HomeMy WebLinkAbout3240 MAIN ST./RTE 6A(BARN.) - Health 3240 Main Street Barnstable f A= 299 - 030 01/05/2006 10:15 FAX 508 790 6226 TOWN MANAGER CONSERVATION Z 001/017 Jan .. 4. 2006 6:20PM No 1919 P • 1 y C011�MON KAL'I-H OF NLASS�,C��SE�'TS F)MCUTI\7B OFFICE OF EN- N NTAL AFFAnBS J� DFPARtMNNT OF ENVIRON7IIEN'TAL PRO TV,CTION SOU=AST REGIONAL OPFICE 20 Rr;gRME I,iRd-�TE,LAKE'VILLE,NU 023,11 Sa8-946-2700 MI'�T ROI��Y �R,PRTT� Govezncrr _ --•__.____ gA$EtTW.GC122DCK Jr_ �`'Gomm�ssionex LieuiAn t Ciove=ft FAX: (50 8) 947- 5 57 a _630 From: Roslyn Reiman PhOrl6: (508)948-2863 b zt- 5 rG72 � Pages: Plus this cover page Comments: A0 I o � JAN -5 2006a BARNSTABLE CONSERVATION T3i;iaFa�xtinn u ara�b3�m alL�'a2tE fo_•m0'k G!l Aoss�IJ kL Gousts,AD 4 Cnaniiaatorsi 617-��I Q$7 TDD s:Tvic=-3-80�:SS:�% DL on the World Wide Web: n7,pJ/wwVkMZis•90v/dsp IPA ��ni=rfnn f7wvr-Le{Da�Pr 01/05/2006 10:15 FAX 508 790 6226 TOWN MANAGER CONSERVATION 2 002/017 Jan . 4. 2006 6:20PM No , 1979 P - 2 COMMONWEALTH OF MASSACxU'SETTS SAM CUTIVE OFFICE OF ENVIRONMENTAL AFFAIRS DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION SO-UTHEAST REGIONAL OFFICE 20 IUVERSIDE DRIVE, LAKEvILT.E,MA 02347 508-946-2700 MITT itoMNzy STEPFIEN lti.PRITCHARD Governor SecrCMxY ATuRRY BE,AL19 Y (;:::Z> � � D JtOBERT W.GOLLEDGF,Jr. Ueuwnan6 Coy„m»omer December 28, 2005 BriaaMcManus RE: BARNS`I'ABLFBWSC/ASM Verizon New England,Inc„ Verizon New England Facility 55 Stone Street 3240 Main Street Walpole;Massachusetts 02052 1t1N 4-16856 RESPONSE ACTION OUTCOME NOTICE OF AUDIT FINDINGS NOTICE OF NONCONJ LLZ NCE NON SE-05-3A-054 Dear Mr.McManus: On September 9, 2005, Verizon New England, Inc. (hereafter refened to as ydu/your) was notified that the Massachusetts Department of Environmen:W Protection (the Department) had begun to audit response actions conducted to address the release of oil at the location identified above, In par ,ieWar, the audit focused of the Class A-2 Response Action Outcome Statomeet submitted for this site on January 26, 2004,, This notice informs you of the results of the Department's audit_ DETERMINATION As a result of the audit, the Department has determined that response actions were not performed in complim7ce with the requirements of the Massachusetts Contingency Plan (MCP)_ Violations were identified that require additional actions to be taken under the supervision of a Licensed Site professional (LSP) is order to come into compliance with the MCP_ The Audit Memorandum (Attachment B) describes the activities Department personnel performed during the audit and summoaxizes relevant site information. A Notice of Noncompliance (Attachment A)lists the identified violations that require further action at ibis tiFne_ The activities that are in noncompliarLee and the actions the Department wants you to take to corne into compliance axe desert-bed in the Notice of Noncompliance (Attachment A). The Notice of Nomcompliazxce describes: (1) each activity identified during the audit which is in 01/05/2006 10:15 FAX 508 790 6226 TOWN MANAGER CONSERVATION U 004/017 Jan . 4. 2006 6: 21PM No • 1979 P - 4 3240 Mafia Sweet,Barnstable Page 2 Notice of Audit Findinp RTN 4.16856 noncompliance, (2)the requirements violat-A (3)the action the Department now wants yvu to take, and(4)the deadline for taking this action. -An adzziinistradve penalty may be assessed for every day from now rn,that you are in noncompliance. You do not need further Departlxmeut approval to take the actions the Depatknlent has specified. However, to avoid further enforcement actions, you must complete the additional actions and submit a Post-Audit Completion Statement in accordance with 310 CN I R 40.1170. The Post Audit Completion Staternett shall be submitted om a form established by the Department to the aUciation of Kathryn Carvalb.o, by no later than. sixty (60) days following receipt of this Notice. A. copy of the Post Audit Completion Statpmeixt TTansrnittal Form (BWSC-111) can be found at -//1-nas, ^^yl -m.-htm_ TJCENSED SITE PROFESSIONAL A copy of this notice has been sent to Anthony R. Andronico,LSP #6105, the LSP-of-Record for the Disposal site,. L,iWrATIONS The Department's findings were based upon the certainty of the information reviewed during the audit These findings do not: (1) apply to actions or other aspects of the site that were not reviewed in the audit, (2) preclude future,audits of past, current,or future actions at the site, (3) in any way constitute a release. from any liability, obligatioD, action or penalty under M.G.L. c. 21E, 310 CMR 40.0000, or any other lave, regulation, or requirement, or (4) limit the Department's authority to take or arrange, or to require any Responsible Party or Potentially Responsible Party to perform, any m5pollso action authorized by M.G.L. c, 21E which the Department deems necessary to protect health,safety,public welfare,or the environment. If you Have any questions regarding this Notice, please contact Katl� Carvalho at(508) 946- 2742. Please reference the Release 'racking Number 4-16856 in arty future correspondence to the Department regarding the site,, Sincerely, Deborah A.Marshall, Cluef Audits&Site Management M/Kchr Ongoing audkv241Leicl 19/4-16856/noaf - CERTIF'fED MAIL#7004 2510 0000 1857 2422 01/05/2006 10:15 FAX 508 790_6226 TOWN MANAGER 4 CONSERVATION 1a006/017 Jan . 4. 2006 , 6 :21PM No , 1979 P • 6 3240 Main Strait,Ba=nble :Page 3 Notice of Audit Findings PUN 4-16856 AAttachmmis: A. Notice of Noncompliance B. Audit Memorandum fc: Barnstable Board of Selectmen Barnstable Board of Health (508)790-6226 (508) 790-6304 ec: Anthony Andronico,LSF DEP-SERO Regiabal Enforcement Coordinator(2 copies) Data Entry AUDCOM NApNON 12AO/AUL ACTAUD 01/05/2006 10:15 FAX 508 790 6226 TOWN-MANAGER CONSERVATION Z 008/017 Jan . 4. 2006 6:22PM No • 1979 P 8 3240 Main Street,BamOmble I>abe 1 Notice of Noncompliance IRTN 4-]6956 ,Attachment A NOT)<CE OF NONCOMPLIANCE NON-SE-05-3A-054 ENTITY IN NONCOMPLIANCE Verizon New England,Inc 55 Stone Street Walpole,Massachusetts 02052 'LOCATION WEE,RE4 NONCOMPLIANCE OCCURRED OR WAS OBSERVED Verizon New England Facility 3246 Main Street Bamstable,Massachusetts DATE WHEN NONCOMPLIANCE OCCUlt12F,D OR WAS OBSERVED December 12, 2002(date Department rec(.&ed the Class A-2 RAO) DESCRIPTION OF A.C)€MTY NONCOMPLIANCE 1. According to the Phase I Report, groundwater flows to the northwest, The highest concentrations of FPH have been identified in monitoring wells GF-J.0 and GF-11 along the edge of the Verizon building, downgradient of the identified source area. Howevex, there are no ionitoring points located beyond these two wells, In February ?-002 sampling of monitoring well G>J-8, located alo-Dg the eastern most property boundary, detected concentrations of EPH and VPH above the Method 1 OW-1 Standards_ The concentration of the EPH• C11-C22 Aromatic fraction identified during,this sampling was also equivalent to the Method 1 GW-2 Standards. Monitoring well GF-8 was destroyed during the April 2002 excavation activities. A replacement well was not installed to evaluate current conditions in this area of the site. Site investigations at the property have not adequately defied the full extent of groundwater migratioxx in this direction„ This is a violation(Class TI)of 310 CNT 40..0904(2)(a)_ 2. According to the Method 1 Risk Characterization prepared for the site, the maximuIl contaminant concentratioxs identified in the co9frmatoty soil samples collected from the area of excavation were utilized as the exposure point concentrations (EpCs) in soil. These EPCs did not exceed the applicable Soil standards. However, contaminant concentrations detected in the footing samples were not included in this evaluation nor were they evaluated separately_ 'EPCs for contaminants detected in soil at the site were incorrectly calculated. This is a violation(Class II)of 310 CMR M 40.0926_is violation was colxected durba the course of the audit. A written response,prepared Th 8 by Gannet Fleming,Inc_and submitted to the Department on October 11,2005, addresses e 01/05/2006 10:15 FAX 508 790 6226 TOWN MANAGER CONSERVATION Q 010/017 — Jan 4 2006 6 ; 22PM — No• 1979 P • 10 3240 Maly Street,Barnstable Page 2 Notice of Noncompliance RTN 4-16856 this. Therefore,additional actions to address this violation are not required at this tilne_ DESCI2V PION OF RFQLrfREN NTH►NOT CON PLWD WTM 1. Pursuant to 310 GMR 40.0904(2)(6),the documemtation of the risk characterization shall contain a description of the sowee and extent of the release of oil and/or hazardous material, including the borizontal and vertical e tent and concentrations of oil and/or hazardous material in all evaluated media. 2_ Pursuant to 310 CMR 40.0926, for each oil and/or hazardous material i a each medium, at. each Exposures Point, an Exposure Point Concentration shall be identified and documented. nEscRIP'I'ION OF HEADLINES OF ACTION TO BE TAKEN Within sixty (60) days of the date of Wis Notice, you shall complete either Option I or Option 2: Option 1)if additional assessment performed at the site can support a condition of No Significant Risk, then you shall submit a revised risk assessmenvRA.O Statement_ This revised risk assessmcnt/RIiO shall incorporate all data uid be prepared in full accordance with 310 CMR 40.1000.. Option 2) If additional assessment performed at the site cannot support a condition: of No Significant Risk, then you shall retract the,.Class A-2 RAO and continue with response actions in accordance with 310 CMR 40,0000. If you fail to correct the'Violations identified and provide documentation of such action to the Department may be subject to enforcement action by the Department. The Department may conduct a follow-up audit to determine whether the required actions have been taken. if the Department finds that the violations and detzciencies have not been corrected, then the Department may issue a Notice of Intimt to Assess a Civil Administrative Penalty (PAN), administrative enforcement order, Notice of Responsibility (NOR), Notice of Intent to take Response Action (NORA), Administrative Consent Order, Unilateral Order, or seek a Judicial Judgem.erit as appropriate_ You may also be subjectto cost recovery under 310 CMR 40.1.200 for failure to perform response actions at the disposal site. 01/05/2006 10:16 FAX 508 790 6226_ TOWN MANAGER CONSERVATION 0 012/017 Jan . 4. 2006 6: 23PM No• 1919 P - 12 3240 Main Street,Barnstable page I Audit mmnorindurn kfN 4-16856 Attachment I3 AUDIT MEMORANDUM I. AUDIT AC>C rWTIES The audit consists of the following activities: • An examination of documents within,the T)epartmenf s records or in other public records. • A Notice of Audit dated September 9, 2005. • A.Site Inspection on October 5,2005, • A letter report dated October 11, 2005,prepared by Anthony Andronieo,LSP on behalf of Verizon New England,wlucb addressed questions raised during the audit inspection I1. SITE SUMMARY The subject property is located at 3240 Main Street in Barnstable, Massachusetts. A brick building, owned and occupied by Verizon New England, Inc., occupies the majority of the property_ A narrow paved parking area separates the .Verizon building from the easterru neigbboriug commercial property. The Verizon property is bordered on the west by an adjacent shopping plaza_ Property is serviced by town water. In 2001, a site investigation was performed at the property to determine if a 500-gallon fuel oil underground storage tank (UST), as depicted on a 1968 site plan, was still present at the property. An UST was never identified in this area however, analysis of soil and groundwater samples collected from the southeast corner of the building detected extractable petroleum hydrocarbons (EPH) and polyaromatic hydrocarbons (PA11s) at concentrations above the applicable RCS-1 and RCGW-1 Staudaxds., The Department was notified in January 2002_ Sampling in February 2002 detected concentrations of volatile organic compounds (VPH) and EPH above Method 1 GW-1 standards is monitoring wells Gr-2, OF-4, CIF-7, OF-8, and OF-9, located in the narrow parking area that separates the. Verizon property from the -neighboring property. BPH conceutrations identified in monitoring well O -8, installed along the eastern property boundary,were at the Method 1 GW 2 Standard. In April 2002, excavation of the contaminated soil identified in the southeast comer of the site began in accordance with a previously submitted RAM Plan. Groundwater was not encountered during this excavation_ Monitoring wells GF-2, O -7, OF-8, and 07-9 were destroyed during excavation activities_ A total of five confirmatory soil samples were collected from the sidewalls of the excavation and analyzed for VPH and EPH with target compounds. All concentrations of detected contaminants There less than Method I S-1 Soil Standards. A total of. twenty-eight (29) tons of soil were generated from the excavation activities and tr msported to Aggregate industries for recycling in May 2002. Following excavation, a one-inch microwell was installed in the center-of the excavation to replace lost well GF-2_ In addition, two monitoring wells, Gr-10 and OF-11, were installed along the eastern, edge of the building, northwest of the excavated area. Groundwater sampling detected concentrations of VPH and EPH above the Method 1 GW-1 Standards in wells GF-•10 01/05/2006 10:16 FAX 508 790 6226 TOWN MANAGER CONSERVATION IN14/017 Jan . 4. 2006 6: 26PM No• 1979 P . 14 ' 3240 Main Street,B=stable Page 2 Audit Mcmorindum RTN 4-16856 and CTF-11_ Contaminants above the Method 1 CTW-1 Standards were not detected in the micro well.. In July 2002, the construction of a second floor on the Verizon building began. During excavation for the footing, petroleum odors were encountered in subsurface soils, 'These soils were excavated and the groundwater euo0uritered during this excavation was pumped into 55- gallon steel drums. Following excavation, two composite soil samples were collected. According to the LSP response, dated G.-tober 11, 2005, composite sample "Footing #3" was collected from in-situ soils and the second composite soil sample "Footing #2" was collected from the stockpiled soil in order to characterize the soil for disposal. VPH and EPH concentrations detected in the samples were below the Method 1 S-1 Soil Standards_ bead was also dotcetcd in the soil samples at concentrations below the Method 1 S-1/GW-1 Standard. A. RAM Plan Amendment, dated 10/9/02, proposed the injection of oxygen release compound (ORC) fox groundwater re ediatiou at the site followed by quarterly groundwater sampling.for EPH with targets and VPH to track residual contamination. Subsequently, a Phase T Initial Site Investigation(Phase I)/Tier Classification Report was submiti.ed to the Department on Jantiary 15, 2003. The phase I report staged that the full extent of potential groundwater migration had not been defined at the site based on the elevated contamivant levels along the eastern and western property boundaries. Groundwater flow at the site was calculated to be northwesterly. In February 2003, additional monitoring wells were installed northwest of the previously excavated area to delineate the groundwater impact in this direction. Groundwater samples were analyzed for EPH and VPH. Concentrations of EPH exceeded the Method 1 OW-1 Standard in Mouitozi,ng Wells CTF-4, Gig-10 and CF-11, located west of the previously excavated area and adjacent to the Verizon building. On April 4, 2003, eight ORC Wjecti.on points were installed at the site and a total of 200 lbs of ORC was injected over a 560 square foot area. Following the injection of ORC,three rounds of groundwater samples were collected, In the first sampling round (May 2003), an overall decrease of EPH concentrations a the site was evident, however, concenntrations of EPH still remained above Method 1 OW-1 Standards in Monitoriug Wells GF-10 and GF-11. Concentrations of EPH and target analytes at the site were not detected above the Method 1 GW- 1 Standard in the final two sampling rounds (September and December 2003)in any of the wells sampled at the site. According to the response dated October 11, 2005, in the opl6on of the LSP, the use of only tl=c: post remediadon sampling events has provided an adequate representation of the groundwater exposure point concentrations. However, it is standard practice to conduct a total of four quarterly sampling rounds prior to site closure. A Class A-2 Response Action Outcome Statement and Release Abatement Measure Completion Report was submitted to the Department on January 26,2004_ 1U. RISK CHARACTERIZATION A Method 1 Risk Characterization(Method 1) was utilized to characterize the risk present at 01/05/2006 10:16 FAX 508 790 6226_ TOWN-MANAGER CONSERVATION IM016/017 Jan . 4 2006 6; 26PM — No - 1979 P - 16 3240 Main Street,Barnstable page 3 Audit Memorandum F,TN 4.1,6856 the site. The contaminated soil at the Site was categorized as S-2/GW-1/GW-2lGW-3. Stt order to evaluate risk posed by all future uses, soil was also categorized as S-l/CW-1/GVJ-2/CrW-3. The disposal site lies within the boundaries of a Potentially Productive ,Aquifer (PPA) and groundwater is located within thirty (30) Feet of an occupied building. Therefore, groundwater at the site was categorized as GW-1, GW-2 emd GW-3- Exposure point concentrations(EPCs) in soil were identified as the maximurn VPH, EPH and PAR concentrations detected in the soil samples collected from the former UST location following excavation. These soil EPCs did not exceed the Method I S-1/GW-1/GW-2/GW-3 and Method 1 S-2/GW-1/GW-2/GW-3 Standards. However, colitainiumt concentrations detected in the footing samples were not included in this evaluation nor were they evaluated separately. A. revised fable was submitted on October 11, 2005 and incorporated these results into the EPC calculation for soils_ ,Acc:ordiog to the table,EPCs still remain below the applicable Method 1 Standards. EPCs in groundwater were determined by calculating the average concentrations of each constituent in each well as measured in the three-post reumediation sampling rounds. As calculated, all FPCs in groundwater are blow the respective Method 1 Standards. IV. SITE!NSPECTI<ON On October 5,2005,Department personnel visited the site. Brian McManus, a represeutUive from Verizon New England and Aiithony Andrenuco, the L,SP who prepared the RAO were also in attendance. The audit process was bAefly discussed, as were preliminary audit findings. A written response to questions raised dining the audit was received on October 11, 2005_ This response provided additional information on the calculation of the EPCs at the site. V. DETERMINATION On the basis of the activities performed during the audit and in reliance upon the accuracy of tltat infbimation, the Department makes the following Deterrnination.. Violations were identified that require,further action Please refer to the Notice of Nonco-mpliance (Attachment A) relative to the activities in noncompliance and the actions the Department wants you to take to come into compliance. SeP , 12 . 2005 4 47PM No • 0369 P . 2/5 COMMONWEALTH oil MASSACHUSETTS E+XECuTTVE OFFICE OF ENVIRoNMENTAL DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL PRO"Copy SOUTHEAST REGTONAL OFFICE 20 RIVERSIDE DRIVE, LAKEVILLE, MA 023 MITT ROMNEY STFPHEN R: PRITCHARD Governor Secretary FERRY HEALEY RUI EM'W GOLLEDGE,Jr. Lieutenant Governor Commisaioner September 9,2005 Steve Baldisserotto, RJ=' BARNSTABLE-=BWSC/ASM Environmental Management. Verizon New England Facility Verizon New England,Inc- 3240 Main Street 650 Park Avenue RTN 4-16856 Fast Orange,New Jersey 0701.7 RESPONSE ACTION OUTCOME NOTICE OF AUDIT REQUEST FOR SITE INSPECTION Dear Mr.Baldisserotto; The Depal-hnent of Environmental Protection's Bureau of Waste Site Cleanup (the Department) has selected the above referenced site for an audit. The Department audits response actions conducted without Department oversight at oil and/or hazardous material disposal{sites, in order to ensure that these actions meet the requirements of Massachusetts laws and regulations, including Massachusetts General Law Chapter 21B and the Massachusetts Contingency Plan(MCP), 310 CMR 40.0000. The enclosed Audit. Fact Sheet (Attachment A) outlines the audit process and provides the citations in the MCP that relate to the audit process. The Departmerifs records indicate that on January 26, 2004, a Class A-2 Response Action Outcome (RAO) Statement was submitted for the above referenced site ("Site"). The audit will primarily focus on the Class A-2 RAO_ In addition, documents available in the Department's site file may also be evaluated during this audit. The Department's evaluation of the site's compliance status will be based on the information provided in the site file- If you are aware of additional, existing documentation relevant to the response actions being audited at the site,please submit the existing documentation to the Department within.seven (7) days of your receipt of this Notice. Request For Site Inspection The Department requests an appointment to inspect the site on September 29,2005 at 11:30 p.m. The inspection will be conducted by Kathryn Carvalho. Mr. Anthony .Andronico, a Licensed Site Professional (LSP)familiar with the site, is also requested to attend. Please call Kathryn Carvalho within seven(7) days of receipt of this Notice at(508) 946-2742 to either confirm the appointment or to arrange an alternative date or time.. The purpose of the inspection will be to evaluate the sits conditions in This information is available in.iltemale format.Call Donald M.Ciomes,ADA Coordinator at 6I7456-1057 '11)1)Sarvicc-1-800-298-2207 DEP on the World wide Web: h1t11/ru^m mass 9nv/dAn �ep . l2 , 2005 4 :47PM No . 0369 P . 3/5 3240 Main Street,Barnstable,MA 2 Notice of Audit {1 R7N 4-16856 relation to the information received by the Department and to discuss issues identified during the Department's record review. Preliminary audit findings based on the Department's file review may also 'be discussed during the site inspection. Audit Results After the site inspection, the Department will evaluate whether the actions taken at the site are in compliance with the regulations and meet the performance standards needed to protect public health, safety, and the environment. The Department's determination of compliance will be based on the work performed as of the date the submittal was received by DER. You will receive a Notice of Audit Findings(NOAF)summarizing the:results of the audit. If the Department finds that response actions were not conducted in compliance with the MCP, you will be notified of the actions needed to return to compliance. The Department may set deadlines that you will be expected to meet to correct any violations, or the Department may pursue higher-level enforcement.. If you have any questions about this Notice, please call .Kathryn Carvalbo at (508) 946-2742, The Department appreciates your anticipated cooperation in this matter, Sincerely, Deborah A..Marshall,Chief Audits& Site Management M/KC/rr r Ongoing audits/24/Lcvc1 III/4-00/noa t; CERTIFIED MAIL# 7004 2510 0005 2421 0504 Attachments: A..Audit Fact Sheet B. Certification of Submittal fc. Barmstable Board of Selectmen ec, Anthony Andronico,LSP (508)790-6226 aandronico@verizon.net Barnstable Board of Health - DEP-SFRO • (508)790-6304 ATTN. Data Entry—AUDCOM NOA i,` Sep - 12 . 2005 4:47PM No . 0369 P . 4/5 ATTACHMENT B CERTIFICATION OF SUBMITTAL(310 CMR 40.0009) This certification must be included with your response to the Requcst for Information attest under the pains and penalties of perjury(i)that I have personally examined and am familiar with the information contained In this submittal, including any and all documents accompanying this submittal, (ii)that, based on my inquiry of those individuals immediately responsible for obtaining the information,the material information contained in this submittal is,to the best of my knowledge and belief, true, accurate and complete,and (Ili)that I am fully authorized to make this attestation on behalf of the person or entity legally responsible for this submittal.. 1/the person or entity on whose behalf this submittal is made am/is aware that there are significant penalties, including,but not limited to,possible fines and imprisonment,for willfully submitting false, inaccurate or incomplete information.. By: Signature Date Title For: Name of person or entity RTN#-. 'eP . 12 . 2005 4:46PM No , 0369 P . 5/5 fact Sheet AUDIT FACT SHEET Authority, Mandate, and Funding for Audits The Massachusetts Department of Environmental Protection (DEP) is required to audit response actions at disposal sites by M.G.L. Chapter 21 E §3A(o). This law mandates 0 e 6 g a ° It u s e t t i that DEP audit a minimum of 20 percent of all the sites that are required to a annual o e p a r t m .e n t P q pay °f compliance assurance fees. Regulations that govern the audit process are contained ENV IRON ME N L PROTC: CTf T N sac Contingency in the Massachusetts Contin MCP 310 CMR 40.1100 M.G.L, c.21 E Y Plan (MCP) ). and the MCP also give DEP the authority to inspect sites, collect environmental samples, and require that pertinent site information be submitted. What is the Goal of an Audit? Audits ensure compliance with M.G.L. c. 21 E and the MCP by verifying that response actions have been conducted according to applicable MCP requirements. The audit focuses on determining whether human health, safety, public welfare, and the environment have been adequately protected by response actions conducted at the site, Overall, the DEP audit program has been designed to ensure: • Compliance with M.G.L.c.21 E,the MCP, and other applicable requirements. • Consistency of audits within and across DEP regions. • Credibility to maintain public confidence that response actions that have little or no direct DEP oversight are being performed in a proper and timely manner. Commitmentto achieving the 20 percent audit target in M,G.L,c. 21 E. . t How Is The Audit Conducted? The audit includes a'comprehensive evaluation of site response actions to ensure compliance with the MCP. This type of Audit is known as a Level 111 (1-3)Audit and also includes: • An examination of documents in DEP site files. • A written Notice of Audit (NOA) that may also include: (1) a request for information, (2)a request to meet with DEP, (3)a site inspection,(4)collection of samples,or(5)other actions as required. • A Notice of Audit Finding (NOAF) at the conclusion of the L3 Audit. DEP is not required to issue a NOAF if doing so might jeopardize other enforcement actions at a site Other types of audit include Level I Audits and Level II Audits. Additional information on these types of audits can be found on the DEP web site at httr)://www.mass.gov/dep/bwsc/files/audfact.htm. When May a Site be Audited? DEP selects a site for audit both randomly(Random Audit)and by criteria-specific methods (Targeted Audit)within the following timeframes: • From the point of the initial release notification to 2 years after a Class A or B Response Action Outcome(RAO)Statement has been filed, DEP may select a site for a Random Audit. • From the point of the initial release notification to 5 years after a Class A or Class B RAO has been filed, DEP may select a site for a Targeted Audit. • DEP may, at any time, initiate/conduct a Random or Targeted Audit of any site subject to an Activity and Use Limitation (AUL). • After 5 years DEP shall not initiate a Targeted Audit unless it has reason to believe that a significant risk may be present at the site and/or that it is noncompliant, What are My Responsibilities in an Audit? Whether you are a Responsible Party(RP), Potentially Responsible Party(PRP), or Other Person(OP), you have two principal obligations during an audit: • You must respond to any"Requests For Information"(RFi)from DEP pursuant to M.G.L.. Chapter 21 E§§2, 4, and 8 and the MCP [(310 CMR 40.0165(1-5)and 40.1120(1)(b &c)] audirfs•Page 1 of 2 i TOWN OF BARNSTABLE -UEL AND CHEMICAL STORAGE REGISTRATION AP N0. Z PARCEL N0. 4030 ADDRESS OF TANK: /✓ 51%- VILLAGE: &WM;r11WZ--.,o5 MAILING ADDRESS ( IF DIFFERENT FROM ABOVE) : 12.5- � � OWNER NAME: / PHONE: ��7-743-710-3 INSTALLATION DATE: �//f1,e1w4aA1 BY: INSTALLER ADDRESS: 6//V.&/LbLc%nl -CERT.NO. *TANK LOCATION: A'r REAi2 0c A-;4C/417Y no TANK L O C A T S ON W I T H R Q O P Q C T T O Q u S L O I N O) CAPAC I TY�SO4 TYPE OF TANKS �� AGE YRS. FUEL/CHEMICAL TESTING CERTIFICATION D(] PASS [ ] FAIL DATE / IT LEAK DETECTION C ] CHECK IF N/A TYPE/BRAND VI✓1/i4Z P.t° �651akl ZONE OF CONTRIBUTION [ ] YES [ ] NO DATE TO BE REMOVED 1916 FIRE DEPT. PERMIT ISSUED [p<] YES C ] NO DATE CONSERVATION CHECK IF N/A DATE BOARD OF HEALTH TAG NO. C ] DATE PLEASE PROVIDE A SKETCH SHOWING THE TANK LOCATION ON THE BACK OF THIS CARD TOWN OF BARNSTABLE, - MJND-" FUEL AND CHEMICAL STORAGE REGISTRATION 1 MAP NO. lJ PARCEL NO. ADDRESS OF TANK: ��yA Inali✓ Si VILLAGE{ _ - Number Ytr��t MAILING.-ADDRESS ( IF DIFFERENT FROM ABOVE) : OWNER "NAME: Yip/ PHONE: 617-7�/3- INSTALLATION DATE: BY: ,/,AIA--^.h�,.'dZ INSTALLER ADDRESS: -CERT.NO. *TANK• LOCAT�ION: Air eF,,,92 oL r.�G/G/Tir' t✓ ' ' (ommon z om TANK ILOQAT I ON WITH "==MaCT' TO nu IILD I NO) CA'P`AC I TYl:;loy TYPE OF TANKSw A if. AGE YRS. FUEL/CHEMICAL TESTING}CERTIFICATION [x] PASS [ ] FAIL DATE �9.5 LEAK DETECTION [ ] CHECK IF N/A TYPE/BRAND ,_4AllyyAl eO(, / ZONE OF CONTRIBUTION . El YES [ ] NO DATE. TO BE REMOVED /9`I FIRE DEPT. PERMIT ISSUED [K] YES C ] NO DATE CONSERVATION CK) CHECK IF N/A DATE BOARD OF HEALTH TAG. NO.. [ ]. DATE kc PLEASE .PROVIDE,,.A. .SKETCH .SHOWING THE. TANK LOCATION ON THE BACK OF THLS CARD .,... ..s.r,�+.vT•.y-':---.r`... .�.v,s;`....-•i..-:..<....v.:.,y.F. ti .e-�+- -�i�v.^-...+c!''•..:.+x<H�s.-r--.•...w�.sW..�-.+w--s... ..-.� .. ._..... . -o...., .....:. .,.. TOWN OF BARNSTABLE — = B RG UND""F'.U)EL AND CHEMICAL STORAGE REGISTRATION .,.., _.,,M`AP NO. PARCEL NO. ADDRESS OF TANK: %f �� VILLAGE: `d?PVTFi^f- Number �tr��t MA I L I NG--ADDRESS ( IF DIFFERENT FROM ABOVE) : ��/r -' — '�?� 4 PHONE:. 7` i,y OWNER �r ''N' AM V d�ls f",r;,. - �.1 INSTALLATION DATE: y° ' E ' BY: //r✓ ii r s*�/' INSTALLER ADDRESS: t.�i'�/ 1 � -CERT.1-40. *TANK LOCATION: % ' {M ✓ ! ;' (DG OOf9I aC TANK LOOAT I ON WITH RQOPQOT TO mu I LD I NO) CAPACITY ->JJ TYPE OF TANK AGE YRS. FUEL/CHEMICAL l'/k LSe' TESTING CERTIFICATION [X] PASS [ ] FAIL DATE `S LEAK DETECTION C ] CHECK IF N/A ' TYPE/BRAND A VIV4-0 ZONE OF CONTRIHUTI` N [ ] YES - [ ,] NO. DATE TO BE REMOVED FIRE DEPT. PERMIT ISSUED EXI YES C ] NO DATE CONSERVATION [S(] CHECK IF N/A DATE BOARD OF HEALTH TAG NO. [ ] DATE PLEASE PROVIDE A SKETCH SHOWING .THE TANK LOCATION ON THE BACK OF THIS CARD r�= LVI Environmental Services Inc. 401-S Second Street Everett, Mtn 02149 SERVICES u Phone:(617) 389-8880 Fax (617) 389-9502 www.lviservices.com Q s boston@lviservices.com NOTIFICATION OF ASBESTOS ABATEMENT ATTENTION: Barnstable Health Department 367 Main Street Hyannis, MA 021601, LVI Environmental Services Inc. will be conducting an asbestos abatement project at the following location. Please note the site and dates listed below. Do not hesitate to contact us at(617)389-8880 with any questions on schedule adjustments,as the start and end dates are subject to changes. BUILDING LOCATION: Verzion 1320 Main Street RECEIVED Barnstable, MA .Equipment Room ` APR 16 2004 START DATE: 4/27/04 TOWN OF BARNSTABLE HEALTH DEPT. END DATE: 4/30/04 Asbestos signs will be clearly posted in all areas where work is being conducted. Please'take the necessary precautions in the event you are required to enter the building during an emergency. If you have further questions with respect to this project,please do not hesitate to contact our office at any time at(617)389-8880. Thank you very much for your attention regarding this matter: Very truly yours, LVI Environmental Services Inc. Sarah Marcone Projects Coordinator 4 Commonwealth of Massachusetts ■ 100004015 Asbestos Notification Form ANF-001 ____Decal Number __«- ___ Affix Asbestos Notification Decal- Here . ----------------------------------- Important:When filling out A. Asbestos Abatement Description forms on the computer,use 1. a. Is this facility fee exempt-city,town,district, municipal housing authority, owner-occupied only the tab key residence of four units or less?❑Yes ❑✓ No to move your cursor-do not b. Provide blanket decal number if applicable: Blanket Decal Number use the return key. 2. Facility Location: •� Verizon 1320 Main Street a.Name of Facility b.Street Address r Barnstable MA 02630 c.City/Town d.State e.Zip Code f.Telephone Number INSTRUCTIONS 3. WorkSite Location: 1.All sections of this equipment room J 1 form must be a.Building Name/Building Location b.Building# c.Wing - d.Floor e.Room completed in order to comply with 4. Is the facility occupied? ❑✓ Yes ❑No DEP notification requirements of 310 CMR 7.15 5. Asbestos Contractor: and the Division of Occupational LVI ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES INC 401-S SECOND STREET Safety(DOS) a.Name b.Address notification EVERETT 02149 617-389-8880 requirements of 453 CMR 6.12 C.Cityfrown d.Zip Code e.Telephone Number AC000097 f.DOS License Number g.Contract Type: ❑Written ❑Verbal Jim Brimhall, Hygienetics h.Facility Contact Person I.Contact Person's Title` FREDDY BATISTA AS031004 6' a.Name of On-Site Supervisor/Foreman b.Supervisor/Foreman DOS Certification Number Hygienetics AA000036 7' a.Name of Project Monitor b.Project Monitor DOS Certification Number Yee Consulting Group AA000145 ®_ 8' a.Name of Asbestos Analytical Lab b.Asbestos Analytical Lab DOS Certification Number 04/27/2004 04/30/2004 9' a.Project Start Date mmlddl b.End Date mmldd/ -0 4pm-12am I IN/A 5--N c.Work hours Mon-Fri. d.Work hours Sat-Sun. =o 10. a.What type of project is this? �o ❑Demolition ❑✓ Renovation ❑ Repair ❑Other,please specify: b.Describe 11. a. Check abatement procedures: �O ❑Glove bag ❑ Encapsulation o ❑ Enclosure r ❑Disposal only ILL ❑Cleanup ❑Other,specify: -- ❑✓ Full containment b.Describe �z =Q 12. Is the job being conducted: ❑✓ Indoors? ❑Outdoors? ■ anf001 ap.doc•10/02 Asbestos Notification Form•Page 1 of 3■ rf Commonwealth of Massachusetts ■ 100004015 Asbestos Notification Form ANF-001 Decal Number A. Asbestos Abatement Description (cont.) 13. Total amount of each type of Asbestos Containing Materials (ACM)to be removed, enclosed, or encapsulated: 1200 a.Total pipes or ducts linear ft otal otner surfaces square c.Boiler,breaching,duct,tank d.Insulating cement surface coatings Lin.ft. Sq.ft. Lin.ft. Sq.ft. e.Corrugated or layered paper f.Trowel/Sprayer coatings pipe insulation Lin.ft. Sq.ft. (Lin.ft. Sq.ft. g.Spray-on fireproofing � h.Transite board,wall board Lin.ft. Sq.ft. Lin.ft. i.Cloths,woven fabrics � j.Other,please specify: � 1200 Lin.ft. S ft. Lin.ft. Sq.ft. k.Thermal,solid core pipe VAT/mastic insulation Lin.ft. Sq.ft. I.Specify 14. Describe the decontamination system(s)to be used: Three-chambered decontamination facility with shower 15. Describe the containerization/disposal methods to comply with 310 CMR 7.15 and 453 CMR 6.14(2)(g): ACM will be wet(hand to bag).ACM will be properly labeled,packaged and transported. 16. For Emergency Asbestos Operations,the DEP and DOS officials who evaluated the emergency: N/A I ` a.Name of DEP Official b.Title c.Date(mm/dd/ )of Authorization d.DEP Waiver# N/A - e.Name of DOS Official f.DOS OfficialTitle ®�N g.Date(mrn/dd/yyyy)of Authorization h.DOS Waiver# 9-0 17. Do prevailing wage rates as per M.G.L.c. 149, §26,27 or 27A—F apply to this project? ❑Yes❑✓ No B. Facility Description a-N =o 1. Current or prior use of facility: office 2. Is the facility owner-occupied residential with 4 units or less? ❑Yes ❑✓ No 3 Verizon-New England Inc. 114 Adams Street a.Facility Owner Name b.Address o Milton 102186 1 1617-696-4112 o C.City/Town d.zip Code e.Tele hone Number area code and extension �LL 4 Jim Brimhall,Hyglenetics 432 Columbia Street a.Name of Facility Owner's On-Site Manager b.On-Site Manager Address Z Cambridge 02141 617-621-0363 �Q c.City/Town d.zip Code e.Telephone Number(area code and extension) ■ anf001ap.doc-10/02 Asbestos Notification Form-Page 2 of 3■ Commonwealth of Massachusetts 100004015 Asbestos Notification Form ANF-001 Decal Number B. Facility Description (cont.) NIA 5' a.Name of General Contractor b.Address t c.City/Town d.Zip Code e.Telephone Number area code and extension f.Contractor's Worker's Comp.Insurer .Policy Number h.Ex .Date mm/dd/ 6. What is the size of this facility? S—�et �.—L� a.Square Feet b.Number of floors C. Asbestos Transportation and Disposal 1. Transporter of asbestos-containing material from site to temporary storage site(if necessary): LVI Environmental Services Inc. 401-S Second Street Note:Transfer a.Name of Transporter _ b.Address Stations must lEverett 02149 (617)389-8880 comply with the c.City/Town d.Zip Code e.Telephone Number Solid Waste Division 2. Transporter of asbestos-containing waste material from removal/temporary site to final disposal site: Regulations 310 CMR 19.000 Waste Management NEEt 203 Pickering Street,PO Box 144 a.Name of Transporter b.Address Portland, CT 106480 j 1(800)272-3867 c.Ci /Town d.Zip Code e.Telephone Number 3. 1 N/A a.Refuse Transfer Station and Owner b.Address c.Cit/Town d.Zip Code e.Telephone Number 4. ITURNKEY LANDFILL(WASTE MGT. NH) a.Final Dis osal Site Location Name b.Final Disposal Site Location Owner's Name 97 ROCHESTER NECK ROAD I IROCHESTER c.Final Dis osal Site Address d.City/Town NH 03839 (603)332-2386 e.State f.Zip Code g.Telephone Number V) D. Certification �N The undersigned hereby states,under the Sarah Marcone �0 penalties of perjury,that he/she has read the a.Name b.Authorized Signature �o Commonwealth of Massachusetts regulations 1projects Coordinator for the Removal,Containment or Encapsulation of Asbestos,453 CMR 6.00 and c.Position/Title d.Date(mm1dd/YyYY 310 CM 7.15,and that the information (617)389-8880 —� LVI �� contained in this notification is true and correct e! Tele hone Number f.Representing to the best of his/her knowledge and belief. 401-S Second Street o Address emu. Everett 02149 h.City/Town I.Zip Code �Z anf001 ap.doc-10/02 . Asbestos Notification Form•Page 3 of 3 U 3Massachusetts Department of Environmental Management Office of Water Resources 14 9 6 0 TYPE OR PRINT ONLY Well Completion Report D1 ov/ 1. WELL LOCATION GPS (OPTIONAL) LATITUDE LONGITUDE DATUM Address at Weli Location.D/YI/YIUC't�/ f3U/Id/ham. Property Owner/Client:_ Subdivision Name 3Ay�G /yfl/h &&&J- Mailing Address: C�f- e!-= City/Town: H, CityfTown: New doer 5� Assessors Map Assessors Lot#: NOTE: Assessors Map and Lot#mandatory-if no street,address available. Board of Health permit obtained: Yes❑ Not Required 154 Permit Number Date Issued 2.WORK PERFORMED x 3. PROPOSED'USE-§ 4. DRILLING°METHOD W-New Well El Abandon El Domestic El Irrigation ❑ Cable ❑ Auger ❑ Deepen ❑ Recondition R-Monitoring ❑ Municipal ❑ Air HaMmer-,,�,WDiirect Push ❑ Replace ❑ Other ❑ Industrial, ❑ Other ❑ Mud,1R8ta -q❑ Other 5. WELL LOG Water Unconsolidated Consolidated '6.:SITE:SKETCH (use permanent landmarks with distances) Bearing m Other RockiTdype From (ft) To (ft) Zones c� cn m Material Description _ _ 8uildr�9 W�c1/ : o 041 cud/ 7. WELL CONSTRUCTION 8. CASING Total Depth Drilled From (ft) To (ft) Casing Typ"rid Material Size I.D. (in) Well Seal Type Date Complete Q 9. SCREEN From (ft) To (ft) Slot Size Screen-Type and Material Screen Diameter 10. FILTER PACK/GROUT'/ABANDONMENT MATERIAL 11. ADDITIONAL WELL INFORMATION F° Developed? ❑ Yes N-I40 From (ft) To (ft) Material Description . ' Purpose Fracture Enhancement? ❑ Yes 54-No AAr `� Method Disinfected? ❑ Yes ❑ No 12. WELL TEST DATA(ALL SECTIONS MANDATORY FOR PRODUCTION WELLS) 13. STATIC WATER LEVEL(ALL WELLS) Yield ' Time Pumped Drawdown to Time to Recover Recovery to Depth Below Date Method (GPM) {hrs&min) (Ft. BGS) (hrs&min) (Ft. BGS) Date Measured Ground Surface (FT) 14. PERMANENT PUMP (IF AVAILABLE) 15.NAMEIADDRESS OF PUMP INST-AkLATION COMPANY Pump Description "" Horsepower Pump Intake Depth - • (ft) Nominal Pump Capacity. (gpm) # 16. COMMENTS 17. WELL DRILLER'S STATEMENT - This well was drilled, altered, and/or abandoned uncleg my supervision, according to applicable rules and regulations, and this feport is Eco plete an c rrect to the best of my knowledge. � j/ � Driller: = �%'� Supervising Driller Signature: Registration #: ' Firm: Date: . tx' ! — Rig Permit#: L_.., NOTE: Well Completion Reports must'be filed by the registered well driller within 30 days of well co m BOARD OF HEALTH COPY' ' ` MAR -3 AM IQ: 08 DTVIISION J / i �Y1 b f ' t r•1 '�Massachusetts Department"of Conservation and Recrea ' ' Office of Water Resources — 3 TYPE OR PRINT ONLY - Well Completion Report 160274 f 1.WELL LOCATION GPS (Required) North AL_0�_ West Address at Well Location:. r Property Owner/Client: Subdivision Name. - ' - Mailing Address; s _ City/Town.. r/7- t' /L/4 City/Tow D.o�O(7� . Assessors Map Assessors Lot#: NOTE: Assessors Map and Lot#.mandatory rf no etreet'address available Board of Health permit obtained:.'-- Yes E Not•Required Permit Number DateJssue INY a a 2.WORK PERFORMED 3 WELL':TYPE_ 4. DRILLING METHOD 6.CASING -* v a Overburden Bedrock From(ft) To(ft) �-�ypei Thickness Diameter o 5.WELL LOG OVERBURDEN Extra. ` �'��❑ Water Loss or- Drop in LITHOLOGY Bearing Addition Drill Fast or 1"* ❑❑El Zone of Fluid Stem- Slow 7.SCAEEN 21 From (ft) To (ft) -Code Color Comment Drill Rate a 4 From 'Type Slot Size Diameter Y / N<. -1N ,/'S' IML Y / N YIN F / S e Y / N Y / N F / S ' r i` ? ❑❑❑ _ Y / N Y / N F / S 8.ANNULAR SEAL/FILTER PACK/ABANDONMENT MTL. Y / N Y / N F J,S From(ft) To(ft) Material Description Purpose Y / N Y / N Fi�S - �d. a , . k .. , Y / N Y / N F�/��S ,, ❑❑ _ ❑ Y / N Y / N F //AS ❑❑ ❑❑ Y / N Y /� � FS ❑-❑ ❑❑ WELL LOG- BEDROCK Extras °9.SITE SKETCH x- Water. Drop in Extra Fast or�Usible Loss.or #of LITHOLOGY Bearing Drill Large Slow !Rust Addition Fractures From(ft) To (ft) Code Comment Zone Stem tiipr brill Rate Staining of Fluid per foot Y / NT( / N F / S Y / N Y / N Y / fdYr/ I F / S Y / N Y / N Y,•/ NY'YNF / SY / NY / N � .-�c9 r,Y;/ N,Y / N F / S Y / N Y / N ��Y %N'Y / N F / S Y / N YEN Y,/ .- Y / NF / SY / NY Y % NY / N F / S Y / N YIN 'N `Y / NY / N F / S Y / N Y / N �. J Y / NY / N F / S Y / N Y / N Y / N Y / N F / S Y / N Y / N 10.WELL TEST.DATA,(AL MANDATORY FOR PR©DUCTION4WELLS) 11 STATIC'WATER°LEVEL`=(ALL WELLS) Yield Time�Pumped Pumping Level Time to Recover Recovery DepthlBelow Date Method (GPM) (hrs 8 min)' (Ft. BGS) (hrs 8 min) (R.BGS) Date Measured: Ground Surface(ft) 12. PERMANENT P-UMP.(IF AVAILABLE) 13.ADDITION, MIELL INFpRMATION _ Pump Description ,❑ ❑T❑ ❑ Horsepower Developed Y W Fracture Enhancement Y / N t ❑ � . i Pump Intake Depth-A��``''a� (ft) Nominal Pump Capacity (gpm) Disinfected Y N Surface-Seal Type 14. COMMENTS 'Idn S A;d/6/ Total Well Depth Depth to Bedrock 15.WELL DRILLER'S STATEMENT This well was drilled,altered,and/or abandoned under my supervision, according to applicable rules nd regulations and this LALreport is co plete an c t to the best of my knowledge. Driller: Xf �" — kervis n n er.Signat v Registration 4166 ' Firm: L Date Complete: � Rig Permit#: {. r * E 11�OTE:;W�llkComPletion Repotts-must he filed.by:the.regrstered<well driller within 30 days of well eampletion.;,.. , t 1 ,, ,.t ,', ,'. : .$OARD,- F=HEAL Fi s, 'Well Compl6tlow"Report Codes ` Section 2' '`, _ `'a1 - Section 3" - 1 Section 4 Work ;'t �,•`.t. Well Drilling . Work Performed ; Type- Performed Method Performed Code _ ^ Well Type Cods z; , Drilling Method Code Decommission DC,. �� ., ,CathodicProtection CTPR Air Hammer ; AH Deepen DP Domestic- - DMST t ` Air Rotary AR Hydrofracture HF Geoconstruction GCON Auger AG New Well NW Geothermal Closed Loop GTCL Cable Tool CT Repair RP Geothermal Open Loop GTOL Casing Advancement CA , Replacement RE industrial INDS Core CR Injection INJC Direct Push DP Irrigation IRRG Drive and Wash DW -:Monitoring 4 MONT Dug DG Public Water Supply PBWS — !• Mud Rotary MR Recovery RCVR Reverse-Rotary RR" Test Wells TSTW Sonic SN Section 5 a Section 6 Overburden t ; Casing Lithology Overburden-Overburden Overburden Bedrock Type Thickness Name (OB)Code 'Color Color Code Bedrock Name (BR Code) Casing Type Code Thickness (NO CODE) Artificial Fill AF Black BL Amphibolite AM Certa-Lok CTL Schedule 5 Boulders B _ Bluish Gray BG Basalt BS Fiberglass FBG Schedule 10 Clay CL Brown BR Conglomerate/Breccia CGIBR Galvanized Pipe GLP- Schedule 40 Coarse Sand CS Dark Gray 1DG Diorite DI HDPE HDP Schedule 80 Cobbles`; C `t Greenish Gray GG Gabbro GB NSF Coated Steel NCS Schedule 160 Fine Sand FS Light Gray LG Gneiss GN PVC PVC SDR 13.5 Fine to Coarse'Sand FCS Reddish Brown RB Granite GR Stainless Steel SST SDR 17 ; Gravel G Yellowish Brown YB Limestone LS Steel STL SDR 21 Medium Sand . MS Marble MA SDR 26 s Organics 0 Quartzite QZ SDR 32.5 .Sand&Gravel SG . Rhyolite RH SDR 40 S Silt SI Sandstone SS 17# Silty Clay SICL Schist SC . 19# Silty Sand SIS Shale SH Silty Sand&Gravel SISG Slate/Phyllite SUPH Till T - ' Pegmatite '.PM Section 7 Section 8 Section 10 ` Annular Seal/Filter Screen; Annular Seal/Filter PacklAbandonment Purpose Method Screen Type t Code I PacklAbandonment Material Code Purpose Code Method Code Carbon Steel #CST Bentonite Chips/Pellets BC Fill FL Air Blow with Drill Stem AB Continuous Wire PVC CWP Bentonite Grout BG Filter 'FT Air Lift ALy Galvanized Wire Wrapped GWW CementlBentonite Grout CB Seal AS Bailing BL Perforated Pipe PFP Concrete CT Constant Rate Pump CR Pre-pack-PVC PPP Sand SD Variable Rate Pump VR Pre-pack Stainless PPS Native Material NM! Slug SG Slotted PVC SLP Stainless Steel Vee Wire SSV Stainless Steel Well Point SSP .Section 12 Section 13 Pump Description Well Seal Pump Description i Code Horsepower Surface Seal Type Type Code 3 Wire Variable Speed Submersible 3WVS 112 20 + Cement, �� CM 2 Wire Variable Speed Submersible 2WVS 314 25 - CementlBentonite.'. CB 2 Wire Constant Speed Submersible 2WSS 1 30 Concrete CT 3 Wire Constant Speed Submersible 3WSS 1 112-, 40 None NO Constant Speed Submersible Turbine CSST 2 '50 . Variable Speed Submersible Turbine 'VSST 3 60 Jet JET 5 75 _ Line Shaft Turbine LST 7 1/2 100 Centrifical CENT 10 125 15 150