIFICATE OF ANALYSIS Client Project ID: Verizon-Barnstable ESS Project ID: 02070017 Client Sample ID: Composite Footings ESS Sample ID: 02070017 01 Te¢t Name R Pc„lt yTT?T Chlorobenzene ND 'Chloroethane ND 57.2 Chloroform ND 114 Chloromethane ND 57.2 ' cis-1,2-Dichloroethene ND 114 cis-1,3-Dichloropropene ND 57.2 Dibromochloromethane ND 57.2 Dibromomethane ND 57.2 Dichlorodifluoromethane ND 7.2 Etylbenzene 65.8 114 ' Hexachlorobutadiene ND 57.2 Isopropylbenzene 93.9 57.2 Methyl tert-Butyl Ether ND 57.2 Methylene Chloride ND 57.2 ' n-Butylbenzene ND 286 n-Propylbenzene 239 57 Naphthalene 1150 57..2 2 57 sec-Butylbenzene 320 57.2 'Styrene ND 57.2 tert-Butylbenzene ND 57.2 Tetrachloroethene ND .2 Tetrahydrofuran ND 286 286 Toluene ND 57.2 ' trans-1,2-Dichloroethene ND 57.2 trans-1,3-Dichloropropene ND Trichloroethene ND 57 57..2 2 Trichlorofluoromethane ND ' Vinyl Acetate ND 572 114 Vinyl Chloride ND 114 ' Xylenes (Total) ND S 112 7 2 MRL = Method Reporting Limit. ND =Not Detected above MRL. i1 l Approved By: d Date: f � Page 2 of 2 MDP ' 185 Frances Avenue,Cranston, RI 02910-2211 Tel.: 401-461-7181 Fax: 401-461-4486 http://www.thielsch.com An Equal Opportunity Employer ESS Laboratory Division of Thielsch Engineering, Inc. . rCERTIFICATE OF ANALYSIS Client Name: Gannett Fleming EPA Method 8270CESS Project ID: 02070017 Client Project ID: Verizon-Barnstable ESS Sample ID: 02070017-01 ' Client Sample ID: Composite Footings Units: µg/Kg dry weight Date Sampled: 7/1/02 Dilution: 1 Analyst: BML Percent Solid: 84 Date Analyzed: 7/8/02 Sample Amount: 19.9 g t Date Prepped: .7/2/02 Test Name ' 1,2,4-Trichlorobenzene ND 298 1,2-Dichlorobenzene ND 298 1,3-Dichlorobenzene ND 298 1,4-Dichlorobenzene ND 298 2,4,5-Trichlorophenol ND 298 2,4,6-Trichlorophenol ND 298 2,4-Dichlorophenol ND 2990 2,4-Dimethylphenol ND 2990 2,4-Dinitrophenol ND 2990 2,4-Dinitrotoluene ND 598 2,6-Dinitrotoluene ND 598 2-Chloronaphthalene ND 598 2-Chlorophenol ND 598 2-Methylnaphthalene 1920 598 2-Methylphenol ND 598 2-Nitroaniline ND 598 2-Nitrophenol ND 598 3+4-Methylphenol ND 598 3,3'-Dichlorobenzidine ND 2990 3-Nitroaniline ND' 2990 4,6-Dinitro-2-Methylphenol ND 2990 4-Bromophenyl-phenylether ND 598 4-Chloro-3-Methylphenol ND 598 ' 4-Chloro-phenyl-phenyl ether ND 98 5 4-Chloroaniline ND 29 4-Nitroaniline ND 98 9 4-Nitrophenol ND 2 5 ' Acenaphthene ND 598 Acenaphthylene ND 598 Anthracene ND Benzo(a)anthracene ND 598 ' Benzo(a)pyrene ND 598 Benzo(b)fluoranthene ND 598 Benzo(g,h,i)perylene ND 598 ' Benzo(k)fluoranthene ND 598 Benzoic Acid ND 598 Benzyl Alcohol ND 2990 ' 598 Page 1 of 2 MLP ' 185 Frances Avenue, Cranston, RI029 1 0-22 11 Tel.: 401-461-7181 Fax: 401-461-4486 http://www.thielsch.com An Equal Opportunity Employer .ESS Laboratory ' Division of Thielseh Engineering, Inc. CERTIFICATE OF ANALYSIS ' Client Project ID: Verizon-Barnstable ESS Project ID: 02070017 Client Sample ID: Composite Footings ESS Sample ID• 02070017-01 Test Name Recnit X�pT ' bis(2-Chloroethoxy)methane ND 598 bis(2-Chloroethyl)ether ND 598 bis(2-chloroisopropyl)Ether ND 598 ' bis(2-Ethylhexyl)phthalate ND 598 Butylbenzylphthalate ND 598 Chrysene ND 598 Di-n-butylphthalate ND 598 ' Di-n-octylphthalate ND 598 Dibenzo(a,h)Anthracene ND 598 Dibenzofuran ND 598 ' Diethylphthalate ND 598 Dimethylphthalate ND 598 Fluoranthene ND 598 ' Fluorene ND 598 Hexachlorobenzene ND 598 Hexachlorobutadiene ND 598 ' Hexachlorocyclopentadiene ND 2990 Hexachloroethane ND 598 Indeno(1,2,3-ed)Pyrene ND 598 Isophorone ND 598 ' N-Nitroso-Di-n-Propylamine ND 598 N-Nitrosodimethylamine ND 598 N-nitrosodiphenylamine ND 598 ' Naphthalene ND 598 Nitrobenzene ND 598 Pentachlorophenol ND 2990 ' Phenanthrene 818 598 Phenol ND 598 Pyrene ND 598 ' MRL= Method Reporting Limit. ND =Not Detected above MRL. Approved By: ;- Date: 'f� Page 2 of 2 ° MLP ' 185 Frances Avenue, Cranston, RI )2910-2211 Tel.: 401-461-7181 Fax: 401-461-4486 hitp://www,thielsch.com An Equal Opportmiity Employer ESS Laboratory CHAIN OF CUSTODY Page �_of Division of Thielsch Engineering, Inc. :5pd� 185 Frances Avenue, Cranston, RI 02910-2211 Turn Time Standard(2'dbterks) Other Electronic 7-Z * bles ESS LAB PROJECT ID Tel. (401) 461-7181 Fax (401) 461-4486 If faster than S days,prio approval by laboratory is required# _Yes v7ww thielsch.com at where samples were collected from: Special Detection Limits RI CT NH NJ NY ME USACE Other Formats Co.Name Project# Project Name(20 Char.or Icss) . Analysis Require -1 l� C; +� � I t.:I..�. i ��7.(� �{ vE �Siz�L�Ce 1,J�riz�,y Contact Person y Address ¢}/ (I'l + t'`�f('I'S /1"V'C.. ., \ M 1 City State q Zip PO# Telephone# Fax# Email A dress U ° w �•, \ C. ESS LAB Date Collection IJ -0 o Tie Sample# am le Identification (�oChar.orless)p a y L t� �V C-7 VOL- Cep�-► hS:(-c ���.�, �/ Container Type: P-Poly G-Glass S-Sterile V-VOA Matrix: S-Solid D-Sludge WW-Waste Water GW-Ground Water SW-Surface Water DW-Drinking Water O-Oil W-Wipes F-Filters Cooler Present -Yes _No Internal Use Only omme�tt Seals Intact _Yes _No NA: [ ) Pickup y ` '�/� (Gt'�l�9/W14, Ch rCNlq iL�M, Cooler Temp: '- v [ )Technicians v p/.,t cq,i et L-�f f Relit wished by: (Signature) Date/Time RP�cied by Si nature) Date/Time Relinquished by: (Signature) Date/Time Receiv y: (Signature) ate/Time � � �' �.� ��7 • Relinquished by: (Signature) Date/Time Received by: (Sig atu e) Date/Time Relinquished by: (Signature) Dace/Time Received by: (Signature) /Date/Time ' QUALITY CONTROL SECTION I' 1 1 1 ESS Laboratory ' Division of Thielsch Engineering, Inc. CERTIFICATE OF ANALYSIS ' Total Metals Client Name: Gannett Fleming ESS Project ID: 02070017 Client Project ID: Verizon-Barnstable ESS Sample ID: 020705pbs Client Sample ID: Method Blank Units: mg/Kg dry.weight Date Sampled: N/A ICP2 Information: 111.51100 Percent Solid: 100 MeKgn Information: 1/0.6/40 ' Date Test Name Result MRL Anal zed Anal st Method Arsenic ND 3.33 07/05/02 ML 6010 ' Cadmium ND 0.667 07/05/02 ML 6010 Chromium ND 3.33 07/05/02 ML 6010 Lead ND 6.67 07/05/02 ML 6010 MRL =Method Reporting Limit. ND =Not Detected above MRL. Approved By: Date:_ Page 1 of 1 t HJL ' 185 Frances Avenue, Cranston,RI 02910-2211 Tel.:401-461-7181 Fax: 401-461-4486 http://www.thielsch.com An Equal Opportunity Employer d_4 ESS Laboratory Division of Thielsch Engineering, Inc. CERTIFICATE OF ANALYSIS. Total Metals Client Name: Gannett Fleming ESS Project ID: 02070017 Client Project ID: Verizon-Barnstable ESS Sample ID: 0207051css ' Client Sample ID: Laboratory Control Sample Units: mg/Kg dry weight Date Sampled: N/A ICP2 Information: 111.51100 Percent Solid: 100 Mercury Information: 1/0.6/40 ' Date Test Name %Rec. Limits Analyzed Analyst Method Arsenic 88 80-120 07/05/02 ML 6010 Cadmium 86 80-120 07/05/02 ML 6010 Chromium 90 80-120 07/05/02 , ML 6010 Lead 90 80-120 07/05/02 ML 6010 MRL =Method Reporting Limit. P g ND Not Detected above MRL. Approved B Pp y: ��� Date: _t";zv� Page 1 of 1 HJL ' 185 Frances Avenue, Cranston, RI 02910-2211 Tel.:401-461-7181 Fax: 401-461-4486 http://www.thielsch.com An Equal Opportunity Employer ESS Laboratory Division of Thielsch Engineering, Inc. CERTIFICATE OF ANALYSIS Total Metals Client Name: Gannett Fleming ESS Project ID: 02070017 Client Project ID: Verizon-Barnstable ESS Sample ID: 020703pbs Client Sample ID: Method Blank Units: mg/Kg dry weight Date Sampled: N/A Mercury Information: 1/0.6/40 Percent Solid: 100 ' Test Name Result Date MRL Analyzed Analyst Method Mercury ND 0.0333 07/03/02 SVD 7471 MRL = Method Reporting Limit. ND Not Detected above MRL. ' Approved B Pa ' Date: ge 1 of 1 x.1L ' 185 Frances Avenue, Cranston, RI 02910-2211 Tel.: 401-461-7181 Fax:401-461-4486 http://www.thieisch.com An Equal Opportunity Employer ESS Laboratory Division of Thielsch Engineering, Inc. CERTIFICATE OF ANALYSIS Total Metals Client Name: Gannett Fleming ESS Project ID: 02070017 Client Project ID: Verizon-Barnstable ESS Sample ID: 0207031css Client Sample ID: Laboratory Control Sample Units: mg/Kg dry weight ' Date Sampled: N/A Mercury Information: 1/0.6/40 Percent Solid: 100 Date Test Name % Rec. Limits Analyzed Analyst Method Mercury 101 80-120 07/03/02 SVD 7471 MRL =Method Reporting Limit. p g ND Not Detected above MRL. I ' Approved By: ,�''�' Date: ---J j iiJ� - t Page 1 of 1 HJL 185 Frances Avenue; Cranston,RI 02910-2211 Tel.:401-461-7181 Fax: 401-461-4486 http://www.thielsch'com An Equal Opportunity Employer ESS Laboratory Division of Thielsch Engineering, Inc. CERTIFICATE OF ANALYSIS Client Name: Gannett Fleming Total MetalsESS Project ID: 02070017 Client Project ID: Verizon-Barnstable ESS Sample ID: 02070017-01 MS Client Sample ID: Matrix Spike Units: mg/Kg dry weight Date Sampled: 7/l/02 Mercury Information: 2/0.69/40 Percent Solid: 84 Sample Matrix Spike Spike Percent ' Test Name Result Result Added Recovered Limits Method Mercury ND 0.239 0.207 115 - 75-125 7471 ND =Not Detected above MRL. I ' Approved By: 11�� Date: Page 1 of 1 xJL 185 Frances Avenue, Cranston,RI02910-2211 Tel.:401-461-7181 Fax: 401-461-4486 http://www.thielsch.com An Equal Opportunity Employer ESS Laboratory Division of Thielsch Engineering, Inc. �� ��_ CERTIFICATE OF AIJALYSIS Total Metals Client Name: Gannett Fleming ESS Project ID: 02070017 Client Project ID: Verizon-Barnstable ESS Sample ID: 02070017-01 Dup Client Sample ID: Duplicate Units: mg/Kg dry weight Date Sampled: 7/l/02 Mercury Information: 2/0.62/40 Percent Solid: 84 Sample Duplicate Date Test Name Result Result RPD Limits Analyzed Method Mercury ND 0.124 200+ 20 07/03/02 7471 += Outside QC Limits. RPD =Relative Percent Deviation. ND =Not Detected above TWIRL. .p Approved By: 0- Date: Page 1 of 1 1 HJL 185 Frances Avenue,Cranston,RI 02910-2211 Tel.: 401-461-7181 Fax:401-461-4486 http://www.thielsch.com An Equal Opportunity Employer II ESS Laboratory Division of Thielsch Engineering, Inc. CERTIFICATE OF ANALYSIS ' Client Name: Gannett Fleming TCLP MetalsESS Project ID: 02070017 Client Project ID: Verizon-Barnstable ESS Sample ID: 020702tclppbw Client Sample ID: TCLP & SPLP Method Blank Units: mg/L Date Sampled: N/A ICP2 Information: f%50/50 Percent Solid: N/A Mercury Information: 1/20/40 TCLP Extraction Date: 7/2/02 TCLP Date Test Name Result MRL Limit Analyzed Analyst Method Lead ND 0.05 5 07/05/02 ML 1311/6010 Mercury ND 0.001 0.2 07/05/02 SVD 1311/7470 1 MRL =Method Reporting Limit. ND =Not Detected above MRL. I Approved By: F'" Date: t ;;(. - i Page 1 of 1 HJL ' 185 Frances Avenue,Cranston,RI 02910-2211 Tel.: 401-461-7181 Fax: 401-461-4486 http://www.thielsch.com An Equal Opportunity Employer 1 ESS Laboratory 1 Division of Thielsch Engineering, Inc. CERTIFICATE OF ANALYSIS 1 TCLP Metals Client Name: Gannett Fleming ESS Project ID: 02070017 Client Project ID: Verizon-Barnstable ESS Sample ID: 020702tclplcsw. 1 Client Sample ID: TCLP & SPLP Laboratory Control Sample Units: mg/L Date Sampled: N/A ICP2 Information: 1/50/50 Percent Solid: N/A Mercury Information: 1/20/40 TCLP Extraction Date: 7/2/02 1 Date Test Name %Rec. Limits Analyzed Analyst Method 1 Lead 96 80-120 5 07/05/02 ML 1311/6010 Mercury 89 80-120 0.2 07/05/02 SVD 1311/7470 MR L = Method Reporting Limit. ND =Not Detected above MRL. 1 1 i 1 1 1 1 1 Approved By: Date: rum Page 1 of 1 HJL 1 185 Frances Avenue, Cranston, RI 02910-2211 Tel.: 401-461-7181 Fax: 401-461-4486 http://www.thielsch.com An Equal Opportunity Employer ESS Laboraiory ' Division of Thielsch Engineering, Inc. RTIFICATE OF ANALYSIS EPA Method 8082 Surrogate Report Client Name: Gannett Fleming Client Project ID: Verizon-Barnstable ESS Project ID: 02070017 Lab ID (Dilution Factor) Tetrachloro-m-xylene Decachlorobi' henyl 02070017-01 MS (1 x) 85 117 02070017-OlMSD (Ix) 84 11 02070017-01 (1 x) 65' 95 P070202B7 (Ix) 113 195 30 P070202B7BS (1x) 94 126 ' Surrogate Limits Tetrachloro-m-xylene 60 - 140 ' Decachlorobiphenyl 60 - 140 411 1 Approved b £� PP Y Date: Page 1 of 1 MDP ' 185 Frances Avenue,Cranston,RI 02910-2211 Tel.: 401-461-7181 Fax: 401-461-4486 http://www.thielsch.com An Equal Opportunity Employer ESS Laboratory Division of Thiedsch Engineering, Inc. CERTIFICATE OF ANALYSIS Client Name: Gannett Fleming EPA Method 8082ESS Project ID: 02070017 Client Project ID: Verizon=Barnstable ESS Sample ID: P070202B7 Client Sample ID: Method Blank Units: µg/Kg dry weight Date Sampled: N/A Dilution: 1 Analyst: VSC Percent Solid: 100 ' Date Analyzed: 7/3/02 Sample Amount: 30 g Date Prepped: 7/2/02 Tect Name Result MR T ' Arochlor 1016 ND 33.3 Arochlor 1221 ND 33.3 Arochlor 1232 ND 33.3 Arochlor 1242 ND 33.3 Arochlor 1248 ND 33.3 Arochlor 1254 ND 33.3 ' Arochlor 1260 ND 33.3 MRL = Method Reporting Limit. ND =Not Detected above MR.L. ffr Approved By: Date:- Pagel of 1 MDP 185 Frances Avenue,Cranston,RI 02910-2211 Tel.:401-461-7181 Fax: 401-461-4486 http://www.thielsch.com An Equal Opportunity Employer ESS Laboratory Division of Thielsch Engineering, Inc. [----------CERTIFICATE'OFANAL'YSIS-"*'-"'-" Client Name: Gannett Fleming EPA Method 8082ESS Project ID: 02070017 Client Project ID: Verizon-Barnstable ESS Sample ID: P070202B7BS ' Client Sample ID: Blank Spike Units: µg/Kg dry weight Date Sampled: N/A Dilution: 1 Analyst: VSC Percent Solid: 100 Date Analyzed: 7/3/02 Sample Amount: 30 g ' Date Prepped: 7/2/02 Spike BS BS Percent QC Recovery Arochlor 1016 3331 308 92 60-140 Arochlor 1260 333 410 123 60-140 ND Not Detected above MRL. I Approved BY� � Date: Page 1 of 1 MDP 185 Frances Avenue, Cranston,RI 02910-2211 Tel.: 401-461-7181 Fax: 401 461-4486 http://www.thiel§ch.com An Equal Opportunity Employer ESS Laboratory ' Division of Thielsch Engineering, Inc. CERTIFICATE OF ANALYSIS EPA Method 8082 Matrix Spike Report Client Name: Gannett Fleming ESS Project ID: 02070017 Client Project ID: Verizon-Barnstable ESS Sample ID: 02070017-01MS Client Sample ID: Composite FootingsMS Units: /g_Kg dry weight Spike MS MS % Recovery ' Compound Name Added C onc Recovery Arochlor 1016 586 490 84 60-140 ' Arochlor 1260 586 612 104 60-140 Approved By: y�. Date: Page 1 of 1 MDP ' 185 Frances Avenue,Cranston,RI 02910-2211 Tel.:401-461-7181 Fax: 401-461-4486 http://www.thielsch.com An Equal Opportunity Employer I , . ESS Laboratory Division of Thielsch Engineering, Inc. ERTIFICATE OF ANALYSIS EPA Method 8082 Matrix Spike Duplicate Report Client Name: Gannett Fleming ESS Project ID: 02070017 Client Project ID: Verizon-Barnstable ESS Sample ID: 02070017-01MSD Client Sample ID: Composite Footin sMSD Units: d reight Spike MSD MSD % Recovery RPD Compound /Ar A_A �(ln!` Recov rc� RPD T emit Tim r Arochlor 1016 583 492 84 0 60-140 30 ' Arochlor 1260 583 653 112 7 60-140 30 RPD =Relative Percent Deviation. I, II' J ' Approved By: 1 Date: % I Page 1 of l MDP 185 Frances Avenue,Cranston, RI 02910-2211 Tel.: 401-461-7181 Fax:401-461-4486 http://www.thielsch.com An Equal Opportunity Employer ESS Laboratory ' Division of Thielsch Engineering, Inc. . ......_..... . ........... .. ... ..:.... CERTIFICATE OF ANALYSIS 8100M Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons Surrogate Report Client Name: Gannett Fleming Client Project ID: Verizon-Barnstable ESS Project ID: 02070017 Lab ID (Dilution Factor) 0-Terphenyl ' 02070017-01 MS (lx) 88 02070017-OIMSD (lx) 8 02070017-01 (lx) 8 6 6 ' GC070202B7 (lx) 8 GC070202B 1 7BS Ox) 8 Surrogate Limits O-Terphenyl 39 - 137 r t Approved by: a Date:_ Pagel of 1 MDP 185 Frances Avenue,Cranston, RI 02910-2211 Tel.: 401-461-7181 Fax: 401-461-4486 http://www.thieisch.com An Equal Opportunity Employer ESS Laboratory Division of Thielsch Engineering, Inc. CERTIFICATE OFANALYSIS 8100M Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons Client Name: Gannett Fleming ESS Project ID: 02070017 Client Project ID: Verizon-Barnstable ESS Sample ID: GC070202B7 ' Client Sample ID: Method Blank Units: mg/Kg dry weight Date Sampled: N/A Dilution: 1 Analyst: EP Percent Solid: 100 Date Analyzed: 7/3/02 Sample Amount: 30 g ' Date Prepped: 7/2/02 Test Name RPcnit i(RT ' Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons ND 25 MRL = Method Reporting Limit. ND =Not Detected above MRL. � 1 Approved By: Date: Page 1 of 1 MDP 185 Frances Avenue,Cranston, RI 02910-2211 Tel.: 401-461-7181 Fax: 401-461-4486 http://www.thielsch,com An Equal Opportunity Employer t . ESS Laboratory tDivision of Thielsch Engineering, Inc. CERTIFICATE OF ANALYSIS ' 8100M Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons Client Name: Gannett Fleming ESS Project ID: 02070017 Client Project ID: Verizon-Barnstable ESS Sample ID: GC070202B7BS Client Sample ID: Blank Spike Units: mg/Kg dry weight Date Sampled: N/A Dilution: 1 Analyst: EP Percent Solid: 100 ' Date Analyzed: 7/3/02 Sample Amount: 30 g Date Prepped: 7/2/02 Spike BS BS Percent QC Recovery Compound -rided Cnincentration Recoyept Limits ' Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons 666 521 78 SO-150 t � ND=Not Detected above MRL. t t � , t t t t . t Approved By: Date: Page 1 of 1 MDP t185 Frances Avenue, Cranston,R102910-2211 Tel.:401-461-7181 Fax:401-461-4486 http://www.thietsch.com An Equal Opportunity Employer f ESS Laboratory Division of Thielsch Engineering, Inc. CERTIFICATE OF ANALYSIS 8100M Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons Matrix Spike Report Client Name: Gannett Fleming ESS Project ID: 02070017 Client Project ID: Verizon-Barnstable ESS Sample ID: 02070017-01MS Client Sample ID: Composite FootingsMS Units: mg/Kg dry'weight Spike MS MS % Recovery C'nmpoiind Name Addled Cone Recovery T ' �m�4e Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons 1170 1500 71 50-150 I ' I Approved By: 1 Dater a Page 1 of 1 MDP 185 Frances Avenue,Cranston, RI 02910-2211 Tel.:401-461-7181 Fax: 401-461-4486 http://www.thielsch.com An Equal Opportunity Employer 1 ESS Laboratory 1 Division of Thielsch Engineering, Inc. CERTIFICATE OF ANALYSIS 1 8100M Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons Matrix Spike Duplicate Report Client Name: Gannett Fleming ESS Project ID: 02070017 1 Client Project ID: Verizon-Barnstable ESS Sample ID: 02070017-01MSD Client Sample ID: Composite Footin sMSD Units: m d weight A AA—,1 Spike MSD MSD % Recovery RP— 1 . Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons 1160 1380 62 14 50-150 50 1 RPD =Relative Percent Deviation. 1 1 i i 1 1 1 1 1 Approved By: Date: ' . s Page 1 of 1 MDP 1 185 Frances Avenue, Cranston, RI 02910-2211 Tel.:401-461-7181 Fax: 401-461-4486 http://www.thielsch.com An Equal Opportunity Employer ESS Labo' ratory ' Division of Thielsch Engineering, Inc. CERTIFICATE OF ANALYSIS EPA Methods 5035/8260B Surrogate Report Client Name: Gannett Fleming Client Project ID: Verizon-Barnstable ESS Project ID: 02070017 Lab ID (Dilution Factor) 1,2-Dichloroethane-d4 Toluene-d8 4 Bromofluorobenzene 02070017-OIMS (1x) 95 100 96 02070017-OI MSD (1x) 97 101 96 02070017-01 (1x) 89 95 94 VMA070302BI (1x) 97 102 14 Surrogate Limits 1,2-Dichloroethane-d4 70 - 130 Toluene-d8 70 - 130 4-Bromofluorobenzene 70 - 130 1 Approved by: Date: Page 1 of 1 MDP 185 Frances Avenue,Cranston,RI 02910-2211 Tel.: 401-461-7181 Fax: 401-461-4486 http://www.thielsch.com An Equal Opportunity Employer ESS Laboratory ' Division of Thielsch Engineering, Inc. t-------.—CERTIFICATE OF ANALYSIS � EPA Methods 5035/8260B Methanol Extraction Client Name: Gannett Fleming ESS Project ID: 02070017 I Client Project ID: Verizon-Barnstable ESS Sample ID: VMA070302B 1 Client Sample ID: Method Blank Units: µg/Kg dry weight Date Sampled: N/A Dilution: 1 Analyst: JL Percent Solid: 100 Date Analyzed: 7/3/02 Sample Amount: 15 g Te-,t Name 1,1,1,2-Tetrachloroethane ND - 1,1,1-Trichloroethane ND 50 50 1,1,2,2-Tetrachloroethane ND 50 ' 1,1,2-Trichloroethane ND 50 1,1-Dichloroethane ND 1,1-Dichloroethene ND 5050 1,1-Dichloropropene ND ' 1,2,3-Trichlorobenzene ND 50 1,2,3-Trichloropropane ND 50 1,2,4-Trichlorobenzene ND 50 1,2,4-Trimethylbenzene ND 50 1,2-.Dibromo-3-Chloropropane ND 50 1,2-Dibromoethane ND 1 50 1,2-Dichlorobenzene ND 50 1,2-Dichloroethane ND 50 1,2-Dichloropropane ND 50 1,3,5-Trimethylbenzene ND 50 ' 1,3-Dichlorobenzene ND 50 1,3-Dichloropropane ND 50 1,4-Dichlorobenzene ND 50 50 I-Chlorohexane ND 50 2,2-Dichloropropane ND 50 2-Butanone ND ' 2-Chlorotoluene ND 1050 2-Hexanone ND 50 4-Chlorotoluene ND 550 ' 4-Isopropyltoluene ND 50 50 4-Methyl-2-Pentanone ND 500 Acetone ND 1250 Benzene ND 50 ' Bromobenzene ND 50 Bromochloromethane ND Bromodichloromethane ND 50 50 Bromoform ND 50 Bromomethane ND Carbon Disulfide ND 150 50 ' Carbon Tetrachloride ND 50 Page 1 of 2 MpP 185 Frances Avenue, Cranston,RI 02910 2211 Tel.: 401 461-7181 Fax: 401-461-4486 http://www.thietsch.com An Equal Opportunity Employer ESS_ Laboratory ' Division of Thielsch Engineering, Inc. CERTIFICATE OFANALYSIS ' Client Project ID: Verizon-Barnstable ESS Project ID: 02070017 Client Sample ID: Method Blank ESS Sample ID: VMA070302BI Test Name R ets It ' Chlorobenzene ND Chloroethane ND 50 100 Chloroform ND Chloromethane ND 50 ' 100 cis-1,2-Dichloroethene ND 50 cis-1,3-Dichloropropene ND 50 Dibromochloromethane ND' 50 Dibromomethane ND 50 Dichlorodifluoromethane ND 10 Ethylbenzene ND 50 ' Hexachlorobutadiene ND 50 Isopropylbenzene ND 50 Methyl tent-Butyl Ether ND 50 ' Methylene Chloride ND 250 n-Butylbenzene ND 50 n-Propylbenzene ND 50 Naphthalene ND 50 ' sec-Butylbenzene ND 50 Styrene ND 50 ' tert-Butylbenzene ND Tetrachloroethene ND 5050 Tetrahydrofuran ND 250 Toluene ND 50 ' trans-1,2-Dichloroethene ND 50 trans-1,3-Dichloropropene ND 50 Trichloroethene ND 50 ' Trichlorofluoromethane ND 00 00 Vinyl Acetate ND 1 1 Vinyl Chloride ND 100 Xylenes (Total) ND 50 MRL = Method Reporting Limit. ND =Not Detected above MRL. Approved By: t10 Date: 7 , - Page 2 of 2 MDP 185 Frances Avenue,Cranston,RI 02910-2211 Tel.: 401-461-7181 Fax: 401-461-4486 http://www.thielsch.com An Equal Opportunity Employer ESS Laboratory Division of Thielsch Engineering, Inc. CERTIFICATE OF ANALYSIS EPA Methods 5035/8260B Client Name: Gannett Fleming ESS Project ID: 02070017 Client Project ID: Verizon-Barnstable ESS Sample ID: VMA070302CI ' Client Sample ID: Laboratory Control Sample Units- µg/Kg dry weight Date Sampled: N/A Dilution: 1 Analyst: JL Percent Solid: 100 ' Date Analyzed: 7/3/02 Sample Amount• 15 g Spike LCS LCS Percent QC Recovery co p nnri -firied Concentration Recoiiery T imitq 111,2-Tetrachloroethane 1250 1350 108 60-140 1,1,1-Trichloroethane 1250 1280 102 60-140 1,1,2,2-Tetrachloroethane 1250 1370 110 60-140 1,1,2-Trichloroethane 1250 1390 111 60-130 ' 1,1-Dichloroethane 1250 1360 109 60-140 1,1-Dichloroethene 1250 1360 109 80-120 1,1-Dichloropropene 1250 1280 102 60-140 ' 1,2,3-Trichlorobenzene 1250 1310 105 60-140 1,2,3-Trichloropropane 1250 1500 120 60-140 1,2,4-Trichlorobenzene 1250 1410 113 60-140 1,2,4-Trimethylbenzene 1250 1310 105 60-140 1,2-Dibromo-3-Chloropropane 1250 1370 110 60-140 1,2-Dibromoethane 1250 1420 114 60-13 0 1,2-Dichlorobenzene 1250 1350 108 60-140 ' 1,2-Dichloroethane 1250 1350 108 60-140 1,2-Dichloropropane 1250 1330 106 80-120 1,3,5-Trimethylbenzene 1250 1340 107 60-140 ' 1,3-Dichlorobenzene 1250 1380 110 60-140 1,3-Dichloropropane 1250 1370 110 60-130 1,4-Dichlorobenzene 1250 1310 105 60-140 ' 1-Chlorohexane 1250 1300 104 60-130 2,2-Dichloropropane 1250 1350 108 60-140 2-Butanone 6250 7140 114 50-150 2-Chlorotoluene 1250 1380 110 60-140 2-Hexanone 6250 6870 110 50-150 4-Chlorotoluene 1250 1330 106 60-140 4-Isopropyltoluene 1250 1290 103 60-140 ' 4-Methyl-2-Pentanone 6250 7040 113. 50-150 Acetone 6250 6580 105 50-150 Benzene 1250 1320 106 60-140 Bromobenzene 1250 1350 108 60-140 Bromochloromethane 1250 1400 112 60-140 Bromodichloromethane 1250 1350 108 60-140 ' Bromoform 1250 1400 112 50-150 Bromomethane 1250 1200 96 60-140 Carbon Disulfide 1250 1330 106 60-140 Page 1 of 2 MDP ' 185 Frances Avenue,Cranston, RI 02910-2211 Tel.: 401-461-7181 Fax: 401-461-4486 http://www.thielsch.com An Equal Opportunity Employer ESS Laboratory ' Division of Thielsch Engineering, Inc. CERTIFICATE OF ANALYSIS Client Project ID: Verizon-Barnstable ESS Project ID: 02070017 Client Sample ID: Laboratory Control Sample ESS Sample ID VMA070302CI Spike LCS LCS Percent QC Recovery ' Compound Ar ded Concentration Recove-z T imi4o Carbon Tetrachloride 1250 1250 100 60-140 Chlorobenzene 1250 1340 107 60-13 0 ' Chloroethane 1250 1360 109 60-140 Chloroform 1250 1360 109 80-120 Chloromethane 1250 1320 106 60-140 cis-1,2-Dichloroethene 1250 1360 109 60-140 ' cis-1,3-Dichloropropene 1250 1320 106 60-140 Dibromochloromethane 1250 1360 109 60-13 0 Dibromomethane 1250 1400 112 60-140 ' Dichlorodifluoromethane 1250 1340 107 60-140 Ethylbenzene 1250 1320 106 80-120 Hexachlorobutadiene 1250 1320 106 60-140 ' Isopropylbenzene 1250 1360 109 60-140 Methyl tert-Butyl Ether 1250 1320 106 60-140 Methylene Chloride 1250 1310 105 60-140 n-Butylbenzene 1250 1300 104 60-140 ' n-Propylbenzene 1250 1230 98 60-140 Naphthalene 1250 1250 100 60-140 sec-Butylbenzene 1250 1300 104 60-140 Styrene 1250 1390 111 60-140 tert-Butylbenzene 1250 1310 105 60-140 Tetrachloroethene 1250 1370 110 60-13 0 ' Tetrahydrofuran 1250 1280 102 60-140 Toluene 1250 1300 104 80-140 trans-1,2-Dichloroethene 1250 1410 113 60-140 trans-l,3-Dichloropropene 1250 1410 113 60-130 ' Trichloroethene 1250 1320 106 60-140 Trichlorofluoromethane 1250 .1360 109 60-140 Vinyl Acetate 1250 1350 108 60-140 ' Vinyl Chloride 1250 1340 107 80-120 Xylenes (Total) 3750 4000 107 60-140 MRL = Method Reporting Limit. ND =Not Detected above MRL. 1 Approved By: 1 Date: Page 2 of 2 MDP ' 185 Frances Avenue, Cranston,RI 02910-2211 Tel.:401-461-7181 Fax: 401-461-4486 http://www.thielsch.com An Equal Opportunity Employer ESS Laboratory Division of Thielsch Engineering, Inc. . CERTIFICATE OF ANALYSIS r EPA Methods 5035/8260B Matrix Spike Report Client Name: Gannett Fleming ESS Project ID: 02070017 ' Client Project ID: Verizon-Barnstable ESS Sample ID: 02070017-01MS Client Sample ID: Composite FootingsMS Units: gg/Kg dry weight Spike MS MS % Recovery ' Comnnnnri Name Adldlerl Conc Recover' T inift 1,1-Dichloroethene 2860 3040 106 70-130 ' Benzene 2860 2820 99 70-130 Chlorobenzene 2860 3000 105 70-130 Toluene 2860 2990 105 70-130 Trichloroethene 2860 2920 102 70-130 1 1 i 1 r 1 r r r i - r Approved By: i Date: 71511� Pagel of 1 MDP ' 185 Frances Avenue,Cranston, RI 02910-2211 Tel.:.401-461-7181 Fax: 401-461-4486 http://www.thielsch.COM An Equal Opportunity Employer ESS Laboratory Division of Thielsch Engineering, Inc. CERTIFICATE OF ANALYSIS ' EPA Methods 5035/8260B Matrix Spike Duplicate Report Client Name: Gannett Fleming ESS Project ID: 02070017 ' Client Project ID: Verizon-Barnstable ESS Sample ID: 02070017-OIMSD Client Sample.-ID: Composite Footin sMSD Units: _gg/Kg dKy weight Spike MSD MSD % Recovery RPD 1,1-Dichloroethene 2860 3130 109 3 70-130 25 Benzene 2860 2920 102 3 70-130 25 Chlorobenzene 2860 2980 104 1 70-130 25 Toluene 2860 2970 104 1 70-130 25 Trichloroethene 2860 2980 104 2 70-130 25 RPD =Relative Percent Deviation. I Approved By: � Date: 5 Page 1 of 1 MDP ' 185 Frances Avenue, Cranston,RI 02910-2211 Tel.:401-461-7181 Fax: 401 461 4486 http://www.thielsch.com An Equal Opportunity Employer ES Laboratory ' Division of Thielsch Engineering, Inc. CERTIFICATE OF ANALYSIS EPA Method 8270C Surrogate Report Client Name: Gannett Fleming ' Client Project ID: Verizon-Barnstable ESS Project ID: 02070017 Lab ID (Dilution Factor) 2FP PHL 2CP DCB NBZ FBP TBP TPH 02070017-01MS (1x) 81 87 87 79 80 84 89 68 02070017-OIMSD (1x) 79 86 88 80 79 84 87 71 02070017-01 (lx) 75 83. 85 80 82 84 89 69 ' S070202B8 Ox) 83 91 91 88 78 82 83 78 S070202B8BS (1x) 83 95 95 87 79 89 89 83 Surrogate Limits 2FP = 2-Fluorophenol 24 - 106 PHL =Phenol-d5 29 - 106 2CP = 2-Chlorophenol-d4 26 - 106 DCB = 1,2 Dichlorobenzene-d4 26 - 105 NBZ =Nitrobenzene-d5 26 - 111 ' FBP = 2-Fluorobiphenyl 28 - 116 TBP = 1,2,6-Tribromophenol 21 - 126 TPH =p-Terphenyl-d14 42 - 122 Approved by: Date: Page 1 of 1 Y MDP ' 185 Frances Avenue, Cranston,RI 02910-2211 Tel.: 401-461-7181 Fax: 401-461-4486 http://www.thielsch.com An Equal Opportunity Employer - ESS Laboratory ' Division of Thielsch Engineering, Inc. U--CERTIFICATE OF ANALYSIS ' EPA Method 8270C Client Name: Gannett Fleming ESS Project ID: 02070017 Client Project ID: Verizon-Barnstable ESS Sample ID: S070202B8 Client Sample ID: Method Blank Units: pig/Kg dry weight Date Sampled: N/A Dilution: 1 Analyst: BML Percent Solid: 100 Date Analyzed: 7/8/02 Sample Amount: 30 g Date Prepped: 7/2/02 Te.qt Name R e-u1t �A T 1,2,4-Trichlorobenzene ND 333 1,2-Dichlorobenzene ND 333 1,3-Dichlorobenzene ND 1,4-Dichlorobenzene ND 33 3 333 2,4,5-Trichlorophenol ND 333 2,4,6-Trichlorophenol ND 333 2,4-Dichlorophenol ND t 1670 2,4-Dimethylphenol ND 1670 2,4-Dinitrophenol ND 1670 2,4-Dinitrotoluene ND 333 2,6-Dinitrotoluene ND 333 2-Chloronaphthalene ND 333 2-Chlorophenol ND 333 2-Methylnaphthalene ND 333 2-Methylphenol ND 333 2-Nitroaniline ND 333 2-Nitrophenol ND 333 3+4-Methylphenol ND 333 3,3'-Dichlorobenzidine ND 1670 3-Nitroaniline ND 1670 4,6-Dinitro-2-Methylphenol ND 1670 4-Bromophenyl-phenylether ND 333 4-Chloro-3-Methylphenol ND 333 4-Chloro-phenyl-phenyl ether ND 333 4-Chloroaniline ND 1670 4-Nitroaniline ND 333 4-Nitrophenol ND ' 1 Acenaphthene ND 333 333 Acenaphthylene ND 333 Anthracene ND 333 ' Benzo(a)anthracene ND 333 Benzo(a)pyrene ND 333 B enzo(b)fluoranthene ND 333 Benzo(g,h,i)perylene ND 333 B enzo(k)fluoranthene ND 333 Benzoic Acid ND 1670 Benzyl Alcohol ND 333 Page 1 of 2 MDP ' 185 Frances Avenue,Cranston,RI 02910-2211 Tel.: 401-461-7181 Fax: 401.461-4486 h,',Ip://www.,,h,*,-,Isch.cOM An Equal Opportunity Employer ESS Laboratory Division of Thielsch Engineering, Inc. CERTIFICATE OF ANALYSIS Client Project ID: Verizon-Barnstable ESS Project ID: 02070017 Client Sample ID: Method Blank ESS Sample ID- S070202B8 Test Name RPc„It bis(2-Chloroethoxy)methane ND 333 ' bis(2-Chloroethyl)ether ND 333 bis(2-chloroisopropyl)Ether ND 333 bis(2-Ethylhexyl)phthalate ND 333 Butylbenzylphthalate ND 333 Chrysene ND 333 Di-n-butylphthalate ND 333 Di-n-octylphthalate, ND 333 Dibenzo(a,h)Anthracene ND 33 3 Dibenzofuran ND 333 Diethylphthalate ND 333 �I Dimethylphthalate ND 333 Fluoranthene ND 333. Fluorene ND 333 Hexachlorobenzene ND 333 Hexachlorobutadiene ND 333 Hexachlorocyclopentadiene ND 1670 Hexachloroethane ND 333 Indeno(1,2,3-cd)Pyrene ND 333 Isophorone ND 333 N-Nitroso-Di-n-Propylamine ND 333 N-Nitrosodimethylamine ND 333 N-nitrosodiphenylamine ND 333 Naphthalene ND 333 Nitrobenzene ND 333 Pentachlorophenol ND 1670 � Phenanthrene ND 333 Phenol ND 333 Pyrene ND 333 MRL = Method Reporting Limit. ND =Not Detected above MRL. II ' ;a j Approved By: Date: Page 2 of 2 MDP 185 Frances Avenue, Cranston,RI 029 1 0-22 1 1 Tel.:401-461-7181 Fax: 401-461-4486 http://www.thielsch.com An Equal Opportunity Employer ESS Laboratory Division of Thielsch Engineering, Inc. CERTIFICATE OF ANALYSIS EPA Method 8270C Client Name: Gannett Fleming ESS Project ID: 02070017 Client Project ID: Verizon-Barnstable ESS Sample ID: S070202B8BS Client Sample ID: Blank Spike Units: µg/Kg dry weight Date Sampled: N/A Dilution: 1 Analyst: BML Percent Solid: 100 Date Analyzed: 7/8/02 Sample Amount: 30 g Date Prepped: 7/2/02 Spike BS BS Percent QC Recovery ('mm�rnmrl Added ( i'oncentraton r R prnvens r gym.+ 1,2,4-Trichlorobenzene 1660 1760 106 49-127 1,2-Dichlorobenzene 1660 1790 108 47-126 1,3-Dichlorobenzene 1660 1670 101 50-123 1,4-Dichlorobenzene 1660 1710 103 47-124 2,4,5-Trichlorophenol 1660 2000 120 38-144 2,4,6-Trichlorophenol 1660 1780 107 39-149 2,4-Dichlorophenol 1660 1710 103 45-142 2,4-Dimethylphenol 1660 1490 J 90 41-149 2,4-Dinitrophenol 1660 1410 J 85 0-146 2,4-Dinitrotoluene 1660 1890 114 51-13 8 2,6-Dinitrotoluene 1660 1800 108 46-149 2-Chloronaphthalene 1660 1880 113 39-141 2-Chlorophenol 1660 1650 99 0-238 2-Methylnaphthalene 1660 1790 108 0-605 2-Methylphenol 1660 1750 105 43-135 2-Nitroaniline 1660 1790 108 57-137 ' 2-Nitrophenol 1660 1550 93 52-137 3+4-Methylphenol 1660 883 53 41-13 7 3,3'-Dichlorobenzidine 1660 1460 J 88 7-126 3-Nitroaniline 1660 1720 104 20-128 4-Bromophenyl-phenylether 1660 1690 102 29-158 4-Chloro-phenyl-phenyl ether 1660 1980 119 48-140 4-Chloroaniline 1660 1520 J 92 2-136 ' 4-Nitroaniline 1660 1580 95 37-132 4-Nitrophenol . 1660 2060 124 8-143 Acenaphthene 1660 1810 109 54-151 Acenaphthylene 1660 1880 113 44-145 Anthracene 1660 1820 110 45-161 Benzo(a)anthracene 1660 1750 105 47-141 Benzo(a)pyrene 1660 1800 108 27-164 Benzo(b)fluoranthene 1660 1630 98 19-160 Benzo(g,h,i)perylene 1660 1720 104 18-159 Benzo(k)fluoranthene 1660 1980 119 21-175 Benzoic Acid 1660 1360 J 82 0-168 i j Page 1 of 2 MDP 185 Frances Avenue, Cranston,RI 02910-2211 Tel.: 401-461-7181 Fax:401-461-4486 http://www:thielsch.com An Equal Opportunity Employer ESS Laboratory ' Division of Thielsch Engineering, Inc. CERTIFICATE OF ANALYSIS Client Project ID: Verizon-Barnstable ESS Project ID: 02070017 Client Sample ID: Blank Spike ESS Sam le ID: S070202B8BS Spike BS BS Percent QC Recovery Compound Added cam-'en, Benzyl Alcohol 1660 1710 103 52-131 bis(2-Chloroethoxy)methane 1660 1710 103 48-142 bis(2-Chloroethyl)ether 1660 1540 93 40-143 bis(2-chloroisopropyl)Ether 1660 1660 100 36-144 bis(2-Ethylhexyl)phthalate 1660 1800 108 47-146 Butylbenzylphthalate 1660 1760 106 42-149 Chrysene 1660 1750 105 47-143 Di-n-butylphthalate 1660 1760 106 47-142 Di-n-octylphthalate 1660 1780 107 207171 Dibenzo(a,h)Anthracene 1660 1750 105 20-160 Dibenzofuran 1660 1860 112 49-149 Diethylphthalate 1660 1900 114 50-140 Dimethylphthalate 1660 1720 104 45-141 Fluoranthene 1660 1900 114 51-142 Fluorene 1660 1870 113 58-152 Hexachlorobenzene 1660 1740 105 32-155 Hexachlorobutadiene 1660 1740 105 49-132 Hexachlorocyclopentadiene 1660 1680 101 0-129 Hexachloroethane 1660 1770 107 5-207 Indeno(1,2,3-cd)Pyrene 1660 1740 105 21-160 Isophorone 1660 1610 97 50-150 N-Nitroso-Di-n-Propylamine 1660 1790 108 50-145 N-Nitrosodimethylamine 1660 1280 77 49-133 N-nitrosodiphenylamine 1660 1450 87 13-197 Naphthalene 1660 1820 110 12-230 Nitrobenzene 1660 1640 99 8-331 Pentachl6rophenol 1660 1480 J 89 29-114 Phenanthrene 1660 1750 105 36-201 Phenol 1660 1530 92 35-13 5 Pyrene 1660 1630 98 43 159 J = Reported below MRL; Estimated value. ND =Not Detected above MDL. Approved By: I u' Date: Page 2 of 2 MDP 185 Frances Avenue, Cranston,RI 02910-2211 Tel.:401-461-7181 Fax:401-461-4486 http://www.thielsch.com An Equal Opportunity Employer ESS Laboratory Division of Thielsch Engineering, Inc. CERTIFICATE OF ANALYSIS t----- EPA Method 8270C Matrix Spike Report Client Name: Gannett Fleming ESS Project ID: 02070017 Client Project ID: Verizon-Barnstable ESS Sample ID: 02070017-01MS Client.Sample ID: Composite FootingsMS Units: µ /g/KKg dry weight Spike MS MS % Recovery Compound Name _dried C"anc Pec very T 1,2,4-Tnchlorobenzene 2930 2930 100 49-127 1,2-Dichlorobenzene 2930 2890 99 47-126 1,3-Dichlorobenzene 2930 2720 93 50-123 1,4-Dichlorobenzene 2930 2830 97 47-124 2,4,5-Trichlorophenol 2930 3250 111 38-144 2,4,6-Trichlorophenol 2930 2890 99 39-146 2,4-Dichlorophenol 2930 2910 99 45-142 2,4-Dimethylphenol 2930 2710 92 41-149 2,4-Dinitrophenol 2930 2220 76 0-146 2,4-Dinitrotoluene 2930 3090 105 51-138 2,6-Dinitrotoluene 2930 2970 101 46-149 2-Chloronaphthalene 2930 3100 106 39441 2-Chlorophenol 2930 2710 92 0-238 ' 2-Methylnaphthalene 2930 3960 70 0-605 2-Methylphenol 2930 2840 97 43-135 2-Nitroaniline 2930 3020 103 57-137 ' 2-Nitrophenol 2930 2820 96 52-137 3+4-Methylphenol 2930 1480 51 41-13 7 3,3'-Dichlorobenzidine 2930 2480 85 7-126 3-Nitroaniline 2930 2880 98 20-128 4-Bromophenyl-phenylether 2930 2850 97 29-158 4-Chloro-phenyl-phenyl ether 2930 3190 109 48-140 4-Chloroaniline 2930 2540 87 2-136 4-Nitroaniline 2930 2770 95 37-132 4-Nitrophenol 2930 3760 128 8-143 Acenaphthene 2930 3070 105 54-151 Acenaphthylene 2930 3030 103 44-145 Anthracene 2930 3030 103 45-161 Benzo(a)anthracene 2930 2870 98 47-141 Benzo(a)pyrene 2930 2830 97 27-164 Benzo(b)fluoranthene 2930 2480 85 19-160 Benzo(g,h,i)perylene 2930 2860 98 18-159 Benzo(k)fluoranthene 2930 3430 117 21-175 Benzoic Acid 2930 2710 92 0-168 Benzyl Alcohol 2930 2840 97 52-131 ' bis(2-Chloroethoxy)methane 2930 2830 97 48-142 . b 1 s(2-Chl oroethyl)ether 2930 2510 86 40-143 bis(2-chloroisopropyl)Ether 2930 2610 89 36-144 Page 1 of 2 MDP 185 Frances Avenue, Cranston, RI 02910-2211 Tel.:401-461-7181 Fax: 401-461-4486 http://www.thielsch.com An Equal Opportunity Employer ESS Laboratory Division of Thielsch Engineering, Inc. CERTIFICATE OF ANALYSIS EPA Method 8270C Matrix Spike Report Continued Client Name: Gannett Fleming ESS Project ID: 02070017 Client Project ID: Verizon-Barnstable ESS Sample ID: 02070017-OIMS Client Sample ID: Composite FootingsMS Units: µ /g_Kg dry weight Spike MS MS % Recovery Compound Name Arlrled cnnc Recovery bis(2-Ethylhexyl)phthalate 2930 2760 94 47-146 Butylbenzylphthalate 2930 2520 86 42-149 Chrysene 2930 2910 99 47-143 ' Di-n-butylphthalate 2930 2860 98 47-142 Di-n-octylphthalate 2930 2710 92 20-171 Dibenzo(a,h)Anthracene 2930 2740 94 20-160 Dibenzofuran 2930 3080 105 49-149 Diethylphthalate 2930 2990 102 50-140 Dimethylphthalate 2930 2820 96 45-141 ' Fluoranthene 2930 3190 109 51-142 Fluorene 2930 3270 112 58-152 Hexachlorobenzene 2930 2870 98 32-155 Hexachlorobutadiene 2930 2890 99 49-132 Hexachlorocyclopentadiene 2930 1790 61 0-129 Hexachloroethane 2930 2890 99 5-207 Indeno(1,2,3-cd)Pyrene 2930 2790 95 21-160 Isophorone 2930 2840 97 50-150 N-Nitroso-Di-n-Propylamine 2930 3090 105 50-145 N-Nitrosodimethylamine 2930 2190 75 49-133 N-nitrosodiphenylamine 2930 . 2960 101 13-197 Naphthalene 2930 3200 109 12-230 Nitrobenzene 2930 2780 95 8-331 Pentachlorophenol 2930 2710 92 29-114 Phenanthrene 2930 3410 88 36-201 Phenol 2930 2510 86 35-135 Pyrene 2930 2460 84 43159 Approved B M Pp Y� �v` Date: Page 2 of 2 MDP 185 Frances Avenue, Cranston, RI 02910-2211 Tel.: 401-461-7181 Fax: 401-461-4486 http://www.thielsch.com An Equal Opportunity Employer - i ESS.Laboratory Division of Thielsch Engineering, Inc. ..._.._.__ ..--,-_-...-...:_.-......_..........---,—._..o ... _.._ _.. . iy6� CERTIFICATE OF..ANALYSIS EPA Method 8270C Matrix Spike Duplicate Report Client Name: Gannett Fleming ESS Project ID: 02070017 Client Project ID: Verizon-Barnstable ESS Sample ID: 02070017-OlMSD Client Sample ID: Composite FootingsMSD Units: µ /g/Kg dry weight Spike MSD MSD % Recovery RPD Compound Nanf-. Added Cnnc RP�n�/pry/ RPD—T imitS T— im ....etc 1,2,4-Trichlorobenzene 2910 2940 101 1 49-127 20 1,2-Dichlorobenzene 2910 2920 100 1 47-126 20 1,3-Dichlorobenzene 2910 2770 95 2 50-123 20 ' 1,4-Dichlorobenzene 2910 2780 96 1 47-124 20 2,4,5-Trichlorophenol 2910 3270 112 1 38-144 20 2,4,6-Trichlorophenol 2910 2880 99 0 39-146 20 2,4-Dichlorophenol 2910 2920 1.00 1 45-142 20 2,4-Dimethylphenol 2910 2700 93 1 41-149 20 2,4-Dinitrophenol 2910 2080 71 7 0-146 20 2,4-Dinitrotoluene 2910 3000 103 2 51-138 .20 2,6-Dinitrotoluene 2910 3000 103 2 46-149 20 2-Chloronaphthalene 2910 3100 107 1 39-14I 20 2-Chlorophenol 2910 2720 93 1 0438 20 2-Methylnaphthalene 2910 3920 69 1 0-605 20 2-Methylphenol 2910 2870 99 2 43-135 20 2-Nitroaniline 2910 3050 105 2 57-137 20 2-Nitrophenol 2910 2810 97 1 52-137 20 3+4-Methylphenol 2910 1500 52 2 41-137 20 3,3'-Dichlorobenzidine 2910 2470 85 0 7-126 20 3-Nitroaniline 2910 2900 100 2 20-128 20 4-Bromophenyl-phenylether 2910 2820 97 0 29-158 20 4-Chloro-phenyl-phenyl ether 2910 3040 • 104 5 48-140 20 4-Chloroaniline 2910 2550 88 1 2-136 20 4-Nitroaniline 2910 2840 98 3 37-132 20 4-Nitrophenol 2910 3580 123 4 8-143 20 Acenaphthene 2910 3110 107 2 54-151 20 Acenaphthylene 2910 3010 103 0 44-145 20 Anthracene 2910 3050 105 2 45-161 20 Benzo(a)anthracene 2910 2900 100 2 47-141 20 Benzo(a)pyrene 2910 3060 105 8 27-164 20 Benzo(b)fluoranthene 2910 2470 85 0 19-160 20 Benzo(g,h,i)perylene 2910 2840 98 0 18-159 20 Benzo(k)fluoranthene 2910 3360 115 2 21-175 20 Benzoic Acid 2910 2720 93 1 0-168 20 Benzyl Alcohol 2910 2760 95 2 52-131 20 ' bis(2-Chloroethoxy)methane 2910 2790 96 1 48-142 20 bis(2-Chloroethyl)ether 2910 2540 87 1 40-143 20 bis(2-chloroisopropyl)Ether 2910 2610 90 1 36-144 20 Page 1 of 2 MDP 185 Frances Avenue, Cranston,RI 02910-2211 TO.:401-461-7181 Fax: 401-461-4486 http://www.thiclsch.com An Equal Opportunity Employer ESS Laboratory Division of Thielsch Engineering, Inc. CERTIFICATE OF ANALYSIS - t EPA Method 8270C Matrix Spike Duplicate Report Continued Client Name: Gannett Fleming ESS Project ID: 02070017 Client Project ID: Verizon-Barnstable ESS Sample ID: 02070017-01MSD Client Sample ID: Composite Footin sMSD Units: d wei ht Spike MSD MSD % Recovery RPD bis(2-Ethylhexyl)phthalate 2910 2870 99 5 47-146 20 Butylbenzylphthalate 2910 2620 90 5 42-149 20 Chrysene 2910 2890 99 0 47-143 Z0 Di-n-butylphthalate 2910 2860 98 0 47-142 20 Di-n-octylphthalate 2910 2690 92 0 20-171 20 Dibenzo(a,h)Anthracene 2910 2770 95 1 20-160 20 Dibenzofuran 2910 2920 100 5 49-149 20 Diethylphthalate 2910 2820 97 5 50-140 20 Dimethylphthalate 2910 2850 98 2 45-141 20 Fluoranthene 2910 3250 112 3 51-142 20 Fluorene 2910 3130 108 4 58-152 20 Hexachlorobenzene 2910 2900 100 2 32-155 20 Hexachlorobutadiene 2910 3010 103 4 49-132 20 Hexachlorocyclopentadiene 2910 1500 52 16 0-129 20 Hexachloroethane 2910 2870 99 0 5-207 20 Indeno(1,2,3-cd)Pyrene 2910 2800 96 1 21-160 20 Isophorone 2910 2830 97 0 50-150 20 N-Nitroso-Di-n-Propylamine 2910 3110 107 2 50-145 20 N-Nitrosodimethylamine 2910 2230 77 3 49-133 20 N-nitrosodiphenylamine 2910 2800 99 2 13-197 20 Naphthalene 2910 3200 110 1 12-230 20 Nitrobenzene 2910 2880 99 4 8-331 20 Pentachlorophenol 2910 2740 94 2 29-114 20 Phenanthrene 2910 3400 89 1 36-201 20 Phenol 2910 2490 86 0 35-135 20 Pyrene 2910 2510 86 2 43159 20 RPD =Relative Percent Deviation. Approved By: t'�` ' Date: !� j dw 6 Page 2 of 2 MDP 185 Frances Avenue,Cranston, RI 02910-2211 Tel.: 401-461-7181 Fax:401-461-4486 http://w;vw.thielsch.com An Equal Opportunity Employer ESS Laboratory Division of Thielsch Engineering, Inc. CERTIFICATE OF ANALYSIS Extractable Petroleum Hydrocarbon (EPH) Analysis (Modified) Method For Ranges: MADEP EPH 98 1, Method For Target Analytes: 8270C Client Name: Gannett Fleming ESS.Project ID: 02070017 Client Project ID: Verizon-Barnstable ESS Sample ID: ME070202B2 Client Sample ID: Method Blank Matrix: Soil Date Sampled: N/A F1 Dilution: 1 Date Extracted: 07/02/02 F2 Dilution: 1 Date Analyzed: 07/03/02 Percent Solid: 100 Analyst: EP Sample Amount: 30g Container: Satisfactory Temperature: See Chain Preservative: None Extraction Method: 3550B Units: mg/Kg dry weight Range Name Result MRL C9-Cl8 Aliphatic Hydrocarbons' ND 25 CI9-C36 Aliphatic Hydrocarbons' ND 25 C11-C22 Unadjusted Aromatic Hydrocarbons' ND 25 CH-Czz Aromatic Hydrocarbons1.2 ND 25 =Range result excludes concentrations of surrogates and internal standards eluting in that range. Z =Range result excludes concentrations of target analytes eluting in that range. Diesel PAH Analytes Result MRL 2-Methylnaphthalene ND 0.333 Acenaphthene ND 0.333 Naphthalene ND 0.333 Phenanthrene ND 0.333 MRL =Method Reporting Limit. ND = Not Detected above MRL. Extraction Surrogate ID: WHY041602A Fractionation Surrogate ID: WHY062202A Extraction Surrogate % Rec. Limits Fractionation Surrogate % Rec. Limits 1-Chlorooctadecane 79 40-140 2-Bromonaphthalene 60 40-140 I O-Terphenyl 67 40-140 2-Fluorobiphenyl 74 40-140 Approved By: % Date: j/'f Page l of 1 MDP 185 Frances Avenue,Cranston,RI 02910-2211 Tel.: 401-461-7181 Fax: 401-461-4486 http://www.thielsch.com An Equal Opportunity Employer ESS Laboratory ' Division of Thielsch Engineering, Inc. ...... .._.�._...._._......_.._.... _ [------CE—RTIF-I-C-A-.T-E—O-F-A--N--A-L-Y-S-.I-S---,.---1- . Extractable Petroleum Hydrocarbon (EPH) Analysis Method For Ranges: MADEP EPH 98-1, Method For Target Analytes: 8270C Client Name: Gannett Fleming ESS Project ID: 02070017 ' Client Project ID: Verizon-Barnstable ESS Sample ID: ME070202B2BS Client Sample ID: Blank Spike Matrix: Soil Date Sampled: N/A Fl Dilution: 1 ' Date Extracted: 07/02/02 F2 Dilution: 1 Date Analyzed: 07/03/02 Percent Solid: 100 Analyst: EP Sample Amount: 30g ' Container: Satisfactory Temperature: See Chain Preservative: None Extraction Method: 3550B Units. mg/Kg dry weight Compound Name Result Recovery Limits 1 Nonane (C9) 24 D-91 Tetradecane(C14) 53 44-134 Nonadecane (C19) 72 38-124 Eicosane(C20) 85 43-145 Octacosane (C28) 67 7-139 Naphthalene 48 23-.117 Acenaphthene 54 34-94 Anthracene 68 29-124 Pyrene 61 37-109 ' Chrysene 62 49107 ND = Not Detected. 1 1 Approved By: / Date:--- Pagel of 1 MDP ' 185 Frances Avenue,Cranston, RI 02910-2211 Tel.: 401-461-7181 Fax: 401-461-4486 http://www.thielsch.com An Equal Opportunity Employer ESS Laboratory ' Division of Thielsch Engineering, Inc. CERTIFICATE OF ANALYSIS ' Volatile Petroleum Hydrocarbon (VPH) Analysis Method For Ranges and Target Analytes: NIADEP VPH 98-1 Client Name: Gannett Fleming ESS Project ID: 02070017 ' Client Project ID: Verizon-Barnstable ESS Sample ID: VGB070302B2 Client Sample ID: Method Blank Matrix: Soil Date Sampled: N/A Alkane Dilution: 1 Date Analyzed: 07/03/02 Aromatic Dilution: 1 Analyst: JL Percent Solid: 100 Container: Satisfactory Sample Amount: 15g Preservative: N/A Temperature: N/A Methanol Volume: 5 Extraction Method: 5030 Units: mg/Kg dry weight Range Name Result MRL ' C,-CS Aliphatic Hydrocarbons` ND 0.167 C9-C,z Aliphatic Hydrocarbons" ND 0.167 C9-C,o Aromatic Hydrocarbons' ND 0.167 ' ' =Range result excludes concentrations-of surrogates and internal standards eluting in that range. 2=Range result excludes concentrations of target analytes eluting in that range. = Range result excludes the concentration of the C9-Clo'aromatic range. Compound Name Result MRL Benzene ND 0.0017 Ethylbenzene ND 0.0017 Methyl tert-butyl ether ND 0.00133 ' Naphthalene ND 0.0033 Toluene ND 0.005 m- & p-Xylenes ND 0.0067 ' o-Xylene ND 0.003 MRL = Method Reporting Limit. ND =Not Detected above MRL. Method Surrogate ID: WV042902P Extraction Surrogate ID: P122601A rMethod Surrogate % Rec. Limits Extraction Surrogate % Rec. Limits Bromofluorobenzene (FID) 112 70-130 Trifluorotoluene (FID) 129 70-130 ' Bromofluorobenzene (PID) 128 70-130 Trifluorotoluene (PID) 129 70-130 Approved B : ��` Appro y Date: ��' Page`1 of 1 MDP ' 185 Frances Avenue, Cranston, RI 02910-2211 Tel.: 401-461-7181 Fax: 401-461-4486 http://www.thielsch.com An Equal Opportunity Employer i 1 ESS Laborator ' . y ' Division of Thielsch Engineering, Inc. CERTIFICATE OF ANALYSIS ' Volatile Petroleum Hydrocarbon (VPH) Analysis Method For Ranges and Target Analytes: MADEP VPH 98-1 Client Name: Gannett Fleming ESS Project ID: 02070017 ' Client Project ID: Verizon-Barnstable ESS Sample ID: VGB070302LCS2 Client Sample ID: Blank Spike Matrix: Soil Date Sampled: N/A Alkane Dilution: 1 Date Analyzed: 07/03/02 Aromatic Dilution: 1 Analyst: JL Percent Solid: 100 Container: Satisfactory Sample Amount: 15g ' Preservative: N/A Temperature: N/A Methanol Volume: 15 Extraction Method: 5030 Units: mg/Kg dry weight Compound Name Result Recovery Limits ' Methyl tert-butyl ether 114 70-13 0 Benzene 113 Toluene 116 70-13 0 70-130 Ethylbenzene 107 m- & p-Xylenes 123 70-130 70-130 o-Xylene 127 70-130 Naphthalene 122 70130 ND =Not Detected. ' l Approved By: Date: 7 �� Pagel of 1 MDP ' 185 Frances Avenue,Cranston, RI 02910-2211 Tel.:401-461-7181 Fax: 401-461 4486 http://www.thielsch.com An Equal Opportunity Employer ESS Laboratory ' Division of Thielsch Engineering, Inc. CERTIFICATE OF ANALYSIS Volatile Petroleum Hydrocarbon (VPH) Analysis Method For Ranges and Target Analytes: MADEP VPH 98-1 Client Name: Gannett Fleming ESS Project ID: 02070017 Client Project ID: Verizon-Barnstable ESS Sample ID: 02070017-02MS Client Sample ID: Footing#3 Matrix: Soil Date Sampled: 7/1/02 Alkane Dilution: 1 Date Analyzed: 07/03/02 Aromatic Dilution: 1 Analyst: JL Percent Solid: 82 Container: Satisfactory Sample Amount: 17.2g Preservative: Methanol Temperature: See Chain ' Methanol Volume: 15 Extraction Method: 5030 Units: mg/Kg dry weight Compound Name Result Recovery Limits ' Methyl tert-butyl ether. 120 70-13 0 Benzene 108 70-13 0 Toluene 117 70-13 0 Ethylbenzene 108 70-130 m- &p-Xylenes 12S 70-130 o-Xylene 120 70-130 Naphthalene 90 70 130 ND = Not Detected. Approved By: Date: Pagel of 1 MDP 185 Frances Avenue, Cranston,RI 02910-2211 Tel.: 401-461-7181 Fax: 401-461-4486 http://www.thielsch.com An Equal Opportunity Employer ESS Laboratory ' Division of Thielsch Engineering, Inc. CERTIFICATE OF ANALYSIS ` Volatile Petroleum Hydrocarbon (VPH) Analysis Method For Ranges and Target Analytes: MADEP VPH 98-1 Client Name: Gannett Fleming ESS Project ID: 02070017 ' Client Project ID: Verizon-Barnstable ESS Sample ID: 02070017-02DUP Client Sample ID: Footing#3 Matrix: Soil Date Sampled: 7/l/02 Alkane Dilution: 1 Date Analyzed: 07/03/02 Aromatic Dilution: 1 Analyst: JL Percent Solid: 82 Container: N/A Sample Amount: 17.2g Preservative: Methanol Temperature: See Chain Methanol Volume: 15 Extraction Method: 5030 Units: mp/Kg dry weight Range Name Sample Result Duplicate Result RPD RPD Limit C1-C8 Aliphatic Hydrocarbons'�2 ND ND 0 25 C9-G.2 Aliphatic Hydrocarbons" ND ND 0 25 C9-Clo Aromatic Hydrocarbons' 17.6 184 3 25 ' ' =Range result excludes concentrations of surrogates and internal standards eluting in that range. Z =Range result excludes concentrations of target analytes eluting in that range. ' =Range result excludes the concentration of the C9-Cio aromatic range. Compound Name Sample Result Duplicate Result RPD RPD Limit Benzene ND ND 0 25 Ethylbenzene ND ND 0 25 Methyl tert-butyl ether ND ND 0 25 ' Naphthalene 1.11 0.825 29+ 25 Toluene ND ND 0 25 m- &p-Xylenes ND ND 0 25 o-Xylene ND ND 0 25 += Outside QC Limits. RPD =Relative Percent Difference. ND =Not Detected above MRL. I Approved By. Date: 4L Page 1 of 1 MDP 185 Frances Avenue,Cranston,RI 02910-2211 Tel.:401-461-7181 Fax: 401-461-4486 http://www.thielsch.com An Equal Opportunity Employer ' ESS LABORATORY CERTIFICATIONS U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Soil and Water 1 Navy Installation Restoration QA Program Soil and Water 1 Rhode Island: A-179 Connecticut: PH-0750 Maine: RI002 1 Massachusetts: M-RI002 N . ew Hampshire (NELAP): Drinking Water: 242400-C ' Wastewater: 242400-D New York (NELAP): 11313 Potable Water ' Non Potable Water Solid and Hazardous Waste United States Department of Agriculture ' Soil Permit: 5-54210 New Jersey (NELAP) RI002 ' Potable Water Non Potable Water Solid and Hazardous Waste 1 i t Appendix F Groundwater Analytical Results v I _ ESS Laboratory Division of Thielsch Engineering, Inc. CERTIFICATE OF ANALYSIS PROJECT NARRATIVE CLIENT: Gannett Fleming CLIENT PROJECT ID: Verizon ESS PROJECT ID: 03120089 Sample Receipt 4 Ground Water samples and 1 Trip Blank were received on December 09, 2003 for the analysis specified on the enclosed Chain of Custody Record. ' Analytical Summary The project as described above has been analyzed in accordance with the ESS Quality Assurance Plan. This plan utilizes the following methodologies: US EPA SW-846, US EPA Methods for Chemical Analysis of Water and Wastes per 40 CFR Part 136, APHA Standard Methods for the Examination of Water and Wastewater, American Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM), and other recognized methodologies. The analyses with these noted observations are in conformance to the Quality Assurance Plan. In chromatographic analysis, manual integration may be used instead of automated integration because it produces more accurate results. Holding time requirements for all MCP analytes were achieved. EPH Analysis ' The following modification to the MASS EPH Method was performed: The Aromatic Fraction and Target PAR analytes were analyzed by GC/MS. Nonane has proven to be a poor performer for this methodology. Laboratory generated limits are used to assess quality control data. For sample 03120089-03, components attributed to silica cartridge contamination were omitted from the C 11-C22 Aromatic Hydrocarbon range results. These components were present at 67 ug/L No other observations noted. This signed Certificate of Analysis is our approved release of your analytical results. Beginning with this Project Narrative, the entire report has been paginated. The Chain of Custody is the final report page. This report should not be copied except in full without the approval of the laboratory. End of project narrative. J. Laurel Stoddard/Eric Baanante Date Laboratory Director/Operations Manager MDP ' 185 Frances Avenue, Cranston,RI 02910-2211 Tel.: 401-461-7181 Fax:401-461-4486 http://www.EssLaboratory.com An Equal Opportunity Employer ' 0ESS Laboratory Divison of Thielsch Engineering,Inc. 185 Frances Avenue Cranston,RI 02910 Telephone:401-461-7181 - Fax:401-461-4486 MADEP MCP Response Action Analytical Report Certification Form Laboratory Project Number: 03120089 Project Location: Verizon MADEP RTN:1 This form provides certification for the following data set: List LaboratoryID Number Sample p (s): 03120089-01,03120089-02,03120089-03,03120089-04,03120089-05 Sample Matrices: ()OGroundwater ( )Soil/Sediment ( )Drinking Water Other: 8260B ) 8151 A( ) 8330 6010B 7470A/1 A ' 8270C 8081 A VPH 6020 9014M 8082 8021B ) EPH 7000 sl Other Ana irmative res onse to uestions A,B and C is re uired or "Presum five Certain "status Were all samples received by the laboratory in a condition consistent A with set? h dribd 1 ❑ Were all QA/QC procedures required for the specified analytical B method(s) included in this report followed, including the requirement to note and discuss in a narrative QC data that did not meet appropriate Yes N01 ❑ performance standards orguidelines? ' Does the analytical data included in this report meet all the requirements for "Presumptive Certainty" as described in Section 2.0 (not including collection/analysis of field QC samples at frequencies '. C prescribed in the CAM of which the laboratory has no knowledge or Yes t No' ❑ control) of the MADEP document CAM VII A, "Quality Assurance and Quality Control Guidelines for the Acquisition and Reporting of Anal ical Data"? A response to questions D and E below required-for "Presumptive Certain "status D Were all QC performance standards and recommendations for the ElNO 1 ❑ ' spec methods achieved? Yes E Were results for all analyte-list compounds/elements for the specified methods reported? Yes ❑ No' ' l All NO answers must be addressed in an attached Environmental Laboratory Case Narrative. 1, the undersigned, attest under the pains and penalties of perjury that, based upon my personal inquiry of those responsible for obtaining the information) the material contained in this analytical report is, to the best of my knowledge and belief accurate and- om$lete. Signature: t ' g Date: i- Printed Name: Laurel Stoddard Position: Laboratory Director ESS Division of Thielsch Engineering, Inc. . ...... ._:. .......... CERTIFICATE OF ANALYSIS Extractable Petroleum Hydrocarbon (EPH) Analysis (Modified) ' Method For Ranges: MADEP EPH 98-1, Method For Target Analytes: 8270C Client Name: Gannett Fleming ESS Project ID: 03120089 Client Project ID: Verizon ESS Sample ID: 03120089-01 Client Sample ID: GF-4 Matrix: Ground Water Date Sampled: 12/8/03 Fl Dilution: 1 Date Extracted: 12/09/03 F2 Dilution: 1 Date Analyzed: 12/10/03 Percent Solid: N/A Analyst: CLB Sample Amount: 1000m1 Container: Satisfactory Temperature: See Chain Preservative: HCl Extraction Method: 3510C Units: lAg/L Range:Name Result MRL C9-C18 Aliphatic Hydrocarbons' ND C19-C36 Aliphatic Hydrocarbons' ND 200 200 C11-C22 Unadjusted Aromatic Hydrocarbons' ND 200 ' CGi-Czz Aromatic Hydrocarbons ° ND 200 ' = Range result excludes concentrations of surrogates eluting in that range. 2 = Range result excludes concentrations of target analytes eluting in that range. Diesel PAH Analytes Result MRL 2-Methylnaphthalene ND 5 Acenaphthene ND . 10 Naphthalene ND 10 Phenanthrene ND 10 MRL= Method Reporting Limit. ND =Not Detected above MRL. Extraction Surrogate ID: WHY100903A Fractionation Surrogate ID: WHY092503A Extraction Surrogate % Rec. Limits Fractionation Surrogate % Rec. Limits 1-Chlorooetadecane 86 40-140 2-Bromonaphthalene 68 40-140 O-Terphenyl 87 40-140 2-Fluorobiphenyl 66 40140 ' Approved B pp Y� � Date: Page 1 of 1 r MDP 185 Frances Avenue,Cranston, RI 029 1 0-22 1 1 Tel.: 401-461-7181 Fax: 401-461-4486 http://wwwESSLaboi-atoi-y.com An Equal oppnnunity Employer ... ESS Laboratory Division of Thielsch Engineering, Inc. CERTIFICATE OFANALYSIS Volatile Petroleum Hydrocarbon (VPH) Analysis . Method For Ranges and Target Analytes: MADEP VPH 98-1 Client Name: Gannett Fleming ESS Project ID: 03120089 Client Project ID: Verizon ESS Sample ID: 03120089-01 Client Sample ID: GF-4 Matrix: Ground Water Date Sampled: 12/8/03 Alkane Dilution: 1 Date Analyzed: 12/15/03 Aromatic Dilution: 1 Analyst: MD Percent Solid: N/A Container: Satisfactory Sample Amount: 5ml Preservative: HCl Temperature: See Chain Methanol Volume: N/A Extraction Method: 5030 Units: ugg/L Range Name Result MRL ' C,Ca Aliphatic Hydrocarbons` ND 100 C9-Cl2 Aliphatic Hydrocarbons''2 ND 100 C9-C,o Aromatic Hydrocarbons° ND 100 ' =Range result excludes concentrations of surrogates eluting in that range. 2=Range result excludes concentrations of target analytes eluting in that range. 3 =Range result excludes the concentration of the C9-C,o aromatic range. Compound Name Result MRL Benzene ND 5 Ethylbenzene ND 5 Methyl tert-butyl ether ND 1.5 ' Naphthalene ND 10 Toluene ND 15 m- & p-Xylenes ND 10 ' o-Xylene ND 10 MRL = Method Reporting Limit. ND=Not Detected above MRL. Method Surrogate ID: 3LO5005 Extraction Surrogate ID: N/A Method Surrogate % Rec. Limits Extraction Surrogate % Rec. Limits 2,5-Dibromotoluene 90 70-130 I Approved By: t2 Date: IIJ11,11A Page 1 of 1 MDP ' 185 Fr_ncesavenue, Cranston. RI O?y10-2'_11 Tel.: AO1-461-7181 pax: 401-161-4486 hap://www.�E,S A,,Equ❑I Opp...w,wv Employer .. ESS Laboratory Division of Thielsch Engineering, Inc. CERTIFICATE OF ANALYSIS Extractable Petroleum Hydrocarbon (EPH) Analysis (Modified) ' Method For Ranges: MADEP EPH 98-1, Method For Target Analytes: 8270C Client Name: Gannett Fleming ESS Project ID: 03120089 Client Project ID: Verizon ESS Sample ID: 03120089-04 Client Sample ID: GF-9 Matrix: Ground Water Date Sampled: 12/8/03 F1 Dilution: 1 ' Date Extracted: 12/09/03 F2 Dilution: 1 Date Analyzed: 12/10/03 . Percent Solid: N/A Analyst: CLB Sample Amount: 980ml Container: Satisfactory Temperature: See Chain Preservative: HCl . Extraction Method: 3510C Units: ug/L Range Name Result MRL C,-CI8 Aliphatic Hydrocarbons' ND 200 CI9-C,6 Aliphatic Hydrocarbons' ND 200 CII-C22 Unadjusted Aromatic Hydrocarbons' ND 200 ' CI I-Czz Aromatic Hydrocarbons'.2 ND 200 ' =Range result excludes concentrations of surrogates eluting in that range. 2 =Range result excludes concentrations of target analytes eluting in that range. Diesel PAH Analytes Result MRL 2-Methylnaphthalene ND 5.1 Acenaphthene ND 10.2 Naphthalene ND 10.2 ' Phenanthrene ND 10.2 MRL=Method Reporting Limit. ND =Not Detected above MRL. Extraction Surrogate ID: WHY100903A Fractionation Surrogate ID: WHY092503A Extraction Surrogate % Rec. Limits Fractionation Surrogate % Rec. Limits 1-Chlorooctadecane 76 40-140 2-Bromonaphthalene 40 40-140 t O-Terphenyl 76 40-140 2-Fluorobiphenyl 62 40-140 Approved By: � Date: - ��... ;`• /, � � +:::: I Page 1 of 1 r' li MDP f185 Frances Avenue, Cranston, RI 02910-221 1 Tel.: 401-461-7181 Fax: 401-461-4486 http://www.ESSLaboratoi y.com An Equal Opportunity Employer I ' ESS Laboratory Division of Thielsch Engineering, Inc. ... ..... . ... . ..... . .. CERTIFICATE OF ANALYSIS Volatile Petroleum Hydrocarbon (VPH) Analysis Method For Ranges and Target Analytes: MADEP VPH 98-1 Client Name: Gannett Fleming ESS Project ID: 03120089 ' Client Project ID: Verizon ESS Sample ID: 03120089-04 Client Sample ID: GF-9 Matrix: Ground Water Date Sampled: 12/8/03 Alkane Dilution: 1 I Date Analyzed: 12/15/03 Aromatic Dilution: 1 Analyst: MD Percent Solid: N/A Container: Satisfactory Sample Amount: 5ml Preservative: HCl Temperature: See Chain I Methanol Volume: N/A Extraction Method: 5030 Units: VWL Range Name Result MRL ICs-C& Aliphatic Hydrocarbons" ND 100 C9-Cl2 Aliphatic Hydrocarbons3•2 ND 100 C9-CIo Aromatic Hydrocarbons° ND 100 I ' =Range result excludes concentrations of surrogates eluting in that range. =Range result excludes concentrations of target analytes eluting in that range. ' =Range result excludes the concentration of the C9-CIo aromatic range. I Compound Name Result MRL r Benzene ND 5 Ethylbenzene ND 5 Methyl tert-butyl ether ND 1.5 Naphthalene ND 10 Toluene ND 15 m- &p- Xylenes ND 10 o-Xylene ND 10 MRL= Method Reporting Limit. ND =Not Detected above MRL. I h Method Surrogate ID: 3LO5005 Extraction Surrogate ID: N/A IMethod Surrogate % Rec. Limits Extraction Surrogate % Rec. Limits 2,5-Dibromotoluene 96 70-130 ' f Approved By: Date: 2 ;L4Ids Pagel of 1 MDP 185 Frances Avenue, Cranston, R(00-910-222 1 1 TeI.: 401-461-7181 Fax: 401-461-4486 htth://;,-�w.F4" ..at orator.I.col: .an Equ;J Opport ity Employer ESS Laboratory _ Division of Thielsch Engineering, Inc. CERTIFICATE OF ANALYSIS Extractable Petroleum Hydrocarbon (EPH) Analysis (Modified) Method For Ranges: MADEP EPH 98-1, Method For Target Analytes: 8270C Client Name: Gannett Fleming ESS Project ID: 03120089 Client Project ID: Verizon ESS Sample ID: 03120089-02 Client Sample ID: GF-10 Matrix: Ground Water Date Sampled: 12/8/03 Fl Dilution: 1 Date Extracted: 12/09/03 F2 Dilution: 1 Date Analyzed: 12/10/03 Percent Solid: N/A Analyst: CLB Sample Amount: 970ml Container: Satisfactory Temperature: See Chain Preservative: HCl . Extraction Method: 3510C Units: u;;(L Range Name Result MRL CI-C,8 Aliphatic Hydrocarbons' ND 200 CO-C36 Aliphatic Hydrocarbons' ND 200 CII-Czz Unadjusted Aromatic Hydrocarbons' ND 200 CII-Czz Aromatic Hydrocarbons1.2 ND 200 ' =Range result excludes concentrations of surrogates eluting in that range. Z=Range result excludes concentrations of target analytes eluting in that range. Diesel PAH Analytes Result MRL 2-Methylnaphthalene ND 5.16 Acenaphthene ND 10.3 Naphthalene ND 10.3 Phenanthrene ND 10.3 MRL=Method Reporting Limit. ND =Not Detected above MRL. I III Extraction Surrogate ID: WHY100903A Fractionation Surrogate ID• WHY092503A Extraction Surrogate % Rec. Limits Fractionation Surrogate % Rec. Limits 1-Chlorooctadecane 84 40-140 2-Bromonaphthalene 65 40-140 O-Terphenyl 83 40-140 2-Fluorobiphenyl 64 40-140 l r,2 Approved By: Date: Page 1 of 1 MDP 185 Frances Avenue, Cranston, RI 029 1 0-22 1 1 Tel.:401-461-7181 Fax: 401-461-4486 http://www.ESSLaboi-atory.com An Eq wl 01,1)0-1 iiy Employer - .. ESS Laboratorwr Division of Thielsch Engineering, Inc. CERTIFICATE OF ANALYSIS ' Volatile Petroleum Hydrocarbon (VPH) Analysis Method For Ranges and Target Analytes: MADEP VPH 98-1 Client Name: Gannett Fleming ESS Project ID: 03120089 ' Client Project ID: Verizon ESS Sample ID: 03120089-02 Client Sample ID: GF-10 Matrix: Ground Water Date Sampled: 12/8/03 Alkane Dilution: 1 ' Date Analyzed: 12/15/03 Aromatic Dilution: 1 Analyst: MD Percent Solid: N/A Container: Satisfactory Sample Amount: 5ml Preservative: HCl Temperature: See Chain ' Methanol Volume: N/A Extraction Method: 5030 Units: ug/L Range Name Result MRL CS-C8 Aliphatic Hydrocarbons''2 ND C9-C!2 Aliphatic Hydrocarbons3'2 ND 100 C9-C!o Aromatic Hydrocarbons' ND 100 100 ' ' =Range result excludes concentrations of surrogates eluting in that range. z =Range result excludes concentrations of target analytes eluting in that range. 3 =Range result excludes the concentration of the C9-Co aromatic range. Compound Name Result MRL ' Benzene ND 5 Ethylbenzene ND 5 Methyl tert-butyl ether ND 1.5 Naphthalene ND 10 Toluene ND 15 m- &p-Xylenes ND 10 o-Xylene ND 10 MRL= Method Reporting Limit. ND =Not Detected above MRL. Method Surrogate ID: 3LO5005 Extraction Surrogate ID: N/A ' Method Surrogate % Rec. Limits Extraction Surrogate % Rec. Limits 2,5-Dibromotoluene 98 70-130 Approved By: t Date: Page 1 of 1 MDP 1 _ 11 Id.: 401-461-7 i 81 Fax: 401-461-4486 85 Fr.?�,ce.ti P.venue, Cranston. RI 0?9i0-%� An EquA Opponunity Emlloyv ESS Laborato*ry Division of Thielsch Engineering, Inc. CERTIFICATE OF ANALYSIS Extractable Petroleum Hydrocarbon (EPH) Analysis (Modified) Method For Ranges: MADEP EPH 98-1, Method For Target Analytes: 8270C Client Name: Gannett Fleming ESS Project ID: 03120089 Client Project ID: Verizon ESS Sample ID: 03120089-03 Client Sample ID: GF-11 Matrix: Ground Water Date Sampled: 12/8/03 Fl Dilution: 1 ' Date Extracted: 12/09/03 F2 Dilution: 1 Date Analyzed: 12/10/03 Percent Solid: N/A Analyst. CLB Sample Amount: 980ml Container: Satisfactory Temperature: See Chain Preservative: HCl Extraction Method: 3510C Units: µWL Range Name Result MRL ' C,-Cls Aliphatic Hydrocarbons' ND 200 CO-CM Aliphatic Hydrocarbons' ND 200 CII-Czz Unadjusted Aromatic Hydrocarbons' 229 200 ' CI I-Czz Aromatic Hydrocarbons` 229 200 ' =Range result excludes concentrations of surrogates eluting in that range. 2 =Range result excludes concentrations of target analytes eluting in that range. Diesel PAH Analytes Result MRL 2-Methylnaphthalene ND 5.1 Acenaphthene ND 10.2 Naphthalene ND 10.2 Phenanthrene ND 10.2 MRL=Method Reporting Limit. ND =Not Detected above MRL. Extraction Surrogate ID: WHY100903A Fractionation Surrogate ID: WHY092503A Extraction Surrogate % Rec._ Limits Fractionation Surrogate % Rec. Limits 1-Chlorooctadecane 83 40-140 2-Bromonaphthalene 72 40-140 O-Terphenyl 96 40-140 2-Fluorobiphenyl 70 40-140 Approved By: Date: I Page 1 of 1 ' MDP 185 Frances Avenue, Cranston, RI02910-2211 Tel.: 401-461-7181 Fax: 401-461-4486 http://www.ESSLaboi-atory.com Ao Equal Opponun8y Employer ESS Laboratory tDivision of Thielsch Engineering, Inc. CERTIFICATE OF ANALYSIS Volatile Petroleum Hydrocarbon (VPH) Analysis Method For Ranges and Target Analytes: N ADEP VPH 98-1 Client Name: Gannett Fleming ESS Project ID: 03120089 ' Client Project ID: Verizon ESS Sample ID: 03120089-03 Client Sample ID: GF-11 Matrix: Ground Water Date Sampled: 12/8/03 Alkane Dilution: 1 Date Analyzed: 12/15/03 Aromatic Dilution: 1 ' Analyst: MD Percent Solid: N/A Container: Satisfactory Sample Amount: 5m1 Preservative: HCl Temperature: See Chain ' Methanol Volume: N/A Extraction Method: 5030 Units: gWL Ran>;e Name Result MRL ' Cs-C8 Aliphatic Hydrocarbons"'_ ND 100 C9-C12 Aliphatic Hydrocarbons" ND 100 C9-Cl,o Aromatic Hydrocarbons° ND 100 =Range result excludes concentrations of surrogates eluting in that range. '=Range result excludes concentrations of target analytes eluting in that range. '=Range result excludes the concentration of the C9-Go aromatic range. Compound Name Result MRL Benzene ND 5 Ethylbenzene ND 5 Methyl tert-butyl ether ND 1.5 ' Naphthalene ND 10 Toluene ND 15 m- &p- Xylenes ND 10 o-Xylene ND 10 MRL= Method Reporting Limit. ND =Not Detected above MRL. Method Surrogate ID: 3LO5005 Extraction Surrogate ID: N/A Method Surrogate % Rec. Limits Extraction Surrogate % Rec. Limits 2,5-Dibromotoluene 88 70-130 ' Approved B : , O Pp Y �" Date: Pagel of 1 MDP 2, T, 4, 185 Frances Avenue, Cranston. RI 0_910-__11 Tel.: UI-461-7181 Fax:401-461-4=456 An Equal Oppormniiy Employer .. . ESS Laboratory Division of Thielsch Engineering, Inc. CERTIFICATE OF ANALYSIS ' Volatile Petroleum Hydrocarbon (VPH) Analysis Method For Ranges and Target Analytes: MADEP VPH 98-1 Client Name: Gannett Fleming ESS Project ID: 03120089 ' Client Project ID: Verizon ESS Sample ID: 03120089-05 Client Sample ID: Trip Blank Matrix: Aqueous Date Sampled: 12/8/03 Alkane Dilution: 1 Date Analyzed: 12/15/03 Aromatic Dilution: 1 Analyst: MD Percent Solid: N/A Container: Satisfactory Sample Amount: 5ml Preservative: HCl Temperature: See Chain ' Methanol Volume: N/A Extraction Method: 5030 Units: ug/L Range Name Result MRL ' C5-C8 Aliphatic Hydrocarbons` ND 100 CI-C12 Aliphatic Hydrocarbons3•2 ND 100 C,-Cio Aromatic Hydrocarbons° ND 100 ` =Range result excludes concentrations of surrogates eluting in that range. 2=Range result excludes concentrations of target analytes eluting in that range. 3 =Range result excludes the concentration of the C9-C,o aromatic range. Compound Name Result MRL ' Benzene ND 5 Ethylbenzene ND 5 Methyl tert-butyl ether ND 1.5 Naphthalene ND 10 Toluene ND 15 m- &p- Xylenes ND 10 ' o-Xylene ND 10 MRL = Method Reporting Limit. ND =.Not Detected above MRL. Method Surrogate ID: 3LO5005 Extraction Surrogate ID: N/A Method Surrogate % Rec. Limits Extraction Surrogate % Rec. Limits 2,5-Dibromotoluene 92 70-130 Approved By: Date: i 11 �; 4 Page 1 of 1 MDP 185 Frances,Avenue, Cranston, RI 02910-22i 1 Tci.: 401-461-7181 Fax: 401-461-4486tc, ,..on, An Egwd 6pponur iiy Eropl"y,'i .__ .... , QUALITY CONTROL SECTION ESS Laboratory ' Division of Thielsch Engineering, Inc. CERTIFICATE OF ANALYSIS Extractable Petroleum Hydrocarbon (EPH) Analysis (Modified) Method For Ranges: MADEP EPH 98-1, Method For Target Analytes: 8270C Client Name: Gannett Fleming ESS Project ID: 03120089 ' Client Project ID: Verizon ESS Sample ID: EF120903BI Client Sample ID: Method Blank Matrix: Aqueous Date Sampled: N/A F1 Dilution: 1 ' Date Extracted: 12/09/03 F2 Dilution: 1 Date Analyzed: 12/10/03 Percent Solid: N/A Analyst: CLB Sample Amount: 1000ml Container: Satisfactory Temperature: See Chain Preservative: None Extraction Method: 3510C Units: u>?/I, Range Name Result MRL, ' C9-CI8 Aliphatic Hydrocarbons' ND 200 CI9-C36 Aliphatic Hydrocarbons' ND 200 CI I-C22 Unadjusted Aromatic Hydrocarbons ND 200 CII-Czz Aromatic Hydrocarbons'.2 ND 200 ' =Range result excludes concentrations of surrogates eluting in that range. 2=Range result excludes concentrations of target analytes eluting in that range. Diesel PAH Analy4es Result MRL 2-Methylnaphthalene ND 5 Acenaphthene ND 10 Naphthalene ND 10 Phenanthrene ND 10 MRL=Method Reporting Limit. ND =Not Detected above MRL. r Extraction Surrogate ID: WHY100903A Fractionation Surrogate ID: WHY092503A ' Extraction Surrogate `.% Rec. Limits Fractionation Surrogate % Rec. Limits 1-Chlorooctadecane 82 40-140 2-Bromonaphthalene 86 40-140 O-Terphenyl 126 40-140 2-Fluorobiphenyl 91 40-140 Approved By: Date: Page 1 of I f MDP 185 Frances Avenue,Cranston, RI 02910-221 1 Tel.: 401-461-7181 Fax:401-461-4486 http://www.ESSLaboi-atoi-y.corn An Equal Opponunity Emplovei . ESS Laboratory Division of Thielsch Engineering, Inc. m.... _.. _......._......_............ __._...._.._ CERTIFICATE OF ANALYSIS ' Extractable Petroleum Hydrocarbon (EPH) Analysis Method For Ranges: MADEP EPH 98-1, Method For Target Analytes: 8270C Client Name: Gannett Fleming ESS Project ID: 03120089 Client Project ID: Verizon ESS Sample ID: EF120903BIBS Client Sample ID: Blank Spike Matrix: Aqueous Date Sampled: N/A F1 Dilution: 1 Date Extracted: 12/09/03 F2 Dilution: 1 Date Analyzed: 12/10/03 Percent Solid: N/A Analyst: CLB Sample Amount: 1000m1 Container: Satisfactory Temperature: See Chain ' Preservative: None Extraction Method: 3510C Units: Vg/L Compound Name Result Recovery Limits Nonane (C9) 24 8-56 Tetradecane (C 14) 55 40-140 Nonadecane (C19) 75 40-140 ' Eicosane(C20) 80 40-140 Octacosane (C28) 73 40-140 Naphthalene 58 40-140 ' Acenaphthene 67 40-140 Anthracene 86 40-140 Pyrene 86 40-140 Chrysene 92 40-140 ND =Not Detected. Approved By: 9'— Date: Page 1 of 1 MDP 185 Frances Avenue,Cranston, Rr 029 1 0-22 1 1 Tel.: 401-461-7181 Fax: 401-461-4486 http://www.ESSLaboratory.com A,,Eq,ud Oppnruutiir Employer ESS Laboratory Division of 7'hie1sch Engineering, Inc. CERTIFICATE OF ANALYSIS Extractable Petroleum Hydrocarbon (EPH) Analysis Method For Ranges: MADEP EPH 98-1, Method For Target Analytes: 8270C Client Name: Gannett Fleming ESS Project ID: 03120089 Client Project ID: Verizon ESS Sample ID: EF120903B12BS Client Sample ID: Blank Spike Matrix: Aqueous Date Sampled: N/A F1 Dilution: 1 t Date Extracted: 12/09/03 F2 Dilution: 1 Date Analyzed: 12/10/03 Percent Solid: N/A Analyst: CLB Sample Amount: 1000m1 Container: Satisfactory Temperature: See Chain ' Preservative: None Extraction Method: 3510C Units: u;;/L Compound Name Result Recovery Limits ' Nonane(C9) 23 8-56 Tetradecane (C 14) 55 40-140 Nonadecane (C 19) 73 40-140 Eicosane(C20) 77 40-140 Octacosane (C28) 64 40-140 Naphthalene 52 40-140 Acenaphthene 66 40-140 Anthracene 86 40-140 Pyrene 86 40-140 Chrysene 89 40-140 ND =Not Detected. r Approved By: r Date: Page 1 of 1 MDP 185 Frances Avenue, Cranston, RI 029 1 0-22 1 1 Tel.: 401-461-7.181 Fax:401-461-4486 http://www.ESSLaboiatoi-y.cor-n An Equal Opp u iky Fmpkn•c, ... ESS Laboratory ' Division of Thielsch Engineering, Inc. CERTIFICATE OF ANALYSIS Volatile Petroleum Hydrocarbon (VPH) Analysis Method For Ranges and Target Analytes: MADEP VPH 98-1 Client Name: Gannett Fleming ESS Project ID: 03120089 Client Project ID: Verizon ESS Sample ID: HAGB121503BI Client Sample ID: Method Blank Matrix: Aqueous Date Sampled: N/A Alkane Dilution: 1 Date Analyzed: 12/15/03 Aromatic Dilution: 1 ' Analyst: MD Percent Solid: N/A Container: Satisfactory Sample Amount: 5m1 Preservative: N/A Temperature: N/A Methanol Volume: N/A Extraction Method: 5030 Units: ug/L Range Name Result MRL C,-C, Aliphatic Hydrocarbons" ND 100 C9-C,, Aliphatic Hydrocarbons"' ND 100 C9-Cio Aromatic Hydrocarbons° ND 100 ' =Range result excludes concentrations of surrogates eluting in that range. z =Range result excludes concentrations of target analytes eluting in that range. =Range result excludes the concentration of the C9-Cio aromatic range. Compound Name Result MRL ' Benzene ND 5 Ethylbenzene ND 5 Methyl tert-butyl ether ND 1.5 Naphthalene ND 10 Toluene 'ND 15 m- &p- Xylenes ND 10 o-Xylene ND 10 MRL= Method Reporting Limit. ND =Not Detected above MRL. Method Surrogate ID: 3LO5005 Extraction Surrogate ID: N/A Method Surrogate % Rec. Limits Extraction Surrogate %Rec. Limits 2,5-Dibromotoluene 92 70-130 I Approved B : z� Da • ? Pp Y Date: (c 5 Pagel of 1 MDP ' 185 Frances Avcnue• Cranston, f<_4 01-9 1 0-22I 1 Tel.: 401-461-7181 Fax: 401-461-4486 A.,Equal Opponunip•Employer ..... _. ESS Laboratory Division of Thieiseh Engineering, Inc. CERTIFICATE OF ANALYSIS Volatile Petroleum Hydrocarbon (VPH) Analysis Method For Ranges and Target Analytes: MADEP VPH 98-1 Client Name: Gannett Fleming ESS Project ID: 03120089 Client Project ID: Verizon ESS Sample ID: HAGB121503LCSI Client Sample ID: Blank Spike Matrix: Aqueous Date Sampled: N/A Alkane Dilution: 1 Date Analyzed: 12/15/03 Aromatic Dilution: 1 ' Analyst: MD Percent Solid: N/A Container: Satisfactory Sample Amount: 5ml Preservative: N/A Temperature: N/A ' Methanol Volume: N/A Extraction Method: 5030 Units: gg/L Compound Name Result Recovery Limits Methyl tert-butyl ether 78 75-125 Benzene 82 75-125 Toluene 84 Ethylbenzene 82 75-125 m- &p- Xylenes 82 75-125 o-Xylene 81 75-125 75-125 ' Naphthalene 80 75125 ND =Not Detected. Approved By: Date: ► 7�1'�(y� Page 1 of I MDP I85Franco Ave nue.Cransion. R102910-22 1 Tel.: ''01-461-7181 Fax: 40 1-461-4486 An Equ❑I Oppom mhy Employer ESS Laboratory Division of Thielsch Engineering, Inc. CERTIFICATE OF ANALYSIS Volatile Petroleum.Hydrocarbon (VPH) Analysis Method For Ranges and Target Analytes: MADEP VPH 98-1 Client Name: Gannett Fleming ESS Project ID: -03120089 Client Project ID: Verizon ESS Sample ID: 03120089-01DUP Client Sample ID: GF-4 Matrix: Ground Water Date Sampled: 12/8/03 Alkane Dilution: 1 Date Analyzed: 12/15/03 Aromatic Dilution: 1 Analyst: MD Percent Solid: N/A Container: N/A Sample Amount: 5ml Preservative: HCl Temperature: See Chain Methanol Volume: N/A Extraction Method: 5030 Units: u;;/L Range Name Sample Result Duplicate Result RPD RPD Limit C,-Cs Aliphatic Hydrocarbons''z ND ND 0 50 C9-C,2 Aliphatic Hydrocarbons" ND ND 0 50 C9-Go Aromatic Hydrocarbons ND ND 0 50 ' =Range result excludes concentrations of surrogates eluting in that range. Z=Range result excludes concentrations of target analytes eluting in that range. 3=Range result excludes the concentration of the C9-Cio aromatic range. Compound Name Sample Result Duplicate Result RPD RPD Limit Benzene ND ND 0 25 Ethylbenzene ND ND 0 25 Methyl tert-butyl ether ND ND 0 25 Naphthalene ND ND 0 25 Toluene ND ND 0 25 m- & p- Xylenes ND ND 0 25 o-Xylene ND ND 0 25 RPD = Relative Percent Difference. ND =Not Detected above MRL. Approved By: (" Date: ( , Page 1 of 1 N4DP 185 Fiances venue, Cranston, RJ 029 1 0-22 1 1 Tel.: 401-461-7181 Fax: 401-461-4486 An Egwd Oppanunhy Empl—ct' ... ESS Laboratory Division of Thielsch Engineering, Inc. CERTIFICATE OF ANALYSIS Volatile Petroleum Hydrocarbon (VPH) Analysis Method For Ranges and Target Analytes: MADEP VPH 98-1 Client Name: Gannett Fleming ESS Project ID: 03120089 Client Project ID: Verizon ESS Sample ID: 03120089-01MS Client Sample ID: GF-4 Matrix: Ground Water Date Sampled: 12/8/03 Alkane Dilution: 1 Date Analyzed: 12/15/03 Aromatic Dilution: 1 ' Analyst: MD Percent Solid: N/A Container: Satisfactory Sample Amount: 5ml Preservative: HC1 Temperature: See Chain Methanol Volume: N/A Extraction Method: 5030 Units: gg/L Compound Name Result Recove Limits Methyl tert-butyl ether 89 70-130 Benzene 94 Toluene 92 70-130 Ethylbenzene 90 70-130 m- &p- Xylenes 92 70-130 o-Xylene 90 70-13 0 Naphthalene 87 70-130 ND Not Detected. 70 130 �I Approved By: 1-4) Date: Pagel of 1 MDP ' 105 iancesAvenue, Cranston. RI 02910-'21 I Tel.: 401-461-7181 Pax:401=161-4486 ht / c;,•E th:,/v:vt'�.�•.E.,.,,_;t�ur;ioC'd.eC;;; 1,Equ:d Opporwniiy Empk,o ESS LABORATORY CERTIFICATIONS �i U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Soil and Water Navy Installation Restoration QA Program Soil and Water Connecticut: PH-0750 Maine: R1002 Maryland: 301 Potable Water Massachusetts: M-RIO02 New Hampshire(NELAP): Drinldng Water: 242400-C Wastewater: 242400-D New Jersey(NELAP) R1002 Potable Water Non Potable Water Solid and Hazardous Waste New Yo rk(NELAP): 11313 Potable Water Non Potable Water Solid and Hazardous Waste North Carolina: 44701 Potable Water(Organics) Pennsylvania: 68-934 Rhode Island: 179 United.States Department of Agriculture Soil Permit: S-54210 m m m L*HNrIN= = � mmiTS a Drat® OF CUSTODY T ►�+ yam, V 5 Jl ®LY Page of Division of Thzelsch Engineering, Inc. Turn Time _Standard Other Reporting Limits ESS LAB PROJECT ID 185 Frances Avenue, Cranston, RI 02910-2211 If faster than 5 days,prior approval by laboratory is required# Tel. (401.) 461.-7181 Fax (401) 461-4486 tow ere samples were co ecte tom: L-W - ' �Ids? `? c NIA RI CT NH NI NY ME Other Electronic Deliverable Yes )L Not• ti«�:esslaborator laboratory.y Is this pproject for any of the following: — MA-MCP 'Nav USACE Other Format: Excel_ Access_PDF_ Other Co.Name Project# Project Name(20Char.orlcss) "— //,. Circle and/or Write Required Analysis Contact Person N AddressVe l�. 2-1 U v a w `OIL F Cite State Zip PO�j# u oa o09 ° a u a '' ' SCE G/ ���� r C E N c v �O �� 10 . Z a Telephone# Fax# 00 x U Email A tress U o r"m \0 z G;l j�Z c 27 7 a b �' .r tr GGN�l`<d � �� 3 0a W O o ~ � � LSS LAPS Date Collection 2 c p N� � N o�pa c� Sample#' Time " y °°' Doom a a o.- �+> ¢ a u a Sample Identification (2o0m,orless) 1 w o °ON v ti r, v M ✓ C ntatncr'Iy pcc P-Poly G-Glass S-Sterile V-VOr1 M:�trix: S-Soil SD-Solid D-Sludge WW-%X'aste\X/ater GW-Ground Water SW-Surface Water DW-Drinking Water O-Oil IN-Wipes F-Filters C.'.00ler Present b Yes _No Internal Use Only Comments: Seals Intact Yes — No NA: 7 [ 1 Pickup Ccx>ler'.Cimp: /�, j C_ [ ] Rch.nicians Reliuc)tushcc{bt 1Strinr-r j Dace/Timz Receiviy; (Sign.a re Date/Time ] ,! Relin hf/ by (Si .a r ) Date/Time. ecerved by: (Si, t / _ ( g /. ate Time yam' �'(V %• , �, R.elit�qutshc{bN. (ticgnaruyxj llarei Time Received by: (Signature) Date/1'itue Relinquished by: (Signature) Date/Time K Eeivcd.by: (Signature) Date/'Time ESS Laboratory ' Division of Thielsch Engineering, Inc. CERTIFICATE OF ANALYSIS PROJECT NARRATIVE CLIENT: Gannett Fleming CLIENT PROJECT ID: Verizon ESS PROJECT ID: 03090165 ' Sample Receipt P P 4 Ground Water samples and 1 Trip Blank were received on September 15, 2003 for the analysis ' specified on the enclosed Chain of Custody Record. Analytical Summary ' The project as described above has been analyzed in accordance with the ESS Quality Assurance Plan. This plan utilizes the following methodologies: US EPA SW-846, US EPA Methods for Chemical Analysis of Water and Wastes per 40 CFR Part 136, APHA Standard Methods for the ' Examination of Water and Wastewater, American Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM), and other recognized methodologies. The analyses with these noted observations are in conformance to the Quality Assurance Plan. In chromatographic analysis, manual integration ' may be used instead of automated integration because it produces more accurate results. EPH Analysis The following modification to the MASS EPH Method was performed: The Aromatic Fraction and Target PAH analytes were analyzed by GC/MS. Nonane has proven to be a poor performer for this methodology. Laboratory generated limits are ' used to assess quality control data. For samples 03090165-02 and 03090165703, components attributed to silica cartridge contamination were omitted from the CI I-C22 Aromatic Hydrocarbon range results. These ' components were present at 62 ug/L and 74 ug/L, respectively. VPH Analysis ' The following modification to the MASS VPH Method was performed: All the Ranges and Target analytes were analyzed by GC/MS. ' No other observations noted. This signed Certificate of Analysis is our approved release of your analytical results. Beginning with ' this Project Narrative, the entire report has been paginated. The Chain of Custody is the final report page. This report should not be copied except in full without the approval of the laboratory. End of project narrative. 'i t Laurel Stoddard/Eric Baanante Date ` Laboratory Director/Operations Manager ' 185 Frances Avenue, Cranston, RI 02910-2211 Tel.: 401-461-7181 Fax: 401-461-4486 http://www.EssLabot-atoi-y.com JJG AnEqual Oppuramiiy Employer i 1 ESS Laboratory Divison of Thietsch Engineering, Inc. 185 Frances Avenue Cranston,RI 02910 Telephone:401-461-7181 Fax:401-461-4486 MADEP MCP Response Action Analytical Report Certification Form Laboratory Project Number: 03090165 Project Location: Verizon MADEP RTN:� ' vide certification for the following This form provides s c i o data set: List Laboratory Sample ID Number(s): 01090165-01,01090161-02,01090165-03,01090165-04,01090165-05 Sample Matrices: OoGroundwater ( )Soil/Sediment ( )Drinking Water Other: ' 8260B ) 8151A 8330 6010B 7470A/IA 8270C 8081A VPH 6020 9014M " 8082. WIIIJ21B EPH. 7000 S Other Y.. An affirmative response to questions A,B and C is required for"Presumptive Certainty"status Were all samples received by the laboratory in a condition consistent A with that described on the Chain-of-Custody documentation for the data Yes R "NO 1 set? ' Were all QA/QC procedures required for the specified analytical method(s)included in this report followed, including the requirement to 1 B note and discuss in a narrative QC data that did not meet appropriate YeS NO performance standards orguidelines? Does the analytical data included in this report meet all the requirements for "Presumptive Certainty" as described in Section 2.0 t (not including collection/analysis of field QC samples at frequencies C prescribed in the CAM of which the laboratory has no knowledge or Yes 5) No.' control) of the MADEP document CAM VH A, "Quality Assurance and ' Quality Control Guidelines for the Acquisition and Reporting of Anal ical Data"? A res onse to questions D and E below re uired or "Presumptive Certainty"status ' Were all QC performance standards and recommendations for the YeS ❑ NO 1 specified methods achieved? X Were results for all analyte-list compounds/elements for the specified Yes ❑ No 1 FEq methods reported? All NO answers must be addressed in an attached Environmental Laboratory Case Narrative. I, the undersigned, attest under the pains and penalties of perjury that, based upon my personal inquiry of those responsible for obtaining the information, the material contained in this analytical report as, to the best of my knowledge and be i°ef,,accyr ate anif compl te; f ' Signature: ` �_ ,'_ ,�;\ ;f. ,r' t;- / . f:�_ -_'' Date: ��'� 1(;.-3 Printed Name: ""Laurel3t$ddard Position: Laboratory Director ESS Laboratory ' Division of Thielsch Engineering, Inc. CERTIFICATE OF ANALYSIS ' Extractable Petroleum Hydrocarbon (EPH) Analysis (Modified) Method For Ranges: MADEP EPH 98 1, Method For Target Analytes: 8270C Client Name: Gannett Fleming ESS Project ID: 03090165 Client Project ID: Verizon ESS Sample ID: 03090165-04 Client Sample ID: GF-4 Matrix: Ground Water Date Sampled: 9/12/03 F1 Dilution: 1 ' Date Extracted: 09/17/03 F2 Dilution: 1 Date Analyzed: 09/21/03 Percent Solid: N/A Analyst: CLB Sample Amount: 1000ml Container: Satisfactory Temperature: See Chain ' Preservative: HCl Extraction Method: 3510C Units: µg/L Range Name Result MRL C9 C,, Aliphatic Hydrocarbons' ND C19-C36 Aliphatic Hydrocarbons' ND 200 C11-C22 Unadjusted Aromatic Hydrocarbons' ND 200 ' C„-C22 Aromatic Hydrocarbons'-2 ND 200 200 ' =Range result excludes concentrations of surrogates and internal standards eluting in that range. 2 = Range result excludes concentrations of target analytes eluting in that range. Diesel PAH Analytes Result MRL 2-Methylnaphthalene ND 5 Acenaphthene ND 10 Naphthalene ND 10 ' Phenanthrene ND 10 MRL=Method Reporting Limit. ND =Not Detected above MRL. Extraction Surrogate ID: WHY090303B Fractionation Surrogate ID: WHY090303A ' Extraction Surrogate %Rec. Limits Fractionation Surrogate % Rec. Limits 1-Chlorooctadecane 89 40-140 2-Bromonaphthalene 67 40-140 O-Terphenyl 69 40-140 2-Fluorobiphenyl 88 40-140 d � Approved By: ���,'? Date: f � Page 1 of 1 MDP ' 185 Frances Avenue, Cranston,RI 02910-2211 Tel.: 401-461-7181 Fax:401-461-4486 http://www.EssLaboratory.com An Equal Opportunity Employer - ESS Laboratory Division of Thielsch Engineering, Inc. CERTIFICATE OF ANALYSIS ' Volatile Petroleum Hydrocarbon (VPH) Analysis Method For Ranges and Target Analytes: MADEP VPH 98-1 Client Name: Gannett Fleming ESS Project ID: 03090165 Client Project ID: Verizon ESS Sample ID: 03090165-04 Client Sample ID: GF-4 Matrix: Ground Water Date Sampled: 9/12/03 Alkane Dilution: 1 t Date Analyzed: 09/17/03 Aromatic Dilution: 1 Analyst: MD Percent Solid: N/A Container: Satisfactory Sample Amount: 5ml Preservative: HCl Temperature: See Chain ' Methanol Volume: N/A Extraction Method: 5030 Units: µg/L Range Name' Result MRL C,-C, Aliphatic Hydrocarbons'2 ND 100 C1—C12 Aliphatic Hydrocarbons',' ND 100 C9 C,,,Aromatic Hydrocarbons' ND 100 ' =Range result excludes concentrations of surrogates and internal standards eluting in that range. 2 =Range result excludes concentrations of target analytes eluting in that range. ' =Range result excludes-the concentration of the Cg C,, aromatic range. Compound Name Result ' Benzene ND MRL 5 Ethylbenzene ND Methyl tert-butyl ether ND 5 ' 4 Naphthalene ND 10 Toluene ND in- &p- Xylenes ND 15 o-Xylene ND 10 10 MRL= Method Reporting Limit. ND —Not Detected above MRL. Method Surrogate ID: WV071003J Extraction Surrogate ID: N/A ' Method Surrogate % Rec. Limits Extraction Surrogate % Rec. Limits Bromofluorobenzene 102 70-130 Approved By: Ul : Date:— Pagel of 1 IvIoP ' 185 Frances Avenue, Cranston,RI 02910-2211 Tel.: 401-461-7181 Fax: 401-461.-4486 http://www.EssLaboratory.com An Equal Opportunity Employer ESS Laboratory ' Division of Thielsch Engineering, Inc. CERTIFICATE OF ANALYSIS ' Extractable Petroleum Hydrocarbon (EPH) Analysis (Modified) Method For Ranges: MADEP EPH 98-1, Method For Target Analytes: 8270C Client Name: Gannett Fleming ESS Project ID: 03090165 ' Client Project ID: Verizon ESS Sample ID: 03090165-01 Client Sample ID: GF-9 Matrix: Ground Water Date Sampled: 9/12/03 F1 Dilution: 1 ' Date Extracted: 09/17/03 F2 Dilution: 1 Date Analyzed: 09/21/03 Percent Solid: N/A Analyst: CLB Sample Amount: 1000ml Container: Satisfactory Temperature: See Chain ' Preservative: HCl Extraction Method: 3510C Units: µg/L Range Name Result' MRL C9 C,,Aliphatic Hydrocarbons' ND 200 C„-C3,Aliphatic Hydrocarbons' ND 200 C„-C22 Unadjusted Aromatic Hydrocarbons' ND 200 ' C„-C22 Aromatic Hydrocarbons' ND 200 ' = Range result excludes concentrations of surrogates and internal standards eluting in that range. 2 = Range result excludes concentrations of target analytes eluting in that range. Diesel PAH Analytes Result MRL ' 2-Methylnaphthalene ND 5 Acenaphthene ND 10 Naphthalene ND 10 ' Phenanthrene ND 10 MRL=Method Reporting Limit. ND =Not Detected above MRL. Extraction Surrogate ID: WEY090303B Fractionation Surrogate ID: WHY090303A ' Extraction Surrogate % Rec. Limits Fractionation Surrogate % Rec. Limits 1-Chlorooctadecane 59 40-140 2-Bromonaphthalene 83 40-140 O-Tetphenyl 70 40-140 2-Fluorobiphenyl 91 40-140 Approved By: 00 Date: _- 1 Page 1 of 1 i MDP ' 185 Frances Avenue,Cranston,RI 029 1 0-22 1 1 Tel.: 401-461-7181 Fax:401-461-4486 http://www.EssLaboratory.com . An Equal Opportunity Employer - 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 ESS Laboratory ' Division of Thielsch Engineering, Inc. CERTIFICATE OF ANALYSIS ' Volatile Petroleum Hydrocarbon (VPH) Analysis Method For Ranges and Target Analytes: MADEP VPH 98-1 Client Name: Gannett Fleming ESS Project ID: 03090165 Client Project ID: Verizon ESS Sample ID: 03090165-01 Client Sample ID: GF-9 Matrix: Ground Water Date Sampled: 9/12/03 Alkane Dilution: 1 Date Analyzed: 09/17/03 Aromatic Dilution: 1 Analyst: MD Percent Solid: N/A Container: Satisfactory Sample Amount: 5ml Preservative: HCl Temperature: See Chain Methanol Volume: N/A Extraction Method: 5030 Units: µg/L Range Name Result MRL ' C,-Ce Aliphatic Hydrocarbons',' ND 100 Cg C,, Aliphatic Hydrocarbons',' ND 100 Cg C,o Aromatic Hydrocarbons' ND 100 ' =Range.result excludes concentrations of surrogates and internal standards eluting in that range. z = Range result excludes concentrations of target analytes eluting in that range. 3 = Range result excludes the concentration of the C,-C,,, aromatic range. Compound Name Result MRL ' Benzene ND 5 Ethylbenzene ND 5 Methyl tert-butyl ether ND 4 Naphthalene ND 10 Toluene ND 15 m- &p-Xylenes ND 20 ' o-Xylene ND 10 MRL =Method Reporting Limit. ND =Not Detected above MRL. 1 Method Surrogate ID: WV071003J Extraction Surrogate ID: N/A ' Method Surrogate % Rec. Limits Extraction Surrogate % Rec. Limits Bromofluorobenzene 100 70-130 Approved By: > ; Date: Page 1 of 1 MDP ' 185 Frances Avenue,Cranston,RI 02910-2211 Tel.: 401-461-7181 Fax:401-461-4486 http://www.EssLaboratory.com An Equal opportunity Employer ESS Laboratory ' Division of Thielsch Engineering, Inc. CERTIFICATE OF ANALYSIS Extractable Petroleum Hydrocarbon (EPH) Analysis (Modified) Method For Ranges: MADEP EPH 98-1, Method For Target Analytes: 8270C Client Name: Gannett Fleming ESS Project ID: 03090165 ' Client Project ID: Verizon ESS Sample ID: 03090165-03 Client Sample ID: GF-10 Matrix: Ground Water Date Sampled: 9/12/03 F1 Dilution: 1 Date Extracted: 09/17/03 F2 Dilution: 1 Date Analyzed: 09/21/03 Percent Solid: N/A Analyst: CLB Sample Amount: 1000ml Container: Satisfactory Temperature: See Chain Preservative: HCl Extraction Method: 3510C Units. µg/L Range Name Result MRL C,-C1, Aliphatic Hydrocarbons' ND C19 C3, Aliphatic Hydrocarbons' ND 200 C„-CZZ Unadjusted Aromatic Hydrocarbons' ND 200 . ' C„-CZ,Aromatic Hydrocarbons',' ND 200 200 ' =Range result excludes concentrations of surrogates and internal standards eluting in that range. 2= Range result excludes concentrations of target analytes eluting in that range. Diesel PAH Analytes Result MRL 2-Methylnaphthalene ND 5 Acenaphthene ND 10 Naphthalene ND 10 Phenanthrene ND 10 MRL =Method Reporting Limit. ND =Not Detected above MRL. Extraction Surrogate ID: WHY090303B Fractionation Surrogate ID: WHY090303A Extraction Surrogate % Rec. Limits Fractionation Surrogate % Rec. Limits 1-Chlorooctadecane 78 40-140 2-Bromonaphthalene 88 40-140 O-Terphenyl 71 40-140 2-Fluorobiphenyl 99 40-140 Approved By: Date: t Page 1 of 1 MDP 185 Frances Avenue,Cranston,RI 02910-2211 Tel.: 401-461-7181 Fax:401-461-4486 http://www.EssLaboratory.com . An Equal Opportunity Employer ESS Laboratory Division of Thielsch Engineering, Inc. CERTIFICATE OF ANALYSIS Volatile Petroleum Hydrocarbon (VPH) Analysis Method For Ranges and Target Analytes: NVIADEP VPH 98-1 Client Name: Gannett Fleming ESS Project ID: 03090165 Client Project ID: Verizon ESS Sample ID: 03090165-03 Client Sample ID: GF-10 Matrix: Ground Water Date Sampled: 9/12/03 Alkane Dilution: 1 Date Analyzed: 09/17/03 Aromatic Dilution: 1 Analyst: MD Percent Solid: N/A Container: Satisfactory Sample Amount: 5ml Preservative: HCI Temperature: See Chain Methanol Volume: N/A Extraction Method: 5030 Units: µg/L Range Name Result MRL C,-C, Aliphatic Hydrocarbons'2 ND 100 C9 C1, Aliphatic Hydrocarbons" ND 100 C9-C,o Aromatic Hydrocarbons' ND 100 ' =Range result excludes concentrations of surrogates and internal standards eluting in that range. Z= Range result excludes concentrations of target analytes eluting in that range. 3 = Range result excludes the concentration of the C9-C,o aromatic range. Compound Name Result MRL Benzene ND 5 Ethylbenzene ND 5 Methyl tert-butyl ether ND 4 Naphthalene ND 10 Toluene ND 15 m- & p- Xylenes ND 20 o-Xylene' ND 10 MRL=Method Reporting Limit. ND =Not Detected above MRL. Method Surrogate ID: WV071003J Extraction Surrogate ID: N/A Method Surrogate % Rec. Limits Extraction Surrogate % Rec. Limits Bromofluorobenzene 102 70-130 -t,l , Approved By: > ! Date: r Page 1 of 1 MDP 185 Frances Avenue,Cranston, RI 02910-2211 Tel.: 401-461-7181 Fax: 401-461-4486 http://www.EssLaboratory.com_ An Equal Opportunity Employer ESS Laboratory Division of Thie1sch Engineering, Inc. CERTIFICATE OF ANALYSIS Extractable Petroleum Hydrocarbon (EPH) Analysis (Modified) Method For Ranges: NUDEP EPH 98-1, Method For Target Analytes: 8270C Client Name: Gannett Fleming ESS Project ID: 03090165 Client Project ID: Venizon ESS Sample ID: 03090165-02 Client Sample ID: GF-1 I Matrix: Ground Water Date Sampled: 9/12/03 F1 Dilution: I Date Extracted: 09/17/03 F2 Dilution: I Date Analyzed: 09/21/03 Percent Solid: N/A Analyst: CLB Sample Amount: 1000ml Container: Satisfactory Temperature: See Chain Preservative: HCl Extraction Method: 3510C Units: lig/L Range Name Result MRL C,-C,, Aliphatic Hydrocarbons' 208 200 C19—C3,Aliphatic Hydrocarbons' ND 200 C,,-C21UnadJusted Aromatic Hydrocarbons' ND 200 C,,—C2,Aromatic Hydrocarbons 1,2 ND 200 1 = Range result excludes concentrations of surrogates and internal standards eluting in that range. — = Range result excludes concentrations of target analytes eluting in that range. Diesel PAH Analytes Result MRL 2-Methylnaphthalene ND 5 Acenaphthene ND 10 Naphthalene ND 10 Phenanthrene ND 10 MRL =Method Reporting Limit. ND =Not Detected above MRL. Extraction Surrogate ID: WHY090303B Fractionation Surrogate ID: W-HY090303A Extraction Surrogate 1/'0' Rec. Limits Fractionation Surrogate % Rec. Limits I-Chlorooctadecane 59 40-140 2-Bromonaphthalene 81 40-140 0-Terphenyl 67 40-140 2-Fluorobiphenyl 87 40-140 Approved By: s Date:— Page I of 1 11 J N4DP 185 Frances Avenue, Cranston, R1 029 10-22 1 1 Tel.: 401-461-7181 Fax:401-461-4486 http://www.EssLaboratory.com An Equal Opportunity Employer ESS Laboratory Division of Thielsch Engineering, Inc. CERTIFICATE OF ANALYSIS Volatile Petroleum Hydrocarbon (VPH) Analysis Method For Ranges and Target Analytes: MADEP VPH 98-1 Client Name: Gannett Fleming ESS Project ID: 03090165 Client Project ID: Verizon ESS Sample ID: 03090165-02 Client Sample ID: GF-11 Matrix: Ground Water Date Sampled: 9/12/03 Alkane Dilution: 1 Date Analyzed: 09/17/03 Aromatic Dilution: 1 Analyst: MD Percent Solid: N/A Container: Satisfactory Sample Amount: 5m1 Preservative: HCl Temperature: See Chain ' Methanol Volume: N/A Extraction Method: 5030 Units: µg/L Range Name Result MRL ' C,-Ca Aliphatic Hydrocarbons',' ND 100 C,—C12 Aliphatic Hydrocarbons'' ND 100 C9 C,o Aromatic Hydrocarbons' ND 100 . ' ' =Range result excludes concentrations of surrogates and internal standards eluting in that range. Z=Range result excludes concentrations of target analytes eluting in that range. ' = Range result excludes the concentration of the C9 C,o aromatic range. Compound Name Result MRL Benzene ND 5 Ethylbenzene ND 5 Methyl tert-butyl ether ND 4 Naphthalene ND 10 ' Toluene ND 15 m- &p-Xylenes ND 120 o-Xylene ND 10 MRL=Method Reporting Limit. ND =Not Detected above MRL. Method Surrogate ID: WV071003J Extraction Surrogate ID: N/A ' Method Surrogate % Rec. Limits Extraction Surrogate % Rec. Limits Bromofluorobenzene 102 70-130 Approved By: _ %j Date: Pagel of 1 MDP 185 Frances Avenue,Cranston,RI 02910-2211 Tel.: 401-461-7181 Fax:401-461-4486 http://www.EssLaboratory.com. An Equal Opportunity Employer - ESS Labo.ratory Division of ThieIsch Engineering, Inc. CERTIFICATE"OFANALYSIS, - , --- Volatile Petroleum Hydrocarbon (VPH) Analysis' Method For Ranges and Target Analytes: MADEP VPH 98-1 Client Name: Gannett Fleming ESS Project ID: 03090165 Client Project ID: Verizon ESS Sample ID: 03090165-05 Client Sample ID: Trip Blank Matrix: Aqueous Date Sampled: 9/12/03 Alkane Dilution: I Date Analyzed: 09/17/03 Aromatic Dilution: I Analyst: MD Percent Solid: N/A Container: Satisfactory Sample Amount: 5ml Preservative: HCl Temperature: See Chain Methanol Volume: N/A Extraction Method: 5030 Units: pg/L Range Name Result MRL C,-Ca Aliphatic Hydrocarbons'•' ND 100 C,-C,,Aliphatic Hydrocarbons',' ND 100 C,-C,,,Aromatic Hydrocarbons' ND 100 I =Range result excludes concentrations of surrogates and internal standards eluting in that range.- 2=.Range result excludes concentrations of target analytes eluting in that range. Range result excludes the concentration of the C,-Cl,, aromatic range. Compound Name Result MRL Benzene ND 5 Ethylbenzene ND 5 Methyl tert-butyl ether ND 4 Naphthalene ND 10 Toluene ND 15 m- &p-Xylenes ND 20 o-Xylene ND 10 MRL =Method Reporting Limit. 'ND =Not Detected above MRL. Method Surrogate ID: VN071003J Extraction Surrogate ID: N/A Method Surrogate % Rec. Limits Extraction Surrogate �Rec. Limits Bromofluorobenzene 100 70-130 Approved By: Date: Pagel of MDP 185 Frances Avenue, Cranston, RI 029 10-22 1 1 Tel.: 401-461-7181 Fax: 401-461-4486 http://www:EssLaboratory.com An Equal Opportunity Employer 1 . ' QUALITY CONTROL SECTION ESS Laboratory Division of Thielsch Engineering, Inc. CERTIFICATE OF ANALYSIS t Extractable Petroleum Hydrocarbon (EPH) Analysis (Modified) Method For Ranges: MADEP EPH 98-1, Method For Target Analytes: 8270C Client Name: Gannett Fleming ESS Project ID: 03090165 ' Client Project ID: Verizon ESS Sample ID: EF091703BI Client Sample ID: Method Blank Matrix: Aqueous Date Sampled: N/A F1 Dilution: l Date Extracted: 09/17/03 F2 Dilution: 1 Date Analyzed: 09/20/03 Percent Solid: N/A Analyst: CLB Sample Amount: 1000ml Container: Satisfactory Temperature: See Chain Preservative: None Extraction Method: 3510C Units: µg/L Range Name Result MRL ' C9-Q, Aliphatic Hydrocarbons' ND 200 C19—C36 Aliphatic Hydrocarbons' ND 200 C„-C,, Unadjusted Aromatic Hydrocarbons' ND 200 ' CH—C12 Aromatic Hydrocarbons'•Z ND 200 ' =Range result excludes concentrations of surrogates and internal standards eluting in that range. z=Range result excludes concentrations of target analytes eluting in that range. Diesel PAH Analytes Result MRL 2-Methylnaphthalene ND 5 Acenaphthene ND 10 Naphthalene ND 10 ' Phenanthrene ND 10 MRL =Method Reporting Limit. ND =Not Detected above MRL. r Extraction Surrogate ID: WHY090303B Fractionation Surrogate ID: WHY090303A ' Extraction Surrogate % Rec. Limits Fractionation Surrogate % Rec. Limits 1-Chlorooctadecane 71 40-140 2-Bromonaphthalene 41 40-140 ` O-Terphenyl 40 40-140 2-Fluorobiphenyl 50 40-140 I , Approved By: Date: Page 1 of 1 l MDP ' 185 Frances Avenue, Cranston,RI 029 1 0-22 1 1 Tel.: 401-461-7181 Fax: 401-461-4486 htto://www.EssLaboratory.com An Equal Opportunity Employer ESS Laboratory ' Division of Thielsch Engineering, Inc. CERTIFICATE OF ANALYSIS ' Extractable Petroleum Hydrocarbon (EPH) Analysis Method For Ranges: MADEP EPH 98-1, Method For Target Analytes: 8270C Client Name: Gannett Fleming ESS Project ID: 03090165 ' Client Project ID: Verizon ESS Sample ID: EF091703BI IBS Client Sample ID: Blank Spike Matrix: Aqueous Date Sampled: N/A Fl Dilution: 1 ' Date Extracted: 09/17/03 F2 Dilution: 1 Date Analyzed: 09/20/03 Percent Solid: N/A Analyst: CLB Sample Amount: 1000ml Container: Satisfactory Temperature: See Chain ' Preservative: None Extraction Method: 3510C Units: µg/L Compound Name Result Recovery Limits Nonane(C9) 31 8-56 Tetradecane (C 14) 67 40-140 Nonadecane (C 19) 91 40-140 ' Eicosane (C20) 97 40-140 Octacosane (C28) 85 40-140 Naphthalene 49 40-140 ' Acenaphthene 60 40-140 Anthracene 78 40-140 Pyrene 80 40-140 ' Chrysene 77 40-140 ND =Not Detected. Approved By: r Date: o,9 Pagel of 1 ; MDP 185 Frances Avenue,Cranston, RI 02910-2211 Tel.:401-461-7181 Fax: 401-461-4486 http://www.EssLaboratory.com An Equal Opportunity Employer ESS Laboratory ' Division of Thielsch Engineering, Inc. CERTIFICATE OF ANALYSIS Extractable Petroleum Hydrocarbon (EPH) Analysis Method For Ranges: MADEP EPH 98-1, Method For 'Target AnalY tes: 8270C Client Name: Gannett Fleming ESS Project.ID: 03090165 ' Client Project ID: Verizon ESS Sample ID: EF091703B12BS Client Sample ID: Blank Spike Matrix: Aqueous Date Sampled: N/A F1 Dilution: 1 ' Date Extracted: 09/17/03 F2 Dilution: 1 Date Analyzed: 09/20/03 Percent Solid: N/A Analyst:. CLB Sample Amount: 1000m1 Container: Satisfactory Temperature: See Chain ' Preservative: None Extraction Method: 3510C Units: µg/L Compound Name Result Recovery Limits ' Nonane(C9) 26 8-56 Tetradecane (C 14) 58 40-140 Nonadecane (C 19) 87 40-140 ' Eicosane(C20) 93 40-140 Octacosane (C28) 81 40-140 Naphthalene 41 40-140 ' Acenaphthene 47 40-140 Anthracene 64 40-140 Pyrene 65 40-140 ' Chrysene 63 40-140 ND =Not Detected. Approved By: / " J Date: Page 1 of 1 ' N1Dp 185 Frances Avenue,Cranston,RI 02910-221 l Tel.:401-461-7181 Fax:401-461-4486 http:!/www.EssLaboratory.com.. An Equal Opportunity Employer ESS Laboratory ' Division of Thielsch Engineering, Inc. CERTIFICATE OF ANALYSIS ' Volatile Petroleum Hydrocarbon (VPH) Analysis Method For Ranges and Target Analytes: MADEP VPH 98-1 Client Name: Gannett Fleming ESS Project ID: 03090165 Client Project ID: Verizon ESS Sample ID: HAMG091703BI Client Sample ID: Method Blank Matrix: Aqueous Date Sampled: N/A Alkane Dilution: 1 ' Date Analyzed: 09/17/03 Aromatic Dilution: 1 Analyst: MD Percent Solid: N/A Container: Satisfactory Sample Amount: 5ml ' Preservative: N/A Temperature: N/A Methanol Volume: N/A Extraction Method: 5030 Units. µg/L Range Name Result MRL ' CS-C, Aliphatic Hydrocarbons'-' ND 100 C,-C1z Aliphatic Hydrocarbons'-3 ND 100 C9 C,,Aromatic Hydrocarbons' ND 100 ' =Range result excludes concentrations of surrogates and internal standards eluting in that range. z= Range result excludes concentrations of target analytes eluting in that range. ' = Range result excludes the concentration of the C9-C,o aromatic range. Compound Name Result MRL ' Benzene ND 5 Ethylbenzene ND 5 Methyl tert-butyl ether ND 4 ' Naphthalene ND 10 Toluene ND 15 m- &.p- Xylenes ND 20 o-Xylene ND 10 ' MRL = Method Reporting Limit. ND =Not Detected above MRL. Method Surrogate ID: WV071003J Extraction Surrogate ID: N/A ' Method Surrogate % Rec. Limits Extraction Surrogate % Rec. Limits Bromofluorobenzene 100 70-130 I . Approved By: [,% Date: Pagel of] MDP 185 Frances Avenue, Cranston, RI 029 1 0-22 11 Tel.:401-461-7181 Fax: 401-461-4486 http://www.EssLaboratory.com.. An Equal Opportunity Employer ESSLaboratory - ' Division of Thielsch Engineering, Inc. CERTIFICATE OF ANALYSIS Volatile Petroleum Hydrocarbon (VPH) Analysis Method For Ranges and Target Analytes: MADEP VPH 98-1 Client Name: .Gannett Fleming ESS Project ID: 03090165 ' Client Project ID: Verizon ESS Sample ID: HAMG091703LCS 1 Client Sample ID: Blank Spike Matrix: Aqueous Date Sampled: N/A Alkane Dilution: 1 ' Date Analyzed: 09/17/03 Aromatic Dilution: 1 Analyst: MD Percent Solid: N/A Container: Satisfactory Sample Amount: 5m1 Preservative: N/A Temperature: N/A ' Methanol Volume: N/A Extraction Method: 5030 Units: µg/L Compound Name Result Recovery Limits ' Methyl tert-butyl ether 111 75-125 Benzene 100 75-125 Toluene 104 75-125 Ethylbenzene 107 75-125 m- &p-Xylenes 104 75-125 o-Xylene 102 75-125 Naphthalene 118 75-125 ' ND =Not Detected. Approved By: Date: I- .> Q Page 1 of 1 MDP ' 185 Frances Avenue,Cranston, RI 029 1 0-2.21 1 Tel.: 401-461-7181 Fax: 401-461-4486 http://www.EssLaboratory.cc)M. An Equal Opportunity Employer - " ESS Laboratory Division of Thielsch Engineering, Inc. CERTIFICATE OF ANALYSIS ' Volatile Petroleum Hydrocarbon (VPH) Analysis Method For Ranges and Target Analytes: MADEP VPH 98-1 Client Name: Gannett Fleming ESS Project ID: 03090165 ' Client Project ID: Verizon ESS Sample ID: 03090165-01DUP Client Sample ID: GF-9 Matrix: Ground Water Date Sampled: 9/12/03 Alkane Dilution: 1 ' Date Analyzed: 09/17/03 Aromatic Dilution: 1 Analyst: MD Percent Solid: N/A Container: N/A Sample Amount: 5ml Preservative: HCl Temperature: See Chain ' Methanol Volume: N/A Extraction Method: 5030 Units: µg/L Range Name Sample Result Duplicate Result RPD RPD Limit ' C,-C, Aliphatic Hydrocarbons'-' ND ND 0 50 C,-C,, Aliphatic Hydrocarbons" ND ND 0 50 C9 C,o Aromatic Hydrocarbons' ND ND 0 50 ' = Range result excludes concentrations of surrogates and internal standards eluting in that range. '=Range result excludes concentrations of target analytes eluting in that range. ' = Range result excludes the concentration of the C9 C,o aromatic range. Compound Name Sample Result Duplicate Result RPD RPD Limit Benzene ND ND 0 25 Ethylbenzene ND ND 0 25 Methyl tert-butyl ether ND ND 0 25 ' Naphthalene ND ND 0 25 Toluene ND ND 0 25 m- &p-Xylenes ND ND 0 25 ' o-Xylene ND ND 0 25 RPD = Relative Percent Difference. ND =Not Detected above MRL. I Approved By: Date: i r ' Pagel of 1 MDP ' 185 Frances Avenue,Cranston,RI 029 1 0-22 1 1 Tel.: 401-461-7181 Fax:401-461-4486 http://www.EssLaboratory.com An Equal Opportunity Employer , ESS Laboratory ' Division of Thielsch Engineering, Inc. CERTIFICATE OF ANALYSIS ' Volatile Petroleum Hydrocarbon (VPH) Analysis Method For Ranges and Target Analytes: MADEP VPH 98-1 Client Name: Gannett Fleming ESS Project ID: 03090165 ' Client Project ID: Verizon ESS Sample ID: 03090165-OIMS Client Sample ID: GF-9 Matrix: Ground Water Date Sampled: 9/12/03 Alkane Dilution: 1 ' Date Analyzed: 09/17/03 Aromatic Dilution: I Analyst: MD Percent Solid: N/A Container: Satisfactory Sample Amount: 5ml Preservative: HCl Temperature: See Chain ' Methanol Volume: N/A Extraction Method: 5030 Units: µg/L Compound Name Result Recovery Limits Methyl tert-butyl ether 105 70-130 Benzene 103 Toluene 104 70-130 ' Ethylbenzene 114 70-13 0 m- &p-Xylenes 107 70-130 o-Xylene 104 70-13 0 Naphthalene 114 70-130 '. 70-130 ND =Not Detected. Approved By: Date: Pagel of 1 r MDP 185 Frances Avenue, Cranston, RI 029 1 0-22 1 1 Tel.: 401-461-7181 Fax:401-461-4486 http://www.EssLaboratory.com An Equal Opportunity Employer ESS LABORATORY CERTIFICATIONS U.S. Army Corps of Engineers ' Soil and Water Navy Installation Restoration QA Program Soil and Water Connecticut: PH-0750 Maine: R1002 ' Maryland: 301 Potable Water Massachusetts: M-R1002 ' New Hampshire (NELAP): Drinking Water: 242400-C Wastewater: 242400-D New Jersey(NELAP)R1002 Potable Water Non Potable Water Solid and Hazardous Waste New York(NELAP): 11313 ' Potable Water Non Potable Water Solid and Hazardous Waste North Carolina: 44701 Potable Water(Organics) Pennsylvania: 68-934 ' Rhode Island: 179 United States Department of Agriculture Soil Permit: S-54210 Mon ! ! '! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ESS LaboratoryCHAIN OF CUSTODY Page of Division Of Thielsch Engineering, Inc. '.rt,rn Time _Stan and Other " Keporting Limits I SS LAB PROJI' I'LD If faster than 5 days, prior approval b laboratory is required# 1�5 Frances Avenue, Cranston, RI 029.10-2211 r pP• Y Y q � Tel. (=+01) 461-7181 Fax (401) 461-�4�6 State�� ere camp es were col ecte. tam; Coo �/ RI CI' NH NJ NY ME Other. Electronic.Deliverable '�' ��cv.ess lab orator com 0�c y Is this rojecr for any of the follow,n�: Yes �No Format MA-1V�CP* 'Navy USACE Other. — Co.:N anu: Project# Project Name(zo Chun.or less) 1 Circle and/or Write.Required Analysis .:- 7`l,/ �• f..s'm Bl :3 ) Z Ce>nr.,tct r'ct on ra Address N .x ou �`a U �;) •,- .' j l j✓ �.r.. ;�. ,;. /> , 1 r' ^� 4 goo. w .,��. y ;�." ._7O. 1^j l'✓'t a+ J, J 7 G'. +' 'tom - Gi '✓� N > p „ o t-•' z c z �� w City Statc Zip PO# a 3 �j 4 4 U Telephc:tne t� r✓ 1 J 9y�x� ` # / .. ,:. I mail S�cidtess r w o 10 'oU ,no oa 00 O U 4 7 /a"l. U O F oow p0 t O ESS LAB Dat.e. Collection > -0 o � R� e N w 00 Sample# Time x s Sample Identification (zoChar.orkss) zCLI '� �c U U C ' 'r td-I t .r l/ 10, Container Typc: P-Poly G-Glass S-Sterile V-VOA Matrix: S-Soil SD-Solid D-Sludge WW-Waste Water GW-Ground Water SW-Surface Water DW Drinking Water O-Oil VO-wipes F-Filters Cooler Present C Yes No Internal Use Only Comments: V Sells Intact _ Yes _No NA: � [ .. tc cup Cooler Temp:�_ [ ]Technicians TOO zf6 - Relinquished b (Sp-nature) Date/Time Received/by: (Signatur Date/Time Reli uishedby: (Signature) Date/Time Kcce 'cd b (Sign- u Y ( g Date/Time li �, ./r.e• � .� ��'.d"�' � ��. 1 '..'� � �?'•�v �V V �/,�„ �/�,J ,. '�1 (�' /,, / � ��/c/t /� /LbLA Rzhncjuished by: (Sigrtaturq�,' Date/Time Received by: (Signature) Dare/Time Relinquished by: (Signature) Date/Tine Rec '� d by: (Signature) Date/Time k ESS Laboratory rDivision of Thielsch Engineering, Inc. CERTIFICATE OF ANALYSIS PROJECT NARRATIVE PAGE ONE OF TWO CLIENT: Gannett Fleming CLIENT PROJECT ID: Verizon ESS PROJECT ID: 03050272 Sample Receipt 4 Ground Water samples were received on May 21, 2003for the analysis specified on the enclosed Chain of Custody Record. Analytical Summary The project as described above has been analyzed in accordance with the ESS Quality Assurance Plan. This plan utilizes the' following methodologies: US EPA SW-846, US EPA Methods for Chemical Analysis of Water and Wastes per 40 CFR Part 136, APHA Standard Methods for the Examination of Water and Wastewater, American Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM), and other recognized methodologies. The analyses with ' these noted observations are in conformance to the Quality Assurance Plan. In chromatographic analysis, manual integration may be used instead of automated integration ' because it produces more accurate results. EPH Analysis The following modification to the MASS EPH Method was performed: The Aromatic Fraction and Target PAH analytes were analyzed by GC/MS. Nonane has proven to be a poor performer for this methodology. Laboratory generated limits are used to assess quality control data. For samples 03050272-01, 03050272-02, 03050272-03, and the Method Blank components attributed to silica cartridge contamination were omitted from the 011-C22 Aromatic Hydrocarbon range results. These components were present at 0.07, 0.06, 0.06, and 0.07 mg/L, respectively. ' No other observations noted. This signed Certificate of Analysis is our approved release of your analytical results. Beginning ' with this Project Narrative, the entire report has been paginated. The Chain of Custody is the final report page. This report should not be copied except in full without the approval of the laboratory. ' Continued ' 185 Frances Avenue, Cranston,RI 02910-2211 Tel.: 401-461-7181 Fax: 401-461-4486 http://www.EssLaboratory.corn An Equal Opponunity Employer ESS Laboratory ' Division of Thielsch Engineering, Inc. CERTIFICATE OF ANALYSIS PROJECT NARRATIVE ' PAGE TWO OF TWO ' CLIENT: Gannett Fleming CLIENT PROJECT ID: Verizon ESS PROJECT ID: 03050272 CERTIFICATION Were any significant modifications made to the MADEP VPH and EPH method? _No 'Yes—Details Above ' Were all / C procedures REQUIRED by the VPH and EPH method followed? Yes _No—Details Above erfor' Were all m p ance/acceptance standards for requu'ed QA/QC procedures achieved? _Yes No—Details Above ' I attest under the pains and penalties of perjury that, based upon my inquiry of those individuals immediately responsible for obtaining the information, the material contained in this report is, to the best of my knowledge and belief, accurate and complete. End of project narrative. Laurel Stodd r c Baanante Date Laboratory Director/Operations Manager i 185 Frances Avenue, Cranston,RI 029 1 0-22 11 Tel.: 401-461-7181 Fax:401-461-4486 http://wwlv.EssLaboi-atory.coni An Equal Opportunity Employer ESS Laboratory ' Division of Thielsch Engineering, Inc. ' CERTIFICATE OF ANALYSIS ' Extractable Petroleum Hydrocarbon (EPH) Analysis (Modified) Method For Ranges: MADEP EPH 98-1, Method For Target Analytes: 8270C Client Name: Gannett Fleming ESS Project ID: 03050272 ' Client Project ID: Verizon ESS Sample ID: 03050272-01 Client Sample ID: GF-4 Matrix: Ground Water Date Sampled: 5/20/03 F1 Dilution: 1 Date Extracted: 05/21/03 F2 Dilution: 1 Date Analyzed: 05/22/03 Percent Solid: N/A Analyst: CLB Sample Amount: 940ml Container: Satisfactory Temperature: See Chain ' Preservative: HCl Extraction Method: 3510C Units: mg/L Range Name Result MRL C,-C1, Aliphatic Hydrocarbons' ND 0.2 C19 C36 Aliphatic Hydrocarbons' ND 0.2 C11—C22 Unadjusted Aromatic Hydrocarbons' 0.2 0.2 C1,—C22 Aromatic Hydrocarbons',' 0.2 0.2 1 = Range result excludes concentrations of surrogates and internal standards eluting in that range. 2 =Range result excludes concentrations of target analytes eluting in that range. Diesel PAH Analytes Result MRL ' 2-Methylnaphthalene - ND 0.011 Acenaphthene ND 0.011 Naphthalene ND 0.011 Phenanthrene ND 0.011 MRL=Method Reporting Limit. ND =Not Detected above MRL. Extraction Surrogate ID: WHY042303A Fractionation Surrogate ID: WHY051403A Extraction Surrogate % Rec. Limits Fractionation Surrogate % Rec. Limits 1-Chlorooctadecane 66 40-140 2-Bromonaphthalene 55 40-140 O-Terphenyl 91 40-140 2-Fluorobiphenyl 74 40-140 Approved By: ►^'. `'> Date: 1) !t l6 Page 1 of 1 F" MDP ' 185 Frances Avenue,'Cranston, R102910-2211 Tel.: 40i-461-718i Fax: 401 461-4486 http:/lwww.EssLaboratory.com An Equal Oppom ily Employer ESS Laboratory ' Division of Thielsch Engineering, Inc. ' CERTIFICATE OF ANALYSIS ' Volatile Petroleum Hydrocarbon (VPH) Analysis Method For Ranges and Target Analytes: MADEP VPH 98-1 Client Name: Gannett Fleming ESS Project ID: 03050272 ' Client Project ID: Verizon ESS Sample ID: 03050272-01 Client Sample ID: GF-4 Matrix: Ground Water Date Sampled: 5/20/03 Alkane Dilution: 1 Date Analyzed: 05/22/03 Aromatic Dilution: 1 Analyst: MD Percent Solid: N/A Container: Satisfactory Sample Amount: 5ml Preservative: HCl Temperature: See Chain ' Methanol Volume: N/A Extraction Method: 5030 Units: mg/L Range Name Result MRL CS-C$ Aliphatic Hydrocarbons',' ND 0.1 C9 C,,Aliphatic Hydrocarbons',' ND 0.1 C,-C,o Aromatic Hydrocarbons' ND 0.1 ' = Range result excludes concentrations of surrogates and internal standards eluting in that range. Z = Range result excludes concentrations of target analytes eluting in that range. ' =Range result excludes the concentration of the C9 C,,, aromatic range. Compound Name Result MRL ' Benzene ND 0.005 Ethylbenzene ND 0.005 Methyl tert-butyl ether ND 0.004 ' Naphthalene ND 0.01 Toluene ND 0.015 m- &p-Xylenes ND 0.02 ' o-Xylene ND 0.01 MRL = Method Reporting Limit. ND =Not Detected above MRL. Method Surrogate ID: WV050603F Extraction Surrogate ID: N/A Method Surrogate % Rec. Limits Extraction Surrogate % Rec. Limits Bromofluorobenzene 96 70-130 Approved By: Date: Page 1 of 1 MDP ' 185 FrancesAvenlle,Cranston, RT 029 10-22 11 Tel.:401-461-7181 Fax: 401-461-4486 http://www.EssLaboratory.com An Equal Opportunity Employer - r ESS Laboratory rDivision of Thielsch Engineering, Inc. ' CERTIFICATE OF ANALYSIS Extractable Petroleum Hydrocarbon (EPH) Analysis (Modified) ' Method For Ranges: MADEP EPH 98-1, Method For Target Analytes: 8270C Client Name: Gannett Fleming ESS Project ID: 03050272 ' Client Project ID: Verizon ESS Sample ID: 03050272-04 Client Sample ID: GF-9A Matrix: Ground Water Date Sampled: 5/20/03 F1 Dilution: 1 ' Date Extracted: 05/21/03 F2 Dilution: 1 Date Analyzed: 05/22/03 Percent Solid: N/A Analyst: CLB Sample Amount: 890m1 Container: Satisfactory Temperature: See Chain Preservative: HCl Extraction Method: 3510C Units: mg/L Range Name Result NtRL ' C,-C,, Aliphatic Hydrocarbons' 0.2 0.2 C1,-C3, Aliphatic Hydrocarbons' ND 0.2 C„-C,,Unadjusted Aromatic Hydrocarbons' ND 0.2 C„-C22 Aromatic Hydrocarbons',2 ND 0.2 ' = Range result excludes concentrations of surrogates and internal standards eluting in that range. 2=Range result excludes concentrations of target analytes eluting in that range. r Diesel PAH Analytes Result MRL ' 2-Methylnaphthalene ND 0.011 Acenaphthene ND 0.011 Naphthalene ND 0.011 Phenanthrene ND 0.011 MRL=Method Reporting Limit. ND =Not Detected above MRL. r r r Extraction Surrogate ID: WHY042303A Fractionation Surrogate ID: WHY051403A Extraction Surrogate % Rec. Limits Fractionation Surrogate % Rec. Limits 1-Chlorooctadecane 71 40-140 2-Bromonaphthalene 48 40-140 O-Terphenyl 80 40-140 2-Fluorobiphenyl 71 40-140 r Approved By: t< Date: a ; Page 1 of 1 MDP ' 185 Frances Avenue,Cranston,R1 02910-2`211 "pet.:401-46i-7181 Fax: 40.1-461-4486 http://www.EssLaboi-atory.conl An Equal Opponuniiy Employer . ESS Laboratory ' Division of Thielsch Engineering, Inc. ' CERTIFICATE OF ANALYSIS ' Volatile Petroleum Hydrocarbon (VPH) Analysis Method For Ranges and Target Analytes: MADEP VPH 98-1 Client Name: Gannett Fleming ESS Project ID: 03050272 Client Project ID: Verizon ESS Sample ID: 03050272-04 Client Sample ID: GF-9A Matrix: Ground Water Date Sampled: 5/20/03 Alkane Dilution: 1 ' Date Analyzed: 05/22/03 Aromatic Dilution: 1 Analyst: MD Percent Solid: N/A Container: Satisfactory Sample Amount: 5ml ' Preservative: HCl Temperature: See Chain Methanol Volume: N/A Extraction Method: 5030 Units: mg/L Range Name Result MRL C,-Ca Aliphatic Hydrocarbons',' ND 0.1 C9 C,,Aliphatic Hydrocarbons" ND 0.1 C,-C,,,Aromatic Hydrocarbons' ND 0.1 = Range result excludes concentrations of surrogates and internal standards eluting in that range. z=Range result excludes concentrations of target analytes eluting in that range. 3 = Range result excludes the concentration of the C,-C,,,aromatic range. Compound Name Result MRL 1 Benzene ND 0.005 Ethylbenzene ND 0.005 Methyl tert-butyl ether ND 0.004 ' Naphthalene ND 0.01 Toluene ND 0.015 m- &p-Xylenes ND 0.02 ' o-Xylene ND 0.01 MRL=Method Reporting Limit. ND =Not Detected above MRL. �I II Method Surrogate ID: WV050603F Extraction Surrogate ID: N/A Method Surrogate % Rec. Limits Extraction Surrogate % Rec. Limits Bromofluorobenzene 98 70-130 Approved By: =s'' Date: y . Paize 1 of 1 ' MDP 185 Frances Avenue, Cranston, RI 02910-2211 Tel.: 401-461-7181 Fax: 401-461-4486 http://wwvv.EssLabot-atot-y.con-i An Equal Opportunity Employer ESS Lab-oratory rDivision of Thielsch Engineering, Inc. CERTIFICATE OF ANALYSIS Extractable Petroleum Hydrocarbon (EPH) Analysis (Modified) Method For Ranges: MADEP EPH 98-1, Method For Target Analytes: 8270C Client Name: Gannett Fleming ESS Project ID: 03050272 Client Project ID: Verizon ESS Sample ID: 03050272-02 Client Sample ID: GF-10 Matrix: Ground Water Date Sampled: 5/20/03 F1 Dilution: 1 Date Extracted: 05/21/03 F2 Dilution: 1 Date Analyzed: 05/22/03 Percent Solid: N/A Analyst: CLB Sample Amount: 940ml Container: Satisfactory Temperature: See Chain Preservative: HCl Extraction Method: 3510C Units. mg/L Range Name Result MRL C9 C,, Aliphatic Hydrocarbons' 0.3 0 2 C„-C3,Aliphatic Hydrocarbons' ND 0.2 C„-C,, Unadjusted Aromatic Hydrocarbons' 0.4 0 2 ' C„-C,,Aromatic Hydrocarbons',' 0.4 0.2 ' =Range result excludes concentrations of surrogates and internal standards eluting in that range. Z =Range result excludes concentrations of target analytes eluting in that range: Diesel PAH Analytes Result MRL- 2-Methylnaphthalene ND 0.011 Acenaphthene ND 0.011 Naphthalene ND 0.011 ' Phenanthrene ND 0.011 MRL =Method Reporting Limit. ND =Not Detected above MRL. e Extraction Surrogate ID: WHY042303A Fractionation Surrogate ID: WHY051403A ' Extraction Surrogate % Rec. Limits Fractionation Surrogate % Rec. Limits 1-Chlorooctadecane 64 40-140 2-Bromonaphthalene 56 40-140 O-Terphenyl 83 40-140 2-Fluorobiphenyl 77 40-140 ' Approved By: ^' Date: 7>. / Page 1 of 1 MDP 18 Frances Avenue, Cranston, RI029 0-221 Tel.:4.0I-461-/181 Fax: 401-461-4486 http://vvv w.EssLaboratory.coii :fin.Equal Cppmtuni I Employer ESS Laboratory Division of Thielsch Engineering, Inc. CERTIFICATE OF ANALYSIS Volatile Petroleum Hydrocarbon (VPH) Analysis Method For Ranges and Target Analytes: MADEP VPH 98-1 Client Name: Gannett Fleming ESS Project ID: 03050272 Client Project ID: Verizon ESS Sample ID: 03050272-02 Client Sample ID: GF-10 Matrix: Ground Water- Date Sampled: 5/20/03 Alkane Dilution: 1 Date Analyzed: 05/22/03 Aromatic Dilution: 1 Analyst: MD Percent Solid: N/A Container: Satisfactory Sample Amount: 5m1 Preservative: HCl Temperature: See Chain Methanol Volume: N/A Extraction Method: 5030 Units: mg/L Range Name Result MRL CS-C, Aliphatic Hydrocarbons',' ND 0.1 C9 C,Z Aliphatic Hydrocarbons'-3 0.227 0.1 C9-C,,Aromatic Hydrocarbons' ND 0.1 ' = Range result excludes concentrations of surrogates and internal standards eluting in that range. Z=Range result excludes concentrations of target analytes eluting in that range. 3 = Range result excludes the concentration of the C9 C,o aromatic range. - Compound Name Result MRL Benzene ND 0.005 Ethylbenzene ND 0.005 Methyl tert-butyl ether ND 0.00 ' Naphthalene ND 0.01 Toluene ND 0.01 S m- &p-Xylenes ND 0.02 o-Xylene ND 0.01 MRL = Method Reporting Limit. ND =Not Detected above MRL. Method Surrogate ID: WV050603F Extraction Surrogate ID: N/A ' Method Surrogate %Rec. Limits Extraction Surrogate % Rec. Limits Bromofluorobenzene 98 70-130 Approved By: < '� Date: Page 1 of 1 MAP ' 185 Frances Avenue, Cranston,RI 029 1 9-22 1'_ Te!.: 401-461-7181 Fax: 401­1,6i-4486 htrp.//.vu T,,gssr ahrj,at o,fr r.m �.. An Equal Opaor;un ity Employer ESS Laboratory ' Division of Thielsch Engineering, Inc. CERTIFICATE OF ANALYSIS ' Extractable Petroleum Hydrocarbon (EPH) Analysis (Modified) Method For Ranges: MADEP EPH 98-1, Method For Target Analytes: 8270C Client Name: Gannett Fleming ESS Project ID: 03050272 ' Client Project ID: Verizon ESS Sample ID: 03050272-03 Client Sample ID: GF-I I Matrix: Ground Water Date Sampled: 5/20/03 F1 Dilution: 1 Date Extracted: 05/21/0.3 F2 Dilution: 1 Date Analyzed: 05/22/03 Percent Solid: N/A Analyst: CLB Sample Amount: 960m1 ' Container: Satisfactory Temperature: See Chain Preservative: HCl Extraction Method: 3510C Units. mg/L Range Name Result MRL ' C9 C,, Aliphatic Hydrocarbons' ND 0.2 C19 C36 Aliphatic Hydrocarbons' ND 0.2 C„-C2, Unadjusted Aromatic Hydrocarbons' 0.3 0.2 ' C„—C22 Aromatic Hydrocarbons',' 0.3 0.2 ' = Range result excludes concentrations of surrogates and internal standards eluting in that range. z = Range result excludes concentrations of target analytes eluting in that range. Diesel PAH Analytes Result MRL 2-Methylnaphthalene ND 0.01 Acenaphthene ND 0.01 Naphthalene ND 0.01 Phenanthrene ND 0.01 MRL = Method Reporting Limit. ND =Not Detected above MRL. Extraction Surrogate ID: WHY042303A Fractionation Surrogate ID: WHY051403A ' Extraction Surrogate % Rec. Limits Fractionation Surrogate % Rec. Limits 1-Chlorooctadecane 75 40-140 2-Bromonaphthalene 61 40-140 O-Terphenyl 86 40-140 2-Fluorobiphenyl 79 40-140 ' Approved B t - --' Date: 'y- pp y Page 1 of 1 MDP ' t85 Frances Avenue,Cranston,RI 02910-22;1 Tel.: 40t-461-7181 Fax: 401-461-4486 http://www.EssLaboratory.coM An Equal Opportunity Employer ESS Laboratory Division of Thielsch Engineering, Inc. ' CERTIFICATE OFANALYSIS ' Volatile Petroleum Hydrocarbon (VPH) Analysis Method For Ranges and Target Analytes: MADEP VPH 98-1 Client Name: Gannett Fleming ESS Project ID: 03050272 Client Project ID: Verizon ESS Sample'ID: 03050272-03 Client Sample ID: GF-11 Matrix: Ground Water Date Sampled: 5/20/03 Alkane Dilution: 1 Date Analyzed: 05/22/03 Aromatic Dilution: 1 ' Analyst: MD Percent Solid: N/A Container: Satisfactory Sample Amount: 5ml Preservative: HCl Temperature: See Chain Methanol Volume: N/A Extraction Method: 5030 Units: mg/L ' Range Name Result MRL C,-C, Aliphatic Hydrocarbons',' ND 0.1 C9 C,2 Aliphatic Hydrocarbons" 0.185 0.1 C9 C,o Aromatic Hydrocarbons' ND 0.1 ' ' =Range result excludes concentrations of surrogates and internal standards eluting in that range. 2 = Range result excludes concentrations of target analytes eluting in that range. 3 = Range result excludes the concentration of the C9 C,, aromatic range. i Compound Name Result MR-L Benzene ND 0.005 Ethylbenzene ND 0.005 Methyl tert-butyl ether ND 0.00 Naphthalene ND Toluene ND 00.01 0.01 m- &p-Xylenes ND .015 o-Xylene ND 0.02 0.01 MRL=Method Reporting Limit. ND=Not Detected above MRL. Method Surrogate ID: WV050603F Extraction Surrogate ID: N/A Method Surrogate %Rec. Limits Extraction Surrogate % Rec. Limits Bromofluorobenzene 100 70-130 Approved By: �� Date: r Pagel of 1 / MDP t185 Frances Avenue, Cranston,R10.?910-2211 Tel.: 401-461-718i Fax: 401-461-4486 littp://",ww.EssLabot-atoi-y.com Equal Opportunity Employer I - QUALITY CONTROL SECTION 1 r t ESS Laboratory Division of Thielsch Engineering, Inc. ' CERTIFICATE OF ANALYSIS SS i Extractable Petroleum Hydrocarbon (EPH) Analysis (Modified) Method For Ranges: MADEP EPH 98-1, Method For Target Analytes: 8270C Client Name: Gannett Fleming ESS Project ID: 03050272 1 Client Project ID: Verizon ESS Sample ID: EF052103BI Client Sample ID: Method Blank Matrix: Aqueous Date Sampled: N/A F1 Dilution: 1 Date Extracted: 05/21/03 F2 Dilution: 1 Date Analyzed: 05/22/03 Percent Solid: N/A Analyst: CLB Sample Amount: 1000m1 ' Container: Satisfactory Temperature: See Chain Preservative: None Extraction Method: 351OC Units: mg/L Range Name Result MRL C9-C,, Aliphatic Hydrocarbons' ND 0.2 C,9—C36 Aliphatic Hydrocarbons' ND 0.2 C„-Cu Unadjusted Aromatic Hydrocarbons' ND 0.2 C„-C22 Aromatic Hydrocarbons',Z ND 0 2 ' = Range result excludes concentrations of surrogates and internal standards eluting in that range. 2 = Range result excludes concentrations of target analytes eluting in that range. Diesel PAH Aayytes Result MRL ' 2-Methylnaphthalene ND 0.01 Acenaphthene ND 0.01 Naphthalene ND 0.01 ' Phenanthrene ND 0.01 MRL=Method.Reporting Limit. ND =Not Detected above MRL. Extraction Surrogate ID: WHY042303A Fractionation Surrogate ID: WHY051403A ' Extraction Surrogate % Rec. Limits Fractionation Surrogate % Rec. Limits 1-Chlorooctadecane 76 40-140 2-Bromonaphthalene 61 40-140 O-Terphenyl 87 40-140 2-Fluorobiphenyl 69 40-140 Approved By: ,r: Date: % Page 1 of 1 / MDP 185 Frances Avenue, Cranston, RI 02910-2211 Tel.: 401-461-7181 Fax: 401-46t-4486 http://www.EssLaboratoiy.conn An Egiml Opportunity Employzt ESS Laborator't T J Division of Thielsch En ineerin g, Inc i CERTIFICATE OFANALYSIS ' Extractable Petroleum Hydrocarbon (EPH) Analysis Method For Ranges: MADEP EPH 98-1, Method For Target Analytes: 8270C Client Name: Gannett Fleming ESS Project ID: 03050272 Client Project ID: Verizon ESS Sample ID: EF0521039IBS Client Sample ID: Blank Spike Matrix: Aqueous Date Sampled: N/A Fl Dilution: 1 ' Date Extracted: 05/21/03 F2 Dilution: 1 Date Analyzed: 05/22/03 Percent Solid: N/A Analyst: CLB Sample Amount: 1000ml Container: Satisfactory Temperature: See Chain Preservative:. None Extraction Method: 3510C Units: mg/L Compound Name Result Recovery Limits Nonane(C9) 22 11-41 ' Tetradecane (C 14) 51 404 Nonadecane (C19) 69 40440 Eicosane(C20) 73 40-140 Octacosane(C28) 62 Naphthalene 57 40-140 Acenaphthene 68 40-140 Anthracene 106 40-140 Pyrene 108 40-140 Chrysene 113 40-140 ND =Not Detected. 40-140 Approved By: "J Date: Page 1 of 1 MDP 185 Frances Avenue,Cranston, RI 029 10-2211 Tel.: 401-461-7181 Fax: 401-45i-4486 http:/'/www.EssLaboratorv.com An Equal Opportunity Employer ESS Laboratory Division of Thielsch Engineering, Inc. ' CERTIFICATE OFANALYSIS ' Extractable Petroleum Hydrocarbon (EPH) Analysis Method For Ranges: MADEP EPH 98-1, Method For Target Analytes: 8270C Client Name: Gannett Fleming ESS Project ID: 03050272 ' Client Project ID: Verizon ESS Sample ID: EF052103B12BS Client Sample ID: Blank Spike Matrix: Aqueous Date Sampled: N/A F1 Dilution: 1 ' Date Extracted: 05/21/03 F2 Dilution: 1 Date Analyzed: 05/22/03 Percent Solid: N/A Analyst: CLB Sample Amount: 1000ml ' Container: Satisfactory Temperature: See Chain Preservative: None Extraction Method: 3510C Units: mg/L Compound Name Result Recovery Limits Nonane,(C9) 25 Tetradecane (C 14) 56 11-41 ' Nonadecane (C 19) 80 40-140 Eicosane(C20) 84 40-140 40-140 Octacosane (C28) 72 Naphthalene 44 40-140 Acenaphthene 52 40-140 Anthracene 99 40-140 Pyrene 104 40-140. Chrysene 111 40-140 40-140 ND =Not Detected. r t � r Approved By: Dater / Page 1 of 1 /` ? MDP ' 185 Frances Avenue, Cranston,RI02910-2211 Tel.: 401-461-7i81 Fax:401-461-4486 http://www.EssLaboi-atoi-y.com ,fin Equal Opportunity Employer y ESS Laboratory Division of Thielsch Engineering, Inc. 1 E C RTIFICATE OF ANALYSIS Volatile Petroleum Hydrocarbon (VPH) Analysis Method For Ranges and Target Analytes: MADEP VPH 98-1 Client Name: Gannett Fleming ESS Project ID: 03050272 ' Client Project ID: Verizon ESS Sample ID: VGB052203BI Client Sample ID: Method Blank Matrix: Aqueous Date Sampled: N/A Alkane Dilution: 1 ' Date Analyzed: 05/22/03 Aromatic Dilution: 1 Analyst: MD Percent Solid: N/A Container: Satisfactory Sample Amount: 5ml Preservative: N/A Temperature: N/A Methanol Volume: N/A Extraction Method: 5030 Units: mg/L Range Name Result MRL ' CS-C8 Aliphatic Hydrocarbons'-2 ND 0.1 C9 C,z Aliphatic Hydrocarbons',' ND 0.1 ' C9 C,o Aromatic Hydrocarbons' ND 0.1 ' = Range result excludes concentrations of surrogates and internal standards eluting in that range. 2 = Range result excludes concentrations of target analytes eluting in that range. ' 3 = Range result excludes the concentration of the C9 C,o aromatic range. Compound Name Result Benzene MRL ND 0.005 Ethylbenzene ND Methyl tert-butyl ether ND 0.005 Naphthalene ND 0. .01 0 0 Toluene ND 0.015 m- &p-Xylenes ND 0.02 o-Xylene ND 0.01 MRL=Method Reporting Limit. ND =Not Detected above MRL Method Surrogate ID: WV050603F Extraction Surrogate ID: N/A r Method Surrogate % Rec. Limits Extraction Surrogate % Rec. Limits Bromofluorobenzene 98 70-130 Approved By: Date: �`t Page 1 of 1 _ MDP 185 Frances Avenue,Cranston,RI 02910-2211 Tel.: 401-461-7 1.81 Fax: 401-461-4486 htt ://www.EssLab p oiatory.com An Equal Opportunity Employer ESS Laboratory Division of Thielsch Engineering, Inc. CERTI FICATE OF ANALYSIS ' Volatile Petroleum Hydrocarbon (VPH) Analysis Method For Ranges and Target Analytes: NL4,DEP VPH 98-1 Client Name: Gannett Fleming ESS Project ID: 03050272 ' Client Project ID: Verizon ESS Sample ID: VGB052203LC Client Sample ID: Blank Spike Matrix: Aqueous Date Sampled: N/A Alkane Dilution: 1 Date Analyzed: 05/22/03 Aromatic Dilution: 1 Analyst: MD Percent Solid: N/A Container: Satisfactory Sample Amount: 5ml Preservative: N/A Temperature: N/A Methanol Volume: N/A Extraction Method: 5030 Units: mg/L Compound Name Result' Recovery Limits Methyl tert-butyl ether 97 75-125 Benzene 100 Toluene 100 75-125 ' Ethylbenzene 100 75-125 m- &p-Xylenes 99 75-125 o-Xylene 98 75-125 75-125 Naphthalene 108 75-125 ND =Not Detected. Approved B �'6 pP Y� Date: Page 1 of 1 ' MDR 185 Frances Avenue, Cranston,RI 02910 221 i Tel.: 011_ 6;..;;gi Pax:40, 461-4436 http://vvwwl. ssi,abor r a[o .com An Equal Opponunity Empj(,), y - ' ESS LABORATORY ORATORY CERTIFICATIONS 1 . U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Soil and Water Navy Installation Restoration QA Program ' Soil and Water Connecticut: PH-0750 Maine: R1002 Maryland: 301 Potable Water, Massachusetts: M-RIO02 ' New Hampshire(NELAP): Drinlang Water: 242400-C Wastewater: 242400-D New Jersey(NELAP)R1002 ' Potable Water Non Potable Water Solid and Hazardous Waste New York(NELAP): 11313 Potable Water Non Potable Water Solid and Hazardous Waste ' North Carolina: 44701 Potable Water(Organics) 1 Pennsylvania: 68-934 Rhode Island: 179 SUnited States Department of Agriculture Soil Permit: S-54210 II �a.rr t® rr r r r■ rr rr rr rr rr rr rr rr rr rr S rL ® CHAIN ®F CUSTODY Page of� Division Of I Thzelsch Engineering, nc. Turn Time Standard Other Rcportin Limits I;SS LAI3 PIt.OJI:C'I'ID 185 FYaI1Ces Avenue, Cranston, RI OZ)1 O-ZZ 11. It faster than 5 days,pT1UT approval by laboratory is required# Tel. (401) 461-7181 Fax (401) 461-4486 S ere camp es were collected from: lu A RI CT NH N NY ME Other L' ���':esslaboratory.com � Electronic Deliverable t-i�-project for any of the followin4: MA-MCP* Navy USACE Other —Yes No Co. \ame: a Format T Project# Project Name,ze Gtlu.or less)z;t:i 3 f"�` '¢ ' Circle and/or Write Regttired Analysis 3 7Ce C ( � �� Address N 5U u cont.ac.tt P'rson Add re i J e1��5 i ..��j��er..�`..� ✓ ! /1.? %S�T7 `[ / ���//J C-• �1�✓! lJ N - O c Ciro r Stare l.i�/ PO# [ /z���% o72 Ic a T C N 00 a U Telel:>hone# __ j `� 1ras1# Imajl Ad es (j o`�'oU� N° ._/'e?/. •C./ C./ ``.` `" __, /-//�� J w d �O tea. U �Cv/ 1 (J -�dJ 0 U 0 _1- �0 O ESS LAB Date Collection r. � o N00 N� Sample# Time e H Sam le Identification E " �� �__ 82 z i p l 0 Cl,ar.or less) z .a �F �` V U v CL )2 �CXI ,`�.c� l\ Ct6L; 67 —�� Z c4'� s 3�y c Container"Type: P-Poly G-Glass S-Sterile: V--VOA T'Iarris: S-Soil SD-Solid D-Sludge WW-Waste Water G'W-Ground Water SW-Surface Water DW-Drinking Water O-Oil W-Wipes r=niters Cooler Present Yes _No Internal Use Only — Comments: Seals Intact Yes _No NA: ✓ [ Pickup V P H 4J Cooler"Temp: � �' [ ]Technicians �� ,/ / ! ,L� 75 Kc.hngz�ishui r ,Sr n truce Date/ ime T Re en,'e bv: (;ignature) Date/Tine Relinquished bv:(Signature) Date/Tithe R eived by: " Y nat (Sr g a e/Time Rrljriquisheii b'c' (Signature Datei i '� L' � il.�� ,T me Received 'tr by: St nature ( , ) Dare%Time Relinquished by: :rg.nature) Dare/Time ivied b (Signature)y: ( g ) Date/Tine MADI 6'requires dl:,e all additional calibrated analyses found Burin, ESS Laboratory rDivision of Thielsch Engineering, Inc. CERTIFICATE OFANALYSIS PROJECT NARRATIVE PAGE ONE OF TWO CLIENT: Gannett Fleming CLIENT PROJECT ID: Verizon ESS PROJECT ID: 03020035 Sample Receipt 5 Ground Water samples were received on February 05, 2003 for the analysis specified on the enclosed Chain of Custody Record. ' Analytical Summary The project as described above has been analyzed in accordance with the ESS Quality Assurance Plan. This plan utilizes the following methodologies: US EPA SW-846,US EPA Methods for Chemical Analysis of Water and Wastes per 40 CFR Part 136, APHA Standard Methods for the Examination of Water and Wastewater, American Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM), and other recognized methodologies. The analyses with these noted observations are in conformance to the Quality Assurance Plan. In chromatographic analysis, manual integration may be used instead of automated integration because it produces more accurate results. EPH Analysis The following modification to the MASS EPH Method was performed: The Aromatic Fraction and Target PAH analytes were analyzed by GC/MS. Nonane has proven to be a poor performer for this methodology. Laboratory generated limits are used to assess quality control data. No other observations noted. ' This signed Certificate of Analysis is our approved Y pp release of your analytical results. Beginning with this Project Narrative, the entire report has been paginated. The Chain of Custody is the final report page. This report should not be copied except in full without the approval of the laboratory. Continued 185 Frances Avenue, Cranston- RI 029 1 0-22 11 TeL 4An EL10ill 01 461111171"81„ Fax: 401-461-4486 http://www.thielsch.com t ,i yC1 ESS Laboratory Division of Thielsch Engineering, Inc. CERTIFICATE OF ANALYSIS PROJECT NARRATIVE PAGE TWO OF TWO CLIENT: Gannett Fleming CLIENT PROJECT ID: Verizon ESS PROJECT ID: 03020035 CERTIFICATION Were any significant modifications made to the MADEP VPH and EPH method? No )�_Yes—Details Above Were all QA/QC procedures REQUIRED by the VPH and EPH method followed? �( Yes No—Details Above Were all performance/acceptance standards for required QA/QC procedures achieved? Yes _No—Details Above I attest under the pains and penalties of perjury that, based upon m in ui o those P Y Q ry f individuals immediately responsible for obtaining the information, the material contained in this report is, to the best of my knowledge and belief, accurate and complete. End of project narrative. -Laurel Stc cdd'ard/Eric Baanante Date 1 Laboratory Director/Operations Manager 185 Frances Avenue, Cranston, RI 029 10-22 1 1 Tel.: 401-461-7181 Fax: 401-461-4486 http://www.thielsch.com . An Equal opporiuniip Employer ESS Laboratory Division of Thielsch Engineering, Inc. CERTIFICATE OF ANALYSIS Extractable Petroleum Hydrocarbon (EPH) Analysis (Modified) Method For Ranges: MADEP EPH 98-1, Method For Target Analytes: 8270C Client Name: Gannett Fleming ESS Project ID: 03020035 Client Project ID: Verizon ESS Sample ID: 03020035-02 Client Sample ID: GF-4 Matrix: Ground Water Date Sampled: 2/3/03 Fl Dilution: 1 Date Extracted: 02/06/03 F2 Dilution: 1 Date Analyzed: 02/07/03 Percent Solid: N/A Analyst: CLB Sample Amount: 950ml Container: Satisfactory Temperature: See Chain Preservative: HCl Extraction Method: 3510C Units: mg/L Range Name Result MRL C9 C,,Aliphatic Hydrocarbons' ND 0.2 C19-C3,Aliphatic Hydrocarbons' ND 0.2 C„-C2,Unadjusted Aromatic Hydrocarbons' 0.3 0.2 C„-C,Aromatic Hydrocarbons'2 0.3 0.2 ' =Range result excludes concentrations of surrogates and internal standards eluting in that range. 2=Range result excludes concentrations of target analytes eluting in that range. Diesel PAH Analytes Result MRL 2-Methylnaphthalene ND 0.011 Acenaphthene ND 0.011 Naphthalene ND 0.011 Phenanthrene ND 0.011 MRL=Method Reporting Limit. ND =Not Detected above MF.L. Extraction Surrogate ID: WH`_1120902A Fractionation Surrogate ID: WHY011703A Extraction Surrogate % Rec. Limits Fractionation Surrogate % Rec. Limits 1-Chlorooctadecane 80 40-140 2-Bromonaphthalene 102 40-140 O-Terphenyl 103 40-140 2-Fluorobiphenyl 106 40-140 /24 Approved B `' pp y: ' .=�' Dater Page 1 of 1 MDP 185 Frances Avenue, Cranston, RI0?910-2211 Tel.: 401-461-7181 Fax: 401-461-4486 http://www.thielseh.com _ An Equal oppnnuniw Employer ESS Laboratory Division of Thielsch Engineering, Inc. CERTIFICATE OFANALYSIS Volatile Petroleum Hydrocarbon (VPH) Analysis Method For Ranges and Target Analytes: MADEP VPH 98-1 Client Name: Gannett Fleming ESS Project ID: 03020035 Client Project ID: Verizon ESS Sample ID: 03020035-02 Client Sample ID: GF-4 Matrix: Ground Water Date Sampled: 2/3/03 Alkane Dilution: 1 Date Analyzed: 02/06/03 Aromatic Dilution: 1 Analyst: MD Percent Solid: N/A Container: Satisfactory Sample Amount: 5ml Preservative: HCl Temperature: See Chain Methanol Volume: N/A Extraction Method: 3510 Units: mg/L Range Name Result MRL CS-C, Aliphatic Hydrocarbons', ND 0.1 Cl-C,2 Aliphatic Hydrocarbons',' 0.186 0.1 C,-C,,,Aromatic Hydrocarbons' 0.117 0.1 ' =Range result excludes concentrations of surrogates and internal standards eluting in that range. z=Range result excludes concentrations of target analytes eluting in that range. 3 =Range result excludes the concentration of the C,-C,,, aromatic.range. II Compound Name Result Benzene ND Mom' Ethylbenzene ND 0.005 Methyl tert-butyl ether ND 0.005. Naphthalene ND 0.004 Toluene ND 0.01 in-- &p-Xylenes ND 0 . o-Xylene ND 1 t` MRL=Method Reporting Limit. ND =Not Detected above MRL. Method Surrogate ID: WV120302E Extraction Surrogate ID: N/A Method Surrogate % Rec. Limits Extraction Surrogate % Rec. Limits Bromofluorobenzene (FID) 92 70-130 Trifluorotoluene (FID) N/A 70-130 Bromofluorobenzene (PID) 90 70-130 Trifluorotoluene (PID) N/A 70-130 A roved BY: ��� Date: pp t Page 1 of 1 MDP 185 Frances Avenue, Cranston, RI 029 1 0-22 11 Tel.: 401-461-7181 Fax: 401-461-4486 http://www.thielsch.com An Equal Oppommily Empluye, ESS Laboratory Division of Thielsch Engineering, Inc. CERTIFICATE OFANALYSIS Extractable Petroleum Hydrocarbon (EPH) Analysis (Modified) Method For Ranges: MADEP EPH 98-1, Method For Target Analytes: 8270C Client Name: Gannett Fleming ESS Project ID: 03020035 Client Project ID: Verizon ESS Sample ID: 03020035-01. Client Sample ID: GF-5 Matrix: Ground Water Date Sampled: 2/3/03 F1 Dilution: 1 Date Extracted: 02/06/03 F2 Dilution: 1 Date Analyzed: 02/07/03 Percent Solid: N/A Analyst: CLB Sample Amount- 960ml Container: Satisfactory Temperature: See Chain i Preservative: HCI Extraction Method: 3510C Units: mg/L Range Name Result MRL C9 C,, Aliphatic Hydrocarbons' ND C19—C36 Aliphatic Hydrocarbons' ND 0.20 2 C1,—C22 Unadjusted Aromatic Hydrocarbons' ND' 0 2 C„—C22 Aromatic Hydrocarbons'-' ND 0.2 ' =Range result excludes concentrations of surrogates and internal standards eluting in that range. ,1 2=Range result excludes concentrations of target analytes eluting in that range. Diesel PAH Analytes Result MRL 2-Methylnaphthalene ND 0.01 Acenaphthene ND 0.01 Naphthalene. ND 0.01 Phenanthrene ND 0.01 MRL=Method Reporting Limit. ND =Not Detected above MRL. Extraction Surrogate ID: WHY120902A Fractionation Surrogate ID: WHY011703A Extraction Surrogate °% Rec. Limits Fractionation Surrogate % Rec. Limits 1-Chlorooctadecane 82 40-140 2-Bromonaphthalene 104 40-140 O-Terphenyl 98 40-140 2-Fluorobiphenyl 110 40-140 Approved By: 4, ,9. s Date: Page 1 of 1 MDP. 185 Frances Avenue, Cranston, RI 02910-2211 Tel.: 401-461-7181 Fax: 401-461-4486 http://www.thielsch.com An Equal Opportunity Employer . ESS Laboratory Division of Thielsch Engineering, Inc. CERTIFICATE OF ANALYSIS Volatile Petroleum Hydrocarbon (VPH) Analysis Method For Ranges and Target Analytes: N ADEP VPH 98-1 Client Name: Gannett Fleming ESS Project ID: 03020035 Client Project ID: Verizon ESS Sample ID: 03020035-01 Client Sample ID: GF-5 Matrix: Ground Water Date Sampled: 2/3/03 Alkane Dilution: 1 Date Analyzed: 02/06/03 Aromatic Dilution: 1 Analyst: MD Percent Solid: N/A Container: Satisfactory Sample Amount: 5m1 Preservative: HCl Temperature: See Chain Methanol Volume: N/A Extraction Method: 3510 Units: mg/L Range Name Result MRL C,-C, Aliphatic Hydrocarbons',' ND 0.1 C,—C,2 Aliphatic Hydrocarbons" ND 0.1 C,-C,o Aromatic Hydrocarbons' ND 0.1 ' = Range result excludes concentrations of surrogates and internal standards eluting in that range. z= Range result excludes concentrations of target analytes eluting in that range. 3= Range result excludes the concentration of the C9 C,o aromatic range. . Compound Name Result MRL Benzene ND Ethylbenzene ND 0005 Methyl tert-butyl ether ND 0.005 rNaphthalene ND 0. .01 Toluene ND 00 0.015 m- &p-Xylenes ND 0.02 o-Xylene ND 0.01 . MRL=Method Reporting Limit. ND =Not Detected above MRL. Method Surrogate ID: WV120302E Extraction Surrogate ID: N/A Method Surrogate % Rec. Limits Extraction Surrogate % Rec. Limits Bromofluorobenzene (FID) 90 70-130 Trifluorotoluene (FID) N/A 70-130 Bromofluorobenzene (PID) 92 70-130 Trifluorotoluene (PID) N/A 70-130 Approved By: dam' Date: Page 1 of 1 MD .. . 185 Frances Avenue, Cranston, RI 029 10-22 1 1 Tel.: 401-461-7181 Fax: 401-461-4486 http://www.thielsch.com An Equal opponuniry Employer ESS Laboratory Division of Thielsch Engineering,Inc. CERTIFICATE OF ANALYSIS Extractable Petroleum Hydrocarbon (EPH) Analysis (Modified) Method For Ranges: MADEP EPH 98-1, Method For Target Analytes: 82-70C Client Name: Gannett Fleming ESS Project ID: 03020035 Client Project.ID: Verizon ESS Sample ID: 03020035-03 Client Sample ID: GF-9A Matrix: Ground Water Date Sampled: 2/3/03 - F1 Dilution: 1 Date Extracted: 02/06/03 F2 Dilution: 1 Date Analyzed: 02/07/03 Percent Solid: N/A Analyst: CLB Sample Amount: 960ml Container: Satisfactory Temperature: See Chain Preservative: HCl Extraction Method: 3510C Units: mg/L Range Name Result MRL C9-C,,Aliphatic Hydrocarbons' ND 0.2 C19 C3,Aliphatic Hydrocarbons' AID 0.2 C„-C,,Unadjusted Aromatic Hydrocarbons' ND 0.2 C„-C2,Aromatic Hydrocarbons',2 ND 0.2 ' =Range result excludes concentrations of surrogates and internal standards eluting in that range. 2= Range result excludes concentrations of target analytes eluting in that range. Diesel PAH Analytes Result MRL 2-Methylnaphthalene ND 0.01 Acenaphthene ND 0.01 Naphthalene ND 0.01 Phenanthrene ND 0.01 MRL=Method Reporting Limit. ND =Not Detected above MRL. 1 Extraction Surrogate ID: WHY120902A Fractionation Surrogate ID: WHY011703A Extraction Surrogate % Rec. Limits Fractionation Surrogate % Rec. Limits 1-Chlorooctadecane 102 40-140 2-Bromonaphthalene 116 40-140 O-Terphenyl 122 40-140 2-Fluorobiphenyl 128 '40-140 Approved By: --s Date: IF f E1 ' Page 1 of 1 MDP 185 Frances Avenue, Cranston, RI 029 10-22 11 Tel.: 401-461-7181 Fax: 401-461-4486 http://www.thielsch.com An Equal Opp o funky Employer f ESS Laboratory Division of Thielsch Engineering, Inc. CERTIFICATETOFANALYSIS Volatile Petroleum Hydrocarbon (VPH) Analysis Method For Ranges and Target Analytes: MADEP VPH 98-1 Client Name: Gannett Fleming ESS Project ID: 03020035 Client Project ID: Verizon ESS Sample ID: 03020035-03 '- Client Sample ID: GF-9A Matrix: Ground Water Date Sampled: 2/3/03 Alkane Dilution: 1 Date Analyzed: 02/06/03 Aromatic Dilution: 1 Analyst: MD Percent Solid: N/A Container: Satisfactory Sample Amount: 5ml Preservative: HCl Temperature: See Chain Methanol Volume: N/A Extraction Method: 3510 Units: mg/L Range Name Result MRL CS-C$Aliphatic Hydrocarbons',' ND 0.1 C9-C,2 Aliphatic Hydrocarbons'' ND 0.1 C,-C,o Aromatic Hydrocarbons' ND 0.1 ' =Range result excludes concentrations of surrogates and internal standards eluting in that range. Z=Range result excludes concentrations,of target analytes eluting in that range. ' = Range result excludes the concentration of the C9-C,a aromatic range. Compound Name Result MRL Benzene ND Ethylbenzene ND 0.005 Methyl tert-butyl ether ND 0.005 Naphthalene ND 0.004 ' Toluene ND 0.01 m- &p-Xylenes ND 0.015 o-Xylene ND 0.02 MRL=Method Reporting Limit. 0.01 ND=Not Detected above MRL. Method Surrogate ID: WV120302E Extraction Surrogate ID: N/A ' Method Surrogate % Rec. Limits Extraction Surrogate % Rec. Limits Bromofluorobenzene (FID) 92 70-130 Trifluorotoluene(FID) N/A 70-130 Bromofluorobenzene (PID) 94 70-130 Trifluorotoluene (PID) N/A 70-130 r Approved By: Date: r� Page 1 of 1 MDP ._ . 185 Frances Avenue, Cranston, RI 02910-2211 Tel.: 401-461-7181 Fax: 401-461-4486 http://www.thielsch.com An Equal Opponuniiy Employer ESS Laboratory Division of Thielsch Engineering, Inc. CERTIFICATE OF ANALYSIS Extractable Petroleum Hydrocarbon (EPH) Analysis (Modified) Method For Ranges: MADEP EPH 98-1, Method For Target Analytes: 8270C Client Name: Gannett Fleming ESS Project ID: 03020035 Client Project ID: Verizon ESS Sample ID: 03020035-04 Client Sample ID: GF-10 Matrix: Ground Water Date Sampled: 2/3/03 F1 Dilution: 1 Date Extracted: 02/06/03 F2 Dilution: 1 Date Analyzed: 02/07/03 Percent Solid: N/A Analyst: CLB Sample Amount: 980m1 Container: Satisfactory Temperature: See Chain Preservative: HCl Extraction Method: 3510C Units: mg/L Range Name Result MRL C,-C1,Aliphatic Hydrocarbons' 1 0.2 C„C3,Aliphatic Hydrocarbons' 0.3 0.2 C„-C,,Unadjusted Aromatic Hydrocarbons' 0.9 0 2 C„-C,,Aromatic Hydrocarbons'- 0.9 0.2 ' =Range result excludes concentrations of surrogates and internal standards eluting in that range. 2=Range result excludes concentrations of target analytes eluting in that range. Diesel PAH Analytes Result MRL 2-Methylnaphthalene ND 0.01 Acenaphthene ND 0.01 Naphthalene 0.011 0.01 Phenanthrene ND 0.01 MRL=Method Reporting Limit. ND =Not Detected above MRL. Extraction Surrogate ID: WHY120902A Fractionation Surrogate ID: WHY011703A Extraction Surrogate % Rec. Limits Fractionation Surrogate % Rec. Limits 1-Chlorooctadecane 100 40-140 2-Bromonaphthalene 91 40-140 O-Terphenyl 110 40-140 2-Fluorobiphenyl 107 40-140 Approved By: '� '` Date: , Page 1 of 1 nIDP 185 Frances Avenue, Cranston, R[029 1 0-22 1 1 Tel.: 401-461-7181 Fax: 401-461-4486 http://www.thielsch.com An Egmd Oppommity Employer ESS Laboratory ' Division of Thielsch Engineering, Inc. CERTIFICATE OF ANALYSIS Volatile Petroleum Hydrocarbon (VPH) Analysis Method For Ranges and Target Analytes: MADEP VPH 98-1 .Client Name: Gannett Fleming ESS Project ID: 03020035 ' Client Project ID: Verizon ESS Sample ID: 03020035-04 Client Sample ID: GF-10 Matrix: Ground Water Date Sampled: 2/3/03 Alkane Dilution: 1 Date Analyzed: 02/06/03 Aromatic Dilution: 1 Analyst: MD Percent Solid: N/A Container: Satisfactory Sample Amount: 5ml Preservative: HCl Temperature: See Chain Methanol Volume: N/A Extraction Method: 3510 Units: mg/L Range Name Result MRL C,-C, Aliphatic Hydrocarbons'-2 0.105 0.1 C,—C,2 Aliphatic Hydrocarbons" 0.56 0.1 C9 C,o Aromatic Hydrocarbons' 0.339 0.1 ' =Range result excludes concentrations of surrogates and internal standards eluting in that range. 2= Range result excludes concentrations of target analytes eluting in that range. 3 =Range result excludes the concentration of the C9 C,,, aromatic range. Compound Name Result MRL Benzene ND 0.005 Ethylbenzene 0.019 0.005 Methyl tert-butyl ether ND 0.004 ' Naphthalene 0.03 0.01 Toluene ND 0.015 m- &p-Xylenes ND 0.02 o-Xylene ND 0.01 MRL= Method Reporting Limit. ND =Not Detected above MRL. Method Surrogate ID: WV120302E Extraction Surrogate ID: N/A ' Method Surrogate % Rec. Limits Extraction Surrogate % Rec. Limits Bromofluorobenzene (FID) 100 70-130 Trifluorotoluene (FID) N/A 70-130 ' Bromofluorobenzene (PID) 96 70-130 Trifluorotoluene (PID) N/A 70-130 Approved By: Date: Page 1 of 1 MDP ' 185 Frances Avenue, Cranston, RI 029 1 0-22 1 1 Tel.: 401-461-7181 Fax: 401-461-4486 http://www.thielsch.com An Egwd Opo-lunity Employer I ESS Laboratory rDivision of Thielsch Engineering,Inc. CERTIFICATE OF ANALYSIS ' Extractable Petroleum Hydrocarbon (EPH) Analysis (Modified) Method For Ranges: MADEP EPH 98-1, Method For Target Analytes: 8270C Client Name: Gannett Fleming ESS Project ID: 03020035 ' Client Project ID: Verizon ESS Sample ID: 03020035-05 Client Sample ID: GF-I I Matrix: Ground Water Date Sampled: 2/3/03 F 1 Dilution: 1 ' Date Extracted: 02/06/03 F2 Dilution: 1 Date Analyzed: 02/07/03 Percent Solid: N/A Analyst: CLB Sample Amount: 990ml Container: Satisfactory Temperature: See Chain Preservative: HCl Extraction Method: 3510C Units: mg/L Range Name Result MRL ' C,—C1,Aliphatic Hydrocarbons' 0.9 0 2 C19 C3,Aliphatic Hydrocarbons' 0.3 0.2 C„-C22 Unadjusted Aromatic Hydrocarbons' 0.8' 0 2 C„-CZZ Aromatic Hydrocarbons',' 0.8 0.2 ' =Range result excludes concentrations of surrogates and internal standards eluting in that range. 2=Range result excludes concentrations of target analytes eluting in that range. Diesel PAH Analytes Result MRL 2-Methylnaphthalene ND 0.01 Acenaphthene ND 0.01 Naphthalene ND 0.01 Phenanthrene ND 0.01 MRL=Method Reporting Limit. ND =Not Detected above MRL. Extraction Surrogate ID: W IY120902A Fractionation Surrogate ID: WHY011703A Extraction Surrogate % Rec. Limits Fractionation Surrogate % Rec. Limits 1-Chlorooctadecane 78 40-140 2-Bromonaphthalene 90 40-140 O-Terphenyl 102 40-140 2-Fluorobiphenyl 111 40-140 Approved By: - Date: Page 1 of 1 MDP ' 185 Frances Avenue, Cranston, RI 02910-2211 Tel.: 401-461-7181 Fax: 401-461-4486 http://www.thielsch.com An Equal Oppornmity Employer ESS Laboratory ' Division of Thielsch Engineering, Inc. CERTIFICATE OF ANALYSIS ' Volatile Petroleum Hydrocarbon (VPH) Analysis Method For Ranges and Target Analytes: NVIADEP VPH 98-1 Client Name: Gannett Fleming ESS Project ID: 03020035 ' Client Project ID: Verizon ESS Sample ID: .03020035-05 Client Sample ID: GF-1'l Matrix: Ground Water Date Sampled: 2/3/03 Alkane Dilution: 1 ' Date Analyzed: 02/06/03 Aromatic Dilution: 1 Analyst: MD Percent Solid: N/A Container: Satisfactory Sample Amount: 5ml ' Preservative: HCl Temperature: See Chain Methanol Volume: N/A Extraction Method: 3 510 Units: mg/L Range Name Result MRL CS-CB Aliphatic Hydrocarbons -' 0.104 0.1 C9 C,,Aliphatic Hydrocarbons' 0.296 0 1 C9 C,o Aromatic Hydrocarbons' 0.199,' 0.1' =Range result excludes concentrations of surrogates and internal standards eluting in that range. z= Range result excludes concentrations of target analytes eluting in that range. . 3 =Range result excludes the concentration of the Cg C,o aromatic range. Compound Name Result Benzene MRL 0.005 Ethylbenzene ND 0.005 Methyl tert-butyl ether ND ' Naphthalene ND 0.004 Toluene ND 0.01 m- &p-Xylenes ND 0.015 o-Xylene ND 0.02 MRL=Method Reporting Limit. ND =Not 0.01 Detected above MRL. Method Surrogate ID: WV 120302E Extraction Surrogate ID: N/A r Method Surrogate % Rec. Limits Extraction Surrogate % Rec. Limits Bromofluorobenzene (FID) 104 70-130 Trifluorotoluene (FID) N/A 70-130 ' Bromofluorobenzene (PID) 98 70-130 Trifluorotoluene (PID) N/A 70-130 ' Approved B : pP y 10 Date: Page 1 of 1 N4DP -185 Frances Avenue, Cranston, Rl 029 1 0-22 11 Tel.: 401-461-7181 Fax: 401-461-4486 http://www.thielsch.com An Equal Oppununiiy Employer QUALITY CONTROL SECTION Ii ESS Laboratory tDivision of Thielsch Engineering, Inc. CERTIFICATE OF ANALYSIS Extractable Petroleum Hydrocarbon (EPH) Analysis (Modified) Method For Ranges: MADEP EPH 98-1, Method For Target Analytes: 8270C Client Name: Gannett Fleming ESS Project ID: 03020035 Client Project ID: Verizon ESS Sample ID: EF020603BI Client Sample ID: Method Blank Matrix: Aqueous Date Sampled: N/A F1 Dilution: 1 ' Date Extracted: 02/06/03 F2 Dilution: 1 Date Analyzed: 02/07/03 Percent Solid: N/A Analyst: CLB Sample Amount: 1000m1 ' Container: Satisfactory Temperature: See Chain Preservative: None Extraction Method: 3510C Units: mg/L Range Name Result MRL C,-C,, Aliphatic Hydrocarbons' ND 0.2 C1,-C3,Aliphatic Hydrocarbons' ND 0.2 C„-Cu Unadjusted Aromatic Hydrocarbons' ND 0.2 ' C„-C,,Aromatic Hydrocarbons',' ND 0.2 ' =Range result excludes concentrations of surrogates and internal standards eluting in that range. 2= Range result excludes concentrations of target analytesleluting in that range. Diesel PAH Analytes Result MRL 2-Methylnaphthalene ND 0.01 Acenaphthene ND 0.01 Naphthalene ND 0.01 ' Phenanthrene ND 0.01 MRL=Method Reporting Limit. ND =Not Detected above MRL. Extraction Surrogate ID: WHY120902A Fractionation Surrogate ID: WHY011703A Extraction Surrogate % Rec. Limits Fractionation Surrogate % Rec. Limits 1-Chlorooctadecane 88 40-140 2-Bromonaphthalene 105 40-140 O-Terphenyl 115 40-140 2-Fluorobiphenyl 114 40-140 Approved By: 6..,_, F Date: - �{ ,` $ ;• - Page 1 of 1 ' MDP 185 Frances Avenue, Cranston, RI 029 1 0-22 1 1 Tel.: 401-461-7181 Fax: 401-461-4486 http://www.thielsch.com .An Equal Oppnnunity Employer ESS Laboratory ' Division of Thielsch Engineering, Inc. CERTIFICATE OFANALYSIS Extractable Petroleum Hydrocarbon (EPH) Analysis Method For Ranges: MADEP EPH 98-1,_Method For Target Analytes: 8270C Client Name: Gannett Fleming ESS Project ID: 03020035 ' Client Project ID: Verizon ESS Sample ID: EF020603BIBS Client Sample ID: Blank Spike Matrix: Aqueous Date Sampled: N/A F1 Dilution: 1 ' Date Extracted: 02/06/03 F2 Dilution: 1 Date Analyzed: 02/07/03 Percent Solid: N/A Analyst: CLB Sample Amount: 1000m1 Container: Satisfactory Temperature: See Chain Preservative: None Extraction Method: 3510C Units: mg/L ' Compound Name Result Recovery Limits Nonane(C9) 26 Tetradecane (C14) 47 11-41 40-140 Nonadecane (C 19) 73 Eicosane(C20) 78 40-140 Octacosane (C28) 83 40-140 Naphthalene 72 40-140 40-140 Acenaphthene 79 40-140 Anthracene -104 40-140 Pyrene 74 4.0-140 Chrysene 73 40-140 ND =Not Detected. Approved By: - Date: >f { Page 1 of 1 MDP ,-_., _ ' 185 Frances Avenue, Cranston, R 102910-2211 Tel.: 401-461-7181 Fax: 401-461-4486 http://www.thielsch.com An Equal Oppomnity Employer i ESS La*borator Division of Thielsch Engineering, Inc. U---:----CE—R-T-I--F-I-C-A--TE OFANALYSIS Extractable Petroleum Hydrocarbon (EPH) Analysis Method For Ranges: MADEP EPH 98-1, Method For Target Analytes: 8270C Client Name: Gannett Fleming ESS Project ID: 03020035 Client Project ID: Verizon ESS Sample ID: EF020603B12BS Client Sample ID: Blank Spike Matrix: Aqueous Date Sampled: N/A F1 Dilution: 1 Date Extracted: 02/06/03 F2 Dilution: 1 Date Analyzed: 02/07/03 Percent Solid: N/A Analyst: CLB Sample Amount: 1000ml ' Container: Satisfactory Temperature: See Chain Preservative: None Extraction Method: 3510C Units: mg/L Compound Name Result Recovery Limits Nonane(C9) ` 27 11 41 Tetradecane (C 14) 49 40-140 ' Nonadecane(C19) . 75 40-140 Eicosane(C20) 78 40-140 Octacosane (C28) 81 40-140 Naphthalene 85 40-140 Acenaphthene 87 40-140 Anthracene 103 40-140 Pyrene 71 40-140 Chrysene 66 40-140 ND =Not Detected. Approved By: Date: Page 1 of 1 MDP t 185 Frances Avenue, Cranston, RI 02910-2211 Tel.: 401-461-7181 Fax: 401-461-4486 http://www.thielsch.com An Equal Opportunity Employer ESS Laboratory Division of Thielsch Engineering, Inc. CERTIFICATE OF ANALYSIS Volatile Petroleum Hydrocarbon (VPH) Analysis Method For Ranges and Target Anal to g g y s. MADEP VPH 98-1 Client Name: Gannett Fleming ESS Project ID: 03020035 Client Project ID: Verizon ESS Sample ID: HAGB020603B 1 Client Sample ID: Method Blank Matrix: Aqueous Date Sampled: N/A Alkane Dilution: 1 ' Date Analyzed: 02/06/03 Aromatic Dilution: 1 Analyst: MD Percent Solid: N/A Container: Satisfactory Sample Amount: 5ml Preservative: N/A Temperature: N/A Methanol Volume: N/A Extraction Method: 3510 Units: mg/L Range Name Result MRL C,-CS Aliphatic Hydrocarbons'� ND 0.1 C,-C,,Aliphatic Hydrocarbons 3 ND 0.1 C,-C,o Aromatic Hydrocarbons' ND 0.1 ' ' =Range result excludes concentrations of surrogates and internal standards eluting in that range. 2 =Range result excludes concentrations of target analytes eluting in that range. 3 =Range result excludes the concentration of the C,-C,o aromatic range. Compound Name Result MRI✓ ' Benzene ND 0.005 Ethylbenzene ND 0.005 Methyl tert-butyl ether ND 0.00 Naphthalene ND Toluene ND 0.01 in- ' - &p-Xylenes ND .0.02 015 o-Xylene ND 0.01 MRL =Method Reporting Limit. ND =Not Detected above MRL. Method Surrogate ID: WV120302E Extraction Surrogate ID: N/A I ' Method Surrogate % Rec. Limits Extraction Surrogate % Rec. Limits Bromofluorobenzene (FID) 100 70-130 Trifluorotoluene(FID) N/A 70-130 Bromofluorobenzene (PID) 100 70-130 Trifluorotoluene (PID) N/A 70-130 t r, I Approved By: ;y: Date. Page 1 of 1 MDP 185 Frances Avenue, Cranston, RI 029 1 0-22 11 Tel.: 401-461-7181 Fax 401-461-4486 httpl//www.thielsch.com ' An Equal Oppornuiily Employer ESS Laboratory ' Division of Thielsch Engineering, Inc. n~ CERTIFICATE OF ANALYSIS Volatile Petroleum Hydrocarbon (VPH) Analysis Method For Ranges and Target Analytes: NUDEP VPH 98-1 Client Name: Gannett Fleming ESS Project ID: 03020035 Client Project ID: Verizon ESS Sample ID: HAGB020603LCSI Client Sample ID: Blank Spike Matrix: Aqueous Date Sampled: N/A Alkane Dilution: 1 Date Analyzed: 02/06/03 Aromatic Dilution: 1 Analyst: MD Percent Solid: N/A Container: Satisfactory Sample Amount: 5m1 Preservative: N/A Temperature: N/A Methanol Volume: N/A Extraction Method: 3510 Units: mg/L Compound Name Result Recovery Limits Methyl tert-butyl ether 93 75-125 Benzene 100 Toluene 99 75-125 ' Ethylbenzene 100 75-125 75-125 m- &p-Xylenes 108 o-Xylene 102 75-125 75-125 Naphthalene 118 ND —Not Detected. 75-125 Approved By: r� Date: 2 / (L Page 1 of 1 N4DP 185 Frances Avenue,Cranston, RI 02910-2211 Tel.: 401-461-7181 Fax: 401-461-4486 httpl//www.thielsch.com An Equol opportunity Employer ESS Laborat,ory Division of Thielseh Engineering, Inc. CERTIFICATE OF ANALYSIS Volatile Petroleum Hydrocarbon (VPH) Analysis Method For Ranges and Target Anal es: MADE g Yt P VPH 98 1 Client Name: Gannett Fleming ESS Project ID: 03020035 Client Project ID: Verizon ESS Sample ID: 03020035-OIDUP Client Sample ID: GF-5 Matrix: Ground Water Date Sampled: 2/3/03 Alkane Dilution: 1 ' Date Analyzed: 02/06/03 Aromatic.Dilution: 1 Analyst: NM Percent Solid: N/A Container: N/A Sample Amount: 5ml ' Preservative: HCl Temperature: See Chain Methanol Volume: N/A Extraction Method: 3510 Units: mg/L Range Name Sample Result Duplicate Result RPD RPD Limit CS C, Aliphatic Hydrocarbons12 ND ND 0 50 C,-C,,Aliphatic Hydrocarbons'' ND ND 0 50 C9 C,o Aromatic Hydrocarbons' ND ND 0 50 ' =Range result excludes concentrations of surrogates and internal standards eluting in that range. z=Range result excludes concentrations of target analytes eluting in that range. ' = Range result excludes the concentration of the C9-C10 aromatic range. Compound Name Sample Result Duplicate Result RPD RPD Limit ' Benzene ND ND 0 25 Ethylbenzene ND ND 0 25 Methyl tert-butyl ether ND ND Naphthalene ND ND 0 25 0 25 Toluene ND ND 0 25 m- &p-Xylenes ND ND 0 25 o-Xylene ND ND 0 25. RPD =Relative Percent Difference. ND=Not Detected above MRL. Approved B : wd pp Y �_ Date: Page 1 of 1 MDP ' 185 Frances Avenue, Cranston, RI 029 1 0-22 11 Tel.: 401-461-7181 Fax: 401-461-4486 http://www.thielsch.com An Equal opponuniry Employer ESS Laboratory Division of Thielsch.Engineering, Inc. CERTIFICATE OF ANALYSIS - Volatile Petroleum Hydrocarbon (VPH) Analysis Method For Ranges and Target Anal tes: MADEP VPH 98- 1 Client Name: Gannett Fleming ESS Project ID: 03020035 Client Project ID: Verizon ESS Sample ID: 03020035-OIMS Client Sample ID: GF-5 Matrix: Ground Water Date Sampled: 2/3/03 Alkane Dilution: l Date Analyzed: 02/06/03 Aromatic Dilution: 1 Analyst: MD Percent Solid: N/A Container: Satisfactory Sample Amount: 5ml Preservative: HCl' Temperature: See Chain Methanol Volume: N/A Extraction Method: 3510 Units: mg/L Compound Name Result Recovery Limits ' Methyl tert-butyl ether 84 70-13 0 Benzene 90 Toluene S8 70-13 0 ' Ethylbenzene 90 70-130 m- &p-Xylenes 95 70-13 0 o-Xylene 86 70-13 0 ' Naphthalene 102 70-13 0 ND =Not Detected. 70-130 I� ' n Approved By: ' Pagel of 1 tMDP 185 Frances Avenue, Cranston, RI 029 1 0-22 1 1 Tel.:401-461-7181 Fax: 401-461-4486 http://www.thielsch.com An Equ;d Oppormniry Employer � t ESS LABORATORY CERTIFICATIONS U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Soil and Water Navy Installation Restoration QA Program Soil and Water Connecticut: PH-0750 I Maine: R1002 Maryland: 301 Potable Water Massachusetts: M-RIO02 New Hampshire(NELAP): Drinking Water: 242400-C ' Wastewater: 242400-D ' New Jersey (NELAP) R1002 Potable Water Non Potable Water Solid and Hazardous Waste New York (NELAP): 11313 Potable Water Non Potable Water Solid and Hazardous Waste North Carolina: 44701 Potable Water(Organics) Pennsylvania: 68-934 Rhode Island: 179 United States Department of Agriculture Soil Permit: S-54210 ESS Laboratory Division of Thielsch Engineering, Inc. CHAIN OF CUSTODY. Page _ of " 185 Frances Avenue, Cranston,RI 02910-2211 Turn Time _ Standard(ems) Other Electronic D iv bles =1APROJECT Ili, Tel. (401) 461-7181 Fax (401) 461,-4486 If faster than 5 days,prior approval by laboratory is required# Yes wwwthielsch.com — "�.aHhere samples were collected from: AI CT NH NJ NY ME USACE Other Special Detection Limits Co.Name Formats Project# Pro ect Name zo( Char.or less) 64""F f jy h r � Analysis Required Contact'Person AddressJ . City State Zi PO Telephone# Fax o �.. Ema'1 ddr s U ESS LAB Date Collection x o Sample# Time ¢ H z p ¢ Sample Identification (20 Char.or less) 2 o U C cq Cif' 5., :y c --------------- yy < 4 Container Type: P-Poly G-Glass S-Sterile V-VOA Matrix: S-Solid D-Sludge WW-Waste Water GW-Ground Water SW Surface Water DW-Drinking Water O-Oil W-Wi es F-Filters Cooler Present 'i-s"Yes No Internal Use Only p — Seals Intact Yes _No NA: 6--"" [ ickup Comments: Cooler Temp: [ )Technicians Relinquished by: (Signature) Date/Time Received b (Signature)k� �` �•' y ( g ) Date/Time Re' quished y: (Signature) Date/Time Received b f �� -) - i!`1f (. �D �•+�•i�r `� y' ( u ) Date/Time Relinquished by: (Signature) Date/Time Received b ' 1 / y' (Si gnat Date/Time Relinquished by: i nature) Date/Time Received by: (Signature) Date/Time i r r r 1 r r r . FF r Appendix G Chemical and Physical Characterization of Petroleum PHYSICOCHEMICAL PROPERTIES—CONTAMINANTS OF CONCERN 3240 MAIN STREET BARNSTABLE,MA Constituent CAS Chemical Formula Physical State Boiling Diffusivity in Water Dissociation Density at 20 C Number Formula Weight Point (10-s cm 2/sec) Constant Benzene 71-43-2 C6 H6 78.11 Clear,colorless to light yellow watery liquid 80.100 1.02(20°C) 37 0.8765 with an aromatic or gasoline-like odor. Odor threshold in air is 0.84 ppm. Ethylbenzene 100-41-4 C8 Hlo 106.17 Clear,colorless liquid with a sweet,gasoline- 136.2 0..90(20°C) >15 0.8670 like odor. Odor threshold in air is 2.3 ppm. Toluene 108-88-3 C7 H8 92.14 Colorless,water-white liquid with a pleasant 110.6 0.85(20°C) 35 0.8669 odor similar to benzene. Odor threshold in air is 170 ppb Total Xylene 1330-20-7 C8 Hlo 106.17 Mobile,flammable liquid 137-140 NA NA 0.86 Naphthalene 91-20-3 CIO H8 128.2 White,volatile,crystalline flakes with a strong 217.942 0.70(20°C) >15 1.162 aromatic odor resembling coal-tar or moth balls. Odor threshold in air is 3 ppb. Acenaphthene 83-32-9 C12 Hlo 154.2 White crystalline solid. Odor threshold in air 279 0.64(20°C) >15 1.0242(@90C) ranges from 0.02 to 0.22 ppm. Phenanthrene 85-01-8 C14 Hlo 178.2 Colorless solid or monoclinic crystals,faint 340 0.59(20°C) >15 1.179 aromatic odor C9-C18 Aliphatics NA NA 170 Fraction of Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons Vanes NA NA NA C19-C36 Aliphatics NA NA NA Fraction of Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons Varies NA NA NA C11-C22 Unadjusted NA NA 150 Fraction of Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons Vanes NA NA NA Aromatics C5-C8 Aliphatics NA NA 93 Fraction of Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons Varies NA NA NA C9-C 12 Aliphatics NA NA 149 Fraction of Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons Vanes NA NA NA C9-C 10 Aromatics NA NA 120 Fraction of Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons Varies NA NA NA FF it Appendix H Environmental Fate and Transport Characteristics of Petroleum MIGRATION AND DISPERSAL CHARACTERISTICS - VOLATILE ORGANIC COMPOUNDS 3240 MAIN STREET BARNSTABLE, MA Constituent Photolysis Oxidation Hydrolysis Volatilization Sorption Bioaccumulation Biotransformation/ Biodegradation Benzene Photolysis is not Oxidation is not Hydrolysis is not Volatilization is Sorption is not Bioaccumulation is Benzene can be considered a significant considered a considered a considered a significant considered a not considered a biodegraded under transformation process. significant significant fate process for shallow soils significant transport significant fate aerobic conditions. transformation process. and surface waters. process. process. Biodegradation is a process. significant fate process. Ethylbenzene Photolysis is not Oxidation is not Hydrolysis is not Volatilization is Moderate tendency Bioaccumulation is Undergoes slow considered a significant considered a considered a considered a significant to sorb to soils. not considered a biodegradation, transformation process. significant significant fate process for shallow soils However,it is not significant fate therefore,not transformation process. and surface waters. considered a process. considered a process. significant transport significant fate process. process. Toluene Photolysis is not Oxidation is not Hydrolysis is not Volatilization is Low K,,,,,and Kos Bioaccumulation is Undergoes considered a significant considered a considered a considered a significant values,therefore, not considered a biodegradation,is transformation process. significant significant fate process for shallow soils sorption is not significant fate considered a transformation process. and surface waters. considered a process. significant process. process. significant transport process. Xylenes(o-,m-,p-) Photolysis is not Oxidation is not Hydrolysis is not Volatilization is Low to moderate Bioaccumulation is Undergoes considered a significant considered a considered a considered a significant sorption to soil. Not not considered a biodegradation,is transformation process. significant significant fate process for shallow soils considered a significant fate considered a transformation process. and surface waters. significant transport process. significant process. process. process. NOTE: Data obtained from"Handbook of Environmental Fate and Exposure Data for Chemicals"(Howard, 1990)and"Water-Related Environmental Fate of 129 Priority Pollutants"(EPA, 1979) FF Appendix I RAM Completion Statement Transmittal Form J i ' Massachusetts Department of Environmental Protection Bureau of Waste Site Cleanup BWSC106 i RELEASE ABATEMENT MEASURE (RAM) Release Tracking Number TRANSMITTAL FORM - 16856 Pursuant to 310 CMR 40.0444-0446(Subpart D) ' A. SITE LOCATION: 1. Site Name/Location Aid: Verizon ' 2. Street Address: 3240 Main Street 3. City/Town: Barnstable 4. ZIP Code: 02630-0000 0 5. Check here if a Tier Classification Submittal has been provided to DEP for this disposal site. ❑ a. Tier 1A ❑ b. Tier 1 B 0 c. Tier 1 C ® d. Tier 2 ' 6. If a Tier I Permit has been issued, provide Permit Number: B.THIS FORM IS BEING USED TO: (check all that apply) 1 1. List Submittal Date of Initial RAM Written P . 04/04/2003 Ian(if previously submitted). (MM/DD/YYYY) 2. Submit an Initial Release Abatement Measure(RAM)Plan. a. Check here if this RAM Plan received previous oral approval from DEP as a continuation of a Limited Removal ❑ Action(LRA). b. List Date of Oral Approval: ❑ 3. Submit a Modified RAM Plan of a previously submitted written RAM Plan_ ❑ 4. Submit a RAM Status Report. 5. Submit a RAM Completion Statement. ❑ 6. Submit a Revised RAM Completion Statement. 7. Provide Additional RTNs: a. Check here if this RAM Submittal covers additional Release Tracking Numbers (RTNs). RTNs that have been ' ❑ prevously linked to a Primary Tier Classified RTN do not need to be listed here. This section is intended to allow a RAM to cover more than one unclassified RTN and not show permanent linkage to a Primary Tier Classified RTN. b. Provide the additional Release Tracking Number(s) ❑ - �� ❑ - covered by this RAM Submittal. (All sections of this transmittal form must be filled out unless otherwise noted above) Revised: 11/22/2002 Page 1 of 6 ' BWSC1061102001 i Massachusetts Department of Environmental Protection Bureau of Waste Site Cleanup BWSC106 RELEASE ABATEMENT MEASURE (RAM) Release Tracking Number TRANSMITTAL FORM - 16856 Pursuant to 310 CMR 40.0444-0446(Subpart D) C._RELEASE OR THREAT OF RELEASE CONDITIONS THAT WARRANT RAM: 1. Identify Media Impacted and Receptors Affected: (check all that apply) ❑ a. Air ❑ b. Basement ❑ c. Critical Exposure Pathway d. Groundwater e. Residence ' f. Paved Surface ❑ g. Private Well ❑ h. Public Water Supply ❑ i. School 7 j. Sediments ® k. Soil R I. Storm Drain m. Surface Water n. Unknown ❑ o. Wetland ® p. Zone 2 ' q. Others Specify: 2. Identify all sources of the Release or Threat of Release, if known: (check all that apply) ' ❑ a. Above-ground Storage Tank(AST) ❑ b. Boat/Vessel ❑ c. Drums ❑ d.Fuel Tank e.Pipe/Hose/Line ❑ f. Tanker Truck ❑ g. Transformer ® h. Under-ground Storage Tank(UST) i. Vehicle ❑ j. Others Specify: former UST 3. Identify Oils and Hazardous Materials Released: (check all that apply) ® a. Oils [j b. Chlorinated Solvents c.Heavy Metals ❑ d. Others Specify: D. DESCRIPTION OF RESPONSE ACTIONS: (check all that apply,for volumes list cumulative amounts) ® 1. Assessment and/or Monitoring Only 2. Temporary Covers or Caps ' ® 3. Deployment of Absorbent or Containment Materials 4. Temporary Water Supplies 5. Structure Venting System ❑ 6. Temporary Evacuation or Relocation of Residents 7. Product or NAPL Recovery 8. Fencing and Sign Posting ® 9. Groundwater Treatment Systems 10. Soil Vapor Extraction ® 11. Bioremediation ® 12. Air Sparging ® 13. Excavation of Contaminated Soils ' a. Re-use, Recycling or Treatment i.On Site Y 9 ❑ Estimated volume in cubic yards Q ii.Off Site Estimated volume in cubic yards 22.6 cubic yards iia.Receiving Facility: Aggeragate Industries Town: Stoughton State: MA iib.Receiving Facility: Town: State: iii.Describe: Revised: 1.1/22/2002 I IIIIIII III(IIIIIII IIII IIE IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII REPage 2 of 6 BWSC1061102002i nn� un■ ■un n��� iun uu■ uni■un un■ iui un IIIIIII 11111111111 IIII II11 II111 IIIII IIIII II111 IIIII IIIII IIIII IIIII IIIII Illl Ili! ' 'Massachusetts Department of Environmental Protection Bureau of Waste Site Cleanup BWSC106 'RELEASE ABATEMENT MEASURE (RAM) Release Tracking Number TRANSMITTAL FORM C - 16856 Pursuant to 310 CMR 40.0444-0446(Subpart D) D. DESCRIPTION OF RESPONSE ACTIONS(cont): (check all that apply,for volumes list cumulative amounts) b. Store i.On Site Estimated volume in cubic yards ii.Off Site Estimated volume in cubic yards iia. Receiving Facility: Town: State: ' iib.Receiving Facility: Town: State: c. Landfill i.Cover Estimated volume in cubic yards Receiving Facility: Town: State: ' ii. Disposal . Estimated volume in cubic yards Receiving Facility: Town: State: 14. Removal of Drums,Tanks or Containers: ' a. Describe Quantity and Amount: b. Receiving Facility: Town: State: c. Receiving Facility: Town: State: Q15. Removal of Other Contaminated Media: a.Specify Type and Volume: 220 Gallons of Groundwater b.Receiving Facility: Cyn Environmental Services Stoughton Town: State: MA c. Receiving Facility: Town: State: 16. Other Response Actions: Describe: ® 17. Use of Innovative Technologies: Describe: ORC Injection 0 Revised: 11/22/2002 Page 3 of 6 BWSC1061102003 Massachusetts Department of Environmental Protection Bureau of Waste Site Cleanup BWSC106 Release Tracking Number RELEASE ABATEMENT MEASURE (RAM) 0 _ 16856 TRANSMITTAL FORM Pursuant to 310 CMR 40.0444-0446 (Subpart D) E. LSP SIGNATURE AND STAMP: I attest under the pains and penalties of perjury that I have personally examined and am familiar with this transmittal form, including any and all documents accompanying this submittal. In my professional opinion and judgment based upon application of(i)the standard of care in 309 CMR 4.02(1), (ii)the applicable provisions of 309 CMR 4.02(2)and(3),and 309 CMR 4.03(2),and (iii)the provisions of 309 CMR 4.03(3),to the best of my knowledge, information and belief, > if Section 8 of this form indicates that a Release Abatement Measure Plan is being submitted,the response action(s)that is ' (are)the subject of this submittal(i)has(have)been developed in accordance with the applicable provisions of M.G.L.c.21 E and 310 CMR 40.0000, (ii)is(are)appropriate and reasonable to accomplish the purposes of such response action(s)as set forth in the applicable provisions of M.G.L. c.21 E and 310 CMR 40.0000 and(iii)comply(ies)with the identified provisions of all orders, permits, and approvals identified in this submittal; > if Section B.of this form indicates that a Release Abatement Measure Status Report is being submitted,the response action(s)that is(are)the subject of thus submittal(i)is(are)being implemented in accordance with the applicable provisions of M.G.L. c. 21E and 310 CMR 40.0000, (ii)is(are)appropriate and reasonable to accomplish the purposes of such response ' action(s)as set forth in the applicable provisions of M.G.L. c. 21 E and 310 CMR 40.0000 and(iii)comply(ies)with the identified provisions of all orders, permits, and approvals identified in this submittal; > if Section B of this form indicates that a Release Abatement Measure completion Statement is being submitted,the response action(s)that is(are)the subject of this submittal(i)has(have)been developed and implemented in accordance with the applicable provisions of M.G.L.c.21 E and)310 CMR 40.0000,(ii)is(are)appropriate and reasonable to accomplish the purposes of such response action(s)as set forth in the applicable provisions of M.G.L.c.21 E and 310 CMR 40.0000 and(iii)comply(ies) ' with the identified provisions of all orders, permits, and approvals identified in this submittal: I am aware that significant penalties may result, including, but not limited to, possible fines and imprisonment, if I submit information which I know to be false, inaccurate or materially incomplete. 1. LSP#: 6105 2. First Name: Anthony 3. Last Name: Arldfonico 4. Telephone: (617) 328-9229 5. Ext.: 6. FAX: 7. Signature: /�'� - �Zw OF u4 8. Date: l �/ 9. LSP Stamp: tiR ANTN01.11v G F. , 140. 61ON 05 Revised: 11/22/2002 Page 4 of 6 BWSC1061102004 Massachusetts Department of Environmental Protection Bureau of Waste Site Cleanup BWSC106 RELEASE ABATEMENT MEASURE (RAM) �Release Tracking Number TRANSMITTAL FORM L J - 16856 Pursuant to 310 CMR 40.0444-0446(Subpart D) F. PERSON UNDERTAKING RAM: 1. Check all that apply: ❑ a.change in contact name ❑ b. change of address ® c. change in the person undertaking response actions 2. Name of Organization: Verizon New England, Inc. 3. Contact First Name: Steven 4. Last Name: Baldisserotto ' 5. Street: 650 Park Avenue 6.Title: Environmental Management 7. City/Town: East Orange NJ 8. State: 9. ZIP Code: 07n17-00 )0 10. Telephone: 973) 266-9311 11.Ext.: 12. FAX: 973 673-2219 ' G. RELATIONSHIP TO RELEASE OR THREAT OF RELEASE OF PERSON UNDERTAKING RAM: ® 1. RP or PRP Q a. Owner ❑ b. Operator ❑ c. Generator ❑ d. Transporter ❑ e. Other RP or PRP Specify: ❑ 2. Fiduciary,Secured Lender or Municipality with Exempt Status(as defined by M.G.L.c.21 E,s.2) 1 ❑ 3. Agency or Public Utility on a Right of Way(as defined by M.G.L.c.21E,s.50)) ® 4. Any Other Person Undertaking RAM Specify Relationship: H.REQUIRED ATTACHMENT AND SUBMITTALS: 1. Check here if any Remediation Waste,generated as a result of this RAM,will be stored,treated,managed,recycled or ® reused at the site following submission of the RAM Completion Statement. You must submit a Phase IV Remedy Implementation Plan along with the appropriate transmittal form(BWSC108). 2. Check here if the Response Action(s)on which this opinion is based, if any,are(were)subject to any order(s),permit(s) ® and/or approval(s)issued by DEP or EPA. If the box is checked,you MUST attach a statement identifying the applicable provisions thereof. ❑ 3. Check here to certify that the Chief Municipal Officer and the Local Board of Health have been notified of the implementation of a Release Abatement Measure. 1 ❑ 4. Check here if any non-updatable information provided on this form is incorrect,e.g. Release Address/Location Aid. Send corrections to the DEP Regional Office. ❑ 5. If a.RAM Compliance Fee is required for this RAM,check here to certify that a RAM Compliance Fee was submitted to DEP, P.O. Box 4062, Boston, MA 02211. 6. Check here to certify that the LSP Opinion containing the material facts, data, and other information is attached. Revised: 11/22/2002 ' BWSC1061102005 Page 5 of 6 i Massachusetts Department of Environmental Protection Bureau of Waste Site Cleanup BWSC106 Release Tracking Number RELEASE ABATEMENT MEASURE (RAM) 4 - 16856 ' TRANSMITTAL FORM ❑ Pursuant to 310 CMR 40.0444-0446(Subpart D) I. CERTIFICATION OF PERSON UNDERTAKING RAM: 1, I,Steven Baldisserotto ,attest under the pains and penalties of perjury(i)that 1 have personally examined and am familiar with the information contained in this submittal, including any and all documents accompanying this transmittal form, (ii)that,based on my inquiry of those individuals immediately responsible for obtaining the information,the ' material information contained in this submittal is,to the best of my knowledge and belief,true,accurate and complete,and(iii) that I am fully authorized to make this attestation on behalf of the entity legally responsible for this submittal. 1/the person or entity on whose behalf this submittal is made am/is aware that there are significant penalties,including, but not limited to, possible fines and im isonment for wi ull ,;�UV . se inaccurate,or incomplete information. 2. By:,- 3. Title: Environment8l.Manag@mere Signature 4. For: Verizon New England, Inc. (Name of person or entity recorded in Section F) (mm/dd/yyyy) ' 5. Check here if the address of the person providing certification is different from address recorded in Section F. ® P P 9 6. Street: 7. City/Town: 8. State: 9. ZIP Code: 10. Telephone: 11.Ext.: 12. FAX: YOU MUST LEGIBLY COMPLETE ALL RELEVANT SECTIONS OF THIS FORM OR DEP MAY E RETURN THE DOCUMENT AS INCOMPLETE. IF YOU SUBMIT AN INCOMPLETE FORM,YOU ' MAY BE PENALIZED FOR MISSING A REQUIRED DEADLINE. Date Stamp(DEP USE ONLY:) \ 1 Revised: 11/22/2002 Page 6 of 6 BWSC1061102006 S Appendix J ' RAO Completion Statement Transmittal Form il Massachusetts Department of Environmental Protection Bureau of Waste Site Cleanup BWSC104 ' RESPONSE ACTION OUTCOME RAO STATEMENT Release Tracking Number Pursuant to 310 CMR 40.0580(Subpart E)&40.1056(Subpart J) ® - 16856 A. SITE LOCATION: 1. Site Name/Location Aid: Verizon 2. Street Address: 3240 Main Street 3. City/Town: Barnstable 4. ZIP Code: 02630-0000 ® 5. Check here if a Tier Classification Submittal has been provided to DEP for this disposal site. ' 0 a. Tier 1A b. Tier 1 B ❑ c. Tier 1 C D d. Tier 2 6. If a Tier I Permit has been issued, provide Permit Number: B. THIS FORM IS BEING USED TO: (check all that apply) 1. List Submittal Date of RAO Statement(if previously submitted): mm/dd/yyyy 02. Submit a Response Action Outcome(RAO)Statement a. Check here if this RAO Statement covers additional Release Tracking Numbers (RTNs). RTNs that have been ' previously linked to a Primary Tier Classified RTN do not need to be listed here. b. Provide additional Release Tracking Number(s) ❑ _ �� covered by this RAO Statement. 3. Submit a Revised Response Action Outcome Statement a. Check here if this Revised RAO Statement covers additional Release Tracking Numbers(RTNs), not listed on the ' RAO Statement or previously submitted Revised RAO Statements . RTNs that have been previously linked to a Primary Tier Classified RTN do not need to be listed here. b. Provide additional Release Tracking Number(s) ' covered by this RAO Statement. 4. Submit a Response Action Outcome Partial(RAO-P}Statement ' Check above box, if any Response Actions remain to be taken to address conditions associated with this disposal site having the Primary RTN listed in the header section of this transmittal form. This RAO Statement will record only an RAO-Partial Statement for that RTN. A final RAO Statement will need to be submitted that references all RAO-Partial Statements and, if applicable,covers any remaining conditions not covered by the RAO-Partial Statements. ' 5. Submit an optional Phase I Completion Statement supporting an RAO Statement Fi 6. Submit a Periodic Review Opinion evaluating the status of a Temporary Solution for a Class C RAO Statement (Section E is optional) 7. Submit a Retraction of a previously submitted Response Action Outcome Statement(Sections D& E are not required) ' (All sections of this transmittal form must be filled out unless otherwise noted above) Revised: 06/27/2003 Page 1 of 7 Massachusetts Department of Environmental Protection Bureau of Waste Site Cleanup BWSC104 ' RESPONSE ACTION OUTCOME ( ) STATEMENT ST Release Tracking Number Pursuant to 310 CMR 40.0580(Subpart E)&40.1056(Subpart J) - 6856 C. DESCRIPTION OF RESPONSE ACTIONS: (check all that apply,for volumes list cumulative amounts) 1. Assessment and/or Monitoring Only 2. Temporary Covers or Caps 3. Deployment of Absorbent or Containment Materials 4. Temporary Water Supplies 5. Structure Venting System 6. Temporary Evacuation or Relocation of Residents 7. Product or NAPL Recovery 8. Fencing and Sign Posting 9. Groundwater Treatment Systems 10. Soil Vapor Extraction ' ® 11. Bioremediation 12. Air Sparging 13. Removal of Contaminated Soils © a. Re-use, Recycling or Treatment i.On Site Estimated volume in cubic yards © ii.Off Site Estimated volume in cubic yards 22.6 Cy ' iia. Facility Name: Aggeragate Industries Town: Stoughton State: MA ' iib. Facility Name: Town: State: iii. Describe: ' b. Landfill i.Cover Estimated volume in cubic yards Facility Name: Town: State: ii. Disposal Estimated volume in cubic yards Facility Name: Town: State: 14. Removal of Drums,Tanks or Containers: a. Describe Quantity and Amount: b. .Facility Name: Town: State: c. Facility Name: Town State: Revised:06/27/2003 Page 2 of 7 ' Massachusetts Department of Environmental ntal Protection Bureau of Waste Site Cleanup BWSC104 RESPONSE ACTION OUTCOME RAO Release Tracking Number (RAO) STATEMENT Pursuant to 310 CMR 40.0580(Subpart E)&40.1056(Subpart J) - 6856 C. DESCRIPTION OF RESPONSE ACTIONS(cont.): (check all that apply,for volumes list cumulative amounts) 15. Removal of Other Contaminated Media: a.Specify Type and Volume: 220 gallons of groundwater b. Facility Name: Cyn Environmental Services Town: Stoughton MA State: c. Facility Name: Town: State: ❑ 16. Other Response Actions: Describe: 17. Use of Innovative Technologies: Describe: ORC Injection D. RESPONSE ACTION OUTCOME CLASS: ' Specify the Class of Response Action Outcome that applies to the disposal site,or site of the Threat of Release. Select ONLYone Class. 1. Class A-1 RAO: Specify one of the following: I ❑ a. Contamination has been reduced to background levels. ❑ b. A Threat of Release has been eliminated. 2. Class A-2 RAO: You MUST provide justification that reducing contamination to or approaching background levels is ' infeasible. ❑ 3. Class A-3 RAO: You MUST provide an implemented Activity and Use Limitation(AUL)and justification that reducing contamination to or approaching background levels is infeasible. 4. Class A-4 RAO: You MUST provide an implemented AUL, justification that reducing contamination to or approaching ❑ background levels is infeasible, and justification that reducing contamination to less than Upper Concentration Limits ' (UCLs) 15 feet below ground surface or below an engineered barrier is infeasible. If the permanent solution relies upon an engineered barrier, you must also provide a Phase III report justifying the selection of the engineered barrier. Revised: 06/27/2003 Page 3 of 7 Massachusetts Department of Environmental Protection 0 M Bureau of Waste Site Cleanup BWSC104 ' RESPONSE ACTION OUTCOME RAO STATEMENT Release Tracking Number _ (RAO) NT Pursuant to 310 CMR 40.0580(Subpart E)&40.1056(Subpart J) 4 - 16856 t -U D. RESPONSE ACTION OUTCOME CLASS(cont.): ' 5. Class B-1 RAO: Specify one of the following: a. Contamination is consistent with background levels R b. Contamination is NOT consistent with background ' levels. 6. Class B-2 RAO: You MUST provide an implemented AUL. ❑ 7. Class B-3 RAO: You MUST provide an implemented AUL and justification that reducing contamination to less than Upper Concentration Limits(UCLs) 15 feet below ground surface is infeasable. 8. Class C RAO:Specify one: a. Monitoring b. Passive Operation and Maintenance c. Active Operation and Maintenance(defined at 310 CMR 40.0006) E. RESPONSE ACTION OUTCOME INFORMATION: 1. Specify the Risk Characterization Method(s)used to achieve the RAO described above: ' a. Method 1 R b.Method 2 c.Method 3 d. Method Not Applicable-Contamination reduced to or consistent with background,or Threat of Release abated 2. Specify all Soil and Groundwater Categories. More than one Soil Category a nd more than one Groundwater Category may apply at a Site. Be sure to check off all APPLICABLE categories. a.Soil Category(ies)Applicable: V] i. S-1/GW-1 iv.S-2/GW-1 vii.S-3/GW-1 14 ii. S-1/GW-2 v.S-2/GW-2 viii.S-3/GW-2 12( iii. S-1/GW-3 vi. S-2/GW-3 ix. S-3/GW-3 b. Groundwater Category(ies)Impacted: i. GW-1 10 ii. GW-2 Ix iii.GW-3 iv. No Groundwater Impacted ' 3. Specify remediation conducted. ® a. Check here if soil remediation was conducted. ' b. Check here if groundwater remediation was conducted. 4. Estimate the number of acres this RAO Statement applies to: ' rRevised: 06/27/2003 Page 4 of 7 Massachusetts Department of Environmental Protection Bureau of Waste Site Cleanup BWSC104 ' RESPONSE ACTION OUTCOME RAO STATEMENT Release Tracking Number 4❑ - Pursuant to 310 CMR 40.0580(Subpart E)&40.1056(Subpart J) 16856 F. LSP SIGNATURE AND STAMP: ' I attest under the pains and penalties of perjury that 1 have personally examined and am familiar with this transmittal form, including any and all documents accompanying this submittal. In my professional opinion and judgment based upon application of(i)the standard of care in 309 CMR 4.02(1), (ii)the applicable provisions of 309 CMR 4.02(2)and(3),and 309 CMR4.03(2),and (iii)the provisions of 309 CMR 4.03(3),to the best of my knowledge, information and belief, > if Section B indicates that either an RAO Statement,Phase I Completion Statement and/or Periodic Review Opinion is being provided,the response action(s)that is(are)the subject of this submittal(i)has(have)been developed and implemented in accordance with the applicable provisions of M.G.L.c.21 E and 310 CMR 40.0000,(ii)is(are)appropriate and reasonable to accomplish the purposes of such response action(s)as set forth in the applicable provisions of M.G.L.c.21 E and 310 CMR 40.0000, and(iii)comply(ies)with the identified provisions of all orders,permits,and approvals identified in this submittal. I am aware that significant penalties may result, including, but not limited to, possible fines and imprisonment,if I submit information which I know to be false, inaccurate or materially incomplete. 1. LSP#: 6105 Anthony Andronico 2. First Name: 3. Last Name: 4. Telephone: (617) 328-9229 5. Ext.: 6. FAX: 7. Signature: /L G 4 / , -��`'•p ✓'✓'" y O . �NOF Illq�„ 8. Date: 4 9.LSP Stamp:. ANTHONY F. ANDRONICO ce Al p�No.. 6145`p ff. O'I STEP �aF�SI TF PRO��� G. PERSON MAKING SUBMITTAL: 1. Check all that apply: ❑ .a.change in contact name b. change of address c. change in the person undertaking response actions 2. Name of Organization: Verizon New England, Inc. ' 3. Contact First Name: Steven 4. Last Name: Baldisserotto 5. Street: 650 Park Avenue 6.Title: Environmental Management 7. City/Town: East Orange 8. State: NJ 9. ZIP Code: 07017-0000 (973) 266-9311 10. Telephone: 11. Ext.: 12. FAX (973) 673-2219 Revised:6/27/2003 Page 5 of 7 i Massachusetts Department of Environmental Protection µ` Bureau of Waste Site Cleanup BWSC104 RESPONSE ACTION OUTCOME Release Tracking Nu(RAO) STATEMENT 9 tuber Pursuant to 310 CMR 40.0580(Subpart E)&40.1056(Subpart J) - 16856 � 1 H. RELATIONSHIP TO RELEASE OR THREAT OF RELEASE OF PERSON MAKING SUBMITTAL: V1 1. RP or PRPU a. Owner ❑ b. Operator ❑ c. Generator ❑ d. Transporter ❑ e. Other RP or PRP Specify: ❑ 2. Fiduciary,Secured Lender or Municipality with Exempt Status p (as defined by M.G.L.c.21 E,s.2) ❑ 3. Agency or Public Utility on a Right of Way(as defined by M.G.L.c.21 E,s.50)) ❑ 4. Any Other Person Making Submittal Specify Relationship: 1.REQUIRED ATTACHMENT AND SUBMITTALS: 1. Check here if the Response Action(s)on which this opinion is based, if any,are(were)subject to any order(s), permit(s) ❑ and/or approval(s)issued by DEP or EPA. If the box is checked,you MUST attach a statement identifying the applicable provisions thereof. ❑ 2. Check here to certify that the Chief Municipal Officer and the Local Board of Health have been notified of the submittal of an RAO Statement that relies on the public way/rail right-of-way exemption from the requirements of an AUL. 3. Check here to certify that the Chief Municipal Officer and the Local Board of Health have been notified of the submittal of a RAO Statement with instructions on how to obtain a full copy of the report. ' 4. Check here to certify that documentation is attached specifying the location of the Site,or the location and boundaries of © the Disposal Site subject to this RAO Statement. If submitting an RAO Statement for a PORTION of a Disposal Site, you must document the location and boundaries for both the portion subject to this submittal and,to the extent defined,the entire Disposal Site. 5. Check here if required to submit one or more AULs. You must submit an AUL Transmittal Form(BWSC113)and a ❑ copy of each implemented AUL related to this RAO Statement. Specify the type of AUL(s)below: (required for Class A-3,A-4,B-2,B-3 RAO Statements) Fla. Notice of Activity and Use Limitation b. Number of Notices submitted: ❑ c. Grant of Environmental Restriction d. Number of Grants submitted: ❑ 6. If an RAO Compliance Fee is required for any of the RTNs listed on this transmittal form,check here to certify that an RAO Compliance Fee was submitted to DEP, P.O. Box 4062, Boston, MA 02211. ' 7. Check here if any non-updatable information provided on this form is incorrect,e.g.Site Address/Location Aid. Send corrections to the DEP Regional Office. ❑✓ 8. Check here to certify that the LSP Opinion containing the material facts,data, and other information is attached. Revised:06/27/2003 Page 6 of 7' Massachusetts Department of Environmental Protection Bureau of Waste Site Cleanup BWSC104 RESPONSE ACTION OUTCOME (RAO) STATEMENT Release Tracking Number Pursuant to 310 CMR 40.0580(Subpart E)&40.1056(Subpart J) ® - 16856 J. CERTIFICATION OF PERSON MAKING SUBMITTAL: 1. I, Steven Baldisserotto , attest under the pains and penalties of perjury(i)that I have personally examined and am familiar with the information contained in this submittal, including any and all documents accompanying this transmittal form, (ii)that, based on my inquiry of those individuals immediately responsible for obtaining the information,the material information contained in this submittal is,to the best of my knowledge and belief,true,accurate and complete, and(iii) 1 that I am fully authorized to make this attestation on behalf of the entity legally responsible for this submittal. I/the person or entity on whose behalf this submittal is made am/is aware that there are significant penalties, including, but not limited to, possible fines and imprisonment,for willfully submi curate,or incomplete information. ' <2• By: , Environmental Management Signature 3 Titl. e: ' 4. For: Verizon New England, Inc. O t -- 2-1 — We 5. Date: (Name of person or entity recorded in Section G) mm/dd/yyyy 1 ❑ 6. Check here if the address of the person providing certification is different from address recorded in Section G. 7. Street: ' 8. City/Town: 9. State: 10. ZIP Code: 11. Telephone: 12.Ext.: 13. FAX: 1 YOU MUST LEGIBLY COMPLETE ALL RELEVANT SECTIONS OF THIS FORM OR DEP MAY RETURN THE DOCUMENT AS INCOMPLETE. IF YOU SUBMIT AN INCOMPLETE FORM,YOU MAY BE PENALIZED FOR MISSING A REQUIRED DEADLINE. Date Stamp(DEP USE ONLY:) i 1 ' Revised:06/27/2003 Page 7 of 7