HomeMy WebLinkAbout0030 THORNTON DRIVE UNIT A - Health 3 0-Thomfon-'Oiive m,� Hyannis ` A .296 - 008 I i i i i i ' IMMEDIATE RESPONSE ACTION COMPLETION STATEMENT CLASS A-2 RESPONSE ACTION OUTCOME SUPPORTING DOCUMENTATION MA DEP RTN 4-17903 Amaral Automotive 32 Thornton Drive Hyannis;,,MA., 02601 r' Assessors Map 296,Tarcel 8 SEPTEMBER 16,2003 ENNET T A 0'REILtX Inc. , Engineering, Environmental & Surveying Services 1573 Main Street � :. Sanitary 21E/Site Remediation Property Line PO Box 1667r# Brewster,MA 02631 Site Development Hydrogeologic Survey Subdivision Waste Water Treatment Water Quality Monitoring Land Court 508-896-6630 Water Supply Licensed Site Professional Trial Court Witness 508-896-4687 Fax 1 BENNETT A O'REILLY. Inc. �+ Engineering, Environmental & Surveying Services 1573 Main Street PO Box 1667 Sanitary 21E/Site Remediation Property Line Brewster,MA 02631 Site Development Hydrogeologic Survey Subdivision Waste Water Treatment Water Quality Monitoring Land Court 508-896-6630 ' Water Supply Licensed Site Professional Trial Court Witness 508-896-4687 Fax B003-3795 September 16, 2003 Richard F. Packard, Section Chief 1 Massachusetts Department of Environmental Protection(MA DEP) Southeastern Regional Office(SERO) Bureau of Waste Site Cleanup, Emergency Response Section(BWSC/ERS) ' 20 Riverside Drive Lakeville, MA 02347 1 RE: IMMEDIATE RESPONSE ACTION COMPLETION STATEMENT CLASS A-2 RESPONSE ACTION OUTCOME AMARAL AUTOMOTIVE OIL/HAZARDOUS MATERIAL RELEASE 1 INVESTIGATION-RTN#4-17903 32 Thornton Drive,Hyannis,MA. Dear Mr. Packard, BENNETT & O'REILLY, INC., has prepared the following Immediate Response Action ,Completion Statement with a Class A-2 Response Action Outcome and Supporting Documentation as representing remedial response actions and environmental assessment activities conducted at the 1 above referenced location,as consistent with the provisions of the 310 CMR 40.0427 and 40:1035 respectively. Remedial response actions were conducted to mitigate potential environmental and human health hazards associated with any significant release of oil and/or hazardous materials mobilized by water used in the firefighting response to an early morning incident which involved the above referenced location on July 21, 2003. At the time of response, the Hyannis Fire Department noted a sheen in the run off from the water used(herein referred to as firewater)and the Massachusetts Department of Environmental Protection(MA DEP) was notified of the incident. In the MA DEP response,the Department's representative [Michael Whitestone] observed 1 that the firewater runoff had traveled over the graveled parking area at the front of the garage,along the berm of the Thornton Drive roadway and into a series of two catch basins. Mike Whitestone, ' noted the current function ofthe building as an automobile repair shop and the presence of containers of oils,gasoline and automotive fluids. It was further noted that the area of the fire in the industrial park was within the Barnstable Wellfield Zone II-Protective Radius as a Potential Drinking Water 1 Source Area(PDWSA). Base on such site conditions and observations,it is apparent the responding 1 ' SEPTEMBER 16,2003 AMARAL AUTO:B003-3795 PAGE 2 OF 7 IRAC/CLASS A 2 RAO:RTN#4-17903 ' MA DEP representative determined a 2 Hour Condition based on the threat of a sudden release. As such,the Department issued a Notice of Responsibility to the business operator,Mr. Bill Amaral, as one of the commercial condominium unit owners in the complex. ' At the recommendation of the MA DEP representative,ENVIROSAFE Corporation rPoration(E SC ) was contacted by Mr. Amaral to make an emergency response to the release and to remove firewater ' from the areas of puddling and intercepting catch basins. BENNETT & O'REII.LLY, INC., was contacted by ESC and retained by Mr. Amaral, to provide LSP oversight and act as the liaison between the Potentially Responsible Party(PRP) and the Department. In preliminary response to the property, BENNETT & O REILLY, INC., personnel i confirmed verbal authorization for the recovery and recycling of impacted firewater and.directed ' ESC.personnel use of a vacuum truck to remove some 2,120 gallons of Non DOT/Non Regulated oily water from the two impacted catch basins and puddles of standing water that remained in the ' area between the release point and the catch basins. Prior to the removal of water located on the shop floor,water samples were collected in an effort to establish the nature of any release of oil and/or hazardous materials and,to characterize potential exposure risks associated with the infiltration of firewater.This testing included Extractable and Volatile Petroleum Hydrocarbons(EPH/VPH),Poly Aromatic Hydrocarbon analytes(PAH's), volatile organic compounds(VOC's),Polychlorinated Bi-Phenyls(PCB's)and trace metals(RCRA 8). Of these analyses conducted in the standing firewater on the concrete floor within the involved unit, only metals and fractional VPH constituents. These constituents identified within the puddled ' firewater were then tested for in soils in the areas of greatest potential infiltration into the environment. ' On July 21, 2003, as requested by the Department, BENNETT & O'REILLY, INC., personnel obtained soil samples from the bottom ofthe two pumped catch basins,(CB-1)and(CB-1). Also on this date, a soil sample was collected from an area of exposed ground immediately south of ' the two catch basins that retained firewater(A-1). On August 18,2003 two additional soil samples were collected from an area of cracked pavement that functioned as a drainage Swale along Thornton Drive(TB-2 and TB-3) south of the unit and one soil sample was collected from a gravel parking area in front of the repair shop (TB-4) [Refer to Site Plan- Appendix A]. Laboratory analysis of these soil samples received September 3,2003 reported concentrations of metals and fractional VPH ' compounds in representative soil samples as significantly below the most restrictive and applicable S-1/GW-1 and S-1/GW-3,Method 1 -Risk Characterization standards. As such, this report provides technical rationale and justification in support of a Class A-2 Response Action Outcome (RAO) Statement in accordance with the Massachusetts Contingency Plan (MCP) 310 CMR, Section 40.1036(2). The removal of some 2,120 gallons of impacted ' firewater has abated significant impact to the environment or significant exposure risks to human receptors identified.Laboratory results in soil samples collected at the base of the leaching catch basin (CB-1), an exposed surface area(A-1), and three test borings(TB-2,TB-3 and TB-4), demonstrate SEPTEMBER 16,2003 AMARAL AUTO:B003-3795 PAGE 3 OF 7 IRAC/CLASS A-2 RAO:RTN#4-17903 1 that a condition of"No Significant Risk' exists for human exposures and environmental impact in accordance with 310 CMR 40.0970. As such, a permanent solution has been achieved in support of regulatory closure within the initial 60 day statutory deadline. This work has proceeded under my supervision in a manner consistent with the MCP Response Action Performance Standards, pursuant to 310 CMR 40.0191 and.QA/QC policies of BENNETT &O'REILLY,INC. The facts and statements herein are,to the best of my.knowledge, a true and accurate representation of the site activities,remedial response actions and environmental ' conditions associated with the project. ENVIRONMENTAL CONDITIONS [Refer to Appendix A] The Site is located in an upland area with no associated wetlands or open water bodies [Refer to Figure 1]. The area and surrounding land is largely developed as comprising of commercial I ' properties in industrial and retail businesses use. There are no residences within 500' of the Site. Thorton Drive is a moderately traveled dead end roadway used solely by business activities on the road. Access to the Site is unrestricted with low frequency and intensity of use to soils within the catch basin and under pavement and high frequency and intensity of use to soils within the gravel parking area as they are accessible soils. ' Review of USGS topographic maps and regional groundwater contours indicate a southeasterly flow direction toward Lewis Bay [Refer to Figure 2]. Municipal water service is available to the surrounding area and there are no known potable wells within 500'of the subject Site. ' The Site does fall within a Zone II Protective Radius for several public water supply wells some 1/2 mile to the southeast. The Site is entirely upland with no associated wetlands. The nearest down ' gradient surface water body is Flint Rock Pond some 1/2 mile southeast of the Site. The MA DEP, BWSC overlay for the GIS mapping program shows the area as within a ' Potentially Productive Medium Yield Aquifer within the Cape Cod Sole Source Aquifer designation [Refer to Figure 3]. Based on site conditions relative to the Site being within the Zone II Interim l Wellhead Protection Area with groundwater projected at a depth greater thanl5' below ground surface(bgs),theRCS-1 andRCGW-1 Reportable Concentration/Quantities are applicable to Release Notification and the S-1,S-2/GW-1 and S-1,S-2/GW-3 criteria is considered in Method 1 Risk Characterization. BACKGROUND [Refer to Appendix BJ According to the Barnstable Fire Department field report,on July 21,2003 at approximately 12:16 am, a fire broke out in the Amaral Auto Service section of the building at 32 Thornton Drive due to an undetermined source or event. The Barnstable Fire Department responded to the fire by applying large amounts of water to extinguish the flames and cool down the steel frame of the building. As a result of the large amounts of water being applied to the inside and outside of the building,the firewater ran with gradient along the side of Thornton Drive for approximately 250'and I ' SEPTEMBER 16,2003 AMARAL AUTO:B003-3795 PAGE 4OF 7 IRAGCLASS A-2 RAO:RTN#4-17903 ' puddling in areas and infiltrating two catch basins. Based on the nature of the business,noted sheen on the standing water in puddles and the two catch basins and the environmental sensitivity of the Zone II,the MA DEP was notified of a potential release. 1 i Cleanup Section was notified of the potential Mike Whltestone of the MA DEP Waste Site C can p release and responded to the site. Upon inspection of the contents of the Automobile Repair Shop Mr. Whitestone noted two drums of Waste oil with open bungs that may have had the contents displaced. Also noted were a few canisters of gasoline which had been melted by the heat possibly ' compromising their integrity. As such,a field Notice of Responsibility was issued to the shop owner Mr.Bill Amaral to investigate any such potential environmental impact. Verbal authorization for the evacuation and recycling of impacted firewater was granted as part of the IRA. PRELEMINARY RESPONSE [Refer to Appendix B] ' On July 21, 2003, BENNETT & O'REILLY, INC. made preliminary response to the property and communicated with the MA DEP to direct ENVIROSAFE Corporation.,personnel to remove standing water in the two impacted catch basins and residual puddles. ENVIROSAFE ' personnel removed some 2,120 gallons of Non DOT/Non Regulated oily water from these areas, including the contents ofthe oil and gasoline containers. Upon completion ofde-watering operations, soil/sediment samples were collected from the bottom of the catch basins CB-1 and CB-2 and from an unpaved area of road side(A-1)immediately south ofthe leaching catch basin(CB-1). A sample was taken from standing water on the cement slab floor of the repair shop and shipped to Groundwater Analytical in Buzzards Bay, MA., to be analyzed for VPH/EPH,PAH's,VOC's and ' RCRA metals. This sample was collected in an effort to characterize the possible contents of the runoff created by the fire fighting. The soil/sediment samples collected from the surface area(A-1), the leaching catch basin(CB-1)and a background sample collected ofthe sediment and soil from one ' un-impacted catch basin located some 300' east of the two impacted catch basins(CB-3)were also submitted for laboratory analysis pending results of the firewater analysis. ' At the time of initial response,the interior ofthe building was inspected to identify any source of release. The open oil drums were observed to be intact and 1/2 full as not indicating any release of oil. Plastic containers of gasoline were deformed by the heat,however,gasoline was still within the ' containers and there was no evidence of significant release of gasoline. Throughout the shop,various containerized cans of automotive fluids,paints and lubricants were noted as intact with no evidence ' for any significant source of oil or hazardous material release. ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT [Refer to Appendix B and Appendix C] Laboratory analysis of EPH/VPH,PAH's,VOC's,PCB's and RCRA metals ofthe firewater reported only metals and fractional VPH constituents, received July 29, 2003 on a priority turnaround,reported only the VPH aromatics and cadmium and lead concentrations above the most restrictive GW-1 standards. All other compounds tested were reported in the firewater at concentrations significantly below the GW-1, GW-2 and GW-3, Method 1 Risk Characterization ' standards. SEPTEMBER 16,2003 AMARAL AUTO:B003-3795 PAGE 5 OF 7 IRAC/CLASS A-2 RAO:RTN#4-17903 As such onlythe metals and VPH testing was prescribed in soil testing at the bottom of the g P g catch basins and A-1 area. Based on the results of laboratory analysis received on July 31, 2003, there is no further response actions necessary with regards to the impacted catch basins and the one surface area(A-1). ' Sediment from-the oil water separator(CB-2)was not analyzed as it is unlikely that there would be any discrepancy reported between the sediment collected from the leaching catch basin(CB-1) and the sediment collected from the oil water separator(CB-2)in conjunction with this possible release. Furthermore,the inspection ofthe oil water separator showed the standing water level below the exit pipe invert as flow into the leaching component. Because the oil water separator is a sealed unit and pumped prior to overflow, no environmental testing as representative of environmental impact was deemed appropriate or necessary. On August 18, 2003, two soil samples, (TB-2 and TB-3), were collected from an area of cracked pavement which functions as a drainage swale along Thornton Drive. Also on this date, soil sample (TB-4) was collected from a gravel parking area on the property of 30 Thornton Drive as ' representing the area of greatest potential environmental impact . These samples were collected, preserved and transported to Groundwater Analytical in Buzzards Bay, MA., to be analyzed for metals and VPH as pre-characterized from the firewater standing in the shop on the day of discovery. Analytical results for the above referenced laboratory analysis are summarized for analytes which were reported above the laboratory detection limit in Table 1. TABLE 1: SUMMARY OF LABORATORY ANALYSIS FOR METHOD 1-RISK CHARAC�TyERIZATION SOIL LOCATION VPI-I/Metals Results S-2 Soil Standard' S-3 Soil Standard' ppm,mg/kg a`�1Q�s h1R 4Q 9, 2 ` 310 CMR 40.975(6)a 310 CMR 40.975(6)a ".;£C I1CrW�k e 1F GW-1/GW-3 GW-1/GW-3 CB-3(background) "�€ x ' C,-C, BRL<1.0 r 10 ? K z 500 500 C9-C12 BRL<1.0 G� yfly tip; 2,500 5,000 C9-CIO 2.1 fi` 1 b0 i Y} 1001500 1001500 Arsenic,Total BRL<9.8 {e,S a 0 31 :O.G 30/30 30/30 Barium,Total 39 2,500/2,500 5,00015,000 Lead,Total 54 ek a�j30�I/30� ` " S 600/600 600/600 CB-1 CS-C8 BRL<1.0 500 500 C9-CIZ BRL<1.0 2,500 5,000 C9-CIO 3.4 j Ot1 yk �} 1001500 1001500 Arseniq Total BRL<9.8 " #3fx 30/30 30/30 Barium Total 38 wN i00 Q � 2,500/2,500 - 5,00015,000 ' Lead Total 80 g2 30030D�x 600/600 600/600 A-1n�% xo �ryGrm r C,-C, BRL<1.0 ��s t+t 3 Qua g1 a:P 500 500 C9-C12 BRL<1.0 4ar � �IODd� ,¢�:"1. 2,500 5,000 ' C CIO BRL<1.0 "" 1 E1 � 100/500 1001500 Arsenic,Total 17 30/30 30/30 Barium,Total BRL<39 1 01SQlI",OC)0 2,500/2,500 5,00015,000 6001600 600/600 Lead,Total 44 .,�i,i�30013Q'��,��; - ' SEPTEMBER 16,2003 AMARAL AUTO:B003-3795 PAGE 6 OF 7 IRAC/CLASS A-2 RAO:RTN#4-17903 I ' TABLE 1: SUMMARY OF LABORATORY ANALYSIS FOR METHOD 1-RISK CHARACTERIZATION SOIL LOCATION VPII/Metals Results xv r����So t�n�ard}� +`�h�; S-2 Soil Standard S-3 Soil Standard ppm mg/kg Ivi�t' g �6'x 40.975(6)a 310 CMR 40.975(6)a 310 CMR GW-1/GW-3 GW-1/GW-3 "�Rrn c " Y a TB-2 0-1' <s x s F CS_C8 BRL<l.l �'���{�`'�`;��"��Rr,10�����',��.;�,�� 500 500 C C BRL<l.lfla *� ,Dt) � �4 2,500 5,000 C C12 BRL<l.l "��x ,��1Q Y � 1001500 1001500 9- to n. r r' l�n 1'' "aw Arsenic,Total 3.2z 3MF3�013rhM^ 5 30/30 30/30 Barium,Total BRL<21 �x, �00f;O�p� tk 2,500/2,500 5,000/5,000 Lead,Total BRL<110 rb�F i. 600/600 600/600 TB-3 0-1' CS-C$ BRL<l.l ��),�q��w � 10t ���z���`�r 500 500 a kid ` C -CIZ BRL<l.l 2,500 5,000 C9-CIO BRL<1.1 3 i 3x`OIS ? t. 1001500 100/500 Arsenic,Total 1.7 " �? �bbs 30/30 30/30 Barium,Total BRL<21 �������000L�1>,0�� �.us�' 2,500/2,500 5,000/5,000 Lead,Total 16 � 34( 300 � 600/600 600/600 a� ���� 2 T1140-1' C C BRL<l.l �s�� t� �M°a 500 500 C9-C12 BRL<1.1 +A1000 awl a 2,500 5,000 ' C9-C1O BRL<l.l 1001500 1001500 Arsenic,Total 1.4 a�� 0(3'0-` � �a 30/30 30/30 Bariun36 Total BRL<22 �1 OOt1 �00( 2,500/2,500 5,00015,000 Lead,Total BRL<11 �� � 0710 600/600 600/600 Chromium,Total 22 . 1,000/1,000 2,500/2,500 x VPH-Volatile Petroleum Hydrocarbons(ppm) BOLD text indicates values which exceed applicable Method 1-Risk Characterization Categories Shaded Areas designates appropriate Method 1-Risk Characterization Categories RISK CHARACTERIZATION [Refer to Appendix D] SOILS ' In consideration of the analytical data presented in Table 1, it is the opinion of BENNETT & O'RE]LLY, INC., that no soil removal activities are required in conjunction with the potential release of dissolved phase impacted firewater. In the review of the laboratory data generated in association with the subject IRA, concentrations of firewater constituents were reported at concentrations significantly below the applicable and most restrictive S-1/GW-1 and S-1/GW-3, Method 1-Risk Characterization standards in consideration of the potential ingestion,inhalation and r dermal exposure risks to humans and significant environmental impact. ' GROUNDWATER The Method 1 Risk Characterization standards for soils are developed as a measure of potential leaching to groundwater. Present soil conditions for the representative compounds tested are at concentrations below the applicable Method 1 -Risk Characterization standards and as such are not considered a potential risk for leaching to groundwater. As such, no groundwater.analysis was undertaken or deemed necessary in support ofthe Class A-2 Response Action Outcome without any Activity or Use Limitation in support of project closure. f rSEPTEMBER 16,2003 AMARAL AUTO:B003-3795 PAGE 7 OF 7 IRAC/CLASS A 2 RAO:RTN#4-17903 CONCLUSIONS Based on laboratory analysis reported for the firewater characterization, as combined with those laboratory results for soil samples taken from areas of greatest potential infiltration into the environment,it is the opinion of BENNETT&O'REILLY,INC.,that a condition of"No Significant Risk"is documented as associated with the July 21,2003 fire and that no further action is required ' ent solution for a Class A-2 at the subject property. As such,a penman Response Action Outcome (RAO)without an Activities and Use Limitation(AUL)is applicable for the closure of this project, in accordance with the provisions of 310 CMR 40.1036. Concentrations of metals and VPH fractional compounds tested in the area with the highest potential for infiltration into the environment are consistent with those measured in the background sample. Based on a condition of"No Significant Risk", as consistent with background, wherein additional soil removal would not significantly decrease any exposure risks, no additional response ' actions were deemed appropriate or necessary. The findings of this investigation, as represented herein, set forth the rationale and technical justifications for the LSP opinions offered, as established by the certifications made on the attached Transmittal Forms. The LSP opinions are based on the available data and regulations in effect at the time of this reporting. Should you have any questions regarding the project or require additional ' information, please contact me at your earliest convenience. rely, 'TT ILLY,INC. ' Dvett,LSP Scott Kraihanzel,Project Manager ; ire�ctoro nvir mniental Services Environmental Scientist encl: -Immediate Response Action Completion/Response Action Outcome Statement- Supporting Documentation.",prepared by BENNETT &O'REILLY,INC.,Dated September 5,2003 -Release Notification Form(original), BWSC-103 -Response Action Outcome Statement Transmittal Form (original),BWSC.-104 -Immediate Response Action Transmittal Form(original),BWSC-105 cc: Amaral Automotive -Bill Amaral, President Edward R Gargiulo,Esquire- Gargiulo/Rudnick,LLP. Barnstable Fire Department, Attn: Inspector Eric Huebler Barnstable Town Manager,Attn: John C. Klimm Barnstable Health Department, Attn: Edward Barry ' IMMEDIATE RESPONSE ACTION COMPLETION STATEMENT CLASS A-2 RESPONSE ACTION OUTCOME SUPPORTING DOCUMENTATION MA DEP RTN 4-17903 ' Amaral Automotive 32 Thornton Drive Hyannis,MA., 02601 Assessors Map 296,Parcel 8 SEPTEMBER 16,2003 ' Prepared B� BENNETT & O'REILLY, INC. 1573 Main Street P.O. Box 1667 Brewster,MA 02631 David C. Bennett,LSP On Behalf Of- Bill Amaral Amaral Automotive 32 Thornton Drive-Hyannis,MA., 02601 ' Prepared For: Richard F. Packard, Section Chief t Bureau of Waste Site Cleanup -Emergency Response Section MA Department of Environmental Protection (MA DEP) Southeast Regional Office(SERO) ' 20 Riverside Drive-Lakeville,MA 02347 APPENDIX A: Reference Plans ' - Site Plan entitled"IMMEDIATE RESPONSE ACTION COMPLETION .... RTN#4-17903,Prepared by BENNETT&O'REILLY,INC.,Dated September 3,2003. -Figure l: Site Locus Plan(USGS Topographic Quad.,Barnstable,MA. 1998),Excerpt. -Figure 2: Water Table Contour Map Excerpt,Bourne,Cape Cod Planning&Econo. Devlp. Com. -Figure 3: MA DEP BWSC GIS Map,Barnstable(1997),Excerpt. APPENDIX B: Field Reports ' -Field Response Log -Hyannis Fire Department Incident Report -Photodocumentation ' APPENDIX C: Environmental Records -Hazardous Waste Manifests(#.MAM799481, MA M182559, MA 772398) -Notice of Responsibility(RTN 4-17903) -Release Notification Transmittal Form,BWSC-103 -Response Action Outcome Statement Transmittal Form,BWSC-104 -Immediate Response Action CompletionTransmittal Form,BWSC-105 APPENDIX D: Laboratory Analysis APPENDIX E:Quality Assurance/Quality Control Plan 1 1 1 1 1 1 APPENDIX A i i 1 i i i 1 1 1 1 1 1 Barnstable MA �v LOCUS 0 s NI// Road c c v ROWS TRUCK STOP 70 �` lyanou NOT TO SCALE A55E55OR5' MAP 29G PARCEL 8 FRAN515CO'5 AUTO a REPAIR AND DETAILING LEGEND -70 EXISTING CONTOUR TEST BORING LOCATION UTILITY POLE ® CATCH BASIN FIRE HYDRANT FENCE LINE TREE LINE MU51C TOUCH CAPE COD AUTO DETAILING z TRUCK CAPS tL YANKEE AUTO LU CAR ELECTRONICS AUTO REPAIR #32 j STANDING WATER ON SLAB 3 AMARAL AREA OF UNPAVED SURFACE " AUTOMOTIVE (TYPICAL) TB-2 x (0-1') ' `r <-' Z, AREA OF CRACKLED PAVEMENT j >O v B-1 OR 3 0 Ali f , 4 FABRIC IL j LOFT ABCO x'JIL 70 4 AREA OF CLA55 A-2 RAO h y CB-i AREA OF PUDDLING -1 MURPHYS RECESSION FOOD AND DRINK Jli i y a a e ?r r.. CB- R . PAVE D P ARJVA/G ,w ed Ka AMARAL AUTOMOTIVE Mr. Robert Amaral, 32 Thornton Drive, Hyannis, MA 02GO I REMEDY ACTION OUTCOME 32 Thornton Drive, Hyanni5, MA BENNETT UREILLY, Inc. Engineering, Environmental and Surveying Services 68 1573 Main Street - Route 6A P.O. Bog 1667 (508)896-6630 Office Brewster, MA 02631 (508)896-4687 Fax DATE: SCALE: BY: CHECK: JOB NUMBER: 09/03/03 1"=30' SEK/e DCB 8003-3795 AMARAL AUTO SERVICE,32 THORTON DRIVE,HYANNIS,MA. 41042'49",70022'35" _ 41042'49",70013'16" �� -,�.-_. ".�t4, •�+i•+ -7Q��'7j.'+�;i�`s �^`� hn?,Ex�s�3z y, Z.�'� s�r'Y•v ��� ,�" ��y...-.aJ "�'+' ,....� 1. , 'L ti — _A �`i.�`"h4+las y�.•� r '++. .r"3itir-i': . •-�'d-� '�- � xi.t �T:`.�•�S4 -`E'h .•ay_ts �' ,� :� Ra'h. '✓ x 4,` � � u',' �, !rr � •Y f4 i'. •e 1y !7 �� 1 Y�fSy��t'rV h-. �� �r>� �.' ���.m .' � f <a� r .,-r' v •� �� � ,�� � � o t P 9 4� �.tp. � ..�•-i. �i'° `1 �, r ` � iffy ?� 4•. �,. y o ..,y� M1 h �� s�q. a�$S w - �,"'t.'P' t:,arwy�9 �.� . r µµ _: YSe'}�._� M �: �y�{s, I �;n. �'�" .-� �, },*•`�;6�� "43'�,�a"j"�.y r�. 5 y'� —may t `ma`s r .:., r `*{':BEe�' ..m`.c � >xH..Asv"t��G!l$;,�,,G7 d.���ts.'�n`�� .s•:iI'�7 41°38'15",70022'35"NAD83 4103$'15",7001316" MN TN 1 0 1 2 MILES 16° Printed from TOPO! m1998 Wildflower Productions(www.topo.com) FIGURE 1: The unpaved parking area,roadside and catch basins in front of 32 Thornton Drive and down gradient of the release. The Site is located in an upland with no associated wetlands or open water bodies. The area and surrounding land is largely developed as comprising of commercial properties, industrial plants and retail businesses. There are no residences within 500' of the Site. Thorton Drive is a moderately traveled road used mostly for businesses located on the road. Access to the Site is unrestricted with low frequency and intensity of use to accessible soils. W - W 318 ' �21 _ '6 + � ��,� �.1 . � Y: tl 1 ,? 11``+�'l'J x �n.qo �...- r i fi! � � :• i °� 1— "�' *a ���ti ��� �„�'��r;"h ;4�(t�k-r i t��\��I`'�F ra� �w � '�'� r \r°-.. p�''. a �..,• '`'-! "t lrM � �r � /�"� aA� 4 1�19 1 ��,! ��'�`i.� .;� r 'r'>�te4.4 �r".1"`r �A� � �' � p••� �,�� +A'y�A,`-.t: /�^` .• }a i,•}� ��! �r '" } �' t�n,4 fW247�. �2�3n � �Osyo _Yy, Lr y � iTy- ' F T `S;,L ,..'l.'" a �' 9 �e2'� � f. �w J t o ,.-•' •a`- r�w�29 p•3 -.. �r.Cl r \,c �'"',te.�w <v �` o � r J� .-" ( ,. a (.`."'� •'Y'!:"i k '}r 4 / ..fT.,:r' "'F a c,;sa= t•. 4�`,,t� �_Ll G'a":{f'`.r^v•'.'`��*'�t *,.�..4p bl � ,r`Qo `at�` +.6`t3�'h�!„,�,�'�`' ra'o���;���.�y��,i k'.:.- �tit"r`a�1�rrf<anz @ �Y I 1YY.4t32.. 1 ., tom',. - „ YF� ©Sl`� °���} ' �l� snJ 2: Y41 r LOCUS BF 379 ' r'( j �)a 176 . "30 1� 29u6, O2,48,(,,l 0'.8W 3$7 0 1 1 t i U f J p r til J": ►. �o✓ ! +\ ry 1 t y o r !rl { FJY k r4 0 .r ten• s' , r ` 26 6 243 1 a r }, t � ,$ der d� 3.trl _ �Yw { `1W 23� ) r �0 /bh 1'')p ar p�`..,�.f,•,� � `s,{l! � - U�J(I . /1r/��, IIUlt�11��'p L.�' �'J .- i r: e -s r° Dc�"`'�ia.1 ,�-� s .n�r ..t� o z�y�cC)�a r � ��.,�.+�� i {. p'' ( .� yu+w th,?� •:� � � �.,�.p f� «�(s',-lu(c" I� � I'^�r�}• C,�;(��„ �� 1 � �„°, f/ f i ,C [ w .�p`"1 ,;r# �. Tp � GMSrnu. �, !t k \,-.�-) •`� f1 i f � s'Y../ ^' /S7 { 1 0 � �. •,� H�Y! 4���'� `�"'w"2..u.�, ' .� �7°'� .}lGE 226., /`t' ^�'�F.� wl(`I �e � �y� r �u '"v: �_ �Y' r. .,r.7�i' 3 }. CE2 e ) BV►3$4 .`ryA \ l.sawrs n4Y a0.:8W. 9.Y .lw: t �S a FIGURE 2: Review of USGS topographic maps and regional groundwater contours indicate a southeasterly flow direction toward Lewis Bay. Municipal water service is available to the surrounding area and there are no known potable wells within 500'of the subject Site. The Site does ' falls within a Zone II'Protective Radius for several public water supply wells some %2 mile to the southeast. The Site is entirely upland with no associated wetlands. The nearest down gradient surface water body is Flint Rock Pond some }/2 mile southeast of the Site. 4 1 r M L .�R.��•.',��L'�a"z �..•.. 1 ��(#S�I��I�R�Iq�)el�i�+j�1�1 1� z i'' ' �� ��}.,"�,,.•i,�ao �,� rc"�.r_xy�•„�.VVI 11 1 ql 4l 1 1 i ;: ,e! 111�I11�11��hi►Vi�le1�111ai�',.� • V� IIa 4 1 i 11��. . �IKw, wa�.a �h tt� � 4�Ny :y1" V�11��1�1111q��+��►�y;`�11�r111�1�Vl1lj) �1�Vrj�V V �i I�V1 V�1VV14 VAVll��l 1�11�N�:11�V�n��p� 11��11�►�11 i��i1 o�i ��.i�•��c, �i1.►!�IV�OI��i� 0�441�111V�eNjlV�rg11�`R�1111�4. 11V�'1iNVgg1�V111 lC1�j+�11V► �4pV1 sti� 1i1111►��V1�19• �M���..eN�941lVe;. �;V11Vi+,e� IV1Q1 11 �1 VVI ql, li1 111�1 11�,,r11111"�11N11�ihlVV1 1• g1i1 l��l. 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V►1 1V 1VV14��Vi,►►� 1 � r ��� 411r�11M will111 •!1��!�h1,;i�ekq '.:a��1lk{�Ilj Y�MM1��NK a �`.' ! ���,'k��i�" � ' / � i 1 1 . 1 1 • 1 1• 1 1" • 1 i . '1 1 1 1 1 1 1" • 1 .1 • 1 1 ' • 1 1 1 1 "1 . . 1' 1 • 1" 1 • 1 1 1• _ � 1 � � . 11 •. 1 1 1 • . 1 1 . 1 1 � ' 1 1 1 1 1 1 APPENDIX B 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Page 1 of 4 Amaral Auto B003-3795 ' FIELD RESPONSE LOG Responsible Party• ' Amaral Automotive Bill Amaral, Owner 32 Thornton Drive tHyannis, MA., 02601 Property Location: Assessor's Map 296, Parcel 8 32 Thornton Drive ' Hyannis, MA., 02601 Background Conditions: • According to the Barnstable Fire Department field report, on July 21, 2003 at approximately 12:16 am,a fire broke out in the Amaral Auto Service section of the building ' at 32 Thornton Drive due to an undetermined source or event. The Barnstable Fire Department responded to the fire by applying large amounts of water to extinguish the flames and cool down the steel frame of the building. As a result of the large amounts of water ' being applied to the inside and outside of the building,the firewater ran with gradient along the side of Thorton Drive for approximately 250'and puddling in areas and infiltrating two catch basin. Based on the function of the business and the reported sheen on the standing water in puddles and the two catch basins,the Massachusetts Department of Environmental Protection(MA DEP)was notified of the release. Mike Whitestone of the MA DEP Emergency Response Section(ERS)was notified of the potential release and responded to the site. Upon inspection of the contents of the ' Automobile Repair Shop Mr. Whitestone noted two drums of Waste oil with open tops that may have had the contents displaced. Also noted were a few canisters of gasoline which had been melted by the heat possibly compromising their integrity. As such, a field notice of ' responsibility was issued to the shop owner Mr. Bill Amaral ' Environmental Conditions: • The Site is located in an upland area with no associated wetlands or open water bodies 1 1 I ' Page 2 of 4 Amaral Auto B003-3795 [Refer to Figure 1]. The area and surrounding land is largely developed as comprising of commercial properties,industrial and retail businesses. There are no residences within 500' of the Site. Thornton Drive is a moderately traveled roadway used mostly for businesses ' located on the road. Access to the Site is unrestricted with low frequency and intensity of use to soils within the catch basin and under pavement and high frequency and intensity of use to soils within the gravel parking area as they are accessible soils. Review of USGS ' topographic maps and regional groundwater contours indicate a southeasterly flow direction toward Lewis Bay [Refer to Figure 2]. Municipal water service is available to the surrounding area and there are no known potable wells within 500' of the subject Site. The ' Site does falls within a Zone II Protective Radius for several public water supply wells some '/2 mile to the southeast. The Site is entirely upland with no associated wetlands. The nearest down gradient surface water body is Flint Rock Pond some '/2 mile southeast of the Site. The MA DEP, BWSC overlay for the GIS mapping program shows the area as within a Potentially Productive Medium Yield Aquifer within the Cape Cod Sole Source Aquifer designation[Refer to Figure 3]. Based on site conditions relative to the Site being within the Zone II Interim Wellhead Protection Area with groundwater projected at a depth greater thanl5' below ground surface (bgs), the RCS-1 and RCGW-1 Reportable Concentration/Quantities are applicable to Release Notification and the S-1,S-2/GW-1 and S-1,S-2/GW-3 criteria is considered in Method 1 Risk Characterization. Remedial Response: Date Time 07/21/2003 ' 12:00 pm Spoke with Mike Whitestone, (MA DEP,ERS),who gave us the information and pertinent ' information involved in the potential release. Verbal authorization was granted for the removal of standing water in puddles and associated catch basins at this time. 1:45 pm ' BENNETT&O'REILLY,INC.,personnel(Scott Kraihanzel and Todd Everson) arrive on site. The steel frame building measures 200'x 60'utilized as an automobile repair shop. The building also houses two other businesses that were unaffected by the fire. ' Suspect sources of contamination include the remains of one vehicle and a motorcycle,both of which show no evidence of fluid loss based on observation,two drums with open bungs ' that remain half to three quarters full,of liquid and no apparent displacement and a few 5g plastic gasoline containers which have been compromised by heat but still appear to be holding much of their capacity upon inspection. Also on site was a metal closet with 1 ' Page 3 of 4 Amaral Auto B003-3795 ' aerosols and small containers of fluids associated with the business which are to be utilized in the relocated automotive shop. ' Contaminated media is firewater which ran with gradient into two down gradient catch basins, one leaching and one oil/water separator. 2:30 pm Steve Dennison(EnviroSafe)arrives w/vac truck to remove standing liquid in catch basins and surface areas. A total of 2,120 gallons of standing water was removed at this time and disposed of as Non-DOT and not RCRA regulated material at Olson's Greenhouse in Raynham,MA. Prior to removal of standing water from the shop floor,samples were taken ' of the water in an effort to characterize the potentially impacted media and possibly limit analysis run on Soil samples collected from potentially impacted areas. 5:30 pm BENNETT&O'REILLY,INC.,personnel,packing up and leaving site. Borings conducted within impacted catch basins and one exposed surface area,preserved on-site awaiting LSP direction. One background sample taken from an upgradient unimpacted catch basin. 08/08/03 Analytical results received for Samples CB-I, CB-3 and A-1. Report indicates a condition of no significant risk exists for impacted catch basin CB-1 and exposed soil area A-1. Call client to inform him of results and the need for further.assessment with regards to areas of ' broken pavement and unpaved parking areas within the path of firewater. 08/13/03 1 Meet on-site with client and client's attorney to review analytical and limiting the investigation of impact. Discuss additional sampling protocol to assess Risk associated with potential impact and technical rational in review of RAO performance guidelines. ' 08/18/03 11:00 am ' BENNETT&O'REILLY,INC.,personnel(Scott Kraihanzel),returns to the site to conduct three additional hand borings previously requested by the department. Two hand borings conducted in an area of incompetent pavement,one hand boring conducted in area of gravel parking directly north of the Auto shop. 1:30 pm Page 4 of 4 Amaral Auto B003-3795 BENNETT&O'REILLY,INC.,personnel packing up and leaving site. Samples preserved on site. ' 09/03/03 Analytical results received indicate a condition of"no significant risk" associated with the ' test borings within the area of cracked pavement(TB-2 and TB-3) and the gravel parking area immediately north of Amaral Auto (TB-3). ' Submitted by: BENNETT& O'REILLY, INC. � 4 Scott Kraihanzel, Environmental Scientist Project Manager This Field Response Log is a compilation offield observations,interviews with individualsfamiliar with theproject and a review ofpublic record. As such, it is intended to be an accurate and complete record ofpertinent information. However, based on third party and hearsay information included, no guarantee or warranties of the accuracy and ' completeness of that information is expressed or implied. I ' A MM DD yyyy ❑Delete NFIRS -1 101919 U 1 07 1 1 211 1 2003 11 I 103-0000471 000 Change Basic FDID State incident Date Station Incident Number * * * * Exposure * ❑'No Activity F-i1Check this box to Indicate that the address fcc this incident is provided on the Wildland Fire Census Tract gLocation* Module In Section B "Alternative Location Specification". Use only for Wildland fires. ®street address 30 L� _IThornton DR ❑In Frontt of On ' ❑Interne Number/Milepost Prefix Street or Highway Street Type Suffix o ❑Rear of U (Barnstable I IMA 1 102630 I-1 -� � Apt./Suite/Room City State Zip Code ❑Adjacent to ' ❑Directions l Cross street or directions, as applicable C Incident Type * El Date & Times Midnight is 0000 E2 Shift & Alarms 111 (Building fire I check boxes if Month Day Year Hr Min Sec Local Option dates are the Incident Type same as Alarm ALARM always required 13 1 1 02 1 in -� Aid Given or Received* Date. Alarm * 07 21 2003 100:16:00 hi 1 I -ms Shift or Alarms District D Platoon ARRIVAL required, unless canceled or did not arrive 1 ❑X Mutual aid received 101922 lu ® Arrival * 07 21 �2 I00:23:00 E3 ' 2 ❑Automatic aid reCV. Their FDID Their 3 ❑Mutual aid given State CONTROLLED Optional, Except for wildland fires Special Studies 4 Automatic aid given I I ®Controlled 1 071 1 211 1 2003 101:04:00 Local option 5 Dot-her aid given Their LAST UNIT CLEARED, required except for wildland fires i7 ❑None Incident Number Last Unit I Special Special ® Cleared �Q� ��'l I 2�I13:29:00 Study 1D0 Study value F Actions Taken * Gl Resources * G2 Estimated Dollar Losses & Values Check this box and skip this LOSSES: Required for all fires if known. Optional section if an Apparatus orill for non fires. None Personnel form is used. ri IExtien (1) I Apparatus Personnel Property $11 , 075 000 ❑Primary'Action Taken I1) ' i12 (Salvage & overhaul I Suppression 0012 0011 Contents $1 , 125 000 I I ❑ Additional Action Taken (2) EMS �J u PRE-INCIDENT VALUE: Optional 51 (ventilate I Other L� L� Property $I. I , 000 '1 000 ❑ Additional Action Taken (3) ❑ Check box if resource counts $1 ' /I include aid received resources. Contents 000 000 Completed Modules Hl*Casual ties®None H 3 Hazardous Materials Release I Mixed Use Property ' 0 Fire-2 Deaths Injuries N ❑None Deus NN Not Mixed Fire 1 0 Assembly use X�Structure-3 j 1 1 El Gas: aleu leak, n vatien or HarMat action, 20 Education use ❑Civil Fire Cas.-4 Service �J ❑ p g 2 Pro ane as: <zl lb. tank (aa in home BaQ grill) 33 Medical use Fire Serv. Cas.-5 Gasoline: vehicle fuel tank table container 40 Residential use ' ❑ Civilian�� �� 3 ❑ e=portable ❑EMS-6 4 ❑Kerosene: fuel burningc 51 Row of stores I32 Detector egaipmen or portable storage 53 Enclosed mall ❑HazMat-7 Required for Confined Fires. 5 ❑Diesel fuel/fuel Oil:vahiae fuel tank or portable 58 Bus. & Residential ❑Wildland Fire-8 1❑Detector alerted occupants ome 6 ❑Household solvents: h./office spill, cleanup only 59 Office use QApparatus-9 7 ❑Motor oil: fromgine or per table container 60 Industrial use QPersonnel-10 2QDetector did not alert them 8 ❑Paint• from paint can. totaling< SS gallons 63 Military use rson-11 65 Farm use ❑A U❑Unknown 0 ❑Other: Special H.=Mat action.raq,.ired or spill >ssg.l., 00 Other mixed use please.—late the HarMat fozm J Property Use* Structures 341❑Clinic,clinic type infirmary 539 ❑Household goods,sales,repairs 342❑Doctor/dentist office 57 9.&]Motor vehicle/boat sales/repair 131 ❑Church, place of worship 3 61❑Prison or jail, not juvenile 571 ❑Gas or service station 161 ❑Restaurant or cafeteria 41 9❑ 1-or 2-family dwelling 599 ❑ Business office 162 ❑Bar/Tavern or nightclub 429❑Multi-family dwelling 615 ❑Electric generating plant 213 ❑Elementary school or kindergarten 43 9❑Rooming/boarding house 629 ❑Laboratory/science lab 215 ❑High school or junior high 449❑Commercial hotel or motel 700 ❑Manufacturing plant 241 College, adult education ❑ 4 59❑Residential, board and care 819 ❑Livestock/poultry storage(barn) 311 ❑Care facility for the aged 4 64❑Dormitory/barracks 882 [:]Non-residential parking garage 331 ❑Hospital 519❑Food and beverage sales 891 ❑Warehouse Outside 936❑Vacant lot 981 ❑Construction site 124 ❑Playground or park 938 ❑Graded/care for plot of land 984 ❑ Industrial plant yard 655 ❑crops or orchard 946 ❑Lake, jriver, stream Lookup and enter a Property Use code only if 669 ❑Forest (timberland) 951 Cj Railroad right of way you have NOT checked a Property Use box: ' 807 ❑Outdoor storage.area 960 ❑Other street Property Use 1579 919 ❑Dump or sanitary landfill 961 ❑Highway/divided highway 931 ❑Open land or field 962 ❑Residential street/driveway JMotor vehicle or boat sales, NFIRS-1 Revision 03 11 99 Barnstable Fire Department 01919 07/21/2003 03-0000471 A MM DD yyyy ❑Delete NFIRS -2 01919 U 1 071 121120031 1 11 103-0000471 000 Change FDID State Incident Number Fire * * Incident Date * Station * Exposure * �No Activity ' B Property Details C On-Site Materials❑None Complete if there were any significant amounts of commercial,industrial, energy or Or Products agricultural products or materials on the Property, whether or not they became involved Enter up to three codes. Check one ' or more boxes for.each code entered. B 1 ®Not Residential�� 1 Bulk storage or warehousing Estimated Number of residential living units in 1511 Gasoline, diesel I 2 Processing or manufacturing building of origin whether or not all units on-site material (1) 3 Packaged goods for sale became involved 4 Repair or service ' 1 Bulk storage or warehousing $2 001 FBuildings not involved 8�J (Motor vehicles & 1 2 Processing or manufacturing Number of buildings involved on-site material (2) 3 Packaged goods for sale ' 4 Repair or service $3 I 1 None 1 Bulk storage or warehousing 5l 2a I IFlammable gas, I 2 Processing or manufacturing Acres burned (outside fires) Less than one acre on-site material (3) 3 Packaged goods for sale ' 4 Repair or service Cause of Ignition iE3ontribu nHuman Factors D Ignition E1 Contributing To Ignition ❑Check box if this is an exposure report. g � ' Skip to section G Check all applicable boxes D1 165 JIMaintenance shop or I 1 Intentional 1 []Asleep None Area of fire origin * 2 [:]Unintentional 2 ❑Possibly impaired by 3 ❑Failure of equipment or heat source alcohol or drugs D2 Ivu I Undetermined I 4 ❑Act of nature 3 ❑Unattended person Heat source * 5 n Cause under investigation 4 ❑Possibly mental disabled jJ®Cause undetermined after investigation 5 [—]Physically Disabled Factors Contributing To Ignition 6 ElMultiple persons involved D3 IUU I !Undetermined I E2 Item first ignited* 1 Check Box if fire sprea None 7 ❑Age was a factor ❑was confined to object I I of origin L� I Estimated age of Factor Contributing To Ignition (1) tJ D 4 (_� I I person envolved Type of material Required only if item first I I first ignited ignited code is 00 or <70 1 Male 2 Female Factor Contributing To Ignition (2) F1 Equipment Involved In Ignition F2 Equipment Power G Fire Suppression Factors ❑None If Equipment was not involved,Skip to Enter up to three codes. Section G L_� I INone Equipment Power Source ' Equipment Involved - Equipment Portability - 438 IPower lines 1 F3 Fire suppression factor (1) Brand I 1 i ❑Portable 452 (Hydrants I Model 1 I 2 Stationary Fire suppression factor (2) Serial #I I Portable equipment normally can be. moved by one person, is designed t ' I 1 be use in multiple locations, and Fite suppression factor (3) Year requires no tools to install. Hi Mobile Property Involved H2 Mobile Property Type & Make Local Use Pre-Fire Plan Available t None Some of the information presented in 21 (General use truck, dump I this report may be based upon reports 1 ®Not involved in ignition, but burned Mobile property type from other Agencies 2 ❑Involved in ignition, but did not burn. Arson report attached 3Involved in ignition and burned FO IFord I Police report attached .Mobile property make Coroner report attached Other reports attached ' IF-150 1 19941 Moblie property model Year I I U I 1 ' License Plate Number State VIN Number ' NFIRS-2 Revision.01/19/99 ' Barnstable Fire Department 01919 07/21/2003 03-0000471 ' I1 Structure Type * 12 Building Status * 13 Building* 14 Main Floor Size* NFIRS-3 If Fire was In enclosed building or a Height Structure portable/mobile structure complete ,. . the.rest of this form Count the ROOF as part Fire 1 ®Enclosed Building 1 ❑Under construction of the highest Story o 2 2 Portable mobile structure ®Occupied 6 operating g 3 ❑Open structure 3 ❑Idle, not routinely used 1 0011U 007 000 r r or renovation Total number of.t—ie. Total squaregrade feet 5 ❑Tent 5❑vacant and secured OR 6 ❑Open platform (e.g. piers) 6[:]vacant and unsecured 1 7 [—]Being demolished Total nember of etoria. 7 ❑Underground structure(work areas) O❑Other below grace I ) r BY I , I ' $ ❑Connective structure (e.g. fences) L—) Lidt 0 ❑Other type of structure U❑Undetermined Lenght in feet Width in feet J1 Fire Origin * J'3 Number of Stories K Material Contributing Most ' Damaged By Flame To Flame Spread ❑Below Grade Count the ROOF as part of the highest story ❑ Ski 001 Check if no flame spread P To Story of fire origin OR same as material first ignited Section L ' Number of stories w,' minor damage OR unable to determine ' (1 to 24% flame damage) J2 Fire Spread 001 K1 I Number of stories w,� significant damage 1 ❑Confined to object of origin (25 to 49% flame damage) Item contributing most to flame spread ' 2 ❑Confined to room of origin Number of stories w/ heavy damage K2 3 ❑Confined to floor of origin (50 to 74% flame damage) —" Type of material contributing Required only if item 4 ®Confined to building of origin .most of flame spread contributing Number of stories w/ extreme damage 5 ❑Beyond building of origin (75 to 100% flame danage) code is 00 or<70 IL1 Presence of Detectors * L3 Detector Power Supply L5 Detector Effectiveness (In area of the fire) Required if detector operated N ®None Present Skip to 1 ❑Battery only ' section M 2 ❑Hardwire only 1 ❑Alerted Occupants, occupants responded 1 ❑Present 3 ❑Plug in 2 ❑Occupants failed to respond 4 [:] Hardwire with battery 3 [:]There were no occupants U ❑Undetermined 5 ❑Plug in with battery 4 [-]Failed to alert occupants ' 6 ❑Mechanical U ❑Undetermined L2 Detector Type 7 ❑Multple detectors 6 power supplies L6 Detector Failure Reason 1 ❑Smoke 0 ❑Other Required if detector failed to operate 2 ❑Heat U❑Undetermined 1 [:]Power failure, shutoff or disconnect 3 ❑Combination smoke - heat LQ Detector Operation 2 ❑Improper installation or placement 4 ❑ Sprinkler, water flow detection 1 ❑Fire too small 3 ❑Defective to activate 4 [:]Lack of maintenance, includes cleaning 5 ❑More than 1 type present 2 ❑Operated 5 ❑Battery missing or disconnected O ❑Other (Complete Section L5) 6 ❑Battery discharged or dead 3 ❑Failed to Operate 0 ❑Other U❑Undetermined (Complete Section L6) U❑Undetermined U ❑Undetermined ' M1 Presence of Automatic Extinguishment System * M3 Automatic Extinguishment M5 Automatic Extinguishment N ®None Present System Operation System Failure Reason ' Required if fire was within designed range Complete rest Required if system failed 1 ❑Present of Section M 1 [-]Operated & effective (Go to M4 2 "Operated & not effective (M4)1 ❑System shut off 2 Type of Automatic Extinguishment System, * ❑t-I 3 ❑Fire too small to activate 2 Not enough agent discharged Required if fire was within designed range of AES ' 4 ❑Failed to operate (Go to M5) 3 []Agent discharged but did 1 ❑Wet pipe sprinkler not reach fire 2 D pipe sprinkler O ❑Other ❑ rY P P P 4 ❑Wrong type of system 3 ❑Other sprinkler system U ❑Undetermined 5. [:]Fire not in area protected 4 ❑Dry chemical system M4 Number of Sprinkler 6 ❑System components damaged 5 ❑Foam system Heads Operating 7 []Lack of maintenance 6 n Halogen type system g []Manual Intervention 7 ❑Carbon dioxide (CO 2) system Required if system operated 0 ❑Other ' 0 ❑Other special hazard system U❑Undetermined U Undetermined Number of sprinkler heads operating NFIRS-3 Revision 01/19/99 Barnstable Fire Department 01919 07/21/2003 03-0000971 ' K1 Person/Entity Involved jAnchor Auto Body - Local Option Business name (if applicable) Area Code Phone �J lRichard �J Flemming L� OCheck This Box if Mr.,Ms., Mrs. First Name same address as MI Last Name Suffix incident location. Then skip the three - I I f duplicate address Number r I u i lines. Prefix Street or Highway Street Type Suffix ' I J jBarnstable �. Post Office Box Apt�./Suite/Room City IMAJ 02630 State Zip Code ❑More people involved. Check this box and attach Supplemental Forms (NFIRS-lS) as necessary K2 Owner Same as person involved? ' Then check this box and skip (Amaral Auto Works 1 508 - 778. 6769 The rest of this section. Local Option Business name (if Applicable) Area Code Phone Number jBill jAmaral ❑ Check this box if Mr.,Ms., Mrs. First Name MI Last Name Suffix same address as incident location- Then �� Thornton DR u Then skip the three duplicate address Number Prefix Street or Highway lines. 'Street Type Suffix lBarnstable Post Office Box Apt./Suite/Room City IMA J 026� 30 1-1 State Zip Code L Remarks .Local Option While responding FA reported Police on location reporting heavy fire from Amaral Auto Repair. Called for second alarm assignment. On arrival had heavy fire coming out the gable end of the building and heavy smoke from the entire building. We laid in a 4" supply line but could not make the front of the building due to power lines down across the road. We went into a .Deck Gun operation from that location. Ordered next in companies to access Thornton Drive from Independence Dr. Hyannis 826, 821, 829, and Yarmouth 42 all accesed the scene from that direction. On size up of building , windows and doors were still intact. The interior of amaral's had. heavy fire throughout, venting out the gable end roof and heavy smoke coming from all units of the building. Incoming companies' pulled 1 2 1/2 and 3 1 3/4 lines for fire attack. Heavy.rescue accessed all units for ventilation and check for fire extension. Tower unit cut roof for ventilation. Fire was extinguished and all companies committed to overhaul. Upon completion. of overhaul all companies released except 205 which remained on scene for mop up and assisted Trp. Francis McGinn in the investigation. 205 was released at 7:08 by 200 which took over fire watch and scene management. 205 returned to qtrs. without incident. Lt. Blanchard, E 205 Called to return to the scene of the fire to wet down a' few remaining hot spots following the investigation of the Fire Marshalls Team. 205's crew, assisted by FF. Brailey, the member on fire watch who relieved FF. Olsen, who had fire watch since the fire, extinguished a few remaining hot spots, then returned to quarters. After meeting with the Insurance representative, Deputy Chief Coffin released posession of the building at 13:29 hrs. ' 07/21/2003 21:37:07 rpfautz Authorization 108 (Blanchard, George E LTE 1 07-1 1211 2003 Officer in charge ID Signature Position or rank Assignment Month Day Year Check aox meif 110 1 j Pfautz, Richard P I I LTE �0 1 L 2003 s Officer Member making report ID Signature Position or rank Assignment Month Day Year n charge. larnstable Fire Department P 01919 07/21/2003 03-000047i 1 , The photo above shows the Thornton Drive frontage of Amaral Automotive services. Just inside the bay door is the area of standing water on the concrete slab shop floor. A gravel parking are lies immediately to the right of the bay door on the outside of the building where sample TB-4 0-1' was collected. nff 49 ww �. �, � ,g�.. x�y,t rive►' This photo shows the area of cracked pavement which functioned as a swale for the ' firewater. Obvious areas of staining by regularly puddling associated with rainfall were noted along this roadside area. Test borings (TB-2 and TB-3)were collected from within this area of ' cracked pavement as requested by the department. 1 1 .. s 'a r-✓t s 'its" "'�+;"'.�*.'"•",'+.,�.:_ F ��4 �w �. "Y�f,.N"' ��"l k'M1'r'�'" ,R qiw'4'y* ��_yA'•.�� +�f�.4['"3i � This photo represents the catch basin (CB-1), an unpaved area immediately downgradient ' and left of CB-1 which was sampled as(A-1)after standing water was removed and the location of catch basin(CB-2). t r � r Fir" PA a A C " t , The above referenced photo represents the contents of a steel closet that contains small r quantities of aerosols,solvents and oils that remained in tact and were to be reused at the relocated shop. r r � s i �I a pa' • 'fit \''t,`m✓ ✓ ._. rThis photo shows containers of gasoline which were affected by heat but still contained the majority of there capacity upon inspection. The two steel gas cans to the left did not appear ' to be at all compromised in any way. 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 APPENDIX C 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 08I18/2003 12:51 5088889093 ENVIROSAF PAGE 02IO2 Nib, t.:tiVt'iliP9lJ9Vl'ytjE=r�!_B,-I�a ullr lt+or�.�7nve a:�.r�u k v ' 1 DEPARTMENT CAIr"'N-N.VtRONKAE NTAL PROTECTION, DEL ONLY FOR 9�-SnAT� �s�� W1SI0'N'CIF;F4'AZARD®US MATERIALS OR 9 -- ,€fir Wlater Street 9N, -97A-7I` ai HkVPff D ' 136ston, Massachusetts 02108 -- Please prink or typo.(Forth designed four tlse an c5ite.(12-pitch)typewriter,) UNIFOP,Llk'HAZARDOUS �11 r enoratorUS EP4A,ID No. anifest 2.Pag lnlaimadcriiniliasbadedareas WASTE MANIFEST I 7B67�9 I �otroquiredby Federal 13-w t'..U, � ly. , G FAG of>'. �� "fit x$_.'� ..,It,��Y •;: 3.Ge ��tQQr'e�pa��q�t�¢�et�gre'd[�'liai➢ing,Address hli„v��i.�'.�A�iS��.1 �9'Y'�u�'t,[�f.�i►N(J�1;9:',t,Y', ,...,, r; �1LL J•'tl'tT'RiA '� rl F,f�:4', IM ' f ' :Jr� 4„'�:r'h.�"rY.-_f,F. ti,r !•"'!;;;b: • n: v'i':t. `il:::.ylti.��'Uti+�'Y'..!l�' I�'1' r'e: __,l TXMMT13N DRIVE 6'lYAPi})iIS M Mal •j 'I':11',x�''.t�,rpf .�t.1��17�•;i,••:�!: Q i FF 3,1tamoo•..Ror's?hone( _ �,�� :'li_ I �5�. :_ .�;;',:�•._ �:_.i;- t 6. LDS EPA 1D Number S.Transgort(`r 1 Comps ti Nam,;, r 2, ENVIRO-SAFE C®RNRATION :2¢'. `:.:.: .Tr-an or:er' 2 Company Nanis F_ US IE®A ID Nurnber ` �f41S'r7.i'��),n'1TFfii'! 'v'`-'4'•f"I:i�.i::...� �t• I D i n f I � 1 .i; ahr':, :13-I}'1.';Fi:�.. �i�'?.,..,^•,_:. ::t)'' `li,;t� •tl;•:,` `I:2.:r.:.:. N I 9.Desir�natarl F.?toIIQY Name and SitE Addrrs=. 1 G. US EPA D Nltm�mhar t I G r 13LSF1�1°S .: :irTl2 $rR;; `(, :. '.:I':I SRJ!9H ST. EAST MAD859733378 "~�rF n ^ ➢f-;�=:'{ ,.'{' :;: '� - - :. .l�r-�•. . _•` III. 'L IJ.::�'^�.;'.{='i..':t;:::ii4.'.1�".;"i�: .. al � I I RA�Idi�A� Q4G$ Q�S7 _ i t f.➢f�•_�3G1�f.f':� �E�<ilttn,��;:,,. � ..�,.; ' ;�._; rc 37.•cryRulr7emS ��t°:l Unit '�1ix��A�4`::°ti 11.LDS D®T Desw1ptllon(!ndvdinQ Prof Sh j2o6rna Name-Mmrzerd Ctasar rind lD rlfvmber) i . O No, I Type Wtivol ¢'1r.•."ny''!?.''' t�l Q8 pq if io �' b. ' PE.T 'fl��t 3 �fAf2 P$ I ,;r-;.pp,• , CL L .,rsVo aq,l.ra 1� i" I tl r p�'',alr li iG : n. J w.. J , Ir. ... „III. 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Pdll�o�s,i� , ! 15.Spe.ial Hzirtd2ng Ins=uctiors and A'dc'itiona9➢nformation EEen Contact: ENVIRO-SAFE 505-M-5478 ER61 A) B) 0 _ D) 1 E to.Giii RAFOR•5 girt rorICAT10N:t nrreby declare that thnaorrti nts or tlals consignment Oro Tully and accurUt¢7y ocseribt:d show ty y� proper;hipping nave and-ire clascil'led,.packcd,markad,ant!IObi and are In Fll respects in proper condition for;rari by highw<y p nccording tospplicable intorn ional and r ianal riovernmant requlations. a C I 3i I am a 18rC¢Vuan;lty,�cnoratorr I c¢tNty the:i have a program in plao5 t0 redurr,the valurneand tOzici:y of wastCgenerated td tns dagrch I hev¢dr.tnrnined to i)?noanomleallypra-ticaSlrS 1' end that I havo soluctad'th¢prnrticabla method of treatment,!;wrene.ordl-posal currently 4it[ailabW tome which minictti2e the Frc;rr•t eatl4u;Urr.thraa<to Pluman hsnith and then iron• 't 1 marts;OR,IQ t om n small 3uanti'ty qi rnr.:ttor,l have msdt>a good faith offer;tp ivinhmi:e my sto generation and salrr,the beat waste manegcm.9i r ihod that Ie available to me and that' I vote —1 rtsd/7yl�d.'4's vattrr' 11J8=fh IDev Year y ' T n rPortan 1 Aekno'w➢ed Rament of Receipt of MaterialsL4) fit v � ' IL 18.Tran.poner 2 Aakwwledg,lemrtentcf iRocoirA o4 Msterlals V�e P irsrot7f?Y Nsmrt SYgraattNie Monrh Day year a I I 19.CliscraDancy Dndication Space A P t E 20.FaCHitym Owner or Operator.Certification of recelpt at baz®mdotms tmatorials covered by th3a ifest onampt as noted In Item 1 S. ' 0 tzel¢e Y Prfrrr i rpe Name 3lgRetu ld�Ormt� 83aN yra;r Y ism �—tom �iO�d .9 O Fprrn A a 'od FA c. CiOfJ4— C ' EPA -steer 870C-22(Rev. 9-n^d)Previo'U"Editions are obsolete_ COPY>3= TRANSPORTER RETAINS ���� RuE, VCc pi Q1FP 2001 COMMONWEALTH OF MASSACHUSETTS EXECUTIVE OFFICE OF ENVIRONMENTAL AFFAIRS DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION SOUTHEAST REGIONAL OFFICE 2Q RIVERSIDE DRIVE, LAKEVILL,E,.MA 0.2347 508 946-270.0. ' MITT ROMNEY ELLEN ROY HERZFELDER Governor Secretary KERRY HEALEY ROBERT W.GOLLEDGE,Jr. Lieutenant Governor Commissioner URGENT LEGAL MATTER:PROMPT ACTION NECESSARY CERTIFIED MAIL July 24,2003 I ' Amaral Automotive RE: BARNSTABLE-BWSC 32 Thornton Drive Amaral Automotive Barnstable,MA 02601 32 Thornton Drive RTN#4-17903 NOTICE OF RESPONSIBILITY M.G.L. c. 21E,310 CMR 40.0000 ATTENTION:Bill Amaral On July 21, 2003 at;,2.30 pm the,Department of Environmental Protection.,(the "Department") received.oral notification of.a release and/or threat.of release.of oil.and/or hazardous material at the above referenced property which.,requires one'"or more response actions. Potentially contaminated firewater generated during.a fire at the above referenced location discharged into several nearby catch basins. The Massachusetts Oil and Hazardous Material.,.Release Prevention and Response Act, M.G.L. c.21E, and the Massachusetts Contingency Plai-(the "MCP"), 310 CMR 40.0000, require the performance. of response actions to prevent harm to health, safety,public welfare and the environment which may result from this release and/or threat of release and govern the conduct of such actions. The purpose of this notice_ is to inform you of your legal responsibilities under State law for assessing and/or remediating the release at this property. For purposes of this Notice of Responsibility, the terms.and phrases used herein shall have ' the meaning ascribed to such terms and phrases by the MCP unless the context clearly indicates otherwise. The Department has reason to believe that the release and/or threat of release which has been reported is or may be a disposal site as defined by the M.C.P. The Department also has reason to believe that you (as used in this letter, "you" refers to Amaral Automotive) are a Potentially Responsible Party.(a "PRP")with liability under M.G.L. c.21E §5, for response action costs. This liability is "strict", meaning that it is not based on fault, but solely on your status as owner,.operator, generator,transporter, disposer or other person specified in M.G.L. c.21E §5. This liability is also "joint and several",meaning that you may be liable for all response action,costs,incurred at a disposal site regardless of the existence of any other liable parties. ' This information is available in alternate format.Call Aprel McCabe,ADA Coordinator at 1-617-556-1171.TDD Service-1-800-298-2207. DEP on the World Wide Web: http://www.mass.dov/dep 1"a Printed on Recycled Paper 2 f The Department encourages .parties with liabilities under M.G.L. c.21E to take prompt and appropriate actions in response to releases and threats of release of oil and/or hazardous materials..By taking prompt action, you may significantly lower your assessment and cleanup costs and/or avoid liability for costs incurred by the Department in taking such actions. You may also avoid the imposition of,the amount of or reduce certain permit and/or annual compliance assurance fees payable under 310 CMR 4.00. Please refer to M.G.L. c.21E for a complete description of potential liability. For your convenience,a summary of liability under M.G.L.c.21E is attached to this notice. You should be aware that you may have claims against third parties for damages, including claims for contribution or reimbursement for the costs of cleanup. Such claims do not exist indefmitely but are governed by laws which establish the time allowed for bringing litigation. The Department encourages.you to take any action necessary to protect any such claims you may have against third parties. At the time of oral notification to the Department,the following response actions were approved as P g an Immediate Response Action(IRA): Recovery of firewater from catch basins and puddles ACTIONS REQUIRED Additional submittals are necessary with regard to this notification including,but not limited to,the filing of a written IRA Plan, IRA Completion Statement and/or an RAO statement. The MCP requires that a fee of$750.00 be submitted to the Department when an RAO statement is filed greater than 120 days from the date of initial notification. Specific approval is required from the Department for the ' implementation of all IRAs, and Release Abatement Measures (RAMs)pursuant to 310 CMR 40.0420 and 310 CMR 40.0443, respectively. Assessment activities, the construction of a fence and/or the posting of signs are actions that are exempt from this approval requirement. In addition to oral notification, 310 CMR 40.0333 requires that a completed Release Notification Form (BWSC-103, attached) be submitted to the Department within sixty (60) calendar days of July 21, 2003. You must employ or engage a Licensed Site Professional (LSP) to manage, supervise or actually perform the necessary response actions at this site. You may obtain a list of the names and addresses of these licensed professionals from the Board of Registration of Hazardous Waste Site Cleanup Professionals by calling(61.7)55641. 45 or visiting http://,vww.state.ma.us/lsp. Unless otherwise provided by the Department, potentially responsible parties ("PRP's") have one year from the initial date of notification to the Department of a release or threat of a release,pursuant to 310 CMR 40.0300,or from the date the Department issues a Notice of Responsibility,whichever occurs earlier, ' to file with the Department one of the following submittals: (1) a completed Tier Classification Submittal; (2) a Response Action Outcome Statement or, if applicable, (3) a Downgradient Property Status. The deadline for either of the first two submittals for this disposal site is July 21,2004. If required by the MCP, a completed Tier I Permit Application must also accompany a Tier Classification Submittal. This site shall not be deemed to have had all the necessary and required response actions taken unless and until all substantial hazards presented by the release and/or threat of release have been eliminated and a level of No Significant Risk exists or has been achieved in compliance with M.G.L. c.21E and the MCP. 3 If you have any questions relative to this Notice, please contact Dan Crafton at the letterhead address or at (508) 946-2721. All future communications regarding this release must reference the following Release.Tracking Number: 4-17903. . Very truly yours, Richard F.Packard,Chief a=- Emergency Response/Release Notification Section P/DGC/re CERTIFIED.MAIL#7002 2030 0006 4995 2731 Attachments: Release Notification Form;BWSC-103 and Instructions Summary of Liability under M.G.L. c.21E Department's guide to hiring a Licensed Site Professional. ec: Board of Health Board of Selectmen Fire Dept r SUMMARY OF LIABILITY UNDER CHAPTER 21E As stated in the Notice of Responsibility accompanying this summary,the Department has reason to believe that you are a Potentially Responsible Party("PRP")with potential liability ' under M.G.L. c.21E, section 5,for response'action costs and damages to natural resources.caused by the release and/or threat of release. The Department has identified you as a PRP because it believes you fall within one or more of the following-categories of persons made potentially 'liable by subsection 5(a): '� s • threat of release of oil and/or hazardous material; • any person who owned or operated a site at the time hazardous material was stored or disposed of • . any person who arranged for the transport, disposal, storage or treatment of hazardous material to or at a site; • any.person who transported hazardous material to transport, disposal, storage or any current owner or operator of a site from or at which there is or has been a release or treatment site from which there is or has been a release or threat of ' release of such material; and • any person who otherwise caused or is legally responsible for a release or threat of release of.oil or hazardous material at a site. For the 'purposes of the MC ("RP") pure P,you are considered a Responsible Party with actual liability under Chapter 21E if you fall within one of these categories unless you(1) are entitled to a defense under section 5 or other applicable law,and (2)have reasonably incurred cleanup costs in an amount equal to or greater than any applicable cap on liability under subsection 5(d). This liability is "strict,"meaning it is not based on fault,but solely on your status as an' owner,operator, generator,transporter or disposer. It is also joint and several,meaning that each person who falls within one of these categories may be held liable for all response action costs. 1 incurred at the site,regardless of the existence of any other liable parties. Section 5 provides a few narrowly drawn defenses to liability, including a defense for releases and damages caused by an act of God,an act of war or an act by a third party other than an employee, agent or person with whom the party has a contractual relationship [see subsection 5(c)]; a defense for certain owners of residential property at which the owner maintains a permanent residence [see subsection'5(h)]; and a defense for certain public utilities and agencies of the Commonwealth which own a right-of way that is a site [see subsection 50)]. You may voluntarily undertake response actions under the MCP without having your ' liability under Chapter 2 1 E formally adjudicated by the Department. If you do not take the necessary response actions,or fail to perform.,them in an appropriate and timely manner,the Department is authorized by Chapter 2 1 E to perform the necessary work. By taking the necessary response actions,you can avoid liability P for response action costs incurred by the Department in performing these actions.. If you are an RP and you fail to perform necessary response-actions at the site,you may be held liable for up to three (3)times all response Massachusetts Department of Environmental Protection BWSC-103 Bureau of Waste Site Cleanup Release Tracking Number 1 RELEASE NOTIFICATION & NOTIFICATION RETRACTION - 17903 FORM Pursuant to 310 CMR 40.0335 and 310 CMR 40.0371 (Subpart C) If assigned by DEP A. RELEASE OR THREAT OF RELEASE LOCATION: Street: 32. Thnrton nrlVe LocatlonAld: AsseggArls Mar 29F, Parcel R City/Town: 74)ca n n i s ZIP Code: 0 2 6 01-0 0 0 0 . ' B. THIS FORM IS BEING USED TO: (check one) ® Submit a Release Notification(complete all sections of this form). ❑ Submit a Retraction of a Previously Reported Notification of a Release or Threat of Release(complete Sections A,B,E,F and G of this form). You MUST attach the supporting documentation required by 310 CMR 40.0335. C. INFORMATION DESCRIBING THE RELEASE OR THREAT OF RELEASE(TOR): ' Date and time you obtained knowledge of the Release or TOR. Date: 0 7/21103 Time: 1 :0 0 Specify: ® AM ❑ PM The date you obtained knowledge is always required. The time you obtained knowledge is not required if reporting only 120 Day Conditions. IF KNOWN,record date and time release or TOR occurred. Date: 0 7/21 10 3 Time: 1 -0 0 Specify: ® AM ❑ PM ® Check here if you previously provided an Oral Notification to DEP(2 Hour and 72 Hour Reporting Conditions only). Provide date and time of Oral Notification. Date: 0 7/21/0 3 Time: 2 -0 n Specify: ® AM ❑ PM Check all Notification Thresholds that apply to the Release or Threat of Release: (for more information see 310 CMR 40.0310-40.0315) 2 HOUR REPORTING CONDITIONS 72 HOUR REPORTING CONDITIONS 120 DAY REPORTING CONDITIONS ❑ Sudden Release ❑ Subsurface Non-Aqueous Phase ❑ Release of Hazardous Material(s)to Soil or ® Liquid(NAPL)Equal to or Greater than Groundwater Exceeding Reportable Threat of Sudden Release 1/2 Inch Concentration(s) ❑ Oil Sheen on Surface Water ❑ Underground Storage Tank(UST) ❑ Release of Oil to Soil Exceeding Reportable Release Concentration(s)and Affecting More than 2 Cubic ❑ Poses Imminent Hazard Yards ❑ Threat of UST Release ❑ Could Pose Imminent Hazard ❑ Release of Oil to Groundwater Exceeding Reportable ❑ Release to Groundwater near Concentration(s) Release Detected in Private Well ❑ Water Supply Subsurface Non-Aqueous Phase Liquid(NAPL) ❑ Release to Storm Drain ❑ Release to Groundwater near ❑ Equal to or Greater than 1/8 Inch and Less than 1/2 ❑ Sanitary Sewer Release School or Residence Inch (Imminent Hazard Only) List below the Oils or Hazardous Materials that exceed their Reportable Concentration or Reportable Quantity by the greatest amount. If necessary,attach a list of additional Oil and Hazardous Material substances subject to reporting. Name and Quantities of Oils(0)and Hazardous Materials(HM)Released: Reportable Concentrations O or HM Released 0 HM CAS# Amount or Units Exceeded,if Applicable (check one) (if known) Concentration (RCS-1,RCS-2,RCGW-1,RCGW-2) ni 1/r;ac (not-Pnti al 7) ® ❑ lJnknown Standi nQ water sheen El El D. ADDITIONAL INVOLVED PARTIES: ❑ Check here if attaching names and addresses of owners of properties affected by the Release or Threat of Release,other than an owner who is submitting this Release Notification(required). ❑ Check here if attaching Licensed Site Professional(LSP)name and address(optional). You may write in names and addresses on the bottom of the second page of this form. ' Revised 3/1/95 Supersedes Form BWSC-003 Page 1 of 2 Do Not Alter This Form Massachusetts Department of Environmental Protection BWSC-103 Bureau Of waste .Site Cleanup Release Tracking Number RELEASE NOTIFICATION.& NOTIFICATION RETRACTION 4 -1 17903 FORM Pursuant to 310 CMR 40.0335 and 310 CMR 40.0371 (Subpart C) If assigned by DEP E. PERSON REQUIRED TO NOTIFY: Name of Organization: Amara 1 Au tmmot i ye Name of Contact: Rill Amaral Title: (`r)ndnmi n i iim TTn i t Owner Street: 32. Thnrtnn Driye City/Town: _Hyanni s State: MA ZIP Code: 02601 -0000 Telephone: 5 0 8-7 7 8-6 7 6 9 Ext.: FAX:(optional) F. RELATIONSHIP OF PERSON REQUIRED TO NOTIFY TO RELEASE OR THREAT OF RELEASE: (check one) ® RP or PRP Specify: ® Owner 0 Operator O Generator 0 Transporter Other RP or PRP: Fiduciary,Secured Lender or Municipality with Exempt Status(as defined by M.G.L.c.21 E,s.2) Agency or Public Utility on a.Right of Way(as defined by M.G.L.c.21 E,s.50)) ' - Any Person Otherwise Required to Notify Specify Relationship: G. CERTIFICATION OF PERSON REQUIRED TO NOTIFY: 1 Rill Amaral - ,attest under the pains and penalties of perjury(i)that I have personally examined and am familiar with the information contained in this submittal,including any and all documents accompanying this transmittal form,(ii)that,based on my inquiry of those individuals immediately responsible for obtaining the information,the material information contained in this submittal is,to the best of my knowledge and belief,true,accurate and complete,and(iii)that 1 am fully authorized to make this attestation on behalf of the entity legally responsible for this submittal. I/the person or entity on whose behalf this submittal is made am/is aware that there are significant penalties,including,but not limited to, possible fines and imprisonment,for willfully submitting false,inaccurate,or incomplete information. By: Title: Cnndnmi ni um TTni t Owner Mgna'ture) For: Date: (print name of person or entity recorded in Section E) Enter address of the person providing certification,if different from address recorded in Section E: Street: City/Town: State: ZIP Code: Telephone: Ext.: FAX:(optional) YOU MUST COMPLETE ALL RELEVANT SECTIONS OF THIS FORM OR DEP MAY RETURN THE DOCUMENT AS INCOMPLETE. IF YOU SUBMIT AN INCOMPLETE FORM,YOU MAY BE PENALIZED FOR MISSING A REQUIRED.DEADLINE. Revised 3/1/95 Supercedes Form BWSC-003 Page 2 of 2 Do Not Alter This Form L Massachusetts Department of Environmental Protection BWSC104 Bureau of Waste Site Cleanup Release Tracking Number RESPONSE ACTION OUTCOME (RAO) STATEMENT ® _ 17903 Pursuant to 310 CMR 40.0580(Subpart E)&40.1056(Subpart J) A. SITE LOCATION: 1. site Name/Location Aid: Amaral Automotive, Assessor's Map 296 Parcel 8 2. Street Address: 32 Thorton Drive Hyannis 02601-0000 3. City/Town: 4. ZIP Code: ❑ 5. Check here if a Tier Classification Submittal has been provided to DEP for this disposal site. ❑ a. Tier 1A ❑ b. Tier 1 B ❑ c. Tier 1 C ❑ d. Tier 2 6.If a Tier I Permit has been issued,provide Permit Number: B. THIS FORM IS BEING USED TO: (check all that apply) 1. List Submittal Date of RAO Statement(if previously submitted): ;MWDDI fYY; ✓V 2. Submit a Response Action Outcome(RAO)Statement ' ❑ a. Check here if this RAO Statement covers additional Release Tracking Numbers (RTNs). RTNs that have been previously linked to a Primary Tier Classified RTN do not need to be listed here. b. Provide additional Release Tracking Number(s)that are ❑ _ ❑ _ I�� covered by this RAO Statement. I- ❑ 3. Submit a Revised Response Action Outcome Statement a. Check here if this Revised RAO Statement covers additional Release Tracking Numbers(RTNs),not listed on the ❑ RAO Statement or previously submitted Revised RAO Statements. RTNs that have been previously linked to a Primary Tier Classified RTN do not need to be listed here. b. Provide additional Release Tracking Number(s)that are ❑ _ ❑ _ covered by this RAO Statement. ❑ 4. Submit a Response Action Outcome Partial(RAO-P)Statement Check above box, if any Response Actions remain to be taken to address conditions associated with this disposal site having the Primary RTN listed in the header section of this transmittal form. This RAO Statement will record only an RAO-Partial Statement for that RTN. A final RAO Statement will need to be submitted that references all RAO-Partial Statements and,if applicable,covers any remaining conditions not covered by the RAO-Partial Statements. ❑ 5. Submit an optional Phase I Completion Statement supporting an RAO Statement ❑ 6. Submit a Periodic Review Opinion evaluating the status of a Temporary Solution for a Class C RAO Statement (Section E is optional) ❑ 7. Submit a Retraction of a previously submitted Response Action Outcome Statement(Sections D&E are not required) (All sections of this transmittal form must be filled out unless otherwise noted above) Revised:09/18/2002 Page 1 of 7 BWSC1040902001 ■ Massachusetts Department of.Environmental Protection 1 Bureau of Waste Site Cleanup gWSC104 RESPONSE ACTION OUTCOME (RAO) STATEMENT Release Tracking Number ' Pursuant to 310 CMR 40.0580(Subpart E)&40.1056(Subpart J) ® - 17903 C. DESCRIPTION OF RESPONSE ACTIONS: (check all that apply,for volumes list cumulative amounts) ❑✓ 1. Assessment and/or Monitoring Only ❑ 2. Temporary Covers or Caps ❑ 3. Deployment of Absorbent or Containment Materials ❑ 4. Temporary Water Supplies ❑ 5. Structure Venting System ❑ 6. Temporary Evacuation or Relocation of Residents ❑ 7. Product or NAPL Recovery ❑ 8. Fencing and Sign Posting ❑ 9. Groundwater Treatment Systems ❑ 10. Soil Vapor Extraction ❑ 11. Bioremediation ❑ 12. Air Sparging ❑ 13. Removal of Contaminated Soils ❑ a. Re-use,Recycling or Treatment ❑ i.On Site Estimated volume in cubic yards ❑ ii.Off Site Estimated volume in cubic yards ' iia. Facility Name: Town: State: riib. Facility Name: Town: State: iii. Describe: ❑ b. Landfill ❑ i.Cover Estimated volume in cubic yards Facility Name: Town: State: ❑ ii. Disposal Estimated volume in cubic yards Facility Name: Town: State: ❑ 14. Removal of Drums,Tanks or Containers: a. Describe Quantity and Amount: Ir b. Facility Name: Town: State: ' c. Facility Name: Town: State: Revised:09/18/2002 Page 2 of 7 ' BW SC1040902002 Massachusetts Department of Environmental Protection BWSC104 Bureau of Waste Site Cleanup Release Tracking Number RESPONSE ACTION OUTCOME (RAO) STATEMENT ® _ 17903 Pursuant to 310 CMR 40.0580(Subpart E)&40.1056(Subpart J) Ll C. DESCRIPTION OF RESPONSE ACTIONS(cont.): (check all that apply,for volumes list cumulative amounts) FV 15. Removal of Other Contaminated Media: a.Specify Type and Volume: Non-DOT and Non-Regulated materials, 2,120 gallons b.Facility Name: Olson's Greenhouses Town: Raynham State: MA c. Facility Name: Town: State: © 16. Other Response Actions: Soil/Sediment Sampling of potentially impacted catchbasins and surface areas as Describe: directed by the department. 1 ❑ 17. Use of Innovative Technologies: Describe: 1 D. RESPONSE ACTION OUTCOME CLASS: Specify the Class of Response Action Outcome that applies to the disposal site,or site of the Threat of Release. Select ONLY one Class. ❑ 1. Class A-1 RAO: Specify one of the following: ❑ a. Contamination has been reduced to background levels. ❑ b. A Threat of Release has been eliminated. © 2. Class A-2 RAO: You MUST provide justification that reducing contamination to or approaching background levels is . infeasible. ' ❑ 3. Class A-3 RAO: You MUST provide an implemented Activity and Use Limitation(AUL)and justification that reducing contamination to or approaching background levels is infeasible. 4. Class A-4 RAO: You MUST provide an implemented AUL, justification that reducing contamination to or approaching ❑ background levels is infeasible,and justification that reducing contamination to less than Upper Concentration Limits(UCLs) 15 feet below ground surface or below an engineered barrier is infeasible. If the permanent solution relies upon an engineered barrier, you must also provide a Phase III report justifying the selection of the engineered barrier. Revised:09/18/2002 Page 3 of 7 BWSC1040902003 Massachusetts Department of Environmental Protection Bureau of Waste Site Cleanup BWSC104 Release Tracking Number RESPONSE ACTION OUTCOME (RAO) STATEMENT ® _ 17903 ' Pursuant to 310 CMR 40.0580(Subpart E)&40.1056(Subpart J) 1 D. RESPONSE ACTION OUTCOME CLASS(cont): ❑ 5. Class B-1 RAO: Specify one of the following: ❑ a. Contamination is consistent with background levels ❑ b. Contamination is NOT consistent with background levels. ❑ 6. Class B-2 RAO: You MUST provide an implemented AUL. ❑ 7. Class B-3 RAO: You MUST provide an implemented AUL and justification that reducing contamination to less than Upper Concentration Limits(UCLs) 15 feet below ground surface is infeasable. ❑ 8. Class C RAO: Specify one: ❑ a. Monitoring ❑ b. Passive Operation and Maintenance 1 ❑ c. Active Operation and Maintenance(defined at 310 CMR 40.0006) E. RESPONSE ACTION OUTCOME INFORMATION: 1 1. Specify the Risk Characterization Method(s)used to achieve the RAO described above: ❑✓ a. Method 1 ❑ b.Method 2 ❑ c.Method 3 ❑ d. Method Not Applicable-Contamination reduced to or consistent with background,or Threat of Release abated 2. Specify all Soil and Groundwater Categories used in the Risk Characterization. More than one Soil Category and more than one Groundwater Category may apply at a Site. Be sure to check off all APPLICABLE categories. a.Soil Category(ies)Applicable: ® i. S-1/GW-1 © iv.S-2/GW-1 vii.S-3/GW-1 ' ❑ ii. S-1/GW-2 ❑ v.S-2/GW-2 ❑ viii.S-3/GW-2 ❑ iii. S-1/GW-3 ❑ vi. S-2/GW-3 ❑ ix. S-3/GW-3 b. Groundwater Category(ies)Impacted: ❑ i. GW-1 ❑ ii. GW-2 ❑ iii.GW-3 3. Specify remediation conducted. ❑ a.Check here if soil remediation was conducted. ❑ b.Check here if groundwater remediation was conducted. 1 4. Estimate the number of acres this RAO Statement applies to: 0.5 1 Revised: 09/18/2002 Page 4 of 7 BWSC1040102004 ■ _ Massachusetts Department of Environmental Protection Bureau of Waste Site Cleanup BWSC104 RESPONSE ACTION OUTCOME (RAO) STATEMENT Release Tracking Number Pursuant to 310 CMR 40.0580(Subpart E)&40.1056(Subpart J ) 1 F. LSP SIGNATURE AND STAMP: I attest under the pains and penalties of perjury that I have personally examined and am familiar with this transmittal form, including any and all documents accompanying this submittal. In my professional opinion and judgment based upon application of(i)the standard of care in 309 CMR 4.02(1),(ii)the applicable provisions of 309 CMR 4.02(2)and(3),and 309 CMR4.03(2),and (iii)the provisions of 309 CMR 4.03(3),to the best of my knowledge,information and belief, > if Section B indicates that either an RAO Statement,Phase 1 Completion Statement and/or Periodic Review Opinion is being provided,the response action(s)that is(are)the subject of this submittal(i)has(have)been developed and implemented in accordance with the applicable provisions of M.G.L.c.21 E and 310 CMR 40.0000,(ii)is(are)appropriate and reasonable to accomplish the purposes of such response action(s)as set forth in the applicable provisions of M.G.L.c.21 E and 310 CMR 40.0000,and(iii)complies(y)with the identified provisions of all orders,permits,and approvals identified in this submittal. I am aware that significant penalties may result,including,but not limited to,possible fines and imprisonment,if I submit information which I know to be false,inaccurate or materially incomplete. 1. First Name: D Vid C. _ 2. Last Name: Bennett 3. Telephone: (50 ) 89 4. Ext.: 102 5 .: (508) 896-4687 MWXtV6. Signature: 7. Date: 4303 9.LSP Stamp: ' ' 8. LSP#. -o D,4C ID RENNET w . ' No.4343 q, G. PERSON MAKING SUBMITTAL: 1. Check all that apply: c. change in the person ❑ a.change in contact name. ❑ b.change of address ❑: undertaking response actions 2. Name of Organization: Amaral Automotive 3, Contact First Name: Bill 4. Last Name: Amaral 5. Street: 32 Thorton Drive 6.Title: Owner i Hyannis MA 02601-0000 7. City/Town: 8. State: 9. ZIP Code: (508) 778-6769 NA 10. Telephone: 11.Ext.: 12. FAX: 1 Revised:09/18/2002 Page 5 of 7 BWSC1040902005 M Massachusetts Department of Environmental Protection Bureau of Waste Site Cleanup BWSC104 Release Tracking Number RESPONSE ACTION OUTCOME (RAO) STATEMENT Pursuant to 310.CMR 40.0580(Subpart E)&40.1056(Subpart J) F 7903 1 H. RELATIONSHIP TO RELEASE OR THREAT OF RELEASE OF PERSON MAKING SUBMITTAL: © 1. RP or PRP © a. Owner ❑ b. Operator ❑ c. Generator ❑ d. Transporter ❑ e. Other RP or PRP Specify: ❑ 2. Fiduciary,Secured Lender or Municipality with Exempt Status(as defined by M.G.L.c.21E,s.2) ' ❑ 3. Agency or Public Utility on a Right of Way(as defined by M.G.L.c.21 E,s.50)) ❑ 4. Any Other Person Making Submittal Specify Relationship: 1 I.REQUIRED ATTACHMENT AND SUBMITTALS: 1. Check here if the Response Action(s)on which this opinion is based,if any,are(were)subject to any order(s),permit(s) ® and/or approval(s)issued by DEP or EPA. If the box is checked,you MUST attach a statement identifying the applicable provisions thereof. ❑ 2. Check here to certify that the Chief Municipal Officer and the Local Board of Health have been notified of the submittal of an 1 RAO Statement that relies on the public way/rail right-of-way exemption from the requirements of an AUL. ❑ 3. Check here to certify that the Chief Municipal Officer and the Local Board of Health have been notified of the submittal of a RAO Statement with instructions on how to obtain a full copy of the report. 4. Check here to certify that documentation is attached specifying the location of the Site,or the location and boundaries of. ❑ the Disposal Site subject to this RAO Statement. If submitting an RAO Statement for a PORTION of a Disposal Site, you must document the location and boundaries for both the portion subject to this submittal and,to the extent defined,the entire I Disposal Site. 5. Check here if required to submit one or more AULs. You must submit an AUL Transmittal Form(BWSC113)and a ❑ copy of each implemented AUL related to this RAO Statement. Specify the type of AUL(s)below: (required for Class A-3,A4,B-2,B-3 RAO Statements) ❑ a. Notice of Activity and Use Limitation b. Number of Notices submitted: ❑ c. Grant of Environmental Restriction d. Number of Grants submitted: ❑ 6. If an RAO Compliance Fee is required for any of the RTNs listed on this transmittal form,check here to certify that an RAO ' Compliance Fee was submitted to DEP,P.O.Box 4062,Boston,MA 02211. ❑ 7. Check here if any non-updatable information provided on this form is incorrect,e.g.Site Address/Location Aid. Send corrections to the DEP Regional Office. ❑ 8. Check here to certify that the LSP Opinion containing the material facts,data,and other information is attached. Revised:09/18/2002 Page 6 of 7 BWSC1040902006 ■ ■ Massachusetts Department of Environmental Protection Bureau of Waste Site Cleanup BWSC104 Release Tracking Number _ RESPONSE ACTION OUTCOME (RAO) STATEMENT _ 17903 ' Pursuant to 310 CMR 40.0580(Subpart E)&40.1056(Subpart J) 4 1 J. CERTIFICATION OF PERSON MAKING SUBMITTAL: 1.I, Bill Amaral ,attest under the pains and penalties of perjury(i)that I have personally examined and am familiar with the information contained in this submittal,including any and all documents accompanying this ' transmittal form,(ii)that,based on my inquiry of those individuals immediately responsible for obtaining the information,the material information contained in this submittal is,to the best of my knowledge and belief,true,accurate and complete,and(iii) that I am fully authorized to make this attestation on behalf of the entity legally responsible for this submittal. I/the person or I entity on whose behalf this submittal is made am/is aware that there are significant penalties,including,but not limited to, possible fines and imprisonment,for willfully submitting false,inaccurate,or incomplete information. Owner 2. By. 3. Title: .01 Signature 4. For: Amaral Automotive f jg;r 0-CZ (Name of person or entity recorded in Section G) (mm/dd/yyyy) 5. Check here if the address of the person providing certification is different from address recorded in Section G. 1 6. Street: 7. City/Town: 8. State: 9. ZIP Code: 1 10. Telephone: 11.Ext.: 12. FAX: YOU MUST LEGIBLY COMPLETE ALL RELEVANT SECTIONS OF THIS FORM OR DEP MAY RETURN THE DOCUMENT AS INCOMPLETE. IF YOU SUBMIT AN INCOMPLETE FORM,YOU MAY BE PENALIZED FOR MISSING A REQUIRED DEADLINE. Date Stamp(DEP USE ONLY:) r Revised: 09/18/2002 Page 7 of 7 ' BWSC1040902007 Massachusetts Department of Environmental Protection Bureau of Waste Site Cleanup BWSC105 Release Tracking Number IMMEDIATE RESPONSE ACTION (IRA) TRANSMITTAL FORM Pursuant to 310 CMR 40.0424-40.0427(Subpart D) ® - 17903 1 A. RELEASE OR THREAT OF RELEASE LOCATION: 1. Release Name/Location Aid: Amaral Automotive, Assessor's Map 296, Parcel 8 2. street Address: 32 Thorton Drive 3. City/Town: Hyannis 4. ZIP Code: 02601-0000 5. Check here if a Tier Classification Submittal has been provided to DEP for this Disposal Site. a. Tier 1A ❑ b. Tier 1B R c. Tier I 0 d. Tier ' 6. Check here if this location is Adequately Regulated,pursuant to 310 CMR 40.0110-0114. Specify Program(check one): a. CERCLA b. HSWA Corrective Action ❑ c. Solid Waste Management d. RCRA State Program(21 C Facilities) 1 B.THIS FORM IS BEING USED TO: (check all that apply) 1. List Submittal Date of Initial IRA Written Plan(if previously submitted): (MM/DDNYYY) 2. Submit an Initial IRA Plan. 3. Submit a Modified IRA Plan of a previously submitted written IRA Plan. 4. Submit an Imminent Hazard Evaluation(check one) a. An Imminent Hazard exists in connection with this Release or Threat of Release. b. An Imminent Hazard does not exist in connection with this Release or Threatof Release. c. It is unknown whether an Imminent Hazard exists in connection with this Release or Threat of Release,and further assessment activities will be undertaken. d. It is unknown whether an Imminent Hazard exists in connection with this Release or Threat of Release. However, response actions will address those conditions that could pose an Imminent Hazard. 5. Submit a request to Terminate an Active Remedial System or Response Action(s)Taken to Address an Imminent Hazard. 6. Submit an IRA Status Report. r 7. Submit an IRA Completion Statement. a. Check here if future response actions addressing this Release or Threat of Release notification condition will be conducted as part of the Response Actions planned or ongoing at a Site that has already been Tier Classified under a El different Release Tracking Number(RTN). When linking RTNs,rescoring via the NRS is required if there is a reasonable likelihood that the addition of the new RTN(s)would change the classification of the site. b. State Release Tracking Number of Tier Classified Site(Primary RTN): - . These additional response actions must occur according to the deadlines applicable to the Primary RTN.Use the Primary RTN when making all future submittals for the site unless specifically relating to this Immediate Response Action. 8. Submit a Revised IRA Completion Statement. (All sections of this transmittal form must be filled out unless otherwise noted above) Revised: 09/11/2002 Page 1 of 6 BWSC1050902001 Massachusetts Department of Environmental Protection Bureau of Waste Site Cleanup BWSC105 Release Tracking Number IMMEDIATE RESPONSE ACTION (IRA) TRANSMITTAL 4 _ 17903 427 ' FORM Pursuant to 310 CMR 40.0424-4 0.0 (Sub art p D) ❑ C. RELEASE OR THREAT OF RELEASE CONDITIONS THAT WARRANT IRA: 1. Identify Media Impacted and Receptors Affected: (check all that apply) ❑ a. Air ❑ b. Basement ❑ c. Critical Exposure Pathway ❑ d. Groundwater ❑ e. Residence © f. Paved Surface ❑ g.Private Well ❑ h. Public Water Supply ❑ i. School ❑ j. Sediments ❑ k. Soil ❑✓ I. Storm Drain ❑ m. Surface Water ❑ n. Unknown ❑ o. Wetland ❑ p. zone 2 ' ❑ q. Others Specify: 2. Identify Oils and Hazardous Materials Released: (check all that apply) ' ❑ a. Oils ❑ b. Chlorinated Solvents ❑ c.Heavy Metals ✓ d. Others Potential release of Waste Oils from an open drum due to displacement ❑ Specify: caused by water used during fire fighting efforts D. DESCRIPTION OF RESPONSE ACTIONS: (check all that apply.for volumes list cumulative amounts) W1 1. Assessment and/or Monitoring Only ❑ 2. Temporary Covers or Caps ❑ 3. Deployment of Absorbent or Containment Materials ❑ 4. Temporary Water Supplies ' ❑ 5. Structure Venting System ❑,6. Temporary Evacuation or Relocation of Residents ❑ 7. Product or NAPL Recovery ❑ 8. Fencing and Sign Posting ❑ 9. Groundwater Treatment Systems ❑ 10. Soil Vapor Extraction ❑ 11. Bioremediation ❑ 12. Air Sparging ❑ 13. Excavation of Contaminated Soils ❑ a. Re-use,Recycling or Treatment ❑ i.On Site Estimated volume in cubic yards ❑ ii.Off Site Estimated volume in cubic yards iia.Facility Name: Town: State: iib.Facility Name: Town: State: iii. Describe: ❑ b. Store ❑ i.On Site Estimated volume in cubic yards ' ii.Off Site Estimated volume in cubic yards iia.Facility Name: Town: State: iib.Facility Name: Town: State: Revised: 09/11/2002 Page 2 of 6 BWSCI O50902002 Massachusetts Department of Environmental Protection Bureau of Waste Site CleanupBWSC105 Release Tracking Number IMMEDIATE RESPONSE ACTION,(IRA)TRANSMITTAL FORM Pursuant to 310 CMR 40.0424-40.0427(Subpart D) - 17903 D. DESCRIPTION OF RESPONSE ACTIONS(cont.l: (check all that apply,for volumes list cumulative amounts) c. Landfill i.Cover Estimated volume in cubic yards Facility Name: -Town: State: ii. Disposal Estimated volume in cubic yards Facility Name: Town: State: 0 14. Removal of Drums,Tanks or Containers: a. Describe Quantity and Amount: i i b. Facility Name: Town: State: ' c. Facility Name: Town: State: ✓0 15. Removal of Other Contaminated Media: a.Specify Type and volume: Non-DOT and Non-RCRA.Regulated Materials, 2,120 gallons Olson's Greenhouse Raynham MA b.Facility Name: Town: State: c. Facility Name: Town: State: 16. Other Response Actions: ' Describe: 17. Use of Innovative Technologies: Describe: Revised: 09/11/2002 Page 3 of 6 BWSC1050902003 f ■ ■ Massachusetts Department of Environmental Protection ' Bureau of Waste Site Cleanup BWSC105 IMMEDIATE RESPONSE ACTION (IRA) TRANSMITTAL Release Tracking Number FORM Pursuant to 310 CMR 40.0424-40.0427(Subpart D) ® - 17903 ■ ' E. LSP SIGNATURE AND STAMP: I attest under the pains and penalties of perjury that I have personally examined and am familiar with this transmittal form, including any and all documents accompanying this submittal. In my professional opinion and judgment based upon application of(i)the standard of care in 309 CMR 4.02(1),(ii)the applicable provisions of 309 CMR 4.02(2)and(3),and 309 CMR4.03(2),and ' (iii)the provisions of 309 CMR 4.03(3),to the best of my knowledge,information and belief, > if Section B of this form indicates that an Immediate Response Action Plan is being submitted,the response action(s)that is ' (are)the subject of this submittal(i)has(have)been developed in accordance with the applicable provisions of M.G.L.c.21 E and 310 CMR 40.0000,(ii)is(are)appropriate and reasonable to accomplish the purposes of such response action(s)as set forth in the applicable provisions of M.G.L.c.21 E and 310 CMR 40.0000 and(iii)complies(y)with the identified provisions of all orders, permits,and approvals identified in this submittal; ' > if Section B of this form indicates that an Imminent Hazard Evaluation is being submitted,this Imminent Hazard Evaluation was developed in accordance with the applicable provisions of M.G.L.c.21 E and 310 CMR 40.0000,and the assessment activity(ies) undertaken to support this Imminent Hazard Evaluation complies(y)with the applicable provisions of M.G.L.c.21 E and 310 CMR 40.0000; > if Section B of this form indicates that an Immediate Response Status Report is being submitted,the response action(s)that is (are)the subject of this submittal(i)is(are)being implemented in accordance with the applicable provisions of M.G.L.c.21 E and 310 CMR 40.0000,(ii)is(are)appropriate and reasonable to accomplish the purposes of such response action(s)as set forth in ' the applicable provisions of M.G.L.c.21 E and 310 CMR 40.0000 and(iii)complies(y)with the identified provisions of all orders, permits,and approvals identified in this submittal; > if Section B of this form indicates that an Immediate Response Action Completion Statement or a request to Terminate an ' Active Remedial System or Response Action(s)Taken to Address an Imminent Hazard is being submitted,the response action(s)that is(are)the subject of this submittal(i)has(have)been developed and implemented in accordance with the applicable provisions of M.G.L.c.21 E and 310 CMR 40.0000,(ii)is(are)appropriate and reasonable to accomplish the purposes ' of such response action(s)as set forth in the applicable provisions of M.G.L.c.21 E and 310 CMR 40.0000 and(iii)complies(y) with the identified provisions of all orders,permits,and approvals identified in this submittal. I am aware that significant penalties may result,including,but not limited to,possible fines and imprisonment, if I submit information which I know to be false,inaccurate or materially incomplete. David C. Bennett 1. First Name: 2. Last Name: 68)' 96- 102 (508) 896-4687 3. Telephone: 4. Ext.: 5. FAX: 6. Signature: 7. Date: ' s. LSP#: 4303 OF A 9.LSP Stamp: DAVID a C. 13ENNE-T ' No.43031 ' FG/BTER� 6�4 ATE � ■ J Revised: 09/11/2002 Page 4 of 6 BWSCI O50902004 ■ Massachusetts Department of Environmental Protection Bureau of Waste Site Cleanup BWSC105 Release Tracking Number ' IMMEDIATE RESPONSE ACTION (IRA) TRANSMITTAL ® _ 17903 FORM Pursuant to 310 CMR 40.0424-40.0427(Subpart D) F. PERSON UNDERTAKING IRA: 1. Check all that apply: c. change in the person pp y: ❑ a.change in contact name. ❑ b.change of address ❑ undertaking response actions 2. Name of Organization: Amaral Automotive 3. Contact First Name: Bill 4.Last Name: Amaral ' 5. Street: 32 Thorton Drive 6.Title: Owner Hyannis MA 02601-0000 ' 7. City/Town: 8 y . State: 9. ZIP Code: 10. Telephone: (508) 778-6769 11.Ext.: 12. FAX: ' G. RELATIONSHIP TO RELEASE OR THREAT OF RELEASE OF PERSON UNDERTAKING IRA: © 1. RP or PRP 0 a. Owner ❑ b. Operator ❑ c. Generator ❑ d. Transporter ' ❑ e. Other RP or PRP Specify: ❑ 2. Fiduciary,Secured Lender or Municipality with Exempt Status(as defined by M.G.L.c.21 E,s.2) ❑ 3. Agency or Public Utility on a Right of Way(as defined by M.G.L.c.21 E,s.50)) ❑ 4. Any Other Person Undertaking IRA Specify Relationship: H.REQUIRED ATTACHMENT AND SUBMITTALS: 1.Check here if any Remediation Waste,generated as a result of this IRA,will be stored,treated,managed,recycled or ❑ reused at the site following submission of the IRA Completion Statement. If this box is checked,you must submit one of the following plans,along with the appropriate transmittal form. ❑ A Release Abatement Measure(RAM)Plan(BWSC106) ❑ Phase IV Remedy Implementation Plan(BWSC108) 2. Check here if the Response Action(s)on which this opinion is based,if any,are(were)subject to any order(s),permit(s) ❑ and/or approval(s)issued by DEP or EPA. If the box is checked,you MUST attach a statement identifying the applicable provisions thereof. ❑ 3. Check here to certify that the Chief Municipal Officer and the Local Board of Heath have been notified of the implementation of an Immediate Response Action taken to control,prevent,abate or eliminate an Imminent Hazard. ' ❑✓ 4. Check here to certify that the Chief Municipal Officer and the Local Board of Heath have been notified of the submittal of a Completion Statement for an Immediate Response Action taken to control,prevent,abate or eliminate an Imminent Hazard. ❑ 5. Check here if any non-updatable information provided on this form is incorrect,e.g.Site Address/Location Aid. Send ' corrections to the DEP Regional Office. © 6. Check hereto certify that the LSP Opinion containing the material facts,data,and other information is attached. Revised: 09/11/2002 Page 5 of 6 ' BWSC1050902005 ■ ■ Massachusetts Department of Environmental Protection Bureau of Waste Site Cleanup BWSC105 Release Tracking Number IMMEDIATE RESPONSE ACTION (IRA) TRANSMITTAL ® _ 17903 ' FORM Pursuant to 310 CMR 40.0424-40.0427(Subpart D) ' I. CERTIFICATION OF PERSON UNDERTAKING IRA: Bill Amaral 1. I, attest under the pains and penalties of perjury(i)that I have personally examined and am familiar with the information contained in this submittal,including any and all documents accompanying this ' transmittal form,(ii)that,based on my inquiry of those individuals immediately responsible for obtaining the information,the material information contained in this submittal is,to the best of my knowledge and belief,true,accurate and complete,and(iii) that I am fully authorized to make this attestation on behalf of the entity legally responsible for this submittal. I/the person or entity on whose behalf this submittal is made am/is aware that there are significant penalties,including,but not limited to, ' possible fines and imprisonment,for Ily submitting f , inaccurate,or incomplete information. 2. By. 3. Title: Owner Signature ' 4. For: Amaral Automotive (Name of person or entity recorded in Section F) (mm/dd/yyyy) 5. Check here if the address of the person providing rtif❑ p p g certification is different from address recorded in Section F. 6. Street: 7. City/Town: 8. State: 9. ZIP Code: ' 10. Telephone: 11.Ext: 12. FAX: YOU MUST LEGIBLY COMPLETE ALL RELEVANT SECTIONS OF THIS FORM OR DEP MAY RETURN THE DOCUMENT AS INCOMPLETE. IF YOU SUBMIT AN INCOMPLETE FORM,YOU MAY BE PENALIZED FOR MISSING A REQUIRED DEADLINE. Date Stamp(DEP USE ONLY:) Revised: 09/11/2002 Page 6 of 6 BWSC1050902006 ■ 1 1 1 1 APPENDIX D 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 ' Groundwater Analytical, Inc. GROUNDWATER Box 1200 ANALYTICAL Buz Main Street I ' Buzzards Bay,MA 02532 Telephone(508)759-4441 FAX(508)759-4475 ' July 29, 2003 www.groundwateranalytical.com Mr. David Bennett ' Bennett & O'Reilly, Inc. . P.O. Box 1667 Brewster, MA 02631 LABORATORY REPORT ' Project: Amaral Auto/113003-3795 Lab I D: 63111 Received: 07-22-03 Dear Dave: ' Enclosed are the analytical results for the above referenced project. The project was processed for Priority turnaround. This letter authorizes the release of the analytical results, and should be considered a part of this report. This report contains a sample receipt report detailing the samples received, a project narrative indicating project changes and non-conformances, a quality control report, and a statement of our state certifications.. The analytical results contained in this report meet all applicable NELAC standards, except as may be specifically noted, or described in the project narrative. This report may only be used or t reproduced in its entirety. I attest under the pains and penalties of perjury that, based upon my inquiry of those individuals immediately responsible for obtaining the information, the material contained in this report is, to the best of my knowledge and belief, accurate and complete. Should you have any questions concerning this report, please do not hesitate to contact me. ' Sincerely, - 1 Jonathan R. Sanford President ' RS/ cl J p Enclosures GROUNDWATER ANALYTICAL ' Sample Receipt Report ' Project: Amaral Auto/13003-3795 Delivery: GWA Courier Temperature: 4.0'C Client: Bennett&O'Reilly, Inc. Airbill: n/a Chain of Custody: Present Lab ID: 63111 Lab Receipt: 07-22-03 Custody Seal(s): n/a i� e .a ': tiw x ' 'fob ID , Field 1D Sir atnx Sampled Method Notes ...,�.. ,... � � .. u.,�Sw 63111-1 Standing Water on Slab rBqX ueous 7/21/03 14:00 MA DEP VPH Carbon Ranges Only Con ID Container Vendor C Lot Presery QC Lot Prep Ship C283383 40 mL VOA Vial Fisher 7661 HCl R-36456 06-02-03 06-09-03 . C283398 40 mL VOA Vial Fisher 7661 HCI R-3645B 06-02-03 06-09-03 C283371 40 mL VOA Vial Fisher 7661 HCI R-3645B 06-02-03 06-09-03 ' 63111-2 Standing Water on Slab Aqueous 7/21/03 14:00 EPA 60106/7470A 8 RCRA Metals Con ID Container Vendor QC Lot Presery QC Lot Prep Ship C158789 1 L Plastic Proline BX7214 HNO3 R-3518J 03-14-03 03-17-03 ' tab IDy Field ID Matnz a Sampled rMethod a� r. s, . .x. . m .�f .,�- .. . �., '� Notes 63111-3 Standing Water on Slab Aqueous 7/21/03 14:00 MA DEP EPH with PAHs by 8270C-Mod SIM Con ID Container Vendor QC Lot Presery QC Lot Prep Ship C302377: 1 LAmber Glass Proline BX7747 H2SO4 R-3519E 06-24-03 06.26-03 g ,Notes. 63111-4 C13-1 Soil 7/21/03 15:05 EPA 8082 PCBs Con ID Container Vendor QC Lot Presery QC Lot IPrep Ship ' C344178 250 mL Glass n/a n/a None n/a n/a n/a LablDr' F�e1dID� �; fltdtrlX �SampleddtMeihod � � � �s _ Notes ' a� 63111-5 Standing Water on Slab Aqueous 7/21/03 14:00 EPA 8260E Volatile Organics ' Con ID Container Vendor QC Lot Presery QC Lot Prep Ship C344193 40 mL VOA Vial n/a n/a HCI n/a n/a n/a I I i I Groundwater Analytical, Inc., P.O. Box 1200, 228 Main Street, Buzzards Bay, MA 02532 1 GROUNDWATER ANALYTICAL ' Trace Metals Field ID: Standing Water on Slab Matrix: Aqueous Project: Amaral Auto/6003-3795 Container: 1 L Plastic Client: Bennett&O'Reilly,Inc. Preservation: HNO3/Cool ' Laboratory ID: 63111-02 Preserved: 07-21-03 14:00 Sampled: 07-21-03 Received: 07-22-03 ' Analysis Method QC Batch ID Prep Method Prepared Sample Volume Instrument ID An I s EPA 601013' MM-1751-W EPA 3015A 07-25-03 50 mL ICP 2 PE 3300 MWR EPA 7470A2 MP-1339-W EPA 7470A 07-23-03 25 mL CVM-1 PE FIMS DRW 1 2 � � �. r r €ACASNum erf nalyte �. �� Concentration Notes Units �Reportmg�umlt DF Anal—EMS Metho u w*s a 2 _ -M.«. K raw ,�, a x k �,k.._s. .„m,�u.�? s 7440-38-2 Arsenic,Total BRL mg/L 0.01 1 07-28-03 EPA 60106' 7440-39-3 Barium,Total 1.3 mg/L 0.2 1 07-25-03 EPA 60106' 7440-43-9. Cadmium,Total 0.10 mg/L 0.005 1 07-28-03 EPA 60106' ' 7440-47-3 Chromium,Total 0.04 mg/L 0.01 1 07-25-03 EPA 60108' 7439-92-1 Lead,Total 0.54 mg/L 0.005 1 .07-28-03 EPA 60106' 7439-97-6 Mercury,Total 0.0003 mg/L 0.0002 11 07-23-03 EPA 7470A2 ' 7782-49-2 Selenium,Total BRL mg/L 0.05 1 07-25-03 EPA 60106' 7440-22-4 t Silver,Total BRL mg/L 0.007 1 J 07-25-03 EPA 60106' Method Reference: Test Methods for Evaluating Solid Waste,US EPA,SW-846,Third Edition,Update III(1996). ' Report Notations: BRL Indicates concentration,if any,is below reporting limit for analyte. Reporting limit is the lowest concentration that can be reliably quantified under routine laboratory operating conditions. Reporting limits are adjusted for sample size and dilution. DF Dilution Factor. 1 i 1 1 1 1 1 � 1 Groundwater Analytical,.Inc., P.O. Box 1200, 228 Main Street, Buzzards Bay, MA 02532 ' GROUNDWATER NALY�ALTER ' Massachusetts DEP EPH Method Extractable Petroleum Hydrocarbons by GC/FID Field ID: Standing Water on Slab Laboratory ID: 63111-03 ' Project: Amaral Auto/BO03-3795 QC Batch ID: EP-1244-F Client: Bennett&O'Reilly, Inc. Sampled: 07-21-03 Container: 1 L Amber Glass Received: 07-22-03 Preservation: H2SO4/Cool Extracted: 07-24-03 1 Matrix: Aqueous Analyzed: 07-26-03 Dilution Factor: Aliphatic:1 Aromatic:1 Rep In�Limit ,Con�en„ratio_ ' n-C9 to n-C18 Aliphatic Hydrocarbons BRL ug/L 590 n-C19 to n-C36 Aliphatic Hydrocarbons BRL ug/L 590 n-C11 to n-C22 Aromatic Hydrocarbons t 0 BRL ug/L 190 ' Unadjusted n-C11 ton C22 Aromatic Hydrocarbons t BRL ug/L 190 Fractionation: 2-Fluorobiphenyl 103 % 40- 140 % 2-Bromonaphthalene 106 % 40-140% Extraction: Chloro-octadecane 79 % 40-140 % ortho-Terphenyl 99 % 40- 140% 1. Were all QA/QC procedures required by the method followed? Yes 2. Were all performancelacceptance standards for the required QA/QC procedures achieved? Yes 3. Were any significant modifications made to the method,as specified in Section 11.3? No ' Method non-conformances indicated above are detailed below on this data report,or in the accompanying project narrative and project quality control report. Release of this data is authorized by the accompanying signed project cover letter. The accompanying cover letter,project narrative and quality control report are considered part of this data report. Method Reference: Method for the Determination of Extractable Petroleum Hydrocarbons,MA DIP 119981. Extraction performed utilizing separatory funnel technique. Report Notations: BRL Indicates concentration,if any,is below reporting limit for analyte. Reporting limit is the lowest concentration that can be reliably quantified under routine laboratory operating conditions. Reporting limits are adjusted for sample dilution and sample size. ' t Hydrocarbon range data excludes concentrations of any surrogate(s)and/or internal standards eluting it that range. 0 n-C11 to n-C22 Aromatic Hydrocarbons range data excludes the method target analyte concentrations. I Groundwater Analytical, Inc., P.O. Box 1200, 228 Main Street, Buzzards Bay, MA 02532 1 GROUNDWATER 1 ANALYTICAL 1 EPA Method 8270C (Modified) MA DEP EPH Polynuclear Aromatic Hydrocarbons by GC/MS-SIM Field ID: Standing Water on Slab Laboratory ID: 63111-03 Project: Amaral Auto/13003-3795 QC Batch ID: EP-1244-F Client: Bennett&O'Reilly, Inc. Sampled: 07-21-03 Container: 1 L Amber Glass Received: 07-22-03 Preservation: H2SO4/Cool Extracted: 07-24-03 ' Matrix: Aqueous Analyzed: 07-25-03 Dilution Factor: 1 ti 91-20-3 Naphthalene BRL ug/L 0.6 91-57-6 2-Methyl naphthalene BRL ug/L' 0.6 ' 208-96-8 Acenaphthylene BRL ug/L 0.6 83-32 9 Acenaphthene BRL ug/L 0.6 86-73-7 Fluorene BRL ug/L 0.6 85-01-8 Phenanthrene BRL ug/L 0.6 ' 120-12-7 Anthracene BRL ug/L 0.6 206-44-0 Fluoranthene BRL ug/L 0.6 129-00-0 Pyrene BRL ug/L 0.6 ' 56-5573 Benzo[a]anthracene BRL ug/L 0.1 218-01-9 Chrysene BRL ug/L 0.1 205-99-2 Benzo[b]fluoranthene BRL ug/L, 0.1 207-08-9 Benzo[k]fluoranthene BRL ug/L 0.1 50-32-8 Benzo[a]pyrene BRL ug/L 0.1 193-39-5 Indeno[1,2,3-c,d]pyrene BRL ug/L 0.1. 53-70-3 Dibenzo[a,h]anthracene BRL ug/L 0.1 ' 191 24-2 Benzo[g,h,i]perylene BRL ug/L 01 � ` '� ReCOVQY 2� i CSurro to Com oundAil y _ CLUrn�ts _ . ortho-Terphenyl 83 to40-140 Method Reference: Test Methods for Evaluating Solid Waste,US EPA,SW-846,Third Edition, Update III (1996). Analvte list as specified by the target analvtes of the MA DEP Method for the Determination of Extractable Petroleum Hvdrocarbons. Method modified by use of selected ion monitoring(SIM)in accordance with Section 7.5.5 of the method. Method protocol modified to include acidification and the surrogate compound in accordance with the MA DEP Method for the Determination of Extractable Petroleum Hvdrocarbons. Report Notations: BRL Indicates concentration, if anv, is below reporting limit for analvte. Reporting limit is the lowest concentration that can be reliablv quantified under routine laboratory operating conditions. Reporting limits are adiusted for sample dilution and sample size. 1 Groundwater Analytical, Inc., P.O. Box 1200, 228 Main Street, Buzzards Bay, MA 02532 GROUNDWATER ANALYTICAL ' Massachusetts DEP VPH Method Volatile Petroleum Hydrocarbons by GGPIDNID ' Field ID: Standing Water on Slab Laboratory ID: 63111-01 Project: Amaral Auto/BO03-3795 QC Batch ID: VG1-1741-W Client: Bennett&O'Reilly, Inc. Sampled: 07-21-03 Container: 40 mL VOA Vial Received: 07-22-03 ' Preservation: HCI/Cool Analyzed: 07-25-03 Matrix: Aqueous Dilution Factor: 1 � � Concentration �� �� � Dnits� Re ortm Lrm(t; n-05 to n-C8 Aliphatic Hydrocarbons ° 320 ug/L 20 n-C9 to n-C12 Aliphatic Hydrocarbons BRL ug/L 20 n-C9 to n-C10 Aromatic Hydrocarbons 100 ug/L 20 Unadjusted n-05 to n-C8 Aliphatic Hydrocarbons t 420 ug/L 20 ' Una "usted n-C9 to n-C12 Aliphatic Hydrocarbons t 130 ug/L 20 u ,.QCSurrogateCmpounds M,a.1 �.., YR'ecr)!�.. .r..7 " QC"Limits� oye � 2,5-Dibromotoluene(PID) 102 % 70-130 % ' 2,5-Dibromotoluene(FID) 103 % 70-130 °� QgQG Cert�ficafion t% 1. Were;all QA/QC procedures required by the method followed? Yes ' 2. Were:all performance/acceptance standards for the required QA/QC procedures achieved? Yes 3. Were any significant modifications made to the method,as specified in Section No Method non-conformances indicated above are detailed below on this data report,or in the accompanying project narrative and project quality control report. Release of this data is authorized by the accompanying signed project cover letter. L The accompanying cover letter,project narrative and quality control report are considered part of this data report. Method Reference: Method for the Determination of Volatile Petroleum Hydrocarbons,MA DEP(1998). Report Notations: BRL Indicates concentration,if any, is below reporting limit for analyte. Reporting Iimit is the lowest concentration that can be reliably quantified under routine laboratory operating conditions. Reporting limits are adjusted for sample dilution and sample size. t. Hydrocarbon range data excludes concentrations of any surrogate(s)and/or internal standards eluting in that range. 0. n-05 to n-C8 Aliphatic Hydrocarbons range data excludes the method target analyte concentrations. ® n-C9 to n-C12 Aliphatic Hydrocarbons range data excludes the method target analyte concentrations an( the concentration for the n-C9 to n-C10 Aromatic Hydrocarbons range. ' u Analyte elutes in the n-05 to n-C8 Aliphatic Hydrocarbons range. t Analyte elutes in the n-C9 to n-C12 Aliphatic Hydrocarbons range. 1 ' Groundwater Analytical, Inc., P.O. Box 1200, 228 Main Street, Buzzards Bay, MA 02532 1 GROUNDWATER ANALYTICAL ' EPA Method 8082 Polychlorinated Biphenyls (PCBs) by GGECD Field ID: CB-1 Laboratory ID: 63111-04 Project: Amaral Auto/BO03-3795 QC Batch ID: P13-1740-M Client: Bennett&O'Reilly, Inc. Sampled: 07-21-03 Container: 250 mL Glass Received: 07-22-03 Preservation: Cool Extracted: 07-24-03 Matrix: Soil Analyzed: 07-24-03 %Moisture: 32 Dilution Factor: 1 tt A Number a �. Anal_yate ��, Gorcenfrafont U,n�ts , ,Reporting{Limit ' 12 674-1 1-2 Aroclor 1016 BRL ug/Kg 110 1 1 1 04-28-2 Aroclor 1221 BRL ug/Kg 110 1 1 1 41-1 6-5 Aroclor 1232 BRL ug/Kg 110 53469-21-9 Aroclor 1242 BRL ug/Kg 110 12672-29-6 Aroclor 1248 BRL ug/Kg 110 1 1 09 7-69-1 Aroclor 1254 BRL ug/Kg 110 11096-82-5 Aroclor 1260 BRL ug/Kg 110 1 xi�S � QC�IICIO dte COrT10U lU ` � At�r c ReCOVeC`* P� 41 5 C LIIt11tS'A� % Tetrachloro-m-xylene 111 % 25-121 % Decachlorobiphenyl 106 % 28-138 % 1 Method Reference: Test Methods for Evaluating Solid Waste, US.EPA,SW-846,Third Edition, Update III(1996). Analyte list as Aroclor analytes formerly specified by EPA Method 8080A. Results are reported on a dry weight basis. i Report Notations: BRL .Indicates concentration, if any, is below reporting limit for analyte. Reporting limit is the lowest concentration that can be reliably quantified under routine laboratory operating conditions. Reporting limits are adjusted for sample dilution,percent moisture and sample size. 1 1 1 Groundwater Analytical, Inc., P.O. Box 1200, 228 Main Street, Buzzards Bay, MA 02532 r r GROUNDWATER NALY�ALTER ' EPA Method 8260B Volatile Organics by GC/MS Field ID: Standing Water on Slab Laboratory ID: 63111-05 Project: Amaral Auto/BO03-3795 QC Batch ID: VM5-2600-W Client: Bennett&O'Reilly, Inc. Sampled: 07-21-03 Container: 40 mL VOA Vial Received: 07-22-03 ' Preservation: HCI/Cool Analyzed: 07-27-03 Matrix: Aqueous Dilution Factor: 2 Page: 1 of 2 ; CAS Number m Anal e k *� k Concentration Unfits Reportin Limit 75-71-8 Dichlorodifluoromethane BRL ug/L 1 74-87-3 Chloromethane BRL ug/L 1 75-01-4 Vinyl Chloride BRL ug/L 1 r 74-83-9 Bromomethane BRL ug/L 1 75-00-3 Chloroethane BRL ug/L 1 75-69-4 Trichlorofluoromethane BRL ug/L 1 60-29-7 Diethyl Ether BRL ug/L 4 ' 75-35-4 1,1-Dichloroethene BRL ug/L 1 76-13-1 1,1,2-Trichlorotrifluoroethane BRL ug/L 10 67-64-:1 Acetone 97 ug/L 20 75-15-0 Carbon Disulfide BRL ug/L 10 75-09-2 Methylene Chloride BRL ug/L 5 156-60-5 trans-1,2-Dichloroethene BRL ug/L 1 r 1634-04-4 Methyl tert-butyl Ether(MTBE) 11 ug/L 1 75-34-3 1,1-Dichloroethane BRL ug/L 1 590-20-7 2,2-Dichloropropane BRL ug/L 1 156-59-2 cis-1,2-Dichloroethene BRL ug/L 1 78-93-3 2-Butanone(MEK) 1,200 a ug/L 10 74-91-5 Bromochloromethane BRL ug/L 1 109-99-9 Tetrahydrofuran(THF) BRL ug/L 10 ' 67-66-3 Chloroform BRL ug/L 1 71-55-6 1,1,1-Trichloroethane BRL ug/L 1 56-23-5 Carbon Tetrachloride BRL ug/L 1 563-58-6 1,1-Dichloropropene BRL ug/L 1 r 71-43-2 Benzene 6 ug/L 1 107-06-2 1,2-Dichloroethane BRL ug/L 1 79-01-6 Trichloroethene BRL ug/L 1 78-87-5 1,2-Dichloropropane BRL ug/L 1 74-95-3 Dibromomethane BRL ug/L 1 75-27-4 Bromodichloromethane BRL ug/L 1 10061-01-5 cis-1,3-Dichloropropene BRL ug/L 1 ' 108-10-1 4-Methyl-2-Pentanone(MIBK) BRL ug/L 10 108-88-3 Toluene 36 ug/L 1 10061-02-6 trans-1,3-Dichloropropene BRL ug/L 1 79-00-5 1,1,2-Trichloroethane BRL ug/L 1 ' 127-18-4 Tetrachloroethene BRL ug/L 1 142-28-9 1,3-Dichloropropane BRL ug/L 1 591-78-6 2-Hexanone BRL ug/L 10 ' 12448-1 Dibromochloromethane BRL ug/L 1 106-93-4 1,2-Dibromoethane(EDB) BRL ug/L 1 108-90-7 Chlorobenzene BRL ug/L 1 ' 630-20-6 1,1,1,2-Tetrachloroethane BRL ug/L 1 10041-4 Ethylbenzene 3 ug/L 1 1 Groundwater Analytical, Inc., P.O. Box 1200, 228 Main Street, Buzzards Bay, MA 02532 GROUNDWATER ANALYTICAL EPA Method 8260B (Continued) Volatile Organics by GC/MS Field ID: Standing Water on Slab Laboratory ID: 63111-05 Project: Amaral Auto/BO03-3795 QC Batch ID: VMS-2600-W Client: Bennett&O'Reilly, Inc. Sampled: 07-21-03 Container: 40 mL VOA Vial Received: 07-22-03 ' Preservation: HCI/Cool Analyzed: 07-27-03 Matrix: Aqueous Dilution Factor: 2 Page: 2 of 2 � � CASNumber x- , Analyte .f. > � Concentraf�on xUniCs��„ RePor�frt glimrt 108-38-3/106-42-3 meta-Xylene and para-Xylene 7 ug/L 1 9547-6 ortho-Xylene 4 ug/L 1 100-42-5 Styrene 7 ug/L 1 ' 75-25-2 Bromoform BRL ug/L -1 98-82-8 I sop ropylbenzene BRL ug/L 1 108-86-1 Bromobenzene BRL ug/L 1 ' 79-34-5 1,1,2,2-Tetrachloroethane BRL ug/L 1 96-184 1,2,3-Trichloropropane BRL ug/L 1, 103-65-1 n-Propylbenzene BRL ug/L 1 ' 95-49-8 2-Chlorotoluene BRL ug/L 1 108-67-8 1,3,5-Trimethylbenzene BRL ug/L 1 106-434 4-Chlorotoluene BRL ug/L 1 98-06-6 tert-B utyl benzene BRL ug/L 1 95-63-6 1,2,4-Tri methyl benzene 3 ug/L 1 135-98-8 sec-B utyl benzene BRL ug/L 1 541-73-1 1,3-Dichlorobenzene BRL ug/L 1 99-87-6 4-Isopropyltoluene BRL ug/L 1 106-46-7 1,4-Dichlorobenzene BRL ug/L 1 95-50-1 1,2-Dichlorobenzene BRL ug/L 1 104-51-8 n-B utyl benzene BRL ug/L, 1 96-12-8 1,2-Dibromo-3-chloropropane BRL ug/L 1 120-82-1 1,2,4-Trichlorobenzene BRL ug/L 1 87-68-3 Hexachlorobutadiene BRL ug/L 1 91-20-3 Naphthalene 37 ug/L 1 ' 87-61-6 1,2,3-Trichlorobenzene BRL ug/L 1 Dibromofluoromethane 97 % 86'-.118 % 1,2-Dichloroethane-d4 95 % 80- 120 % Toluene-d6 100 % 88-110 % 4-Bromofluorobenzene 101 % 86-115 % Method Reference: Test Methods for Evaluating Solid Waste, US EPA,SW-846,Third Edition,Update III(1996). Analyte list as specified in Tables 6 and 7 of the method,and additional analytes as specified by MA DEP Method 1 Standards(310 C.M.R.40.0973)and recommended by NH DES for initial waste site investigations,effective 12/1/97. Analysis performed utilizing 25mL sample purge volume. ' Report Notations: BRL Indicates concentration, if any, is below reporting limit for analyte. Reporting limit is the lowest concentration that can be reliably quantified under routine laboratory operating conditions. Reporting limits are adjusted for sample dilution and sample size. e Indicates concentration exceeded calibration range for the analyte. Groundwater Analytical, Inc., P.O. Box 1200, 228 Main Street, Buzzards Bay, MA 02532 GROUNDWATER ANALYTICAL Project Narrative Project: Amaral Auto/BO03-3795 Lab ID: 63111 ' Client Bennett&O'Reilly, Inc Received 07 22 03 16 15 ' The following documentation discrepancies,and client changes or amendments were noted for this project: 1 . Sample identified as'CB-1' was analyzed EPA Method 8082 per Scott Kraihanzel,07-23-03. r2 . Analysis of sample'Standing Water on Slab' by EPA Method 8082 was cancelled, per Scott Kraihanzel,07-23-03. •-•:� �'�� �°`- �a'�s��:c.�„ fi„�:��.�.�.."�:"s.�^ ^«�, i. "y�7._ "&u+�;�.a, ..�- + .tom.a �ti��'�a5;� �'..�,:A.�'.?�z"�� �.- � .� ' The following method non-conformances were noted for this project: 1 . No method non-conformances were noted. ' Groundwater Analytical, Inc., P.O. Box 1200, 228 Main Street, Buzzards Bay, MA 02532 /tw'�"D 9Pp�/� �Inr•� 428 Main Street,P.O.Box 1200 6� �9®� P@® Buzzards Bay,MA025M CHAIN-OF-CUSTODY RECORD ��m ������ ANALYTICAL Telephone(508)759-4441•FAX(508).759-4475 AND WORK ORDER www.groundwateranaiytical.com Project Name: Firm: TURNAROUND ANALYSIS REQUEST ddj � l�+- �? allles Semivolallles Pes�Herb I Metals Peh.leumNerewrean Haz. General Chemist Other Chemistry 1.� /Y'.%�"� ����9 c,; ,Inc��1C.- �STANDARD(10 Business Days) Extradaule vol Exl.TPH voLTPA waste Project Number: Address: JR PRIORITY(5 Business Days) ❑ RUSH(RAN- 1 H e H sa - s =Ta F r P[�, R"✓yi�' rs (Rush requires Rush Authorization Number) ❑ ❑ ❑ h I im ❑ o _ Sampler Name: City/State/Zip: o P Y P� ❑Please Email to: - �^ Please FAX to: r'�,ss3 Project Manager Telephoner BILLING o o d e d a a o i ❑ ❑ o o = m o d _ A 83 (j()F,• Ilfi - RC-S�� Purchase Order No.: �ykT,4 3/�j o o x P a _ ❑ Third Party Billing: a =_ e ; o s ° o INSTRUCTIONS:Use separate line for each container(except replicates). d r = o e _s = SamplingMatrix o a o a s a og e°TyPa Contalner(a) Preservation Flitero E = aaA_ ° '391 v o a = 9 o o 0 P E E E oNE E LABORATORY '= n � o e _ ❑ -� o o _,a — .a NUMBER Oa °TIFICAION w (Lab Us Only) E owIii E N - - a - : ES a eaE ❑ u o SAMLE w 3 IDE ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ 3❑oo Itv _ 9 4fl ��,r-; r �� ,I, .� Sri :�;: �: � �..,n P, ,r:;a r � .rr r - ,i rv;`v',�* r r T� .r.ran i-,�'4, _ ,: ,i. .u� a t! - F � v°"-;F. 3'z i:t, 6 ° �`'r ,: .`';i ' �a,�a " �- s� :C X :f � 7. a t t REMARKS/SPECIAL INSTRUCTIONS DATA QUALITY OBJECTIVES CHAIN-OF-CUSTODY RECORD ,;;rti Lpr:cn j Regulatory Program Project Specific QC t;2:^ ' § y j P NOTE:All samples submitted subject to Standard Terms and Conditions on reverse hereof. State Standard Deliverables Many regulatory programs and EPA methods require project Relinquished by Sampler: Date Time Received by: Receipt Temperature: sPacific OC.Project specific QC Includes Sample Duplicates, f _ ❑l�p pet,ge,81Ba f� OCT p MCP GW-1/S-1_ ❑PWS Form Matrix Spikes,and/or Matrix Spike Duplicates.Laboratory QC is .r„f-f' `,:, -<. / F'' zloty Reoommeoaee ❑ME ❑MCP GW-2/S-1 ❑ not project specific unless prearranged.Project specific QC samples are charged on a per sample basis.Each MS,MSD, Relinquished by: Date Time Received ' Container Count: - - and Sample Duplicate requires an additional sample aikiquot. ❑NH ❑Drinking Water ®MA ❑NY STARS ❑ R;�Iinq Date Time Receiv .�or Shipping/Airbill ❑NY ❑Wastewater .. Project Specific OC Required Selection of QC Sample i Number: ❑RI ❑Waste Disposal ❑Sample Duplicate ❑Please use sample: / j7�/1.'cr ❑VT ❑Dredge Material ❑Matrix Spike Method of Shipment:❑G Courier❑Express Mail❑Federal Express Custody Seal ❑_ ❑ ❑Matrix Spike Duplicate ❑UPS❑Hand❑ Number: i GROUNDWATER ANALYTICAL IQuality Assurance/Quality Control -A"" Prog aM., erV W a d 1 O EEO, Groundwater Analytical conducts an active Quality Assurance program to ensure the,production of high quality, valid data. This program closely follows the guidance provided by Interim Guidelines and I Specifications for Preparing Quality Assurance Project Plans, US EPA QAMS-005/80 (1980), and Test Methods for Evaluating Solid Waste, US EPA, SW-846, Update III (1996). Quality Control protocols include written Standard Operating Procedures (SOPS) developed for each analytical method. SOPS are derived from US EPA methodologies and other established references. Standards are prepared from commercially obtained reference materials of certified purity, and documented for traceability. Quality Assessment protocols for most organic analyses include a minimum of one laboratory control sample, one method blank, one matrix spike sample, and one sample duplicate for each sample preparation batch. All samples, standards, blanks, laboratory control samples, matrix spikes and sample duplicates are spiked with internal standards and surrogate compounds. All instrument sequences begin with an initial calibration verification standard and a blank; and excepting GUMS sequences, all sequences close with a continuing calibration standard. GUMS systems are tuned to appropriate ion abundance criteria daily, or for each 12 hour operating period, whichever is more frequent. Quality Assessment protocols for most inorganic analyses include a minimum of one: laboratory control sample, one method blank, one matrix spike sample, and one sample duplicate for each sample preparation batch. Standard curves are derived from one reagent blank and four concentration levels. Curve validity is verified by standard recoveries within plus or minus ten percent of the curve. y "k a ;a sue, d �. �` Batches are used as the basic unit for Quality Assessment. A Batch is defined as twenty or fewer samples of the same matrix which are prepared together for the same analysis, using the same lots of reagents and the same techniques or manipulations, all within the same continuum of time, up to but not exceeding 24 hours. Laboratory Control Samples are used to assess the accuracy of the analytical method. A Laboratory Control Sample consists of reagent water or sodium sulfate spiked with a group of target analytes representative of the method analytes. Accuracy is defined as the degree of agreement of the measured value with the true or expected value. Perent Recoveries for the Laboratory Control Samples are calculated to assess accuracy. Method Blanks are used to assess the level of contamination present in the analytical system. Method Blanks consist of reagent water or an aliquot of sodium sulfate. Method Blanks are taken through all the appropriate steps of an analytical method. Sample data reported is not corrected for blank contamination. Surrogate Compounds are used to assess the effectiveness of an analytical method in dealing with each sample matrix. Surrogate Compounds are organic compounds which are similar to the ,target analytes of interest in chemical behavior, but which are not normally found in environmental samples.: Percent Recoveries are calculated for each Surrogate Compound. rGroundwater Analytical, Inc., P.O. Box 1200, 228 Main Street, Buzzards.Bay, MA 02532 ' GROUNDWATER ANALYTICAL ' Quality Control Report Laboratory Control Sample ' Category: Metals Matrix: Aqueous ACAS Nutnbe A alyte � etlodQCBatch� Unif Spiked �Measured� Rec�overyQC 7440-38-2 Arsenic 6010B MM-1751-WL mg/L 1.0 0.92 92% 80-120% 7440-39-3 Barium 6010B MM-1751-WL mg/L 1.0 0.9 91 % 80-120% ' 744043-9 Cadmium 601013 MM-1751-WL mg/L 1.0 0.9 94% 80-120% 7440-47-3 Chromium 6010B MM-1751-WL mg/L 1.0 0.90 90% 80-120% .7439-92-1 Lead 6010B MM-1751-WL mg/L 1.0 1.0 95 % 80- 120 7439-97 6 Mercury 7470A MP-1339-WL mg/L 0.0010 0.0010 103% 80-120% 7782-49-2 Selenium 6010B MM-1751-WL mg/L 1.0 0:96 96% 80-120% 7440-22 4 Silver 6010B MM-1751-WL mg/L 1.0 0.94 94.% 80-120% Method References: Test Methods for Evaluating Solid Waste,SW-846,Third Edition,Update III (1996). Report Notations: All calculations performed prior to rounding. Quality Control Limits are defined by the methodology, ' or alternatively based upon the historical average recovery plus or minus three standard deviation units. Groundwater Analytical, Inc., P.O. Box 1200, 228 Main Street, Buzzards Bay,MA 02532 GROUNDWATER ' Quality Control Report Method Blank ' Category: Metals Matrix: Aqueous Reporting 'CASNumber�' �Analyte -x;."` � ^Re s 7440-38-2 Arsenic BRL mg/L 0.01 MM-1751-WB 6010B 7440-39-3 Barium BRL mg/L 0.2 MM-1751-WB 6010B ' 7440-43-9 Cadmium BRL mg/L 0.005 MM-1751-WB 6010B 7440-47-3 Chromium BRL mg/L 0.01 MM-1751-W13 6010B 7439-92-1 Lead BRL mg/L 0.005 MM-1751-WB 6010B ' 7439-97-6 Mercury BRL mg/L 0.0002 MP-1339-WB 7470A 7782-49-2 Selenium BRL mg/L 0.05 MM-1751-W13 6010B 7440-22-4 Silver BRL mg/L 0.007 MM-1751-WB 6010B Method References: Test Methods for Evaluating Solid Waste,SW-846,Third Edition, Update III(1996). Report Notations: BRL Indicates result,if any, is below reporting limit for analyte. Reporting limit is the lowest ' value that can be reliably quantified under routine laboratory operating conditions. Reporting limits are adjusted for sample dilution and sample size. 1 1 1 Groundwater Analytical, Inc., P.O. Box 1200, 228 Main Street, Buzzards Bay, MA 02532 GROUNDWATER ' ANALYTICAL ' Quality Control Report Laboratory Control Sample Category: MA DEP EPH Method QC Batch ID: EP-1244-F Matrix: Water Units: ug/L ' CASNumber gnalyte Sp)ked "Measureil rRecovery�rry QCLtmits 111-84-2 n-Nonane(C9) 50 29 57% 40-140% 629-59-4 n-Tetradecane(C14) 50 35 71 % 40-140% ' 629-92-5 n-Nonadecane(C19) 50 43 85.% 40- 140 % 112-95-8 n-Eicosane(C20) 50 44 88% 40-140 % 630-02-4 n-Octacosane(C28) 50 41 82% 1 40 .4r'�+ c & �QCSurrogateCompounds W 1,1QCLim�ts , Fractionation: 2-Fluorobiphenyl 105 % 40-140% 2-Bromonaphthalene 108 % 40-140 1 Extraction: Chloro-octadecane 84 % 40-140% ortho-Terphenyl 98 % 40- 140% Method Reference: Method for the Determination of Extractable Petroleum Hydrocarbons,MA DEP(1998). Report Notations: All calculations performed prior to rounding. Quality Control Limits are defined by the methodology, or alternatively based upon the historical average recovery plus or minus three standard deviation units. I t Groundwater Analytical, Inc., P.O. Box 1200, 228 Main Street, Buzzards Bay, MA 02532 GROUNDWATER ANALYTICAL ' Quality Control Report Method Blank Category: MA DEP EPH Method QC Batch ID: EP-1244-F Matrix: Water �� = Unrts-' Re ortrn �'Liimif n-C9 to n-C18 Aliphatic Hydrocarbons BRL ug/L 500 n-C19 to n-C36 Aliphatic Hydrocarbons BRL ug/L 500 n-C11 to n-C22 Aromatic Hydrocarbons BRL ug/L 200 ' Unadjusted n-C11 to n-C22 Aromatic Hydrocarbons r BRL ug/L 200 � QC SiJrrogate Compounds R � .. Recovery , � ' t QC ltmrtsMR <H Fractionation: 2-Fluorobiphenyl 125 % 40- 140% 2-Bromonaphthalene 108 % 40- 140 % Extraction: Chloro-octadecane 76 % 40-140 ' i ortho-Terphenyl 110 % 40-140% Method Reference: Method for the Determination of Extractable Petroleum Hydrocarbons,MA DEP(1998).. Report Notations: BRL Indicates concentration,if any, is below reporting limit for analyte. Reporting limit is the lowest ' concentration that can be reliably quantified under routine laboratory operating conditions. Reporting limits are adjusted for sample dilution and sample size. t Hydrocarbon range data excludes concentrations of any surrogate(s)and/or internal standards eluting it that range. 0 n-C1 i to n-C22 Aromatic Hydrocarbons range data excludes the method target analyte concentrations. Groundwater Analytical, Inc., P.O. Box 1200, 228 Main Street, Buzzards Bay, MA 02532 1 1 GROUNDWATER NALY�ALTER ' Quality Control Report Laboratory Control Sample Category: EPA Method 8270C(Mod)- EPH PAHs by GC/MS-SIM QC Batch ID: EP-1244-F Matrix: Aqueous Units: ug/L `�C�AS Numb�er�,��` �� ' „Analyfe�,�_ "�;�5 iked �� Measured # r;��Recov_ery �QG Ltmits 91-20-3 Naphthalene 5.0 3.2 64% 40-140% 83-32-9 Acenaphthene 5.0 3.0 59% 40-140% 1 120-12-7 Anthracene 5.0 4.0 80% 40-140% 129-00-0 Pyrene 5.0 4.0 80% 40-140% 218-01-9 Chrysene 5.0 4.0 80% 40-140 ' r` f RCSurroe"tom ound � a��' x Rfiecove'r � .� �� r '6" QCL�m�tsy � ... ortho-Terphenyl 82 % 40-140 % Method Reference: Test Methods for Evaluating Solid Waste, US EPA,SW-846,Third Edition, Update III (1996). Analvte list as specified by the MA DEP Method for the Determination of Extractable Petroleum Hydrocarbons. Method modified by use of selected ion monitoring(SIM) in accordance with Section 7.5.5 of the method. Method protocol modified to include acidification and the surrogate compound in accordance with the MA DEP Method for the Determination of Extractable Petroleum Hydrocarbons. 1 Keport Notations: Hn caicuiations pertormea prior to rounaing. L�uanty Lontroi Limits are aennea oy the memoaoiogy, or anernatrveiy bases upon tree nistoricai average recovery plus or minus three standard aeviation units. 1 1 1 - 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Groundwater Analytical, Inc., P.O. Box 1200, 228 Main Street, Buzzards Bay,.MA 02532 AlY�ALTERA Quality Control Report Method Blank ' Category EPA Method 8270C(Mod)-EPH PAHs by GC/MS-SIM QC Batch ID: EP-1244-F Matrix: Aqueous . .� ry Anal, e� -n r� Conceritration _ ��CAS�Number�'� yt� j r,�,�. . �:s ��'. �. '�° a�RR61100 its��% Report�ng,Lim-„ 91-20-3 Naphthalene BRL ug/L 0.5 91-57-6 2-Methyl naphthalene BRL ug/L 0.5 208-96-8 Acenaphthylene BRL ug/L 0.5 83-32-9 Acenaphthene BRL ug/L 0.5 86-73-7 Fluorene BRL ug/L 0.5 85-01-8 Phenanthrene BRL ug/L 0.5 ' 120-12-7 Anthracene BRL ug/L 0.5 206-44-0 Fluoranthene BRL ug/L 0.5 129-00-0 Pyrene BRL ug/L 0.5 56-55-3 Benzo[a]anthracene BRL ug/L 0.1 218-01-9 Chrysene BRL ug/L 0.1 205-99-2 Benzo[b]fluoranthene BRL ug/L 0.1 207-08-9 Benzo[k]fluoranthene BRL ug/L 0.1 ' 50-32-8 Benzo[a]pyrene BRL ug/L 0.1 193-39-5 Indeno[1,2,3-c,d]pyrene BRL ug/L 0.1 53-70-3 Dibenzo[a,h]anthracene BRL ug/L 0.1 ' 191-24-2 Benzo[g,h,i]perylene BRL ug/L 01 oPIN gateGo pound<r -' .sa:E Recoveiy QC�Lim�fs ortho-Terphenyl 92 % 40-140 ' Method Reference: Test Methods for Evaluating Solid Waste, US EPA,SW-846,Third Edition,Update III(1996). Analvte list as specified by the target analvtes of the MA DEP Method for the Determination of Extractable Petroleum Hydrocarbons. Method modified by use of selected ion monitoring(SIM)in accordance with Section 7.5.5 of the method. Method protocol modified to include acidification and the surrogate compound in accordanc with the MA DEP Method for the Determination of Extractable Petroleum Hydrocarbons. Resort Notations: BRL Indicates concentration,if anv, is below reporting limit for analvte. Reporting limit is the lowest concentration that can be reliably quantified under routine laboratory operating conditions. Reporting limits are adjusted for sample dilution and sample size. 1 Groundwater Analytical, Inc., P.O. Box 1200, 228 Main Street, Buzzards Bay, MA 02532 I GROUNDWATER ANALYTICAL ' Quality Control Report Laboratory Control Sample I Category: MA DEP VPH Method QC Batch ID: VG1-1741-W Matrix: Aqueous Units: ug/L CASNumbRer �Analy„tee �� „ � SpikedMeasuired RecoveryQC irmats 1634-044 Methyl tert-butyl Ether 50 55 110% 70-130 % 71-43-2 Benzene 50 48 96% 70-130% 108-88-3 Toluene 50 51 102% 70- 130 % 100-414 Ethylbenzene 50 51 103% 70-130 % 108-38-3 and meta- Xylene and para- 100 110 106% 70-130% 106-42-3 Xylene, 95-47-6 ortho- Xylene 50 53 106% 70-130 % 91-20-3 Naphthalene 50 51 101% 70-130% 2,5-Dibromotoluene(PID) 103 % 70-130% 2,5-Dibromotoluene(FID) 103 % 70-130 % ' Method Reference: Method for the Determination of Volatile Petroleum Hydrocarbons,MA DEP(1998). Report Notations: All calculations performed prior to rounding. Quality Control Limits are defined by the methodology, or alternatively based upon the historical average recovery plus or minus three standard deviation units. Groundwater Analytical, Inc., P.O. Box 1200, 228 Main Street, Buzzards Bay, MA 02532 r GROUNDWATER ' ANALYTICAL ' Quality Control Report Method Blank ' Category: MA DEP VPH Method QC Batch ID: VG1-1741-W Matrix: Aqueous — Ran 4es R Concentrtat(on _ o f Un�t's 6e ort�n kGmiY n-05 to n-C8 Aliphatic Hydrocarbons ° BRL ug/L 20 n-C9 to n-C12 Aliphatic Hydrocarbons T I BRL ug/L 20 n-C9 to n-C10 Aromatic Hydrocarbons BRL ug/L 20 Unadjusted n-05 to n-C8 Aliphatic Hydrocarbons t BRL ug/L 20 Unadjusted n-C9 to n-C12 Aliphatic Hydrocarbons t BRL ug/L. 20 ' aQCSurrog e;Compoundsy . Reco`ve.Y �.� � " t ' CGmits� 2,5-Dibromotoluene(PID) 113 % 70-130% 2,5-Dibromotoluene(FID) 107 % 70-130 Method Reference: Method for the Determination of Volatile Petroleum Hydrocarbons,MA DEP(1998). ' Report Notations: BRL Indicates concentration,if any, is below reporting limit for analyte. Reporting limit is the lowest concentration that can be reliably quantified under routine laboratory operating conditions. Reporting limits are adjusted for sample dilution and sample size. t Hydrocarbon range data excludes concentrations of any surrogate(s)and/or internal standards eluting in that range. 0 n-05 to n-C8 Aliphatic Hydrocarbons range data excludes the method target analyte concentrations. ® n-C9 to n-C12 Aliphatic Hydrocarbons range data excludes the method target analyte concentrations and the concentration for the n-C9 to n-C10 Aromatic Hydrocarbons range. u Analyte elutes in the n-05 to n-C8 Aliphatic Hydrocarbons range. t Analyte elutes in the n-C9 to n-C12 Aliphatic Hydrocarbons range. r t t i Groundwater Analytical, Inc., P.O. Box 1200, 228 Main Street, Buzzards Bay, MA 02532 GROUNDWATER ANALYTICAL ' Quality Control Report Laboratory Control Sample Category: EPA Method 8082 QC Batch ID: PB-1740-M Matrix: Soil Units: ug/Kg r CASNu` berg, ` � Ana yte pTM SPkaeJ°N Meal redRovery <. QG Limifs , 12672-29-6 Aroclor 1248 330 290 87% 60-140% ` QC*Surrogate Con"goo Tetrachloro-m-xylene 90% 25-121 % Decachlorobiphenyl 96% 28-138 % ' Method Reference: Test Methods for Evaluating Solid Waste, US EPA,SW-846,Third Edition, Update III(1996). Results are calculated on a dry weight basis. Report Notations: All calculations performed prior to rounding. Quality Control Limits are defined bythe methodology, or alternatively based upon the historical average recovery plus or minus three standard deviation units. r r Groundwater Analytical, Inc., P.O. Box 1200, 228 Main Street, Buzzards Bay, MA 02532 GROUNDWATER ANALYTICAL ' Quality Control Report Method Blank Category: EPA Method 8082 ' QC Batch ID: PB-1740-M Matrix: Soil CASNumber� r '``'KAAnalj%te " Concentration "t�,. .' Units- Reporhng Limit 12674 11-2 Aroclor 1016 BRL ug/Kg 80 1 1 1 04-2 8-2 Aroclor 1221 BRL ug/Kg 80 1 1 1 41-1 6-5 Aroclor 1232 BRL ug/Kg 80 53469-21-9 Aroclor 1242 BRL ug/Kg 80 12672-29-6 Aroclor 1248 BRL ug/Kg 80 . 1 1 09 7-69-1 Aroclor 1254 BRL ug/Kg 80 11096-82 5 Aroclor 1260 BRL ug/Kg 80 C�'Surro a#e Com ounil "ggR'ecove C"L rtiwva Tetrachloro-m-xylene 115 % 25-121�% Decachlorobiphenyl 112 % 28- 138 Method Reference: Test Methods for Evaluating Solid Waste, US EPA,SW-846,Third Edition,Update III(1996). Analyte list as Aroclor analytes formerly specified by EPA Method 8080A. Results are reported on a dry weight basis. ' Report Notations: BRL Indicates concentration, if any, is below reporting limit for analyte. Reporting limit.is the lowest concentration that can be reliably quantified under routine laboratory operating conditions. Reporting limits are adjusted for sample dilution,percent moisture and sample size. I Groundwater Analytical, Inc., P.O. Box 1200, 228 Main Street, Buzzards Bay, MA 02532 GROUNDWATER ANALYTICAL Quality Control Report Laboratory Control Sample Category: EPA Method 8260B QC Batch ID: VM5-2600-WL Matrix: Aqueous Units ug/L GAS Number Analyte �_, " *; Spikern 'k MeasuredRecoeryQCLimits 75-35-4 1,1-Dichloroethene 25 24 98% 70-130 % 71-43-2 Benzene 25 26 102% 70- 130 79-01-6 Trichloroethene 25 26 104% 70-130% 108-88-3 Toluene 25 26 103% 70-130 % 108-90-7 Chlorobenzene 25 26 105 % 70- 130 % CSurro ate Gom oundsif Dibromofluoromethane 95 % 86-118 % 1,2-Dichloroethane-d4 95 % 80-120 % Toluene-dg 101 % 88-110% 4-Bromofluorobenzene 105 % 86-115 % Method Reference: Test Methods for Evaluating Solid Waste,US EPA,SW-846,Third Edition,Update III(1996): Report Notations: All calculations performed prior to rounding. Quality Control Limits are defined by the methodology, or alternatively based upon the historical average recovery plus or minus three standard deviation units I I Groundwater Analytical, Inc., P.O. Box 1200, 228 Main Street, Buzzards Bay, MA 02532 GROUNDWATER ANALYTICAL Quality Control Report Method Blank ' Category: EPA Method 8260B QC Batch ID: VM5-2600-WB Matrix: Aqueous Page 1 of 2 CAS Number � Anal e x I V one ntratron �UnttS ReT rtin L lT11t .� "`�a a°C ,c. ..w. w � .!..rs 'eu ,'�. 75-71-8 Dichlorodifluoromethane BRL ug/L 0.5 74-87-3 Chloromethane BRL ug/L 0.5 75-01-4 Vinyl Chloride BRL ug/L 0.5 74-83-9 Bromomethane BRL ug/L 0.5 75-00-3 Chloroethane BRL ug/L 0.5 75-69-4 Trichlorofluoromethane BRL ug/L 0.5 60-29-7 Diethyl Ether BRL ug/L 2 75-35-4 1,1-Cichloroethene BRL ug/L 0.5 ' 76-13-1 1,1,2-Trichlorotrifluoroethane BRL ug/L 5 67-64-1 Acetone BRL ug/L 10 75-15-0 Carbon Disulfide BRL ug/L 5 75-09-2 Methylene Chloride BRL ug/L 2.5 ' 156-60-5 trans-1,2-Dichloroethene BRL ug/L 0.5 1634-04-4 Methyl tert-butyl Ether(MTBE) BRL ug/L 0.5 75-34-3 1,1-Dichloroethane BRL ug/L 0.5 590-20-7 2,2-Dichloropropane BRL ug/L 0.5 156-59-2 cis-1,2-Dichloroethene BRL ug/L 0.5 78-93-3 2-Butanone(MEK) BRL ug/L 5 74-97-5 Bromochloromethane BRL ug/L 0.5 109-99-9 Tetrahydrofuran(THF) BRL ug/L 5 67-66-3 Chloroform BRL ug/L 0.5 71-55-6 1,1,1-Trichloroethane BRL ug/L 0.5 56-23-5 Carbon Tetrachloride BRL ug/L 0.5 563-58-6 1,1-Dichloropropene BRL ug/L 0.5 71-43-2 Benzene BRL ug/L 0.5 107-06-2 1,2-Dichloroethane BRL ug/L 0.5 ' 79-01-6 Trichloroethene BRL ug/L 0.5 78-87-5 1,2-Dichloropropane BRL ug/L 0.5 74-95-3 Dibromomethane BRL ug/L 0.5 75-274 Bromodichloromethane BRL ug/L 0.5 1 0061-01-5 cis-1,3-Dichloropropene BRL ug/L 0.5 108-10-1 4-Methyl-2-Pentanone(MIBK) BRL ug/L 5 108-88-3 Toluene BRL ug/L 0.5 ' 10061-02-6 trans-1,3-Dichloropropene BRL ug/L 0.5 79-00-5 1,1,2-Trichloroethane BRL ug/L 0.5 127-184 Tetrachloroethene BRL ug/L 0.5 142-28-9 1,3-Dichloropropane BRL ug/L 0.5 591-78-6 2-Hexanone BRL ug/L 5 124-48-1 Dibromochloromethane BRL ug/L 0.5 106-93-4 1,2-Dibromoethane(EDB) BRL ug/L 0.5 108-90-7 Chlorobenzene BRL ug/L 0.5 630-20-6 1,1,1,2-Tetrachloroethane BRL ug/L 0.5 100-41-4 Ethylbenzene BRL ug/L 0.5 Groundwater Analytical, Inc. P.O. Box 1200 228 Main Street Buzzards Bay, MA 02532 GROUNDWATER ' ANALYTICAL Quality Control Report P Method Blank Category: EPA Method 8260B ' QC Batch ID: VM5-2600-WB Matrix: Aqueous Page: 2 of 2 �`k � �,, � �� ��Yt��§r �•.' W...:;..... #���COnGel7tra IOR �...� "���z t � rz g ,;CAS Number, � �,a, f ;. Anal ,e �, �-�• , �� _ °,� .Units R ortm zumit 108-38-3/106-42-3 meta-Xylene and para-Xylene BRL ug/L 0.5 95-47-6 ortho-Xylene BRL ug/L 0.5 100-42-5 Styrene BRL ug/L 0.5 75-25-2 Bromoform BRL ug/L 0.5 98-82-8 Isopropyl benzene BRL ug/L 0.5 108-86-1 Bromobenzene BRL ug/L 0.5 ' 79-34-5 1,1,2,2-Tetrachl oroethane BRL ug/L 0.5 96-18-4 1,2,3-Trichloropropane BRL ug/L 0.5 103-65-1 n-Propyl benzene BRL ug/L 0.5 95-49-8 2-Chlorotoluene BRL ug/L 0.5 ' 108-67-8 1,3,5-Tri methyl benzene BRL ug/L 0.5 106-43-4 4-Chlorotoluene BRL ug/L 0.5 98-06-6 tert-B utyl benzene BRL ug/L 0.5 ' 95-63-6 1,2,4-Tri methyl benzene BRL ug/L 0.5 135-98-8 sec-Butylbenzene BRL ug/L 0.5 541-73-1 1,3-Dichlorobenzene BRL ug/L 0.5 99-87-6 4-Isopropyltoluene BRL ug/L 0.5 106-46-7 1,4-Dichlorobenzene BRL ug/L 0.5 95-50-1 1,2-Dichlorobenzene BRL ug/L 0.5 104-51-8 n-Butylbenzene BRL ug/L 0.5 ' 96-12-8 1,2-Dibromo-3-chloropropane BRL ug/L 0.5 120-82-1 1,2,4-Trichlorobenzene BRL ug/L 0.5 87-68-3 Hexachlorobutadiene BRL ug/L 0.5 91-20-3 Naphthalene BRL ug/L 0.5 87-61-6 1,2,3-Trichlorobenzene BRL ug/L 0.5 . XQCSurrogate Gampov�nds3 3a � 4RecoveryF. Dibromofluoromethane 96 % 86-118 % 1,2-Dichloroethane-d4 95 % 80-120 Toluene-da 101 % 88-110% 4-Bromofluorobenzene 108 % 86-115 % Method Reference: Test Methods for Evaluating Solid Waste, US EPA,SW-846,Third Edition, Update III(1996). Analyte list as specified in Tables 6 and 7 of the method,and additional analyzes as specified by MA DEP Method 1 Standards(310 C.M.R.40.0973)and recommended by NH DES for initial waste site investigations,effective 12/1/97. Analysis performed utilizing 25mL sample purge volume. Report Notations: BRL Indicates concentration,if any, is below reporting limit for analyte. Reporting limit is the lowest concentration that can be reliably quantified under routine laboratory operating conditions. Reporting limits are adjusted for sample dilution,percent moisture and sample size. Groundwater Analytical, Inc., P.O. Box 1200, 228 Main Street, Buzzards Bay,MA 02532 GROUNDWATER ANALYTICAL Certifications and Approvals Groundwater Analytical maintains environmental laboratory certification in,a variety of states.. ' Copies of our current certificates may be obtained from our website: http://www.groundwateranalytical.com/qual ifications.htm Y as s '� r, 3 � c f yr x a s z x , - a 5CONNECTICUT, De artritent ofHealthServices PH 0586 ' �� ` _.� •, ,�€€,"=;"m..*.--m.u.:.:. .,p° 535 :�„ .:-.,R,". :Y_t:.a `:'�r�.... :. t,.. Categories: Potable Water,Wastewater,Solid Waste and Soil http://www.1ph.state.ct,us/B RS/Environmental_Lab/OutStatelabIist.htm F�LORIDA;D�eparment�of�Health-.Bur�eau�of�Laborator�es; E87643��� � r V�� �. .�..�, "'� �,, Categories SDWA,CWA, RCRA/CERCLA http:/Jwww.floridadep.org/labs/qa/dohfoems.htm -iOMAINEDe artmentPof Human Services M"A1Q3 � � � � ff Categories: Drinking Water and Wastewater http:/Iwww.state.me.us/dhs/eng/water/Compliance.htm 09ASSACHUSETTS�"Department of�,Env�ronmental�Protection IN,MA 1°03� Categories: Potable Water and Non-Potable Water http://www.state.ma.us/dep/bspt/wes/files/ceftlabs.pdf it,i r, 5^ '"«��t ntaa HAP�R ,Department o fth mel�$ery ces�2027o- W. Categories: Drinking Water and Wastewater http://www.des.state.nh.us/asp/NHELAP/labsview.asp �N E1NYO,RK,-Department Categories: Potable Water, Non-Potable Water and Solid Waste http://www.wadsworth.orWiabcert/elap/Comm.htmi �PENNSYLYANIA D artrnent of EnvrronmentaI Protection 68 665 .» Environmental Laboratory Registration(Non-drinking water and Non-wastewater) http://www.dep.state.pa.us/Labs/Registered/ ' .RHODE�ISCAND,Department otHealth x54� � ��� �� y Categories:Surface Water,Air,Wastewater, Potable Water,Sewage http://www.healthri.org/labs/IabsCT—MA.htm Foreign soil import permit VERMQNT Qepartmen ofEnv� onmalCo�nservation,Wat�erSupplyDvsion µ ' Category: Drinking Water http://www.vermontdrinkingwater.orglwsops/labtable.PDF Groundwater Analytical, Inc., P.O. Box 1200, 228 Main Street, Buzzards Bay, MA 02532 Groundwater Analytical,Inc. GROUNDWATER P.O.,Box 1200 ANALYTICAL Buz Main Street ' Buzzards Bay,MA 02532 Telephone(508)759-4441 September 25, 2003 FAX(508)759-4475 ' www.groundwateranalytical.com Mr. David Bennett ' Bennett & O'Reilly, Inc. P.O. Box 1667 Brewster, MA 02631 ' LABORATORY REPORT AMENDMENT Project: Amaral Auto/13003-3795 ' Lab I D: 64070 Received: 08-19-03 ' Dear Dave: Enclosed are the amended analytical results for the above referenced project. 1 This letter authorizes the release of the analytical results, and should be considered a part of this report. This report contains a sample receipt report detailing the samples received, a project narrative indicating project changes and non-conformances, a quality control report, and a statement of our state certifications. ' The analytical results contained in this report meet all applicable.NELAC standards, except as may be specifically noted, or described in the project narrative. This report may only be used or reproduced in its entirety. 1 I attest under the'pains and penalties of perjury that based upon m inquiry of those individuals p p p ry p y g ry dua s immediately responsible for obtaining the information, the material contained in this report is, to ' the best of my knowledge and belief, accurate and complete. ' Should you have any questions concerning this report, please do not hesitate to contact me. Sincerely, 1 ' JonathanA4)anford President J RS/pcl Enclosures 1 ' GROUNDWATER ANALYTICAL ' Sample Receipt Report Project: Amaral Auto/BO03-3795 Delivery: GWA Courier . Temperature: 2.01C Client: Bennett&O'Reilly,Inc. Airbill: n/a Chain of Custody: Present Lab ID: 64070 Lab Receipt: .08-19-03 Custody Seal(s): n/a �' �S "f` ��. S �_:±�-�„ n.F �...a ;Lab31DEre1dIDMatrtx� Sam,led� Methods - _.__ . ,W a o p ._ .x ° '� 1 � otes�.. ' 64070-1 TB-2 0-1 Soil 8/18/03 10:30 EPA 8260B TCL Volatile Organics Con ID Container Vendor QC Lot Presery QC Lot Prep Ship C280184 40 mL VOA Vial Industrial BX7401 NaHSO4 R-3480B 05-22-03 n/a C280185 40 mL VOA Vial Industrial BX7401 NaHSO4 R-3480B 05-22-03 n/a ' C280183 40 mL VOA Vial Industrial BX7401 NaHSO4 R-3480B 05-22-03 n/a C255478 40 mL VOA Vial Industrial BX6750 Methanol R-3534AO 03-13-03 n/a m `1 Yn 1 8 �'-e "�'.a ""�`g "6F�' %+ r` tes fin,. mra 1 Lab ID t Freid[D , �MatrrxSampled• etliod Notes t a."s.-.aa z,r.�, �». 64070-2 T13-3 0-1 Soil 8/18/03 11:00 EPA 8260E TCL Volatile Organics ' Con ID Container Vendor QC Lot Presery QC Lot Prep Ship C205204 40 mL VOA Vial Industrial BX6209 Methanol R-3534AJ 02-24-03 n/a C229026 40 mL VOA Vial Industrial BX6004 NaHSO4 R-3480B 05-02-03 n/a ' C229023 40 mL VOA Vial Industrial BX6004 NaHSO4 R 3480B 05-02-03 n/a I C229022 40 mL VOA Vial Industrial BX6004 NaH504 R 3480B 05-02-03 n/a = Fieldglw,.. Minx ;Samples Method "d ' ea Mote t . �ry �. . 64070-3 TB-4 0-1 Soil 8/18/03 11:30 EPA 8260B TCL Volatile Organics ' Con ID Container Vendor QC Lot Presery QC Lot Prep Ship C265999 40 mL VOA Vial Industrial BX7407 NaHSO4 R-3480B 05-02-03 n/a C265998 40 mL VOA Vial Industrial BX7407 NaHSO4 R-3480B 05-02-03 n/a C265997 40 mL VOA Vial Industrial BX7407 NaHSO4 R-3480B 05-02-03 n/a ' C255511 40 mL VOA Vial Industrial BX6750 Methanol R 3620C 03 13 03 n/a •Lab I D Freld I D� v�� Sarripled r q�fulethdid'�V� Mti_ I a w t�� ° Notes c. 640704 TB-2 0-1 Soil 8/18/03 10:30 MA DEP VPH Carbon Ranges Only Con ID Container Vendor QC Lot Presery QC Lot Prep Ship C2243421 60 mL Glass Industrial BX6045 Methanol R-3621J 04-18-03 04-23-03 bklD � FeId,ID 1 � A. `fvta#itx Sampled. �Mefhod ..�R e �°' �� Notes �n ' 64070-5 TB-3 0-1 Soil 8/18/03 11:00 MA DEP VPH Carbon Ranges Only Con ID Container Vendor QC Lot Presery QC Lot Prep Ship C224356 60 mL Glass Industrial BX6045 Methanol R-3621 J 04-18-03 04-23-03 ampe " eov^ 5 i m Mi x k 64070-6 T134 0-1 Soil 8/18/03 11:30 MA DEP VPH Carbon Ranges Only Con ID Container Vendor QC Lot Presery QC Lot Prep Ship C224337 60 mL Glass Industrial BX6045 Methanol R-3621 J 04-18-03 04-23-03 ' LabID c Freld ID � Matrtx Sampled ; Method .t.+' i .a Notesww a ' f �� rs r * 64070-7 TB-2 0-1 Soil 8/18/03 10:30 EPA 60 1 013/74 7 1A 8 RCRA Metals Con ID Container Vendor QC Lot Presery QC Lot Prep I Ship ' C388689 250 mL Glass Proline BX8739 None n/a n/a 08 12-03 t�` ° ra. 0 we' „Lab IDy Freld IDz * MatnxSampled Method c E Notes b rr40"aWqF4mokk 64070-8 TB-3 0-1 Soil 8/18/03 11:00 EPA 6010B/7471A 8 RCRA Metals ' Con ID Container Vendor QC Lot Presery QC Lot Prep Ship C388691 250 mL Glass Proline BX8739 None n/a n/a 08-12-03 3'Fa - 1 s ° INatrrxam leds etFod s ; ;, X Lab lD FietdD . ,a< ..... pM � w x ,. ' 64070-9 T134 0-1 Soil 8/18/03 11:30 EPA 601013/7471A 8 RCRA Metals Con ID Container--I Vendor QC Lot Presery QC Lot Prep Ship C388688 250 mL Glass I Proline BX8739 None n/a n/a 08-12-03 ' Groundwater Analytical, Inc., P.O. Box 1200, 228 Main Street, Buzzards Bay, MA 02532 f GROUNDWATER ANALYTICAL Data Certification Project: Amaral Auto/6003-3795 Lab ID: 64070 Client: Bennett&O'Reilly,Inc. Received: 08-19-03 18:30 Project Location: n/a MA DEP RTN. n/a This Form provides certifications for the following data set: EPA 8260B: 64070-01,02,-03 MA DEP VPH: 64070-04,05,06 EPA 601013: 64070-07,08,09 EPA 7470A/IA: 64070-07,08,09 ' Sample Matrices: Groundwater ( ) Soil/Sediment (X) Drinking Water ( ) Other ( ) M+rPySW 8°46 8260E (X) 8151A ( ) 8330 ( ) 6010,E (X) 7470A11A (X) netfiodUsed 4 &'i 8270C ( ) 8081A ( ) VPH (X) 6020 ( ) 9012A2 ( ) spec�ted 8082 ( ) 8021 B ( ) EPH ( ) 7000 S3 ( ) Other ( ) z* `uF^A!' R ✓8's�* f r- , f-nr�-a,a , t .� ;"� ' n, '3 , , ,Y 'iY .ompe��!�um�f wnslyti �I t� List Rele se Traekmg Nnmlet�,t�'N) if�ltnown" i �� a ��.�.��,�„�� 54V-8�46�Aethod5901'2A(Equwalent to 9014)�Or A�EP Physiologically�lpailabtle,�C}!an�de�(P,�ntr}'Method, ��,:��+„, `"�'g,������� � �(cteck alt thataappty) 3 S SSW 846Me h ds 7000 Se ieslist tndrviduairmethod and ahalYte ,.ate An affirmative response to questions A,B,C and D is required for"Presumptive Certainty"status. A. Were all samples received by the laboratory in a condition consistent with that described on the Chain-of-Custody documentation for the data set? Yes B. Were all QA/QC procedures required for the specified analytical method(s) included in this report followed,including the requirement to note and discuss in a narrative QC data that did not meet appropriate performance standards or guidelines? Yes C. Does the analytical data included in this report meet all the requirements t for"Presumptive Certainty,"as described in Section 2.0 of the MA DEP r document CAM VI I A,Quality Assurance and Quality Control Guidelines for the Acquisition and Reporting of Analytical Data? No D. VPH and EPH methods only: Was the VPH or EPH method run without ' significant modifications,as specified in Section 11.3? Yes A response to questions E and F below is required for"Presumptive Certainty"status. ' E. Were all QC performance standards and recommendations for the specified methods achieved? No F. Were results for all analyte-list compounds/elements for the specified ' method(s)reported? No All No answers are addressed in the attached Project Narrative. I,the undersigned,attest under the pains and penalties of perjury that,based upon my personal ' inquiry of those responsible for obtaining the information,the material contained in this analytical report is,to the be t of my knowledge and belief,accurate and complete. ' Signature: Position: President Printed Name: Ajonatha>Sa Date: 09-2503 ' Groundwater Analytical, Inc., P.O. Box 1200, 228 Main Street, Buzzards Bay, MA 02532 GROUNDWATER ANALYTICAL EPA Method 8260B ' TCL Volatile Organics by GUMS Field ID: TB-2 0-1 Matrix: Soil Project: Amaral Auto/13003-3795 Container:. 40 mL VOA Vial ' Client: Bennett&O'Reilly,Inc. Preservation: NaHSO4/Cool Laboratory ID: 64070-01 QC Batch ID: VM4-2695-S Sampled: 08-18-03 10:30 Instrument ID: MS4 HP 6890 ' Received: 08-19-03 18:30 Sample Weight: 4 g Analyzed: 08-25-03 12:37 %Solids: 91 Analyst: LMG Dilution Factor: 1 •-'F'S,i k fi ..g `a,r 4 � x 3' a.' 3: d'--T. "tea` � PA - W -f+' Ph N umber .Aralyte 4 g W �ConcentaUon ,9tes xu:- Units , ,xRePort�ng un,a z 74-87-3 Chloromethane BRL ug/Kg 13 75-014 Vinyl Chloride BRL ug/Kg 13 74-83-9 Bromomethane BRL ug/Kg 13 1 75-00-3 Chloroethane BRL ug/Kg 13 75-35-4 1,1-Dichloroethene BRL ug/Kg 6 67-64-1 Acetone BRL ug/Kg 250 75-15-0 Carbon Disulfide BRL ug/Kg 1 63 ' 75-09-2 Methylene Chloride BRL ug/Kg 63 156-60-5 trans-1,2-Dichloroethene BRL ug/Kg 6 1634-04-4 Methyl tert-butyl Ether(MTBE) BRL ug/Kg 6 75-34-3 1,1-Dichloroethane BRL ug/Kg 6 ' 156-59-2 cis-1,2-Dichloroethene BRL ug/Kg 6 78-93-3 2-Butanone(MEK) BRL I ug/Kg 1 63 67-66-3 Chloroform BRL ug/Kg 6 71-55-6 1,1,1-Trichloroethane BRL ug/Kg 6 .56-23-5 Carbon Tetrachloride BRL ug/Kg 6 7143-2 Benzene BRL ug/Kg 6 107-06-2 1,2-Dichloroethane BRL ug/Kg 6 79-01-6 Trichloroethene BRL ug/Kg 6 78-87-5 1,2-Dichloropropane BRL ug/Kg 6 75-274 Bromodichloromethane BRL ug/Kg 1 6 10061-01-5 cis-1,3-Dichloropropene BRL ug/Kg 6 108-10-1 4-Methyl-2-Pentanone(MIBK) BRL ug/Kg 63 108-88-3 Toluene BRL ug/Kg 6 10061-02-6 trans-1,3-Dichloropropene BRL ug/Kg 6 79-00-5 1,1,2-Trichloroethane BRL ug/Kg 6 127-184 Tetrachloroethene BRL ug/Kg 6 591-78-6 2-Hexanone BRL ug/Kg 63 124-48-1 Dibromochloromethane BRL ug/Kg 6 108-90-7 Chlorobenzene BRL ug/Kg 6 ' 100414 Ethylbenzene BRL ug/Kg 6 108-38-3/106-42-3 meta-Xylene and para-Xylene BRL ug/Kg 6 95-47-6 ortho-Xylene BRL ug/Kg 6 100-42-5 Styrene BRL ug/Kg 6 ' 75-25-2 Bromoform. BRL ug/Kg 6 79-34-5 1,1,2,2-Tetrach loroethane BRL ug/Kg 6 +'�Rr � j 1 `� v��x�^x� �t r�7k "g8t uk � a..„ y Surrogate Compound Spiked "41'4 reel.�� I"k, overy� r QC_L mtts „sx Dibromofluoromethane 50 53 107 % 70-130 1,2-Dichloroethane-d4 50 57 115 % 70-130% Toluene-de 50 55 110 % 70-130% 4-Bromofluorobenzene 50 52 103 % 70-130% Method Reference: Test Methods for Evaluating Solid Waste,US EPA,SW-846,Third Edition,Update III(1996). Sample preparation performed by EPA Method 5035A. Results are reported on a dry weight basis. Report Notations: BRL Indicates concentration,if any,is below reporting limit for analyte. Reporting limit is the lowest concentration that can be ' reliably quantified under routine laboratory operating conditions. Reporting limits are adjusted for sample size and dilution. ' Groundwater Analytical, Inc., P.O. Box 1200, 228 Main Street, Buzzards Bay, MA 02532 GROUNDWATER 1 ANALYTICAL EPA Method 8260B ' TCL Volatile Organics by GC/MS Field ID: TB-3 0-1 Matrix: Soil. Project: Amaral Auto/BO03-3795 Container: 40 mL VOA Vial ' Client: Bennett&O'Reilly,Inc. Preservation: NaHSO4/Cool Laboratory ID: 64070-02 QC Batch ID: VM4-2695-S Sampled: 08-18-03 11:00 Instrument ID: MS4 HP 6890 ' Received: 08-19-03 18:30 Sample Weight: 5 g Analyzed: 08-25-03 13:17 %Solids: 93 Analyst: LMG Dilution Factor: 1 r n r xc-a �- .�a a' ' RYAS IVumber� Agalyterx �Coneentration :Notes Untts ReportingL�m�G; 74-87-3 Chloromethane BRL ug/Kg 12 m 75-01-4 Vinyl Chloride BRL ug/Kg 12 74-83-9 Bromomethane BRL ug/Kg 12 75-00-3 Chloroethane BRL ug/Kg 12 75-35-4 1,1-Dichloroethene BRL ug/Kg 6 67-64-1 Acetone BRL ug/Kg 230 75-15-0 Carbon Disulfide BRL ug/Kg 1 58 ' 75-09-2 Methylene Chloride BRL ug/Kg 58 156-60-5 trans-1,2-Dichloroethene BRL ug/Kg 6 1634-04-4 Methyl tert-butyl Ether(MTBE) BRL ug/Kg 6 75-34-3 1,1-Dichloroethane BRL ug/Kg 6 ' 156-59-2 cis-1,2-Dichloroethene BRL ug/Kg 6 78-93-3 2-Butanone(MEK) BRL ug/Kg 1 58 67-66-3 Chloroform BRL ug/Kg 6 71-55-6 1,1,1-Trichloroethane BRL ug/Kg 6 ' 56-23-5 Carbon Tetrachloride BRL ug/Kg 6 7143-2 Benzene BRL ug/Kg 6 107-06-2 1,2-Dichloroethane BRL ug/Kg 6 79-01-6 Trichloroethene BRL ug/Kg 6 ' 78-87-5 1,2-Dichloropropane BRL ug/Kg 6 75-274 Bromodichloromethane BRL ug/Kg 1 6 10061-01-5 cis-1,3-Dichloropropene BRL ug/Kg 6 ' 108-10-1 4-Methyl-2-Pentanone(MIBK) BRL ug/Kg 58 108-88-3 Toluene BRL ug/Kg 6 10061-02-6 trans-11,3-Dichloropropene BRL ug/Kg 6 79-00-5 1,1,2-Trichloroethane BRL ug/Kg 6 ' 127-18-4 Tetrachloroethene BRL ug/Kg 1 6 591-78-6 2-Hexanone BRL ug/Kg 58 12448-1 Dibromochloromethane BRL ug/Kg 6 108-90-7 Chlorobenzene BRL ug/Kg 6 ' 100-414 Ethylbenzene BRL ug/Kg 6 108-38-3/106-42-3 meta-Xylene and para-Xylene BRL ug/Kg 6 95-47-6. ortho-Xylene BRL ug/Kg 6 100-42-5 Styrene BRL ug/Kg 6 75-25-2 Bromoform BRL ug/Kg 6 79-34-5 1„1,2,2-Tetrachloroethane BRL ug/Kg 6 urrogate ' Dibromofluoromethane 50 53 106 % 70-130 1,2-Dichloroethane-d4 50 58 117 % 70-130% Toluene-d8 50 54 107 % 70-130 4-Bromofluorobenzene 50 56 112 % 70-130 Method Reference: Test Methods for Evaluating Solid Waste,US EPA,SW-846,Third Edition,Update III(1996). Sample preparation performed by EPA Method 5035A. Results are reported on a dry weight basis. Report Notations: BRL Indicates concentration,if any,is below reporting limit for analyte. Reporting limit is the lowest concentration that can be reliably quantified under routine laboratory operating conditions. Reporting limits are adjusted for sample size and dilution. Groundwater Analytical, Inc., P.O. Box 1200, 228 Main Street, Buzzards Bay, MA 02532 GROUNDWATER ANALYTICAL EPA Method 82600 TCL Volatile Organics by GC/MS Field ID: TB-4 0-1 Matrix: Soil Project: Amaral Auto/8003-3795 Container: 40 mL VOA Vial Client: Bennett&O'Reilly,Inc. Preservation: NaHSO4/Cool Laboratory ID: 64070-03 QC Batch ID: VM4-2695-S Sampled: 08-18-03 11:30 Instrument ID: MS-4 HP 6890 ' Received: 08-19-03 18:30 Sample Weight: 5 g Analyzed: 08-25-03 14:35 %Solids: 95 Analyst: LMG Dilution Factor: 1 CAS;NURIber Y=Andlyte � Concentration 'i NOteSv wy t�RItS Repdrtxllt 74-87-3 Chloromethane BRL ug/Kg - 11 75-01-4 Vinyl Chloride BRL ug/Kg 11 74-83-9 Bromomethane BRL ug/Kg 11 75-00-3 Chloroethane BRL ug/Kg 11 75-35-4 1,1-Dichloroethene BRL ug/Kg 6 67-64-1 Acetone BRL ug/Kg 220 75-15-0 Carbon Disulfide BRL ug/Kg 1 56 75-09-2 Methylene Chloride BRL ug/Kg 56 156-60-5 trans-1,2-Dichloroethene BRL ug/Kg 6 1634-044 Methyl tert-butyl Ether(MTBE) BRL ug/Kg 6 75734-3 1,1-Dichloroethane BRL ug/Kg 6 ' 156-59-2 cis-1,2-Dichloroethene BRL I ug/Kg. 6 78-93-3 2-Butanone(MEK) BRL ug/Kg 56 67-66-3 Chloroform BRL ug/Kg 6 71-55-6 1,1,1-Trichloroethane BRL ug/Kg 6 ' 56-23-5 Carbon Tetrachloride BRL ug/Kg 6 7143-2 Benzene BRL ug/Kg 6 107-06-2 1,2-Dichloroethane BRL ug/Kg 6 79-01-6 Trichloroethene BRL ug/Kg 6 78-87-5 1,2-Dichloropropane BRL ug/Kg 6 75-27-4 Bromodichloromethane BRL _ ug/Kg 6 10061-01-5 cis-1,3-Dichloropropene BRL ug/Kg 6 108-10-1 4-Methyl-2-Pentanone(MIBK) BRL ug/Kg 56 108-88-3 Toluene BRL ug/Kg 6 10061-02-6 trans-1,3-Dichloropropene BRL ug/Kg 6 79-00-5 1,1,2-Trichloroethane BRL ug/Kg 6 127-184 Tetrachloroethene BRL ug/Kg 6 591-78-6 2-Hexanone BRL ug/Kg 56 124-48-1 Dibromochloromethane BRL ug/Kg 6 108-90-7 Chlorobenzene -BRL ug/Kg 6 100414 Ethylbenzene BRL ug/Kg 6 1 0 8-3 8-3/1 0 642-3 meta-Xylene-and para-Xylene BRL ug/Kg 6 95-47-6 ortho-Xylene BRL ug/Kg 6 10042-5 Styrene BRL ug/Kg 6 ' 75-25-2 Bromoform BRL ug/Kg 6 79-34-5 1,1,2,2-Tetrachloroethane BRL ug/Kg 6 ,Q �/-,c xFN. L° a'rt ja x sn,� Aak- a;,y,,C Surrogate Compound ca�."x"��� �,�, Sp�ked Measured_ �s�Recove ' Dibromofluoromethane 50 54 108 % 70-130% 1,2-Dichloroethane-d4 50 60 120 % 70-130% Toluene-cle 50 53 107 % 70-130% 4-Bromofluorobenzene 50 66 133 % m 70-130% Method Reference: Test Methods for Evaluating Solid Waste,US EPA,SW-846,Third Edition,Update III(1996). Sample preparation performed by EPA Method 5035A. Results are reported on a dry weight basis. Report Notations: BRL Indicates concentration,if any,is below reporting limit for analyte. Reporting limit is the lowest concentration that can be ' reliably quantified under routine laboratory operating conditions. Reporting limits are adjusted for sample size and dilution. m Surrogate recovery outside recommended limits due to sample matrix interference. ' Groundwater Analytical, Inc., P.O. Box 1200, 228 Main Street, Buzzards Bay, MA 02532 GROUNDWATER ANALYTICAL EPA Method 8260B ' TCL Volatile Organics by GC/MS Field ID: TB4 0-1 Matrix: Soil Project: Amaral Auto/BO03-3795 Container: 40 mL VOA Vial ' Client: Bennett&O'Reilly,Inc. Preservation: NaHSO4/Cool Laboratory ID: 64070-03DUP QC Batch ID: VM4-2695-S Sampled: 01-00-00 00:00 Instrument ID: MS4 HP 6890 ' Received: 08-19-03 18:30 Sample Weight: 5.1 g Analyzed: 08-25-03 15:15 %Solids: 95 Analyst: LMG Dilution Factor: 1 ' �,CASaNumber Analyte „_,^,.;'° �k � -° .: CbttCerttatl0[I,s „ ,?,°,;�NOtes' , ,Urilts b ReporEmg�md - 74-87-3 Chloromethane BRL ug/Kg 10 75-01-4 Vinyl Chloride BRL ug/Kg 10 74-83-9 Bromomethane BRL ug/Kg 10 ' 75-00-3 Chloroethane BRL ug/Kg 10 75-35-4 1,1-Dichloroethene BRL ug/Kg 5 67-64-1 Acetone BRL ug/Kg 210 75-15-0 Carbon Disulfide BRL ug/Kg 51 75-09-2 Methylene Chloride BRL ug/Kg 51 156-60-5 trans-1,2-Dichloroethene BRL ug/Kg 5 1634-04-4 Methyl tert-butyl Ether(MTBE) BRL ug/Kg 5 75734-3 1,1-Dichloroethane BRL ug/Kg 5 156-59-2 cis-1,2-Dichloroethene BRL ug/Kg 5 78793-3 2-Butanone(MEK) BRL ug/Kg 51 67-66-3 Chloroform BRL ug/Kg 5 71-55-6 1,1,1-Trichloroethane BRL ug/Kg 5 56-23-5 Carbon Tetrachloride BRL ug/Kg 5 71=43-2 Benzene BRL ug/Kg 5 107-06-2 1,2-Dichloroethane BRL ug/Kg 1 5 79-01-6 Trichloroethene BRL ug/Kg 5 ' 78-87-5 1,2-Dichloropropane BRL ug/Kg 5 75-27-4 Bromodichloromethane BRL ug/Kg 5 10061-01-5 cis-1,3-Dichloropropene BRL ug/Kg 5 . ' 108-10-1 4-Methyl-2-Pentanone(MIBK) BRL ug/Kg 51 108-88-3 Toluene BRL ug/Kg 1 5 10061-02-6 trans-1,3-Dichloropropene BRL ug/Kg- 5 79-00-5 1,1,2-Trichloroethane BRL ug/Kg 5 127-18-4 Tetrachloroethene BRL ug/Kg 5 591-78-6 2-Hexanone BRL ug/Kg 51 124-48-1 Dibromochloromethane BRL ug/Kg 5 108-90-7 Chlorobenzene BRL ug/Kg 5 ' 100414 Ethylbenzene BRL ug/Kg 5 108-38-31106-42-3 meta-Xylene and para-Xylene BRL ug/Kg 5 9547-6 ortho-Xylene BRL ug/Kg 5 10042-5 Styrene BRL ug/Kg 5 t 75-25-2 Bromoform BRL ug/Kg 5 79-34-5 1,1,2,2-Tetrachloroethane BRL ug/Kg 5 �Stirro#e Coii'�oun� ��a�� � S tked Measured 4-`44NZI �Recoveiv ry ».P ,w,�a ti,��a.�.�,m�,� ` �� *»�L�.� .o->,.� 1»6�,a%;r. ' Dibromofluoromethane 50 53 106 % 70-130% 1,2-Dichloroethane-d4 50 57 114 % 70-130% Toluene-de 50 53 106 % 70-130% 4-Bromofluorobenzene 50 72 143 % m 70-130% Method Reference: Test Methods for Evaluating Solid Waste,US EPA,SW-846,Third Edition,Update III(1996). Sample preparation performed by EPA Method 5035A. Results are reported on a dry weight basis. Report Notations: BRL Indicates concentration,if any,is below reporting limit for analyte. Reporting limit is the lowest concentration that can be ' reliably quantified under routine laboratory operating conditions..Reporting limits are adjusted for sample size and dilution. m Surrogate recovery outside recommended limits due to sample matrix interference. Groundwater Analytical, Inc., P.O. Box 1200, 228 Main Street, Buzzards Bay, MA 02532 GROUNDWATER ANALYTICAL Massachusetts DEP VPH Method ' Volatile Petroleum Hydrocarbons by GC/PID/FID Field ID: TB-2 0-1 Matrix: Soil Project: Amaral Auto/6003-3795 Container: 60 mL Glass ' Cl ient: Bennett&O'Reilly,Inc. Preservation: Methanol/Cool Laboratory ID: 64070-04 QC Batch ID: VG10-1928-E Sampled: 08-18-03 10:30 Instrument ID: GC-10 HP 6890 ' Received: 08-19-03 18:30 Sample Weight: 37 g Analyzed: 08-26-03 23:21 Final Volume: 37 mL Analyst: CM %Solids: 91 Dilution Factor: 1 n-05 to n-C8 Aliphatic Hydrocarbons t° BRL mg/Kg 1.1 n-C9 to n-C12 Aliphatic Hydrocarbons to BRL mg/Kg 1.1 n-C9 to n-C10 Aromatic Hydrocarbons t BRL mg/Kg 1.1 Unadjusted n-05 to n-C8 Aliphatic Hydrocarbons t BRL mg/Kg 1.1 Unadjusted n-C9 to n-Cl2 Aliphatic Hydrocarbons t BRL mg/Kg 1.1 Q Surrogate Compound �, � ,piked fvleasrec t,pRecouery01QCUmtts 2,5-0ibromotoluene(PID) 3.8 2.4 64 % m 70.-130% 2,5-Dibromotoluene(FID) 3.8 2.6 69 % m 70-.130% .. ,y. T��s,�' my ., 1. Were all QA/QC procedures required by the method followed? Yes 2. Were all performance/acceptance standards for the required QA/QC procedures achieved? No 3. Were any significant modifications made to the method,as specified in Section No Method non-conformances indicated above are detailed below on this data report,or in the accompanying project narrative and project quality control report. Release of this data is authorized by the accompanying signed project cover letter. The accompanying cover letter,project narrative and quality control report are considered part of this data report. Method Reference: Method for the Determination of Volatile Petroleum Hydrocarbons,MA DEP(1998). Results are reported on a dry weight basis. Report Notations: BRL Indicates concentration,if any,is below reporting limit for analyte. Reporting limit is the lowest concentration that can be reliably quantified under routine laboratory operating conditions. Reporting limits are adjusted for sample size and dilution. ' t Hydrocarbon range data excludes concentrations of any surrogate(s)and/or internal standards eluting in that range. 0 n-05 to n-C8 Aliphatic Hydrocarbons range data excludes the method target analyte concentrations. ® n-C9 to n-C12 Aliphatic Hydrocarbons range data excludes the method target analyte concentrations and the concentration for the n-C9 to n-C10 Aromatic Hydrocarbons range. ' tt Analyte elutes in the n-05 to n-C8 Aliphatic Hydrocarbons range. # Analyte elutes in the n-C9 to n-C12 Aliphatic Hydrocarbons range. m Surrogate recovery outside recommended limits due to sample matrix interference. Groundwater Analytical, Inc., P.O. Box 1200, 228 Main Street, Buzzards Bay, MA 02532 1 GROUNDWATER ANALYTICAL Massachusetts DEP VPH Method Volatile Petroleum Hydrocarbons by GC/PID/FID Field ID: TB-2 0-1 Matrix: Soil Project: Amaral Auto/BO03-3795 Container: 60 mL Glass ' Client: Bennett&O'Reilly,Inc. Preservation: Methanol/Cool Laboratory ID: 64070-04RA1 QC Batch ID: VG10-1929-E Sampled: 08-18-03 10:30 Instrument ID: GC-10 HP 6890 ' Received: 08-19-03 18:30 Sample Weight: 37 g Analyzed: 08-27-03 13:30 Final Volume: 37 mL Analyst: CM %Solids: 91 i Dilution Factor: 1 ' VPH Ranges ,y Concenration }� $�" � Nates ty �Units RePorr.nguma .: n-05 to n-C8 Aliphatic Hydrocarbons t° BRL mg/Kg 1.1 n-C9 to n-C12 Aliphatic Hydrocarbons to BRL mg/Kg 1.1 n-C9 to n-C10 Aromatic Hydrocarbons t BRL mg/Kg 1.1 Unadjusted n-05 to n-C8 Aliphatic Hydrocarbons t BRL mg/Kg 1.1 Unadiusted n-C9 to n-C12 Aliphatic Hydrocarbons t BRL mg/Kg 1.1 rizs QG;?SurrogateCompound j= SptkedtNeasured Recoverys� *._ QCLtmtts .� 2,5-Dibromotoluene(PID) 3.8 2.6 68 % m 70-130% 2,5-Dibromotoluene(FID) 3.8 2.6 68 % m 70-130% ",.' vr" 7.r s w w `t µ: QQA/Qg Gerttfication si $$i 1. Were all QA/QC procedures required by the method followed? Yes 2. Were all performance/acceptance standards for the required QA/QC procedures achieved? No 3. Were any significant modifications made to the method,as specified in Section No Method non-conformances indicated above are detailed below on this data report,or in the accompanying project narrative and project quality control report. Release of this data is authorized by the accompanying signed project cover letter. The accompanying cover letter,project narrative and quality control report are considered part of this data report. ' Method Reference: Method for the Determination of Volatile Petroleum Hydrocarbons,MA DEP(1998). Results are reported on a dry weight basis. Report Notations: BRL Indicates concentration,if any,is below reporting limit for analyte. Reporting limit is the lowest concentration that can be reliably quantified under routine laboratory operating conditions. Reporting limits are adjusted for sample size and dilution. t Hydrocarbon range data excludes concentrations of any surrogate(s)and/or internal standards eluting in that range. 0 n-05 to n-C8 Aliphatic Hydrocarbons range data excludes the method target analyte concentrations. ® n-C9 to n-C12 Aliphatic Hydrocarbons range data excludes the method target analyte concentrations and the concentration for the n-C9 to n-C10 Aromatic Hydrocarbons range. rt Analyte elutes in the n-05 to n-C8 Aliphatic Hydrocarbons range_ # Analyte elutes in the n-C9 to n-C12 Aliphatic Hydrocarbons range. m Surrogate recovery outside recommended limits due to sample matrix interference. Groundwater Analytical, Inc., P.O. Box 1200, 228 Main Street, Buzzards Bay, MA 02532 ' I GROUNDWATER NALY�ALTER Massachusetts DEP VPH Method Volatile Petroleum Hydrocarbons by GC/PID/FID Field ID: TB-3 0-1 Matrix: Soil Project: Amaral Auto/BO03-3795 Container: 60 mL Glass Client: Bennett&O'Reilly,Inc. Preservation: Methanol/Cool Laboratory ID: 64070-05 QC Batch ID: VG10-1929-E Sampled: 08-18-03 11:00 Instrument ID: GC-10 HP 6890 Received: 08-19-03 18:30 Sample Weight: 37 g Analyzed: 08-27-03 15:33 Final Volume: .38 mL Analyst: CM %Solids: 93 Dilution Factor: 1 RePOA!^g;mrt n-05 to n-C8 Aliphatic Hydrocarbons t° BRL mg/Kg 1.1 n-C9 to n-C12 Aliphatic Hydrocarbons to BRL mg/Kg 1.1 n-C9 to n-C10 Aromatic Hydrocarbons t BRL mg/Kg 1.1 Unadjusted n-CS to n-C8 Aliphatic Hydrocarbons t BRL mg/Kg 1.1 Unadiusted n-C9 to n-C12 Aliphatic Hydrocarbons t BRL mg/Kg 1.1 7"V' x fr _ s ar C Lttlts ��QG�Su�rrogate.�Compound ��_ ���, �;Splked_�Measured 25-Dlbromotoluene(PID) 3.6 3.3 91 % 70-130 2,5-Dibromotoluene(FID) 3.6 3.3 90 % 70-130 MiN 1. Were all QA/QC procedures required by the method followed? Yes 2. Were all performance/acceptance standards for the required QA/QC procedures achieved? Yes 3. Were any significant modifications made to the method,as specified in Section No Method non-conformances indicated above are detailed below on this data report,or in the accompanying project narrative and project quality control report. Release of this data is authorized by the accompanying signed project cover letter. The accompanying cover letter,project narrative and quality control report are considered part of this data report. Method Reference: Method for the Determination of Volatile Petroleum Hydrocarbons,MA DIP(1998). Results are reported on a dry weight basis. Report Notations: BRL Indicates concentration,if any,is below reporting limit for analyte. Reporting limit is the lowest concentration that can be reliably quantified under routine laboratory operating conditions. Reporting limits are adjusted for sample size and dilution. t Hydrocarbon range data excludes concentrations of any surrogate(s)and/or internal standards eluting in that range. 0 n-05 to n-C8 Aliphatic Hydrocarbons range data excludes the method target analyte concentrations. ® n-C9 to n-C12 Aliphatic Hydrocarbons range data excludes the method target analyte concentrations and the concentration for the n-C9 to n-C10 Aromatic Hydrocarbons range. tt Analyte elutes in the n-05 to n-C8 Aliphatic Hydrocarbons range. # Analyte elutes in the n-C9 to n-C12 Aliphatic Hydrocarbons range. 1 ' Groundwater Analytical, Inc., P.O. Box 1200, 228 Main Street, Buzzards Bay, MA 02532 GROUNDWATER ANALYTICAL Massachusetts DEP VPH Method Volatile Petroleum Hydrocarbons by GC/PID/FID Field ID: TB4 0-1 Matrix: Soil Project: Amaral Auto/BO03-3795 Container: 60 mL Glass ' Client: Bennett&O'Reilly,Inc. Preservation: Methanol/Cool Laboratory ID: 64070-06 QC Batch ID: VG10-1929-E Sampled: 08-18-03 11:30 Instrument ID: GG10 HP 6890 Received: 08-19-03 18:30 Sample Weight: 32 g Analyzed: 08-27-03 16:14 Final Volume: 33 mL Analyst: CM %Solids: 95 Dilution Factor: 1 VP-H'Ran es ' � Concentration Notes .Y�UmtsReportmg timrt n-05 to n-C8 Aliphatic Hydrocarbons to BRL mg/Kg 1.1 n-C9 to n-C12 Aliphatic Hydrocarbons to BRL mg/Kg 1.1 n-G9 to n-C10 Aromatic Hydrocarbons t BRL mg/Kg 1.1 Unadiusted n-05.to n-C8 Aliphatic Hydrocarbons t BRL mg/Kg 1.1 Unadiusted n-C9 to n-C12 Aliphatic Hydrocarbons t BRL mg/Kg 1.1 QC�SurogateCom�ouhd� �. ,�; ,�,��v,�Spt�Ced$�Measureci� Recoveiy ��-�. ,:,, � CLtmtts � 2 5-Dibromotoluene(PID) 4.1 3.2 78 % 70-130% 2,5-Dibromotoluene(FID) 4.1 3.3 82 % 70-130% 11. Were all QA/QC procedures required by the method followed? Yes . Were all performance/acceptance standards for the required QA/QC procedures achieved? Yes 3. Were any significant modifications made to the method,as specified in Section No Method non-conformances indicated above are detailed below on this data report,or in the accompanying project narrative and project quality control report. Release of this data is authorized by the accompanying signed project cover letter. The accompanying cover letter,project narrative and quality control report are considered part of this data report. Method Reference: Method for the Determination of Volatile Petroleum Hydrocarbons,MA DEP(1998). Results are reported on a dry weight basis. Report Notations: BRL Indicates concentration,if any,is below reporting limit for analyte. Reporting limit is the lowest concentration that can be reliably quantified under routine laboratory operating conditions.-Reporting limits are adjusted for sample size and dilution. t Hydrocarbon range data excludes concentrations of any surrogate(s)and/or internal standards eluting in that range. 0 n-05 to n-C8 Aliphatic Hydrocarbons range data excludes the method target analyte concentrations. ® n-C9 to n-C12 Aliphatic Hydrocarbons range data excludes the method target analyte concentrations and the concentration for the n-C9 to n-C10 Aromatic Hydrocarbons range. ' tr Analyte elutes in the n-05 to n-C8 Aliphatic Hydrocarbons range. # Analyte elutes in the n-C9 to n-C12 Aliphatic Hydrocarbons range. ' Groundwater Analytical, Inc., P.O. Box 1200, 228 Main Street, Buzzards Bay, MA 02532 GROUNDWATER ANALYTICAL Trace Metals ' Field ID: TB-2 0-1 Matrix: Soil Project: Amaral Auto/13003-3795 Container: 250 mL Glass Client: Bennett&O'Reilly,Inc. Preservation: Cool ' Laboratory ID: 64070-07 Percent Solids: 91 Sampled: 08-18-03 10:30 Received: 08-19-03 18:30 ' Analysis Method QC Batch ID Prep Method Prepared Sample Weight Instrument ID Analys EPA 60108' MM-1916-S EPA 3051 08-25-03 11:05 0.5 g IC-P-I PE 3000 CRL EPA 7471AZ MP-1445-S EPA 7471A 08-22.03 14:00 0.6 g CVAA-1 PE FIMs CRL CAS Number' A 1 ;n` gConeenYr tlon N kes "Units R In tImlt" �g�..��,#�DF� 7440-38-2 Arsenic,Total 3.2 mg/Kg 1.1 1 08 25-03 17:05 EPA 60106' 7440-39-3 Barium,Total BRL mg/Kg 21 1 08-25-03 17:05 EPA 60106' 7440-43-9 Cadmium,Total BRL mg/Kg 0.53 1 08-25-03 17:05 EPA 60106' ' 7440-47-3 Chromium,Total BRL mg/Kg 11 1 08-25-03 17:05 EPA 60168' 7439-92-1 Lead,Total BRL mg/Kg 11 1 08-25-03 17:05 EPA 60106' 7439-97-6 Mercury,Total BRL mg/Kg 0.037 1 08-25-03 13:33 EPA 7471A2 7782-49-2 Selenium,Total BRL mg/Kg 21 1 1 08-25-03 17:05 EPA 60106' ' 7440-22-4 Silver,Total BRL mg/Kg 5.3 t 08-25-03 17:04 EPA 60108' Method Reference: Test Methods for Evaluating Solid Waste,US EPA,SW-846,Third Edition,Update III(1996). Results are reported on a dry weight basis. Report Notations: BRL Indicates concentration,if any,is below reporting limit for analyte. Reporting limit is the 6owest concentration that can be reliably quantified under routine laboratory operating conditions. Reporting limits are adjusted for sample size and dilution. DF Dilution Factor. ' Groundwater Analytical, Inc., P.O. Box 1200, 228 Main Street, Buzzards Bay, MA 02532 GROUNDWATER ANALYTICAL Trace Metals ' Field ID: TB-3 0-1 Matrix: Soil Project: Amaral Auto/BO03-3795 Container: 250 mL Glass Client: Bennett&O'Reilly,Inc. Preservation: Cool ' Laboratory ID: 64070-08 Percent Solids: 93 Sampled: 08-18-03 11:00 Received: 08-19-03 18:30 ' Analysis Method QC Batch ID Prep Method Prepared Sample Weieht Instrument ID Analyst EPA 6010B' MM-1916-s EPA 3051 08-25-03 11:05 0.5 g ICP-1 PE 3000 CRL EPA 7471 Az MP-1445-S EPA 7471 A 08-22-03 14:00 0.6 g CVAA-1 PE FIMS CRL G4S Number� Analyte Concentratwn' � Nots j� its� rnilp t�m�t? DFs Analy?ed, nr„ Method ' 7440-38-2 Arsenic,Total 1.7 mg/Kg 1.0 1 08-25-03 .17:10 EPA 60106' 7440-39-3 Barium,Total BRL mg/Kg 21 1 08-25-03 17:09 EPA 60106' 7440-43-9 Cadmium,Total BRL mg/Kg 0.52 1 08-25-03 17:10 EPA 60106' ' 7440-47-3 Chromium,Total BRL mg/Kg 10 1 08-25-03 17:09 EPA 6010B' 7439-92-1 Lead,Total 16 mg/Kg 10 1 08-25-03 17:10 EPA 6010B' 7439-97-6 Mercury,Total BRL mg/Kg 0.035 1 08-25-03 13:36 EPA 7471A2 7782-49-2 L Selenium,Total BRL mg/Kg 21 1 08-25-03 17:10 EPA601013' ' 7440-22-4 Silver,Total BRL mg/Kg 5.2 1 08-25-03 17:09 EPA 6010B' Method Reference: Test Methods for Evaluating Solid Waste,US EPA,SW-846,Third Edition,Update III(1996). Results are reported on a dry weight basis. Report Notations: BRL Indicates concentration,if any,is below reporting limit for analyte. Reporting limit is the lowest concentration that can be reliably quantified under routine laboratory operating conditions. Reporting limits are adjusted for sample size and dilution. DF Dilution Factor. 1 Groundwater Analytical, Inc., P.O. Box 1200, 228 Main Street, Buzzards Bay, MA 02532 1 GROUNDWATER 1 ANALYTICAL Trace Metals ' Field ID: TB-4 0-1 Matrix: Soil Project: Amaral Auto/6003-3795 Container: 250 mL Glass Client: Bennett&O'Reilly,Inc. Preservation: Cool 1 Laboratory ID: 64070-09 Percent Solids: 93 Sampled: 08-18-03 11:30 Received: 08-19-03 18:30 1 Analysis Method OC Batch ID Prep Method Prepared Sample Weight Instrument ID Analyst EPA 60106' MM-1916-S EPA 3051 08-25-03 11:05 0.5 g ICP-1 PE 3000 CRL EPA 7471A' MP-1445-S EPA 7471A 08-22-03 14:00 0.6 g CVAA-1 PEFIMS CRL CAS Ntiinber Anatyt �� Concentrataion s Un crort get- DF Ana yzed Method 1 7440-38-2 Arsenic,Total 1.4 mg/Kg- 1.1 1 08-25-03 17A5 EPA 60106' 7440-39-3 Barium,Total BRL mg/Kg 22 1 08-25-03 17:45 EPA 60106' 7440-43-9 Cadmium,Total BRL mg/Kg 0.55 1 08-25-03 17:45 EPA 60106' 1 744047-3 Chromium,Total 22 mg/Kg 11 1 08-25-03 17:44 EPA 601013'. 7439-92-1 Lead,Total BRL mg/Kg 11 t 08-25-03 17:45 EPA 60106' 7439-97-6 Mercury,Total BRL mg/Kg 0.035 1 08-25-03 13:39 EPA 7471AZ 778249-2 Selenium,Total BRL mg/Kg 22 1 08-25-03 17:45 EPA 60106' 1 7440-224 Silver,Total BRL mg/Kg 5.5 1 08-25-03 17:44 EPA 60106' Method Reference: Test Methods for Evaluating Solid Waste,US EPA,SW-846,Third Edition,Update III(1996). Results are reported on a dry weight basis. Report Notations: BRL Indicates concentration,if any,is below reporting limit for analyte. Reporting limit is the lowest concentration that can be reliably quantified under routine laboratory operating conditions. Reporting limits are adjusted for sample size and dilution. DF Dilution Factor. 1 1 1 i 1 1 1 1 1 Groundwater Analytical, Inc., P.O. Box 1200 228 Main Street Buzzards Ba MA 02532 Y Y� ' GROUNDWATER ANALYTICAL ' Project Narrative Project: Amaral Auto/BO03-3795 Lab.ID: 64070 ' Client Bennett&O'Reilly, Inc Received 08 19 03 18 30 s � �`.�. 54 ` �'z ��_!��3:�s"�� "�S-•r�., �� '�.�.� 3 � 3i�` ,�' '��.�"�,.:�?�"�,.�'� ��r?���`Y' '.°a� '"�'�s#�`'�'�°,r, "��`�^a, The following documentation discrepancies,and client changes or amendments were noted for.this project: 1 . No documentation discrepancies,changes,or amendments were noted. �nzr ' The sample(s) in this project were analyzed by the references analytical method(s),and no method modifications, non-conformances or analytical issues were noted,except as indicated below: 1 . EPA 601013 Note:Samples 64070-07,08,-09.Samples were analyzed for selected target analytes,as requested by client. 2 . EPA 6010B Non-conformance:Samples 64070-07,08,09.A matrix spike(MS)sample was not performed in accordance with the minimum field QC requirements of MA DEP CAM. 3 . EPA 8260B Note:Samples 64070-01,02,03.Samples were analyzed for selected target analytes,as requested by client. 4 . EPA 8260B Non-conformance:Samples 6407003,-03DUP.Sample(s)had surrogate recoveries outside recommended limits due to sample matrix interference. Sample(s)were re-analyzed,and re-analysis confirmed sample matrix interference. Results for original analysis and confirmatory re-analysis were reported for sample(s). 5 . MA DEP VPH Note:Samples 64070-04;05,06.Samples were analyzed for only carbon range analytes,as requested by client. ' 6. MA DEP VPH Non-conformance:Samples 64070-04,04RA1.Sample(s) had surrogate recoveries outside recommended limits due to sample matrix interference. Sample(s)were re-analyzed,and re-analysis confirmed sample matrix interference. Results for original analysis and confirmatory re-analysis were reported for sample(s). Groundwater Analytical, Inc., P.O. Box 1200, 228 Main Street, Buzzards Bay, MA 02532 GIIOUNOWATER 228 Main Street,P.Q.Box 1200 Buzzards Bay,MA 02532 CHAIN-OF-CUSTODY RECORD A ALYT/CAL Telephone(508)759-4441-FAx(508)759-4475 AND WORK,ORDER N° 075042 www.groundwateranalytical.com Proj ct Name: Firm: Ai�tml AtAa �t TURNAROUND ANALYSIS REQUEST R"AC44 4 0.r2el�y TAB- Voletilea SemlvPlalller "Cos s Petroleum dnuifta He%. &Q STANDARD(10 Business Days) ra ta6 eV.I. Metals Fri-TPH lVal.TPH waste General chemist 01 Pro act Number: Address: ❑ PRIORITY(5 Business Days) o z n ❑ RUSH(RAN- 1 o JS s z g P0.GOX riots (Hush requires Rush Authorization dumbe) 0 0 0 0 ❑ o S mpler Name: City/State/Zip: ❑Please Email to: ❑ ICrrttnc.nan/ (SG19 g ❑Please FAX to: �1�5-iP_" AA. Oa631 0 _ .9 � � o❑ 1 N H Project Manager: Telephone: BILLING 0 a n s 1 ❑ ❑ ❑o ° o ❑ ❑ QR✓/c� G. Gede q. k Jr&-ft-6630 0 Purchase OrderNo.:a(n3 ❑ Third Party Billing: W i : o yo $ ° ❑J9 P INSTRUCTIONS:Use separate line for each container(except replicates). i s a g a £ g x ❑ GWAQuote: a o s e o Sampling Matrix ITypial Containers) Preservation rutere o 0 o a o 0 0 0 0 0 0 �(o g 0 o g a6SAMPLE LABORATORY 3e aU � eoa a o ❑ o 00 0y IDENTIFICATION `3 NUMBER g = - e - >= g a g ❑ g € 3 w a - g a s _ (Lab Use Only) m a h o ° F g s 5 E s E s o E ¢ o e� - x N 8 ��30 r o e s g w °❑ a s E ❑ ❑ 0 8 E E — s H _ w n m D v G ceo i- S 42 tt dE a a S A 0 �,o oo 00 0 ❑ o ❑ -o❑❑ o ❑ o ❑ ❑ ❑'� ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ 0 0 ❑ o ❑ ❑ ❑ 0 0 d f&63 lo:jo 'i7�-1 Q-I 1XI WC man IN I R Y'�GaG � q h REMARKS/SPECIAL INSTRUCTIONS DATA QUALITY OBJECTIVES CHAIN-OF-CUSTODY RECORD Regulatory Program Project Specific GC NOTE:All samples submitted subject to Standard Terms and Conditions on-reverse hereof. State Standard Deliverables Many regulatory programs and EPA methods require project Relinquished by Sampler: Date Time Received by: Recolpt Temperature: specific QC.Project specific QC Includes Sample Duplicates, Z❑CT MCP GW-1/S-1 ❑PWS Form Matrix Spikes,and/or Matrix Spike Duplicates.Laboratory QC Is p3 /azeo Q ❑me atdaemted ❑ME ❑MCP GW-2/S-1 ❑ not project specific unless prearranged.°Project specific OC 2$•cneeommendeg_ samples are charged on a per sample basis.Each MS,MSD Relinquished by: ;:. Date Time Rec ved by: Container Count AMA ❑NY STARS ❑ and Sample Duplicate requires an additional sample aliquot // P ❑NH ❑Drinking Water ❑NY ❑Wastewater Project Specific OC Required Selection of OC Sample Relinquished by: Date Time Received by Laboratory: Shipping/Airbill ❑.RI ❑Waste Disposal ❑Sample Duplicate ❑Please use sample: Number: ❑VT ❑Dredge Material ❑Matrix Spike Method of Shipment:,fid GWA Ciourler❑Express Mail❑Federal Express Custody Seal ❑_ ❑ ❑Matrix Spike Duplicate: ❑UPS❑Hand;O Number: oL C;�II"1 GROUNDWATER ANALYTICAL ' Quality Assurance/Quality Control � �• sex ,v s �, �, � �J 6�}g`'�,�'✓ � ` ��f-;.� "� €°, ° n'4 '�n,� i v ?�#�a4�re�"s � x�� 'a��'tr� Groundwater Analytical conducts an active Quality Assurance program to ensure the production of high quality, valid data. This program closely follows the guidance provided by Interim Guidelines and Specifications for Preparing Quality Assurance Project Plans, US EPA QAMS-005/80 (1980), and Test Methods for Evaluating Solid Waste, US EPA, SW-846, Update III (1996). Quality Control protocols include written Standard Operating Procedures (SOPS) developed for each analytical method. SOPs are derived from US EPA methodologies and other established references. Standards are prepared from commercially obtained reference materials of certified purity, and documented for traceability. Quality Assessment protocols for most organic analyses include a minimum of one laboratory control sample, one method blank, one matrix spike sample, and one sample duplicate for each sample preparation batch. All samples, standards, blanks, laboratory control samples, matrix spikes and sample duplicates are spiked with internal standards and surrogate compounds. All instrument sequences begin with an initial calibration verification standard and a blank; and excepting GUMS sequences, all sequences close with a continuing calibration standard. GC/MS systems are tuned to appropriate ion abundance criteria daily, or for each 12 hour operating period,whichever is more frequent. Quality Assessment protocols for most inorganic analyses include a minimum of one laboratory control sample, one method blank,one matrix spike sample, and one sample duplicate for each sample preparation batch. Standard curves are derived from one reagent blank and four concentration levels. Curve validity is verified by standard recoveries within plus or minus ten percent of the curve. �' '�: �i£��,+�' t� rtL"• a s r.�'-m"k ✓�s'�5��a"�w '�:ss",ar4' ,s "`STr+a t2 ^`.Puri,. �'ca.,.r, s�`",� '�:i`r'�"� ,�,,�' ..,,�.�"�N,'n`'�4e�.�.� �a .k�cazs�' �.�"i�a x; �'c'�.w:f�.'�� ..�'. , .�` 't"•` „ ,� '�'�� �����, .� �" '�a�"`�k*:. �*`�' .c� Batches are used as the basic unit for Quality Assessment. A Batch is defined as twenty or fewer samples of the same matrix which are prepared together for the same analysis, using the same lots of reagents and the same techniques or manipulations, all within the same continuum of time, up to but not exceeding 24 hours. ' Laboratory Control Samples are used to assess the accuracy of the analytical method. A Laboratory Control Sample consists of reagent water or sodium sulfate spiked with a group of target analytes representative of the method analytes. Accuracy is defined as the degree of agreement of the measured value with the true or 1 expected value. Perent Recoveries for the Laboratory Control Samples are calculated to assess accuracy. Method Blanks are used to assess the level of contamination present in the analytical system. Method Blanks consist of reagent water or an aliquot of sodium sulfate. Method Blanks are taken through all the appropriate steps of an analytical method. Sample data reported is not corrected for blank contamination. Surrogate Compounds are used to assess the effectiveness of an analytical method in dealing with each I sample matrix. Surrogate Compounds are organic compounds which are similar to the target analytes of interest in chemical behavior, but which are not normally found in environmental samples. Percent Recoveries are calculated for each Surrogate Compound. 1 Groundwater Analytical, Inc., P.O. Box 1200, 228 Main Street, Buzzards Bay, MA 02532 1 GROUNDWATER ANALYTICAL Quality Control Report Laboratory Control Sample Category: EPA Method 8260E TCL Instrument ID: MS 4 HP 6890 QC Batch ID: VM4-2695-SL Analyzed: 08-25-03 09:32 Matrix: Soil Analyst: LMG Units: ug/Kg - �CAS Number _ vEROAnxlyte�f -:vt "t? SPlkedMe<lsured �ReCOYery� „QC�I�mItS 74-87-3 Chloromethane 50 44 88 % 70-130% 75-014 Vinyl Chloride 50 45 91 % 70-130% 74-83-9 Bromomethane 50 46 93 % 70-130% 75-00-3 Chloroethane 50 47 93 % 70-130% ' 75-354 1,1-Dichloroethene 50 43 85 % 70-130% 67-64-1 Acetone 100 84 84 % 70-130% 75-15-0 Carbon Disulfide 100 100 104 % 70-130 75-09-2 Methylene Chloride 50 35 71 % 70-130 156-60-5 trans-1,2-Dichloroethene 50 42 85 % 70-130% 1634-04-4 Methyl tert-butyl Ether(MTBE) 50 42 85 % 70-130% 75-34-3 1,1-Dichloroethane 50 42 83 % 70-130% 156-59-2 cis-1,2-Dichloroethene 50 44 87 % 70-130% 78-93-3 2-Butanone(MEK) 100 87 87 % 70-130% 67-66-3 Chloroform 50 41 82 % 70-130% 71-55-6 1,1,1-Trichloroethane 50 45 89 % 70-130% ' 56-23-5 Carbon Tetrachloride 50 45 89 % 70-130% 71-43-2 Benzene 50 44 87 % 70-130% 107-06-2 1,2-Dichloroethane 50 43 86 % 70-130% 79-01-6 Trichloroethene 50 44 88 % 70-130% 78-87-5 1,2-Dichloropropane 50 40 80 % 70-130% 75-27-4 Bromodichloromethane 50 41 81 % 70-130 10061-01-5 cis-1,3-Dichloropropene 50 46 93 % 70-130% 108-10-1 4-Methyl-2-Pentanone(MIBK) 100 93 93 % 70-130% 108-88-3 Toluene 50 44 88 % 70-130% 10061-02-6 trans-1,3-Dichloropropene 50 38 76 '% 70-130% 79-00-5 1,1,2-Trichloroethane 50 39 77 % 70-130% 127-18-4 Tetrachloroethene 50 49 99 % 70-130% 591-78-6 2-Hexanone 100 75 75 % 70-130% 124-48-1 Dibromochloromethane 50 41 82 % 70-130% 108-90-7 Chlorobenzene 50 43 87 % 70-130% 100-414 Ethylbenzene 50 48. 95 010 70-130 1 08-3 8-3/1 064 2-3 meta-Xylene and para-Xylene 100 95 95 % 70-130 95-47-6 ortho-Xylene 50 46 91 % 70-130 10042-5 Styrene 50 1 41 1 82 % 70-130% 75-25-2 Bromoform 50 43 1 86 % 70-130 79-34-5 1,1,2,2-Tetrachloroethane 1 50 39 1 78 % 70-130 b q"' *'t yr "{ b•`sA Gw a W,V x% yg QCSurrogafeCQtnpound � � ° rSptked€ *MeasuredtyRecovery � ��QG L(mits ��x',,` ' Dibromofluoromethane 50 48 95 % 70-130% 1,2-Dichlorobenzene-d4 50 45 90 % 70-130% Toluene-de 50 46 92 % 70-130% 4-Bromofluorobenzene 50 53 105 % 70-130% ' Method Reference: Test Methods for Evaluating Solid Waste,US EPA,SW-846,Third Edition,Update III(1996). Sample preparation performed by EPA Method 5035A. Report Notations: All calculations performed prior to rounding. Quality Control Limits are defined by the methodology, or alternatively based upon the historical average recovery plus or minus three standard deviation units. ' Groundwater Analytical, Inc. P.O. Box 1200 228 Main Street Buzzards Ba MA 02532 Yt � Y, i GROUNDWATER ANALYTICAL Quality Control Report Method Blank Category: EPA Method 8260B TCL Instrument ID: MS4 HP 6890 QC Batch ID: VM4-2695-SL Analyzed: 08-25-03 10:27 Matrix Soil Analyst LMG yt i NCO CeRtrdtI0I1 � Notes (� 1tS 'Reportin Limit ; ASfNumber;�,�Mal e� � "�' .� � ;�� � R. 74-87-3 Chloromethane BRL ug/Kg 10 75-01-4 Vinyl Chloride BRL ug/Kg 10 74-83-9 Bromomethane BRL ug/Kg 10 75-00-3 Chloroethane BRL ug/Kg 10 75-354 1,1-Dichloroethene BRL ug/Kg 5 67-64-1 Acetone BRL ug/Kg 200 75-15-0 Carbon Disulfide BRL ug/Kg 50 75-09-2 Methylene Chloride BRL ug/Kg 50 156-60-5 trans-1,2-Dichloroethene BRL ug/Kg 5 1634-044 Methyl tert-butyl Ether(MTBE) BRL ug/Kg 5 75-34-3 1,1-Dichloroethane BRL ug/Kg 5 1.56-59-2 cis-1,2-Dichloroethene BRL ug/Kg 1 5 78-93-3 2-Butanone(MEK) BRL ug/Kg 50 67-66-3 Chloroform BRL ug/Kg 5 71-55-6 1,1,1-Trichloroethane BRL ug/Kg 5 56-23-5 Carbon Tetrachloride BRL ug/Kg 5 ' 7143-2 Benzene BRL ug/Kg 5 107-06-2 1,2-Dichloroethane BRL ug/Kg 5 79-01-6 Trichloroethene. BRL ug/Kg 1 5 78-87-5 1,2-Dichloropropane BRL ug/Kg 5 ' 75-274 Bromodichloromethane BRL ug/Kg 5 10061-01-5 cis-1,3-Dichloropropene BRL ug/Kg 5 108-10-1 4-Methyl-2-Pentanone(MIBK) BRL t ug/Kg 50 108-88-3 Toluene BRL ug/Kg 5 ' 10061-02-6 trans-1,3-Dichloropropene BRL ug/Kg 5 79-00-5 1,1,2-Trichloroethane BRL ug/Kg 5 127-184 Tetrachloroethene BRL ug/Kg 5 591-78-6 2-Hexanone BRL ug/Kg 50 ' 124-48-1 Dibromochloromethane BRL ug/Kg 5 108-90-7 Chlorobenzene BRL ug/Kg 5 100-414 Ethylbenzene BRL ug/Kg 5 ' 108-38-3/10&42-3 meta-Xylene and para-Xylene BRL ug/Kg 5 9547-6 ortho-Xylene BRL ug/Kg 5 10042-5 Styrene BRL ug/Kg 5 75-25-2 Bromoform BRL ug/Kg 5 79-34-5 1 1 2 2 Tetrachloroethane BRL ug/Kg 5 h G Surrogate Corn otind ' = r Spiked INe`asu�ed Recoirery a � 3 QC Limits Dibromofluoromethane 50� 49 97 % 70-130j% 1,2-Dichloroethane-d4 50 50 100 % 70-130% Toluene-de 50 49 99 % 70-130% 4-Bromofluorobenzene 50 55 110 % 70-130% Method Reference: Test Methods for Evaluating Solid Waste,US EPA,SW-846,Third Edition,Update III(1996). ' Sample preparation performed by EPA Method 5035A. Report Notations: BRL Indicates concentration,if any,is below reporting limit for analyte. Reporting limit is the lowest concentration that can be reliably quantified under routine laboratory operating conditions. Reporting limits are adjusted for sample size and dilution. ' ' Groundwater Analytical, Inc., P.O. Box 1200, 228 Main Street, Buzzards Bay, MA 02532 GROUNDWATER ANALYTICAL Quality Control Report Laboratory Control Sample Category: Metals ' Matrix Soil CASNumberAnalyteMethod � QCBatch �UnitsSpikecltMeasured ecoveryQC Limas Now._ w�:�� z...� r.._ .�14, s.:� ,..?�_.. ,.F... .r y ' 7440-38-2 Arsenic 6010B MM-1916-S mg/Kg 130 120 92 % 80-120 7440-39-3 Barium 6010B MM-1916-S mg/Kg 140 120 86% 80-120 % 7440-43-9 Cadmium 6010B MM-1916-S mg/Kg 260 210 81 % 80-120% 7440-47-3 Chromium 6010B MM-1916-S mg/Kg 99 86 87% 80-120% 7439-92-1 Lead 6010E MM-1916-S mg/Kg 78 64 82 % 80-120% 7782-49-2 Selenium 601013 MM-1916-S mg/Kg 81 75 93 % 80-120% 7440-22-4 Silver 6010B MM-1916-S mg/Kg 120 110 92 % 80-120% 7439-97-6 Mercury 7471A MP-1445-S mg/Kg 4.0 3.8 94% 80-120% Method References: Test Methods for Evaluating Solid Waste,SW-846,Third Edition,Update III (1996). Report Notations: All calculations performed prior to rounding. Quality Control Limits are defined by the methodology, or alternatively based upon the historical average recovery plus or minus three standard deviation units. 1 == Groundwater Analytical, Inc., P.O. Box 1200, 228 Main Street, Buzzards Bay, MA 02532 GROUNDWATER ' ANALYTICAL Quality Control Report Method Blank Category: Metals ' Matrix Soil memo ,r W ' 7440-38-2 Arsenic BRL mg/Kg 5.0 MM-1916-SB 6010B 7440-39-3 Barium BRL mg/Kg 20 MM-1916-SB 601.013 744043-9 Cadmium BRL mg/Kg 0.50 MM-1916-SB 6010B ' 744047-3 Chromium BRL mg/Kg 10 MM-1916-SB 6010B 7439-92-1 Lead BRL mg/Kg 10 MM-1916-SB 6010B 7782-49-2 Selenium BRL mg/Kg 10 MM-1916-SB 6010B 7440-22-4 Silver BRL mg/Kg 5.0 MM-1916-SB 6010B 7439-97-6 Mercury BRL mg/Kg 0.033 MP-1445-S 7471A ' Method References: Test Methods for Evaluating Solid Waste,SW-846,Third Edition, Update III(1996). Report Notations: BRL Indicates result, if any,is below reporting limit for analyte. Reporting limit is the lowest value that can be reliably quantified under routine laboratory operating conditions. 1 Reporting limits are adjusted for sample dilution and sample size. 1 1 i 1 1 .. 1 Groundwater Analytical, Inc., P.O. Box 1200, 228 Main Street, Buzzards Bay, MA 02532 1 GROUNDWATER ' ANALYTICAL Quality Control Report Laboratory Control Sample Category: MA DEP VPH Method QC Batch ID: VG10-1929-E Matrix: Soil Units: mg/Kg 1634-04-4 Methyl tent-butyl Ether 2.5 2.9 115% 70- 130% 71-43-2 Benzene 2.5 2.8 112% 70- 130% 108-88-3 Toluene 2.5 '2.9 115% 70- 130 % 100414 Ethylbenzene 2.5 2.6 103% 70- 130% 108-38-3 and meta- Xylene and para- 5.0 5.8 116% 70-130% 106-42-3 Xylene 95-47-6 ortho- Xylene 2.5 2.8 112% 70- 130 % 91-20-3 Naphthalene 2.5 2.0 79%° 70-130 % 2,5-Dibromotoluene(PID) 78 % 70-130% 2,5-Dibromotoluene(FID) 74 % 70-130% Method Reference: Method for the Determination of Volatile Petroleum Hydrocarbons,MA DIP(1998). Report Notations: All calculations performed prior to rounding. Quality Control Limits are defined by the methodology, or alternatively based upon the historical average recovery plus or minus three standard deviation units. 1 1 1 1 Groundwater Analytical, Inc., P.O. Box 1200, 228 Main Street, Buzzards Bay, MA 02532 GROUNDWATER ANALYTICAL Quality Control Report Method Blank Category: MA DEP VPH Method ' QC Batch ID: VG10-1929-E Matrix: Soil "Co ra enttonUnits `" Re ortmLiimt e V dr}geS •'"a. r .. „' ��'ia. ... n-05 to n-C8 Aliphatic Hydrocarbons BRL mg/Kg 1.0 n-C9 to n-C12 Aliphatic Hydrocarbons t BRL mg/Kg 1.0 n-C9 to n-C10 Aromatic Hydrocarbons BRL mg/Kg 1.0 Unadjusted n-05 to n-C8 Aliphatic Hydrocarbons' BRL mg/Kg 1.0 Unadjusted n-C9 to n-C12 Aliphatic Hydrocarbons r BRL mg/Kg 1.0 -MOM ` iPSurrogate Cornpou F � 2,5-Dibromotoluene(PID) 78 % 70-130 00 2,5-Dibromotoluene(FID) 80 % 70-130% Method Reference: Method for the Determination of Volatile Petroleum Hydrocarbons,MA DEP(1998). Report Notations: BRL Indicates concentration, if any, is below reporting limit for analyte. Reporting limit is the lowest concentration that can be reliably quantified under routine laboratory operating conditions. Reporting limits are adjusted for sample dilution,percent moisture and sample size. t Hydrocarbon range data excludes concentrations of any surrogate(s)and/or internal standards eluting in that range. 0 n-05 to n-C8 Aliphatic Hydrocarbons range data excludes the method target analyte concentrations. ® n-C9 to n-C12 Aliphatic Hydrocarbons range data excludes the method target analyte concentrations and the concentration for the n-C9 to n-C10 Aromatic Hydrocarbons range. rc Analyte elutes in the n-05 to n-C8 Aliphatic Hydrocarbons range. t Analyte elutes in the n-C9 to n-C12 Aliphatic Hydrocarbons range. 1 Groundwater Analytical, Inc., P.O. Box 1200, 228 Main Street, Buzzards Bay, MA 02532 . GROUNDWATER ' ' ANALYTICAL Quality Control Report Laboratory Control Sample Category: MA DEP VPH Method ' QC Batch ID: VG10-1928-E Matrix: Soil Units: mg/Kg CASNumer � Analyte � � ., ;. S PIN edMeasured� rRecovery } QCLimrts , 1634-04-4 Methyl tert-butyl Ether 2.5 2.8 112% 70-130 % 71-43-2 Benzene 2.5 2.6 103% 70-130% 108-88-3 Toluene 2.5 2.7 107% 70-130% 100-41-4 Ethylbenzene 2.5 2.5 59% 70-130% 108-38-3 and meta- Xylene and para- 5.0 5.5 110% 70-130 % 106-42-3 Xylene 95-47-6 ortho- Xylene 2.5 2.7 1060/6 70-130% 91-20-3 Naphthalene 2.5 1.9 76% 70-130% r.x�QC Surrogate Co coverY�kQCtim�ts 2 5-Dibromoto►uene(PID) 80 % 70-130 % 2,5-Dibromotoluene(FID) 78 % 70- 130 % Method Reference: Method for the Determination of Volatile Petroleum Hydrocarbons,MA DEP(1998). Report Notations: All calculations performed prior to rounding. Quality Control Limits are defined by the methodology, or alternatively based upon the historical average recovery plus or minus three standard deviation units. 1 1 ' Groundwater Analytical, Inc., P.O. Box 1200, 228 Main Street, Buzzards Bay, MA 02532 GROUNDWATER ANALYTICAL ' Quality Control Report Method Blank Category: MA DEP VPH Method ' QC Batch ID: VG10-1928-E Matrix: Soil VPHRanges* � =rfi.� ,$ �� Co entraton `�" {nits ReportingLimt n-05 to n-C8 Aliphatic Hydrocarbons BRL mg/Kg �1.0 n-C9 to n-C12 Aliphatic Hydrocarbons BRL mg/Kg 1.0 n-C9 to n-C10 Aromatic Hydrocarbons BRL mg/Kg 1.0 Unadjusted n-05 to n-C8 Aliphatic Hydrocarbons t BRL mg/Kg 1.0 Unadjusted n-C9 to n-C12 Aliphatic Hydrocarbons t BRL mg/Kg 1.0 . . .�QC Surrogate�ContP,.ounds� Rec0' * r s r�. x (2COL*imrts �_ .. .•.LL� z 2,5-Dibromotoluene(PID) 88 % 70- 130 % 2,5-Dibromotoluene(FID) 84 % 70- 130 % Method Reference: Method for the Determination of Volatile Petroleum Hydrocarbons,MA DEP(1998). Report Notations: BRL Indicates concentration, if any,is below reporting limit for analyte. Reporting limit is the lowest concentration that can be reliably quantified under routine laboratory operating conditions. Reporting limits are adjusted for sample dilution,percent moisture and sample size. t Hydrocarbon range data excludes concentrations of any surrogate(s)and/or internal standards eluting in that range. 0 n-05 to n-C8 Aliphatic Hydrocarbons range data excludes the method target analyte concentrations. ® n-C9 to n-C12 Aliphatic Hydrocarbons range data excludes the method target analyte concentrations and ' the concentration for the n-C9 to n-C10 Aromatic Hydrocarbons range. u Analyte elutes in the n-05 to n-C8 Aliphatic Hydrocarbons range. t Analyte elutes in the n-C9 to n-C12 Aliphatic Hydrocarbons range. ' Groundwater Analytical, Inc., P.O. Box 1200, 228 Main Street, Buzzards Bay, MA 02532 ! GROUNDWATER ! ANALYTICAL Certifications and Approvals ! Groundwater Analytical maintains environmental laboratory certification in a variety of states. Copies of our current certificates may be obtained from our website: ! http://www.groundwateranalytical.com/qualifications.htm � � �, tlt *�`�• H U586��E�. �� �.� ������*� � � � � ��� Irv, � Categories: Potable Water,Wastewater,Solid Waste and Soil http://www.dph.state.ct.us/B RS/Environmental_Lab/OutStateLab Li st.htm Categories:SDWA,CWA, RCRA/CERCLA ! http://www.floridadep.org/labs/qa/dohforms.htm k a era v.a�c-ey s, vA,1�3f�. rk: NON"MAIN rnofHumaruS r Mzj ,#t , ! Categories: Drinking Water and Wastewater http://www.state.me.us/dhs/eng/water/Compliance.htm , ,a gC4o-j1'' "3 a c^;".,` si svuk� ctk "6 #MASSACHUSE S, Depaartm�ent of v ronTMntal Protection, M MA 1032 �11.2 < ! a .� , ^ . Categories: Potable Water and Non-Potable Water http://www.state.ma.us/dep/bspt/wes/fiIes/certiabs.pdf ! {Eny ° m .ta:��s Categories: Drinking Water and Wastewater http://www.des.state.nh.us/asp/NHELAP/labsview.asp * ra ras& tx$ jid "At y :x ? 1 f' NEWYORK;Departrnent of Health p11754� h ' .eW"a�..�. v 'zgr,--� t Categories: Potable Water, Non-Potable Water and Solid Waste http://www.wadsworth.oreabcertlelap/comm.htmi 'PEN�NSYLYAN'IA��De artment of�Enuironmental�Protection" x�68 665� � x,, ` �r � ``��`~ � n yr Environmental Laboratory Registration(Non-drinking water and Non-wastewater) http://www.dep.state.pa.us/Labs/Registered/ o'w 3 yr ` �"a -xs,s> � �R., '�t�+�"5.ay �` ��"a ,3' .%m�✓,��4i Ns. a5�,;�.v� `� "` t��� g�. �. ',� •` :�i' s Categories:Surface Water,Air,Wastewater, Potable Water,Sewage http://www.healthri.org/labs/labsCT—MA.htm Foreign soil import permit xv".,r''?£ e,,. v�; .' jx N a xa."Th, VxV c::k s f k2 \!ERMONT;Department of Environmental Conservation;Water Supply Division = .' � „ ; a,>r^. .F�"�z,�,"a-� �.,"rrad'Y.~Rsu�r`.:s ,�a,r�yYu",,,g „'g`f a.:'„.xn:t.x.,..:."'° E ' :f.a.r ! Category: Drinking Water http://www.vermontdrinkingwater.org/wsops/labtable.PDF ' Groundwater Analytical, Inc., P.O. Box 1200, 228 Main Street, Buzzards Bay, MA 02532 RECEIVED 2003 1 Groundwater Analytical, Inc. GROUNDWATER P.O.Box 1200 ANALYTICAL 228 Buz Main Street Buzzards Bay,MA 02532 Telephone(508)759-4441 FAX(508)759-4475 August 7, 2003 www.groundwateranalytical.com Mr. David Bennett Bennett & O'Reilly, Inc. P.O. Box 1667 Brewster, MA 02631 LABORATORY REPORT Project: Amaral Auto/13003-3795 ' Lab I D: 63149 Received: 07-22-03 Dear Dave: Enclosed are the analytical results for the above referenced project. The project was processed for Standard turnaround. This letter authorizes the release of the.analytical results, and should be considered a part of this ' report..This report contains a sample receipt. report detailing the samples received, a project . narrative indicating project changes and non-conformances, a quality control report, and a statement of our state certifications. The analytical results contained in this report meet all applicable NELAC standards, except as. may be specifically noted, or described in the project narrative. This report may only be used or reproduced in its entirety. I attest under the pains and penalties of perjury that, based upon my inquiry of those individuals ' immediately responsible for obtaining the information, the material contained in this report is, to the best of my knowledge and belief, accurate and complete. Should you have any questions concerning this report, please do not hesitate to contact me. Sincerely, Jonathan R. Sanford President JRS/pcl Enclosures GROUNDWATER 1 ANALYTICAL Sample Receipt Report Project: Amaral Auto/13003-3795 Delivery: GWA Courier Temperature: 4.01C . ' Client: Bennett&O'Reilly, Inc. Airbill: n/a Chain of Custody: Present Lab ID: 63149 Lab Receipt: 07-22-03 Custody Seal(s): n/a Lab lD F�eId ID x� &a, Mafrrx 5ampled� Method x � � (•jotes krt '', .',; 63149-1 A-1 Soil 7121103 15:50 EPA 60106/7471A 8 RCRA Metals Con ID Container Vendor QC Lot Presery QC Lot Prep Ship C251280 250 mL Glass Proline BX5549 None n/a n/a n/a 63149-2 CB-3 Soil 7/21/03 14:55 EPA 60 1 0 6/74 71 A 8 RCRA Metals Con ID Container Vendor QC Lot Presery QC Lot Prep Ship C251281 250 mL Glass I Proline. BX5549 None n/a La631DFieId�ID k" r a 101r i ...a..:_�, �� Notest:� ax �. 63149-3 CS-1 Soil 7/21/03 15:25 EPA 60 1 0 6/74 71A 8 RCRA Metals e Con ID Container Vendor QC Lot Presery QC Lot Prep I Ship C396295 120 mL Amber Glass Proline BX8606 None n/a n/a I n/a �,,,Lab�,ID, �Fie�d ID ��: �d � Mat ix ���Sampled, yax,Method �e71� � r�x 631494 A-1 Soil 7/21/03 15:50 EPA 8260E Volatile Organics ' Con ID Container Vendor QC Lot Presery QC Lot Prep Ship C229016: 40 mL VOA Vial Industrial BX6004 NaHSO4 R-3480B 05-02-03 n/a C229029 40 mL VOA Vial Industrial BX6004 NaHSO4 R-3480B 05-02-03 n/a C205188 40 mL VOA Vial Industrial BX6209 Methanol R-3534AJ 02-05-03 n/a C265979 1 40 mL VOA Vial Industrial BX7407 NaHSO4 R-3480B 05-02-03 n/a 63149-5 C13-3 Soil 7/21/03 14:55 EPA 8260E Volatile Organics Con ID Container Vendor QC Lot Presery QC Lot Prep Ship C068832 40 mL VOA Vial Industrial BX2407 Methanol R-3245V 01-30-02 06-13-02 C108630 40 ml VOA Vial Industrial BX3588 NaHSO4 R-3356B 05-29-02 06-13-02 C108642 40 mL VOA Vial Industrial BX3588 NaHSO4 R-3356B 05-29-02 06-13-02 C108629 40 mL VOA Vial Industrial BX3588 NaHSO4 R-3356B 05-29-02 06-13-02 S6, d � s x mot; �.lDEteIJ ID Mat�rx f pled Method s � k Notes v� 63149-6 .CB-1 Soil 7/21/03 15:25 EPA 8260E Volatile Organics Con ID Container Vendor QC Lot Presery QC Lot Prep Ship C205177 40 mL VOA Vial Industrial BX6209 Methanol R-3534AJ 02-05-03 n/a C242356 40 mL VOA Vial Industrial BX7069 NaHSO4 R-3480B 04-28-03 n/a C242357 40 mL VOA Vial Industrial BX7069 NaHSO4 R-3480B 04-28-03 n/a C242358 40 mL VOA Vial Industrial BX7069 NaH5O4. R-3480B 04-28-03 n/a ,Matrix Sam led h :' Method r ;,✓f;;: - n.,:.,..t. ,r,�.,mer'-e?au+�, 'xt; x :&gym m.U' ,,.-,...:..,.,,.�.s.-.r...:'. .„.,,s.,pn. �$w" ,.���' 63149-7 A-1 Soil 7/21/03 15:50 MA DEP VPH Carbon Ranges Only Con ID Container Vendor QC Lot Presery QC Lot Prep Ship C205990 60 mL Glass Industrial BX6247 Methanol R-3534AJ 12-19-02 n/a t f"- wr w ✓. .a., a „ i s k s a+. "'i-a�.n tr ee. -q w ,-yLab ID . eldtlDP �a Mat'nx Sampled Method�� � +xk Notesy Az a 63149-8 CB-3 Soil 7/21/03 14:55 MA DEP VPH Carbon Ranges Only ' Con ID Container Vendor QC Lot Presery QC Lot Prep Ship C205991 60 mL Glass Industrial BX6247 Methanol R-3534AJ 12-19-02 1 n/a Lab ID ld IDa � w Mafnx Sampled Method,. � . . a .Notes{ >,a �ar ;' 63149-9 CB-1 Soil 7/21/03 15:25 MA DEP VPH Carbon Ranges Only Con ID Container Vendor QC Lot Presery QC Lot Prep Ship C205996 60 mL Glass Industrial BX6247 Methanol R-3534AJ 12-19-02 n/a Groundwater Analytical, Inc., P.O. Box 1200, 228 Main Street, Buzzards Bay, MA 02532 GROUNDWATER I ' ANALYTICAL Trace Metals Field ID: A-1 'Matrix: Soil Project: Amaral Auto/BO03-3795 Container: 250 mL Glass Client: Bennett&O'Reilly,Inc. Preservation: Cool Laboratory ID: 63149-01 Percent Solids: 51 Sampled: 07-21-03 15:50 Received: 07-22-03 16:15 Analysis Method QC Batch ID Prep Method Prepared Sample Weight Instrument ID Analyst EPA 6010B' MM-1901-S EPA 3051 08-05-03 00:00 0.5 g ICP-1 PE 3000 CRL EPA 7471A' MP-1435-S EPA 74 71 A 08-05-03 00:00 0.6 g CVAA-1 PE FIMS MWR CASK 1K, d yAnal#e „ s ., uwyt gConcentratton Notes Units Reporting omit DF rAnalyzedMethod 7440-38-2 Arsenic,Total 17 mg/Kg 9.8 1 08-06-03 ,12:54 EPA 60106' 7440-39-3 Barium,Total BRL mg/Kg 39 1 08-06-03 12:53 EPA 6010B' 744043-9 Cadmium,Total BRL mg/Kg 0.98 1 08-06-03 12:54 EPA 60106' 744047-3 Chromium,Total BRL mg/Kg 20 1 08-06-03 12:53 EPA 601013' 7439-92-1 Lead,Total 44 mg/Kg 20 1 08-06-03 15:51 EPA 601013' 7439-97-6 Mercury,Total BRL mg/Kg 0.066 1 08-05-03 11:03 EPA M71A2 778249-2 T Selenium,Total BRL mg/Kg 39 1 08-06-03. 12:54 EPA 601013' ' 7440-224 Silver,Total BRL mg/Kg 9.8 1 08-06-03 12:53 EPA 60106' Method Reference: Test Methods for Evaluating Solid Waste,US.EPA,SW-846,Third Edition,Update III(1996). Results are reported on a dry weight basis. Report Notations: BRL Indicates concentration,if any,is below reporting limit for analyte. Reporting limit is the lowest concentration that can be reliably quantified under routine laboratory operating conditions. Reporting limits are adjusted for sample size and dilution. DF Dilution Factor. 1 _ t� Groundwater Analytical, Inc., P.O. Box 1200, 228 Main Street, Buzzards Bay, MA 02532, GROUNDWATER ANALYTICAL Trace Metals Field ID: CB-3 Matrix: Soil Project: Amaral Auto/BO03-3795 Container: 250 mL Glass Client: Bennett&O'Reilly,Inc. Preservation: Cool Laboratory ID: 63149-02 Percent Solids: 82 Sampled: 07-21-03 14:55 Received: 07-22-03 16:15 Analysis Method QC Batch ID Prep Method Prepared Sample Weight Instrument ID Analyst EPA 601013' MM-1901-5 EPA 3051 08-05-03 00:00 0.5 g ICP-1 PE 3000 CRL EPA 7471A' MP-1435-S EPA 7471A 08-05-03 00:00 0.6 g CVAA-1 PE nMS MWR ,7B CA;S IVumbera Anal e � � Concent�aton4 otes Units ; Evort�ns um i DFAnalyzecl �"Method. 7440-38-2 Arsenic,Total BRL mg/Kg 6.2 1 08-06-03 13:00 EPA 60106' 7440-39-3 Barium,Total 39 . I mg/Kg 25 1 08-06.03.12:59 EPA 60106' 7440-43-9 Cadmium,Total BRL mg/Kg 0.62 1 08-06-03 13:00 EPA 60106' 7440-47-3 Chromium,Total BRL mg/Kg 12 1 08-06-03 12:59 EPA 601013' ' 7439-92-1 Lead,Total 54 mg/Kg 12 1 08-06-03 15:57 EPA 6010B' 7439-97-6 Mercury,Total BRL mg/Kg 0.041 1 08-05-03 11:06 EPA 7471A2 7782-49-2 Selenium,Total BRL mg/Kg 25 1 08-06-03 13:00 EPA 601013' 7440-22-4 Silver,Total BRL mg/Kg 6.2 1 1 08-06-03 12:59 EPA 60106' Method Reference: Test Methods for Evaluating Solid Waste,US EPA,SW-846,Third Edition,Update III(1996). Results are reported on a dry weight basis. Report Notations 2' BRL Indicates concentration,if any,is below reporting limit for analyte. Reporting limit is the lowest concentration that can be reliably quantified under routine laboratory operating conditions. Reporting limits are adjusted for sample size and dilution. DF Dilution Factor. �I Groundwater Analytical, Inc., P.O. Box 1200, 228 Main Street, Buzzards Bay, MA 02532 GROUNDWATER t ANALYTICAL Trace Metals Field ID: CB-1 Matrix: Soil Project: Amaral Auto/BO03-3795 Container: 120 mL Glass Client: Bennett&O'Reilly,Inc. Preservation: Cool Laboratory ID: 63149-03 Percent Solids: 68 Sampled: 07-21-03 15:25 Received: 07-22-03 16:15 Analysis Method OC Batch ID Prep Method Prepared Sample Weight Instrument ID Analyst EPA 60106' MM-1901-S EPA 3051 08-05-03 00:00 0.5 g ICP-1 PE 3000 CRL EPA 7471A' MP-1435-S EPA 7471A 08-05-03 00:00 0.6 g CyAA-1 PE FIMS MWR �•'- �CAS�Num er,� , Anal ee�' ��� .�+�,� Concentratton ��Notesl * l�lntts$�P�Reportingum�tl?yD�F ,Anal zeds ��W�Method 7440-38-2 Arsenic,Total BRL mg/Kg 7.3 1 3 08-06-03 13:05 EPA 60106' 7440-39-3 Barium,Total 38 mg/Kg 29 1 08-06-03 13:04 EPA 6010B' 7440-43-9 Cadmium,Total BRL mg/Kg 0.73 1 08-06-03 13:05 EPA 6010B1 7440-47-3 Chromium,Total BRL mg/Kg 15 1 08-06-03 13:04 EPA 60106' ' 7439-92-1 Lead,Total 80 mg/Kg 15 1 08-06-03 16:02 EPA 601061 7439-97-6 Mercury,Total BRL mg/Kg 0.049 1 08-05-03 11:16 EPA 7471A' 7782-49-2 Selenium,Total BRL mg/Kg 29 1 08-06-03 13:05 1 EPA 60106' 7440-22-4 Silver,Total BRL mg/Kg 7.3 t 03-06-03 13:04 1 EPA 60106' Method Reference: Test Methods for Evaluating Solid Waste,US EPA,SW-846,Third Edition,Update III(1996). Results are reported on a dry weight basis. Report Notations: BRL Indicates concentration,if any,is below reporting limit for analyte. Reporting limit is the lowestconcentration that can be reliably quantified under routine laboratory operating conditions. Reporting limits are adjusted for sample size and dilution. DF Dilution Factor. 1 _ Groundwater Analytical, Inc., P.O. Box 1200, 228 Main Street, Buzzards Bay, MA 02532 GROUNDWATER ANALYTICAL 1 EPA Method 8260B Volatile Organics by GUMS 1 Field ID: A-1 Laboratory ID: 63149-04 Project: Amaral Auto/BO03-3795 QC Batch ID: VM4-2674-E Client: Bennett&O'Reilly, Inc. Sampled: 07-21-03 Container: 40 mL VOA Vial Received: 07-22-03 Preservation: Methanol/Cool Analyzed: 08-04-03 Matrix: Soil Dilution Factor: 1 %Moisture: 49 Page: 1 of 2 CAN U �QC ,. = �``""'4 i' �„ ^' s.- xe ,� - , :w. c.OX . ;. . „.-,..� Concentration, : �Umts_ .. Report�ng,Gmit 75-71-8 Dichlorodifluoromethane BRL ug/Kg 1,300 -74-87-3 Chloromethane BRL ug/Kg 1,300 ' 75-01-4 I Vinyl Chloride BRL ug/Kg 1,300 74-83-9 Bromomethane BRL ug/Kg 1,300 75-00-3 Chloroethane BRL ug/Kg 1,300 75-69-4 Trichlorofluoromethane BRL ug/Kg 1,300 60-29-7 Diethyl Ether BRL ug/Kg 1,300 75-35-4 1,1-Dichloroethene BRL ug/Kg 640 76-13-1 1,1,2-Trichlorotrifluoroethane BRL ug/Kg 6,400 67-64-1 Acetone BRL ug/Kg 6,400 75-15-0 Carbon Disulfide BRL ug/Kg 6,400 75-09-2 Methylene Chloride BRL ug/Kg 2,600 156-60-5 trans-1,2-Dichloroethene BRL ug/Kg 640 1634-04-4 Methyl tert-butyl Ether(MTBE) BRL ug/Kg 640 75-34-3 1,1-Dichloroethane BRL ug/Kg 640 590-20-7 2,2-Dichloropropane BRL ug/Kg 640 ' 156-59-2 cis-1,2-Dichloroethene BRL ug/Kg 640 78-93-3 2-Butanone(MEK) BRL ug/Kg 6,400 74-97-5 Bromochloromethane BRL ug/Kg 640 109-99-9 Tetrahydrofuran(THF) BRL ug/Kg 6,400 67-66-3 Chloroform BRL ug/Kg 640. 71-55-6 1,1,1-Trichloroethane BRL ug/Kg 640 56-23-5 Carbon Tetrachloride BRL ug/Kg 640 563-58-6 1,1-Dichloropropene BRL ug/Kg 640 71-43-2 Benzene BRL ug/Kg 640 107-06-2 1,2-Dichloroethane BRL ug/Kg 640 ' 79-01-6 Trichloroethene BRL ug/Kg 640 78-87-5 1,2-Dichloropropane BRL ug/Kg 640 74-95-3 Dibromomethane BRL ug/Kg 640 75-27-4 Bromodichloromethane BRL ug/Kg 640 ' 10061-01-5 cis-1,3-Dichloropropene BRL ug/Kg 640 108-10-1 4-Methyl-2-Pentanone(MIBK) BRL ug/Kg 6,400 108-88-3 Toluene BRL ug/Kg 640 10061-02-6 trans-1,3-Dichloropropene BRL ug/Kg 640 79-00-5 1,1,2-Trichloroethane BRL ug/Kg 640 127-18-4 Tetrachloroethene BRL ug/Kg 640 142-28-9 1,3-Dichloropropane BRL ug/Kg 640 591-78-6 2-Hexanone BRL ug/Kg 6,400 124-48-1 Dibromochloromethane BRL ug/Kg 640 106-93-4 1,2-Dibromoethane(EDB) BRL ug/Kg 640 108-90-7 Chlorobenzene BRL ug/Kg 640 - 630-20-6 1,1,1,2-Tetrachloroethane BRL ug/Kg 640 100-41-4 Ethylbenzene BRL ug/Kg 640 > fGroundwater Analytical, Inc., P.O. Box 1200, 228 Main Street, Buzzards Bay', MA 02532 GROUNDWATER ANALYTICAL 1 EPA Method 8260B (Continued) Volatile Organics by GC/MS Field ID: A-1 Laboratory ID: 63149-04 ' Project: Amaral Auto/BO03-3795 QC Batch ID: VM4-2674-E Client: Bennett&O'Reilly, Inc. Sampled: 07-21-03 Container: 40 mL VOA Vial Received: 07-22-03 Preservation: Methanol/Cool Analyzed: 08-04-03 Matrix: Soil Dilution Factor: 1 % Moisture: 49 Page: 2 of 2 ' � & g Concentrations ' Uri�ts R portnLmity GAS Numbe�rF .1XIS _ ..vw.' �.F. :���.aA¢...N.n„��:. ty s.f 4,.4��0.5 a#3#,,,M..a*Y, eP v „ ,_^.d C¢,..#,_✓^w-G_,xv n.,. ' 108-38-3/106-42-3 meta-Xylene and para-Xylene BRL ug/Kg 640 95-47-6 ortho-Xylene BRL ug/Kg 640 .100-42-5 Styrene BRL ! ug/Kg 640 ' .75-25-2 Bromoform BRL ug/Kg 640 98-82-8 Isopropyl benzene BRL ug/Kg 640 108-86-1 Bromobenzene BRL ug/Kg 640 79-34-5 1,1,2,2-Tetrachloroethane BRL ug/Kg 640 96-18-4 1,2,3-Trichloropropane BRL ug/Kg 640 103-65-1 n-Propylbenzene BRL ug/Kg 640 95-49-8 2-Chlorotoluene BRL ug/Kg 640 108-67-8 1,3,5-Tri methyl benzene BRL ug/Kg 640 106-434 4-Chlorotoluene BRi ug/Kg 640 98-06-6 tert Butyl benzene BRL ug/Kg 640 95-63-6 1,2,4-Tri methyl benzene BRL ug/Kg 640 135-98-8 sec-B utyl benzene BRL ug/Kg 640 541-73-1 1,3-Dichlorobenzene BRL ug/Kg 640 99-87-6 4-Isopropyltoluene BRL ug/Kg 640 106-46-7 1,4-Dichlorobenzene BRL ug/Kg 640 95-50-1 1,2-Dichlorobenzene BRL ug/Kg 640 104-51-8 n-Butylbenzene BRL ug/Kg 640 - 1 96-12-8 .1,2-Dibromo-3-chloropropane BRL ug/Kg 640 120-82-1 1,2,4-Trichlorobenzene BRL ug/Kg 640. 87-68-3 Hexachlorobutadiene BRL ug/Kg 640 91-20-3 Naphthalene BRL ug/Kg 640 ' 87-61-6 1,2,3-Trichlorobenzene BRL ug/Kg 640 75-65-0 tert-Butyl Alcohol (TBA) BRL ug/Kg 26,000 108-20-3 Di-isopropyl Ether(DIPE) BRL ug/Kg 640 i 637-92-3 Ethyl tert-butyl Ether(ETBE) BRL ug/Kg 640 994-05-8 tert-Amyl Methyl Ether(TAME) BRL ug/Kg 640 ' "QCSurrogateCompounds ' ` � � Recovery xQCLimits ` Dibromofluoromethane 100 % 70-130 % 1,2-Dichloroethane-d4 105 % 70- 130 % Toluene-d$ 109 % �70- 130 % 4-13romofluorobenzene 105 % 70-130% Method Reference: Test Methods for Evaluating Solid Waste, US EPA,SW-846,.Third Edition, Update III (1996). Analyte list as specified in Tables 6 and 7 of the method,and additional analytes as specified by MA DEP Method 1 Standards(310 C.M.R.40.0973)and recommended by NH DES for initial waste site investigations, effective 12/1/97. Results are reported on a dry weight basis. Analysis performed utilizing methanol extraction technique. Report Notations: BRL Indicates concentration, if any,is below reporting limit for analyte. Reporting limit is the lowest concentration that can be reliably quantified under routine laboratory operating conditions. Reporting Limits are adjusted for sample dilution,percent moisture and sample size. Groundwater Analytical, Inc. P.O. Box 1200 228 Main Stre et,eet, Buzzards Bay; MA 02532 i GROUNDWATER ANALYTICAL EPA Method 8260B Volatile Organics by GC/MS Field ID: C13-3 Laboratory ID: 63149-05 1 Project: Amaral Auto/BO03-3795 QC Batch ID: VM4-2673-S Client: Bennett&O'Reilly, Inc. Sampled: 07-21-03 Container: 40 mL VOA Vial Received: 07-22-03 Preservation: NaHSO4/Cool Analyzed: 08-03-03 Matrix: Soil Dilution Factor: 1 %Moisture: 18 Page: 1 of 2 75-71-8 Dich lorodifl uoromethane BRL ug/Kg 22 ' 74-87-3 Chloromethane BRL ug/Kg 22 75-01-4 Vinyl Chloride BRL ug/Kg 22 74-83-9 Bromomethane BRL ug/Kg 22 75-00-3 Chloroethane BRL ug/Kg 22 75-69-4 Trichlorofluoromethane BRL ug/Kg 22 60-29-7 Diethyl Ether BRL ug/Kg. 22 ' 75-35-4 1,1-Dichloroethene BRL ug/Kg 11 76-13-1 1,1,2-Trichlorotrifluoroethane BRL ug/Kg 110 67-64-1 Acetone BRL ug/Kg 430 75-15-0 Carbon Disulfide BRL ug/Kg 110., 75-09-2 Methylene Chloride BRL ug/Kg 110 156-60-5 trans-1.2-Dichloroethene BRL ug/Kg 11 1634-04-4 Methyl tert-butyl Ether(MTBE) BRL ug/Kg . 11 75-34-3 1,1-Dichloroethane BRL ug/Kg 11 590-20-7 2,2-Dichloropropane BRL ug/Kg 11 156-59-2 cis-1,2-Dichloroethene BRL ug/Kg 11 78-93-3 2-Butanone(MEK) BRL ug/Kg . 110 ' 74-97-5 Bromochloromethane BRL ug/Kg 11 109-99-9 Tetrahydrofuran(THF) BRL ug/Kg 110 67-66-3 Chloroform BRL ug/Kg 11 71-55-6 1,1,1-Trichloroethane BRL ug/Kg 11 56-23-5 Carbon Tetrachloride BRL ug/Kg 11 563-58-6 1,1-Dichloropropene BRL ug/Kg 11 71-43-2 Benzene BRL ug/Kg 11 107-06-2 1,2-Dichloroethane BRL ug/Kg 11 79-01-6 Trichloroethene BRL ug/Kg 11 78-87-5 1,2-Dichloropropane BRL ug/Kg 11 74-95-3 Dibromomethane BRL ug/Kg 11 75-274 Bromodichloromethane BRL ug/Kg 11 10061-01-5 cis-1,3-Dichloropropene BRL ug/Kg 11 108-10-1 4-Methyl-2-Pentanone(MIBK) BRL ug/Kg 110 108-88-3 Toluene BRL ug/Kg 11 10061-02-.6 trans-1,3-Dichloropropene BRL ug/Kg. 11 79-00-5 1,1,2-Trichloroethane BRL ug/Kg 11 127-18-4 Tetrachloroethene BRL ug/Kg 11 142-28-9 1,3-Dichloropropane BRL ug/Kg 11 591-78-6 2-Hexanone _ BRL ug/Kg 110 12448-1 Dibromochloromethane BRL ug/Kg 11 106-93-4 1,2-Dibromoethane(EDB) BRL ug/Kg 11 108-90-7 Chlorobenzene BRL ug/Kg 11 630-20-6 ' 1,1,1,2-Tetrachloroethane BRL ug/Kg 11 100-41-4 Ethylbenzene BRL ug/Kg 11 t Groundwater Analytical, Inc., P.O. Box 1200, 228 Main Street, Buzzards Bay, MA 02532 GROUNDWATER ANALYTICAL EPA Method 8260B (Continued) Volatile Organics by GC/MS Field ID: C11-3 Laboratory ID: 63149-05 Project: Amaral Auto/BO03-3795 QC Batch ID: VM4-2673-S Client: Bennett&O'Reilly, Inc. Sampled: 07-21-03 Container: 40 mL VOA Vial Received: 07-22-03 Preservation: NaHSO4/Cool Analyzed: 08-03-03 Matrix: Soil Dilution Factor: 1 %Moisture: 18 Page: 2 of 2 � CASNumberu � Analy%te 1sConcentrati n `� � Umts RePortmg t�mif 108-38-3/106-42 3 meta Xylene and para-Xylene BRL ug/Kg 11 95-47-6 ortho-Xylene BRL ug/Kg 11 10042-5 Styrene BRL ug/Kg 11 ' 75-25-2 Bromoform BRL ug/Kg 11 98-82-8 I sop ropylbenzene BRL ug/Kg 11 108-86-1 Bromobenzene BRL ug/Kg 11 1 79-34-5 1,1,2,2-Tetrach loroethane BRL ug/Kg 11 9&18-4 1,2,3-Tri6loropropane BRL ug/Kg 11 103-65-1 n-Propylbenzene BRL ug/Kg 11 95-49-8 2-Chlorotoluene BRL ug/Kg 11 108-67-8 1,3,5-Tri methyl benzene BRL ug/Kg 11 106-434 4-Chlorotoluene BRL ug/Kg 11 98-06-6 tent-Butyl benzene BRL ug/Kg 11 95-63-6 .1,2,4-Tri methyl benzene BRL ug/Kg 11 _.. 135-98-8 sec-Butyl benzene BRL ug/Kg 11` 541-73-1 1,3-Dichlorobenzene BRL ug/Kg 11 99-87-6 4-Isopropyltoluene BRL ug/Kg 11 106-46-7 1,4-Dichlorobenzene BRL ug/Kg 11 95-50-1 1,2-Dichlorobenzene BRL ug/Kg 11 ; 104-51-8 n-Butylbenzene BRL ug/Kg 11 96-12-8 1,2-Dibromo-3-chloropropane BRL ug/Kg 11 120-82-1 1,2,4-Trichlo robe nzene BRL ug/Kg 11 87-68-3 Hexachlorobutadiene BRL ug/Kg 11 91-20-3 Naphthalene BRL ug/Kg 11 .87-61-6 1,2,3-Trichlorobenzene BRL ug/Kg 11 75-65-0 tert-Butyl Alcohol (TBA) BRL ug/Kg 430 108-20-3 Di-isopropyl Ether(DI PE) BRL ug/Kg 11 637-92-3 Ethyl tert-butyl Ether(ETBE) BRL ug/Kg 11 994-05-8 tert-Amyl.Methyl Ether(TAME) BRL ug/Kg 11 ` ova rty „� Dibromofluoromethane 106 % 70-130 % 1,2-Dichloroethane-d4 117 % 70-130% Toluene-d8 106 % 70-130% 4-Bromofluorobenzene 119 % 70-.130 % Method Reference: Test Methods for Evaluating Solid Waste, US EPA,SW-846,Third Edition, Update III.(1996). Analyte list as specified in Tables 6 and 7 of the method,and additional analytes as specified by MA DEP Method 1 Standards(310 C.M.R.40.0973)and recommended by NH DES for initial waste site investigations, effective 1211/97. Results are reported on a dry weight basis. Report Notations: BRL Indicates concentration, if any, is below reporting limit for analyte. Reporting limit is the lowest concentration that can be reliably quantified under.routine laboratory operating conditions. Reporting limits are adjusted for sample dilution,percent moisture and sample size. Groundwater Analytical, Inc., P.O. Box 1200 228 Main Street Buzzards Ba MA 02532 Y Y, GROUNDWATER ANALYTICAL 1 EPA Method 8260B Volatile Organics by GC/MS ' Field ID: CB-1 Laboratory ID: 63149-06 Project: Amaral Auto/BO03-3795 QC Batch ID: VM4-2674-E Client: Bennett&O'Reilly, Inc. Sampled: 07-21-03 Container: 40 mL VOA Vial Received: 07-22-03 Preservation: Methanol/Cool Analyzed: 08-04-03 Matrix: Soil Dilution Factor: 1 % Moisture: 32 Page: 1 of 2 CAS�N`umbe� ` „wAnal a Conceritration , � ": lJmts Re p.ortin omit 75-71-8 Dichlorodifluoromethane BRL ug/Kg 1,100 74-87-3 Chloromethane BRL ug/Kg 1,100 75-014 Vinyl Chloride BRL ug/Kg 1,100 74-83-9 Bromomethane BRL ug/Kg .1,100 75-00-3 Chloroethane BRL ug/Kg 1,100 75-69-4 Trichlorofluoromethane BRL ug/Kg 1,100 ' 60-29-7 Diethyl Ether BRL ug/Kg: 1,100 75-35-4 1,1-Dichloroethene BRL ug/Kg 550 76-13-1 1,1,2-Trichlorotrifluoroethane BRL ug/Kg 5,500 ' 67-64-1 Acetone BRL ug/Kg 5,500 75-15-0 Carbon Disulfide BRL ug/Kg 5,500 75-09-2 Methylene Chloride BRL ug/Kg 2,200 156-60-5 trans-1,2-Dichloroethene BRL ug/Kg 550 1634-044 Methyl tert-butyl Ether(MTBE) BRL ug/Kg 550 75-34-3 1,1-Dichloroethane BRL ug/Kg 550 590-20-7 2,2-Dichloropropane BRL ug/Kg 550 1 156-59-2 cis-1,2-Dichloroethene BRL ug/Kg 550 78-93-3 2-Butanone(MEK) BRL ug/Kg 5,500 74-97-5 Bromochloromethane BRL ug/Kg 550 109-99-9 Tetrahydrofuran(THF) BRL ug/Kg 5,500 67-66-3 Chloroform BRL ug/Kg 556 71-55-6 1,1,1-Trichloroethane BRL ug/Kg 550 56-23-5 Carbon Tetrachloride BRL ug/Kg 550 563-58-6 1,1-Dichloropropene BRL ug/Kg 550 7143-2 Benzene BRL ug/Kg 550 107-06-2 1,2-Dichloroethane BRL ug/Kg 550 79-01-6 Trichloroethene BRL ug/Kg 550 78-87-5 1,2-Dichloropropane BRL ug/Kg 550 74-95-3 Dibromomethane BRL ug/Kg 550 75-27-4 Bromodichloromethane BRL ug/Kg 550 10061-01-5 cis-1,3-Dichloropropene BRL ug/Kg 550 108-10-1 4-Methyl-2-Pentanone(MIBK) BRL ug/Kg 5,500 108-88-3 Toluene BRL ug/Kg 550 10061-02-6 trans-1,3-Dichloropropene BRL ug/Kg 550 79-00-5 1,1,2-Trichloroethane BRL ug/Kg 550 127-18-4 Tetrachloroethene BRL ug/Kg 5S0 142-28-9 1,3-Dichloropropane BRL ug/Kg 550 591-78-6 2-Hexanone BRL ug/Kg 5,500 124-48-1 Dibromochloromethane BRL ug/Kg 550 106-93-4 1,2-Dibromoethane(EDB) BRL ug/Kg 550 108-90-7 Chlorobenzene BRL ug/Kg 550. 630-20-6 1,1,1,2-Tetrachloroethane BRL ug/Kg 550 100-41-4 Ethylbenzene BRL ug/Kg 550 Groundwater Analytical, Inc., P.O. Box 1200, 228 Main Street, Buzzards. Bay, MA 02532 I GROUNDWATER r ANALYTICAL EPA Method 8260B (Continued) Volatile Organics by GC/MS Field ID: CB-1 Laboratory ID: 63149-06 ' Project: Amaral Auto/BO03-3795 QC Batch ID: VM4-2674-E Client: Bennett&O'Reilly, Inc. Sampled: 07-21-03 Container: 40 mL VOA Vial Received: 07-22-03 reservation: Methanol/Cool Analyzed: 08-04-03 Matrix: Soil Dilution Factor: 1 Moisture: 32 Page: 2 of 2 CASNumberAnalyte � Goncentrafion s ' Unit Rort�n dlfmrt` m. 108-38-3/106A2-3 meta Xylene and para-Xylene BRL ug/Kg 550 95-47-6 ortho-Xylene BRL ug/Kg 550 10042-5 Styrene BRL ug/Kg 550 75-25-2 Bromoform BRL ug/Kg 550 98-82-8 Isopropyl benzene BRL ug/Kg 550 108-86-1 Bromobenzene BRL ug/Kg 550 79-34-5 1,1,2,2-Tetrachloroethane BRL ug/Kg 550 96-18-4 1,2,3-Trichloropropane BRL ug/Kg 550 103-65-1 n-Propyl benzene BRL ug/Kg 550 95-49-8 2-Chlorotoluene BRL ug/Kg 550 108-67-8 1,3,5-Tri methyl benzene BRL ug/Kg 550 106-43A 4-Chlorotoluene BRL ug/Kg 550 98-06-6 tert-B utyl benzene BRL ug/Kg 550 95-63-6 1,2,4-Tri methyl benzene BRL ug/Kg 550 135-98-8 sec-Butylbenzene BRL ug/Kg 550 541-73-1 .1,3-Dichlorobenzene BRL ug/Kg 550 99-87-6 4-Isopropyltoluene BRL ug/Kg 550 ' 10646-7 1,4-Dichlorobenzene BRL ug/Kg 550 95-50-1 . 1_,2-Dichlorobenzene BRL ug/Kg 550 104-51-8 n-Butylbenzene BRL ug/Kg. 550 96-12-8 1,2-Dibromo-3-chloropropane BRL ug/Kg 550 1 120-82-1 1,2,4-Trichlorobenzene BRL ug/Kg 550 87-68-3 Hexachlorobutadiene BRL ug/Kg 550 91-20-3 Naphthalene BRL ug/Kg 550 ' 87-61-6 1,2,3-Trichlorobenzene BRL ug/Kg 550 75-65-0 tert-Butyl Alcohol (TBA) BRL ug/Kg 22,000 108-20-3 Di-isopropyl Ether(DIPE) BRL ug/Kg 550 1 637-92-3 Ethyl tert-butyl Ether(ETBE) BRL ug/Kg 550 994-05-8 tert-Amyl Methyl Ether( BRL ug/Kg 550 On 1 Dibromofluoromethane �98% 70- 130 % 1,2-Dichloroethane-d4 106 % 70-.130 % Toluene-d, 107 % 70-.130% 4-Bromofluorobenzene 102 % 70-130% Method Reference: Test Methods for Evaluating Solid Waste, US EPA,SW-846,Third Edition, Update III(1996). Analyte list as specified in Tables 6 and 7 of the method,and additional analytes as specified by MA DEP Method 1 Standards(310 C.M.R.40.0973)and recommended by NH DES for initial waste site investigations, effective 12/1/97. Results are reported on a dry weight basis. Analysis performed utilizing methanol extraction technique. Report Notations: BRL Indicates concentration, if any,is below reporting limit for analyte. Reporting limit is the lowest concentration that can be reliably quantified under routine laboratory operating conditions. Reporting limits are adjusted for sample dilution,percent moisture and sample size. Groundwater Analytical, Inc. P.O. Box 1200 228 Main Street Buzza rds r ads Bay, MA 02532 GROUNDWATER ANALYTICAL ' Massachusetts DEP VPH Method Volatile Petroleum Hydrocarbons by GC/PID/FID ' Field ID: A-1 Laboratory ID: 63149-07 Project: Amaral Auto/BO03-3795 QC Batch ID: VG1-1750-E Client: Bennett&O'Reilly, Inc. Sampled: 07-21-03 Container: 60 mL Glass Received: 07-22-03 Preservation: Methanol/Cool Analyzed: 08-04-03 Matrix: Soil Dilution Factor: 1 % Moisture: 49 wzI � s PH Ran es t� t.. Co ...ncenl�rat�on n C5 to n-C8 Aliphatic Hydrocarbons BRL mg/Kg 1.7 n-C9 to n-C12 Aliphatic Hydrocarbons BRL mg/Kg .1.7 n-C9 to n-C10 Aromatic Hydrocarbons BRL mg/Kg 1.7 ' Unadjusted n-05 to n-C8 Aliphatic Hydrocarbons t BRL mg/Kg 1.7 Unadjusted n-C9 to n-C12 Aliphatic Hydrocarbons t BRL mg/Kg 1.7 2,5-Dibromotoluene(PID) 76.% 70-130% 2,5-Dibromotoluene(FID) 72 % 70- 130 % 1. Were all QA/QC procedures required by the method followed? Yes 2. Were all performance/acceptance standards for the required QA/QC procedures achieved? Yes 3. Were any significant modifications made to the method,as specified in Section No Method non-conformances indicated above are detailed below on this data report,or in the accompanying project narrative and projechquality control report. Release of this data is authorized by the accompanying signed project cover letter. The accompanying cover letter,project narrative and quality control report are considered part of this data report. Method Reference: Method for the Determination of Volatile Petroleum Hydrocarbons,MA DP(1998). Results are calculated ' on a dry weight basis. Report Notations: BRL Indicates concentration, if any, is below reporting limit for analyte. Reporting limit is the lowest concentration that can be reliably quantified under routine laboratory operating conditions. Reporting limits are adjusted for sample dilution,percent moisture and sample size. t Hydrocarbon range data excludes concentrations of any surrogate(s)and/or internal standards eluting in that range. 0 n-05 to n-C8 Aliphatic Hydrocarbons range data excludes the method target analyte concentrations. ® n-C9 to n-C12 Aliphatic Hydrocarbons range data excludes the method target analyte concentrations and ' the concentration for the n-C9 to n-C10 Aromatic Hydrocarbons range. rX Analyte elutes in the n-05 to n-C8 Aliphatic Hydrocarbons range. t Analyte elutes in the n-C9 to n-C12 Aliphatic Hydrocarbons range. 1 1 1 Groundwater Analytical, Inc., P.O. Box 1200, 228 Main Street Buzzards Ba MA 02532 Yt Y, i GROUNDWATER ' ANALYTICAL Massachusetts DEP VPH Method Volatile Petroleum Hydrocarbons by GGPIDNID Field ID: CB-3 Laboratory ID: 63149-08 Project: Amaral Auto/BO03-3795 QC Batch ID: VG1-1750-E Client: Bennett&O'Reilly, Inc. Sampled: 07-21-03 Container: 60 mL Glass Received: 07-22-03 Preservation: Methanol/Cool Analyzed: 08-04-03 Matrix: Soil Dilution Factor: 1 % Moisture: 18 n-05 to n-C8 Aliphatic Hydrocarbons BRL mg/Kg 1.2 n-C9 to n-C12 Aliphatic Hydrocarbons BRL mg/Kg 1.2 n-C9 to n-C10 Aromatic Hydrocarbons' 2.1 mg/Kg 1.2 ' Unadjusted n-05 to n-C8 Aliphatic Hydrocarbons t BRL mg/Kg 1.2 Unadjusted n-C9 to n-C12 Aliphatic Hydrocarbons t 1.8. mg/Kg 1.2 C Surr ate C'om ourd`sr �s � �� �`�Recoyery � ,wQC Lrm�ts 2,5-Dibromotoluene(PID) 83 % 70-130 % 2,5-Dibromotoluene(FID) . 82 % 70-130% a A/ CwCert�ficatwn 1. Were all QA/QC procedures required by the method followed? Yes, 2. Were all performance/acceptance standards for the required QA/QC procedures achieved? Yes 3. Were any significant modifications made to the method,as specified in Section No Method non-conformances indicated above are detailed below on this data report,or in the accompanying project narrative . ' and project quality control report. Release of this data is authorized by the accompanying signed project cover letter. The accompanying cover letter,project narrative and quality control report are considered part of this data report. Method Reference: Method for the Determination of Volatile Petroleum Hydrocarbons,MA DEP(1998). Results are calculated 1 on a dry weight basis. Report Notations: BRL Indicates concentration, if any, is below reporting limit for analyte. Reporting limit is the lowest concentration that can be reliably quantified under routine laboratory operating conditions. Reporting limits are adjusted for sample dilution,percent moisture and sample size. t Hydrocarbon range data excludes concentrations of any surrogate(s)and/or internal standards eluting in that range. 0 n-05 to n-C8 Aliphatic Hydrocarbons range data excludes the method target analyte concentrations. ' ® n-C9 to n-C12 Aliphatic Hydrocarbons range data excludes the method target analyte concentrations and the concentration for the n-C9 to n-C10 Aromatic Hydrocarbons range. u Analyte elutes in the n-05 to n-C8 Aliphatic Hydrocarbons range. t Analyte elutes in the n-C9 to n-C12 Aliphatic Hydrocarbons range. 1 Groundwater Analytical, Inc., P.O. Box 1200, 228 Main Street, Buzzards Bay, MA 02532 ' GROUNDWATER ANALYTICAL Massachusetts DEP VPH Method Volatile Petroleum Hydrocarbons by GC/PID/FID Field ID: CB-1 Laboratory ID: 63149-09 Project: Amaral Auto/BO03-3795 QC Batch ID: VG1-1750-E Client: Bennett&O'Reilly, Inc. Sampled: 07-21-03 Container: 60 mL Glass Received: 07-22-03 Preservation: Methanol/Cool Analyzed: 08-04-03 Matrix: Soil Dilution Factor: A % Moisture: 32 f VPFi Ranges" ' i - 1, rConcenfrat�o ,r 3 ,,.., �tJn�ts �,-Reporting�iinif n-05 to n-C8 Aliphatic Hydrocarbons t BRL mg/Kg 1.6 n-C9 to n-C12 Aliphatic Hydrocarbons BRL mg/Kg 1.6 n-C9 to n-C10 Aromatic Hydrocarbons t3.4 mg/Kg 1.6 ' Unadjusted n-05 to n-C8 Aliphatic Hydrocarbons' BRL mg/Kg 1.6 Unadjusted n-C9 to n-C12 Aliphatic Hydrocarbons+ 3.1 J mg/Kg 1 1.6 J , QGSurro ate Corm ouncls ar 7# . e r �P yz � 2,5-Dibromotoluene(PID) 48 % m 70- 130 % 2,5-Dibromotoluene(FID) 49 % m 70-130 % 1. Were all QA/QC procedures required by the method followed? Yes 2. Were all performance/acceptance standards for the required QA/QC procedures achieved? No 3. Were any significant modifications made to the method,as specified in Section 11..3.2.1? No Method non-conformances indicated above are detailed below on this data report,or in the accompanying project narrative and project quality control report. Release of this data is authorized by the accompanying signed project cover letter. The accompanying cover letter,project narrative and quality control report are considered part of this.data report. .. Method Reference: Method for the Determination of Volatile Petroleum Hydrocarbons,MA DEP(1998). Results are calculated on a dry weight basis. Report Notations: BRL Indicates concentration, if any,is below reporting limit for analyte. Reporting limit is the lowest concentration that can be reliably quantified under routine laboratory operating conditions. Reporting limits are adjusted for sample dilution,percent moisture and sample size. t Hydrocarbon range data excludes concentrations of any surrogate(s)and/or internal standards eluting in that range. 0 n-05 to n-C8 Aliphatic Hydrocarbons range data excludes the method target analyte concentrations. ® n-C9 to n-C12 Aliphatic Hydrocarbons range data excludes the method target analyte concentrations and ' the concentration for the n-C9 to n-C10 Aromatic Hydrocarbons range. tt Analyte elutes in the n-05 to n-C8 Aliphatic Hydrocarbons range. t Analyte elutes in the n-C9 to n-C12 Aliphatic Hydrocarbons range. ' m Surrogate recovery outside recommended limits due to sample matrix interference. I 1 - - ' Groundwater Analytical, Inc., P.O. Box 1200, 228 Main Street, Buzzards. Bay, MA 02532 i 1 GROUNDWATER ANALYTICAL Project Narrative Project: Amaral Auto/B003-3795 Lab ID: 63149 Client: Bennett&O'Reilly, Inc. Received: 07-22-03 16:15 "�' ��,w A`Documentafion and�CFient Commum F ate, �•= The following documentation discrepancies,and client changes or amendments were noted for this project: 1 . Samples identified as 'CB-1', 'A-1',and 'CB-3'were extracted for possible analysis by MA DEP Method for the Determination of Extractable Petroleum Hydrocarbons per Scott Kraihenzel,07-23-03. 2 . Samples identified as'CB-1', 'A-1',and 'CB-3'were analyzed for.8 RCRA metals,by EPA Method 8260,and by ' MA DEP Method for the Determination of Volatile Petroleum Hydrocarbons on a Priority Turnaround due 08-07 - 03,per Scott Kraihanzel,07-31-03. WE ' � , B:�Metliod Non Conformances ,�� No W54' The following method non-conformances were noted for this project: ' 1 . Sample 63149-09 for analysis by MA DEP Method for the Determination of Volatile Petroleum Hydrocarbons had" surrogate recoveries outside recommended limits due to sample matrix interference. 1 1 -- Groundwater Analytical, Inc., P.O. Box 1200, 228 Main Street, Buzzards Bay, MA 02532 in Str ' ox 12fflIIlllllliij � ANALYTICAL Buzzards Bay,MA02532 CHAIN-OF-CUSTODY RECORD Telephone(508)759-4441•FAX(508)759-4475 AND WORK ORDER www.groundwateranalytical.com 1W? 075036 Project Name: Firm: n Ao TURNAROUND ANALYSIS REQUEST .. STANDARD(10 Business Days) Volatiles Semivolafiles Pesl/Herb/PCBs Metals PelroleumN dmcarban Haz. Project Number: ur .xlreolable Vol• Ext.TPH VoLTPH Waste General Chemistry Other Address: f]:PRIORITY(5 Busin,ess Days) „ ❑ RUSH(RAN Tfl T i a _ o „ a (Rush rerluires Rush Authorization Number) U X `—' a 9 = _ Sampler Name: City/State/Zip: ° ° ° 0 H 9 DS 0 e ❑Please Email to: fa}PleaseFAXto: Project Manager. Telephone: BILLING " ° 4 W 9 a ° ,0 a •.. o e _ 7 ° ❑ ❑ o o ❑ C) I�Purchase Order No.: /` �� - _ INSTRUCTIONS:Use separate line for each container(except replicates). ❑ Third Party Billing: y o e o o ❑ GWAQuote: ° Sampling a s e e e = d A d o ❑ - ❑ Matrix Type Containers �r ❑ - o o = E " O Preservation Filtered r`I( o ❑ ❑ ❑ o o ❑ o ❑' 0 5 9 o g L 6 a 6 SAMPLE w LABORATORY W m tl a p0 Q IDENTIFICATION 3 c 5 c� M g E q s NUMBER 5 F b _» - F ❑ Ro O O .d Lab Use Only)( ®� F � �a�Y - M1yyas ��S5pp� ro3o ❑ � o - H — 3 O o Sr E E �, E Sa E — £,b m S.' R m 1-u S 3' 'd 3 9 dI E ❑ ❑ c _B..J53 - o o ti o = o c =' t- $� a <� [a o = yn < m G o „ _ n Cf-; U p,1 ° °O° °❑ ❑ � a o �o❑o 0 0 0 0 ❑ 0 ❑ ❑ 0 0 0 a 0 ❑ a 0 0 0 0 0 1 > / f i 7 3 . L1711,717 'I'd, REMARKS/.SPECIAL INSTRUCTIONS DATA QUALITY OBJECTIVES CHAIN-OF-CUSTODY RECORD Regulatory Program Project Specific QC NOTE:All samples submitted subject to Standard Terms and Conditions on.reverse heredf. 0/ State Standard Deliverables Many regulatory programs and EPA methods require project Relinquished by Sampler: Date Time Received by: Receipt Temperature: specific QC.Project specific QC includes Sample Duplicates, _ ❑CT ®MCP GW-1/S-1 ❑PWS Form Matrix Spikes,and/or Matrix Spike Duplicates.L Laboratory QC is �� p ME ❑MCP GW-2/S-1 p not projects specific unless rearran ed.:Pro'ect specific QC '�' - _ z ° "e``�9efd\ee ..... P P 9 1 P s c Re.—ooded DO MA ❑NY STARS ❑ samples are charged on a per sample basis.Each MS,MSD Rehnqui Flied by: Date Time Received Container Count: and Sample Duplicate requires an additional sample aliquot. . ❑NH ❑Drinking Water 7 p7 ❑NY ❑Wastewater Protect Specific OC Required Selection or OC Sample Relinquis ,.�.D,a/te // Time Race' or Shipping/Airbill ❑RI ❑Waste Disposal ❑Semple Duplicate O Please use sample: fi Number, ❑VT ❑Dredge Material ❑Matrix Spike ❑ ❑ ❑Matrix Spike Duplicate �enl❑G CourierMethod of Ship ❑Express Mail❑Federal Express Custody Seal ' — 0 UPS 0 Hand 0 Number: II GROUNDWATER ' ANALYTICAL Quality Assurance/Quality Control WX Groundwater Analytical conducts an active Quality.Assurance program to ensure the production of high quality, valid data. This program closely follows the guidance provided by Interim Guidelines and Specifications for Preparing Quality Assurance Project Plans, US EPA QAMS-005/80 (1980), and Test Methods for Evaluating Solid Waste, US EPA, SW-846, Update III (1996). ' Quality Control protocols include written Standard Operating Procedures (SOPS) developed for each analytical method. . SOPs are derived from US EPA methodologies and other established references. Standards are prepared from commercially obtained .reference materials of certified purity, and documented for traceability. Quality Assessment protocols for most organic analyses include a minimum of one laboratory control sample, one method blank, one matrix spike sample, and one sample duplicate for each sample preparation batch. All samples, standards, blanks, laboratory control samples, matrix spikes and sample duplicates are spiked with internal standards and surrogate compounds. All instrument sequences begin with an.-initial calibration verification standard and a blank; and excepting GUMS sequences, all sequences close with a continuing calibration standard. GUMS systems are tuned to appropriate ion abundance criteria daily, or for each 12 hour operating period,whichever is more frequent. Quality Assessment protocols for most inorganic analyses include a minimum of one laboratory control sample, one method blank, one matrix spike sample, and one sample duplicate for.each sample preparation batch. Standard curves are derived from one reagent blank and four concentration levels. Curve validity is verified by standard recoveries within plus or minus ten percent of the curve. Batches are used as the basic unit for Quality Assessment. A Batch is defined as twenty or fewer samples of the same matrix which are prepared together for the same analysis, using the same lots of reagents and the same techniques or manipulations,.all within the same continuum of time, up to but not exceeding 24 hours. Laboratory Control Samples are used to assess the accuracy of the analytical-method. A Laboratory.Control Sample consists of reagent water or sodium sulfate spiked with a group of target analytes representative of the method analytes. Accuracy is defined as the degree of agreement of the measured value with the true or expected value. Perent Recoveries for the Laboratory Control Samples are calculated to assess accuracy. Method Blanks are used to assess the level of contamination.present in the analytical system. Method Blanks . consist of reagent water or an aliquot of sodium sulfate. Method Blanks are taken through all the appropriate steps of an analytical method. Sample data reported is not corrected for blank contamination.. Surrogate Compounds are used to assess the effectiveness of an analytical method in dealing with each sample matrix. Surrogate Compounds are organic compounds which are similar to the target analytes of interest in chemical behavior, but which are not normally found in environmental samples. Percent Recoveries are calculated for each Surrogate Compound. Groundwater Analytical, Inc., P.O. Box 1200, 228 Main Street, Buzzards Bay, MA 02532 1 GROUNDWATER ' ANALYTICAL ' Quality Control Report Laboratory Control Sample Category: Metals Matrix- Soil I MIX CAS�10u 6`e Analyte� etFiod QC Batch �hJn'its °Spiked` Measured z Recovery QC Lrmits" r+ rrt L', `:, "., a,,"x ' 'a.t t.•' 4 a.. '; .g ..ti+ ' —WC 7440-38-2 Arsenic 6010B MM-1901-SL mg/Kg 100 82 82 % 80- 120 % 7440-39-3 Barium 6010B MM-1901-SL mg/Kg 100 90 90% 80-120 % 7440-43-9 Cadmium 6010B MM-1901-SL mg/Kg 100 83 83% 80-120 % 7440-47-3 Chromium 6010B MM-1901-SL mg/Kg 100 91 91 % 80- 120 % 7439-92-1 Lead 6010B MM-1901-SL mg/Kg 100 81 81 % 80-120% 7439-97-6 Mercury 7471A MP-1435-SL mg/Kg 0.17 0.17 101 % 80-120% 7782-49-2 Selenium 6010B . MM-1901-SL mg/Kg 100 84 84% 80-120% L 7440-22-4 Silver 6010B MM-1901-SL mg/Kg 100 87 87% 80- 120 % Method References: Test Methods for Evaluating Solid Waste,SW-846,Third Edition, Update III(1996). Report Notations: All calculations performed prior to rounding. Quality Control Limits are defined by the methodology, or alternatively based upon the historical average recovery plus or minus three standard deviation units. Groundwater Analytical, Inc., P.O. Box 1200, 228 Main Street, Buzzards Bay, MA 02532 i GROUNDWATER ' ANALYTICAL ' Quality Control Report Method Blank ' Category: Metals Matrix: Soil -B St g'g 'y;' ' kN�9 . *6 It ��s Units Reports ng � a QC Batch t Method��zCAS Number Anal e a 7440-38-2 Arsenic BRL mg/Kg 5.0 MM-1901-SB 6010B 7440-39-3 Barium BRL mg/Kg 20 MM-1901-SB 6010B 7440-43-9 Cadmium BRL mg/Kg 0.50 MM-1901-SB 6010B 7440-47-3 Chromium. BRL mg/Kg 10 MM-1901-SB 6010B 7439-92-1 Lead BRL mg/Kg 10 MM-1901-SB 6010B 7439-97-6 Mercury BRL mg/Kg 0.033 MP-1435-SB 7471A. 7782-49-2 Selenium BRL mg/Kg 10 MM-1901-SB 6010B ' 7440-22-4 Silver BRL mg/Kg 5.0 MM-1901-SB 6010B Method References: Test Methods for Evaluating Solid Waste,SW-846,Third.Edition, Update III (1996). Report Notations: BRL Indicates result, if any, is below reporting limit for analyte. Reporting limit is the lowest value that can be reliably quantified under routine laboratory operating conditions. ' Reporting limits are adjusted for sample dilution and sample size. Groundwater Analytical, Inc. P.O. Box 1200 22 r r B yt 8 Main Street, Buzzards ay, MA 02532 i 1 GROUNDWATER 1 ANALYTICAL 1 Quality Control Report Laboratory Control Sample 1 Category: EPA Method 8260B QC Batch.ID: VM4-2674-EL Matrix: Soil Units: ug/Kg 75-35-4 1,1-Dichloroethene 2,500 2,400 94% 70-130% 71-43-2 Benzene 2,500 2,500 101 % 70-130 % 1 79-01-6 Trichloroethene 2,500 2,500 101 % 70-130 % 108-88-3 Toluene 2,500 2,500 102 % 70- 130 % 108-90-7 Chlorobenzene 2,500 2,400 95 % 70- 130 1 „; •: rE,. t;. .,at .x' '�.5 � }.:r fi"^'�";v� s":v v � a l r .ar � Dibromofluoromethane 104 % 70- 1.30% 1,2-Dichloroethane-d4 103 % 70- 130 % 1 Toluene-d8 106 % 70- 130 % -4-Bromofluorobenz6ne 105 % 70- 130 % Method Reference: Test Methods for Evaluating Solid Waste, US EPA,SW-846,Third Edition, Update III 119961, 1 Report Notations: All calculations performed prior to rounding. Quality Control Limits are defined by the methodology, or alternatively based upon the historical average recovery plus or minus three standard deviation units. i 1 1 1 1 1 Groundwater Analytical, Inc., P.O. Box 1200, 228 Main Street, Buzzards Bay, MA 02532 i ' 1 GROUNDWATER i ANALYTICAL ' Quality Control Report Method Blank Category: EPA Method 8260B 1 QC Batch ID: VM4-2674-EB Matrix: Soil Page: 1 of 2 1 7 „ ; Anal e " Concentratiorn � lJnits�� t Re ort�n�; it ACAS Number yt ... �zW � 75-71-8 DichIo rod ifIuoromethane BRL ug/Kg 500 74-87-3 Chloromethane BRL ug/Kg 500 ' 75-01-4 Vinyl Chloride BRL ug/Kg 500 74-83-9 Bromomethane BRL ug/Kg 500 75-00-3 Chloroethane BRL ug/Kg 500 75-69-4 Trichlorofluoromethane BRL ug/Kg 500 1 60-29-7 Diethyl Ether BRL ug/Kg 500 75-35-4 1,1-Dichloroethene BRL ug/Kg 250 76-13-1 1,1,2-Trichlorotrifluoroethane BRL ug/Kg 2,500 1 67-64-1 Acetone BRL ug/Kg 2,500 75-15-0 Carbon Disulfide BRL ug/Kg 2,500 75-09-2 Methylene Chloride BRL ug/Kg 1,000 156-60-5 trans-1,2-Dichloroethene BRL ug/Kg 250 . ' 1634-04-4 Methyl tert-butyl Ether(MTBE) BRL ug/Kg i 250 75-34-3 1,1-Dichloroethane BRL ug/Kg 250 590-20-7 2,2-Dichloropropane BRL ug/Kg 250 1 156-59-2 cis-1,2-Dichloroethene _ BRL ug/Kg 250 78-93-3 2-Butanone(MEK) BRL ug/Kg 2,500 74-97-5 Bromochloromethane BRL ug/Kg 250 1 109-99-9 Tetrahydrofuran(THF) BRL ug/Kg 2,500 67-66-3 Chloroform BRL ug/Kg 250 71-55-6 1,1,1-Trichloroethane BRL ug/.Kg I— 250 56-23-5 Carbon Tetrachloride BRL ug/Kg 250 1 563-58-6 1,1-Dichloropropene BRL ug/Kg 250 71-43-2 Benzene BRL ug/Kg 250 107-06-2 1,2-Dichloroethane BRL ug/Kg. 250 1 79-01-6 Trichloroethene BRL ug/Kg 250 .78-87-5 1,2-Dichloropropane BRL ug/Kg 250 74-95-3 Dibromomethane BRL ug/Kg 250 75-27-4 Bromodichloromethane BRL ug/Kg 250 10061-01-5 cis-1,3-Dichloropropene BRL ug/Kg 250 108-10-1 4-Methyl-2-Pentanone(MIBK) BRL ug/Kg 2,500 108-88-3 Toluene BRL ug/Kg 250 10061-02-6 trans-1,3-Dichloropropene BRL ug/Kg 250 1 79-00-5 1,1,2-Trichloroethane BRL ug/Kg 250 127-18-4 Tetrachloroethene BRL ug/Kg 250 142-28-9 1,3-Dichloropropane BRL ug/Kg 250 ' 591-78-6 2-Hexanone BRL ug/Kg 2,500 124-48-1, Dibromochloromethane BRL ug/Kg 250 106-93-4 1,2-Dibromoethane(EDB) BRL ug/Kg 250 1 108-90-7 Chlorobenzene BRL ug/Kg 250 630-20-6 1,1,1,2-Tetrachloroethane BRL ug/Kg 250 100-41-4 Ethylbenzene BRL ug/Kg 250 Groundwater Analytical, Inc., P.O. Box 1200, 228 Main Street, Buzzards Bay, MA 02532 1 GROUNDWATER 1 ANALYTICAL 1 Quality Control Report Method Blank ' Category: EPA Method 8260B QC Batch ID: VM4-2674-EB Matrix: Soil Page: 2 of 2 1 CASrN`umber anal e r � Concentratron� � `I' '' 108-38-3/106-42-3 meta-Xyleneandpara-Xylene BRL ug/Kg 250 95-47-6 ortho-Xylene BRL ug/Kg 250 1 100-42-5 Styrene BRL ug/Kg 250 75-25-2 Bromoform BRL ug/Kg 250 98-82-8 [sop ropyl benzene BRL ug/Kg 250 108-86-1 Bromobenzene BRL ug/Kg 250 1 79-34-5 1,1,2,2-Tetrachloroethane BRL ug/Kg 250 96-184 1,2,3-Trichloropropane BRL ug/Kg 250 103-65-1 n-Propylbenzene 1 _ BRL ug/Kg 250 95-49-8 2-Chlorotoluene BRL ug/Kg 250 108-67-8 1,3,5-Tri methyl benzene BRL ug/Kg 250 106-43-4 4-Chlorotoluene BRL ug/Kg. 250 ' 98-06-6 tent-Butyl benzene BRL ug/Kg 250 95-63-6 1,2,4-Trimethylbenzene BRL ug/Kg 250 135-98-8 sec-Butylbenzene BRL ug/Kg 250 . 541-73-1 1,3-Dichlorobenzene BRL ug/Kg 250 ' 99-87-6 .44sopropyltoluene BRL — ug/Kg 250 106-46-7 1,4-Dichlorobenzene BRL ug/Kg 250 95-50-1 1,2-Dichlorobenzene BRL _ ug/Kg 250 104-51-8 n-Butylbenzene BRL ug/Kg 250 1 96-12-8 1,2-Dibromo-3-chloropropane BRL____ ug/Kg 250 120-82-1 1,2,4-Trichlorobenzene BRL ug/Kg 250 87-68-3 Hexachlorobutadiene BRL ug/Kg 250 1 91-20-3 Naphthalene BRL ug/Kg 250 87-61-6 1,2,3-Trichlorobenzene BRL ug/Kg 250 75-65-0 tert-Butyl Alcohol (TBA) BRL ug/Kg 250 1 108-20-3 Di-isopropyl Ether(DIPE) BRL ug/Kg 250 637-92-3 Ethyl tert-butyl Ether(ETBE) BRL ug/Kg 250 994-05-8 tert-Amyl Methyl Ether(TAME) BRL ug/Kg 250 .c t' ,QCS 'M urroatCapa.ow w*naa Rec4ery5, _ Dibromofluoromethane 103 % 70-130 % 1,2-Dichloroethane-d4 107 % 70- 130 % Toluene-d8 108 % 70-130 % 1 4Bromofluorobenzene 108 % 70.-.130 % Method Reference: Test Methods for Evaluating Solid Waste, US EPA,SW-846,Third Edition,Update III(1996). Analyte list as specified in Tables 6 and 7 of the method,and additional analytes as specified.by MA DEP Method 1 Standards(310 C.M.R.40.0973)and recommended by NH DES for initial waste site investigations, 1 effective 12/1/97. Results are reported on a dry weight basis. Report Notations: BRL Indicates concentration, if any, is below reporting limit for analyte. Reporting limit is the lowest : con cent rat ion.that can be reliably quantified under routine laboratory operating conditions. 1 Reporting limits are adjusted for sample dilution,percent moisture and sample size. 1 Groundwater Analytical,Inc., P.O. Box 1200, 228 Main Street, Buzzards Bay, MA 02532 ' GROUNDWATER ANALYTICAL Quality Control Report Laboratory Control Sample ' Category: EPA Method 8260B QC Batch ID: VM4-2673-SL Matrix: Soil Units: ug/Kg ' CASNumbers <' Analyte � � `?' Sp�kedb ; Meas�ure(� wReCO e bQ� 75-35-4 1,1-Dichloroethene 50 47 93% 70- 130 % 71-43-2 Benzene 50 49 97% 70-130% 79-01-6 Trichloroethene 50 49 97% 70- 130% 108-88-3 Toluene 50 50 99% 70- 130 % 108-90-7 Chlorobenzene 50 48 95% 70- 130% QCdS,,ur�rogate�,Compounds�- �, �� Dibromofluoromethane 97 % 70- 130 % 1,2-Dichloroethane-d4 95 % 70- 130 Toluene-d8 100 % 70- 130 % '. 4-Bromofluorobenzene 96 % 70-130 %. Method Reference: Test Methods for Evaluating Solid Waste, US EPA,SW-846,Third Edition; Update III(1996). ' Report Notations: All calculations performed prior to rounding. Quality Control Limits are defined t y the methodology, or alternatively based upon the historical average recovery plus or minus three standard deviation units. I ' Groundwater Analytical, Inc., P.O. Box 1200, 228 Main Street, Buzzards Bay,.MA 02532 GROUNDWATER ANALYTICAL ' Quality Control Report Method Blank ' Category: EPA Method 8260B QC Batch ID: VM4-2673-SB._ Matrix: Soil Page: 1 -of 2 5 a,F +w tP 1 a^Irv+ ta d� } � ',fir^ 'S+:i&�:5^ll.� .� "�i r, ✓.e '�' " x �C�4S N,umber��,E � �, Analyte �� �'�>r,� �p��rw�^�,Concentration ;i gyp `; =U�nits ,Reo�rtmg�L�mif 75-71-8 Dichlorodifluoromethane BRL ug/Kg 10 74-87-3 Chloromethane BRL ug/Kg 10 ' 75-01-4 Vinyl Chloride BRL ug/Kg 10 74-83-9 Bromomethane BRL ug/Kg 10 75-00-3 Chloroethane BRL ug/Kg 10 Trichlorofluoromethane BRL ug/Kg 10 60-29-7 Diethyl Ether BRL ug/Kg 10 75-35-4 1,1-Dichloroethene BRL ug/Kg 5 76-13-1 1,1,2-Trichlorotrifluoroethane BRL ug/Kg 50 ' 67-64-1 Acetone BRL ug/Kg 200 75-15-0 Carbon Disulfide BRL ug/Kg 50 75-09-2 Methylene Chloride BRL ug/Kg 50. 156-60-5 trans-1,2-Dichloroethene BRL ug/Kg 5 1634-04-4 Methyl tert-butyl Ether(MTBE) BRL ug/Kg 5 . 75-34-3 1,1-Dichloroethane BRL ug/Kg 5 590-20-7 2,2-Dichloroprop4ne BRL ug/Kg 5: ' 156-59-2 cis-1,2-Dichloroethene BRL ug/Kg 5 78-93-3 2-Butanone(MEK) BRL ug/Kg 50. 74-97-5 Bromochloromethane BRL ug/Kg 5 . 109-99-9 - Tetrahydrofuran(THF) BRL ug/Kg 50_ 67-66-3 Chloroform BRL "ug/Kg 5 71-55-6 1,1,1-Trichloroethane BRL ug/Kg 5 56-23-5 Carbon Tetrachloride BRL ug/Kg 5 563-58-6 1,1-Dichloropropene BRL ug/Kg 5 71-43-2 Benzene BRL ug/Kg 5 107-06-2 1,2-Dichloroethane BRL ug/Kg 5 .. 79-01-6 Trichloroethene BRL ug/Kg 5 78-87-5 1,2-Dichloropropane BRL ug/Kg 5 74-95-3 Dibromomethane BRL ug/Kg 5 75-27-4 Bromodichloromethane BRL ug/Kg 5 ' 10061-01-5 cis-1,3-Dichloropropene BRL ug/Kg 5 108-10-1 4-Methyl-2-Pentanone(MIBK) BRL ug/Kg 50 108-88-3 Toluene BRL ug/Kg 5 ' 10061-02-6 trans-1,3-Dichloropropene BRL ug/Kg 5 79-00-5 1,1,2-Trichloroethane BRL ug/Kg 5 127-18-4 Tetrachloroethene BRL ug/Kg 5 142-28-9 1,3-Dichloropropane BRL ug/Kg 5 ' 591-78-6 2-Hexanone BRL ug/Kg 50 124-48-1 Dibromochloromethane BRL ug/Kg 5 . 106-934 1,2-Dibromoethane(EDB) BRL ug/Kg 5 ' 108-90-7 Chlorobenzene BRL ug/Kg 5 630-20-6 1,1,1,2-Tetrachloroethane BRL ug/Kg 5 100414 Ethylbenzene BRL ug/Kg 5 Groundwater Analytical, Inc. P.O. Box 1200 228 Main Street Buzzards Ba MA 02532 Y Y, i GROUNDWATER ' ANALYTICAL ' Quality Control Report Method Blank ' Category: EPA Method 8260B QC Batch ID: VM4-2673-SB Matrix: Soil Page: 2 of 2 CASf�umbei� Arialyfe + � � Goncentrafion � � Units Reporfing limit 108-38-3/106-42.3 meta-Xylene and para-Xylene BRL ug/Kg 5 95-47-6 ortho-Xylene BRL ug/Kg 5 100-42-5 Styrene BRL ug/Kg 5 75-25-2 Bromoform BRL ug/Kg 5 98-82-8 Isopropyl benzene BRL ug/Kg 5 108-86-1 Bromobenzene BRL ug/Kg_ 5 79-34-5 1,1,2,2-Tetrachloroethane BRL ug/Kg 5 96-18 4 1,2,3-Trichloropropane BRL ug/Kg 5 103-65-1 n-Propylbenzene BRL ug/Kg 5 ' 95-49-8 2-Chlorotoluene BRL ug/Kg 5 108-67-8 1,3,5-Trimethylbenzene BRL ug/Kg 5 106-43A 4-Chlorotoluene BRL ug/Kg 5 98-06-6 tert-Butylbenzene BRL ug/Kg 5 i ' 95-63-6 1,2,4-Trimethylbenzene BRL ug/Kg 5 135-98-8 sec-Butylbenzene BRL ug/Kg 5 541-73-1 1,3-Dichlorobenzene BRL ug/Kg 5 99-87-6 4-Isopropyltoluene BRL ug/Kg 5 106-46-7 1,4-Dichlorobenzene BRL ug/Kg 5 95-50-1 1,2-Dichlorobenzene BRL ug/Kg 5 ' 104-51-8_ n-Butylbenzene BRL ug/Kg 5 96-12-8 1,2-Dibromo-3-chloropropane BRL ug/Kg 5 120-82-1 1,2,4-Trichlorobenzene BRL ug/Kg . 5 87-68-3 : Hexachlorobutadiene BRL ug/Kg. 5 91-20-3 Naphthalene BRL ug/Kg 5 87-61-6 1,2,3-Trichlorobenzene BRL ug/Kg 5 75-65-0 tert-Butyl Alcohol (TBA) BRL ug/Kg 5 ' 108-20-3 Di-isopropyl Ether(DIPE) BRL ug/Kg 5 637-92-3 Ethyl tert-butyl Ether(ETBE) BRL ug/Kg 5 994-05-8 tert-Amyl Methyl Ether(TAME) BRL ug/Kg . 5 oSurrogateCompoundsv y �,t fit. g�Y � QC Lim�ts� Dibromofluoromethane 103 % 70 k130 % 1,2-Dichloroethane-d4 106 % 70.-130% Toluene-d8 108 % 70- 130% ' 4-Bromofluorobenzene 102 % 70-130% Method Reference: Test Methods for Evaluating Solid Waste, US EPA,SW-846,Third Edition, Update 111(1996). Analyte list as specified in Tables 6 and 7 of the method,and additional analytes as specified by MA DEP Method 1 Standards(310 C.M.R.40.0973)and recommended by NH DES for initial waste site investigations, ` effective 12/1/97. Results are reported on a dry weight basis. Report Notations: BRL Indicates concentration, if any, is below reporting limit for analyte. Reporting limit is the lowest concentration that can be reliably quantified under routine laboratory operating conditions. ' Reporting limits are adjusted for sample dilution,percent moisture and sample size. Groundwater Analytical, Inc., P.O. Box 1200, 228 Main Street, Buzzards Bay, MA 02532 GROUNDWATER ANALYTICAL Quality Control Report Laboratory Control Sample ' Category: MA DEP VPH Method QC Batch.ID: VG1-1750-E Matrix: Soil Units: mg/Kg ' ACAS Ntimberd �r A alyte #W Spiked" Measu ed "Recover ems` 05"-hi is 1634-04-4 Methyl tert-butyl Ether 2.5 2.6 102% 70- 130 0/6 71-43-2 Benzene 2.5 2.2 89% 70-130% 108-88-3 Toluene 2.5 2.4 95% 70- 1.30 % 100-41-4 Ethylbenzene 2.5 2.3 93% 70-130 %; 108-38-3 and meta- Xylene and para 5.0.. 4.9 98% 70-130% 106-42-3 Xylene 95-47-6 ortho- Xylene 2.5 2.4 97% 70-130 % 91-20-3 Naphthalene 2.5 2.2 87% 70-130 % -; QC,SurrogateiCompounds ','Recouery �; � w.QCL�mits 2,5-Dibromotoluene(PID) 91 % 70- 130 2,5-Dibromotoluene(FID) 90 % 70- 130% ' Method Reference: Method for the Determination of Volatile Petroleum Hydrocarbons,MA DEP(1998). Report Notations: All calculations performed prior to rounding. Quality Control Limits are defined by the methodology, or alternatively based upon the historical average recovery plus or minus three standard deviation units. Groundwater Analytical, Inc., P.O. Box 1200, 228 Main Street, Buzzards Bay, MA 02532 s GROUNDWATER ' ANALYTICAL ' Quality Control Report Method Blank ' Category: MA DEP VPH Method QC Batch ID: VG1-1750-E Matrix: Soil 1%PHRanges� t £ �� „' w , " ConcentrationsUnis _RePorhng LimiC ' n-05 to n-C8 Aliphatic Hydrocarbons ° BRL mg/Kg 1.0.r., n-C9 to n-C12 Aliphatic Hydrocarbons BRL mg/Kg 1.0. n-C9 to n-C10 Aromatic Hydrocarbons t BRL . mg/Kg 1.0 ' Unadjusted n-05 to n-C8 Aliphatic Hydrocarbons t BRL mg/Kg 1.0 Unadjusted n-C9 to n-C12 Aliphatic Hydrocarbons+ BRL mg/Kg 1.0 :_. � QC Surrogate Compounds g a ` ; Recovery '�& M, t, t,wqUmits 2,5-Dibromotoluene(PID) 102 % 70-130% 2,5-Dibromotoluene(FID) 105 % 70- 130% Method Reference: Method for the Determination of Volatile Petroleum Hydrocarbons,MA DEP(1998). ' Report Notations: BRL Indicates concentration, if any,is below reporting limit for analyte. Reporting limit is the lowest concentration that can be reliably quantified under routine laboratory operating conditions.. Reporting limits are adjusted for sample dilution,percent moisture and sample.size. ' t Hydrocarbon range data excludes concentrations of any surrogate(s)and/or internal standards eluting in that range. 0 n-05 to n-C8 Aliphatic Hydrocarbons range data excludes the method target analyte concentrations. ® n-C9 to n-C12 Aliphatic Hydrocarbons range data excludes the method target analyte concentrations and the concentration for the n-C9 to n-C10 Aromatic.Hydrocarbons range. u Analyte elutes in the n-05 to n-C8 Aliphatic Hydrocarbons range. # Analyte elutes in the n-C9 to n-C12 Aliphatic Hydrocarbons range. ' Groundwater Analytical, Inc., P.O. Box 1200, 228 Main Street, Buzzards Bay, MA 02532 GROUNDWATER ANALYTICAL Certifications and Approvals Groundwater Analytical maintains environmental laboratory certification in a variety of states. ' Copies of our current certificates may be obtained from our website: http://www.groundwateranalytical.com/quaIifications.htm '� �°': ��•. 'tea �i '�.i+"�' �' ' �, - � S � `�' � � r �" .,. CONNEC�1^IGUT�De artrttent ofaHealth Services PH 0586 � � �� a �� ' ,..�'. ��t3';d,� >���" v "�`� ,. 43"�.":"."' 'Y.�`. '1�,rr �'#. a� � �t%�.._.#.w>_"�x.is. :.•v..;`.,«�as}_ ,^�`. _._,ti.,,..�+�.r';��:. Categories: Potable Water,Wastewater,Solid Waste and Soil http://www.dph.state.ct.us/BRS/Environmental Lab/OutState lab Iist.htm k� O,,RIDA,yDepartmentof Health, Bureau�of,Laborator�es,��E87643 ,� � � � �sx ��� _� a Categories:SDWA,CWA, RCRA/CERCLA http://www.floridadep.org/labs/qa/dohforms.htm a MAINEDepartment of Human�Services,_�MA1�03�. �«� � xsi � � � � � ��: •*�� r ' Categories: Drinking Water and Wastewater http://www.state.me.us/dhs/eng/water/CompIiance.htiii € 4 �MASSACHUSETTS De partmentaofEnvironmental Protection; M MA 103� s ; . Categories: Potable Water and Non-Potable Water http://www.state.ma.us/dep/bspt/wes/files/certlabs.pdf �aNE�1/rHAMPSHIRf��Department of Environmental Serv�ces°��20<2703�� �` ' '� � '� - s Categories: Drinking Water and Wastewater ' http://www.des.state.nh.us/asp/NHELAP/Iabsview.asp �y ��-;�" ��. "ry ��y � { s� '�^: � �'�� � �x"i`- 3s�' .`�- �NEW PORK Departmentof,Health �11754 � r '� Categories: Potable Water, Non-Potable Water and Solid Waste http://www.wadsworth.org/labcertlelap/comm.html PENNSYLVANI�A,�Department of Enwronrnental�Protect�on 68 665� " � Environmental Laboratory Registration (Non-drinking water and Non-wastewater) http://www.dep.state.pa.us/Labs/Registered/ Categories:Surface Water,Air,Wastewater,Potable Water,Sewage http://www.healthri.org/labs/labsCT MA.htm ' `.�..'�.,�.�:m�'»Tc".;.i .,.x1=^�:_' S�';�' n ,..r�...sva,s, '�: r*aA"'�:r''.'^a�,su.� „".�t ffi"4..sw .?+. ....�a:r.a"•�•-�"'.�c�:�.r�x'.""'�r�.'"�.,:-.w��t.8 a,.°£�..`^�Yvwf,.r:.'' „�.�,q., r�:. Foreign soil import permit VERMONT�Departme�t offEnvironmental Conervat�or,�Water. SupplyD�von Vw ' Category: Drinking Water http://www.vermontdrinkingwater.org/wsops/labtable.PDF II Groundwater Analytical, Inc., P.O. Box 1200, 228 Main Street, Buzzards Bay, MA 02532 a ' i J 1 1 1 1 APPENDIX E 1 � I 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 ENNETT /1O 'REILLY, Inc. 0 Engineering, Environmental & Surveying Services 1573 Main Street 1 Sanitary 21E/Site Remediation Property Line PO Box 1667 Site Development Hydrogeologtc Survey Subdivision Brewster,MA 02631 Waste Water Treatment Water Quality Monitoring Land Court 508-896-6630 1 Water Supply Licensed Site Professional Trial Court Witness 508-896-4687 Fax QUALITY ASSURANCE & QUALITY CONTROL PROGRAM Quality Assurance & Quality Control Program ' For Soil and Groundwater Sampling 1 INTRODUCTION 1 The Quality Assurance & Quality Control (QA/QC) Program outlines the purpose, policies, organization.and operations to support sampling work conducted by BENNETT&O'REILLY,INC.. 1 The procedures and protocal represented herein are consistent with the MA DEP "Standard References for Monitor ,Wells" [WSC-310-91], and the recommendations of a MA certified laboratory. Implementation of this program will help to ensure the validity of data used to provide 1 professional engineering and environmental opinions to clients. The following definitions are used in the QA/QC Program: 1 Quality Assurance refers to the concepts used in defining a system for verifying and Q Y P g Y fY g maintaining a desired level of quality in a product or process. 1 QualityControl is a specific,step-by-step description of how the Quality Assurance Program will be carried out. 1 This QA/QC Program guides field sampling activities. Project specific QA/QC Programs are 1 .adopted when warranted. Modifications to the QA/QC Program may be made only after specific approval by the QA/QC Officer(Project Manager). i 1 1 1.. 1 � 1 ' The specific objectives of the QA/QC Program are to: l. specify the level of quality of each field procedure used in collecting samples; 2. identifydeficiencies in field procedures which might affect the quality of data P g q ty , and ' 3. require sufficient documentation to verify the credibility of the sampling methods employed. ' PROGRAM ORGANIZATION AND RESPONSIBILITY The Project Manager of BENNETT & O'REILLY, INC., is responsible for the quality of work produced..The Project Manger directs the QA/QC Program to document the control of field efforts and resulting data. In this capacity, the Project Manager is expected to do the following: ' 1. prepare detailed QC Plans; 2. obtain analytical and sampling procedures reference materials; 1 3. ensure that all field test and measurement equipment is maintained and calibrated properly; ' 4. monitor quality assurance activities to ensure conformance with authorized policies, q. Y procedures, and sound practices, and recommend improvements as necessary, 1 5. ensure that all field sampling is conducted in accordance with guidelines contained P g ' herein, 6. oversee all field sampling efforts to detect conditions which might directly or indirectly jeopardize the utility of resulting analytical data, such as improper calibration of equipment or cross-contamination through improper storage of samples; ' 7. ensure that sample handling procedures are adequate for the sample types received; 8. inspect the quality of purchased sampling materials. 2 ' SAMPLE MANAGEMENT, COLLECTION, AND PREPARATION . Introduction Sample management and stringent documentation are essential for successful quality assurance. The ' procedures in this section are designed to ensure collection of samples which truly represent the matrix being sampled by eliminating trace levels of contaminants from external sources. Sample Management The management of samples, up to the point of delivery to the laboratory for analysis, is under the ' supervision of the Project Manager,who shall ensure that samples are collected,labeled,preserved, stored, and transported according to the prescribed methods. If significant deviations from the sampling protocol occur, resulting in a suspected compromise of the sample integrity, all samples collected during the sampling effort prior to correction of the procedure will be discarded and fresh samples collected. Sample Collection Groundwater Monitoring wells will be sampled in accordance with the following sampling procedures: 1. Identify the well and record the well number on the groundwater sampling record an an Monitoring Well Sampling Log (attached). ' 2. Open the well cap and measure total organic volatile (TOV) concentrations at the wellhead with the use of a portable photoionization detector. Record levels detected. 1 3. Measure groundwater level to the nearest 0.01 foot from the top of the well casing using a water level indicator. Record water level on a Monitoring Well Sampling ' Log (attached). Water level indicators will be decontaminated between wells. 4. The volume of standing water in the well casing will be calculated and recorded on 1 the Monitoring Well Sampling Log. At least three.well volumes will be purged either by pump or disposable bailer. Newly installed monitoring wells will be developed by purging at least ten volumes. Purging of wells will be complete when either dissolved oxygen, pH, conductivity or temperature has stabilized relative to previous sampling rounds. Once the purging is complete,wells will be screened for each of the above parameters and recorded on the Sampling Log . S. Samples will be collected using either a disposable bailers or pump. Samples will be transferred into appropriately sterilized/preserved containers, taking care to minimize agitation of the sample [Refer to attached "Recommended Sample Containers..." Groundwater Analytical]. ' 3 6. Sample containers will be properly labeled with tags provided by the laboratory. Samples will be logged in on a chain-of-custody form. ' 7. Samples taken for precipitate metal analysis will be acidified to a pH of less than 2.0 in the field. When sampling water for volatile compounds, care must be exercised to prevent loss of compound through evaporation, and to control susceptibility to outside contamination. ' Precautionary measures include: 1. avoiding engine exhaust,gasoline containers,degreasing solvents,solvent-laden rags and non-compatible decontamination agents; 2. sampling bottles will only be opened at the time of sampling and quickly closed after collecting the sample, preventing aeration of the sample with the atmosphere or any other gas; . 3. slowly filling bottles to capacity with sample and securing cap without entraining air bubble; ' 4. inverting the bottle while tapping lightly to check for air bubbles; ' 5. adding additional sample to eliminate air bubbles if present,repeating steps 3 and 4; 6. placing samples on ice (approximately 4°C) immediately after collection in a dark, dry location; 7. segregating samples with a secondary barrier such as zip-lock bags, etc.; and ' within the specific holding 8. analyzing sample, as soon as possible p g times after collection. Pump tubing will be decontaminated as follows: 1. Pump non-phosphate detergent solution through system for two minutes. 2. Pump clean.hot tap water through system for two minutes or until clear, whichever ' is longer. ' 3. Pump analyte-free water through system for two minutes. 4. Seal tubing ends; wrap and label with date of cleaning. 4 I 1 Soils When collecting and screening soil samples, the procedures to be used are: 1. Prior to sampling surficial locations,surface vegetation,rocks,leaves,and debris will be cleared from the sample point to allow collection of a clean soil sample. If 1 surficial soil samples are to be collected,a hand trowel or shovel and spatula will be used. The sampling equipment will be decontaminated as outlined below. ' 2. Boring samples will be collected via drilling rig-operated split spoon procedures. Soil samples collected from excavations or test pits will be collected directly with an auger (if necessary) from grade to approximately four feet below grade. Samples collected at deeper depths will be obtained directly from the bucket of the backhoe. A stainless steel spatula will be used to remove soil from the backhoe bucket for placement in the appropriate sample containers. 3. Soil samples collected for TOV screening will be placed in glass soil jars with aluminum foil placed under the screw cap. Samples will be allowed to warm to 1 ambient temperature before screening or will be screened in a heated vehicle after warming. The jar will be shaken for fifteen seconds prior to warming and after warming to ensure proper headspace development. Total organic vapors will be 1 measured via a portable photoionization detector (PID) and their concentration recorded either on a Geological Borehole Log or field log. 4. Soil samples will be stored and shipped in appropriate sealed containers. 5. Sample containers will be marked to indicate sampling date, time, location, and depth. Samples will be logged in on chain-of-custody forms (copy,attached). ' 6. The stratigraphy of each soil boring and test pit excavation, and the construction of each monitoring well will be recorded by the on-site geologist on the appropriate Geologic Borehole Log or test pit field log (copies attached). When sampling soils for volatile compounds, care must be exercised to prevent loss of compound and to control susceptibility to outside contamination. Precautionary measures include: 1. avoiding engine exhaust,gasoline containers,degreasing solvents,solvent-laden rags and non-compatible decontamination agents; 1 2. opening sampling bottles only at the time of sampling and quickly closing after 1 collecting the sample; 3. placing samples on ice (approximately 4° Q immediately after collection,in a dark, 1 dry location; i5 1 4. segregating samples with a secondary barrier such as zip-lock bags, etc.; and 5. analyzing sample as soon as possible within the specific holding times after collection. ' Soil sampling equipment (shovel, auger, etc.) will be decontaminated between each sampling location with a potable water rinse, alconox soap wash, and a final potable water rinse. Drilling and excavating apparatus (augers, rods, casing, core barrels, backhoe bucket, and other equipment coming in contact with the borehole or excavation)will be decontaminated between each boring and excavation via steam cleaning. If necessary, an alconox soap wash followed by a steam cleaning will be included. Sample Preservation To prevent or retard the degradation/modification of chemicals in samples during transit and storage, the samples will be refrigerated at or below 4° C in appropriately preserved containers. Samples will be delivered to the laboratory by courier or by overnight delivery service. DATA MANAGEMENT Logging of Samples ' The accountability of a sample begins when the sample'is taken from its natural environment. Sample handling (chain-of-custody) records must be completed at the time of sampling. The ' following chain-of-custody procedure must be implemented by the Field Team Leader to assure sample integrity. ' l. The samples are under custody of the Field Team Leader if: a. they are in his (or her) possession; 1 b. they are in view after being in possession: c. they are locked up or sealed securely to prevent tampering; or, ' d. they are in a designated secure area. 2. ' The"original"of the sample handling form must accompany the samples at all times ' after collection. A copy of the sample handling form is kept by the Field Team Leader. . ' 3. When samples are transferred in possession, the individuals relinquishing and receiving will sign, date, and note the time on the form. ' 6 r The Sampling Handling Record will contain information to distinguish each sample from any other sample. This information will include: 1. the project for which sampling is being conducted; ' 2. the matrix being samples (air, groundwater, soil, etc.P , � ;) ' 3. the sampling date and time; 4. field sample identification number and chain-of-custody identification number; 1 5. the number and type of containers and the type of preservative used (if any); and, 6. signature of the person performing the sampling. Each sample will be assigned a unique identification number, which will be marked on the sample container. The sample handling record will be forwarded to the laboratory with the samples. As a precaution against this record being lost or altered, the sampling personnel will retain a copy of the ' sampling handling record documenting all information up until the first change of sample custody. This record will be filed by the Project Manager. ' Sample Identification Numbers Reporting of date to the data management system will require the assignment of a unique ' identification number to each sample collected (including quality control samples). A record will be maintained by the Project Manager to associate the field sample with the various identification numbers used to analyze the field sample. Specific sample identification procedures are developed for each field sampling effort by the Project Manager. 1 1 1 t 1 1 1 1 ' FORM SAMPLES . y 1573 Main Street,P.O. Box 1667 BENNETT & OREILLY, Inc. Brewster,MA 02631 Engineering and Environmental Services (508) 896-6630 1 MONITOR WELL SAMPLING LOG CLIENT DATE(S) LOCATION JOB # MEASURING POINT SAMPLER GROUNDSURFACE OR T.O.C. ' Well Elev. of Total Depth to Standing Water Static Volume HNU Comments Number reference Depth of Water Water Table Volume Purged PI-101 point Well (Feet) _ Height Elevation (gallons) (gallons) (ppm) (feet) (feet) (feet) (feet) i 1 ' NOTES: 1 1573 Main Street, P.O. Box 1667 BENNETT & GREILLY, Inc. Brewster, MA 02631 Engineering and Environmental Services (508) 896-663.0 1 MONITOR WELL SAMPLING LOG ' RESPIRATION ANALYSIS CLIENT DATE(S) LOCATION JOB # SAMPLER Well Total Approx. Standing_ Length of HNU iv1cthane Oxygen Carbon Number Depth of Depth to Water screen PI-101 (%CH,) (%O., Dioxide Comments: ' Well Water Heieht above (ppm) (%CO,, (feet) (feet) (feet) SWL 1 1 i NOTES: 1 BENNETT & 4 REILLY Inc. Sheet of 1573 Main Street 508-896-6630 PO Box 1667 508-896-4687 Fax Brewster,MA 02631 Job Number: Date: Time: Test Hole Number: ' Job Name: Witness: Casing I. D.: Ground Elevation: Reference Elevation (TOC): Falling Head ❑ Rising Head ❑ 1 Aquifer Saturation Thickness (If Confined): Depth of Boring(A): Well Screen Length (L): Length of Test Section(L): 1 Depth of Groundwater Table (H): Depth of Top of Test Section (B): Type of Material in Test Zone: Notes: 2r TIME ELAPSED WATER ACTIVE —l (sec.) TIME (sec.) h/Ho DEPTH W HEAD(h) 1 T X{{ H _ 1. B STATIC 1 A L —i 2R l h = H-X(falling head) or h =X-H (rising head) Ho = H-Xo (falling head) or Ho =Xo-H (rising head) Xo =X at t=0 A, B, H &L are defined above. PbN : Job Num er: Date: Start Date:low RateLocation: TOC: Location: TOC: Location: TOC: NOTES: Time Depth to Water Static Water Lv. Draw Down Depth to Water Static Water Lv, Draw Down Depth to Water Static Water Lv. Draw Down pH /Cond./Temp. (sec). - 1 3 --- - -- -- ----- --- --- 5 - -- --- 5 --- - 7- -- - - ---- - 8 --- -- --------- - ---- - 9 _ 15 30 - - - - - - (sec.) 45 (min) 1 - - ---- - -- 2 -- - - 4 6 -- -- - 9 - - - - -- -- - --- ---- 20 - - ---- ---- - 30 - - - - - 50 - - ----.._ - - --- - ---- - 60 70 80 - -- ---- ----- - ------- - 90 _ -- ---- --- - _ _------ -- - ----- 100 - _ 190 --- 280 --- 370 --- ---- --- - ---- - - - ---- 460 __- 550 ---- ----- - -- - 640 - --- =--- --- 730 _... — 820ry _ 910 ----.--- - - - --- - 1000 - - - ------ -- -- BENNETT & O'REILLY, Inc. Sheet of 1573 Main Street 508-896-6630 PO Box 1667 508-896-4687 Fax Brewster,MA 0263.1 Sieve Analysis Data and Computation Sheet Job Number: Date: Job Name: Sample Number: Sample Collected By: Sample Tested By: Notes ' SIEVE WEIGHT PERCENT CUMULATIVE PROJECT OPENING SIEVE RETAINED RETAINED PERCENT MANUAL MILLI- MESH IN GRAMS (Cumulative) FINER SPECIFICATION METERS (Cumulative) ' PASSED MESH SIEVE TOTAL Sample Weight Wet: Sample Weight Dry: ' Percent Moisture: ' ' Sample Weight Passed Through Sieves: BENNETT & O'REILLY, Inc. Sheet of 1573 Main Street 508-896-6630 PO Box 1667 508-896-4687 Fax Brewster,MA 02631 Job Number: Date: a � Job Name: SAND GRAVEL SILT SAND Test Hole Number: Witness: Drilling Contractor: PEAT CLAY Sampling Method: GEOLOGIC BOREHOLE LOG Type Well Lithology/Sediment Blows per %of Lithology Depth °f Depth Specification&Remarks Description ' Sample 6''Drive Recovery PID Response (ppm) 5 ' 10 15 20 25 SWL: 30 35 ' 40 ' 45 50 BENNETT & O'REILLY Inc• REPORT NUMBER: 508-896-6630 1573 Main Street PO Box 1667 508-896-4687 Fax Brewster,MA 02631 INSPECTORS DAILY RECORD OF WORK PROGRESS 1 Job Number: Date: ' Job Name: Feature: Contractor: Type of Work: Weather Conditions: Temperature: Contractor's Work Force(Indicate classification,including Subcontractor personnel) 1 ' Equipment in use or idled(identify which) 1 Materials or equipment delivered,quantity or pay items placed 1 Non-conforming materials or work,field problems, inspections of previously reported deficiencies 1 Summary of construction activities i i 1 i 1 1 1 1 GROUNDWATER Bu' Bay.Main ,PO.Box 1200 Buzzards Bay.MA 02532 CHAIN-OF-CUSTODY RECORD Telephone(508)759-4441 AND WORK ORDER N2 049825 ANALYTICAL FAX(508)759-4475 rrojecl Name: Firm: TURNAROUND ANALYSIS REQUEST Volatile$ semlvohlller Pe$bHerhRCo. Mauls Paeolevm dniodiie Her. General Cheral$Iry ether ❑ STANDARD(10 Business Days) 0.1 n 1 Ie o. wa$I. 'roject Number: Address: ❑ PRIORITY(5 Business Days) S ❑ RUSH(RAN- (Rush requires Rush Authorization Number) F3 0 ❑ 0 i 0 ❑ Sampler Name: City/State/Zip: Please FAX ❑ YES ❑ NO Q W € _ FAX Number: ry ry _ W 'roject Manager: Telephone: BILLING 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 o e ❑ y Purchase Order No.: GWA Reference No.: ❑ � W € I. I g D o NSTRUCTIONS:Use separate line for each container(except replicates). ; 0 b o 0 0 0 0 ❑ 00 0 0 ❑ _ ❑ 3 ° $ ampling Matrix Type Container(s) Preservation nueua13 � o LABORATORY W _ o Ii 8 P 4 ° ° ❑ SAMPLE .� H u NUMBER _ C a ° 7 o y 13 ° E IDENTIFICATION t a a s p w w g W a S E n o (Lab Use Only) - 8 3 ❑ ❑ c� ❑ F 5 - # $ cv . _ o. _ _ �i i = $ a L . ❑ 0 o 0 0 0 0 0 n a W O 0 a❑ ❑ ° ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ 0 ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑10101 O REMARKS/SPECIAL INSTRUCTIONS DATA QUALITY OBJECTIVES CHAIN-OF-CUSTODY RECORD Regulatory Program Project Specific OC NOTE:All samples submitted subject to Standard Terms and Conditions on reverse hereof. ❑Safe Drinking Water Act Many regulatory programs and EPA methods require project Relinquished by Sampler: Date Time Received by: Receipt Temperature: ❑MA DEP Form specific OC.Project specific OC includes Sample Duplicates, ❑NPDES/Clean Water Act Matrix Spikes,and/or Matrix Spike Duplicates.Laboratory OC is Specify State: I not project specific unless prearranged.Project specific OC - ❑RCRA/Haz.Waste Char. samples are charged on a per sample basis.For water samples, Relinquished by: Date Time Received by: Shipping/Airbill ❑MA MCP(310 CMR 40) each MS.MSD and Sample Duplicate requires an additional Number: Reportable Concentrations sample aliquot. Relinquished b Date Time Received b Laboratory: Custody SeaU ❑RCGW-1 ❑ACS-1 Project Specific OC Required Selection of OC Sample q y' y ry' ❑RCGW-2❑RCS-2 p Sample Duplicate ❑Selected by laboratory Cooler Serial Number: ❑MA Dredge Disposal 0 Matrix Spike ❑Please use sample: ONHORIOCTOME Method of Shipment: ❑GWA Courier❑Express Mail ❑Federal Express Specify Category: 0 Matrix Spike Duplicate 0 UPS 0 Hand 0 ENV Ra= IA CRAa'CF2ES, D C- 449 RCUM 130 SAMNICE, I� 02563 FEE: (508)88&-6460 FAX: (508)888-54-46 WATER AN2J YSIS REQUISITION: DATE: DATE REC. ID: SAM= NO. : TIME: NO. COPIES_ NAbE: RUSH-24rR. TURNAIcOLTTD (EY.chg.) t ?L PEKNE: FAX: WATT LOCATION: ' t 9_ILINI G ADDRESS: REC'D. S?1'' LLD EY E= TO/'L-T `n SPECS. . A1�PLYSIS P.E UcST: W?TEP SAI-fTLL TYPE: CuLIFOLM E.?CI'E:IA * F'_a_F_L,-D/V? __ : * Sri W t:._L ' CCNDUCT! :'C:NC`Z _ESTING WELL _SOD:L� * TOWN W2LTr—". _NIMkT_E—N * _FII,TE.F/CONDITICNER ' _IRCN * MISCELI MECUS MANGANESr. [_D=NESS _FOOL SPA. C:OL.^F.IVE _SuZFATE _FOTASSIUt� COLIFOPM EACTE IA AJJULIDTITY PSE i-DOVONAS ChZORIDE _STANDARD FILAsTE COL77, ' CUREIDITY _COLOR COPPER ANAIYSIS REQUEST=: LEAD ODOR _FECAL COLIFORM AMMONIA-N VOLATILE ORGANICS SJLFIDE M_=OD: ' MAGNEs r�Ti METALS CPZCIIIM METHOD: * ZYl DICATES PARAXE`TER.S, FOR A POTABLE TMATER TEST INSTRUCTIONS: BACTERLA Se11.fPLE - Obtain sterile sample bottle. Re*nCve strainer/airator from faucet.. Turn on cold water. Allow it to run (5) five minutes. Fill container. Do not touch the inside of the bottle or the cap w-!th anythinc. POTABLE WATER SAty(PT,R - Follow instructions above.(Bottle size - 500ml) ' LE.AD - Call lab for instructions. VOLATILE ORGANICS/METALS - Call lab for instructions. I�IVV.I I Z��'1'1►�G1 1 •1.10 Rln. I:I11 linnrlwlclt, I�I11 (1:�.lili:I (lion) 1►I►I{ (► l(i(t I I►(111 :►m 1►-IliO FROPI: BENNETT & o , m--:f.u,y , I NC . VAX (liMI) 111►1► 111G1 (508 896-6630 (:11AM (11: I:IINI(11)Y 11rr:r1111) — - - — r,ol IIn• plol•cl 1,.rt.. ��cttpllll Iji•p.alw.l ��, 1• r�l qi IINwpes I:ed l�.lel.cl U ryl,: H110. r,. 1,• n:r. �t ` 51•thrn Luc.11o rt I:nnlrrnrr• -------------- . -- -� - --- ---'- Il.ln I ln.. Ilrr•I.••I Ly: IS•rutw.) Il.l{r.pvl►L.J byl �5-�-�Iw•I I]•I• Iln.• Iltccl—1 1•y: IJ..••rr^.1 Il.lir. l•rirl.rJ I•y: IS...•.n••rl II•c.I.cJ by: /Sr r•.n�r/ - -- ll.rsl.r.l 1, 11,.,.n„•1 Ilrlr.•�,,rirL.,l l,y: tl.,. .n.•.l I{.11nqullbtd byl ILA-- It j r I)f 1. l l.n• v 1 Il•t• TL... Ilr:r•i..J Irn 1 .L•rr.tr.ry Ire; --- n.•...rl.. 11all"W10.•4 byl IJjr-a....! If.I...r.•.,► m M 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 TECHNICAL REFERENCE li ' Volatile Organic Analyses Minimum Recommended Required Holding Category Methods Qty.' Container(s)2 Preservation Time, Aqueous Samples Volatile Organics 601/8010 40 mL 3 x 40 mL Glass Cool to 4°C' 14 Days 602/8020 Vials witeilcn HC1 to pH <2` 624/8260 septum caasz Remove Chlorine 502-2 524.2 Acrolein and Acrylonitrile 603/8030 40 mL 3 x 40 mL Glass Cool to 4°C' 14 Days Vials witeildn Check pH;Adjust 4-5= m sectu caosiz Remove Chlorine? Solid Samples ' Volatile Organics 8010/8020 log 1 x 125 mL Glass Col to 4°C' 14 Days 8260 Vial w/teficn sedum cac'z CP 2 x-1C .TL Glass ' Vials w/teOcn sectum c2cs Acrelem and Acryicnanle 8030 10 g 1 x 125 mL Glass Ccol to-t°C' 14 Gays Vial-Nitei!cn ' saptum cac;' CP2x-OrnLGass Vials witeilcn ' sectum cscs Se-nivolatile Orcanic Analyses Minimum Recommended Required Holding ' Category Methods Cty. Containens)z Preservation Time, Aqueous Samples Semivotatile Organics 625i8270 IL 2 x 1 L Amcer Cool to 4°C' 7 Days' ' Gass Eonle Remove Chlorne, wrteiicn liner''. Semivolanle Organics 8270 2 L 3 x 1 L Amcer Cool to a°C' 7 Days' (Low-le-rel.bom Ac:d Modified Glass Ecule Remove Chlcrine" and EaserNeutral trac:icns) wrteilon liner" Semivolaule Organics 8270 1 L 2 x I Amcer Cool to 4°C' 7 Days' (Low-level.only one frac:ion Nlodified Giass Ecale Remove Ch(orine' Acid or 6aseiNeutral) w/teilon liner" Semivolatile Organics 5 25.2 1 L 2 x 1 L Amcer Cool to 4°C' 7 Days" (Drinking Water) Glass Scale HCl to pH<2` witeflon liner" Add Sodium Sulfitez` 2.3,7.8-TCOO(Dioxin) 1613 1 L 2 x 1 L Amber Coal to 4°C' 7 Days' (Drinking Water) Glass Scale w/teilon liner" Polynuc!ear 610/8100 1 L 2 xl L Amcer Cool to 4°C' 7 Days' Aromatic 8270 Glass 6cttle Remove Chlorine' Hydrocarbons witefien liner" Solid Samples Semivolatile 8270 30 g Giass Jar Cool to 4°C' 14 Days'I Organics w/teilon liner" Polynuclear 8100 30 g Glass Jar Coal to 4°C' 14 DaystO ' Aromatic 8270 w/teflon liner" Hydrocarbons GROUNDWATER ANALYTICAL 2 Pesticide and Herbicide Analyses Minimum Recommended Required Holding Category Methods Cty.' Container(s)z Preservation Timea Aqueous Samples Carhamate Pesticides 531.1 60ml- 2 x 125 Glass Bottle Cool to 4°C' 28 Days (Drinking Water) w/teflon liner'' Add Sodium Thicsulfate25 Adjust pH to 3 with Monochloroacetic Acid Surer Orcanochlorine 608/8080 1 L 2 x 1 LArncer Cool to 4'C' 7 Days' Pesticides&PCBs Glass Bottle Check pH;Adjus;5-96 witeflon liner' Remove Chlorine- Oreanachlenne Pesncices 508 1 L 2 x 1 L Amber Cool to 4°C= 7 Cays2' &PCBs Class bottle Add Sodium T hicsuffate`5 (Drnnkino Waters wrteflon liner- Poiychlonnatec Eiphenyls 508A 1 L 2 x ;L Amber Cool to=C' 1=Days a by Perc^lonnatlon G:a_s Ecale fDnnK!nc Water, w teflcr liter Crcancraiice=E ;Ic:ce =C5 C "L ass V:ais CCCI to- C' 7 Days_ Acc Secium T h!csuifaie Cnrwnc Water. Orcancpncsoncr,;s ;5 -.8'=0 _ _x 1 L Acce. Ccoi to-`C' -Days' resttc:ces Cass Ec^fE Check pH.Arius;6-85 ' 'wr,eflcn iiner Remove Chlorine- Chicrmatee 615 8;Su 1 L 2 x I L Amber Cool to 4°C' 7 Days' Herc!cices Class Ect,le Remove Chlorine' -'y � witefton liner- 1 Ch!cnnatec erb!c:ces c 15. ' L 2 x ;L.amcer Cool to a°CI _Days:2:Cr!r.kirc_ W2;_r Glass Eccle Acd Sodium 'wr,Eftan liner Th!Gsulfate2`- ' C:ivcrCSai2 _ - =0 mL 2 x-C mL Glass CCCI;a a°�'.' �-Days ,DrnKinC Water. Vial witeficr. .!ner Ado Saaium Th!csulfate-a Encctnall SaS.t 100 mL 2 x 125 mL Crass Coal to_C° 7 Days ICnnk!nc Water! Ecme w/teflcr.;finer'' HCI to pH <2' Ada Saaium Th!osuffate=5 DiaUcI Inc P= Sao.i 250 mL 1 1 L Amber Coal to "Cl 7 Days'- _racu�t - x , y !DnrK!nc Waters Glass Ecttle H.SO Ic pH<2' witeffcn liner' Add Saaium Thiosuffatez5 E-DE ano C6CP SO4.1 =C mL 3 z=C mL Glass Cool to a°C' 1=Days (Dr!nk!nc Water; Vials witeflcn Add Sodium 1 nicsuffate25 saoia rocs ED6 anc DECP 8011 40 mL 3 x d0 mL Class Cool to a°C' 1a Days Vials witeficn HCI to pH<24 seata cars :z." Remove Chlorine' Solid Samples Organochlonne 8080 30 c Class Jar Cool to 4°C' 1a Days" Pesticides&PC6s w/teflon liner' Orcanophasphorus 8140 30 g Class Jar Cool to 4°C' 14 Days" Pesticides wrteflon liner" Heroicides 8150 30 c Class Jar Cool to 4°CI 1a DaysiO w/teflon liner" EDE and DECP 8260 log 1 x 125 mL Class Cool to 4°C' 14 Days Vial w/teflon ' septa cap iz1 OR 2 x 40 mL Class Vials w/teflon septa caps 1 28 Hydrocarbon Analyses Minimum Recommended Required Holding Cagegory Methods Qty., Container(s)= Preservation Time, Aqueous Samples Hydrecarban 03228-78 1 L 2 x 1 L Amber Coal to 4°C' 7 Days, Fingerprint Giass Earle H,SO,to pH <2 (GC/FiD) wrteilen liner" - Total Petroleum 418.1 1 L 2 x 1LAmcer Coal to 4`' 28 Days Hydrocarbons Giass Earle H_SO,to pH <2 (TPH-IR) wrteiicn liner Oil and Grease 413.1 IL 2 x 1 L Amber Cool to 4°C' 26 Days 413.2 Glass Ecttle H,SO,to pH<2 wrteiicn liner Gasoline Rance 8015iAP1 40 rL 2 x=0 mL Glass Cool to 4°C' 1=Days Crcanlcs Vials w,teilcn HCl tc pH <2' =cra 3cs�z Cie=_e! =ante a".CO/AP! L - L.-rrcer Cccl to"C' 7 C- r H_SO ,b P.H. <2 ire MA-E= `/c.attie 80 i5:iytA CE r r -_ L _vY -L Grass Ccc! to- Cays Petroleum Hycra Vials•Nreilcn HC;or H_SO,:c pH<2-' c=rccns:VP") -- secta cats = ^ NIA CE= E tuac:acie 8 i 00rMA CE= J.c i L Amber Cccl ,a=-C' Days Pstrcieum Hycrccarccns (,E=H) 8270 IVICC Gass Ecrte H.SO,cr HCI wIr`!cw-:e`1e!=n.Hs 1GC.1V1S-,S. IN411 N1:e,!cr'irer' ' Solid Samples Hvcrcc2r=cn 03325 ,o 3C - GiaSS Jar Cccl to 4,C' -Days'0 F:ncerzrnr, k1cc.riec wlte�icn!irer'' GC.FCC! 1, ! ;aal =etrc,eur :i 8.' 3C ; �:�<:Jar Ccci ,c - C., Hvcrcc3rt:cns Vlcccnec w,,eilcn!ir.er 7Pr 7-IFl GI ano Grease s i J.i 30 g Glass Jar Coal to LOCI 1 Days., .t i 3 2 •N/tenon liner Mccliiee Gascune Rance 80 i E.-API i 0 : x i 25 rL GId53 Coci io 1"C'- i 1 Days Cfc3NC3 Vial wrteilcr, 1 secta c3c Diesel Rance 8100/API 30 c Giass Jar Cool to a`C' i=Days'l Orcanics wltekn liner' ' MA DE?Vclatiie Petroleum Sol 51MA DE? -::Cc 1 x 125 rL Class w/EOmL Coal to 4`C' la Days Hydrocarbons(VPH) Methanol and Glass Jar without Methanol. MA 0EP Extractable 8100/MA 0E? 3Cc Giass Jar Coat to 4'C' 1d Days Petroleum Hydrocarbons(E?H) w/teilen liner" Metals Analyses Minimum Recommended Required Holding Category Methods dty.' Container(s)= Preservation Time, ' Aqueous Samples Total Metals . 200s 100 mL Plastic Eottle HNO3 to pH<2 180 Days (except Mercury) 6010 Coal to 4°C' 7000s ' Filter First" 180 Days Dissolved Metals 200s 100 mL Plastic Bcctle(except Mercury) 6010 Coal HNO t to pH <2 o 4°C' 7000s Total Mercury 245.1 100 mL Plastic Bettie HNO3 to pH<2 28 Days 7470 Cool to 40C3 C aiNOWATER ANALYTICAL 2 ' Metals Analyses I Category Methods Minimum Recommended Required Holding Oty.' Container(s)l Preservation Times Dissolved Mercury 245.1 100 mL Plastic Bottle Piter First" 28 Days 7470 HNO,to pH<2 I Cool to d°C' SOWA Lead and 200.9 1 L 1 x 1 L Plastic Cool to 4°C' 180 Days Copper Rule 206.7 Bottle Chromium. 218.1.5 200 mL P!astic Bottle Cool ta-°C'I 24-curs Hexavalent Solid Samples Total Metals 6010 2 o Gias_Jar Cool to 4=C' t80 Days (exceot Mercury) 7000s wrte-!cn liner I Total Mercury 2e5.5 0.6 C Grass Jar Cool to 4`C- 2_8 - gays 7e71 w-ieflcr liner Hazardous Waste Characterization Analyses I Minimum recommended Cry.' Required Holding servation Catecory Methods C .' Contalnerls) Pre Tirre• Solid Samoies:1 TCL' Vciaille : = _ G a_� Cool to `C' .ays 9 Crc=mcs 32K y VIZ: N':e fcn : I :=crud cac- TCL=,Vle!ais. -!CC C GiaS_Jar Cool to--`C' 2_ mays'' Samlvciatlies. e%1C wze�;cn liner ;c-ays s ' esncCCes arc 7000s �--ercic:ces c"Gc0 c:5v -n icrraclilly ;C t C :CC,- "as;,c cr',:lass Cool :o -=C, Mons Mccitiec Jar C;,frC c;vgy CQ-,C _C. ='c i1C cr riass Jar CJCI tC 'C' - -: -- Ncr- r"e=c:;vrty C�JV•b1b Zr C �'astic Cr,- ias Jar`° Cool to `-' C'- NCre Pairt.--iter c 9-5 y cl- J- 0_0 i00 c �slc or Glass �r None Ncre Conventional Physical Properties Analyses Minimum Recommended Required Holding Catecory Methods Cty.' Container(s)' Preservation TiIme' Aqueous Samples Color 110.1.3 50 mL P!asac or Class Battle Cool to 4°C' 48-curs Conauct�nce t 20.1 100 rnL P!astic cr Class Bottle Cool to a'C' 28 Cays Hardness 130.1-2 100 mL Plastic or Glass Battle Adjust pH <2i1 180 Days Cool to 41C' Oeor 140.1 200 mt. Class Sortie Only Cool to a'C' 2d-curs pH 150.1 25 mL Plastic or Class Bottle None Analyze Immediately Solids.Total 160.1 100 mL Plastic or Class Sortie Cool to a'C' 7 Days Dissolved(TOS) I Solids,Total 160.2 100 mL Plastic or Class Bottle Cool to 4'C' f Days Susoended (TSS) Solids,Total(TS) 160.3 100 mL Plastic or Glass Bottle Cool to 4°C' 7 Days Solids,Total 1.60.4 100 mL Plastic or Glass Bottle Coal to 4°C' 7 Days I Volatile(TVS) Solids,Settleable 160.5 1 L . Plastic or Class Bottle Cool to 4°C' 48 Hours (SS) ' Turbidity 180.1 100 mL Plastic or Glass Bottle Cool to 4°C' 48 Hcurs r, 1 Conventional Inorg anic Analyses Minimum Recommended Required Category Methods oty.' Cantainer(s)' Preservation Holding Aqueous Samples Acidity 305.1 100 mL Plastic or Glass Bottle Cool to 4°C' .a 02vs Alkalinity 010.1.2 100 mL Plastic or Giass Bottle Cool to 4°C' '=Days Bromide 320.1 100 mL Plastic or Glass Bottle None 2= Days Chloride 325.1-3 50 mL Flastic or Glass Bottle None == Days Chlorine, 330.1-5 200 mL Flastic or Class Bottle None Aralyze Total Residual Immediately Cyanides 335.1-3 500 mL P!astic or Giass Bottle Remove Sulfide" 11 Days NaOH to pH>12 Cool to 1°C7 Fluoride 340.1-3 300 mt_ P!ascc Ecttle Cniv Ncne 2"c Days Iodide 315.1 100 mL Ptsdc or Giass EoGle Ccol to 1°C' 2--ours Nitrocen,Arnmcr,ia 35 0.1-3 -CO mt_ P!as;ic cr Giass Ecttte 1-4-S0.to pH <2 2_ ways ' V - CcGI iC 1°C �litrCCe 1. 5 i.1--, EC0 mL =!asac:r Giass SCttle H-S0,to pH <2 __ D2V5 ,ctal Kie!danl Cccl to 1°C' Nitrocen. t-3 1CG mL F!zsac or Giass ccttle H,SO, to pH<,7 ;c mays Nitrate plus Nitrite Ccol to 1°C! Nitrogen. 353.2-3 100 rr,L P!asac or Grass Ecttle Cool to 4°C' Nitrate(WaVe'Nater) -c -ours NitrCCen, Nitrate 353.2-3 iCC mL P!asdc Cr Giass Bottle Cool to 4°C' 25 ways (Chicnnated Crinkinc Wa;v Nitrocen.Nitrate 35? = i CO ^L F!asac cr Giass Eccle Cccl to 1`C' 1= Days (Ncn-r`fcnnatec Cnnkirc Water) H.SC to pH <_ Vitrccen. SC ML P.asac or Gass Ecnte Cccl 10 1°C' c Nitrite =curs Minimum Recommended Required Hciding Category Methods Clty.1 Container(S)2 Preservation Tire Aqueous Samples 1 Cnccpnospnate 3E5.1-3 9G mL Giass Some Cnly Filter 0.15 um ( ) 1"o .ours Cool to 1°C, Oxygen. Dissclvea 3E 0.1 3G0 mL Gass Ecale Cnly None Ar,aivze Im rediately Phosphorous.Total 365.1•y 50 mL Gass Cottle Cnly H_50, to pH<2 2? Days Cool to a°C' Silica 370.1 50 mL P!astic Bottle Only Cool to"IC, 2E Days ' Sultate 3 r 5.1.1 50 mL Flask or Class Bottle Cool to 4°CI 22 'rays Sulfide 376.1-2 500 mL Plastic or Giass Bottle NaOH to pH>9 7 Cays 2 mL Znc Acetate Cool to 4°C' Sufftte 377.1 50 mL Pfasdc or Class Bottle None Anaiyze Immediately Conventional Organic Analyses Minimum Recommended Required Holding Category Methods Qty.' Container(s)2 Preservation Timer Aqueous Samples Biochemical 405.1 IL Plastic or Giass Bottle Cool to 4°C3 48 Hours Oxygen Demand (5 Day E00) Chemical 410.1-4 50 mL Ffastic or Glass Bottle H Z �SO to pH<2 28 Days (C00) Oxygen Demand Cool to 40V GRf31JNDWATER n AI n I v-rir-d 1 .1 ' Conventional Organic Analyses Minimum Recommended Required Holding Category Methods Qty. Container(s)l Preservation Time' Aqueous Samples Organic Carbon, 415.1 25 mL Plastic or Glass Eottle H2SO4 to pH<2 28 Days Total(Ti OC) Cool to 40C' Phenolics 420.1-3 500 mL Gass Eottle Only H,SO�to pH<2 28 Oays Cool to 40C' Suriactants 425.1 250 mL Plastc or Glass Eottle Cool to 4'C= 48 Hours (MEAS) Microbiological Analyses Minimum Recommended Required Holding Category Methods Qty. Container(s)2 Preservation Time Aqueous Samples - Coliform, Various 100 mL Sterilized =crtte Cool to 4°C' o i-curs Total(Wastewater) Remove Chlorine' CClifcrm. Various 1GO mL 5terliize^_ Scree Cooi to 4°C' 5 i-:curs =coal (Wastewater) _ Remove C`Ichne' Cciitcrm, Various 1CC mL �tenlizec =crle Cool to 4°C' :0.-.ours ictai(Dnnkino Water) Reincve Chlorine' Co0orm, Various 100 mL Sieriiizec Sonic Cool to 4'C' --0 Hours ecal(Drinkinc Water) Remove Chlcrfne' _.Ccii Various 1C0 mL Steriiized :cttte Cool to 4°C' -10 Hours (Cnnkino Water) Remove Chlorine, Radiological Analyses Minimum Recommended Required 'Holding Category Methods Qt'.V.' Container(s)- Preservation Time'_. Gress alcha am _eta 900.0 1 _ P!as11C-r Gass Ecrle HCl or HNC, to pr-i<2 ;80 Days acium-7_5 go3.1 i ' ?'asic or Glass Eottle HC:or HNO, to cH <2 120 Days radium-�_9 901.0 1 L Plastic or Glass Sorle HC:or HNO, to pH<2 150 Days Strontium-90 905.0 1 L P!asnc or Glass Sortle HCl or HNO, to cH <2 120 Days tritium 906.0 1 L Gass Sorle None 180 Cays 32 -- 1 ... SAMPLING NOTES 1. The minimum quantity specified is the minimum amount of samcle material the vial.The cao should then be gently placed on the vial,taking care not tc necessary to perform the analysis.This quantity allows tar no margin of disturo the crown of liquid, and firmly rotated tight.The vrai should then N error. examined to verity the absence of all air buddies. For some analyses,Groundwater Analytical recommends spec:fic types and Solid samples for Volatile Organic Analyses(VOA)must also be cdlectec ' numbers of containers(e.g..an Aqueous Volatile Organic sample recuires_3 with a minimum of headspace or airpockets.Sample vials smoufd be padtec x 40 mL Class Vials wrtetion septum caps).In such cases,the reccmmencea fully and tightly sealed.Vial threads should be wined c!ean prior to caopinc container(s)allow for an adequate margin of error. for best seal.When packing vials,however,avoid excessive manipulation of the sample material which may result in a loss of volatile organics..A wide For other analyses,Groundwater Analytical only recommends a general yce mouth 125 mL G;ass Vial witeflon septum cap is the preferred sample con- at container(e.g..a Solid Semivolatile Organic samcle recuires a G;ass ar tainer. witeflon liner).In such cases,it is strongly recommence^_that twice the:mlrr mum quantity of sample material be collected in the reccmmencea type ci 13. Solid samples for Volatile Organic Analyses may be ccilec:ed into mL Giass container. Vials that have been ac:difiea with Sodium 6isuitate(NaHSO J,Hygrochforic Acid(HC:)or Sulfuric Acid(H.SOJ.The presence of acid in the container•iii For solid samples. in addition to the minimum quantities redulre^_for inc;_ have no detrimental affect cr the samcle. v!cual analyses, each sample also recuires 20 g of samcle material to a percent sdlics(or percent moisture)ceterm!naticn.E.xamcle:A scii<_arp:e Maximum holding time is 24 hours when Sulfide is present.Samples may be cc:lec:ec forTPH-IF(2-0 g),8 FCFA.Metals(2.5 o;arc PCcs(30 g)rectarez tested with leac acetate,eoer beicre the pH acius:ment in order to deter. a minimum of 62.5 a et material!cr:he cesrea analvses.arc 0 c Ci mater'2! mine f Suilice is present.If Sulfide is cresent.it can ce remcvec by the aeci- ter percent solids(or percent mci_<ture),fcr a total re^_u!rec.r mnirrum Cr_?'_ :ien z:f Cacmium Nitrate powcer until a negative sect:as,,:s cetained.The ' ^y Ct material.It;s:hen recpmmeriCec teat'his minimum:v CCUCec.arc at sameie a :ien fii(erec.and NaCH is adcea to adiust:re:H>12. teas 165.2 g of sample material be ccilec:ea in a Giass 'Zr,wteilcn:ir.er - ?. ACIUS,:C:H<_W1in N;trc Ac:d(HNC;)or Sullurc.Ac:c(H,SO .Ac ciffcaticn F_r solid samcles. all minimum cuarinties are calcaiatec net ci ail .'are!c:' retares_'icicc:c2.i ac::on,reduces aosorpticn eitects arc prevents the forma. - ccieC:s.sup as sticks.leaves and roc:<s. Ilcri of prec:m(a(es and/or complexes. Cnfv sample containers pre-c:eanea according to US EPA pr6mccls are rec 16. Samples snbuld be collected with a minimum of aersnen. a sample defile ammenaea.Acprconate ore,:!eaned and ore-presar.ec centairers are avail- sneuio be filled ccmotete!y,excfucing all headscace.anc Gcced. aeie from Groundwater analytical.P•e-cleaned samcle=nra!ners sncuic net ' be orennsaa with sameie,nor to sameie codec::cn. P•ennsrd may cause !7. E.arac:acfe oreanic samples are susceptible to Pf iralate ester cbntamina- e!evated resuits. (ion. Fhtnalate ester contamination is generally c_usac ov samcle cnntac. with a plastic malenal.pariculany flexible plastics.Use rare fo avoid sample Samcles snculd be mmeciate!v ccclec,stereo anc sn!ccec zincerateg._`_ contac: mtri any plastic.other than Teiien. (�1'F'•,s:he reccmmercea:emcerature.F.errieeraticn retares c:ctcc:col cec- acaacn.recuces:lie volatility or ccmccuncs.retares:lie-ivcrcivs;s cr ricn- :8. Scec:tie^_cuantiues of samcle material are fcr only smote cnase solid samcles aqueous ccmccunes. reauczs acsorctian erfec:s arc prevents c:nurwr.c (i.e,no free licu!cs).Ucwd phase a mwuote pnasz sa-cies recwre different c-emic=i reac::ons. quantities or sample material.Contac;!aberawry for acvice pier to coflecana licuic,vase or multiple phase samples tar TCLP anaivses. 1 4ciust to off<2 min Hvarccnionc Acid(HC:).Ac:citiGticn retares c!dlcgicai ac::on.recuces aosordnon elects aria prevents the!crmanon of crec::;!tates i 9. Samcles:or TCLP Volatile Organics analysis must de leacnea within 14 days ahriar complexes.Sulfuric Acid(H,SO J or Sodium cisuitate(NaHSC,)may of cbuec::on.The leacnaie must inen be anaivzea witrin 14 aays of leacrina. be substituted for HCt in EPA,methods 80 i 0.8011,8020 and 82E 0. Samcles!or TCLP Metals analysis must be leas^ea wamn 28 days of coilec- :. Adiust to a pH range of 1 0 to 5.0 wi(h Hyorocnlonc ACC(HC:1,Swtunc A= lion.if Merc,ry is being anaryzed.The leac^ate must mien be analyzed within (H,.SC,)or Sodium Hydroxide(NaCH). 2°gays of leaching.If Mercury is not being anatvzea.:nen samples for TCLP Metals must be Ieac.ieci within 180 days of ccilec-cn,ane Me leachate ana- 5. If samole will not be rece!vea by laboratory within 24 hours ct cbdec::cn,:re! !yzea within !SO days of leaching. adiust to soec;fiea pH range with Sulfuric Ac:d(H,SO,)or Scdlum Hvcrcx!ce (NaCH).The pH adiustment may be omitted it it is percrmec upon re'cs!c(at Samples for TCLP Semlvola5le Organics.TCL°Pes aces,and TCL°Her- the laboratory within 24 hours,anc may be omitted it Me sameie is axirac:ec bicides analyses must be leacned within 14 days or czffecacn.The leachate within 48 hours of toilet:icn. must then be extracted within 7 days of leacning.The extract must then be ' analyzed within 40 days of extraction. 7. It free chlorine is present in the samcle.then Sodium Thiosultate(Na.S,C,) should be added. Free chlorine can react,with organic compounds tc`arm 20. Samples must be analyzed within 7 days of collection.However,if HectaClor cnicrinatibn by-products. Free chlorine is likely to be found in cnlodnatea is not being determined.sample holding time to analysis may be extended to mun(cmal drinking waters and treated wastewaters.Sodium 7hiosuffate,a 14 days. reducing agent,is added to remove the free chlorine.For most levels of free ch ;fonne,add 4 drops of 10' Sodium Thiosultate to samcles in 10 mL vials. 21. Samples must be extracted within 7 days of caliecdon.E,nracs must then be and add 5 mL of 10%Sodium Thiesultate to samples in 1 L Eardes. analyzed with 14 days of extraction. 8. The listed Holding Time is the maximum of time a sample may be he!d be- 22. Samples must be extracted within 14 days of collection.Extracts must then tween collection and initiation of analysis or extracdon, be analyzed with 30 days of extraction. 9. Samples must be extt2ced within 7 days of collection.Extracts must then be 23. Samples must be extracted within 14 days of collection.Extracts must then analyzed within 40 days of extraction. be analyzed with 28 days of extraction. ' 10. Samples must be extracted within 14 days of collection.Extracts must then 24. Add 40-50 mg of Sodium Sulfite to each liter of sample to reduce free chlo- be analyzed within 40 days of extraction. rive that may be present.Free chlorine can react with organic compounds to form chlorination by-products. Free chlorine is likely to be found in chicri- 11. Samples for dissolved metals must be filtered prior to preservation with Nitric nated munidpai drinking waters and treated wastewaters.Alternatively,use Acid (hINO).Filtration must be done with a 0.45 micron membrane filter. 40-50 mg of Sodium Arsenite.Do not use Sodium Thiosultate,as it may Pro- Feld filtration and preservation is preferred. duce a residue of elemental sulturwhich may interfere with the determination of some analytes. However,if field filtration is not possible,samples should be coaled to 4°C and shipped to the laboratory for filtration and preservation.Titration must be 25. Samples must be extracted within 7 days at collection.Extracts must then be done as soon as practical after collection.Groundwater Analytical recom- analyzed with 30 days of extraction. mends mat filtration be done within 24 hours of collection.It samples are not going to be field filtered,do not preserve samples with Nitric Add(HNO). 26. Add Sodium Thiosultate to reduce free chlorine that may be present.Free chlorine can react with organic compounds to forth chlorination by-products. 12. Aqueous samples for Volatile Organic Analyses(VOA)must be collected•With- Free chlorine is likely to be found in chlorinated munidoai drinking waters. out arty headsoace or air bubbles.Volatile organics dissolved in water:end to Use approximately 80 mg of Sodium Thiosulhate per liter of sample. volatilize readily and will rill any air bubble available in the vial.Paricuiany with low level samples,this results in a loss of material upon opening the vial 27. Samples must be extracted within 7 days of callecdon.Extracts must then be VOA vials must be filled slowly until the liquid farts a meniscus an the rim of analyzed with 21 days of extraction. GROLINDWAT'ER ANALYTICAL 33 i . i 1 1 1 1 1 1 cc�vcr��_ T- c= HAss�c .;-7 c: FOR MGN:":OF=NG -�-- t Or CON'=-NTS Section 1.2 Pace i ' Janua=r 1991 SEC--T-ON 1.2 T.=.LE OF CONTENTS 1.0 Intzcducticn 1. 1 Fcrewcr--; 1.2 Table cf Cc me nts ' 1.3 Def_.._t_cns 0 _ _=st Ste=s 2 . 1 Recc..na_s_sance Su=Je.ta wcrk a n.. Ccst ?' ans ?aaer'Jer) 2 .3 Heal.:,-. and Sa'et:t ?:ans 3 .0 Su:su_:ace .,vest;ca__cns •� 1 =3t r'J Toot ?-;Zs Dr-1 'c "ems` _c--es cznz ^._natec Areas 3 .4 .n-S;t_ Sa=-!-;=c cf Sc:_ 3 .5 Sc_l 3 .6 I:.-Sitz Sa .'__.g cf, RCCR 3 .7 Rcck C 1333:_`1,C3t_C^ 3 .8 Lab'cratcry 'rests fcr Sc_'_ 1 .9 P1Lcc:nc 9cre :cles 4 .0 ?_ec.,meters, Obser"at_c: we__s .and Wells 4 . 1 Mcn_.._r_nc rye:'_ Netacrk Des_gr 4 .2 Selection cf well Ctrs z=-uc t'_cn uater'_als 4 .3 Well 2:stallaticn Prccedures 4 .4 as-built Nctes. and Reccrds 4 .5 Well Develccment 4 .6 0ecc=issicrine cf Mcritcrinc Wells 5 .0 Inte_Yretaticn cf Grcund Wate= and ?,Cu__`er characteristics 5 . 1 Water Level Measurements 5.2 In-Situ Hydraulic Conductivity Tests 5 .3 Purring Tests 5 .4 Packer Tests 5.5 Surveying and Datum Planes 6.0 Sampling of Monitoring wells 6 .1 Quality Assurance/Quality Control 6.2 Sampling Techniques 6 .3 Sample EandLng 6 .4 Crain of Custcdy 6 .5 Deccataminat_cn of Sampling Equipment f Pace Sec=:c- 1 ,2 Table cf Ccnte7t3 (ccmti uec) 7.0 Ccmr:vter Mccels (Reserrec) 8.0 Gecprys'_cal :'ec ;^=es (Reae_:red) II ' i 1 . � i 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 a�. Barnstable Town of Barnstable Board of Health � MAss.BM g 200 Main Street, Hyannis MA 02601 039. .m 2007 fD MAC A Office: 508-862-4644 Wayne Miller,M.D. FAX: 508-790-6304 Paul Canniff,D.M.D. Junichi Sawayanagi i 3 JI anuary 28, 2011 William and Rita Amaral 37 Discovery Hill Road East Sandwich, MA 02537 r„+ n Dear Mr. and Mrs. Amaral: The Board of Health scheduled and held a public meeting at 3:0' p.m. on Tuesday January 11, 2011 concerning the property owned b you located p Y at 30 Thornton Y Y Drive relative to connection to public sewer. Back on June 21 2006, after the Board received notification from the Department of Public Works you were ordered b. Y your Health Agent, Thomas McKean, to connect the buildinglocated at 30 Th ornton Drive Hyannis, yannis, Massachusetts,.to public'sewer. You were provided a deadline of July 23, 2006: However to date, the.building on this property has not been connected to public sewer. During the public meeting of the Board of Health, the Board voted unanimously to order you as follows: You are ordered to connect the building at this property to public sewer within six (6) months, on or before July 1.1, 2011. Failure to comply with this order may result in a court complaint against you for failure to comply with a Board of Health.Order. PE ORDER HE .BOARD OF HEALTH Wayne M41er, M.D., Chairman Return receipt requested Q:\AmaralSewerConnectionOrder2OI l.doc t; su i 6U_1� �. Town of Barnstable Z oF'THE T Regulatory Services �'b Thomas F. Geiler,Director Public Health Division * snxtvsrns Thomas McKean,Director 9�A i639. ��� 200 Main Street, Hyannis, MA 02601 Phone: 508-862-4644 Email: health(a,town.barnstable.ma.us Fax: 508-790-6304 Office Hours: M-F 8:00—4:30 December 13,2010 William and Rita Amaral RE: Sewer Connection Notice . 37 Discovery Hill Road 30 Thornton Drive,Hyannis East Sandwich;MA 02537 Map Parcel 296-008.00A Dear William and Rita Amaral: On December 6,2010,William Amaral visited the Barnstable Public Health Division(BPHD)office as part of the business certificate renewal process. During this process a file review revealed an outstanding "Notice"requiring that the property noted above be connected to the public sewer on or before July 23, 2006.There is no documentation demonstrating that compliance with the Notice was achieved.You are hereby required to attend a Board of Health Hearing on January 11,2011,. at 3:00 p.m., in;the Hearing Room on the second floor of.Town Hall,367 Main Street,Hyannis,Massachusetts. If you should have any questions,please telephone me at 508-8624644. Thomas A.McKean,RS,CHO Director of Public Health Return Receipt requested i s�r Town of Barnstable Barnstable WcaC Board of Health ; j 'ARNSS MAS.. 200 Main Street, Hyannis MA 02601 a 1639' ��`� Y 2007 �fD MA'S A Office: 508-862-4644 Wayne Miller,M.D. FAX: 508-790-6304 Paul Canniff,D.M.D. Junichi Sawayanagi CERTIFIED MAIL# 7008 3230 0002 5177 8681 January 28, 2011 William and Rita Amaral 37 Discovery Hill Road East Sandwich, MA 02537 RE 30 Tho rntow Drive/ Map & Parcel 296-008.60A Dear Mr. and Mrs. Amaral The Board of Health scheduled and held a public meeting at 3:00 p.m. on Tuesday January 11, 2011 concerning the property owned by you located at 30 Thornton Drive relative to connection to public sewer. - Back on June 21 2006, after the Board received notification from the Department of Public Works, you were ordered by our Health Agent, Thomas McKean, to connect the building located at 30 Thornton Drive, Hyannis, Massachusetts, to public sewer. You were provided a deadline of July 23, 2006. However to date, the building on this property has not been connected to public sewer. During the public meeting of the Board of Health, the Board voted unanimously to order you as follows: You are ordered to connect the building at this property to public sewer within six (6) months, on or before July 11, 2011. Failure to comply with this order may result in a court complaint against you for failure to comply with a.Board of Health Order. PER ORDER OF THE BOARD OF HEALTH Wayne Miller, M.D., Chairman Return receipt requested Q:\SEWER connect 2011\30 Thornton\AmaralSewerConnectionOrder2011.doc UNITED STATES POSTAL SERVICE First-Class Mail � Postage&Fees Paid USPS Permit No.G-10 I • Sender: Please print your name, address, and ZIP+4 in this box • I ETown of Barnstable ��4 Health Division I ���.,a 200 Maui Street I Hyannis, MA 02601 i I I �1i7fffftf 7}li)SIllff ifffllilSSllif fSll:I}f1f1f11ffffll}}f flf lfl SENDER: COMPLETE.THIS SECTION i COMPLETE THIS SECTION ON DELIVERY ■ Complete items 1,2,and 3.Also complete A. Signature item 4 if Restricted Delivery is desired. �� ❑Agent j ■ Print your name and address on the reverse X ❑Addressee so that we can return the card to you. B. i e b (Prin Name)) C.pat f IDivery ■ Attach this card to the back of the mailpiece, or on the front if space permits. ,/ D. Is delivery address different from item 1? ❑AS 1. Article Addressed to: If YES,enter delivery address below: ❑No I I I 3. Sprvice Type +eertifled Mail ❑Express Mail 0 2- ❑Registered ❑Return Receipt for Merchandise ❑Insured Mail ❑C.O.D. I 4. Restricted Delivery?(Extra Fee) ❑Yes .. I 12. Article Number 11 7 p 0 O d'81`O `0 0 0 0 13 S 2 5 '5 5 21 � (Transfer from service label) PS'Form 3811,February 2004 I i , Domestic Return Receipt 102595-02-M-1540 ruLn W� t.rl _ m Ln ru Ln - O. FF I C I AL m Postage $ S Certified Fee O 0 Return ReCelpt Fee / A Postmark OO Here 0) C3 (Endorsement Required) ~AN O M Restricted Delivery Fee r q (Endorsement Required) co r3 Total Postage&Pees .n pS O Sent o ra :.... ,. :� .�_s: u �:_2_� ,tea .:..: r% Street pt.No., �\ or PO BoxNo. v�.�. (4 3 City Stefe,ZIP+4 Sa.�c�wrc h d`r f� 6253 Certified Mail Provides: �eane �o�sd a Amailing receipt r ` ' A unique identifier for your mailpiece Q A record of delivery kept by the Postal Service for two years Important Reminders: a Certified Mail may ONLY be combined with First-Class Mail®or Priority Mail®. • Certified Mail is not available for any class of intemational mail. d NO INSURANCE COVERAGE IS PROVIDED with. Certified Mail. For valuables,please consider Insured or Registered Maui. Is For an additional fee,a Return Receipt may be requested to provide proof of delivery.To obtain Return Receipt service,please complete and attach a Return Receipt(PS Form 3811)to the article and add applicable postage to cover the fee.Endorse mailpiece"Return Receipt Requested".To receive a fee waiver for a duplicate return receipt,a LISPS®postmark on your Certified Mail receipt is required. o For an additional fee, delivery may be restricted to the addressee or addressee's authorized agent.Advise the clerk or mark the mailpiece with the endorsement"Restricted-Delivery". * If a postmark on the Certified Mail receipt is desired,please present the arti- cle at the post office for postmarking. if a postmark on the Certified Mail receipt is not.needed,detach and affix label with postage and mail. IMPORTANT:Save this receipt and present it when making an inquiry. Internet access to delivery information is not available on mail addressed to APOs and FPOs. � M � A. � ��, �.,� R-,--_� - - ���- - 6 -16 � 'i --- � � Q , o � av �3 _ - - � ��� Qzs �� Page-3 d 3 :-VSafast<#nsut-xryb Constant Contact' This email was sent to karen.malkus@town.barnstable.ma.us by info@ggreendesign.com Update Profile/Email Address I Instant removal with SafeUnsubscribeT" Privacy Policy. V Green Design Center 128 Bates Road I Mashpee I MA 102649 I 4/13/2011 r Town of Barnstable Barnstable �pP SHE Tpw H�P� �O A�-AfllplCBClfy Regulatory Services Department 1 y r BARNSrABU� '"ASS. 'Public Health Division Alfb MAY 200 Main Street, Hyannis MA 02601 2007 Office: 508-862-4644 Thomas F.Geiler,Director FAX: 508-790-6304 Thomas A.McKean,CHO 4/11/2011 William& Rita Amaral 37 Discovery Hill Rd. Sandwich, MA 02537 IMPORTANT NOTICE Re: 30 Thronton Dr., Hyannis, MA. 02601 Map & Parcel: 296-008-OOA Dear Mr. and Mrs. Amaral: According to our records, your property at 30 Thronton Dr., Hyannis, MA has a septic system and is not connected to the public sewer system. Public sewer lines have been available in your neighborhood'since 2002. The property owner was previously notified of the obligation to hookup and establish a sewer account with the town. This letter directs you to connect your building located at 30 Thronton Dr., lHyannis,�MA, to public sewer on or before July 11, 2011. Sewer connection permits are available from DPW-Water Pollution Control Division, 617 Bearse's Way, Hyannis MA 02601 (508) 790-6335. You may request a hearing before the Board of Health. If you would like a hearing, please send a written petition requesting a hearing on this matter within sevenl(7) days of receipt of this letter. If you.should have any questions, please call 50&862-4644. PER ORDER OF THE BOARD OF EALTH , an, R.S., C.H.O. ; Agent of the Board of Health UNITED STATES POSTAL SERVICE first-Class Mail '% Postage-&Fees Paid USPS Permit No.G-10 • Sender: Please print your name, address, and ZIP+4 in this box • Town of Barnstable U�el Health Division 200 Main Street Hyannis,MA 02601 I I I SENDER: OMPLETE THIS SECTidN ■ Complete items 1,2,and 3.Also complete A. S item 4 if Restricted Delivery is desired. ❑Agent ■ Print your name and address on the reverse ❑Addressee so that we can return the card to you. B. Recei d by(Printed Name) C. Date of Delivery ■ Attach this card to the back of the mailpiece, or on the front if space permits. D. Is delivery address different from item 1? ❑Yes 1. Article Addressed to: If YES,enter delivery address below: ❑No M I c.Ke-L-ir-8l 3, em,� d I -4 C�� vr�fi�w. EA : I I I 3. Service Type V�Certifted Mail ❑Express Mail ' ❑Registered ❑Return Receipt for Merchandise 0 ❑Insured Mail ❑C.O.D. I 4. Restricted Delivery?(Extra Fee) ❑Yes 2. Article Number M'7 6 O U o 8 0' 0 E 3 5 2 5 5}514 '�°" (Transfer from service labeo PS Form 3811.February 2004 ' Domestic Retum Receipt 102595-02-M-1540, Ln r Ln OEM LrI fU F I :. M tYl Postage $ C3 Certified Fee 1, 0 P000sss��tmmm O O Return Receipt Fee. (Endorsement Required) 0 Restricted Delivery Fee r-:1 (Endorsement Required) GS CO ps M Total Postage&Fees p Sent To c h�r� [ti Street,Apt.No.: - orPOBoxNo. v( Pt`lGt�l C_ity,Stste,ZIP+4 •---•------------------------� LL_(n(1� V���., © I :�i it77 Certified Mail Provides: (asanaf/)z0oz sunr'ooss��loA sd o A mailing receipt r a A unique identifier for your mailpiece d A record of delivery kept by the Postal Service for two years Important Reminders: o Certified Mail may ONLY be combined with First-Class Mail®or Priority Mail®. 'n Certified Mail is not available for any class of international mail. • NO INSURANCE COVERAGE IS PROVIDED with Certified Mail. For valuables,please consider Insured or Registered Mail. o For an additional fee,a Return Receipt may be requested to provide proof of delivery.To obtain Return Receipt service,please complete and attach a Return Receipt(PS Form'3811)to the article and add applicable postage to cover the fee.Endorse mailpiece"Return Receipt Requested".To receive a fee waiver for a duplicate return receipt,a USPS®postmark on your Certified Mail receipt is required. o For an additional fee, delivery may be restricted to the addressee or addressee's authorized agent.Advise the clerk or mark the mailpiece with the endorsement"Restricted Delivery". a If a postmark on the Certified Mail receipt is desired,please present the arti- cis at the post office for postmarking. If a postmark on the Certified Mail receipt Is not needed,detach and affix label with postage and mail. IMPORTANT:Save this receipt and present it when making an inquiry. Internet access to delivery information is not available on mail addressed to APOs and FPOs. -E ' Town of Barnstable Barnstable pSH� TQL- 67AD-ft yVi �r ' � Regulatory Services Department 1 4. BARNSMASS.LE, MASS. Public Health Division t6gq ArFD MPt a 200 Main Street, Hyannis MA 02601 2007 Office: 508-862-4644 Thomas F.Geiler,Director FAX: 508-790-6304 Thomas A.McKean,"CHO 4/11/2011 Richard J Fleming 7 Corporation Rd. Hyannis, MA 02601 IMPORTANT NOTICE Re: 30 Thronton Dr., Hyannis, MA. 02601 Map & Parcel.: 296-008-OOB,,296-008-OOC Dear Mr. Fleming: According to our records, your property at 30 Thronton.Dr., Hyannis, MA has a septic system and is not connected to the public sewer system. Public sewer lines have been available in your neighborhood since 2002, The property owner was previously notified of the obligation to hook.up and establish a sewer account with the town. This letter directs you to connect your building-located at 30 Thronton Dr., Hyannis,MA, to public sewer on or before July 11, 2011. Sewer connection permits are avail able.from DPW-Water Pollution Control Division; 617 Bearse's Way, Hyannis MA+02601 (508) 790-6335. You may request a hearing before the Board of Health. If you would like a hearing please send a written petition requesting a hearing on this matter within seven (7) days of receipt of this letter. If you should have any questions, please call 508-862-4644. PER ORDER OF THE BOARD OF HEALTH Thomas A. McKean, R.S., C.H.O. Agent of the Board of Health l _ Town of Barnstable Barnstable �pF 7HE Tp� . NAP w ti� AD-ftuicaM !, Regulatory Services RAWNS-rABLe, Department MASS. 7 J Public Health Division �ArEf A`� � 2.00 Main Street, Hyannis MA 02601 '1007 Office: 508-862-4644 Thomas F.Geiler,Director . FAX: 508-790-6304 Thomas A.McKean,CHO 4/11/2011 Richard J.Fleming 7 Corporation Rd. Hyannis, MA 02601 IMPORTANT NOTICE Re: 30 Thronton Dr., Hyannis, MA. 02601 Map &.Parcel : 296-008-OOB,'296-008-OOC Dear Mr. Fleming: According to our records, your property at 30 Thronton Dr., Hyannis, MA has a septic system and is not connected to the public.sewer system. Public sewer lines have been available in your neighborhood since 2002. The property owner was previously notified of the obligation to hook up and establish a"sewer account with the town. This letter directs you to connect your building located at 30 Thronton Dr., Hyannis,MA, to public sewer on or before July 11, 20.11. Sewer connection permits are available from DPW-Water Pollution Control Division, 617 Bearse's Way, Hyannis MA 02601 (508) 790-6335. You may request a hearing before the Board of Health: If you would like a hearing please send a written petition requesting a hearing on this matter within seven (7) days of- receipt of this letter. If you should have any questions, please call,508-862-4644. , PER ORDER:OF T BOARD OF HEALTH Thomas A. McKean, R.S., C.H.O. Agent of the Board of Health r UNITED STATES POST Sender: Please print your name, address,-and ZIP+4 in}this box'•' �Leo, Town ofBarnstableHealth Division :.. 200 Main Street rjj Hyannis,MA 02601 I COMPLETE ■ Complete Items 1,2,and 3.Also complete A. Signature item 4 if RestrictFd Delivery is desired. gAgent ■ Print yddr name and address on the reverse X l ❑Addressee so that we can return the card to you. . Received by(Printed Name C. D to eliv ■ Attach this card to the back of the mailpiece, or on the front if space permits. D. Is delivery address diflerent from item 1? ❑Yes 1. Article Addressedto: If YES,enter delivery address below: ❑No 3. Service Type s u e d0ertified Mail ❑Express Mail ❑Registered ❑Return Receipt for Merchandise i 2 ❑Insured Mail ❑C.O.D. 4.,Restricted Delivery?(Extra Fee) ❑Yes 2. Article Number i ; (Transfer from service labeq 7��`6 081�, :pOb 0 251"'55�7 ` Ps Form 3811,February 2004 :: Domestic Return Receipt' ' 102595-02-M-1540 •. � II � � � UJIiJ�I-fiul.� , Ln 0 Ln ru Ln . M Postage $ #:kl C3Certified FeeS ��Return Recefpt.Fee � P Here(EndorsementRequired)LEE + �� Restricted DeliveryFee ` 2011, rl (Endorsement Required) k \ 43 C3 Total Postage&Fees �/SPS p Sent To t N Street Apt.No.; t ' pr PO Box No. _:, City,Slate ZIPf4 I l�. _2- :111 �� .- Certified Mail Provides: a A mailing receipt (esieneu)Zooz eunr`ooss uuoj Sd a A unique identifier for your mailpiece ".n -- a A record of delivery kept by the Postal Service for two years fm►iortant Reminders: 0 Certified Mail may ONLY be combined with First-Class Mails or Priority Mail® a Certified Mail is not available for any class of international mail. is NO INSURANCE COVERAGE IS PROVIDED with Certified W. For valuables,please consider Insured or Registered Mail. ct For an additional fee,a Return Receipt may be requested to provide proof of delivery.To obtain Return Receipt service,please complete and attach a Return Receipt(PS Form 3811)to the article and add applicable postage to cover the fee.Endorse mailpiece Return Receipt Requested".To receive a fee waiver for a duplicate return receipt,a LISPS®postmark on your Certified Mail receipt is required.. tt For an additional fee, delivery may be restricted to the addressee or addressee's authorized agent.Advise the clerk or mark the mailpiece with the endorsement"Restrfcted]Delivery". A If a postmark on the Certified Mail receipt is desired,please present the arti- cle at the post office for postmarking. If a postmark on the Certified Mail receipt is not needed,detach and affix label with postage and mail. IB+IPORTANT:Save this receipt and present it.when making an inquiry: . Internet access to delivery information is not available on mail addressed to AM and Ms. �xr w Town of Barnstable Barnstable �F� Al-ftMca City Regulatory Services Department t­RARNSTARLE, " „ASs. Public Health Division Tfb MA�a`� 200 Main Street, Hyannis MA 02601 2007 Office: 508-862-4644 Thomas F.Geiler,Director FAX: 508-790-6304 Thomas A.McKean,CHO 4/11/2011 Michael S. Michnay 1367 Highway 15 Clarksville, VA 23927 IMPORTANT NOTICE Re: 30 Thronton Dr., Hyannis, MA. 02601 Map & Parcel: 296-008-OOE, 296-008-OOF Dear Mr. Michnay: According to our records, your property at 30 Thronton Dr., Hyannis, MA has a septic system and is not connected to the public sewer system. Public sewer lines have been available in your neighborhood since 2002. The property.owner was previously notified of the obligation to hook up and establish a sewer account with the town. This letter directs you to connect your building located at 30 Thronton Dr., Hyannis, MA; to public sewer on or before July 11, 2011. Sewer connection permits are available from DPW-Water.Pollution Control Division, 617 Bearse's Way, Hyannis MA 02601 (508) 790-6335. You may request a hearing before the Board of Health. If you would like a hearing please send a written petition requesting a hearing on this matter within seven (7) days of receipt of this letter. If you should have any questions, please call'508-862-4644. PER ORDER OF THE BOARD OF HEALTH Thomas A. McKean, R.S., C.H.O. Agent of the Board of Health 6A _ Town of Barnstable BaYnstat�ie Op TTHE T� U- fOCQYCB Ct1y Regulatory Services Department p i RARNSTAULE, + 9� ""ss" Public Health Division ArFb MA'S a`� 200 Main Street, Hyannis MA 02601 2007 Office: 508-862-4644 Thomas F.Geiler,Director FAX: 508-790-6304 Thomas A.McKean,CHO 4/11/2011 Bert Mosher P.O. Box 1131 S. Dennis, MA 02660 IMPORTANT NOTICE Re: 30 Thronton Dr., Hyannis, MA. 02601 Map & Parcel:-296-008-00D Dear Mr. Mosher: According to our records., your property at 30 Thronton Dr., Hyannis, MA has a septic system and is not connected to the public sewer system. Public sewer lines have been available in your neighborhood since.2002. The property owner was previously notified of the obligation to hook up and establish a sewer account with the town. This letter directs you to connect your building located at 30 Thronton Dr., Hyannis, MA, to public sewer on or before July 11, 2011. Sewer connection permits are available from DPW-Water Pollution.Control Division, 617 Bearse's Way, Hyannis MA 02601 (508) 790-6335. You may request a hearing before the Board of Health. If you would like a hearing please send a written petition requesting a hearing on this matter within seven (7) days of receipt of this letter. If you should have any questions, please call 508-862-4644. PER ORDER OF TH ARD OF HEALTH A. c ea , R.S., C.H. Agent of the Board of Health .0` 'Owti Town of Barnstable Public Health Division aAR"nA6LE. � 200 Main S � - MASS. P treet r� �t �ptED MP�P`00 Hyannis,MA 02601 J / ' 7006 0810 0p00 3525 3909 NIXIC .029 0C 1 00 01./�iy11 RETURN TO SENDER UNCLAIMED UNADLE TO i=oRwARD FA s 3G3 c 4 °.2�501400< . 0a o Complete items 1,2,and 3.Also complete r.B. Signatureitem 4 if Restricted Delivery is desired. O Agent o Print your name and address on the reverse Addresseeso that we can return the card to you. Received by(Printed Name) C. Date of Delivery a Attach this card to the back of the mailpiece, or on the front if space permits. D. Is delivery address different from Rem 17 Q Yes 1. Article Addressed to: J( If YES,enter delivery address below: ❑No � II-WAKAr.)D�iTA AMA"L 3T ��S�v� r HILL f�aAO E, sr Skol v- lV-0, P-A . 7 3. Se ice Type ;"Cerfi ied Mail ❑Express Mail Registered ❑Retum Receipt for Merchandise [_Insured Mail ❑C.O:D. r 4. Restricted Delivery?(Extra Fee) O Yes 2. Article Number 7006 0810 0000 3525 3909 (Transfer from service laben I r PS Form 3811,Februay 2004 Domestic Return Receipt 102595-0W-M-1540 I ��' Town of Barnstable £ �FTHE T Regulatory Services ` L ~O Thomas F. Geiler,Director '^ Public Health Division * BARNSTABLE, * Thomas McKean, Director gib MASS. � 200 Main Street, Hyannis, MA 02601 ArFD MA'l A Phone: 508-862-4644 Email: health@town.barnstable.ma.us Fax: 508-790-6304 Office Hours: M-F 8:00—4:30 December 13,2010 William and Rita Amaral RE: Sewer Connection Notice 37 Discovery Hill Road 30 Thornton Drive,Hyannis East Sandwich,MA 02537 Map Parcel 296-008.00A Dear William and Rita Amaral: On December 6,2010,William Amaral visited the Barnstable Public Health Division(BPHD)office as part of the business certificate renewal process. During this process a file review revealed an outstanding "Notice"requiring that the property noted above be connected to the public sewer on or before July 23, 2006.There is no documentation demonstrating that compliance with the Notice was achieved. You are hereby required to attend a Board of Health Hearing on January 11,2011,at 3:00 p.m., in the Hearing Room on the second floor of Town Hall, 367 Main Street,Hyannis,Massachusetts. If you should have any questions,please telephone me at 508-862-4644. .�� Mc ean,RS,CHO Director of Public Health Return Receipt requested m. � f Town of Barnstable oFtHe Tp� Regulatory Services �{•� Thomas F. Geiler,Director Public Health Division BAFuvsrABLE, Thomas McKean,.Director MASS. 200 Main Street, Hyannis,MA 02601 1639• ♦� ATFD MA'1 A Phone: 508-862-4644 ' Email: health(iDtown.barnstable.ma.us Fax: 508-790-6304 Office Hours: M-F 8:00—4:30 December 13,2010 . William and Rita Amaral RE: Sewer Connection Notice 37 Discovery Hill Road 30 Thornton Drive,-Hyai nis East Sandwich,MA 02537 Map Parcel 296-008.00A" Dear William and Rita Amaral: On December 6,2010,William Amaral visited the Barnstable Public Health Division(BPHD)office as part of the business certificate renewal process. During this process a file review revealed an outstanding "Notice"requiring that the property noted above be connected to the public sewer on or before July 23, . 2006.There is no documentation demonstrating that compliance with the Notice was achieved.You are hereby required to attend a Board of Health Hearing on January 11,2011,at 3:00 p.m., in the Hearing Room on the second floor of Town Hall,367 Main Street,Hyannis,Massachusetts. If you should have any questions,please telephone me at 508-862-4644. i Thomas A. McKean,RS,CHO Director of Public Health Return Receipt requested f ca - �Y d / Er SM Ero. y, m LrIl x6R!ru , `yam pFaEE 0P a m - Postage $ \ 9 p Certified,Fee D p Return ReceiptRequi Fee q tmark (Endorsement red) j U Here Restricted Delivery Fee r9 (Endorsement Required)ro E3 Total Postage&Fees —0 CI [Se—nt�Ti C3 LL/ - _ - -eAptNo.;'PO Box No. L-ISccV �ty,State,ZIPt4 ------. CA 57`SAObviiui I� 6 Z S3 C Hazardous Materials Inventory Sheet Checklist V(e " Date Physical Street Address-Check database to ensure it exists Working Phone Number Actual Amounts -( ie. gas being used to fuel machines,thinner to / clean brushes all count as hazardous materials) Storage Information -location of storage, how long is storage for? / If none, note that. ✓ Disposal Information -where and who? If none, note that. Applicant Signature - understand what is listed and noted Staff Initial -any questions, know who to ask Vehicle Washing/Rinsing? -provide a vehicle washing policy and ✓explain it-note that it was given Attach the Business Certificate with your sign off and comments "The inventory form should explain what the business consists of and the procedures they are doing. Notes need to be left to explain what you discussed with them. i f � AMARAL (508)778-6769 Mon-Fri 8:30AM-6:00PM �xpert Mechanical Work...Cars,Trucks&SUVs Bill Amaral Foreign&Domestic 30ThorntonDr. 3 kj o Is your check ene" aaS t... G AMAR '1t on? �,. Kidd's Hill Rd. - erance t p�UCKs� -Aan tlU_cK/` r Route 132 Route 132 - --— i Date:l Z/ TOWN OF BARNSTABLE TOXIC AND HAZARDOUS MATERIALS ON-SITE INVENTORY NAME OF BUSINESS: C `g o Mo4o 7-/VE BUSINESS LOCATION: �?O Tamil �� ,��( _ INVENTORY MAILING ADDRESS: ._Si TOTAL AMOUNT: TELEPHONE NUMBER: CONTACT PERSON: GC 9, ,.LoL,ti C— EMERGENCY CONTACT TELEPHONE NUMBER:,QeL7A- �� , MSDS ON SITE? TYPE OF BUSINESS: pgr.17CY*v -rlye T14z-ai&q INFORMATION/RECOMMENDATIONS: Fire District: Waste Transportation- t Last shipment of hazardous waste: Name of Hauler: — cu- Destination: Waste Product: v7 _ c � Licensed ZS>0 NOTE: Under the provisions of Ch. 111, Section 31, of the General Laws of MA, hazardous material use, storage and disposal of 111 gallons or more a month requires a license from the Public Health Division. LIST OF TOXIC AND HAZARDOUS MATERIALS The board of health and the Public Health Division have determined that the following products exhibit toxic or hazardous characteristics and must be registered regardless of volume. Observed / Maximum Observed / Maximum Antiffr eze (for gasoline or coolant systems) Miscellaneous Corrosive 21NEW UrUSED Cesspool cleaners G, Automatic transmission fluid Disinfectants Engine and radiator flushes Road salts (Halite) Hydraulic fluid (including brake fluid) Refrigerants Motor Oils Pesticides 8- EW e6SED (insecticides, herbicides, rodenticides) Gasoline, Jet fuel,Aviation gas Photochemicals (Fixers) Diesel Fuel, kerosene, #2 heating oil ❑ NEW ❑ USED Miscellaneous petroleum products: grease, Photochemicals (Developer) lubricants, gear oil ❑ NEW ❑ USED Degreasers for engines and metal Printing ink Degreasers for driveways &garages Wood preservatives (creosote) Caulk/Grout Swimming pool chlorine Battery acid (electrolyte)/Batteries Lye or caustic soda Rustproofers Miscellaneous Combustible ,,,,Car wash detergents Leather dyes Car waxes and polishes Fertilizers Asphalt& roofing tar PCB's Paints, varnishes, stains, dyes Other chlorinated hydrocarbons, 7NEW uer thinners (including carbon tetrachloride) ❑ USED Any other products with "poison" labels (including chloroform, formaldehyde, Paint&varnish removers,deglossers "hydrochloric acid,-other acids) Miscellaneous. Flammables Other products not listed which you feel Floor&furniture strippers may be toxic or hazardous (please list): Metal polishes Laundry soil &stain removers (including bleach) Spot removers&cleaning fluids (dry cleaners) Other cleaning solvents Bug and tar removers .Windshield wash WHITE COPY-HEALTH DEPARTMENT/CANARY COPY-BUSINESS icant's ignat dre Staff's Initials YOU WISH TO OPEN A BUSINESS? For Your Information: Business certificates (cost$30.00 for 4 years). A business certificate ONLY REGISTERS YOUR NAME in town (which you must do by M.G.L.-it does not give you permission to operate.) Business Certificates are available at the Town Clerk's Office, 1'FL., 367 Main Street, Hyannis, MA 02601 (Town Hall) f y ? N - DATE: / ��iG Fill in please: 4 54 :� APPLICANT'S YOUR NAME/S: �,JrGC�• /� ��-�-� c- Z BUSINESS YOUR HOME ADDRESS: 7 x��fcc✓c -� �cc j2T� . x3si .• �a SG�dr 7 7}S 9 k TELEPHONE # Home Telephone Number .ems3 ?�9r NAME OF CORPORATION: A--"C- 4%eJ a22 JZGi�fLi/� NAME OF NEW.BUSINESS TYPE OF BUSINESS IS THIS A HOME OCCUPATION? YES NO_6,--'_ ADDRESS OF BUSINESS 3 ��-s MAP/PARCEL NUMBER 2 0 O fS 004 (Assessing) When starting a.new business there are several things you must do in order to be in compliance with the rules.and regulations of the Town of Barnstable. This form is intended to assist you in obtaining the information you may need. You MUST GO TO 200 Main St. - (corner of Yarmouth Rd. &Main Street) .to make sure you have the appropriate permits and licenses required to legally operate your business in this town. 1. BUILDING COM 10 ER'S O IC This individ al ha n rn � of ny permit re uirem nts that pertain to this.type of business. Aut orized Si r COMMENTS 2. BOARD OF HEALTH This individual has been r d of the permit requirements that pertain to this type of business. U • r �/C�/1 MUSTCOMPLY WITH ALL Authorized Signature** HAZARDOUS MATERIALS REGULATIONS COMMENTS: 5,—P77C TV 6g- 2cSDLv��.. /�vt3Uc maw �. znF 155U 3. CONSUMER AFFAIRS (LICENSING AUTHORITY) This individual has .een informed of th licensing requirements that pertain to this type of business. A,}�thor' d igna ure** COMMENTS: NO U 1 ��► 'D Vlbesmarat S. Town of Barnstable of1HE Tp Regulatory Services Thomas F. Geiler,Director + BARNSTABLE, p 63S. Licensing Authority . ATED MAC 200 Main Street . Hyannis,NIA 02601 www.to)vn.barnstable.ma.us Telephone: (508) 862-4674 Fax: (508) 778-2412 August 28, 2007 Timothy J. Ferreira Mid Cape Metal Recycling 30D Thornton Drive Hyannis, MA 02601 Dear Mr. Ferreira: It has been reported to us by staff of the Barnstable Police Department, the Barnstable Building Division and the Barnstable Public Health Division, that on various dates between August 1 , 2007 and August 14, 2007 that you did.- (1) violate the terms of your Junk Dealer's License by buying motor vehicles (Brown Buick VIN #1 G4AH51 N3KT476616); (2) operate your business in a place other than•a place that was licensed (31 Thornton Drive and 53 Thornton Drive, Hyannis); (3) have more than one unregistered vehicle on property leased by you at 53 Thornton Drive in violation of Barnstable Ordinance 228-1; (4) fail to cover a container of household trash in violation of Barnstable Ordinance 353-2; (5) allow an open five gallon bucket of used oil to be stored out of doors in violation of Barnstable Ordinance 108-9; (6) violate Barnstable 353-1 by allowing a Large pile of used air conditioners to be stored out of doors on the ground; (7) violate Barnstable Zoning, Chapter 240, by maintaining a dwelling unit at 30D, such dwelling unit without benefit of permits or inspections; (8) maintain more than 12 uncovered dumpsters with various types of scrap metal to be stored at property at 53 Thornton Drive without benefit of a Junk Dealer's License or . Salvage Yard License under Chapter 502. You are hereby ordered to appear at a show cause hearing to be held by the Town of Barnstable Licensing Authority on Monday, September 17, 2007 at 9:30 a.m. or as soon thereafter as practical, in the second floor Hearing .Room, Town Hall, 367 Main Street, Hyannis, to show cause why your annual Junk Dealer's License for property at 30D Thornton Drive, Hyannis should not be modified, suspended or revoked. You have the right to be represented at this hearing by counsel of your choice and will have the opportunity to present evidence and question witnesses. Respectfully, Town of Barnstable LicensingAuthority Y cc: Barnstable Police Department Barnstable Building Division Barnstable Health Division .Town Attorney 2 YOU WISH TO OPEN A BUSINESS? For Your Information: Business certificates (cost$30.00 for 4 years). A business certificate ONLY REGISTERS YOUR NAME in town (which you must do by M.G.L.-it does not give you permission to operate.) Business Certificates are available at the Town Clerk's Office, 1'FL., 367 Main Street, Hyannis, MA 02601 (Town Hall) DATE: aIx Fill in please: - �( � -, APPLICANT'S YOUR NAME: BUSINESS YOUR HOME ADDRESS: a TELEPHONE # Home Telephone Number �� - W,F��� O Dlo .......... NAME OF NEW BUSINESS d-"' C, TYPE OF BUSINESS c I JC _3 IS THIS A HOME OCCUPATION? YES.: NO Have you been given a.pproual from t e building.divi i ES N l ADDRESS OF BUSINESS7tT12'JJ MAP/PARCEL.N'UMBER When.starting a new business there are several things you must do in order to be in compliance with the rules and regulations of the Town of Barnstable. This form is intended to assist you in obtaining the information you may need. You MUST GO TO 200 Main St..- (corner of Yarmouth Rd. & Main Street) to make sure you have the appropriate permits and licenses required to legally operate your business in this town. 1. BUILDING COMMA NER'S OFFICE This'individu�aha e q i4or r4q.of permit.requirements that pertain to this type of business. u orized Sig ure* COMMENTS: ...2. BOARD OF HEALTH This individual has beWL informed oft p mit rPrements;that pertain to this type of business. _ ut orized Signatu e** ,� COMMENTS: i I, 3. CONSUMER AFFAIRS (LICENSING AUTHORITY) This individual has been informed of the licensing requirements that pertain to this type of business. Authorized Signature* COMMENTS: . I Y February, 2007 Re: - Mid'Cape_Metal' Ferreira/Siegel To Whom It May Concern: The above named parties, as of February 9th, 2007 are no longer "partners" in the business named Mid-Cape Metal located on Thornton Drive, Hyannis, MA. The partie-s--er4tered-a-contr-ac-teal-agreement signed-F-ebr-uary--13,-2007-which-1-greement-states Andrew Siegel hereby sells his 50% interest of Mid Cape Metal to Timothy Ferreira, who from that point forward is the sole party responsible for all transactions related to Mid Cape Metal'be they financial, legal, licensing or otherwise. All correspondence/inquiries related to Mid Cape Metal should be directed to the attention of Mr. Timothy Ferreira at: HOME ADDRESS: or BUSINESS ADDRESS: 80 Quaker Road 36 D V hD(0-i Or) Dr;w - Hyannis, MA 02601 Hyannis, MA 02601 508-771-1129 Personal Cell 774=994-1688 Thank you in advance. i Andrew Si cc: ow 'f Hyannis — Licensing Department i I . I i YOU WISH TO OPEN A BUSINESS? ra For Your Information: Business certificates (cost 301. for 4 years). A business certificate ONLY REGISTERS YOUR NAME in town (which you must do by M.G.L.-it does not give you permission to operate.) Businesp Certificates are available at the Town Clerk's Office, 1 n` FL., 367 Main Street, Hyannis, MA..02601 Town Hall " m i N G �` "t y. ( ) � ' , a a-magw DATE: f__�-�7----"""' " . NVP Fill in please: ...n�m��� �����°.,`,�% UVN �� �\ , � � APPLICANT'S YOUR NAME: fa errei,+Q BUSINESS YOUR HO ADDRESS: G TELEPHONE # Home Teleph ne Number Y "' -NAME OF NEW BUSINESS C:f l PE OF BUSINESS IS THIS A HOME OCCUPATION"? ": Y S -NO .Have you been given approval from"th uilding divi"s'I,on� YES- " NO" ADDRESS OF BUSINESS D MAP%PARCEL"NUMBER When starting a new business there are several things you must do in order.to be in compliance with the rules and regulations bf the Town of Barnstable. This form is intended to assist you in obtaining the information you"may.need., You MUST GO TO 200 Main St. (corner of Yarmouth Rd. & Main Street)_to make sure you have the appropriate permits and licenses.required'to Legally operate your business in this town. 1. BUILDING CO' NER'S OF ICE This individ al h- ee i f of any"permit requirements that pertain to this type`of business.. Authorize gnatVIP COMMENTS: 2. BOARD OF HEALTH This individual has beenloormed Zoe it requirements that pertain to this type of business. A horized Si ature* COMMENTS: . ! s 3. CONSUMER AFFAIRS (LICENSING AUTHORITY) This individual has been informed of the licensing requirements that pertain to this type of business. Authorized Signature.* .COMMENTS: •Hazardous Materials Inventory Sheet Checklist I(� Date Physical Street Address-Check database to ensure it exists Tj Working Phone Number TA Actual Amounts-(le.gas being used to fuel machines,thinner to clean brushes all count.as hazardous materials) Storage Information-location of storage,how long is storage for? If none,note.that. Disposal Information-where and who?If none,note that. Applicant Signature-understand what is listed and noted Staff Initial-any questions,know who to ask Vehicle Washing/Rinsing? -provide a vehicle washing policy and explain it-note that it was given Attach the Business Certificate with your sign off and comments "The inventory form should explain what the business consists of and the procedures they are doing. Notes need to be left to explain what you dist•.nscmi ua h#h.— Date: / / 2-3/04- TOWN OF BARNSTABLE TOXIC AND HAZARDOUS MATERIALS ON-SITE INVENTORY NAME OF BUSINESS: L Z � / G BUSINESS LOCATION: E — INVENTORY MAILING ADDRESS: 6i/r/11`� TOTAL AMOUNT: TELEPHONE NUMBER: CONTACT PERSON: �— EMERGENCYCONTACTTELEPHO ENUM ER: MSDS ON SITE? TYPE OF BUSINESS: INFORMATION/RECOMMENDATIONS: Fire District: Waste Transportation: 1A) Last shipment of hazardous.waste: Name of Hauler: Destination: Waste Product: Licensed? Yes No NOTE: Under the provisions of Ch. 111, Section 31, of the General Laws of MA., hazardous materials use, storage and disposal of 111 gallons or more a month requires a license from the Public Health Division. LIST OF TOXIC AND HAZARDOUS MATERIALS The Board of Health and the Public Health Division have determined that the following products exhibit toxic or hazardous characteristics and must be registered regardless of volume.. Observed/Maximum Observed/Maximum Antifreeze (for gasoline or coolant systems) Misc. Corrosive NEW USED Cesspool cleaners Automatic transmission fluid Disinfectants Engine and radiator flushes Road Salts (Halite) Hydraulic fluid (including brake fluid) Refrigerants Motor Oils Pesticides NEW USED (insecticides, herbicides, rodenticides) Gasoline, Jet fuel, Aviation gas Photochemicals (Fixers) Diesel Fuel, kerosene, #2 heating oil NEW USED Misc. petroleum products: grease, Photochemicals (Developer) lubricants, gear oil NEW USED Degreasers for engines and metal Printing ink Degreasers for driveways & garages Wood preservatives (creosote) Caulk/Grout Swimming pool chlorine Battery acid (electrolyte)/Batteries Lye or caustic soda Rustproofers Misc. Combustible Car wash detergents Leather dyes Car waxes and polishes Fertilizers Asphalt & roofing tar PCB's Paints, varnishes, stains, dyes Other chlorinated hydrocarbons, Lacquer thinners (inc. carbon tetrachloride) NEW USED Any other products with "poison" labels Paint &varnish removers, deglossers (including chloroform, formaldehyde, Misc. Flammables hydrochloric acid, other acids) Floor &furniture strippers Other products not listed which you feel Metal polishes may be toxic or hazardous (please list): Laundry soil & stain removers (including bleach). Spot removers &cleaning fluids (dry cleaners) U 1 Other cleaning solvents Bug and tar removers Windshield wash WHITE COPY-HEALTH DEPARTMENT/CANARY COPY-BUSINESS i BY STREET 06-Dec-10 Hse# Street Village' Prop Owner Date Hauler Source 0 Thornton Drive Hyannis Murph's Recession 2/13/1998 Hickey Septic 0 Thornton Drive Hyannis Murph's Recession 6/3.0/1999 , Hickey Grease 0 Thornton Drive Hyannis Murphs.Recession 4/25/2000 Hickey Grease 12 Thornton Drive Hyannis Murph's Recession 3/11/1998_ Hickey Grease 12 Thornton Drive Hyannis Murph's Recession �3/17/1998 _ Hickey Septic 12 Thornton Drive Hyannis Murph's Recession 5/7/1998 Hickey Septic 12 Thornton Drive Hyannis Murph's Recession -.6/4/1998 Hickey Grease 12 Thornton Drive Hyannis Murph's Recession 7/17/1998 Hickey Septic 12 Thornton Drive Hyannis Murph's Recession 10/19/1998 Hickey Grease 12 Thornton Drive Hyannis Murph's Recession 3/22/1999. Hickey Grease 12 Thornton Drive Hyannis Murph's Recession 11/3/1999 Hickey Grease 12 Thornton Drive Hyannis Murph's Recession 9/6/2001 - Hickey Grease 12 Thornton Drive Hyannis Murph's Recession 2/8/2002 Hickey Grease 12 Thornton Drive Hyannis Murph's Recession 5/22/2002 Hickey Grease 12 Thornton Drive Hyannis Murrph's Recession 4/16/2003 Ace Grease 12 Thornton Drive Hyannis Back Again Cafe 12/19/2005 Robinson Grease 12 Thornton Drive Hyannis Back Again Cafe 3/17/2006 Ace Grease, 12 Thornton Drive Hyannis Back Again Cafe '7/7/2006 Ace Grease ,30 Thornton Drive Hyanms South Shore Upholstry--"4/24/1998 ,_ ,Robinson_ Cesspool 53 Thornton Drive Hyannis Stocchetti Construction 8/23/2006 A&B.Canto Septic 217 Thornton Drive Hyannis Oceanside Inc. 9/29/1999 Macomber Septic 217 Thornton Drive Hyannis T Oceanside 12/21/2000 Macomber Septic 217 Thornton Drive Hyannis Clark 6/18/2002 Macomber Septic 1 Town of Barnstable �FTHE TOY Regulatory Services P Thomas F. Geiler,Director y� O Public Health Division BARNSTABLE, Thomas McKean,Director i6 9. 1� 200 Main Street, Hyannis,MA 02601 $prFO MA'S A Phone: 508-862-4644 Email: health(Rtown.bamstable.ma.us Fax: 508-790-6304 Office Hours: M-F 8:00—4:30 October 24,2006 Richard Fleming 7 Corporation Rd Hyannis,MA 02601 •RE:-30-C_Thornton Drive,Hyannis,MA Dear Mr.Fleming: On September 26,2006 the Barnstable Fire Department,Town of Barnstable Zoning Officer and Town of Barnstable Hazardous Materials Specialist conducted inspections of the businesses located on Thornton Drive. During our site visit to 30 C Thornton Drive, currently being rented to Dana Woodman,N.E.Auto Polish;we found a 275 gallon above ground storage tank located behind the building. The tank, generally used to store heating oil,was closely inspected. The tank itself is not secure; however it is placed on a concrete pad. The gauge indicates that the tank is half full and there dre no connections to the building for heating purposes. Upon opening the cover of the tank, we noticed a strong odor not that of heating oil,but that of paint or paint thinner. At this time,you are being ordered to have the contents of the tank pumped out and have the tank removed from the site by a professional service company. Prior to the tank removal, a permit must be granted by the Fire Department to remove the tank under the provisions of the MGL C. 148. Please refer to Code: 326-21 Tank Removal (A). The Health Division shall also be contacted prior to the removal. Enclosed are copies of the Town of Barnstable Codes Chapter 108: Hazardous Materials and Chapter 326: Fuel and Chemical Storage Tanks for you to review. A representative from the Public Health Division will re-visit your business during the next 30 days as a follow up to further advise you on your compliance. If you have any questions about the orders or you need further information, guidance or assistance,please do not hesitate to contact the Public Health Division. 7 Sincerely, Alisha L.Parker Hazardous Materials Specia ist as A.McKean,RS, CHO Director of Public Health Enc. Chapter 108: Hazardous Materials (copy) Chapter 326: Fuel and Chemical Storage Tanks (copy) cc: Chris Olsen,Barnstable Fire Department(cover letter only) Robin Giangregorio,Town of Barnstable Zoning Officer(cover letter only) ' ,nvJV�1 VA�t Q te: l C U/ l Oil' TOWN OF BARNSTABLE W {M R , TOXIC AND HAZARDOUS MATERIALS ON-SIT INVENT RY NAME OF BUSINESS: aw� pptisk d BUSINESS LOCATION: INVE TO Y MAILING ADDRESS: �� l` TOTAL OUNT: TELEPHONE NUMBER: CONTACT PERSON. EMERGENCY CONTACT TE EPHONE NUMBER: MSDS ON SITE? TYPE OF BUSINESS: INFORMATION/RECOMMENDATIONS: �� � Ahiiillb W WQ FireDistrict: � R pjoy-o Waste Transportation: Last s ipment of hazardous,waste: Name of Hauler: Destination: Waste Product: Licensed? Yes No NOTE: Under the provisions of Ch. 111, Section 31, of the General Laws of MA, hazardous materials use, storage and disposal of 111 gallons or more a month requires a license from the Public Health Division. LIST OF TOXIC AND HAZARDOUS MATERIALS The Board of Health and the Public Health Division have determined that the following products exhibit toxic or hazardous characteristics and must be registered regardless of volume. Observed/Maximum Observed/Maximum Antifreeze (for gasoline or coolant systems) _ Misc. Corrosive NEW USED Cesspool cleaners Automatic transmission fluid Disinfectants Engine and radiator flushes Road Salts (Halite) Hydraulic fluid (including brake fluid) Refrigerants Motor Oils Pesticides NEW USED (insecticides, herbicides, rodenticides) Gasoline, Jet fuel, Aviation gas Photochemicals (Fixers) Diesel Fuel, kerosene, #2 heating oil NEW USED Misc. petroleum products: grease, Photochemicals (Developer) lubricants, gear oil NEW USED Degreasers for engines and metal Printing ink Degreasers for driveways &garages Wood preservatives (creosote) Caulk/Grout Swimming pool chlorine Battery acid (electrolyte)/Batteries Lye or caustic soda Rustproofers Misc. Combustible Car wash detergents Leather dyes Car waxes and polishes Fertilizers Asphalt & roofing tar PCB's Paints, varnishes, stains, dyes Other chlorinated hydrocarbons, Lacquer thinners (inc. carbon tetrachloride) NEW USED Any other products with "poison" labels Paint &varnish removers, deglossers (including chloroform, formaldehyde, Misc. Flammables hydrochloric acid, other acids) Floor &furniture strippers Other products not listed which you feel Metal polishes may be toxic or.hazardous (please list): Laundry soil & stain removers (including bleach) Spot removers & cleaning fluids (dry cleaners) Other cleaning solvents Bug and tar removers Windshield wash WHITE COPY-HEALTH DEPARTMENT/CANARY COPY-BUSINESS f OIL WASTE OIL OIL FILTERS ANTIFREEZE WASTE ANITFREEZE GASOLINE WASTE GAS DIESEL FUEL W/W FLUID ATF HYDRAULIC/ MISC. MISC. MISC. MISC. NoL QD� BRAKE FLUID COMMBUSTIBLE FLAMMABLE CORROSIVE PETROLEUM / (GEL IL/GREASE/ V FREON ACETYLENE CAR WASH CAR WASH PAINTS/ : WAX DETERGENTS THINNERS ` SEALANT CLEANING BATTERIES/ POISION/TOXIC CAULK/GROUT SOLVENTS BATTERY ( v ACID u u-9 FERTALIZERS WASTE SOLVENT MSDS MANIFESTS Phok,, may ss � � - - N� P - i � y Um . �S o i Town of Barnstable �FTME r, Regulatory Services P� ti Thomas F. Geiler,Director Public Health Division * sARNSTABLE, * Thomas McKean,Director MASS._ 9Qp 1639. 200 Main Street, Hyannis,MA 02601 ArFD MPS A _. Phone: 508-862-4644 Email: healthntown.barnstable.ma.us Fax: 508-790-6304 Office Hours: M-F 8:00—4:30 October 23, 2006 Mr.Dana Woodman N.E. Auto Polish 30 C Thornton Drive' Hyannis, MA 02680 Dear Mr.Woodman: Thank you for your time and cooperation during the hazardous materials inventory and site visit at N.E. Auto Polish on September 26, 2006. This letter contains information from that visit that will help you become and remain in compliant with Chapter 108 of the Town of Barnstable Ordinance: Hazardous Materials. Enclosed are copies of Chapter 108: Hazardous Materials ordinance, a copy of the Toxic and Hazardous Materials On-Site Inventory form from the visit to your business, and the current vehicle washing policy. Please note the problems and observations identified at your place of business during the hazardous materials inspection. PROBLEM: • No contingency plan posted or submitted. Submit a contingency plan upon receipt of this letter. • Place all flammable containers into the flammables cabinet when not in use. • Obtain MSDS for all products being used or stored in the facility. • Cease and desist all car wash_in g. (vehicle washing policy enclosed) • Service all fire extinguishers • Clear out the means of egress at the rear of the building. On Site Inventory Total The Toxic and Hazardous Materials On-Site Inventory from September 26,2006 shows that you have approximately 101 gallons of toxic and hazardous materials being used, stored, generated and disposed of at N.E. Auto Polish, 30 C Thornton Drive,Hyannis,MA. (Please see enclosed Toxic and Hazardous Materials On-Site Inventory sheet). r;► , r A representative from the Public Health Division will re-visit your business during the next 30 days as a follow up to further advise you on your compliance. If you have any questions about these problems,the orders and recommendations, or you need further information, guidance or assistance,please do not hesitate to contact the Public Health Division. Sincerely, Xlisha L. Parker Hazardous Materials Specialist All orders to correct v olations of Chapter 108 of the Town of Barnstable Ordinance: Hazardous Materials shall be comp eted upon receipt of this letter. (goe—OZ, oMcKean RS CHO Director of Public Health Enc. On-Site Inventory(copy) Chapter 108 (copy) Contingency plan sample(copy) Vehicle washing policy(copy) Town of Barnstable Regulatory Services Thomas F. Geiler,Director *z a A Public Health Division * snxt�rsbrnBiE," * Thomas McKean,Director 1� 200 Main Street, Hyannis,MA 02601 z Phone: 508-862-4644 Email: health(o,town.bamstable.ma.us Fax: 508-790-6304 Office Hours: M-F 8:00—4:30 April 11,2006 Mr.Bill Amaral Amaral Automotive 30 Thornton Drive Hyannis,MA 02601 Dear Mr. Amaral: Thank you for your time and cooperation during the hazardous materials inventory and follow up site visit at Amaral Automotive on April 4, 2006. This letter contains information from that visit that has helped you become compliant with the Town of Barnstable Code: Chapter 108: Hazardous Materials. Enclosed is a copy of the Toxic and Hazardous Materials On-Site Inventory form from the most recent visit to your business to show that you are currently storing,using, generating and disposing of hazardous materials that are less than the required amount to obtain a hazardous materials permit which is 111 gallons at Amaral Automotive, 30 Thornton Drive,Hyannis. Please note the problems identified at your place of business during the hazardous materials inspection and their corresponding recommendations listed below: PROBLEM (December 14,2005): • Material Safety Data Sheets not available during site visit. . ORDER(December 14, 2005): • Massachusetts General Law-Right to Know Law states that"MSDSs should be filed in an organized manner at a central location in the workplace, so that the employer can easily provide an MSDS if an employee requests one". • Town of Barnstable Ordinance Chapter 108: Hazardous Materials Section 108-4 (B) Inventory and Registration states that"the material safety data sheets shall be made available upon request of the Health Department". RECOMMENDATION(April 4.2006): • Phone numbers to obtain copies of all MSDS are on site. Please obtain the actual hard copies of the MSDS of the products that are used most often in the facility. (i.e. motor oil and antifreeze). r PROBLEM (December 14,2005): •. Waste drums of oil are not visibly labeled. ORDER(December 14,2005): • Please label all drums "Hazardous Waste"or"Waste Oil". FOLLOW UP (April 4,2006): • Waste drum is labeled properly. PROBLEM (December 14,2005): • Metal rag can did not have lid. ORDER(December 14,2005): • Please place a lid on metal rag can that houses oily rags. This helps to prevent vapors from exiting and creating a health and fire hazard. FOLLOW UP (April 4,2006): • Lid on metal rag can. On Site Inventory Total(December 14,2005)• The Toxic and Hazardous Materials On-Site Inventory from December 14,•2005 shows that you have approximately 290 gallons of toxic and hazardous materials being used, stored, generated and disposed of at Amaral Automotive, 30 Thornton Drive,Hyannis (Please see enclosed Toxic and Hazardous Materials On Site Inventory sheet). On Site Inventory Total(Apri14,2006): The Toxic and Hazardous Materials On-Site Inventory from April 4, 2006 shows that you have approximately 97 gallons of toxic and hazardous materials being used, stored, generated and disposed of at Amaral Automotive, 30 Thornton Drive,Hyannis (Please see enclosed Toxic and Hazardous Materials On Site Inventory sheet). If.you have any questions about these problems,the recommendations, or you need further information, guidance or assistance,please do not hesitate to contact the Public Health Division. Si cerely, . P Al sha L. Parker Hazardous Materials Specialist All orders to correct violations of Chapter 108 of the Town of Barnstable Ordinance: Hazardous Materials shall be co leted upon receipt of this letter. Thomas A.Mc ean,RS,CT Director of Public Health Enc. On-Site Inventory(copy) TOWN OF BARNSTABLE =TEINVENTORY TOXIC AND HAZARDOUS MATERIALS ON-S NAME OF BUSINESS: &224"1 BUSINESS LOCATION: s-30 i?ornhK j/L,[S INVENTORY MAILING ADDRESS: it io 1 TOTAL AMOUNT' TELEPHONE NUMBER: SOY " 17AP - &71a y CONTACT PERSON: 'adj �h Q EMERGENCY CONTACT TELEPHONE NUMBER: MSDS ON SITE? TYPE OF BUSINESS: NO INFORMATION/RECOMMENDA IONS: It f Fire District: d/I Gad.h D 1; tic 0� &� Waste Transp rtAidn- W W " a PshiAPIIT nt of azarfc(ous�wa Name of Hauler- Destination: Waste Product: Licensed? Yes No NOTE: Under the provisions of Ch. 111, Section 31, of the General Laws of MA, hazardous materials use, storage and disposal of 111 gallons or more a month requires a license from the Public Health Division. LIST OF TOXIC AND HAZARDOUS MATERIALS The Board of Health and the Public Health Division have determined that the following products exhibit toxic or hazardous characteristics and must be registered regardless of volume. Observed/Maximum Observed/Maximum Antifreeze (for gasoline or coolant systems) _ Misc. Corrosive NEW USED Cesspool cleaners Automatic transmission fluid Disinfectants Engine and radiator flushes Road Salts (Halite) Hydraulic fluid (including brake fluid) Refrigerants Motor Oils Pesticides NEW 63'USED (insecticides, herbicides, rodenticides) Gasoline, Jet fuel, Aviation gas Photochemicals (Fixers) Diesel Fuel, kerosene, #2 heating oil NEW USED Misc. petroleum products: grease, Photochemicals (Developer) lubricants, gear oil NEW USED Degreasers for engines and metal Printing ink Degreasers for driveways & garages Wood preservatives (creosote) Caulk/Grout Swimming pool chlorine A Battery acid (electrolyte)/Batteries Lye or caustic soda Rustproofers Misc. Combustible Car wash detergents Leather dyes Car waxes and polishes Fertilizers Asphalt & roofing tar PCB's Paints, varnishes, stains, dyes Other chlorinated hydrocarbons, Lacquer thinners (inc. carbon tetrachloride) NEW USED Any other products with "poison" labels Paint &varnish removers, deglossers (including chloroform, formaldehyde, Misc. Flammables hydrochloric acid, other acids) Floor &furniture strippers Other products not listed which you feel Metal polishes may be toxic or hazardous (please list): Laundry soil & stain removers (including bleach) Spot removers &cleaning fluids (dry cleaners) Other cleaning solvents Bug and tar removers Windshield wash WHITE COPY-HEALTH DEPARTMENT/CANARY COPY-BUSINESS OIL WASTE OIL OIL FILTERS ANTIFREEZE WASTE i ANITFREEZE A GASOLINE WASTE GAS DIESEL FUEL W/W FLUID ATF HYDRAULIC/ MISC. MISC. MISC. MISC. BRAKE FLUID COMMBUSTIBLE 'FLAMMABLE CORROSIVE PETROLEUM (GEAR OIL/GREASE/ LUBRICANTS) FREON ACETYLENE CAR WASH CAR WASH PAINTS/ WAX DETERGENTS THINNERS SEALANT CLEANING BATTERIES/ POISION/TOXIC CAULK/GROUT SOLVENTS BATTERY ACID l� FERTALIZERS WASTE SOLVENT MSDS MANIFESTS 101, i - Town of Barnstable-Health Department Page 1 HAZARDOUS MATERIALS INVENTORY SITE VISITS DBA: Amaral Automotive Fax: i ....... Corp Name: Mailing Address d _..._... _....._.... ..................... _. Location: 30 Thornton Drive,Barnstable Street: 30 Thornton Drive mappar: City: Hyannis Contact: 1Bill Amaral State: Ma Telephone: 4508-778-6769 Zip: 02601. Emergency: j Person Interviewed: Bill Aamaral Business Contact Letter Date: _._ ........ Category: ;VehlcleMaintenance Inventory Site Visit Date: 4/4/2006 ..................... __.._.. Type: :Auto Body Follow Up/Inspection Date: ........ _ ......... public water ❑ indoor floor drains ❑ outdoor surface drains ' p ❑ license required ❑ private water ❑ indoor holding tank mdc ❑ outdoor holding tank mdc ❑ currently licensed ❑ town sewage ❑ indoor catch basin/drywell ❑ outdoor catch basin/drywell expir W on-site sewage ❑ indoor on-site syste ❑ outdoor onsite system date: ......................................................... 2 ELECTRIC LIFTS. NO INDOOR DRAINS. 55 GAL DRUMS OF WASTE compliance: OIL AND ANTI-FREEZE. ZEP-PARTS CLEANER(WATER SOLUBLE) Satisfactory SERVICED BY ZEP. WASTE MANIFESTS ON SITE. RECOMMENDED METAL CONTAINER WITH HD FOR OILY RAGS. UNIFIRST FOR RAG DISPOSAL(617)427-2806. DEGREASING DOING AT D&C SALON 199D THORNTON DR. 4 YEARS AT SITE. DZM Inspection by 12/11/97. Zep-Dyna-clean water based solvent taken by safety cleen. 1 MSDS for solvent tant is not carried used any more.NO gas on diesel fuel storage. 2 electric lifts. Oil in quarts in metal cabinet.Unifirst takes rags-stored in covered container. No tire repair or replacement. Batteries go back to interstate. Update MSDS for all materials.Label all drums. Get spill kit from Safety Kleen. Dispose of 5 drums of unknown material located at rear of building to old dispenser- 30 days to dispose.12/14/05 alp-OBSERVATIONS:oily rag can needs lid,MSDS need to be obtained and readily available,has a spill kit, parts washer cleaner lid closed,no town sewer connection,2 lifts on site.ORDER: Obtain all MSDS,put lid on metal can,label all waste drums with"Hazardous Waste"or"Waste Oil". 4/4/2006 alp-Waste oil drum is properly labeled,oily rag can has lid,MSDS emergency phone numbers are posted,requested to have hard copies of the most used MSDS on site. Got rid of 2 55 gallon drums. New inventory brings him below the I I I gallon threshold. New waste oil removers are Murphy's Waste Oil Service. Currently does NOT need a Haz Mat Permit. I Page 2 Town of Barnstable-Health Department HAZARDOUS MATERIALS INVENTORY Chemicals: ❑ Zero Toxic Waste Materials ❑d gty's>25 Ibs dry or 50 gals liquid but less than 111 gals ❑ gty's 111 gals or more motor oil 19 gallons waste oil _ 55gallons Windshield Wash 1 gallons .....................___.__......._ .._............................___..... ......._...._.___.__.__ __..__ _ ___..._._._____. ....._ Misc.Flammable E 8 gallons _.._ ..._...... _ __.._.._._.._..---_.__._.g.._._......._.__.___...__....._..._._ misc.petroleum products:grease,lubricants 4 allons Batteries _ 10 gallons Waste Transporter: 'Autobody Solvent Recovery Corp. Fire District: iBarnstable Last HW Shipment Date: 2/23/2006 Waste Hauler Licensed: Yes Town of Barnstable o Regulatory Services s�. Thomas F. Geiler,Director snsxsrn 9�p MAW. ,•� Public Health Division rED MA'S a Thomas McKean, Director 200 Main St, Hyannis, MA 02601 Office: 508-862-4644 Fax: 508-790-6304 January 23, 2006 Henry Amster Trust 138 Thornton Drive Hyannis, MA 02601 IMPORTANT NOTICE RE: Map & Parcel 296-011 l Dear Addressee: You are directed to connect your building located aC73Thornton Drive, Hyannis,to public sewer on or before July 23, 2006. Thee Department of Public Works, Engineering Divi �otified us that your property abutts 'sewer lines:'The lines were extended because of the density, and the size of the lots in the area, and the potential for serious health,problems. •• Failure to comply with this order will result in a complaint against you, in a court of law, due to your failure to comply with a Board of Health Order. If you should have any questions, please telephone me at 862-4644. PER ORDER OF THE BOARD OF HEALTH Thomas A. McKean, R.S. CHO . n . Health Agent for: TOWN OF BARNSTABLE BOARD OF HEALTH Wayne Miller, M.D., Chairperson Paul J. Canniff, DDS ©� Sumner Kaufman, M:S.P.H. Return receipt requested - �:` "' 'r .` V - Cc: Barbara Childs,'Water'Pollution Control Mark Giordano, Engineering + Q:Sewerorder.doc r Barnstable Assessing Search Results Page 1 of 2 _0 �a'� �� .. ,.✓. ,,:ems, ,,. ir:, � y E � G✓�� '� ; Home: Departments:Assessors Division: Property Assessment Search Results tt 1 73 1\ V"ORNTOL . Owner: AMSTER, HENRY P TR Property Sketci Legend Map/Parcel/Parcel Extension q 296 /011/ ,f Mailing Address ' AMSTER, HENRY P TR , i)- AMTHORN RLTY TRUST f 138 THORNTON DRIVE HYANNIS, MA.02601 2005 Assessed Values: Appraised Value Assessed Value Building Value: $38,600 $38,600 Extra Features: $0 $0 Outbuildings: $0 $0 Land Value: $ 143,900 $ 143,900 Interactive Property Map: ap requires Plug in: Totals:$ 182,500 $ 182,500 1 have visited the maps before Show Me The Man April 2001 photos available Sales History: Owner: Sale Date Book/Page: Sale Price: AMSTER, HENRY P T R 11/15/1995 9929/262 $96,000 THORNTON DR LIMITED PARTNER 6/15/1995 9711/328 $ 100 BORNSTEIN,STUART 12/15/1989 6998/328 $ 102,000 SHIELDS, ROBERT M SR 6/15/1988 6305/110 $ 1 SHIELDS, ROBERT M SR ET AL 5/15/1984 4090/163 $ 140,000 NOBRE, ROBERT R 2940/209 $0 2005 REAL ESTATE Tax Information: Tax Rates: (per$1,000 of valuation) Land Bank Tax $33.12 Town Fire District Rates Other l' $6.05 Barnstable-Residential $2.12 Land B. Barnstable-Commercial $2.80 Barnstable FD Tax(Commercial) $511 C.O.M.M.-All Classes $1.01 Cotuit FD-All Classes $1.28 Town Tax(Commercial) $ 1,104.13 Hyannis-Residential $1.52 Hyannis-Commercial $2.39 http://www.town.bamstable.ma.us/Assessing/Assess05/displayparce103.asp?mappar=2960... 1/20/2006 Barnstable Assessing Search Results J Page 2 of 2 W Barnstable-Residential $1.44 W Barnstable'Commercial $2.10 Total: $ 1,648.25 Due to rounding differences these values may vary Land and Building Information Land Building Lot Size(Acres) 0.47 Year Built 1973 Appraised Value $ 143,900 Living Area 4000 Assessed Value $ 143,900 Replacement Cost$ 158,080 Depreciation 19 Building Value 38,600 Construction Details Style Pre-Eng Warehs Interior Floors Concr-Finished Model Ind/Comm Interior Walls Minimum Grade C Heat Fuel Gas Stories 1 Story Heat Type Hot Air-No D Exterior Walls Pre-finsh MetlWood Shingle AC Type None Roof Structure Gable/Hip Bedrooms 1 Bedroom Roof Cover Metal/Tin Bathrooms Zero Bathrms Total Rooms 1 Room Extra Building Features Code Description Units/SQ ft Appraised Value Assessed Value Property Sketch Legend BAS First Floor, Living Area FST Utility Area (Finished Interior) UAT Attic Area(Unfinished) BMT Basement Area(Unfinished) FTS Third Story Living Area(Finished) UHS Half Story(Unfinished) CAN Canopy FUS Second Story Living Area(Finished) UST Utility Area(Unfinished) FAT Attic Area(Finished) GAR Garage UTQ Three Quarters Story(Unfinished) FCP Carport GRN Greenhouse UUA Unfinished Utility Attic FEP Enclosed Porch PTO Patio UUS Full Upper 2nd Story(Unfinished) FHS Half Story(Finished) SFB Semi Finished Living Area WDK Wood Deck FOP Open or Screened in Porch TQS Three Quarters Story(Finished) http://www.town.barnstable.ma.us/Assessing/Assess05/displayparce103.asp.mappar=2960... 1/20/2006 r - NE 006 §D8-778- OIL WASTE OIL OIL FILTERS ANTIFREEZE WASTE ANITFREEZE 55 I � o GASOLINE WASTE GAS DIESEL FUEL W/W FLUID ATF t D a HYDRAULIC/ MISC. MISC. MISC. MISC. BRAKE FLUID COMMBUSTIBLE FLAMMABLE CORROSIVE PETROLEUM (GEAR OIL/GREASE/ LUBRICANTS) 5 A/ FREON ACETYLENE CAR WASH CAR WASH PAINTS/ WAX DETERGENTS THINNERS 2� AYA- SEALANT CLEANING BATTERIES/ POISION/TOXIC CAULK/GROUT OLVENTS BATTERY ACID llo FERTALIZERS WASTE SOLVENT -� (7 MA�NIIFESTS woad w� XL ;Vtvfiof ht�e� f D � ►�. - �s. �IGU�h.rn�-6fe._ C�j+�-�f , Health Complaints 08-Mar-06 Time: 8:35:00 AM Date: 3/2/2006 Complaint Number: 18674 Referred To: ALISHA PARKER Taken By: ALISHA PARKER Complaint Type: ARTICLE XXXIX HAZARDOUS WASTE Article X Detail: ILLEGAL OPERATIONS Business Name: NE Auto Polish Number: 30 B Street: Thornton Drive Village: BARNSTABLE Assessors Map_Parcel: Complaint Description: Washing vehicles all week. Electric heat plugged in over there, no heat in building. Actions Taken/Results: AP AND DS WENT TO SAID LOCATION ALONG WITH DEPUTY CHIEF CHRIS OLSEN OF BARNSTABLE FIRE DEPT. VEHICLES WERE NOT BEING WASHED DURING THE SITE VISIT. THE ELECTRIC HEATER IS PLUGGED INTO THE CIRCUIT BREAKER, AND THEREFOR MEETS CODE AND IS NOT A FIRE VIOLATION. THE UPSTAIRS OF THE BUILDING HAS NEW WALLS UP, AND THE ROOMS ARE EMPTY. DANA STATED HE WAS NOT GOING TO USE THAT AREA UPSTAIRS. DS REMINDED HIM THAT NO ONE IS ALLOWED TO LIVE OR SLEEP IN THE BUILDING. DS ALSO TOLD HIM TO LET HEALTH AND FIRE KNOW IF HE OR THE OWNER OF THE BUILDING START TO USE THE SPACE UPSTAIRS AND TO LET US KNOW WHAT IT IS GOING TO BE USED FOR. A HAZARDOUS MATERIALS INSPECTION WAS CONDUCTED, AND THE REPORT IS ON FILE. 1 Health Complaints 08-Mar-06 Investigation Date: 3/8/2006 Investigation Time: 10:30:00 AM 2 I , Pagel of 3 Town of Barnstable 114 T Regulatory Services Thomas F. Geiler,Director * * Public Health Division * * BARNSTABLE, Thomas McKean,Director 9 MASS. 1639. ��,� 200 Main Street, Hyannis,MA 02601 Argo��A Phone: 508-862-4644 Email: healthAtown.barnstable.ma.us Fax: 508- 8` 4 — Office Hours: M-F 8:00—5:00 Mr. Dana Woodman August 24,2004 New England Auto Polishing 8 Thornton Drive Hyannis, 601 *IMPORTANT NOTICE* NOTIFICATION TO APPEAR BEFORE THE BOARD OF HEALTH REGARDING 178 THORNTON DRIVE,HYANNIS You will be given an opportunity to be heard on Tuesday, September 7,2004 at 7:00 P.M. at the second floor Selectmen's Conference Room,Barnstable Town Hall Conference Room, 367 Main Street,Hyannis,to show cause why your Hazardous Materials Storage and Handling License (of I I I Gallons or more a month) should not be revoked due to: Failure to correct serious and repeated violations of the requirements of the Town of Barnstable General Ordinance,Article 39: Vehicle Washing Policy. New England Auto Polishing has been inspected and inventoried for hazardous materials use, storage,handling and disposal several times in the past ten years. Each time, critical violations of vehicle washing without an approved car wash system were observed and documented. In addition to this, a verbal and written order was rendered at each site visit to CEASE and DESIST ALL CAR WASHING by this business in the Town of Barnstable. Documented records of this repeated order were submitted to you on: 1) April 13, 1993 by Donna Miorandi,Health Inspector 2) May 17, 1995, by Donna Miorandi,Health Inspector 3) September 30,1997 by Donna Miorandi,Health Inspector On August 11, 2004 during an annual Hazardous Materials Inventory and Inspection conducted by Amy L. Wallace,Hazardous Materials Specialist, the following violations continue to exist: 1) Vehicle Washing Policy: Vehicle washing is expressly prohibited at any and all automotive repair shops,bus companies,automobile sales businesses,municipal owned repair garages,vehicle rental businesses, and any other businesses or governmental agencies where an approved car wash system is not provided which meets all of the requirements of the MA Department of Environmental Protection and the Town of Barnstable General Ordinance,Article 39. The spraying and rinsing of an engine under- body of a vehicle is also considered "vehicle washing" regardless of whether or not soaps are used to wash or rinse an engine or under-body of a vehicle. R. Page 2 of 3 2) 314 Code of Massachusetts Regulations, Section 5.03: Discharges Requiring a Permit: (1)No person shall discharge pollutants to ground waters of the Commonwealth without a currently valid permit from the Department pursuant to M.G.L.c. 21,43 and 314 CMR 5.00. 3) 314 Code of Massachusetts Regulations,Section 6.06: Minimum Ground Water Quality Criteria: (1) Class 1 and Class 2 Ground Waters(must meet the listed criteria)-(aa)All Other Pollutants: None in such concentrations which in the opinion of the Department would impair the waters for use a source of potable water or to cause or contribute to a condition in contravention of standards for other classified waters of the Commonwealth. (2) Class 3 Ground Waters: (must meet the listed criteria)—All Other Pollutants• None in concentrations or combinations which upon exposure to humans will cause death,disease, behavioral abnormalities,cancer,genetic mutations,physiological malfunctions,or physical deformations or cause any significant adverse effects to the environment,or which would exceed the recommended limits on the most sensitive ground water use. • Mr.Dana Woodman and his staff were observed washing cars with soap and water on the morning of August 9,2004 at 178 Thornton Drive when Amy L.Wallace went to his place of business to present him with a letter informing him there would be a routine Hazardous Materials Inventory and Inspection during that week. • Mr.Woodman and his staff were observed washing cars with soap and water on August 11,2004,when Amy L.Wallace arrived to conduct the on site inventory and inspection. • At this time,Amy L.Wallace explained to Mr.Woodman that there is a Vehicle Washing Policy in the Town of Barnstable(enforced under the Town of Barnstable General Ordinance,Article 39: Control of Toxic and Hazardous Materials),and this policy PROHIBITS vehicle washing without an approved car wash system which meets all of the requirements of the MA Department of Environmental Protection and the Town of Barnstable General Ordinance,Article 39. • Amy L.Wallace presented Mr.Woodman with a copy of this policy at the site inspection on August 11,2004 and asked if he had an approved car wash system installed at his place of business at 178 Thornton Drive. • During this inspection Mr. Woodman denied knowing what an oil-water separator and approved car wash system was. He said he did not know if his location was supplied with a proper system that would allow him to wash cars. He stated that he had a drain on site that"caught the runoff of water" from his car washing but he was"not sure what the drain led to." • Later that afternoon,Amy L. Wallace consulted with Donna Miorandi,Health Inspector, and asked about this location and"does it have an oil-water separator?" Mrs.Miorandi confirmed that no location on Thornton Drive has an approved car wash system. • Donna Miorandi stated that she dealt with Mr. Woodman in the past and he had come before the Board of Health about this very issue. At that appearance,he claimed he was looking into installing a proper car wash system,but never did. He does know what it entails and is aware that he is NOT to wash cars at this location. Page 3 of 3 • The afternoon of August 11,2004,Amy L.Wallace contacted Mr.Woodman by phone and instructed him to CEASE AND DESIST ALL CAR WASHING. During this phone conversation,Mr.Woodman explained that he had "gone before the Board of Health a while ago about the oil-water separator,but when I found out it would cost $25,000 to install and I can't do that at the location I rent,I couldn't do • . At the end of this phone conversation on August 11,2004,Amy L.Wallace informed Mr.Woodman that she was sending him a CEASE and DESIST warning in the mail and to inform his staff immediately to CEASE and DESIST all vehicle washing immediately. Complaints and photos have also been filed in reference to this matter: 1) November 23, 1998 by Anonymous "Cleaning out of autos using acids and degreasers and water observed running into the street" 2) November 25, 1998 by Anonymous "Degreasing engines with a sprayer and it is getting onto other vehicles that are next door. The spray is not contained in an area and it goes into the road." 3) January 7, 1999,by Glen Harrington, "Water flowing down Thornton Drive from Health Inspector(photo) N.E.Auto Polishing, 146 Thornton Drive, Barnstable." This letter shall serve as notification to you,the owner of New England Auto Polishing and occupant of 178 Thornton Drive,Hyannis,that the Board of Health will be holding a public hearing on Tuesday, September 7,2004 at 7:00 P.M. in the second floor Selectmen's Conference Room,Barnstable Town Hall, 367 Main Street,Hyannis to determine if the Board of Health may suspend,modify or revoke such license for due cause or failure to comply with any Section of Article XXXIX, Control of Toxic and Hazardous Materials: Vehicle Washing Policy. This hearing may result in an order requiring you,the owner and occupant,to adopt and manage, at your expense,preventive measures to prohibit the release and discharge of toxic and hazardous materials onto the ground, which threaten the quality of groundwater supplies and related water resources on Cape Cod and other Massachusetts towns,posing substantial public health and safety hazards and threatening economic losses to affected communities. At the hearing,you will be given an opportunity to be heard,to present witnesses or documentary evidence and to show why an order to revoke your permit should not be issued. Attached are copies of the official inspection reports regarding all previous and current inspections. PER ORDER OF THE BOARD OF HEALTH Thomas A. McKean,RS, CHO Agent of Board of Health Town of Barnstable Page 1 of 1 Town of Barnstable 'THE t Regulatory Services yP� °ti�,o� Thomas F. Geiler,Director Public Health Division BARNSTABLE, Thomas McKean,Director 9 MASS. 4j 1639. ��� 200 Main Street, Hyannis,MA 02601 AtFD MAC A Phone: 508-862-4644 Email: health(a,town.bamstable.ma.us Fax: 508-790-6304 Office Hours: M-F 8:00—5:00 Mr. Dana Woodman August 25,2004 New England Auto Polishing 178 Thornton Drive Hyannis,MA 02601 Dear Mr. Woodman: You will be given an opportunity to be heard at 7:00 PM on August_, 2004, at the Town Hall Conference Room to show cause why your Hazardous Materials Storage and Handling(of I I I Gallons or more a month) should not be revoked for: a) Failure to correct serious and repeated violations of the requirements of the Town of Barnstable General Ordinance,Article 39: Vehicle Washing Policy. New England Auto Polishing has been inspected and inventoried for hazardous materials use, storage,handling and disposal several times in the past ten years. Each time, critical violations of vehicle washing without an approved car wash system was observed and documented. In addition to this, an order was rendered at each site visit(and with a written follow up notice)to CEASE and DESIST ALL CAR WASHING by this business in the Town of Barnstable. Documented records of this repeated order include: 1) April 13, 1993 by Donna Miorandi,Health Inspector 2) May 17, 1995, by Donna Miorandi,Health Inspector 3) September 30, 1997 by Donna Miorandi,Health Inspector The following violation continued to exist on August 11, 2004 during an annual Hazardous Materials Inventory and Inspection: Vehicle Washing Policy: Vehicle washing is expressly prohibited at any and all automotive repair shops,bus companies, automobile sales businesses,municipal owned repair garages, vehicle rental businesses,and any other businesses or governmental agencies where an approved car wash system is not provided which meets all of the requirements of the MA Department of Environmental Protection and the Town of Barnstable General Ordinance, Article 39. PER ORDER OF THE BOARD OF HEALTH Thomas A. McKean,R.S., C.H.O. Director of Public Health Town of Barnstable -•-�-m. �� .�� ;-.._ �.. _ L � � • �' �� ■1 111 ` � ;i 1���� �� '�� 11 11 �) � �,; b:+= w �e �e �� �� �� �y �� ..�., s.. p, � t_�..-� �: l � _ � .� .. -~-� .� _ �. WT'4:' �� �`«♦ i �v ..�..ei'�-� �1...:..�� .�. _....� ......— �. ;ee. C .. _, � � 9002 8 8dw w , I � . v �/' dK1SCl Ajdwa\pausiui¢un `wool saieisdn usilod oIny 3N ania4 uoJuaoyl 30°b" ThorrTton Drive. olis - 'Upstairs roam, unfinished\empty DS1AP T ' i i r MAR 2006 Date: TOWN TOWN OF BARNSTABLE TOXIC AND HAZARDOUS MATERIALS ON'-SITE INVENTORY NAME OF BUSINESS: BUSINESS LOCATION: orn tzyr Dr`�-e, IN MAILING ADDRESS: TAIL AMOUNT: TELEPHONE NUMBER: 7,49 ' & I& q CONTACT PERSON: 4l# Q- � EMERGENCY CONTACT TELEPHONE NUMBER: MSDS,�ON SITE? TYPE OF BUSINESS: �© iC:6R _LV Ald INFORMATION/RECOMM NDATIONS: aa d&uU IIAZ_1114-a ire District: /71 ��-►� 1 w A VC..r Waste Transportation: S Last shipment of hazardous waste: `J3 -05`� Name of Hauler• Destinatio Waste Product: �,i. Licensed . Yes No NOTE: Under the provisions of Ch. 111 , Section 31, of the General Laws of MA, hazardous materials use, storage and disposal of 111 gallons or more a month requires a license from the Public Health Division. LIST OF TOXIC AND HAZARDOUS MATERIALS The Board of Health and the Public Health Division have determined that the following products exhibit toxic or hazardous characteristics and must be registered regardless of volume. Observed/Maximum Observed/Maximum Anti reeze (for gasoline or coolant systems) Misc. Corrosive NEW USED Cesspool cleaners Automatic transmission fluid Disinfectants Engine and radiator flushes Road Salts (Halite) Hydraulic fluid (including brake fluid) Refrigerants Motor Oils Pesticides NEW ZI USED (insecticides, herbicides, rodenticides) Gasoline, Jet fuel, Aviation gas Photochemicals (Fixers) Diesel Fuel, kerosene, #2 heating oil NEW USED Misc. petroleum products: grease, Photochemicals (Developer) lubricants, gear oil NEW USED Degreasers for engines and metal Printing ink Degreasers for driveways & garages Wood preservatives (creosote) Caulk/Grout Swimming pool chlorine Battery acid (electrolyte)/Batteries Lye or caustic soda Rustproofers Misc. Combustible Car wash detergents Leather dyes Car waxes and polishes Fertilizers Asphalt & roofing tar PCB's Paints, varnishes, stains, dyes Other chlorinated hydrocarbons, Lacquer thinners (inc. carbon tetrachloride) NEW USED Any other products with "poison" labels Paint &varnish removers, deglossers (including chloroform, formaldehyde, Misc. Flammables hydrochloric acid, other acids) Floor &furniture strippers Other products not listed which you feel Metal polishes may be toxic or hazardous (please list): Laundry soil & stain removers (including bleach) Spot removers &cleaning fluids (dry cleaners) Other cleaning solvents Bug and tar removers Windshield wash WHITE COPY-HEALTH DEPARTMENT/CANARY COPY-BUSINESS i .,,.- Date: TOXIC AND HAZARDOUS MATERIALS REGISTRATION FORM NAMEOFBUSINESS: o . BUSINESS LOCATION:��i�r�-)zi� MAILING ADDRESS: Mail To: TELEPHONE NUMBER: O Board of Health Town of Barnstable CONTACT PERSON: P.O. Box 534 EMERGENCY CONTACT TELEPHONE NUMBER: (S Hyannis, MA 02601 TYPEOFBUSINESS: ��-D�� Does your firm store y of the toxic or h_Z!ardous a ials listed below, either for sale or for you own use? YES NO / us This form must be returned to the Board of Health regardless of a yes or no answer. Use the enclosed envelope for your convenience. If you answered YES above, please indicate if the materials are stored at a site other than your mailing address: ADDRESS: TELEPHONE: LIST OF TOXIC AND HAZARDOUS MATERIALS The Board of Health has determined that the following products exhibit toxic or hazardous character- istics and must be registered regardless of volume. Please estimate the quantity beside the product that you store. NOTE: LIST IN TOTAL LIQUID VOLUME OR POUNDS. Quantity Quantity Antifreeze(for gasoline or coolant systems) ® Drain cleaners NEW USED Cesspool cleaners _ Automatic transmission fluid Disinfectants Engine and radiator flushes Road Salt (Halite) Hydraulic fluid (including brake fluid) _62 . Refrigerants Motor oils O Pesticides NEW USED (insecticides, herbicides, rodenticides) Q Gasoline, Jet Fuel Photochemicals (Fixers) O Diesel fuel, kerosene, #2 heating oil NEW USED Other petroleum products: grease, Photochemicals (Developer) lubricants, gear oil NEW USED Degreasers for engines and metal Printing ink Degreasers for driveways & garages _� Wood preservatives (creosote) 0 Battery acid (electrolyte) O Swimming pool chlorine O Rustproofers 2 Lye or caustic soda Car wash detergents _ Jewelry cleaners Car waxes and polishes _O Leather dyes Asphalt & roofing tar _2 Fertilizers Paints, varnishes, stains, dyes 0 PCB's Lacquer thinners Other chlorinated hydrocarbons, - NEW USED (inc. carbon tetrachloride) � Paint &varnish removers, deglossers Any other products with poison labels Paint brush cleaners (including chloroform, formaldehyde, Floor & furniture strippers O Metal polishes hydrochloric acid, other acids) 0 Laundry soil & stain removers Other products not listed which you feel (including bleach) may be toxic or hazardous (please list): Spot removers & cleaning fluidsP"I (, U—> (dry cleaners) �� / Other cleaning solvents Bug and tar removers WHITE COPY-HEALTH DEPARTMENT/CANARY COPY-BUSINESS Date: TOXIC AND HAZARDOUS. MATERIALS REGISTRATION FORM tNAMEOFBUSINESS:` ` BUSINESS LOCATION: .. Orn ^ 11yC',. (1.� MAILING ADDRESS: Mail To: TELEPHONE NUMBER: � � (3 Board of Health CONTACT PERSON Y.�•..:� � -� Town of Barnstable P.O Box`534 ,. . EMERGENCY CONTACT TELEPHONE NUMBER: 776 _, Hyannis, MA 02601 TYPEOFBUSINESS: �. � i Does your firm store ` y of the toxic or ht!®rdous aterials listed below,either for sale or for you own use? YES NO �(�s This form must be returned to the Board of Health regardless of ayes yes or no answer. Use the enclosed f` envelope for your convenience. If you answered YES above, please indicate if the materials are.stored at a site otherthan your mailing', address: 4 . ADDRESS: j TELEPHONE: LIST OF TOXIC AND HAZARDOUS MATERIALS The Board of.Health has determined that the following products exhibit toxic or hazardous`character- istics-and must be registered regardless of:.volume. .Please estimate the quantity beside the product that;,, you store. NOTE: LIST IN TOTAL LIQUID VOLUME OR POUNDS. , Quantity Quantity Antifreeze(for gasoline or coolant systems) , 0. Drain cleaners NEW USED .Cesspool cleaners Automatic transmission.fluid (-� Disinfectants C� Engine and radiator flushes �, � Road Salt (Halite) Hydraulic fluid (including brake fluid) Refrigerants .` Motor oils C7 .Pesticides NEW USED ' (insecticides, herbicides; rodenti des) , Gasoline, Jet Fuel 0 Photochemicals (Fixers) O Diesel fuel, kerosene, #2 heating oil NEW USED f! OtHer'petroleum products; grease, Photochemicals (Developer)' lubricants,:gear oil NEW' USED Degreasers for engines and metal Printing. ink Degreasers for driveways&garages p Wood preservatives (creosote) 0 .Battery acid (electrolyte) ' G� Swimming pool chlorine Rustproofers t r Lire or caustic soda 0 Car wash,detergents _Jewelry cleaners. Car waxes and polishes s Leather dyes Asphalt & roofing tar ; Fertilizers Paints, varnishes, stains; dyes . _ PCB's 0 Lacquer thinners - q Other chlorinated.hydrocarbons, x r - NEWS: ine.-carbon_ e r ri _ _ ---:_ USED ( t t ach�o'de)�_ Paint & varnish removers, deglossers O „ Any other,products with poison labels. 0 Paint brush'cleaners (including chloroform, formaldehyde, Floor& furniture strippers hydrochloric acid, other acids) Metal polishes Laundry soil & stain removers - Other products not listed which you feel r� (including bleach) may be toxic or hazardous (please list): t Spot removers& cleaning fluids _ ;r. (; 0—, d cleaners Other cleaning solvents Bug and tar removers WHITE COPY-HEALTH DEPARTMENT/CANARY COPY-BUSINESS YOU WISH TO OPEN A BUSINESS? Y. For Your Information: Business certificates(cost$30.00 for 4 years). A business certificate ONLY REGISTERS YOUR NAME in town (which you must do by M.G.L.- it does not give you permission to operate.) Business Certificates are available at the Town Clerk's Office, 1' FL.,.367 Main }} Street, Hyannis, MA 02601 (Town Hall) DATE: "st tI *:ra tosue Fill in please: APPLICANT'S YOUR NAME: BUSINESS YOU HOME A DRESS: & rem-five .✓ al TELEPHONE # Home Telephone tuber NAME OF NEW BUSINESS "I TO TYPE OF_ SS IS THIS A HOME.00CUPATION? YES N.O Have you been given approval fr the buildi g division? NO — ; � ADDRESS OF BUSINESS 3 O � N �Iq�7c�o _QQ DoY N MAP/ ARCL UGB SOT o O an IT When starting a new business there are several things you must do in order to be in compliance with the rule nd regulations of the Town of..Barnstable. This form is intended to assist you in obtaining the information.you may need. You MUST GO TO 200 Main St.— Ono Rd. & Main Street) to make sure you have the appropriate permits and licenses required to legally operate your business in this town. 1. BUILDING COMMISSIONER'S OFFICE This individual has been informed of any permit requirements that pertain to this type of business. Authorized Signature" COMMENTS: 2. _BOARD OF HEALTH This individual has been informed of the permit rgquirem ts that pertain to this type`of business. Apthorized<gnature`* COMMENTS: 3. CONSUMER AF IRS(LICENSING AUTHORITY) This individual has been informed of the licensing requirements that pertain to this type of business. Authorized Signature`" COMMENTS: r �R. Town of Barnstable-Health Department Page 1 HAZARDOUS MATERIALS INVENTORY SITE VISITS _:... .... � 0 DBA: Amaral Automotive Fax: , Corp Name: Mailing Address �n ......_. Location: i30 Thornton Drive,Barnstable Street: 30 Thornton Drive mappar: City: Hyannis Contact: ,Bill Amaral State: Ma Telephone: 508-778-6769 Zip: 02601 Emergency: Person Interviewed: Bill Aamaral Business Contact Letter Date: Category: VehicleMaintenance Inventory Site Visit Date: Type: Follow Up/Inspection Date: ............. ........... public water ❑ indoor floor drains. ❑ outdoor surface drains 0 license required ❑ private water ❑ indoor holding tank mdc ❑ outdoor holding tank mdc ❑ currently licensed ❑ town sewage ❑ indoor catch basin/drywell ❑ outdoor catch basin/drywell expir ❑� on-site sewage ❑ indoor on-site syste ❑ outdoor onsite system date: ............................................................. 2 ELECTRIC LIFTS. NO INDOOR DRAINS. 55 GAL DRUMS OF WASTE compliance: OIL AND ANTI-FREEZE. ZEP-PARTS CLEANER(WATER SOLUBLE) Satisfactory SERVICED BY ZEP. WASTE MANIFESTS ON SITE. RECOMMENDED METAL CONTAINER WITH HD FOR OILY RAGS. UNIFIRST FOR RAG DISPOSAL(617)427-2806. DEGREASING DOING AT D&C SALON 199D THORNTON DR. 4 YEARS AT SITE. DZM Inspection by 12/11/97. Zep-Dyna-clean water based solvent taken by safety cleen. 1 MSDS for solvent tant is not carried used any more.NO gas on diesel fuel storage. 2 electric lifts. Oil in quarts in metal cabinet.Unifirst takes rags-stored in covered container. No tire repair or replacement. Batteries go back to interstate. Update MSDS for all materials.Label all drums. Get spill kit from Safety Kleen. Dispose of 5 drums of unknown material located at rear of building to old dispenser- 30 days to dispose.12/14/05 alp-OBSERVATIONS:oily rag can needs lid,MSDS need to be obtained and readily available,has a spill kit, parts washer cleaner lid closed,no town sewer connection,2 lifts on site.ORDER:Obtain all MSDS,put lid on metal can. Page 2 Town of Barnstable-Health Department HAZARDOUS MATERIALS INVENTORY Chemicals: ❑ Zero Toxic Waste Materials 0 gty's>25 Ibs dry or 50 gals liquid but less than 111 gals ❑d qty's 111 gals or more Sao =4, descnption.. .. .<.. . a #. 9tYuni._..,trof measure e < d. . antifreeze(for gasoline or coolant systems) ; 74gallons ..------- motor oil 19gall(;ns aste oil 140,gallons _ _ _.. Windshield Wash 2 gallons Misc.Flammable 8 gallons misc.petroleum products:grease,lubricants 21lgallons .__--- W W..._.. ____� .._. Batteries i 26 gallons Waste Transporter: Autobody Solvent Recovery Corp. Fire District: Barnstable Last HW Shipment Date: 8/23/2005 Waste Hauler Licensed: Yes ......... K) p / / oup OIL WAS O ' OIL FILTERS ANTIFREEZE WASTE �5. ANITFREEZE fiAke_off—olal LA GASOLINE ' WASTE GAS DIESEL FUEL W/W FLUID ATF �I HYDRAULIC/ MISC. MISC. MISC. MISC. BRAKE FLUID COMMBUSTIBLE FLAMMABLE CORROSIVE PETROLEUM '/I (GEAR.OIL/GREASE/ LUBRICANTS) ON FREON ACETYLENE CAR WASH CAR WASH PAINTS/ WAX DETERGENTS THINNERS SEALANT CLEANING BATTERIES/ POISION/TOXIC CAULK/GROUT SOLVENTS BATTERY ACID FERTALIZERS WASTE SOLVENT2b C� L d/j SDS CCea- ,� Gtdd 4cc� YeGid: Ci a.� CCD�c D � u,rp qu waot 60 no on sews i MA DEP Bureau of Waste Prevention, Industrial Wastewater Program Page 1 of 30 ' p t fie rt F �M industrial ryy industrial wastewater topics: Gq� DEP general topics: C 314 CMR 5.00: GROUND WATER DISCHARGE PERMIT PROGRAM These Regulations were effective as of 5130197. They were formatted into HTML on June 2001. This copy of the 314 CMR 5.00: GROUND WATER DISCHARGE PERMIT PROGRAM is not an "Official Version"of the regulations. In particular, it lacks page numbers and the effective dates at the bottom of each page. Other unexpected differences may also be present. This HTML version is offered as a convenience to our users and DEP believes that the body of the text is a faithful copy of the regulations. If you REALLY, ABSOLUTELY, MUST know that the version you have is correct and up-to-date, then you must purchase the document through the State Bookstore (at http./l ww,state.rna.us/seclsprlspridx.htrn). The official versions of all state statutes and regulations are only available through the State Bookstore. Section .01: ' rose and Authority ,0 : Definition I .03: Discharges requiring a Permit .t 4: Other Activities Requiring a Permit 5.05, Exemptions 5.9 : Restrictions on the issuance of a Permit .07: Effect of a Permit .08: Continuation of are Expiring Permit .09: Application for a Permit . 9: General permit Conditions http://www.mass.gov/dep/bwp/iww/files/314cmr5.htm 8/25/2004 IV. New Business- Hearings: ABSENT A. Dana Woodman- 178 Thornton Drive, Hyannis, washing of vehicles without an.approved car wash wastewater disposal system or holding tank. ORDERED: A cease and desist notice shall be issued to the violator. If the violator continues to wash vehicles after receiving such notice, he shall be fined $300. Each day's failure to comply with the order shall constitute as a separate violation. MA DEP Bureau of Waste Prevention, Industrial Wastewater Program Page 3 of 30 conveys both wastewaters and storm water runoff. Commissioner- the Commissioner of the Department. Contact Cooling Water- water used to reduce temperature which comes into contact with a raw material, intermediate product, waste product (other than heat), or finished product. Department - the Massachusetts Department of Environmental Protection. Discharge or Discharge of Pollutants - any addition of any pollutant or combination of pollutants to waters of the Commonwealth from any source, including but not limited to, discharges from surface runoff which are collected or channelled by man; discharges through pipes, sewers, or other conveyances owned by a State, municipality, or other person which do not lead to POTW's; and discharges through pipes, sewers, or other conveyances, leading into privately owned treatment works. This term does not include an addition of pollutants by any indirect discharger. Disposal System - a system for disposing of sewage, industrial waste or other wastes, and including sewer systems and treatment works. Effluent - a discharge of pollutants into the environment, whether or not treated. Effluent Limitation or Effluent Limit - any requirement, restriction, or standard imposed by the Department on quantities, discharge rates, and concentrations of pollutants which are discharged from point sources into waters of the Commonwealth or to publicly owned treatment works. Effluent Limitation Guideline or Effluent Standard - a regulation published by the EPA Administrator under PL 92-500,§ 304, 306 or 307 or by the Department under M.G.L. c. 21, § 27 which is used as a basis for establishing effluent limitations. Environmental Protection Agency or EPA - the United States Environmental Protection Agency. Federal Act - the Clean Water Act, P.L. 92-500, as amended by P.L. 95-217 and P.L. 95-576, 33 U.S.C. 1251 et seq. Ground Water-water below the land surface in a saturated zone, including perched ground water. Hazardous Substance - any of the substances designated under http://www.mass.gov/dep/bwp/iww/files/314cmr5.htm 8/25/2004 MA DEP Bureau of Waste Prevention, Industrial Wastewater Program Page 4 of 30 w 40 CFR Part 116 r -pursuant to 92 500, § 311 or any hazardous material as defined in M.G.L. c. 21 E. Hazardous Waste - a hazardous waste pursuant to the Massachusetts Hazardous Waste Regulations, 310 CMR 30,000. Health Advisory - the level of a pollutant in water at which, with a margin of safety, adverse health effects would not be anticipated, as determined by the Department or EPA. Indirect Discharger- a discharger introducing pollutants to a treatment works. Industrial Waste - any liquid, gaseous, or solid waste substance or a combination thereof resulting from any process of industry, manufacturing, trade, or business or from the development or recovery of any natural resources. Land Utilization Practices - the use of plants, the soil surface, or soil matrix for removal of certain wastewater constituents. Massachusetts Water Quality Standards - the Massachusetts Surface Water Quality Standards (314 CMR 4.00) and the Massachusetts Ground Water Quality Standards (314 CMR .00). Natural Background Conditions - the chemical, physical or biological characteristics of surface or ground waters unaltered by human activity. Non-contact Cooling Water - water used to reduce temperature which does not come into direct contact with any raw material, intermediate product, waste product (other than heat), or finished product. Other Wastes - all liquid discarded matter other than sewage or industrial waste which may cause or might reasonably be expected to cause pollution of the waters of the Commonwealth in contravention of adopted standards. Outlet - the terminus of a sewer system, or the point of emergence of any water-borne sewage, industrial waste or other wastes or the effluent therefrom, into the waters of the Commonwealth or on the land surface. Perched Ground Water- unconfined ground water separated from an underlying body of ground water by an unsaturated zone. Permit - an authorization issued pursuant to M.G.L. c. 21, § 43 and 314 CMR 2.00, and 3.00, 5.00, or r.00, to implement the requirements of M.G.L. c. 21, §§ 26 through 53 and PL 92-500 and http://www.mass.gov/dep/bwp/iww/files/314cmr5.htm 8/25/2004 MA DEP Bureau of,Waste Prevention, Industrial Wastewater Program Page 5 of 30 0 regulations adopted thereunder. Person - any agency or political subdivision of the Commonwealth, the Federal government, any public or private corporation or authority, individual, partnership or association, or other entity, including any officer of a public or private agency or organization, upon whom a duty may be imposed by or pursuant to any provisions of M.G.L. c. 21, § 26 through 53. Point Source - any discernible, confined and discrete conveyance, including but not limited to any pipe, ditch, channel, tunnel, conduit, well, discrete fissure, container, rolling stock, concentrated animal feeding operation, vessel or other floating craft from which pollutants are or may be discharged. This term does not include return flows from irrigated agriculture. Pollutant - any element or property of sewage, agricultural, industrial or commercial waste, runoff, leachate, heated effluent, or other matter, in whatever form and whether originating at a point or major non-point source, which is or may be discharged, drained or otherwise introduced into any sewerage system, treatment works or waters of the Commonwealth. Pollution - the presence in the environment of pollutants in quantities or characteristics which are or may be injurious to human, plant or animal life or to property or which unreasonably interfere with the comfortable enjoyment of life and property throughout such areas as may be affected thereby. Pretreatment - the reduction of the amount of pollutants, the elimination of pollutants, or the alteration of the nature of pollutants properties in wastewater prior to or in lieu of discharging or otherwise introducing such pollutants into a POTW. Public Entity - any city, town, special district, the Metropolitan District Commission or other existing governmental unit eligible to receive a grant for the construction of treatment works from the United States Environmental Protection Agency pursuant to Title II of PL 92-500,as amended. Publicly Owned Treatment Works or POTW - any device or system used in the treatment (including recycling and reclamation) of municipal sewage or industrial wastes of a liquid nature which is owned by a public entity. A POTW includes any sewers, pipes, or other conveyances only if they convey wastewater to a POTW providing treatment. RCRA - the Solid Waste Disposal Act, as amended by the Resource Conservation and Recovery Act of 1976 (P.L. 94-580, as amended by P.L. 95-609, 42 U.S.C. Section 6901 et seq.) http://www.mass.gov/dep/bwp/iww/files/314cmr5.htm 8/25/2004 MA DEP Bureau of Waste Prevention, Industrial Wastewater Program Page 6 of 30 RCRA Facility - a hazardous waste management facility as defined in 314 CMR 8.03. Saturated Zone - any portion of the earth below the land surface where every available opening (pore, fissure, joint, or solution cavity) is filled with water. Sewage - the water-carried human or animal wastes from residences, buildings, industrial establishments or other places, together with such ground water infiltration and surface water as may be present. Sewer System - pipelines or conduits, pumping stations, force mains, and all other structures, devices, appurtenances, and facilities used for collecting and conveying wastes to a site or works for treatment or disposal. Septage - the liquid and solid wastes, primarily of sewage origin, that are removed from a cesspool, septic tank or similar receptacle. State Act - the Massachusetts Clean Waters Act, as amended, M.G.L. c. 21, § 26 through 53. Subsurface Sewage Disposal System - a disposal system which discharges sewage onto or beneath the surface of the ground. Toxic'Pollutants - fhose pollutants identified in 314 CMR 3.16 or any other pollutants,or combination of pollutants, including disease-causing agents, which after discharge and upon exposure, ingestion, inhalation or assimilation into any organism, either directly from the environment or indirectly through food chains, may, on the basis of information available to the Department, cause death, disease, behavioral abnormalities, cancer, mutations, physiological malfunctions, biochemical abnormalities, including malfunctions in reproduction, or physical deformations, in such organisms or their offspring. Treatment Works - any and all devices, processes and properties, real or personal, used in the collection, pumping, transmission, storage, treatment, disposal, recycling, reclamation or reuse of waterborne pollutants, but not including any works receiving a hazardous waste from off the site of the works for the purpose of treatment, storage or disposal. Uncontaminated Water- water which does not contain dredge spoil, solid waste, incinerator residue, filter backwash, sewage, garbage, sewage sludge, munitions, chemical wastes, biological waste materials, radioactive materials, wrecked or discarded equipment, cellar dirt, industrial, municipal or agricultural waste or any other material which upon discharge could cause a violation of http://www.mass.gov/dep/bwp/iww/files/314cmr5.htm 8/25/2004 YMADEP Bureau of Waste Prevention, Industrial Wastewater Program Page 7 of 30 applicable water quality standards. Underground Injection Control or UIC - the program under Section 1421 of the Safe Drinking Water Act (P.L. 93-523 as amended by P.L. 95-190 and 96-502). Unconsolidated Deposits - all non-indurated or poorly indurated soil materials above the bed rock. Unsaturated Zone - that portion of the earth's crust which does not contain sufficient water to fill all interconnected voids or pore spaces. Perched water bodies may exist within the unsaturated zone. Wastewater- sewage, industrial waste, other wastes or any combination of the three. Waters of the Commonwealth - all waters within the jurisdiction of the Commonwealth, including,without limitation, rivers, streams, lakes, ponds, springs, impoundments, estuaries, wetlands, coastal waters, and ground waters. Well - a bored, drilled, or driven shaft or a dug hole, whose depth is greater than its largest surface dimension. 5.03: Discharges Requiring a Permit (1) No person shall discharge pollutants to ground waters of the Commonwealth without a currently valid permit from the Department pursuant to M.G.L. c. 21, § 43 and 314 CMR 5.00, unless exempted in 34 CMR 5.05. No person shall construct, install, modify, operate or maintain an outlet for such a discharge or any treatment works required to treat such discharge without having first obtained a discharge permit in accordance with 314 CMR 5.03(1) and written approval from the Department for such activity, unless exempted pursuant to 314 CMR 5.05. Any person who discharges or proposes to discharge to ground waters of the Commonwealth may obtain a permit by filing the appropriate application forms in accordance with 314 CMR 5.00 and 2.00. (2) Activities which constitute discharges of pollutants requiring a permit under 314 CMR 5.03(1) include, but are not limited to: (a) Any facility which discharges a liquid effluent onto or below the land surface; (b) Any facility which discharges a liquid effluent to a percolation pit, pond, or lagoon; (c) Any facility which discharges a liquid effluent via subsurface leaching facilities including but not limited to: leaching pits, galleries, chambers, trenches, fields and pipes; (d) Any facility which discharges a liquid effluent into a Class http://www.mass.gov/dep/bwp/iww/files/314cmr5.htm 8/25/2004 I MA DEP Bureau of Waste Prevention, Industrial Wastewater Program Page 8 of 30 b V injection well as defined in 310 CMR 27.00; or (e) Any facility with an associated unlined pit, pond, lagoon, or surface impoundment in which wastewaters or sludges are collected, stored, treated, or disposed and from which a liquid portion seeps into the ground. 5.04: Other Activities Requiring a Permit (1) No person shall engage in any other activity, other than those described in 314 CMR 5.03, which may reasonably result, directly or indirectly, in the discharge of pollutants into ground waters of the Commonwealth, without a currently valid permit from the Department, pursuant to 314 CMR 5.00 and 2.00, unless exempted in 314 CMR 5.05. Any person who engages or proposes to engage in such activities may obtain a permit by filing the appropriate application forms in accordance with 314 CMR 5.00 and 2.00. (2) Such other activities shall specifically include, but not be limited to: (a) Storm Water Discharges to the ground as defined herein. "Storm water discharges" means a conveyance or system of conveyances (including pipes, conduits, ditches and channels) primarily used for collecting and conveying storm water runoff, but not including combined municipal sewer systems, and which: 1. Discharges storm water runoff contaminated by contact with process wastes, raw materials, toxic pollutants, hazardous substances, or oil and grease to a leaching facility, or percolation pit, pond, or lagoon; or 2. Is designated under 314 CMR 5.04(2)(b). Such discharges shall include, but not be limited to, any "storm water discharge" which is located in an industrial plant or in plant associated areas, if there is a potential for significant discharge of storm water contaminated by contact with process wastes, raw materials, toxic pollutants or hazardous substances. "Plant associated areas" means industrial plant yards, immediate access roads, drainage ponds, refuse piles, storage piles or areas, and material or product loading and unloading areas. The term excludes areas located on plant lands separated from the plant's industrial activities, such as office buildings and accompanying parking lots. (b) Case-by case designation of storm water discharges to the ground. The Department may designate a conveyance or system of conveyances primarily used for collecting and conveying storm water runoff as a storm water discharge to the ground. This designation may be made when the Department determines that a storm water discharge is or may be a significant contributor of pollution to the ground waters of the http://www.mass.gov/dep/bwp/iww/files/314cmr5.htm 8/25/2004 IMADEP Industrial.Wastewater 314 CMR 6.00 Ground Water Quality Standards Page 1 of 16 massd ,. � ��. - r r axe^^" — �r� D ``� F � ' ............ .......... h was ewa industrial t ter .. industrial wastewater topics: ' GQI, DEP general topics: .0 314 CMR 6.00: GROUND WATER QUALITY STANDARDS These Regulations were effective as of 12127196. They were formatted into HTML on May 2001. This copy of the 314 CMR 6.00: GROUND WATER QUALITY STANDARDS is not an "Official Version"of the regulations. In particular, it lacks page numbers and the effective dates at the bottom of each page. Other unexpected differences may also be present. This HTML version is offered as a convenience to our users and DEP believes that the body of the text is a faithful copy of the regulations. If you REALLY, ABSOLUTELY, MUST know that the version you have is correct and up-to-date, then you must purchase the document through the State Bookstore (at http:1/www.state,ma.us/sec/spr/spridx.htm). The official versions of all state statutes and regulations are only available through the State Bookstore. Section 6.0 : Purpose and Authority . : Definitions 6,0 : Ground Water Classes and Designated Uses 6. 4: Establishing Ground Water Classifications .0 : Assignment of Class Ill Ground Waters . 6: Minimum Ground hater duality Criteria . ': Application of Standards . : Monitoring .0 : Specific Ground hater Class Designation http://www.mass.gov/dep/bwp/iww/files/314cmr6.htm 8/25/2004 MA DEP Industrial Wastewater 314 CMR 6.00 Ground Water Quality Standards Page 2 of 16 . 0: Interim Provisions 6.01: Purpose and Authority 314 CMR 6.00 establishes the Massachusetts Ground Water Quality Standards pursuant to the provisions of M.G.L. c. 21 §§ 27(5), 27(6), and 27(12). These standards consist of ground water classifications, which designate and assign the uses for which the various ground waters of the Commonwealth shall be maintained and protected; water quality criteria necessary to sustain the designated uses; and regulations necessary to achieve the designated uses or maintain the existing ground water quality. 6.02: Definitions As used in 314 CMR 6.00, the following words have the following meanings: Aquifer- a geological formation, group of formations, or part of a formation that is capable of yielding a significant amount of water to a well or spring. Consolidated Rock or Bed Rock - any solid hard rock exposed at the surface of the earth or overlain by unconsolidated deposits. Degraded - a change in ground water quality from local natural background ground water quality which is determined by the Department to be deteriorating in terms of the magnitude of the change and the importance of the parameters describing ground water quality. Department - the Massachusetts Department of Environmental Protection. Discharge or Discharge of Pollutants - any addition of any pollutant or combination of pollutants to waters of the Commonwealth from any source, including but not limited to, discharges from surface runoff which is collected or channelled by man; discharges through pipes, sewers, or other conveyances owned by a State, municipality, or other person which do not lead to a POTW and discharges through pipes, sewers, or other conveyances, leading into privately owned treatment works. This term does not include an addition of pollutants by any indirect discharger. Disposal System - a system for disposing of sewage, industrial waste or other wastes, and including sewer systems and treatment works. http://www.mass.gov/depibwp/iww/files/314cmr6.htm 8/25/2004 MA DEP Industrial Wastewater 314 CMR 6.00 Ground Water Quality Standards Page 3 of 16 Effluent - a discharge of pollutants into the environment, whether or not treated. Effluent Limitation or Effluent Limit - any requirement, restriction, or standard imposed by the Department on quantities, discharge rates, and concentrations of pollutants which are discharged from point sources into waters of the Commonwealth or to publicly owned treatment works. Environmental Protection Agency or EPA - the United States Environmental Protection Agency. Existing Ground Water Quality - characteristics of the physical, biological, chemical, and radiological parameters representative of the ground water quality at a site at the time of permit issuance, permit renewal or nonpermitted discharge as determined by an accepted hydrogeologic study. Federal Act - the Clean Water Act, P.L. 92-500 as amended by P.L. 95-217 and P.L. 95-576, 33 U.S.C. 125. Fresh Water -water having a chloride concentration equal to or less than 250 mg/I, or a total dissolved solids concentration equal to or less than 10,000 mg/I. Ground Water- water below the land surface in a saturated zone, including perched ground water. Health Advisory - the level of a pollutant in water at which, with a margin of safety, adverse health effects would not be anticipated, as determined by the Department or EPA. Industrial Waste - any liquid, gaseous, or solid waste substance or a combination thereof resulting from any process of industry, manufacturing, trade, or business or from the development or recovery of any natural resources. Leachate - any liquid, including any suspended or dissolved components in the liquid, that has percolated through or drained from a landfill or other solid waste disposal site. Massachusetts Water Quality Standards - the Massachusetts Surface Water Quality Standards (314 CMR 4.00) and the Massachusetts Ground Water Quality Standards (314 CMR 6.00). Milligrams Per Liter or mg/I - the weight in milligrams of any specific substance or substances contained in one liter of solution. Monitoring Well - a well that is specifically designed, http://www.mass.gov/dep/bwp/iww/files/314cmr6.htm 8/25/2004 MA DEP Industrial Wastewater 314 CMR 6.00 Ground Water Quality Standards Page 4 of 16 constructed, emplaced and located to measure the impact of a subsurface discharge. Natural Background Condition - the chemical, physical or biological characteristics of surface or ground waters unaltered by human activity. Observation Well - a well that is used to determine existing hydrogeological conditions. Other Wastes - all liquid discarded matter other than sewage or industrial waste which may cause or might reasonably be expected to cause pollution of the waters of the Commonwealth in contravention of adopted standards. Outlet - the terminus of a sewer system, or the point of emergence of any wastewater or effluent into the waters of the Commonwealth or onto the land surface. Pathogenic Organism - any disease-producing organism. Perched Ground Water- unconfined ground water separated from an underlying body of ground water by an unsaturated zone. Permit - an authorization issued pursuant to M.G.L. c. 21, §§ 43 and 314 CMR 2.00 and 3.00, 5.00, or 7.00, to implement the requirements of the Massachusetts Clean Waters Act, as amended, M.G.L. c. 21, §§ 26 through 53 and the Clean Water Act, P.L. 92-500 as amended by P.L. 95-217 and P.L. 95-576, 33 U.S.C. 125. and regulations adopted thereunder. Person - any agency or political subdivision of the Commonwealth, the federal government, any public or private corporation or authority, individual, partnership or association, or other entity, including any officer of a public or private agency or organization, upon whom a duty may be imposed by or pursuant to any provisions of M.G.L. c. 21, §§ 26 through 53. Pollutant - any element or property of sewage, agricultural, industrial or commercial waste, runoff, leachate, heated effluent, or other matter, in whatever form and whether originating at a point or major non-point source, which is or may be discharged, drained or otherwise introduced into any sewerage system, treatment works or waters of the Commonwealth. Pollution - the presence in the environment of pollutants in quantities or characteristics which are or may be injurious to human, plant or animal life or to property or which unreasonably interfere with the comfortable enjoyment of life and property throughout such areas as may be affected thereby. http://www.mass.gov/depibwp/iww/files/314cmr6.htm 8/25/2004 IMADEP Industrial Wastewater 314 CMR 6.00 Ground Water Quality Standards Page 5 of 16 Potable Waters - fresh waters usable for drinking, culinary or food processing purposes. Quality Standard - the assigned level of purity or quality for any waters in relation to their designated usage. Saline Water-water having a chloride concentration of more than 250 mg/I or a total dissolved solids concentration of more than 10,000 mg/I. Saturated Zone - any portion of the earth below the land surface where every available opening (pore, fissure, joint, or solution cavity) is filled with water. Sewage - the water-carried human or animal wastes from residences, buildings, industrial establishments or other places, together with such ground water infiltration and surface water as may be present. Septage - the liquid and solid wastes, primarily of sewage origin, that are removed from a cesspool, septic tank or similar receptacle. State Act - the Massachusetts Clean Waters Act, as amended, M.G.L. c. 21, §§ 26 through 53. Subsurface Sewage Disposal System - a disposal system which discharges sewage onto or beneath the surface of the ground. Toxic Pollutants- those pollutants identified in 314 CMR 3.16, or any other pollutants or combination of pollutants, including disease-causing agents, which after discharge and upon exposure, ingestion, inhalation or assimilation into any organism, either directly from the environment or indirectly through food chains, may, on the basis of information available to the Department, cause death, disease, behavioral abnormalities, cancer, mutations, physiological malfunctions, biochemical abnormalities, including malfunctions in reproduction, or physical deformations, in such organisms or their offspring. Treatment Works - any and all devices, processes and properties, real or personal, used in the collection, pumping, transmission, storage, treatment, disposal, recycling, reclamation or reuse of waterborne pollutants, but not including any works receiving a hazardous waste from off the site of the works for the purpose of treatment, storage or disposal. Underground Injection Control or UIC - the program under Section 1421 of the Safe Drinking Water Act (P.L. 93-523 as i http://www.mass.gov/depibwp/iww/files/314cmr6.htm 8/25/2004 I MA DEP IndustrialWastewater 314 CMR 6.00 Ground Water Quality Standards Page 6 of 16 amended by P.L. 95-190 and 96-502). Unconsolidated Deposits - all non-indurated or poorly indurated soil materials above the bed rock. Unsaturated Zone - that portion of the earth's crust which does not contain sufficient water to fill all interconnected voids or pore spaces. Perched water bodies may exist within the unsaturated zone. Waste Management System - includes the management of mechanical equipment, crops, irrigation and monitors as an operational unit. r Wastewater- sewage, industrial waste, other wastes or any combination of the three. Waters of the Commonwealth - all waters within the jurisdiction of the Commonwealth, including, without limitation, rivers, streams, lakes, ponds, springs, impoundments, estuaries, wetlands, coastal waters, and ground waters. Well - a bored, drilled, or driven shaft or a dug hole, whose depth is greater than its largest surface dimension. 6.03: Ground Water Classes and Designated Uses All ground waters of the Commonwealth shall be assigned to one of the Classes listed below based upon the most sensitive uses for which the ground water,is to be maintained and protected. The classes are: (1) Class I - Ground waters assigned to this class are fresh ground waters found in the saturated zone of unconsolidated deposits or consolidated rock and bed rock and are designated as a source of potable water supply. (2) Class II - Ground waters assigned to this class are saline waters found in the saturated zone of the unconsolidated deposits or consolidated rock and bed rock and are designated as a source of potable mineral waters, for conversion to fresh potable waters, or as raw material for the manufacture of sodium chloride or its derivatives or similar products. (3) Class III - Ground water assigned to this class are fresh or saline waters found in the saturated zone of unconsolidated deposits or consolidated rock and bed rock and are designated for uses other than as a source of potable water supply. At a minimum the most sensitive use of these waters shall be as a source of non-potable water which may come in contact with, but http://www.mass.gov/depibwp/iww/files/314cmr6.htm 8/25/2004 MA DEP Industrial Wastewater 314 CMR 6.00 Ground Water Quality Standards Page 7 of 16 is not ingested by humans. 6.04: Establishing Ground Water Classifications (1) The procedure by which the classes designated in 314 CMR 6.03 are assigned to particular ground waters shall be known as a "classification". The initial classification of ground waters of the Commonwealth by the Department shall be done in accordance with the provisions of 314 CMR 6.04 and 6.10. Any person desiring a classification of the ground waters shall submit a petition to the Department. All such petitions shall contain at a minimum the following information: (a) The name, mailing address and telephone number of the petitioner; (b) The location and description of the ground waters including any aquifers for which the classification is proposed; (c) The current classification and proposed classification for the ground waters in question; (d) The current uses of the ground waters in question and the potential uses with and without the classification; . (e) A listing of all existing and planned public water supplies and all existing private water supplies in the area impacted by the classification; I (f) A listing of all known existing and proposed discharges of pollutants to the ground waters impacted by the classification; (g) The reason or reasons why the classification is necessary; and (h) In those cases where the proposed classification for the ground waters is Class III, documentation of compliance with the requirements of 314 CMR 6.05. (2) In addition to complying with the requirements of 314 CMR 6.05, where a Class III classification is proposed, the person proposing the classification may also be required to: (a) Comply with the requirements of 301 CMR 10.00, if applicable; (b) Submit a hydrogeologic study which may include, but not be limited to, soil borings, installation of ground water monitoring and observation wells, determination of infiltration capacity, percolation tests, determination of transmissivity, defining the mounding potential, determining water table elevations, estimating the potential movement of the contaminant plume, analyses of soils, water quality analyses and computer modelling of the ground waters; and (c) Any additional information deemed necessary by the Department to evaluate the classification request. (3) Any classification under 314 CMR 6.04 constitutes a modification of 314 CMR 6.00 and shall be promulgated in http://www.mass.gov/depibwp/iww/files/314cmr6.htm 8/25/2004 MA DEP Industrial Wastewater 314 CMR 6.00 Ground Water Quality Standards Page 8 of 16 accordance with the procedures set forth in M.G.L. c. 30A § 2. As part of any classification of ground waters as Class III, the Department shall publish a map of appropriate scale delineating the Class III area. (4) In any classification, the burden of proof relative to justifying the classification shall be on the person requesting the classification. 6.05: Assignment of Class III Ground Waters (1) The Class III designation shall not be assigned to any ground waters of the Commonwealth unless the Department finds that adjacent, tributary and downgradient ground waters and surface waters and the most sensitive designated uses thereof will not be impaired by such classification. (2) No Class III classification shall be made if there is no existing or proposed discharge to the ground water requiring such a classification. If the discharge is to be made by means of injection into a well, no Class III classification shall be made except in compliance with the provisions of 310 CMR 27.07 and 40 CFR 144.7. (3) A Class III classification shall only be considered for the following cases: (a) The ground water impacted by the classification is under single ownership by the discharger proposing the classification; or (b) The ground water impacted by the classification does not currently serve, and will not in the future serve, as a source of drinking water because: 1. The ground water is situated at a depth or location that makes recovery of water for drinking water purposes economically or technologically infeasible; or 2. The ground water is contaminated or degraded to the point that recovery of water for drinking water purposes is economically or technologically infeasible; or 3. The discharge of the person proposing the classification is located over a federally defined Class III well mining area subject to subsidence or catastrophic collapse; or (c) The ground water impacted by the classification currently serves as a drinking water source, or could potentially serve as a drinking water source, but an alternate source of drinking water is available and will be provided by the discharger proposing the classification to all existing and potential users of the aquifer impacted by the discharge. (4) Where it can be demonstrated that 314 CMR 6.05(3) has http://www.mass.gov/dep/bwp/iww/files/314cmr6.htm 8/25/2004 MA,DEP Industrial Wastewater 314 CMR 6.00 Ground Water Quality Standards Page 9 of 16 been satisfied, the following potential adverse effects on hydraulically connected surface and ground waters shall be evaluated in a classification proceeding under 314 CMR 6,04: (a) The volume and physical, chemical and biological characteristics of the waste in the discharge to the proposed Class III ground waters, including the potential for migration; (b) The hydrogeologic characteristics of the disposal site and the area immediately surrounding the proposed Class III area; (c) The existing quantity and quality of ground water within the proposed Class III area, and the direction of ground water flow into and out of the proposed Class III area; (d) The proximity of the disposal system to the proposed Class III area and hydraulically connected ground waters and surface waters; (e) The proximity and withdrawal rates of ground water users in relation to the proposed Class III area; (f) The potential for health risks caused by human exposure to waste constituents within the proposed Class III ground waters; (g) The current and future uses of surface waters and ground waters in the areas adjacent to the proposed Class III area and the water quality standards established for those waters; (h) The existing quality of surface waters and ground water adjacent to the proposed Class III area including other sources of contamination and the cumulative impact on water quality; (i) The potential damage to wildlife, crops, vegetation, and physical structures caused by the pollutants; and 0) The persistence and permanence of the potential adverse effects. 6.06: Minimum Ground Water Quality Criteria (1) Class I and Class II Ground Waters. The following minimum criteria are applicable to all Class I and Class II ground waters: Parameter Criteria (a) Pathogenic Organisms Shall not be in amounts sufficient to render the ground waters detrimental to public health and welfare or impair the ground water for use as source of potable water. j (b) Coliform Bacteria Shall not exceed the maximum contaminant level as stated in the National http://www.mass.gov/dep/bwp/iww/files/314cmr6.htm 8/25/2004 MA DEP Industrial Wastewater 314 CMR 6.00 Ground Water Quality Standards Page 10 of 16 Interim Primary Drinking Water Standards. (c) Arsenic Shall not exceed 0.05 mg/I (d) Barium Shall not exceed 1.0 mg/I (e) Cadmium Shall not exceed 0.01 mg/I f Chromium Shall a not exceed 0.05 m /I O g (g) Copper Shall not exceed 1.0 mg/I (h) Fluoride Shall not exceed 2.4 mg/I (i) Foaming Agents Shall not exceed 0.5 mg/I Q) Iron Shall not exceed 0.3 mg/I (k) Lead Shall not exceed 0.05 mg/I (1) Manganese Shall not exceed 0.05 mg/I (m) Mercury Shall not exceed 0.002 mg/I (n) pNitrate Nitrogen (as Shall not exceed 10.0 mg/1 Nitrogen) (o) Total Trihalomethanes Shall not exceed 0.1 mg/I (p) Selenium Shall not exceed 0.01 mg/I (q) Silver Shall not exceed 0.05 mg/I (r) Sulfate Shall not exceed 250 mg/I (s) Zinc Shall not exceed 5.0 mg/I (t) Endrin (1,2,3,4,10,10- Shall not exceed 0.0002 mg/I hexachloro-1, 7-epoxy- 1,4,4a,5,6,7,8,9a- octahydro-1, 4-endo, endo-5,8- dimethanonaphthalene) (u) Lindane (1,2,3,4,5,6- Shall not exceed 0.004 m9/I hexachlorocyclohexane, gamma isomer) (v) Methoxychlor (1,1,1- Shall not exceed 0.1 mg/I Trichloro-2, 2-bis(p- methoxyphenyl) ethane) (w) Toxaphene (C1OH1OC18, Shall not exceed 0.005 mg/I Technical Chlorinated Camphene, 67-69 percent chlorine) (x) Chlorophenoxys: 2,4-D, Shall not exceed 0.1 mg/I (2,4-Dichloro- phenoxyacetic acid) 2,4,5-TP Silvex (2,4,5- Shall not exceed 0.01 mg/I Trichlorophenoxy- propionic acid) (y) Radioactivity Shall not exceed the maximum radionuclide contaminant levels as stated in the National Interim Primary Drinking Water Standards. (z) pH Shall be in the range of 6.5- 8.5 standard units or not http://www.mass.gov/depibwp/iww/files/314cmr6.htm 8/25/2004 -_ I MA.DEP Industrial Wastewater 314 CMR 6.00 Ground Water Quality Standards Page 11 of 16 more than 0.2 units outside of the naturally occurring range. (aa) All Other Pollutants None in such concentrations which in the opinion of the Department would impair the waters for use as a source of potable water or to cause or contribute to a condition in contravention of standards for other classified waters of the Commonwealth. (2) Class III Ground Waters. The following minimum criteria are applicable to all Class III ground waters: Parameter Criteria (a) Pathogenic Shall not be in amounts sufficient to Organisms render the ground waters detrimental to public health, safety or welfare. (b) Radioactivity Shall not exceed the maximum radionuclide contaminant levels as stated in the National Interim Primary Drinking Water Standards.' (c) All Other None in concentrations or Pollutants combinations which upon exposure to humans will cause death, disease, behavioral abnormalities, cancer, genetic mutations, physiological malfunctions or physical deformations or cause any significant adverse effects to the environment, or which would exceed the recommended limits on the most sensitive ground water use. 6.07: Application of Standards (1) Ground Water Discharge Permits. No person shall make or permit an outlet for the discharge of sewage or industrial waste or other wastes or the effluent therefrom, into any ground water of the Commonwealth without first obtaining a permit from the Department pursuant to 314 CMR 5.00. Said permit shall be issued subject to such conditions as the Department may deem necessary to insure compliance with the standards established in 314 CMR 6.06. Applications for ground water discharge permits shall be submitted within times and on forms prescribed by the Department and shall contain such information as the Department http://www.mass.gov/depibwp/iww/files/314cmr6.htm 8/25/2004 MA.DEP Industrial Wastewater 314 CMR 6.00 Ground Water Quality Standards Page 12 of 16 may require. (2) Establishment of Discharge Limits. In regulating discharges of pollutants to ground waters of the Commonwealth, the Department shall limit or prohibit such discharges to insure that the quality standards of the receiving waters will be maintained or attained. The determination by the Department of the applicable level of treatment for an individual discharger will be made in the establishment of discharge limits in the individual ground water discharge permit. In establishing effluent limitations in the individual permits, the Department must consider natural background conditions, must protect existing adjacent and downgradient uses and must not interfere with the maintenance and attainment of beneficial uses in adjacent and downgradient waters. Toward this end, the Department may provide a reasonable margin of safety to account for any lack of knowledge concerning the relationship between the pollutants being discharged and their impact on the quality of the ground waters. (3) For purposes of determining compliance with 314 CMR 6.06 (1)(aa) for toxic pollutants in Class I and Class II ground waters, the Department shall use Health Advisories which have been adopted by the Department or EPA. Generally, the level of a toxic pollutant which may result in one additional incident of cancer in 100,000 given a lifetime exposure (10-5 Excess Lifetime Cancer Risk) will be used in determining compliance with 314 CMR 6.06 (1)(aa). (4) Coordination with Federal Criteria. The Department may use available published water quality criteria documents as guidance in establishing case-by-case discharge limits on specific pollutants to ground waters including but not limited to EPA guidance published in accordance with PL 92-500, § 304(b). 6.08: Monitoring (1) Collection of Samples. The determination of compliance or non-compliance of sewage, industrial waste or other waste discharges with the requirements of 314 CMR 6.00 shall be made through tests or analytical determinations of ground water or effluent samples collected, transported and stored in such manner as is approved by the Department. The location at which ground water samples are collected shall be determined by the Department. In selecting or approving such locations, the Department shall consider all relevant facts including, but not limited to: (a) The mobility of pollutants in the unsaturated zone and the pollutant attenuation mechanisms in this zone. (b) Attenuation mechanisms which may remove potential pollutants in passage through the soil. http://www.mass.gov/dep/bwp/iww/files/314cmr6.htm 8/25/2004 MA.DEP Industrial Wastewater 314 CMR 6.00 Ground Water Quality Standards Page 13 of 16 (c) The relative thickness of the unsaturated zone. (d) Attenuation of pollutant concentrations with distance which may occur in the saturated zone, as a result of attenuation processes occurring below the water table. The location at which effluent samples are collected shall be at a point where the effluent emerges from a treatment works, disposal system, outlet or point source and prior to being discharged to the ground. (2) Number of Monitoring Wells. The Department shall determine the number of observation and monitoring wells necessary for the determination of compliance with 314 CMR 6.00. M (3) Tests or Analytical Determinations. Test or analytical determinations to determine compliance or non-compliance with standards shall be made in accordance with: (a) the latest edition of Standard Methods for the Examination of Water and Wastewater prepared by the American Public Health Association, American Water Works Association, and Water Pollution Control Federation; (b) the latest edition of Methods for Chemical Analysis of Water and Wastes prepared by the Environmental Protection . Agency; (c) the latest edition of Water Standards of The American Society for Testing and Materials; or (d) other methods approved by the Department as giving results equal to or superior to methods listed above. 6.09: Specific Designation of Ground Water Classes (2) The ground waters beneath the lands listed in the following table are designated either as Class II or Class III as indicated in the table, with variations from the Class I criteria as itemized. Except as specifically stated in the table, Class I criteria are applicable to such waters. TABLE Municipality: Falmouth Area (1) An area of approximately 945 acres in the vicinity of the Falmouth Wastewater Treatment Facility, generally as bounded on the West by West Falmouth Harbor; on the North by an East-West line extending from Mashapaquit Creek to Route 28, approximately 200 feet South of Chase Road; on the East by a North-South line extending from approximately 600 feet http://www.mass.gov/dep/bwp/iww/files/314cmr6.htm 8/25/2004 I MA,DEP Industrial Wastewater 314 CMR 6.00 Ground Water Quality Standards Page 14 of 16 South of Thomas Landers Road to Blacksmith Shop Road, approximately 3,700 feet East of Route 28; on the Southeast by a Northeast-Southwest line extending from Blacksmith Shop Road, approximately 3,700 feet East of Route 28 to Route 28 approximately 200 feet North of Brick Kiln Road; on the South by an East-West line extending from Route 28 to Harbor Head, approximately 200 feet North of Brick Kiln Road; and the entire site area of the Falmouth Wastewater Treatment Facility; all as more particularly shown on plans designated "Falmouth 1" on file at the Department headquarters office. Class: III Basis: 34 C1R 6.05(3)(c); Permit#0-168 Variation From Class I Standard: Nitrate Nitrogen (as Nitrogen): 50 mg/I; Total Nitrogen (as Nitrogen): 50 mg/I; Chlorides: no applicable standard; Total Dissolved Solids: no applicable standard Municipality: Nantucket Area: (1) An area of approximately 87.3 acres located at the Surfside Wastewater Treatment Facility off Sewer Bed Road, all as more particularly shown on a plan designated "Nantucket 1" on file with the Department headquarters office. Class: III Basis: 34 CIR 6.05(3)(a); Permit#0-200 Variation from Class I Standard: Nitrate Nitrogen (as Nitrogen): 50 mg/I; Total Nitrogen (as Nitrogen): 50 mg/I; Chlorides: no applicable standard; http://www.ma`ss.gov/depibwp/iww/files/314cmr6.htm 8/25/2004 MA,DEP Industrial Wastewater 314 CMR 6.00 Ground Water Quality Standards Page 15 of 16 Total Dissolved Solids: no applicable standard Area: (2) An area of approximately 17.8 acres located at the Siasconset Wastewater Treatment Facility off Low Beach Road, all as more particularly shown on a plan designated "Nantucket 2" on file with the Department headquarters office. Class: III Basis: 314 CMR 6,05(3)(a); Permit#0-201 Variation from Class I Standard: Nitrate Nitrogen (as Nitrogen): 50 mg/I; Total Nitrogen (as Nitrogen): 50 mg/I; Chlorides: no applicable standard; Total Dissolved Solids: no applicable standard. Municipality: Orleans Area: (1) The lots in an area of approximately 38 acres bounded generally by the Cape Cod Rail Trail on the North; the southbound off- ramp from Route 6 towards Route 6A for approximately 700 feet on the Southeast; an east-west line extended from the Route 6 southbound off-ramp to Bog Hollow Road, 150 feet south of the intersection of Overland Way with Bay Ridge Lane on the South; and a north-south line extended from Bog Hollow Road to the Cape Cod Rail Trail approximately 300 feet south of the circle at the end of Overland Way on the West; all as more particularly shown on a plan designated "Orleans 1" on file with the Department headquarter office. Class: III Basis: 314 CMR 6,05(3)(c); Permit #0-187 http://www.mass.gov/dep/bwp/iww/files/314cmr6.htm 8/25/2004 MA DEP Industrial Wastewater 314 CMR 6.00 Ground Water Quality Standards Page 16 of 16 Variation from Class I Standard: Nitrate Nitrogen (as Nitrogen): 50 mg/I; Total Nitrogen (as Nitrogen): 50 mg/l; Chlorides: no applicable standard; Total Dissolved Solids: no applicable standard. 6.10: Interim Provisions (1) Ground water classifications will be assigned state-wide by the Department on or after June 1,.1985. Any person desiring an initial assignment of a specific classification for particular ground waters as part of the state-wide classifications should submit the information specified in 3'14 CMR 6.04 to the Department prior to January 1, 1985. All ground waters for which no petition for consideration of a specific classification is filed with the Department prior to January 1, 1985 will be proposed by the Department for assignment as Class I. The Department may consider individual petitions for Class III assignment on a case- by-case basis at any time, such petitions shall comply with the provisions of 314 CMR 6.04. (2) In the absence of a classification all ground waters will be protected for the most sensitive of the uses designated in 314 CMR 5.03, that is as a source of potable water supply. All ground water discharge permits issued after October 1, 1983, but prior to the classification of the ground waters receiving the discharge, shall contain such special conditions necessary to protect the ground waters for use as a source of potable water supply, including but not limited to the applicable Class I effluent limitations contained in 314 CMR 5.10(3). REGULATORY AUTHORITY 314 CMR 6.00: M.G.L. c. 21, §§ 27(5) and 28(12). rep home m calendar•r:ew additio€4s s search,site r:.MP Privacy pciicy http://www.mass.gov/dep/bwp/iww/files/314cmr6.htm 8/25/2004 Page 1 of 3 Town of Barnstable Regulatory Services k Thomas F. Geiler,Director Public Health Division * snRty� Ash * Thomas McKean,Director 200 Main Street, Hyannis,MA 02601 �i Phone: 508-862-4644 Email: health antown.barnstable.ma.us Fax: 508-790-6304 Office Hours: M�F 8:00—5:00 Mr.Dana Woodman August 24,2004 New England Auto Polishing 178 Thornton Drive Hyannis,MA 02601 *IMPORTANT NOTICE* NOTIFICATION TO APPEAR BEFORE THE BOARD OF HEALTH REGARDING 178 THORNTON DRIVE,HYANNIS You will be given an opportunity to be heard on Tuesday,September 7,2004 at 7:00 P.M. at .the second floor Selectmen's Conference Room,Barnstable Town Hall Conference Room, 367 Main Street,Hyannis,to show cause why your Hazardous Materials Storage and Handling License (of 111 Gallons or more a month)should not be revoked due to: Failure to correct serious and repeated violations of the requirements of the Town of Barnstable General Ordinance,Article 39:Vehicle Washing Policy. New England Auto Polishing has been inspected and inventoried for hazardous materials use, storage,handling and disposal several times in the past ten years. Each time,critical violations of vehicle washing without an approved car wash system were observed and documented. In addition to this, a verbal and written order was rendered at each site visit to CEASE and DESIST ALL CAR WASHING by this business in the Town of Barnstable. Documented records of this repeated order were submitted to you on: 1) April 13, 1993 by Donna Miorandi,Health Inspector 2) May 17, 1995, by Donna Miorandi,Health Inspector 3) September 30,1997 by Donna Miorandi,Health Inspector On August 11,2004 during an annual Hazardous Materials Inventory and Inspection conducted by Amy L.Wallace,Hazardous Materials Specialist,the following violations continue to exist: 1) Vehicle Washing Policy: Vehicle washing is expressly prohibited at any and all automotive repair shops,bus companies, automobile sales businesses,municipal owned repair garages,vehicle rental businesses,and any other businesses or governmental agencies where an approved car wash system is not provided which meets all of the requirements of the MA Department of Environmental Protection and the Town of Barnstable General Ordinance,Article 39. The spraying and rinsing of an engine under- body of a vehicle is also considered"vehicle washing"regardless of whether or not soaps are used to wash or rinse an engine or under-body of a vehicle. Page 2 of 3 2) 314 Code of Massachusetts Regulations, Section 5.03: Discharges Requiring a Permit: (1)No person shall discharge pollutants to ground waters of the Commonwealth without a currently valid permit from the Department pursuant to M.G.L.c.21,43 and 314 CMR 5.00. 3) 314 Code of Massachusetts Regulations,Section 6.06: Minimum Ground Water Ouality Criteria:_(1)Class 1 and Class 2 Ground Waters (must meet the listed criteria)-(aa)All Other Pollutants: None in such concentrations which in the opinion of the Department would impair the waters for use a source of potable water or to cause or contribute to a condition in contravention of standards for other classified waters of the Commonwealth. (2)Class 3 Ground Waters: (must meet the listed criteria)—All Other Pollutants:None in concentrations or combinations which upon exposure to humans will cause death,disease, behavioral abnormalities,cancer,genetic mutations,physiological malfunctions,or physical deformations or cause any significant adverse effects to the environment,or which would exceed the recommended limits on the most sensitive ground water use. • Mr.Dana Woodman and his staff were observed washing cars with soap and water on the morning of August 9,2004 at 178 Thornton Drive when Amy L.Wallace went to his place of business to present him with a letter informing him there would be a routine Hazardous Materials Inventory and Inspection during that week. • Mr.Woodman and his staff were observed washing cars with soap and water on August 11,2004,when Amy L.Wallace arrived to conduct the on site inventory and inspection. • At this time,Amy L.Wallace explained to Mr.Woodman that there is a Vehicle Washing Policy in the Town of Barnstable(enforced under the Town of Barnstable General Ordinance,Article 39: Control of Toxic and Hazardous Materials),and this policy PROHIBITS vehicle washing without an approved car wash system which meets all of the requirements of the MA Department of Environmental Protection and the Town of Barnstable General Ordinance,Article 39. • Amy L.Wallace presented Mr.Woodman with a copy of this policy at the site inspection on August 11,2004 and asked if he had an approved car wash system installed-at Iris Puce-of business-at 178--Thorntm Drive. • During this inspection Mr.Woodman denied knowing what an oil-water separator and approved car wash system was. He said he did not know if his location was supplied with a proper system that would allow him to wash cars. He stated that he . had a drain on site that"caught the runoff of water"from his car washing but he was"not sure what the drain led to." • Later that afternoon,Amy L.Wallace consulted with Donna Miorandi,Health Inspector,and asked about this location and"does it have an oil-water separator?" Mrs.Miorandi confirmed that no location on Thornton Drive has an approved car wash system. • Donna Miorandi stated that she dealt with Mr.Woodman in the past and he had come before the Board of Health about this very issue. At that appearance,he claimed he was looking into installing a proper car wash system,but never did. He does know what it entails and is aware that he is NOT to wash cars at this location. Page 3 of 3 • The afternoon of August 11,2004,Amy L.Wallace contacted Mr.Woodman by phone and instructed him to CEASE AND DESIST ALL CAR WASHING. During this phone conversation,Mr.Woodman explained that he had"gone before the Board of Health a while ago about the oil-water separator,but when I found out it would cost$25,000 to install and I can't do that at the location I rent,I couldn't do it." • At the end of this phone conversation on August 11,2004,Amy L.Wallace informed Mr.Woodman that she was sending him a CEASE and DESIST warning in the mail and to inform his staff immediately to CEASE and DESIST all vehicle washing immediately. Complaints and photos have also been filed in reference to this matter: 1) November 23, 1998 by Anonymous "Cleaning out of autos using acids and degreasers and water observed running into the street" 2) November 25,1998 by Anonymous "Degreasing engines with a sprayer and it is getting onto other vehicles that are next door. The spray is not contained in an area and it goes into the road." 3) January 7, 1999,by Glen Harrington, "Water flowing down Thornton Drive from Health Inspector(photo) N.E.Auto Polishing, 146 Thornton Drive, Barnstable." This letter shall serve as notification to you,the owner of New England Auto Polishing and occupant of 178 Thornton Drive,Hyannis,that the Board of Health will be holding a public hearing on Tuesday, September 7,2004 at 7:00 P.M. in the second floor Selectmen's Conference Room,Barnstable Town Hall, 367 Main Street,Hyannis to determine if the Board of Health may suspend,modify or revoke such license for due cause or failure to comply with any Section of Article XXXIX,Control of Toxic and Hazardous Materials: Vehicle Washing Policy. This hearing may result in an order requiring you,the owner and occupant,to adopt and manage, at your expense,preventive measures to prohibit the release and discharge of toxic and hazardous materials-.-onto the.grourid,which threaten the qualityof groundwater supplies and related water resources on Cape Cod and other Massachusetts towns,posing substantial public health and safety hazards and threatening economic losses to affected communities. At the hearing,you will be given an opportunity to be heard,to present witnesses or documentary evidence and to show why an order to revoke your permit should not be issued. . Attached are copies of the official inspection reports regarding all previous and current inspections. PER ORDER OF THE BOARD OF HEALTH JL Thomas A.McKean,RS, CHO Agent of Board of Health Town of Barnstable Board of Heaifh Town of SaR @W* r 200 Main St NO. ., — /4ro 3 Hyannis,Massaohurft DATE %,11)oy RECEIVED FROM DOLLARS Account Total $_�( Amount Paid $ Balance Due $ 1CJ Signature 6 Town of Barnstable ��t►,e, � Regulatory Services 0`�` ` Thomas F. Geiler,Directooil: r MASS, '6 B " Public Health Division �`039. Y Thomas McKean,Director p/✓ 200 Main Street, Hyannis,MA 02601 � Office: 508-862-4644 Fax: 508-790-6304 Application Fee: $100.00 � ASSESSORS MAP AND PARCEL NO DATE 14�40 APPLICATION FOR PERMIT TO STORE AND/OR UTILIZE MORE THAN 111 GALLONS OF HAZARDOUS MATERIALS FULL NAME OF APPLICANT l 1�► '� �C:P /4�'` NAME OF ESTABLISHMENT ��LIJ i �� •IYOI�/ J ADDRESS OF ESTABLISHMENT TELEPHONE NUMBER SOLE OWNER: CAS NO IF APPLICANT IS A PARTNERSHIP,FULL NAME AND HOME ADDRESS OF ALL PARTNERS: IF APPLICANT IS A CORPORATION: FEDERAL IDENTIFICATION NO. L/4' STATE OF.INCORPORATION 11x"/17 FULL NAME AND HOME ADDRESS OF: PRESIDENT TREASURER CLERK naow&'Iaz� SIGN RE 0 APPLICAN RESTRICTIONS: HOME ADDRESS HOME TELEPHONE# 42n Zr/2., �4�c.�, c•9-Rev��ic.Ct— . . . . Z4" az.doc/wp/q MAIL-IN REQUESTS Please mail the completed application form to the address below.- Also include a copy of your contingency plan (to handle hazardous waste spills, etc). In addition, please include the required fee of$100. Make check payable to: Town of Barnstable. Allow five to seven (7)working days for in- house processing. Our mailing address is: Town of Barnstable Public Health Division 200 Main Street Hyannis,MA 02601 FOR FAXED REQUESTS Our fax number is (508) 790-6304. Please fax a completed application form. Also, please fax us a copy of your contingency plan (to handle hazardous waste spills, etc). In addition, please mail the required fee amount of$100.00. Please make the check payable to: Town of Barnstable. The check must be mailed to the address listed above. Allow up to four days for in-house processing. For further assistance on any item above,call (508) 862-4644 I 1019 ✓^ No. Fee THE COMMQ4VVVEAtTH OF MASSACHUSETTS Entered in computer: Ye PUBLIC HEALTH DIVISION -TOWN OF BARNSTABLE., MASSACHUSETTS 01pplitatton for ;h5po.5al *p5tem Construction Permit Application for a Permit to Construct( . )Repair( )Upgrade( )Abandon Y ®Complete System ❑Individual Components Location Address or Lot No. Owner's Name,Address and Tel.No. 30 �norn;on ��1�.nn,S �J1�ltam riM�co�� Assessor's Map/Parcel !/� - �� 3� '(horx.�'or T7r� •e, ♦earn i i l/ S — Installer's Name,Address,and Tel.No. Designer's Name,Address and Tel.No. F� b� la�� • Type of Building: Dwelling No.of Bedrooms Lot Size sq.ft. Garbage Grinder( ) Other Type of Building C—,nn1�e cj, I No. of Persons Showers( ) Cafeteria( ) Other Fixtures Design Flow gallons per day. Calculated daily flow gallons. Plan Date Number of sheets Revision Date Title Size of Septic Tank Type of S.A.S. Description of Soil Nature of Repairs or Alterations(Answer when applicabl�e)' kii' Q,', C)I Date last inspected: Agreement: The undersigned agrees to ensure the construction and maintenance of the afore described on-site sewage disposal system in accordance with the provisions of Title 5 of the Environmental Code and not to place the system in operation until a Certifi- cate of Compliance has been issued by this Board of He th. N� Signed Date Application Approved by U6617Date Application Disapproved for the following reasons Permit No. J Date Issued THE COMMONWEALTH OF MASSACHUSETTS BARNSTABLE, MASSACHUSETTS Certificate of Compliance THIS IS TO CER�IFY,that the On-site Sewage Disposal System Constructed( )Repaired( )Upgraded( ) Abandoned.( )by 1' at r 1 .S has constructed in accordance with the provisions of Title 5 and the for Disposal Syste Construction Permit No. aled Installer le—r;c1 �n� '�� Designer The issuance of this permit shall not be construed as a guarantee that the system will function as designed. Date Inspector B 1 . No. I tiC Fee r � ., iilEntered in computer: THE COMMa'W�WEA+_TH OF MASSACHUSETTS VYe' PUBLIC HEALTHDIVISION -TOWN OF BARNSTABLE, MASSACHUSETTS ZippYication for Migogar *pgtem Conotruction-permit •, Application for a Permit to Construct( . )Repair( )Upgrade( )Abandon N Complete System ❑Individual Components Location Address or Lot No. Owner's Name,Address and Tel.No. �(N( JY0 174r J J c.. +. n�S �>V►11t�Yr I�f +ra. j''Assessor's Map/Parcel �f/ rfl✓� 3� ��ry�},r i�r )+.I"rn i t j Installer's Name,Address,and Tel.No. Designer's Name,Address and Tel.No. p. I' }. . Type of Building: Dwelling No.of Bedrooms Lot Size sq.ft. Garbage Grinder( ) Other Type of Building C.)mr ne ecj.::I No. of Persons Showers( ) Cafeteria( ) .. Other Fixtures Design Flow,. gallons per-day. Calculated daily flow gallons. Plan Date Number of sheets ., Revision Date Title Size of Septic Tank Type of S.A.S. t Description of Soil r i. t1 .� r Nature of Repairs or Alterations(Answer when applicable) Pfp,a.,n Q.,7Y1 O)J �.41 L Date last inspected: Agreement: The undersigned agrees to ensure the construction and maintenance of the afore described on-site sewage disposal system in accordance with the provisions of Title 5 of the Environmental Code and not to place the system in operation until a Certifi- cate of Compliance has been issued by this Board of Health. �/ t Signed � y !� -� _ Date e I Application Approved by , �! d /,���/%t�(� i Date 47 Application Disapproved for the following reasons +— L Permit No. Date Issued ^ THE COMMONWEALTH OF MASSACHUSETTS BARNSTABLE, MASSACHUSETTS I � Certificate of Compliance THIS IS TO.CERTIFY, that the On-site Sewage Disposal System Constructed( )Repaired( )Upgraded( ) Abandoned(%<)by - v, 1- at 7-3 7 it 1- R _ �,� .has constructed in accordance with the provisions of Title 5 and the for Disposal System Construction Permit No. �' dated Installer,-1 h� � � J Designer The issuance of this permit shall not be construed as a guarantee that the system will function as designed. Date Inspector No.---� �_��---------------------- Fee �PUBLIC THE COMMONWEALTH OF MASSACHUSETTS HEALTH DIVISION - BARNSTABLE, MASSACHUSETTS xig ooaf memo Conotruction Permit � p Permission is hereby granted to Construct( )Repair( )Upgrade( )Abandon System located at and as described in the above Application for Disposal System Construction Permit. The applicant recognizes his/her duty to comply with Title 5 and the following local provisions or special conditions. Provided: Con truI/tion must be completed within three years of the date of this0jp,7erm)1it, Date:_._ - 1 � Approved by / ` • r I �pF ZHE T� The Town of Barnstable B"NSTABLE, : Office of Town Manager MASS. �A 039. 367 Main Street, Hyannis MA 02601 rFD MP't A ,. Office: 508-862-4610 John C.Klimm,Town Manager Fax: 508-790-6226 Joellen J.Daley,Assistant Town Manager MEMORANDUM TO: Tom McKean, Director Health Dept. Mark Ells,DP Director FR: Joellen J. Daley, Assistant Town Manager DT: 8/27/03 RE: NOTICE OF RESPONSIBILITY—AMARAL AUTOMOTIVE 32 THORNTON DRIVE Please be informed of a notice from the DEP on the above said matter. Thank you. R RECEIVED JJD: smo EEED Attachment r L AUG-25-2003 13:45 TOWN OF BARNSTABLE 8 5087753344 P.01iO4 ti COMV10N'fv'illt�T 't'H OF MASSACHUSFTTS E vuTrv�--0FFiar0F:RN abNMBl DEPARTM: NT OF EMVIRo.NMENTA_L PROTECTION SOUTKEAST REGIONAL OFFICE 30 RIVIRRSIDE DRIVE, LASEV LUS, MA 02347 508-946.9100 T0`gC� MITT R.OMNEY i �� ' ELLr_"N ROY ER FELDER Govesaar 3uastary L eeliR en=tt Covernor `03 ROG 25 P 4 ROS sT'RT W. GOT,LRDGR.Jr. co nor FAX# (508)946-2865 TELEPHONE#(508).���-� 7?_f DATA b.f FROM: PLEASE DELIVER TO. &add CONPANY I TAME; ADDRESS: FASC1IILE NUMBER: d 3 � TOTAI,NUNMER OF PAGES: (INCLUDING TES COVER PAGE) PLEASE CALL IF YOU DO NOT RECEIVE A COMPLETE FAX, REM-A;M: This izff6rm=6u Lt avauable is allnrnate(gMAr.C4 Aprd fvu(;aba,ADA QvprdipsW At 1q,'jjA5-1171,TV)Service-1-90&Z99,22 7.. DEP on tha world wldcweb:.ntrpvAvww.r»ass°gcv/dap 0 3 Printed w Recueied Pnear AUG—25-200313:45 V TOWN OF BARNSTABLE 8 5087753344 P.02iO4 ' , COMMONWEALTH OF MA.SSACHUSETTS EXECTJTIVE OFFICE OF ENVIRONMENTAL AFFAIRS DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION SOUTHEAST REGIONAL OFFICE 20 RIVERSIDE DRIVE, LAKEVTLLE, MA 02347 1508-946-2700 3a7r ROMNE'Y -ET LUN ROY 1WA=1 -Li]ER Governor Secretary KERRY HEALEY ROBERT W_GOLL'EDGE,Jr. Lieutenant Governor Comazi�sioner URGENT LEGAL MATTER:PROMPT AC'nQN N1 CESSARY CER11FM a�Az>L (OPY . July 24,2003 Amaral automotive ' BARNSTABLE-BWSC 32 Thornton Drive Amaral Automotive Barnstaable,MA,02601 32 Thotnt=Drive RTN#4-17903 NOTICE OF RESPONSM&ITY M.G.L.c.21E,310 CUR 40.0000 ATTENTION: Bill Amaral On July 21, 2003 at 2.30 pm the Department of Envira mental Protection (thc "Depament") received oral notification of a release and/or threat of release of oil and/or hazardous material at the above refcrenced property which requires one or more response actions. Potentially contaminated firewater generated during a fire at the above refeuced location disebarged into several nearby catch basins. The Massachusetts Oil and Na7a.rdous Material Release Prevention and Response Act, M-G-t,, c,21E, and the Massachusetts Contingency Plan(the "MCP"), 310 CMR 40-0000, require the performance of response actions to prevent harm to health,safety,public welfare and the environment which may result from this release and/or tbreat of release and govern the conduct of such actions. The purpose of this notice is to inform you of your legal responsibilities under State law for assessing and/or remediating the release at this property. For purposes of this Notice of Responsibility,the terms and phrases used herein shall have the meaning ascribed to such terms and phrases by the MCP unless the context clearly indicates otherwise. The Department has reason to believe that; the release and/or threat of release which has been rcpotted is or may be a disposal site as defined by the M.C.P. The Department also bas reason to believe ftt you (as used in this letter, "you" refers to Amaral Automotive) are a Potentially Responsible Parry (a "PRP")with liability under M.G.L. c.21E §5,.for response action costs: This liability is "strict", meaning that it is not based on fault but solely on your status as owner,operator,generator,transporter,disposer or other person specified in M.G.L. c.21E§5. This liability is also "joint and several",meaning that you may be liable for all response action costs incurred at,a disposal site regardless of the existence of any other liable parties. Tb-u inform Tian is available to Ateeoaee foraat C&D Aprti McOokc.ADA Coordinator at 14114$(4171,TAD 9eMee.I.8W29s.2207- DEP an the Waltl Wide Web: Itttpllwww.RrdSe,gov/dop �� Printed on Recycled Paper I AUG-25-2003 13:45 TOWN OF BARNSTABLE 8 5087753344 P.03iO4 2 w The Depart =t encourages parties with liabilities under M.C,.L_ c.21E to take prompt and appropriate actions in response to releases and threats of release of oil and/or hazardous materials.By taking prompt action, you may significantly lower your assessment and cleanup costs and/or avoid liability for costs incurred by the Department in taking such actions. You may also avoid the imposition of,the amount of or reduce certain permit and/or annual compliance assurance fees payable under 310 CMR 4.00. Please refer to M.G.L. c.21E for a complete description of potential liability,. For your convenience, a summary of liability under M.G.L.c.21E is attached to this notice. You should be aware that you may have claims against third parties for damages, including claims for contribution or reimbdrsemeat for the costs of cleanup. Such claims do not exist indefinitely but are governed by laws which establish the time allowed for bringing litigation. The Department encourages you to take any action necessary to protect any such claims you may have against third parties: At the time of oral notification to the Department,the following resporoe actions were approved as an bwnediate Response Action(IRA)- Recovery of firewater from catch basins and puddles ACTIONS REQUIRED Additional submittals are necessary with regard to this notification including,but not limited to,the filing of a written IRA flan, 11tA Completion Statement and/or an RAO statement. The MCI' requires that a fee of S750.00 be submitted to the DepaAinaut when an RAO.statement is filed greener than 120 days from the date of initial notification. Specific approval is required from the Deparnmt for the implementation of all IRAs,and Release Abatement Measures(RAMS)pursuant to 310 CMR 40.0420 and 310 CMR 40,0443, respectively. Assessment activities, the construction of a fence and/or the posting of signs are actions that am exempt from this approval requirement. In addition to oral notification, 310 CMR 40.0333 requires that a completed Release Notification Form (BWSC-103, attached) be submitted to the Department within sixty (60) calendar days of July 21, 2603. You must employ or engage a Licensed Site Professional (LSP) to manage, supervise or actually perform the necessary response actions at this site. You may obtain a list of the names and addresses of these licensed professionals from the Board of Registration of"Hazardous Waste Site Cleanup Professionals by calling(617)556-1145 or visiting hgp://www.Mtc.jna.u?Asp,, Unless otherwise provided by the Department, potentially responsible parties ("PRP's") have one year from the initial date of notification to the Department of a release or threat of a release,pursuant to 310 CMR 40.0300, or from the date the Department issues a Notice of Responsibility,whichever occurs earlier, to file with the Department one of the following submittals: (1) a completed Tier Classification Submittal; (2) a Response Action Outcome Statement or, if applicable, (3) a Downgradient Property Status- The deadline for either of the first two submittals for this disposal site is July 21,2004. If required by the MCP, a completed Tier I Permit Application must also accompany a Tier Classification Submittal.. Thissite shall not be deemed to have had all the necessary and required response actions taken unless and until all substantial hazards presented by the release and/or threat of release have been eliminated and a level of No Sip ficatit Risk exists or has been achieved in compliance with M.G1. c.21E and the ` MCP. AUG-25-2003 13:45 TOWN OF BARNSTABLE 8 5087753344 P.04iO4 :L If you have any questions relative to this Notice, please contact Dan Crafton at the letterhead address or at (508) 946-2721. All future communications reWding this release must reference the following Release Tracking Number;4-17903.. Very truly yours, Richard F. Packard,Chief Emergency Response/Release Notification Section P/AGGrc CERTT ED MAIL*7002 2030 0006 4995 2731 Affachment-. Release Notification Form;SWSC-103 and Instructions Summary of Liability cmder lvlAL.c.21E Department's wide to hiring a Licensed Site Professional. CC,. Board of Health Board of Selectmen Pire Aept TOTAL P.04 V 0� t f { r Town of Barnstable Department of Health,Safe and Environmental Services � > > - U POD :r" � Safety Public Health Division. a7 Main Street ArR I T02 n ' ( r :q� Hyannis,MA 02601 .P�^..(ETErzz ,s c , 4 Ar 7099 3400 0009 8026 5109 ._.� 7 to D0,0W•'�As ed ;rIRS� TiGTiLE Unabb To F+onvard v ©M uihcient Address ai Left No Address lop �a 3 rry� 'Jnclaimed p ( . Refused Attempted-Nut Knowr, —(�t i, �Cg10E 4 No such street le nlumber Vdcant p Illegible Cl p No Mail Receptacle p BO)(Closed-No Order J Returned J { n+ a taw r For Blue= Addr x r< #a Pos'aOP Due e� 041 M Complete items 1,2,and 3.Also complete A. Si nature • • , '•"" item 4 if Restricted Delivery is desired. g 14 Print your name and address on the reverse X so that we can return the card to you. �Agent o Attach this card to the back of the mailpiece, 13 Addressee or on the front if space permits. B. Received by(Printed Name C. Date of Delivery �P`, OCV M C' 7. Article Addressed to: CO N \P D. Is delivery address different from item 1? ❑Yes N i I r If YES,enter delivery address below: ❑ No Q I CO O i z �a 3. �Servv'i Type L7 Certified Mail \ � ❑ Ex ress Mail } Cl Registered eturn Receipt for Merchandise Nc ❑ Insured Mail ❑ C.O.D.w y, q 4. Restricted Delivery?(Extra Fee) p Yes (Transfer from service label) IrO Op _ f PS Form 381 1,August 2001 v OO_..III Domestic Return Receipt ML 102595-01-M-2509 1 V VV U V1 ""I 11.11.aulrw Regulatory Services oFtMe rqy Thomas F. Geiler,Director Public Health Division 9B"xr' "MAW. Thomas McKean,Director Q�Ar 1639. ei`0 200 Main Street, Hyannis, MA 02601 FD MA'S Office: 508-862-4644 Fax: 508-790-6304 April 19, 2002 Michael S. Michnay P. O. Box 2838 Orleans, MA 02653 RE: Map & Parcel 296-00800E Dear Sir: You are directed to connect your building located at 30 Thornton Drive, Hyannis, MA., to public sewer on or before October 19, 2002. The Superintendent of the Department of Public Works has notified us that your property abutts town sewer lines. The lines were extended because of the density, and the size of the lots in the area, and the potential for serious health problems. Failure to comply with this order will result in a court complaint against you for failure to comply with a Board of Health Order. If you should have any questions, please telephone me at 862-4644. PER ORDER OF THE BOARD OF HEALTH Thomas A. McKean, R.S. CHO Health Agent for ' T O INI OF. BARNSTABLE "BOARD OF HEALTH Susan G. Rask, RS., Chairperson copy: Peter Doyle Sumner Kaufman, M.S.P.H. Return receipt requested Wayne Miller, M.D. Zfl sewerco2 I� Town of Barnstable Department of Health,Safety and Environmental Services N Public Health Division_,000 Main Street 7- Q o ,, s% J.J Hyannis,MA02601 ,qi H METER 7,C0 is gt;ur - 7099 3400 0009 8026 5.1,16 70 - aCNOeq 0 U9� AS Addressed /►;,,, \. Unatlfe TO Forward FIRST NOTICE ►Rsuffioisnr Address O Moved,Let No Address Unclaimed o Refused l � AifeMpted-Nct Knowr, l a NO Such Street❑ lumbe, �Q o?�.i�3 SECWAD;dOTICE ❑ Vacant ❑ Illegible ^ . ❑ No Mail Receptacle Box Cfosed-No Order rj ft ° .Tad For Bette. .;;dress RETURN C �'es;agP Due ___—_ I 7 o N /i co O d� CZ ��Q i UNITED STATES POSTAL SERVICE First-Class Mail Postage&Fees Paid LISPS Permit No.G-10 i r • Sender: Please print your name, address, and ZIP+4 in this box • i Board of Health i Town of 200 Main St Hyannis,MassadW=OM I� I I I I I i SENDER: COMPLETE THIS SECTION COMPLETE THIS SECTION ON DELIVERY ■ Complete items 1,2,and 3.Also complete A. Signature item 4 if Restricted Delivery is desired. ' X ❑Agent e Print our name and address on the reverse Y ❑Addressee so that we can return the card to you. B. Received by(Printed Name) C. Date of Delivery ■ Attach this card to the back of the mailpiece, or on the front if space permits. D. Is delivery address different from item 1? ❑Yes 1. Article Addressed to: If YES,enter delivery address below: ❑ No I oaGV 3 3. Service Type C9 Certified Mail ❑ Express Mail ❑ Registered AlWieturn Receipt for Merchandise ❑ Insured Mail ❑C.O.D. 4. Restricted Delivery?(Extra Fee) ❑Yes 2. Article Number (transfer from service label) PS Form 3811,August 2001 Domestic Reat�n R� 102595.01-M-25091 1 Vrr11 V1 ""I11a1Qlllu Regulatory Services °ft rqy Thomas F. Geiler,Director Public Health Division '" MASS. ' Thomas McKean Director y MASS. �, � 1e39. e,`� 200 Main Street, Hyannis, MA 02601 FD MA'S Office: 508-862-4644 Fax: 508-790-6304 April 19, 2002 Michael S. Michnay P. 0. Box 2838 Orleans, MA 02653 RE: Map & Parcel 296-0080OF Dear Sir: You are directed to connect your building located at 30 Thornton Drive, Hyannis, MA., to public sewer on or before October 19, 2002. The Superintendent of the Department of Public Works has notified us that your property abutts town sewer lines. The lines were extended because of the density, and the size of the lots in the area, and the potential for serious health problems. Failure to comply with this order will result in a court complaint against you for failure to comply with a Board of Health Order. If you should have any questions, please telephone me at 862-4644. PER ORDER OF TH BOARD OF HEALTH Thomas A. McKean, R.S. CHO Health Agent for TOWN OF BARNSTABLE BOARD OF HEALTH Susan G. Rask, RS., Chairperson copy: Peter Doyle Sumner Kaufman, M.S.P.H. Return receipt requested Wayne Miller, M.D. sewe=2 .. Town of Barnstable �90SP%' Public Health Division � `' • BARNSUMA I �� 200 Main.Street j e a�rwev Bowes Hyannis, MA 02601 02 1 A $ 04.880 7005 1160 0000 0191 1123 0004606238 FEB 01 2006 MAILED FROM ZIP CODE 02601 ❑MOVED,LEFT NO ADDRESS ® O ❑NOT DELIVERABLE AS ADDRESSED a�`° U T NABLE TO FORWARD E. )(ATTEMPTEMOTKNOWN ❑UNCLAIMED 0 REFUSED i r, „ONO SUCH STREET,n r� x>movnsLE , NO SUCH NUMBER Gr, ❑INSUFFICIENTADDRESS /I j { j ! ; sty 3.€ f*3i:3filli�ii3lilt'!.!l1il:i f Oil�i .'t3!3.?-flf.I1 - I SENDER: COMPLETE THIS SECTION COMPLETE THIS SECTION ON DELIVERY 1 ■ Complete items 1,2,and 3.Also complete A. Signature ❑Agent i I item 4 if Restricted Delivery is desired. X ❑Addressee I ■ Print your name and address on the reverse so that we can return the card to you. B. Received by(Printed Name) C. Date of Delivery N.Attach this card to the back of the rfiailpiece, or on the front if space permits. D. Is delivery address different from item 1? ❑Yes 1. Article Addressed to: If YES,enter delivery address below: ❑No I I Bert Mosher , 30 Thornton Drive- Hyannis, MA O 601 3. Se ice Type Certified Mail ❑ press Mail ❑Registered U Return Receipt for Merchandise I \\ ' ❑Insured Mail ❑C.O.D. i ' I 4. Restricted Delivery?(Extra Fee) ❑Yes ` 2. Article Number 7[]O Jr 116 0 a 000 0191 11 F 3 (Transfer from service label) _ 4 PS Form 3811, February 2004 Domestic Return Receipt 102595-02-M-1540 COV UNITED STATES POSTAL SE RV '-.F`11(9t=Class Mail Postage&,Fees Paid P 4,A LISPS Permit No. 0 7.10 1 0 1 * Sender: Please p 4nt,y-00r�narhe, address-, and ZIP+4 in this box • Board Of HUM Town Of B&Tdkft 200 Main St Hyann1%MegaeftoM b.S • • • • DELIVERY ■ Complete itemb 1,2,and 3.Also complete XSIgnatLyre item 4 if Restricted Delivery is desired. A ❑Agent■ Print your name and address on the reverse ❑Addressee I so that we can return the card to you. . Received by(Printed Name) C. Date of Delivery ■ Attach this card to the back of the mailpiece, or on the front if space permits. D. Is delivery address different from item 1? ❑Yes 1. Article Addressed to: 'If YES,enter delivery address below: ❑ No 3. Servic Type ertified Mail� ❑0 press Mail❑ Registered Return Receipt for Merchandise ( �L ❑ Insured Mail ❑C.O.D. 4. Restricted Delivery?(Extra Fee) ❑Yes 2. Article Number I �/ j � (Transfer from service label) � �—3 L{Q _oo O 9 _ rPS Form 3811,August 2001 Domestic Retyrry,F eipt 102595-01-M-2509 ru o- Ln Postage $ 3 ru N -0 ` Certified Fee aC D M Postmark Return Receipt Fee Here I' (Endorsement Required) Q Restricted Delivery Fee C3 (Endorsement Required) C3 Total Postage&Fees $ 3 i g Cl S Na Ple r r) m , I - •------•--- -�/--------- Ir Street, t. or P Box No. V C3 City,State,ZIP+4 Certified Mail Provides: o A mailing receipt o A unique identifier for your mailpiece I o A signature upon delivery o A record of delivery kept by the Postal Service for two years Important Reminders: o Certified Mail may ONLY be combined with First-Class Mail or Priority Mail. o Certified Mail is not available for any class of international mail. o NO INSURANCE COVERAGE IS PROVIDED with Certified Mail. For valuables,please consider Insured or Registered Mail. n For an additional fee,a Return Receipt may be requested to provide proof of delivery.To obtain Return Receipt service,please complete and attach a Return ' Receipt(PS Form 3811)to the article and add applicable postage to cover the fee.Endorse mailpiece Return Receipt Requested".To receive a fee waiver for a duplicate return receipt,a USPS postmark on your Certified Mail receipt is required. n For an additional fee, delivery may be restricted to the. addressee or addressee's authorized agent.Advise the clerk or mark the mailpiece with the endorsement"Restricted Delivery". ' la If a postmark on the Certified Mail receipt is desired,please present the arti- cle at the post office for postmarking. If a postmark on the Certified Mail receipt is not needed,detach and affix label with postage and mail. IMPORTANT:Save this receipt and present it when making an inquiry. II PS Form 3800,July 1999(Reverse) ; 102595-99-M-2087 \ 6 1uvvn V1 "ain3tiauic: Regulatory Services °FINE rqy, Thomas F. Geiler,Director Public Health Division B"R''', MLE, Thomas McKean,Director QjAr s63q. A�0 200 Main Street� Y H minis� MA 02601 ED UApI Office: 508-862-4644 Fax: 508-790-6304 April 12, 2002 m Gerald P. McCarthy, Tr. Culver Nominee Trust P. O. Box 423 West Dennis, MA 02670 RE: Map & Parcel 296-00800A Dear Sir: You,are directed to connect your building located at 30 thornton Drive, Hyannis, MA.,_ to public sewer on or before October 12, 2002. The .Superintendent of the Department of Public Works has notified us that your property abutts town sewer lines. The lines were extended because of the density, and the size of the lots in the area, and the potential for serious health problems. Failure to comply with this order will result in a court complaint against you for failure to comply with a Board of Health Order. If you should have any questions, please telephone me at 862-4644. PER ORDER O THE BOARD OF HEALTH Thomas A. McKean, R.S. CHO Health Agent for TOWN OF BARNSTABLE BOARD OF HEALTH Susan G. Rask, RS., Chairperson copy: Peter'Doyle Sumner Kaufman, M.S.P.H. Return receipt requested Wayne Miller, M.D. sewerco2 I UNITED STATES POSTAL SERVICE First-Clas's Mail Postage&Fees Paid USPS Permit No.G-10 • Sender: Please print your name, address, and ZIP+4 in this box • Public Health Division Town of Barnstable 200 Main St. Hyannis, M, assachusetts 02601 i - - iff,,,,,Ill)till ff,l., ` 11,fff 11 SENDER: MPLETE THIS SECTION COMPLETE THIS SECTION ON DELIVERY ■ Complete items 1,2,and 3.Also complete A. Si nature item 4 if Restricted Delivery is desired. ! ❑Agent ■ Print your name and address on the reverse El Addressee so that we can return the card to you. B. Received by(Printed Name) C. Dale of Delivery ■ Attach this card to the back of the mailpiece, V. or on the front if space permits. D. Is delivery address different from item 1 ❑Ye 1. Article Addressed to: If YES,enter delivery address below: ❑ No 3. Servi Type �/ �Q ig-L 60� ertified Mail ❑ Expre Mail ❑ Registered eturn Receipt for Merchandise ❑ Insured Mail ❑C.O.D. 4. Restricted Delivery?(Extra Fee) ❑Yes 2. Article Number _ (Transfer from service label) 2g H — &7 OO —0009 n-80--6 -J0 0 dig " PS Form 3811,August 2001 F-� Domestic Return Receipt 102595-01-M-2509 lily ; I iil (�� i ii g p . • . • . . . . R+.ggam�. C3 ul '-'D Postage $ 3�- (1 1 C3 ... c13Certified Fee 16 V �, Er Return Receipt Fee S re C3 (Endorsement Required) d t3 Restricted Delivery Fee t= (Endorsement Required) , APR n M Total Postage&Fees $ J 0 C3 M a LP ase Pri t CI rI (to o Ieted by m Street,- - - ••'---- ------------ ---� �t�N------------- p^ Street,Apt.No.;or Box No. 0" y City {te,ZIP+4 ----- -------- ---•-------------` • � � Certified Mail Provides: 1 lv A mailing receipt o A unique identifier for your mailpiece o A signature upon delivery c A record of delivery kept by the Postal Service for two years Important Reminders: o Certified Mail may ONLY be combined with First-Class Mail or Priority Mail. n Certified Mail is not available for any class of international mail. e NO INSURANCE COVERAGE IS PROVIDED with Certified Mail. For valuables,please consider Insured or Registered Mail. o For an additional fee,a Return Receipt may be requested to provide proof of delivery.To obtain Return Receipt service,please complete and attach a Return Receipt(PS Form ),to the article and add applicable postage to cover the fee.Endorse mailpiece 'Return Receipt Requested".To receive a fee waiver for a duplicate return receipt,a USPS postmark on your Certified Mail receipt is regwred. o For an additional fee, delivery4may be restricted to the addressee or addressee's authorized agent.Advise the clerk or mark the mailpiece with the endorsement"Restricted Delivery". to If a postmark on the Certified Mail receipt is desired,please.present the arti- cle at the post.office for postmarking. If a postmark on-the Certified Mail receipt is not needed,detach and affix label with postage and mail. IMPORTANT:Save this receipt and present it when making pan inquiry. M PS Form 3800,July 1999(Reverse) ° 102595-99-M-2081 Y f i vwu vi "ai uaiaiuic Regulatory Services oFVE r� Thomas F. Geiler, Director Public Health Division 9&AMSrABM Thomas McKean, Director �Ar t639. e,`� 200 Main Street, Hyannis, MA 02601 ED MA'S Office: 508-862-4644 Fax: 508-790-6304 April 19, 2002 Richard J. Fleming 7 Corporation Road Hyannis, MA 02601 RE: Map & Parcel 296-00800B Dear Sir: You are directed to connect your building located at 30 Thornton Drive, Hyannis, MA., to public sewer on or before October 19, 2002. The Superintendent of the Department of Public Works has notified us that your property abutts town sewer lines. The lines were extended because of the density, and the size of the lots in the area, and the potential for serious health problems. Failure to comply with this order will result in a court complaint against you for failure to comply with a Board of Health Order. If you should have any questions, please telephone me at 862-4644. PER ORDER OF THE OARD OF HEALTH Thom s A. McKean, R.S. CHO Health Agent for TOWN OF BARNSTABLE BOARD OF .HEALTH Susan G. Rask, RS., Chairperson copy: Peter Doyle Sumner Kaufman, M.S.P.H. Return receipt requested Wayne Miller, M.D. sewerco2 N UNITED STATES POSTAL SERVICE First-OGss Mai!'. Postage&Fees Paid LISPS ' Permit No.G-10 • Sender: Please print your name, address, and ZIP4-6 this box • I Board of HeaM Town of Bant&j 200 Main St DELIVERY ® Complete items 1,2,and 3.Also complete ArrSignaiur estricted Delivery is desired item 4 if R . Agent v Print your name and address on the reverse l rX Addressee so that we can return the card to you. BB Recei d by(Printed Name) C. Date f Delivery 1 ■ Attach this card to the back of the mailpiece, v d� or on the front if space permits. D. Is delivery address different from item 1? ❑Yes 1. Article Addressed to: If YES,enter delivery address below: ❑ No j TP, So . Skov, lit. 3. Service Type ELOOfffied Mail ❑ E ress Mail ❑ Registered Return Receipt for Merchandise ❑ Insured Mail ❑ C.O.D. 4. Restricted Delivery?(Extra Fee) ❑Yes 2. Article Number (transfer from service label) PS Form 3811,August 2001 Domestic Return Receipt 102595-01-M-2509 Ana M t17 —� Postage fl.l C:3 Certified Fee CO ' 'gT66A Postmar QReturn Receipt Fee Here C3 (Endorsement Required) . R 1 9CI Restricted Delivery FeeC1 (Endorsement Required)Total Postage 8 Fees ' b' M Na (RI se Print Clearly, o be completed filer) GHQ ie p^ Street,Apt.No.;or PAAO--Box ��No. fh� � Q.& K � IP+4 - --------------------------------------------- ?'ha. 'a;-L O I Certified Mail Provides: o A mailing receipt o A unique identifier for your mailpiece " o A signature upon delivery' o A record of delivery kept by the Postal Service for two years Important Reminders. o Certified Mail may ONLY be combined with First-Class Mail or Priority Mail. o Certified Mail is not available for Any class of international mail. o NO INSURANCE COVERAGE IS PROVIDED with Certified Mail. For valuables,please consider Insured or Registered Mail. o For an additional fee,a Return Receipt may be requested to provide proof of delivery.To obtain Return Receipt service,please complete and attach a Return Receipt(PS'Form 3811)to the article Pad applicable postage to cover the fee.Endorse mailpiece"Return Receipt Requested".To receive a fee waiver for a duplicate return receipt,a USPS postmark on your Certified Mail receipt is required. o For an additional fee, delivery may be restricted to the addressee or addressee's authorized agent.Advise the clerk or mark the mailpiece with the endorsement"Restricted Delivery". o'If a postmark on the Certified Mail receipt is desired,please present the arti- cleat the post office for postmarking. If a postmark on the'Certified Mail receipt is not needed,detach and affix label with postage and mail. IMPORTANT:Save this receipt andpresent it when making an inquiry. P3 Form 3800,July 1999(Reverse) q' .`102595-99-M-2087 1 V VV 11 V 1 ""Ina l.11 U1G Regulatory Services . " °FtnE � Thomas F. Geiler, Director °� •- Public Health Division * MUMSTABM ' Thomas McKean,Director v�pr 1639. s � 200 Main Street, Hyannis, MA 02601 F D MA Office: 508-862-4644 Fax: 508-790-6304 April 19, 2002 - Richard E & Brenda Elwell TR SO Shore Yacht Uphol Tr. 141 Elliott Road Centerville, MA 02632 RE: Map & Parcel 296-00800D Dear Sir: You are directed to connect your building located at 30 Thornton Drive, Hyannis, MA., to public sewer on or before October 19, 2002. The Superintendent of the Department of Public Works has notified us that your property abutts town sewer lines. The lines were extended because of the density, and the size of the lots in the area, and the. potential for serious health problems. Failure to comply with this order will result in a court complaint against you for failure to comply with a Board of Health Order. If you should have any questions, please telephone me at 862-4644. PER ORDER OF THE 0ARD OF HEALTH s A. McKean, R.S. CHO Health Agent for TOWN OF BARNSTABLE BOARD OF HEALTH Susan G. Rask, RS., Chairperson copy: Peter Doyle Sumner Kaufman, M.S.P.H. Return receipt requested Wayne Miller, M.D. sewerco2 i ✓� ! � i I C a FIVIII a Ln —0 Postage $ 3 T ru Certified Fee CO Po ark Return Receipt Fee He Er (Endorsement Required) 0 C3 Ap p Restricted Delivery Fee C] (Endorsement Required) 9�W r O Total Postage& $ j3 Fees C] zr- ame(Ple se Prnt Clearly) o be mpleled b mailer) m SRl yl ,2 - ---------------- Er Street, p. o.;or O Box No. Er C] City, le,ZIP+4 - ------------------------------------------------------------------ rl- Certified Mail Provides: o A mailing receipt F o A unique identifier for your mailpiece" o A signature upon delivery o A record of delivery kept by the Postal Service for two years Important Reminders: o Certified Mail may ONLY be combined with First-Class Mail or Priority Mail. n Certified Mail is not available for any class of international mail. o NO INSURANCE COVERAGE IS PROVIDED with Certified Mail. For valuables,please consider Insured or Registered Mail. o For an additional fee,a Return Receipt may be requested to provide proof of delivery.To obtain Return Receipt service,please complete and attach a Return Receipt(PS Form 3811)to the article and add applicable postage to cover the fee.Endorse mailpiece 'Return Receipt Requested".To receive a fee waiver for a duplicate return receipt,a USPS postmark on your Certified Mail receipt is required. o For an additional fee, delivery may be restricted to the addressee or addressee's authorized agent.Advise the clerk or mark the mailpiece with the endorsement"Restricted Delivery". 0 If a postmark on the Certified Mail receipt is desired,please present the arti- cle at the post office for postmarking. If a postmark on the Certified Mail receipt is not needed,detach and affix label with postage and mail, IMPORTANT:Save this receipt and present if wheti"making an inquiry. PS Form 3800,July 1999(Reverse) 102595;99-M-2087 EI i vVV u vi Lai uaia►uic Regulatory Services oFTHE •` Thomas F. Geiler, Director Public Health Division 9BA NKAABM 0 Thomas McKean,Director �Al 039• 200 Main Street, Hyannis, MA 02601 Ep MA'S Office: 508-862-4644 Fax: 508-790-6304 April 19, 2002 Michael S. Michnay P. O. Box 2838 Orleans, MA 02653 RE: Map & Parcel 296-00800E Dear Sir: You are directed to connect your building located at 30 Thornton Drive, Hyannis, MA., to public sewer on or before October, 19, 2002. The Superintendent of the Department of Public Works has notified us that your property abutts town sewer lines. The lines were extended because of the density, and the size of the lots in the area, and the potential for serious health problems. Failure to comply with this order will result in a court complaint against you for failure to comply with a.Board of Health Order. If you should have any questions, please telephone me at 862-4644. .PER ORDER OF THE BOARD OF HEALTH Thomas A. McKean, R.S. CHO Health Agent for TOWN OF BARNSTABLE BOARD OF HEALTH Susan G. Rask, RS., Chairperson copy: Peter Doyle Sumner Kaufman, M.S.P.H. Return receipt requested Wayne Miller, M.D. sewe=2 � y C3 3 ,q - .. Ln Postage 5�, �nj Certified Fee Postmark Return Receipt Fee, APR IHeye 2�2 i Q' (Endorsement Required) �.�� i1 C3 t , p Restricted Delivery Fee -_• (Endorsement Required) O Total Postage&Fees $ 3- Name / g�O 0 ? (Pl�orpo Clear/ (to be mpleted by mailer). --••• - Street,Ax No. - -d38 -- �. e. O City,State,ZIP+ ----------------------------------------------------- '` oaG63 Certified Mail Provides: q A mailing receipt o A unique identifier for your mailpiece n A signature upon delivery W'" o A record of delivery kept by the Postal Service for two years Important Reminders: o Certified Mail may ONLY be combined with First-Class Mail or Priority Mail o Certified Mail is not available for any class of international mail. o NO INSURANCE COVERAGE IS PROVIDED with Certified Mail. For valuables,please consider Insured or Registered Mail. o For an additional fee,a Return Receipt may be requested to provide proof of delivery.To obtain Return Receipt service,please complete and attach a Return Receipt(PS Form 3811)to the article and add applicable postage to cover the fee.Endorse mailpiece 'Return Receipt Requested".To receive a fee waiver for a duplicate return receipt,a USPS postmark on your Certified Mail receipt is required. n For an additional fee, delivery may be restricted to the addressee or addressee's authorized agent.Advise the clerk or mark the mailpiece with the endorsement"Restricted Delivery". o If a postmark on the Certified Mail receipt is desired,pleasLa present the arti- cle at the post'office for"postmarking. If a-postmark on the Certified Mail receipt is not needed,detach and affix label with postage and mail. IMPORTANT:Save this receipt and present it when making an inquiry. PS Form 3800,July 1999(Reverse) 102595-99-M-2087 I A V W 11 V1 ""I 113ta"Ic Regulatory Services oFIME r Lk Thomas F. Geiler,Director Public Health Division x w w w " B"MST"B Thomas McKean Director ' �ArFo ,�a`e 200 Main Street, Hyannis, MA 02601 Office: 508-862-4644 Fax: 508-790-6304 April 19, 2002 Michael S. Michnay P. O. Box 2838 Orleans, MA 02653 RE: Map & Parcel 296-0080OF Dear Sir: You are'directed to connect your building located at 30 Thornton Drive, Hyannis, MA., to public sewer on or before October 19, 2002. The Superintendent of the Department of Public Works has notified us that your property abutts town sewer lines. The lines were extended because of the density, and the size of the lots in the area, and the potential for serious health problems. Failure to comply with this order will result.in a court complaint against you for failure to comply with a Board of Health Order. If you should have any questions, please telephone me at 862-4644. PER ORDER OF TH BOARD OF HEALTH Thomas A. McKean, R.S. CHO Health Agent for TOWN OF BARNSTABLE BOARD OF HEALTH Susan G. Rask, RS., Chairperson copy: Peter Doyle Sumner Kaufman, M.S.P.H. Return receipt requested Wayne Miller, M.D. sewerco2 TOWN OF BARNSTABLE MPLIANCE: CLASS: pair -� 1.Marine Gas Stations Re satisfactory BOARD OF HEALTH 2.Printers 3.Auto Body Shops �-y unsatisfactory- 4.Manufacturers COMPANY 41A'd,�� ers ) 5.Retail Stores 6.Fuel Suppliers ADDRESS t� 2 Class: 7.Miscellaneous ' QUANTITIES AND STORAGE (IN= indoors;OUT=outdoors) MAJOR MATERIALS IN OUT IN OUT IN OUT #&gallons Age Test Fuels: Gasoline,Jet Fuel (A) Diesel, Kerose , #2 (B) Heavy Oils: . waste motor oil (C) , new motor oil (C) . transmission/hydranhx— Synthetic Organics: degreasers e neous: 9�C ` I'q DISPOSAL/RECLAMATION REMARAS: 1. Sanitary Sewage 2.Water Supply 6 O Town Sewer ublic On-site OPrivate ,/ _ 3. Indoor Floor Drains YES NO �` - O Holding tank:MDC O Catch basin/Dry well O On-site system 4. Outdoor Surface drains:YES N0_Z ORDERS- 0 Holding tank:MDC ei]� - . O Catch basin/Dry well _ O On-site system 5.Waste Transporter Name of Hauler Destination Waste P�6duct Licensed? YES I NO 2. Person(s) Interviewed Inspector Date t Your#1 Service Centel for Fuel Injection and Computerized Engine Controls . AMA PAIR 30 Thornton Drive BILL AMARAL Hyannis,MA 02601 TOWN OF BARNSTABLE COMPLIANCE: CLASS: 1.Marine,Gas Stations,Repair BOARD OF HEALTH O satisfactory 2.3nters .Auto Body Shops �( unsatisfactory- 4.Manufacturers COMPANY i�lGite�r (see"Orders") 5.Retail Stores 6.Fuel Suppliers ADDRESS 3t) harN� /--iL9 Class: 7.Miscellaneous yR"''%is QUANTITIES ANDS ORAGE (IN= indoors;OUT=outdoors) MAJOR MATERIALS 'Underground IN OUT IN OUT IN OUT #&gallons Age Test Fuels: Gasoline,Jet Fuel (A) 01r Uie el,,K rosjene # (B ej��� PI- e&''f v� Heavy Oils: waste motor oil (C) new motor oil (C) 1c) oC transmission/hydraulic Synthetic Organics: degreasers k4.o U -c(41 U-vr 4, d sr►-C, 3" yC C w• Miscellaneous: /A u c.t ,�,tez t A4-e I-Sr �C 9a� f z&(, Xy Cure q Gs t . d l t s gees K DISPOSAL✓RECLAMATION REMARKS: 1. Sanitary Sewage 2. Water Supply b y(,La-G l°ft t^ �- 9-Town Sewer )8�Public f �,' a 1_ ,S pi `;i-• S c2 O On-site OPrivate 3. Indoor Floor Drains YES----No O Holding tank: MDC _�kx 4- L (4 S° O 'c G H O Catch basin/Dry well t �(t v�� -kt ( Ct�/v P rcc 11 rn i O On-site system �� v� Cc r � � �� ir,' j 4. Outdoor Surface drains:YES NO ORDERS. ��. 1�'J c!V �� Leh. E'y O Holding tank:MDC , d/t 4,( ,Clj()-f 0// DD £,� , /� , l eGl�e/ �tf O Catch basin/Dry well rvvrnS. 6tl� S // h4, O On-site system �lY'9'liwi v v�L���-i•✓H v•�a7/+v Jr� C f1 -_ �� .�1�`��.,;.- 5.Waste Transporter Name of Hauler b• ze 2. Pe son (s) Interviewed Inspec r Date AM TOWN OF BARNSTABLE COMPLIANCE: CLASS: 1.Marine,Gas Stations,Repair 2.Printers BOARD OF HEALTH satisfactory 3.Auto Body Shops unsatisfactory- 4.Manufacturers YCOMPAN 2 " �a. (see"Orders") 5.Retail'Stores 6.Fuel Suppliers ADDRESS '7` �llZA V Class: " 7.Miscellaneous QUANTITIES AND-STORAGE (IN=indoors;OUT=outdoors) MAJOR MA ERIALS Under&n-ound Tanks IN OUT IN OUT IN OUT #&gallons Age Test Fuels: Gasoline,Jet Fuel (A) Dlesel; A!e:�os7nL(B) Heavy Oils: waste motor oil (C) . . new motor oil(C) transmission/hydraulic Synthetic Organics: degreasers Z � �� 6 r^ c rel�acneous: �k 1. ifs : x G �Y 42161 DISPOSAL/RECLAMATION REMARKS: 1. Sanitary Sewage 2.W ter Supply O Town Sewer ublic On-site OPrivate /� > 3. Indoor Floor Drains YES NO 0 Holding tank:MDC 0 Catch basin/Dry well 0 On-site system 4. Outdoor Surface drains:YES N0- ORDERS: 0 Holding tank:MDC ` O Catch basin/Dry well 0 On-site system 5.Waste Transporter Name of Hauler DestinationProd -F/ YES NO 1. � 2. erson(s) Interviewed Inspector - Date r TOWN OF BARNSTABLE COMPLIANCE: CLASS: 1.Marine,Gas Stations,Repair satisfactory 2.Printers BOARD OF HEALTH 3.Auto Body Shops O unsatisfactory- 4.Manufacturers jj. � q (see"Orders") 5.Retail Stores COMPANY ��-�f✓ L ��X£s" L _ 6.Fuel Suppliers ADDRESS '� c Class: _° 7.Miscellaneous QUANTITIES AND STORAGE (IN= indoors;OUT=outdoors) MAJOR MATERIALS Case lots Dr Unls Above Tan'ks Underground Tanks IN OUT IN OUT IN OUT #&gallons Age Test Fuels: R"ieseltene;#2 (B) ;/ L� Heavy Oils: waste motor oil (C) u Synthetic Organics: degreasers Miscellaneous: a fir W-41�_ ",/a DISPOSAL/RECLAMATION REMARKS: �J 1. Sanitary Sewage 2. ter Supply 7 � � , O Town Sewer Public - On-site OPrivate _ V. 3. Indoor Floor Drains YES NO V O Holding tank:MDC O Catch basin/Dry well O On-site system 4. Outdoor Surface drains:YES NO;4/' ORDERS: O Holding tank:MDC O Catch basin/Dry well r O On-site system 5.Waste Transporter Name of,Hauler Destination Waste ProductLicensed? 2. r Pe s terviewed Inspector Date l ", ON �.•p.3:"=n:-".-a"-s`"'a..on•.er�.y�...a+(a 'a.n.� � 'v �' �� - - - a_, �.• �. -USA . 7 9 f +.,,,t �' First-Clans Ra[c `�.,�� ems+` .. r'^°• .,,�,,,..,,. ,.. . 111.I'll fill Ill 11 x. e � e 1. 111 It 1 11 lfil liflit { it i( 1 1 mitIf 1f 1 fit ii I � I i - S ' i - i ' 1 kk tf ,t ;!k 4 kI, ikk _ r, i ( a ti ..I k r1 e �ti . TOXIC AND HAZARDOUS MATERIALS REGISTRATION FORM WM. A. AMARAL Mail To: NAME OF BUSINESS: REPAIR Board of Health MAILING ADDRESS: Drivetrain Specialists Town of Barnstable TELEPHONE NUMBER: 30 Thornton Drive P.O. Box 534 CONTACT PERSON: yanms,• 02601 Hyannis, MA 02601 - Does your firm store any of the toxic or hazardous materials listed below, either for sale or for your own use, in quantities totalli , at any time, more than 50 gallons liquid volume or 25 pounds dry weight? YES NO This form must be returned to the Board of Health regardless of a yes or no answer. Use the enclosed envelope for your convenience. If you answered YES above, please indicate if the materials are stored at a site other than your mailing address: ADDRESS: TELEPHONE: LIST OF TOXIC AND HAZARDOUS MATERIALS The Board of Health has determined that the following products exhibit toxic or hazardous characteristics and must be registere Please put a check beside each product that you store: 7Antfifreezer gasoline or coolant systems) Drain cleaners nsmission fluid Toilet cleaners Engine and radiator flushes Cesspool cleaners Hydraulic fluid (including brake fluid) Disinfectants Motor oils/waste oils Road Salt (Halite) Gasoline, Jet fuel Refrigerants Diesel fuel, kerosene, #2 heating oil Pesticides (insecticides, herbicides, Other petroleum products: grease, lubricants rodenticides) Degreasers for engines and metal Photochemicals (fixers and developers) Degreasers for driveways & garages Printing ink Battery acid (electrolyte) Wood preservatives (creosote) Rustproofers Swimming pool chlorine Car wash detergents Lye or caustic soda Car waxes and polishes Jewelry cleaners Asphalt & roofing tar Leather dyes Paints, varnishes, stains, dyes Fertilizers (if stored outdoors) Paint &lacquer thinners PCB's Paint & varnish removers, deglossers Other chlorinated hydrocarbons, Paint brush'cleaners (inc. carbon tetrachloride) Floor & furniture strippers Any other products with "Poison" labels Metal polishes (including chloroform, formaldehyde, Laundry soil & stain removers hydrochloric acid, other acids) (including bleach) Other products not listed which you feel may Spot removers & cleaning fluids be toxic or hazardous (please list): (dry cleaners) Other cleaning solvents Bug and tar removers Household cleansers; oven cleaners U White Copy- Health Department/ Canary Copy-Business { OOfV-6 A-( All, TO N OF BARNSTABLE OMPLIANCE: CLASS: I.Marine,Gas Stations,Repair nters BOARD OF HEALTH satisfactory 3.2.Auto Body Shops O unsatisfactory- 4.Manufacturers COMPANY �! /Vld 1 1� � (see"Orders") 5.Retail Stores ��,^// 6.Fuel Suppliers ADDRESS �� V �' Class• 7.Miscellaneous �� QUANTITIES AND STORAGE (IN=indoors; OUT=outdoors) MAJOR MATERIALS Case lots Drums Above 'Tanks Underground! IN OUT IN OUT IN OUT #&gallons Age Test Fuels: Gasoline,Jet Fuel (A) Diesel, Kerosene, #2 (B) waste motor oil (C) new motor oil (C) transmissio draulic Synthetic Organics: degreasers Miscellaneous: DISPOSAL/RECLAMATION REMARKS: d 1. Sanitary Sewage 2. Vater Supply Town Sewer &Public �� On-site O rivate 3. Indoor Floor Drains YES N0 O Holding tank: MDC O Catch basin/Dry well O On-site system 0 4. Outdoor Surface drains:YES NO ; o O Holding tank:MDC s O Catch basin/Dry well O On-site system V 5.Waste Transporter Name of Hauler Destination Waste ' , o j;NO 11041 2. 0 TV 0 OR&I `Person (s) Interviewed nspecto ate _ r_ 1000 North Randall Road MANUAL ORDER FORM (USE WITH TRACKING FORM NV. U 10U), Elgin, Illinois 60128-7857 yy,, r ,. � '� '� 'tlri o-u-ta: o.;Ir);•o•,oe FED IO NO 39�u9;)ili9 57 sately�Ntee�� . .• OU'r N9:�L��L_w�_ f rA,1NIFEST S CUSTOMERI NUMBEH Gus rONIER NUMBER N `1E M A � • ADDRESS i;<C?DRESg CITYISTATE ZIP---� --- — CITY/STATE _....__..._.... ..__ ___ zff' CHANGE SEFlV;CE TEsif�.� SEP.IlICEDATk °'1iC5I^.!4^ISNO CU3TOh+EAROµ;tJ:SE?EH- SALTS�AYFi(EotPiICN�JO`-_ ._—I'.Err'S_RVICE-`W-^ ::Ffi'd;CC:rF,St.' i'y/EFKSj iWITIAO SERVICE I Ur•11TOF SERVICE a Gi; �.:HIPHON Gr1.ANT`rY 0,110E TAX LINE TOTAL NUMBER MEASLIRC. CHARGE 040 USED Gll.PICK UP (7r, �050 OILY WA r{`,;L ,PO5Ak..__ 10066 WASTE = .' EEZE _ { • I r'..:�___.__........_ °l_UAL.._.....�...:...�,....�.w.�.L..�._..�.,_ CHAfIGE t ;CCCli it f'Cri TMS w,NNSA0110%U,,LC55 C"nEA4V ( "KICA EU t'1 r)^F FAYVV4rRECEIVED$ECT,OH _ CASH L TOT,1I_HCOFIJEr. AFPI., DS FIt r•I M. INVOICt7 f1GF._FC INCf t.(APQi=5 TO CU.y ON'FA AFIf;$ULKI Cr TO AN l rEREST RATE C."- ��l HECK NUh,_6r — THE LESSER OF +h. PE'f?`:IJ•'r}i (0'4 PEP,ANNU'.1)UW rNFAA 1 1M P.ATt7LI iO0AYSSf flC'E'SMIT LAW ON A'1Y INVOICEg-Pfkr it NOTPAID V10H1N 30 OAYS .EE EVEMT OE CEFAMr SAFF TY•� FEPAIL Hh.: i;V FIT(FD TO RECOVER COS ,S OF r O1.LEr fJCN,Y'dCLafUli•O AFA5CI.A3L[n r rOmEy s FEES. 4—. L..!P iE'o OU6:�?y�•i,:H ny Etti J, OE,NEAVr',fi VVAA?CNTi V,r TFFF'8E^tTS THAT if•E 1A1``.W'+1L$ PHO'rLFD EAFfP`(H.IEEr! CfiP Ei REU`JOE HaV@ NOT LIEEPf Nd�<EL) fOEa, a=E1 n O;E•EA;Mk P- E'JD�O IN AN;Y CIJANQfY V110t 10ATER'ALS CONTAIrING LN .tl .___—_.-- __ ANIOUNI . - _� i I PCr- i FI?tA rxp ESPhEri:LS ,PCSI ,;P AhY 0 }Iff` ;,'>tEhAA:. OE�F`!EO AG` A rig^ZAfii:CUS WASTE: tJNDEHA"PEYAB E L:.i6 I";I.rf ,nl T"'-, iVPTi- h 4C i.r'R PART Zfr E,,!MA*09 MrirAc9 TO dUclailFY AND3 nPF .F F f ,Cr•P 'BLESS Ff;A P't+l ,Vf,ES Crb-TIJ 4`�"�f>!f: - if t E'; ijS'K)')i OS(iR'ri V. ANCUNT$ 3' :;11 a- 011ER's COPY PART NF; r11s(2104) K TOWN ' OF l3ARNSTA[3LE COMPLIANCHI .CLASS: 1. Marine,Gas Stations,ltepatr 2. Printers tTMR . OF HEALTH O satisfactory 3, Aputo P.ody Shops O unsatisfactory- 4. Manufacturers COMPANY C.& c . /.�, / (see"Orders") 5; Retail Stores 6. Fuel Suppliers ADDRESS &k.ATjQdM. -0 Class: 7. Misce°lIaneous QUANTITIES AND STORAGE (IN=indoors; OUT=outdoor. MAJOR IUITHRIALS • Case . lots Drums AboveTanks Undetgrohnd Tanks UL �[ QUT �L � �$11Qns_ 9Y� fs�S Fuels.: • Gasoline, Jet Fuel (A) Diesel, Kerosene, M2 (B) ileavy 'Oi 1 s: - _ waste motor oil - (C) new motor oil (C)- transmission/hydraulic -Synthetic Organics: degreasers •Miscellaneous: PO V r"_ _ > DISPOSAL/RECLAMATION RUVIRKS: 1. Sanitary Sewage 2. Water Supply ��II QTown Sewer ® Public On-site Q Private 3. Indoor Floor Drains: YES NO Q [folding tank: MDC &LI--•g---- N V Catch basin/Dry well _ _• _ _ 1 On-site system �1� ���T�� y.. SI 4. Outdoor Surface drains:.YES NO // `- IfoldWL tank: MDC -------------- O Catch basin/Dry well OOn-site system S. Waste Transporter Licensed? llne_uf_iialilp nest inatinn WaS a Prod U X_ 71 + .9 --- -- u erson s Int.ervi a nspector. Date TOWN OF f3ARNSTAf3LE 'COMPLIANCH't CLAS5:, ,1.' Mar ne;Gas S,tatIons,Repair 2. Pri nee rs (IM. R ' OF HEALTH O satisfactory �, , � 3• (pluto «Piod r S1�o s ® tinsatisfactor � ., ' `~ ' 4. Itanufecturersp O y S. Retail Stores COMPANY lC� r�l �l�15 ,r (see"Orders") 6. Fuel Suppliers ADDRESS �,�f' Y �(�J o a t Y YJA9 Classy 7. `Miscellaneous . r QUANTITIES AND STORAGE (IN Indoors; OUT=outdoor. MAJOR MATERIALS Case - lots Drums AbOveTanks Undetgrohad Tanks HL an QU_T_ 1ti r It gallons_ 9s� fssS Fuelsr- 4r • "Gasoline, Jet Fuel (A) Diesel, Kerosene, 02 (B) , Heavy Oils: r waste motor oil - (C) ' new, motor- oil - (C) r tra6smi§sion/hydraulic - ''Synthetl.c^ Organics: degreasers • • — ter i Miscellaneous: n ` ISPOSAL RECI. MI T ON REMARKS: 1. Sanitary Sewage 2. Water Supply / A� Irn r� /� / J� O Town Sewer 0 Public �1041 t r� l.N � /��1—,U6`7 OOn-site Private r 3. Indoor Floor Drains: YES NO Holding tank: •MDC h U Ux//V C-f f n_ OCatch basin/Dry well PLY _,• �;, ,, _._,.____- _ 0 On-site system 4. Outdoor Surface drains:YES NO o O Holding tank: MDC . O Catch basin/Dry well . q OOn-site system _ S. Waste Transporter licensed? -Nam""aulnr- ftsU n at inn 1jat a ProdurL YES NO 71. erson' s interviewedInspector Date + u et - �- --�- - 4 1 I { TOXIC AND HAZARDOUS MATERIALS REGISTRATION FORM NAME OF BUSINESS: �� r 2.4p.r�i.1 /u,,�inc Mail To: BUSINESS LOCATION: �3b IJ 1- .,zrl'n C\ ; �u ypA„ ; s Board of Health MAILING ADDRESS: pn 06Y //3y Town of Barnstable �"�^~" ��� P.O. Box 534 TELEPHONE NUMBER: �"68 Y09- W Y 3 or 726- /27 3 Hyannis, MA 02601 CONTACT PERSON: R ,I t F;(?�P t-a r a - T EMERGENCY CONTACT TELEPHONE NUMBER: SA.4-C Does your firm-store any of the toxic or hazardous materials listed below, either for sale or for your own use, in quantities tot VR11 at any time, more than 50 gallons liquid volume or 25 pounds dry weight? YES NO This form must be returned to the Board of Health regardless of a yes or no answer. Use the enclosed envelope for your convenience. If you answered YES above, please indicate if the materials are stored at a site other than your mailing address: ADDRESS: TELEPHONE: LIST OF TOXIC AND HAZARDOUS MATERIALS The Board of Health has determined that the following products exhibit toxic or hazardous character- istics and must be registered regardless of volume. Please estimate the quantity beside the product that you store: Quantity/Case Quantity/Case Antifreeze (for gasoline or coolant systems) Drain cleaners Automatic transmission fluid Toilet cleaners Engine and radiator flushes Cesspool cleaners Hydraulic fluid (including brake fluid) Disinfectants Motor oils/waste oils Road Salt (Halite) Gasoline, Jet fuel Refrigerants Diesel fuel, kerosene, #2 heating oil Pesticides (insecticides, herbicides, Other petroleum products: grease, lubricants rodenticides) Degreasers for engines and metal Photochemicals (fixers and developers) Degreasers for driveways & garages Printing ink Battery acid (electrolyte) Wood preservatives (creosote) Rustproofers Swimming pool chlorine Car wash detergents Lye or caustic soda Car waxes and polishes Jewelry cleaners Asphalt & roofing tar Leather dyes Paints, varnishes, stains, dyes Fertilizers (if stored outdoors) Paint & lacquer thinners PCB's Paint & varnish removers, deglossers Other chlorinated hydrocarbons, Paint brush cleaners (inc. carbon tetrachloride) Floor & furniture strippers Any other products with "Poison" labels Metal polishes (including chloroform, formaldehyde, Laundry soil & stain removers hydrochloric acid, other acids) (including bleach) Other products not listed which you feel may Spot removers & cleaning fluids be toxic or hazardous (please list): (dry cleaners) Other cleaning solvents Bug and tar removers Household cleansers, oven cleaners White Copy- Health Department/ Canary Copy-Business jA ..�. J� r_ �_.,. '""' l}. f.�.., xf r`� -`.�,n•..tv.' +......+,s�,,(�. yt� .r,x':-wi• •+r'"1+.,,r 9�'^rr 'Nd'��..+"•r'"'f"a.-.'.-� ^.�•^ .... 1-.sMr �.+^,W-,io-�-•i.F-',r,.kF..ad'�F', TOXIC AND HAZARDOUS MATERIALS REGISTRATION FORM NAME OF BUSINESS: ` I) �� e 7�p r� t ! i0jU",4.nc ; Mail To: f `BUSINESS LOCATION: b I)Ttao cres n Ir iu� ( �Y/1/t n Board of Health S ' > Town of Barnstable MAILING ADDRESS: e6'X 1/3y. LF.14n,4'f5l '✓ A P.O. Box 534 TELEPHONE NUMBER: Y YP 9 - 4(/Y 3 0,, 790- /9 3, Hyannis, MA 02601 CONTACT PER50N: - ��<<11 F;iz(,—Pr ' .E. MERGENCY CONTACT TELEPHONE'NUMBER: SA1%,r �r � Does your-firm.store any of the toxic or hazardous materiais listed below, either for sale or for your own use, in quantities tot II' , at any time, more than 0 gallons liquid volume or 25,pounds dry' weight?. YES"-'-,. NO .. s. ,t TAt�ls,fo rYt mats 'be-rye#urnedto�the�B'aard:of H aJ;th regardless of.a�yes,pr no;.answer �U.se they � . x enclosed env,,e.(Jrpe.for.yo`ur convenience. If you answered YES above, please indicate'if the materials are stored at a site other than your mailing address_: ADDRESS: TELEPHONE:, of 1 LIST OF TOXIC AND HAZARDOUS MATERIALS The Board of Health has determined that the following products exhibit toxic or hazardous character- istics and must be registered regardless of volume. Please estimate the quantity beside the.product that you store: I Quantity/Case Quantity/Case Antifreeze (for'gasoline or coolant systems) Drain cleaners Automatic transmission fluid Toilet cleaners , 1�` *', ;? Engine and radiator flushes Cesspool cleaners L , }' Hydraulic fluid (Including brake fluid) Disinfectants - y p ` T M'dfor`oils/waste oils Road Salt (Halite) Gasoline, Jet fuel Refrigerants Diesel fuel; kerosene, #2 heating oil Pesticides (insecticides, herbicides, Other petroleum products: grease, lubricants rodenticides) } Degreasers for engines and metal Photochemicals (fixers and developers) :. t ; Degreasers for driveways & garages 1 Printing ink q . ` Battery, acid (electrolyte) Wood preservatives (creosote) , Rustproofers Swimming'pool chlorine Car wash detergents -Lye-or caustic soda Car waxes and polishes -if x Jewelry cleaners , f, f Asphalt & roofing tar Leather dyes ` Paints, varnishes, stains, dyes Fertilizers (if stored outdoors) wr _ Paint & lacquer thinners PCB's ``' ,. is Paint &,,varnish removers, deglossers Other chlorinated hydrocarbons, ``R- irtt l rushf`cl`eaners - - (inc. carbon tetrachlonde) Floor,& furniture strippers 1 Any other products with "Pois,on" labels Metal polishes i (including chloroform, formaldehyde, s s Laundry-soil & stain removers hydrochloric acid, other acids) (including bleach) Other products not listed which you feel may a r Spot removers & cleaning fluids be toxic or hazardous (please list): -- i (dry cleaners) i Other cleaning solvents Bug and tar removers Household cleansers, oven cleaners ~� �+ " White Copy-Health Department/ Canary Copy-Business ` . l YOU WISH TO OPEN A BUSINESS? For Your Information: Business certificates (cost$40.00 for 4 years). A business certificate ONLY REGISTERS YOUR NAME in town (which you must do by M.G.L.-it does not give you permission to operate.) You must first obtain the necessary signatures•on this form at 200 Main St., Hyannis. Take the completed form to the Town Clerk's Office,.1st FI., 367 Main St., Hyannis, MA 02601 (Town Hall) and get the Business Certificate that is required by law. r'd+3 rah t rwY DATE: Fill in please: 1 f ra L-1�m k• ° APPLICANT'S YOUR NAME/S: 'U N I a-P- � ; ��'t 'BUSINESS YOUR HOME ADDRESS: 2 C3 1 I� T t L L , - �� �y�-�.: TELEPHONE #_ Home Telephone Number !!Sn 8 NAME OF CORPORATION. . Cu���. w NT c� 'NAME OF NEW 1 BUSINESS TYPE OF BUSINESS IS THIS A HOME OCCUPAThOW YES NO C J N t'I `moo N t 5Gaf O ADDRESS OF BUSINESS :-ct-b "ta�J f� N Js*O I MAP PARCEL.NUMBER Assessor When starting a new business there are several,things you must do in order to be in compliance with the rules and regulations of the Town of Barnstable. This form is intended to assist you in obtaining the information you may need. You MUST GO TO 200 Main St. — (corner of Yarmouth Rd. &Main Street) to make sure you have the'appropriate permits and licenses required to legally operate your business in this town. 1. BUILDING COMMISSIONER'S OFFICE This individual has beyn-informed f y permit requirements that pertain to this type of business. Authorized 'Signature COMMENTS: 2. BOARD OF HEALTH This individual has been0f rm d of the permit requirements that pertain to this type of business. IVIUS7 ,vM?LY WITS I ALL Authorized Signature*� . COMMENTS: 3. CONSUMER AFFAIRS(LICENSING AUTHORITY) This individual has been informed of the licensing requirements that pertain to this type of business. Authorized Signature** : COMMENTS: Date:o/ 3 L/ t TOWN OF BARNSTABLE TOXIC AND HAZARDOUS MATERIALS ON-SITE INVENTORY NAME OF BUSINESS: PC- (Y-�Tu keUT-K) N � 0iC. BUSINESS LOCATION: Soa� 't =b)J J-)i INVENTORY MAILING ADDRESS: TOTAL AMOUNT: TELEPHONE NUMBER: �;oS 36-0 39-9 7 CONTACT PERSON: 6,W hl�" EMERGENCY CONTACT TELEPHONE NUMBER: `50 B 3,o MSDS ON SITE? TYPE OF BUSINESS: A&)Tb INFORMATION/RECOMMENDATIONS: f Fire District: Waste Transportation: Last shipment of hazardous waste: Name of Hauler: Destination: Waste Product: Licensed? Yes No NOTE: Under the provisions of Ch. 111, Section 31, of the General Laws of MA, hazardous material use, storage and disposal of 111 gallons or more a month requires a license from the Public Health Division. Tom_ LIST OF TOXIC AND HAZARDOUS MATERIALS The board of health and the Public Health Division have determined that the following products exhibit toxic or hazardous characteristics and must be registered regardless of volume. Observed / Maximum Observed / Maximum G Antifreeze (for gasoline or coolant systems) Miscellaneous Corrosive ❑ NEW ❑ USED Cesspool cleaners Automatic transmission fluid Disinfectants Engine and radiator flushes Road salts (Halite) Hydraulic fluid (including brake fluid) Refrigerants Motor Oils Pesticides ❑ NEW ❑ USED (insecticides, herbicides, rodenticides) Gasoline, Jet fuel,Aviation gas Photochemicals (Fixers) Diesel Fuel, kerosene, #2 heating oil ❑ NEW ❑ USED Miscellaneous petroleum products: grease, Photochemicals (Developer) lubricants, gear oil ❑ NEW ❑ USED Degreasers for engines and metal Printing ink Degreasers for driveways &garages Wood preservatives (creosote) Caulk/Grout Swimming pool chlorine Battery acid (electrolyte)/Batteries Lye or caustic soda Rustproofers Miscellaneous Combustible &Ab Car wash detergents Leather dyes G& Car waxes and polishes Fertilizers Asphalt& roofing tar PCB's ,gyp &N Paints, varnishes, stains, dyes Other chlorinated hydrocarbons, GD Lacquer thinners (including carbon tetrachloride) ❑ NEW ❑ USED Any other products with "poison" labels (including chloroform, formaldehyde, Paint&varnish removers, deglossers hydrochloric acid, other acids) Miscellaneous. Flammables Other products not listed which you feel Floor&furniture strippers may be toxic or hazardous (please list): Metal polishes Laundry soil &stain removers (including bleach) Spot removers &cleaning fluids (dry cleaners) Other cleaning solvents Bug and tar removers y Windshield wash WHITE COPY-HEALTH DEPARTMENT I CANARY COPY-BUSINESS Applicant's Si re taff's Initial s YOU WISH TO OPEN A BUSINESS? For Your Information: Business certificates(cost$30.00 for 4 years). A business certificate ONLY REGISTERS YOUR NAME in town(which you must do by M.G.L.-it does not give you permission to operate.) Business Certificates are available at the Town Clerk's Office, 1"FL., 367 Main Street, Hyannis, MA 02601 (Town Hall) ~ DATE: OZ -A J-o 6 Fill in please: APPLICANT'S YOUR NAME: BUSINESS YOUR HOME ADDRESS: 13 6 C /���C�GvIRINGI6t L7/ eri TELEPHONE # Home Telephone Number 417 3R5 r7go NAME OF NEW BUSINESS Rid TYPE OF BUSINESS20 v. S!9' IS THIS A HOME OCCUPAT10111 YES 4 Have you been given.approval fro the bwlding diviso YES NO ADDRESS OF BUSINESS MAPPARCEL NUMBERjq When starting a new business there are several things you must do in order to be in compliance with the rules and regulations of the Town of Barnstable. This form is intended to assist you in obtaining the information you may need. You MUST GO TO 200 Main St. - (corner of Yarmouth Rd. &Main Street) to make sure you have the appropriate permits and licenses required to legally operate your business in this town. 1. BUILDING COM ER'S OFFICE This individu ha n fnf of any permit requirem nts that pertain to this type of business. Au oriz g�na re* COMMENTS � Z 2. BOARD OF HEALTH This individual h n inf d o the mit re ments that pertain to this type of business. �YU Au orize ig ature* COMMENTS- WA 3. CONSUMER AFFAIRS (LICENSING AUTHORITY This individual has n infoc o the Iic nqg ui ments that pertain to this type of business. Au ho 'zed Signat / COMMENTS: V J �G L/ C II X- TOWN OF BARNSTABLE TOXIC AND HAZARDOUS MATERIALS ON-SITE INV NTORY NAME OF BUSINESS: BUSINESS LOCATION: �� INVENTORY MAILING ADDRESS: TOTAL AMOUNT: TELEPHONE NUMBE CONTACT PERSON: EMERGENCY CONTACT TELEPHONE NUMBER: MSDS ON SITE? TYPE OF BUSINESS: /--2�4t- �Lr INFORMATION/RECOMMENDATIONS: Fire District: Waste Transportation: Last shipment of hazardous.waste: Name of Hauler: Destination: Waste Product: Licensed? Yes No --- NOTE: Under the provisions of Ch. 111, Section 31, of the General Laws of MA, hazardous materials use, storage and disposal of 111 gallons or more a month requires a license from the Public Health Division. LIST OF TOXIC AND HAZARDOUS MATERIALS The Board of Health and the Public Health Division have determined that the following products exhibit toxic or hazardous characteristics and must be registered regardless of volume. Observed/Maximum Observed/Maximum Antifreeze (for gasoline or coolant systems) Misc. Corrosive NEW USED Cesspool cleaners Automatic transmission fluid Disinfectants Engine and radiator flushes Road Salts (Halite) Hydraulic fluid (including brake fluid) Refrigerants Motor Oils Pesticides NEW USED (insecticides, herbicides, rodenticides) Gasoline, Jet fuel, Aviation gas Photochemicals (Fixers) Diesel Fuel, kerosene, #2 heating oil NEW USED Misc. petroleum products: grease, Photochemicals (Developer) d lubricants, gear oil NEW USED Degreasers for engines and metal Printing ink Degreasers for driveways & garages Wood preservatives (creosote) Caulk/Grout Swimming pool chlorine Battery acid (electrolyte)/Batteries Lye or caustic soda Rustproofers Misc. Combustible Car wash detergents Leather dyes Car waxes and polishes Fertilizers Asphalt & roofing tar PCB's Paints, varnishes, stains, dyes Other chlorinated hydrocarbons, Lacquer thinners (inc. carbon tetrachloride) NEW USED Any other products with "poison labels Pant &varnish removers, deglossers (including chloroform, formaldehyde, Misc. Flammables hydrochloric acid, other acids) Floor & furniture strippers Other products not listed which you feel Metal polishes may be tox' aZrdous (please list): Laundry soil & stain removers (including bleach) Spot removers &cleaning fluids (dry cleaners) Other cleaning solvents Bug and tar removers ----,—'Windshield wash WHITE COPY-HEALTH DEPARTMENT/CANARY COPY-BUSINESS tioned by law or by the highest standards prevailing in the industry for the storage and use of such sub- stances and materials, nor allow to be brought into the Building any such materials or substances except to use in the ordinary course of Tenant's business, and then only after written notice is given to Landlord of the identity of such substances or materials.. Without limitation, hazardous substances and materials shall include those described in the Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation and Liability Act of 1980, as amended,42 U.S.C. § 9601 et seq.;the Resource Conservation and Recovery Act, as amended, 42 U.S.C. § 6901 et seq.; any applicable state or local laws; and the regulations adopted under these acts. If any lender or governmental agency shall ever require testing to, ascertain whether or not there has been any release of hazardous materials, then the reasonable cost thereof shall be reimbursed by Tenant to Landlord upon demand as additional charges if such requirement applies to the Premises. In addition,Ten- ant shall execute affidavits, representations, and the like from time to time at Landlord's request concern- ing Tenant's best knowledge and belief regarding the presence of hazardous substances or materials on the Premises. In all events, Tenant shall indemnify Landlord in the manner elsewhere provided in this Lease from any release of hazardous materials on the Premises occurring.while Tenant is in'possession, or else- where if caused by Tenant or persons acting under Tenant. The within covenants shall survive the expira- tion or earlier termination of the Lease term. Tenant shall comply with all terms and provisions of Barnstable Code Section 240-35, specifically provi- sion G,.attached hereto as Exhibit A. 14.2 WAIVER. (a) Failure on the part of Landlord or Tenant to complain of any action or nonaction on the part of the other, no matter how long the same may continue, shall never be a waiver by Tenant or Land- lord, respectively, of any of the other's rights hereunder. Further, no waiver at any time of any of the pro- visions hereof by Landlord or Tenant shall be construed as a waiver of any of the other provisions hereof, and a waiver at anytime of any of the provisions hereof shall not be construed as-a waiver at any subse- quent time of the same provisions. The consent or approval of Landlord or Tenant to or of,any action by the other requiring such consent or approval shall not be construed to waive or render unnecessary Land- lord's or Tenant's consent or approval to or of any subsequent similar act by the other. (b)No payment by Tenant, or acceptance by Landlord, of a lesser amount than shall be due from Tenant to Landlord shall be treated otherwise than as a payment on account of the earliest installment of any payment due from Tenant under the provisions hereof. The acceptance by Landlord of a check for a lesser amount with an endorsement or statement thereon, or upon any letter accompanying such check, that such lesser amount is payment in full, shall be given no effect,and Landlord may accept such check without prejudice to any other rights or remedies Landlord may have against Tenant. 14.3 COVENANT OF QUIET ENJOYMENT. Tenant, subject to the terms and provisions of this Lease, on payment of the Fixed Rent, and' other charges and observing, keeping and performing all of the other terms and provisions of this Lease on Tenant's part to be observed, kept and performed, shall lawfully, _....-.-.- peaceably, and quietly have,hold, and,occupy and enjoy the Premises during the term hereof,without hin- drance or ejection by Landlord or any persons lawfully claiming under Landlord to have title to the Prem- ore oin covenant of quiet enjoyment is in lieu of any other covenant, ex- pressed or implied. 14.4 LANDLORD'S LIABILITY. (a) Tenant specifically agrees to look solely to Landlord's then`equity in- terest in the Property at the time owned for recovery of any judgment from Landlord; it being specifically agreed that Landlord (original or successor) shall never be personally liable for any such judgment or for monetary g the pay ment of any obligation to Tenant. The provision contained in the foregoing sentence is not intended to, and shall not, limit any right that Tenant might otherwise have to obtain injunctive relief HPage 12 of 17/hc1c ded-i n 'Ihn leasC—_`D r 3a Tkor-rl+bp Drive- R/4 �. l ,. payments required for the immediately preceding Tax Year) for what would be the then unexpired Term of this Lease if the same had remained in effect, over the then fair net rental value of the Premises for the same period. (d) In the case of any Default by Tenant, reentry, expiration, and dispossession by summary proceeding or otherwise, Landlord may (1)relet the Premises or any part or parts thereof, either in the name of Landl or or otherwise, for a term or terms that may, at Landlord's option, be equal to or less than or exceed the pe- riod that would otherwise have constituted the balance of the Term of this Lease and may grant conces- sions and/or free rent to the extent that Landlord considers advisable and necessary to relet the same and (ii) maymake such reasonable alterations,repairs, and decorations in the Premises as Landlord, in its sole judgment, considers advisable and necessary for the purpose of reletting the Premises, and the making of such alterations, repairs, and decorations shall not operate or be construed to release Tenant from liability. hereunder as aforesaid. Landlord shall in no event be liable in any way whatsoever for. failure to relet the Premises or, in the event that the Premises are relet,for failure to collect the rent under such reletting.Ten- ant hereby expressly waives any and all rights of redemption granted by or under any present or future laws in the event of Tenant being evicted or dispossessed,or in the event of Landlord obtaining possession of the Premises,by reason of the violation by Tenant of any of the covenants and conditions of this Lease. (e)The specified remedies to which Landlord may resort hereunder are not intended to be exclusive of any remedies or means of redress to which Landlord may at any,time be entitled to lawfully,and Landlord may invoke any remedy (including the remedy of specific performance) allowed at law or in equity as if spe- cific remedies were not herein provided for. (f)All reasonable costs and expenses incurred by or on behalf of Landlord (including, without limitation, attorney fees and expenses) in enforcing its rights hereunder or occasioned by any Default of Tenant shall be paid by Tenant. 13.2 LANDLORD'S DEFAULT. Landlord shall in no event be in default of the performance of any of Landlord's obligations hereunder unless and until Landlord shall have failed to perform such obligations within thirty(30) days, or such additional time as is reasonably required to correct any such default, after notice by Tenant to Landlord specifying wherein Landlord has failed to perform any such'obligations. No act or failure to act on the part of the Landlord that would entitle Tenant under the terms of this Lease, or by law, to be relieved of Tenant's obligations hereunder or to terminate this Lease shall result in a release or termination of such obligations or a termination of this Lease unless (i)Tenant shall have first given written notice of Landlord's act or failure to act to Landlord's first mortgagee and ground lessor of record, if any, specifying the act or failure to act on the part of the Landlord that could or would give basis to Ten- ant's rights and(ii) such mortgagee and ground lessor, after receipt of such notice, have failed or refused to correct or cure the condition complained of within a reasonable time thereafter; but nothing contained in this Section 13.2 shall be deemed to impose any obligation on any such mortgagee or ground lessor to -- ° correct or cure any condition. "Reasonable Time" as used above means and includes a reasonable time to obtain possession of the mortgaged premises if the mortgagee or ground lessor elects to do so and a rea- sonable time to correct or cure the condition. ARTICLE XIV, MISCELLANEOUS PROVISIONS 14.1 EXTRA HAZARDOUS USE. Tenant shall not (either with or without negligence) cause or permit the escape, disposal, or release of any biologically or chemically active or other hazardous substances or ma- terials. Tenant shall not allow the storage or use of such substances or materials in any manner not sanc- Page 11 of 17 . �- � o � . . p��i• i UNITED STATES POSTAL S First-Class,-Mail �. Postage&Fees,Pasid �!? LISPS 1 Permit No.G-10 • Sender: Please- rtrfi&Ir name, add ress,-end—ZtP+4 +,a4ris` O)(1-- USTown of Barnstable Health ..Department 200 Main.Street Hyannis;MA 02601 I t10os SEND& CONIPLETE THIS SECTION ■ Complete items 1,2,and 3.Also complete z eceived by(PI se Print Clearly) B. Date f D ve item 4 if Restricted Delivery is desired. °f ■ ,Print your name and address on the reverse or C. Signature so that,we_can return the card to you. ❑Agent ■ Attach this card to the back of the mailpiece, X )or on the frob if space permits. ❑Addressee 1. K D. Is delivery address different from item 1? Yes 1. Article Addressed to: If YES,enter delivery address below: ILF No William A & Rita A Amaral 37 Discovery Hill Road East Sandwich, MA 02537 ! 3. Service Type ❑Certified Mail ❑ Express Mail ❑ Registered ❑ Return Receipt for Merchandise �-- ❑ Insured Mail ❑C.O.D. 4. Restricted Delivery?(Extra Fee) ❑Yes 2. Article Number(Copy from service lab "-7002 1000 D00.4 66`83 1921 1 PS Form 3811,July 1999 Domestic Return Receipt 102595-99-M-1789 aru tr jMM .D Postage $ 3 s Certified Fee JN • v Postmark R 0 Return Receipt Fee Here (Endorsement Required) O Restricted Delivery Fee �S Q (Endorsement Required) O ,/ Total Postage_&Fees _ W._//�. N Se ,, William A & Rita A Amaral sr% 37 Discovery Hill Road ort East Sandwich, MA 02537 Certified Mail Provides: • �' o A mailing receipt o A unique identifier for your mailpiece o A signature upon delivery o A record of delivery kept by the Postal Service for two years Important Reminders: n Certified Mail may ONLY be combined with First-Class Mail or Priority Mail. -. o Certified Mail is not available for any class of international mail. o NO INSURANCE COVERAGE IS PROVIDED with Certified Mail. For, valuables,please consider Insured.or Registered Mail. o For an additional fee,a Retum Receipt may be requested to provide proof of- delivery.To obtain Return Receipt service,please complete and attach a Return Receipt(PS Form 3811)to the article and add applicable postage to cover the fee.Endorse mailpiece `Return Receipt Requested".To receive a fee waiver for a duplicate return receipt,a USPS postmark on your Certified Mail receipt is required. a For an additional fee, delivery may be restricted to the addressee or addressee's authorized agent.Advise the clerk or.mark the mailpiece with the endorsement"Restricted Delivery". - - o If a postmark on the Certified Mail receipt is desired,please present the arti- cle at the post office for postmarking. If a postmark on the Certified Mail. receipt is not needed,detach and affix label with postage and mail. IMPORTANT:Save this receipt and present it when making an inquiry. PS Form 3800,April 2002(Reverse) 102595-02-M-1133 Town of Barnstable �pF SHE Tp� o Regulatory Services Thomas F. Geiler, Director * BAMSTABLE. Public Health Division rFn N►a�°i Thomas McKean,Director 200 Main St, Hyannis, MA 02601 Office: 508-862-4644 Fax: 508-790-6304 January 23, 2006 William & Rita Amaral 37 Discovery Hill Road East Sandwich, MA 02537 IMPORTANT NOTICE RE: Map & Parcel-296-008.00A ` -? Dear Addressee: You are directed to connect your building located at 30 Thornton Drive, Hyannis, to public sewer on or before July 23, 2006. The Department of Public Works, Engineering Division, has notified us that your property abutts sewer lines. The lines were extended because of the density, and the size of the lots in the area, and the potential for serious health problems. Failure to comply with this order will result in a complaint against you, in a court of law, due to your failure to comply with a Board of Health Order. If you should have any questions, please telephone me at 862-4644. PER ORDER OF THE BOARD OF HEALTH i Thomas A. McKean, R.S. CHO Health Agent for: TOWN OF BARNSTABLE BOARD OF HEALTH Wayne Miller, M.D., Chairperson Paul J. Canniff, DDS Sumner Kaufman, M.S.P.H. Return receipt requested Cc: Barbara Childs, Water Pollution Control Mark Giordano, Engineering Q:Sewerorder.doc Barr:>,stable Assessing Search Results Page 1 of 2 W �t m r a 36f ^ sAk� a r e Home: Departments:Assessors Division:Property Assessment Search Results -=I 30 THOWNTOND 1DVIVE Owner: AMARAL,WILLIAM A&RITA A Property Sketc i Map/Parcel/Parcel Extension 296 /008/OOA Mailing Address AMARAL,WILLIAM A&RITA A 37 DISCOVERY HILL RD EAST SANDWICH, MA.02537 2005 Assessed Values: Appraised Value Assessed Value Building Value: $ 100,900 $ 100,900 Extra Features: $0 $0 Outbuildings: $0 $0 Land Value: $0 $0 Interactive Property Map: ap requires Plug in: Totals:$ 100,900 l $ 100,900 1 have visited the maps before Show Me The Mao April 2001 photos available Sales History: Owner: Sale Date Book/Page: Sale Price: AMARAL,WILLIAM A&RITA A 7/11/2003 17238/170 $95,000 MCCARTHY,GERALD P TR 5/15/1992 8031/072 $ 100 BURKE,JAMES M& 7/15/1991 7608/031 $30,000 STEVENS,WAYNE E 12/15/1986 5453/302 $ 150,000 2005 REAL ESTATE Tax Information: Tax Rates: (per$1,000 of valuation) Land Bank Tax $ 18.31 Town Fire District Rates Other Ra $6.05 Barnstable-Residential $2.12 Land Bar Barnstable-Commercial $2.80 Barnstable FD Tax(Commercial) $282.52 C.O.M.M. -All Classes $1.01 Cotuit FD-All Classes $1.28 Town Tax(Commercial) $610.45 Hyannis-Residential $1.52 Hyannis-Commercial $2.39 W Barnstable-Residential $1.44 W Barnstable-Commercial $2.10 http://www.town.bamstable.ma.us/Assessing/Assess05/displayparce103.asp?mappar=2960... 1/20/2006 Barnstable Assessing Search Results Page 2 of 2 Total: $911.28 Due to rounding differences these values may vary Land and Building Information Land Building Lot Size(Acres) 0 Year Built 1975 Appraised Value $0 Living Area 1920 Assessed Value $0 Replacement Cost$ 102,662 Depreciation 18 Building Value 100,900 Construction Details Style Indust Condo Interior Floors Typical Model Ind/Comm Interior Walls Typical Grade Average Heat Fuel Gas Stories 1 Story Heat Type Hot Water Exterior Walls Pre-finsh Metl AC Type None Roof Structure Gable/Hip Bedrooms Zero Bedrooms Roof Cover Metal/Tin Bathrooms Zero Bathrms Total Rooms Extra Building Features Code Description Units/SO ft Appraised Value Assessed Value Property Sketch Legend BAS First Floor, Living Area FST Utility Area(Finished Interior) UAT Attic Area(Unfinished) BMT Basement Area(Unfinished) FTS Third Story Living Area(Finished) UHS Half Story(Unfinished) CAN Canopy FUS Second Story Living Area(Finished) UST Utility Area (Unfinished) FAT Attic Area(Finished) GAR Garage UTQ Three Quarters Story(Unfinished) FCP Carport GRN Greenhouse UUA Unfinished Utility Attic FEP Enclosed Porch PTO Patio UUS Full Upper 2nd Story(Unfinished) FHS Half Story(Finished) SFB Semi Finished Living Area WDK Wood Deck FOP Open or Screened in Porch TQS Three Quarters Story(Finished) http://www.town.bamstable.ma.us/Assessing/Assess05/displayparcelO3.asp?mappar=2960... 1/20/2006 Town of Barnstable �pfSHE l�ti , Regulatory Services RI)t y * BARINS"LE. Thomas F. Geiler, Director 9� ,�� Public Health Division ATEp�,�p Thomas McKean,Director ` L 200 Main Street, Hyannis, MA 02601 ° Office: 508-8624644 Fax: 508-7-90-6304 June 21, 2006 William&Rita Amaral 37 Discovery Hill Road East Sandwich,MA 02537 IMPORTANT NOTICE RE: Map & Parcel 296-008.00A Dear Addressee: You are directed to connect your building located at 30 Thornton Drive,Hyannis, to public sewer on or before July 23,2006. The Department of Public Works, Engineering, has notified us that your property abuts sewer lines. The lines were extended because of the density, and the size of the lots in the area, and the - potential for serious health problems. Failure to comply with this order will result in a complaint against you, in a court of law, due to failure to comply with a Board of Health Order. If you should have any questions,please telephone me at 508-862-4644. PER ORDER OF THE BOARD OF HEALTH Thomas A. McKean,R.S. CHO Health Agent for: TOWN OF BARNSTABLE BOARD OF HEALTH Wayne Miller, M.D. Chairperson Paul J. Canniff,DDS Sumner Kaufman, M.S.P.H. Return receipt requested .Cc:.Barbara Childs, Water Pollution Control Mark Giordano, Engineering Town of Barnstable p tNE 1p� Regulatory Services * Thomas F. Geiler,Director * anxxsTns[.E. � 9 MASS. g' `b 039. Public Health Division Thomas McKean,Director 200 Main Street, Hyannis, MA 02601 Office: 508-862-4644 Fax: 508-790-6304 June 21, 2006 Richard J. Fleming 7 Corporation Road Hyannis,MA 02601 IMPORTANT NOTICE RE: Map & Parcel 296-008.00B and C Dear Addressee: You are directed to connect your building located at 30 Thornton Drive, Hyannis,to public sewer on or before July 23, 2006. The Department of Public Works, Engineering, has notified us that your property abuts sewer lines. The lines were extended because of the density, and the size of the lots in the area, and the potential for serious health problems. Failure to comply with this order will result in a complaint against you, in a court of law, due to failure to comply with a Board of Health Order. If you should have any questions,please telephone me at 508-862-4644. PER ORDER OF THE BOARD OF HEALTH Thomas A. McKean, R.S. CHO Health Agent for: TOWN OF BARNSTABLE BOARD OF HEALTH Wayne Miller, M.D. Chairperson Paul J. Canniff, DDS Sumner.Kaufman,M.S.P.H. Return receipt requested Cc: Barbara Childs, Water Pollution Control Mark Giordano, Engineering UNITED STATES POSTAL SERVICE First-Class Mail Postage&Fees Paid LISPS " Perthit No.G-10 • Sender: Please print your name, address, and ZIP+4 in this box • Town of Barnstable Health,Department 200 Main Street Hyannis,MA 02601 i SECTIONSENDER: cOMPLEV THIS SECTION COM.PLETE THIS ON DELIVERY ■ Complete items 1,2,and 3.Also complete A. Received by(Please Print Clearly) B. Date of Delivery item 4 if Restricted Delivery is desired. ■ Print your name and address on the reverse so that we can return the card to you. C. Signature ■ Attach this card to the back of the mailpiece, ❑Agent or on the front if space permits. ❑Addressee D. Is:delivery address different from item 1? ❑Yes 1. Article Addressed to: If YES,enter delivery address below: ❑ No Richard J. Fleming 7`�Corporation Road Hyannis, MA 02601 3. Service Type ❑Certified Mail ❑ Express Mail ❑ Registered ❑ Return Receipt for Merchandise ❑ Insured Mail ❑C.O.D. 4. Restricted Delivery?(Extra Fee) ❑Yes 2. Article Number(Copy from service lal�• 7 D 0 2 1 D 0 0 0 0 0 4 6683 1914 N PS Form 3811,July 1999 '- Domestic Return Receipt 102595-99-M- a9 i Er a m 0 F F I C I A L US-E -0 Postage S M Certified Fee C3 1 y'. Postmarkst+) , Return Receipt Fee P` ! �,°Here t3 (Endorsement Required) fJ v J1\v t3 Restricted Delivery Fee O (Endorsement Required) _ C3 '-q Total Posta— ru Sent To Richard J. Fleming, O � Street,Apt.. 7 Corporation Road --------------- or PO Box I City State," Hyannis, MA 02601 --------------- I — _ Certified Mail Provides: o A mailing receipt o A unique identifier for your mailpiece o A signature upon delivery o A record of delivery kept by the Postal Service for two years Important Reminders: n Certified Mail may ONLY be combined with First-Class Mail or Priority Mail.- o Certified Mail is not available for any class of international mail. o NO INSURANCE COVERAGE IS PROVIDED with Certified Mail. For valuables,please consider Insured or Registered Mail. o For an additional fee,a Return Receipt may be requested to provide proof of delivery.To obtain Return Receipt service,please complete and attach a Return Receipt(PS Form 3811)to the article and add applicable postage to cover the fee.Endorse mailpiece 'Return Receipt Requested".To receive a fee waiver for, a duplicate return receipt,a USPS postmark on your Certified Mail receipt;is, required. o For an additional fee, delivery may be restricted to the addressee or. addressee's authorized agent.Advise the clerk or mark the mailpiece with the endorsement"Restricted Delivery". ' _- o If a postmark on the Certified Mail receipt is desired,please present the anti:' cle at the post office for postmarking. If a postmark on the Certified Mail" receipt is not needed,detach and affix label with postage and mail. IMPORTANT.Save this receipt and present it when making an inquiry. PS Form 3800,April 2002(Reverse) 102595-02-M-1133 Town of Barnstable OF tHE 1p� do Regulatory Services Thomas F. Geiler,Director 9� bs .•�' Public Health Division Thomas McKean, Director 200 Main St, Hyannis,MA 02601 Office: 508-862-4644 Fax: 508-790-6304 January 23, 2006 Richard J. Fleming 7 Corporation Road Hyannis, MA 02601 IMPORTANT NOTICE RE: Map & Parcel_296-008:00W-'0. Dear Addressee: You are directed to connect your building located at 30 Thornton Drive, Hyannis, to public sewer on or before July 23, 2006. The Department of Public Works, Engineering Division, has notified us that your property abutts sewer lines. The lines were extended because of the density, and the size of the lots in the area, and the potential for serious health problems. Failure to comply with this order will result in a complaint against you, in a court of law, due to your failure to comply with a Board of Health Order. If you should have any questions, please telephone me at 862-4644. PER ORDER OF THE BOARD OF HEALTH Thomas A. McKean, R.S. CHO Health Agent for: TOWN OF BARNSTABLE BOARD OF HEALTH Wayne Miller, M.D., Chairperson Paul J. Canniff, DDS Sumner Kaufman, M.S.P.H. Return receipt requested Cc: Barbara Childs, Water Pollution Control Mark Giordano, Engineering Q:Sewerorder.doc Barnstable Assessing Search Results Page 1 of 2 Home: Departments:Assessors Division: Property Assessment Search Results 30T R-N.TON DIVE Owner: FLEMING, RICHARD J Property Sketc i _...... Map/Parcel/Parcel Extension 296 /008/00B Mailing Address FLEMING, RICHARD J 7 CORPORATION RD HYANNIS, MA. 02601 2005 Assessed Values: Appraised Value Assessed Value Building Value: $54,800 $54,800 Extra Features: $0 $0 Outbuildings: $0 $0 Land Value: $0 $0 Interactive Property Map: Ma requires Plug in: Totals:$54,800 $54,800 1 have visited the maps before : Show Me The Map April 2001 photos available M Sales History: Owner: Sale Date Book/Page: Sale Price: FLEMING, RICHARD J 12/15/1988 6544/172 $59,138 DETORA,ANTHONY-C 12/15/1986 5453/310 $65,000 2005 REAL ESTATE Tax Information: Tax Rates: (per$1,000 of valuation) Land Bank Tax $9.95 Town Fire District Rates Other Ra $6.05 Barnstable-Residential $2.12 Land Bar Barnstable-Commercial $2.80 Barnstable FD Tax(Commercial) $ 153.44 C.O.M.M.-All Classes $1.01 Cotuit FD-All Classes $1.28 Town Tax(Commercial) $331.54 Hyannis-Residential $1.52 Hyannis-Commercial $2.39 W Barnstable-Residential $1.44 W Barnstable-Commercial $2.10 Total: $494.93 Due to rounding differences these values may vary http://www.town.bamstable.ma.us/Assessing/Assess05/displayparce103.asp?m4ppar=2960... 1/20/2006 Barnstable Assessing Search Results Page 2 of 2 Land and Building Information Land Building Lot Size(Acres) 0 Year Built 1979 Appraised Value $0 Living Area 980 Assessed Value $0 Replacement Cost $60,858 Depreciation 16 Building Value 54,800 Construction Details Style Indust Condo Interior Floors Typical Model Ind/Comm Interior Walls Minimum Grade Average Heat Fuel None Stories 1 Story Heat Type None Exterior Walls Pre-finsh Metl AC Type None Roof Structure Gable/Hip Bedrooms Zero Bedrooms Roof Cover Metal/Tin Bathrooms Zero Bathrms Total Rooms Extra Building Features Code Description Units/SQ ft Appraised Value Assessed Value Property Sketch Legend BAS First Floor, Living Area FST Utility Area(Finished Interior) UAT Attic Area(Unfinished) BMT Basement Area(Unfinished) FTS Third Story Living Area(Finished) UHS Half Story(Unfinished) CAN Canopy FUS Second Story Living Area(Finished) UST Utility Area (Unfinished) FAT Attic Area(Finished) GAR Garage UTQ Three Quarters Story (Unfinished) FCP Carport GRN Greenhouse UUA Unfinished Utility Attic FEP Enclosed Porch PTO Patio UUS Full Upper 2nd Story(Unfinished) FHS Half Story(Finished) SFB Semi Finished Living Area WDK Wood Deck FOP Open or Screened in Porch TQS Three Quarters Story(Finished) http://www.town.bamstable.ma.us/Assessing/Assess05/displayparce103.asp?mappar=2960... 1/20/2006 Town of Barnstable p1HE 1p� do Regulatory Services Thomas F. Geiler,Director * BARNSTABLE. MAW. ,� Public Health Division lFD MA'S A Thomas McKean, Director, 200 Main St, Hyannis, MA 02601 Office: 508-862-4644 Fax: 508-790-6304 February 1, 2006 Bert Mosher 30 Thornton Drive Hyannis, MA 02601 RE: Map & Parcel 296-008.001) Dear Addressee: You are directed to connect your building located at 30 Thornton Drive, Hyannis, Massachusetts, to public sewer on or before July 23, 2006 The Department of Public Works, Engineering Division, has notified us that your property abutts town sewer lines. The lines were extended because of the density, and the size of the lots in the area, and the potential for serious health problems. Failure to comply with this order will result in a court complaint against you for failure to comply with a Board of Health Order. If you should have any questions, please telephone me at 862-4644. PER ORDER OF THE BOARD OF HEALTH , Thomas A. McKean, R.S. CHO �( Health Agent for: TOWN OF BARNSTABLE BOARD OF HEALTH Wayne Miller, M.D., Chairperson O Susan G. Rask, RS. Sumner Kaufman, M.S.P.H. Return receipt requested Cc: Barbara Childs, Water Pollution Control Q:Sewerorder.doc ill m p m .D •• RUM Ln m y n !u^"•3��.>.E, ,�nu�h• Ry�,s',¢� 3:; P✓a�:' ,� �. Y'� "t,•``�'�F?g�`,,�eyL>:a ?°j $ k `��.<>f �'cas3 ic:.a /' ,'�3'>i�£as,�t (,F• R�, Postage $ �Cs>''. pCertified Fee p p C/ �` Return Reclept Here ark (Endorsement RequiFee red) i p Restricted Delivery Fee cO (Endorsement Required) US? J —0 / r=l Total:Postaoe&Fans /n m •. p S- Christine-Sabo-Robinson--- 2101--Wild-Oak Court--- -�-------- pKissiMmee; Florida- 34746----`--. Certified Mail Provides: asianafi)ZppZeunr'oo9E��sd o A mailing receipt o A unique identifier for your mailpiece a A record of delivery kept by the Postal Service for two years it Important Reminders: o Certified Mail may ONLY be combined with First-Class Mail®or Priority Mail®. e Certified Mail is not available for any class of international mail. o NO INSURANCE COVERAGE IS PROVIDED with Certified Mail. For valuables,please consider Insured or Registered Mail. o For an additional fee,a Return Receipt may be requested to provide proof of delivery.To obtain Return Receipt service,please complete and attach a Return Receipt(PS Form 3811)to the article and add applicable postage to cover the fee.Endorse mailpiece"Return Receipt Requested".To receive a fee waiver for a duplicate return receipt,a USPS®postmark on your Certified Mail receipt is required. o For an additional fee, delivery may be restricted to the addressee or addressee's authorized agent.Advise the clerk or mark the mailpiece with the endorsement"Restdctedelivery". o If a postmark on the Certified Mail receipt is desired,please present the arti- cle at the post office for postmarking. If a postmark on the Certified Mail receipt is not needed,detach and affix label with postage and mail. IMPORTANT:Save this receipt and present it when making an inquiry. Internet access to delivery information is not available on mail addressed to APOs and FPOs. f Town of Barnstable Ft i0"'tio Regulatory Services Thomas F. Geiler, Director * sAMSrABI E, ' Sa .•� Public Health Division TFD MA'S A Thomas McKean, Director 200 Main St, Hyannis,MA 02601 Office: 508-862-4644 Fax: 508-790-6304 January 23, 2006 Christine Sabo Robinson 2101 Wild Oak Court Kissimmee, Florida 34746 IMPORTANT NOTICE RE: Map & Parcel-296-008.00D— Dear Addressee: You are directed to connect your building located at 30 Thornton Drive, Hyannis, to public sewer on or before July 23, 2006. The Department of Public Works, Engineering Division, has notified us that your property abutts sewer lines. The lines were extended because of the density, and the size of the lots in the area, and the potential for serious health problems. Failure to comply with this order will result in a complaint against you, in a court of law, due to your failure to comply with a Board of Health Order. If you should have any questions, please telephone me at 862-4644. PER ORDER OF THE BOARD OF HEALTH Thomas A. McKean, R.S. CHO Health Agent for: �. TOWN OF BARNSTABLE BOARD OF HEALTH Wayne Miller, M.D., Chairperson Paul J. Canniff, DDS Sumner Kaufman, M.S.P.H. Return receipt requested Cc: Barbara Childs, Water Pollution Control Mark Giordano, Engineering Q:Sewerorder.doc L 6 Barnstable Assessing Search Results Page 1 of 2 fY' Home: Departments:Assessors Division: Property Assessment Search Results 30 T RNTON DRIVE Owner: ROBINSON,CHRISTINE SABO Property Sketc ..: . . Map/Parcel/Parcel Extension 296 /008/OOD Mailing Address ROBINSON,CHRISTINE SABO 2101 WILD OAK CT KISSIMMEE, FL.34746 2005 Assessed Values: Appraised Value Assessed Value Building Value: $54,800 $54,800 Extra Features: $0 $0 Outbuildings: $0 $0 Land Value: $0 $0 Interactive Property Map: ap requires Plug in: Totals:$54,800 $54,800 1 have visited the maps before ; Show Me The Man „ K April 2001 photos available ffl�i6�4, _ M' Sales History: Owner: Sale Date Book/Page: Sale Price: ROBINSON,CHRISTINE SABO 3/7/2003 16521/211 $ 110,000 ELWELL, RICHARD E&BRENDA 5/15/1994 9213/ 114 $27,000 MCCARTHY,GERALD P,TRUSTEE 5/15/1992 8031/072 $ 100 BURKE, JAMES M TRS 2/15/1980 7069/258 $ 100 BURKE,JAMES M TRS 7069/258 $ 100 COREY, CHARLES E SR 5453/326 $65,000 2005 REAL ESTATE Tax Information: Tax Rates: (per$1,000 of valuation) Land Bank Tax $9.95 Town Fire District Rates Other Ra $6.05 Barnstable-Residential $2.12 Land Bar Barnstable-Commercial $2.80 Barnstable FD Tax(Commercial) $ 153.44 C.O.M.M. -All Classes $1.01 Cotuit FD-All Classes $1.28 Town Tax(Commercial) $331.54 Hyannis-Residential $1.52 Hyannis-Commercial $2.39 http://www.town.bamstable.ma.us/Assessing/Assess05/displayparceIO3.asp?mappar=2960... 1/20/2006 Barnstable Assessing Search Results Page 2 of 2 W Barnstable-Residential $1.44 W Barnstable-Commercial $2.10 Total: $494.93 Due to rounding differences these values may vary Land and Building Information Land Building Lot Size(Acres) 0 Year Built 1979 Appraised Value $0 Living Area 980 Assessed Value $0 Replacement Cost$60,858 Depreciation 16 Building Value 54,800 Construction Details Style Indust Condo Interior Floors Typical Model Ind/Comm Interior Walls Minimum Grade Average Heat Fuel None Stories 1 Story Heat Type None Exterior Walls Pre-finch Metl AC Type None Roof Structure Gable/Hip Bedrooms Zero Bedrooms Roof Cover Metal/Tin Bathrooms Zero Bathrms Total Rooms Extra Building Features Code Description Units/SQ ft Appraised Value Assessed Value Property Sketch Legend BAS First Floor, Living Area FST Utility Area(Finished Interior) UAT Attic Area(Unfinished) BMT Basement Area(Unfinished) FTS Third Story Living Area(Finished) UHS Half Story(Unfinished) CAN Canopy FUS Second Story Living Area(Finished) UST Utility Area (Unfinished) FAT Attic Area(Finished) GAR Garage UTQ Three Quarters Story(Unfinished) FCP Carport GRN Greenhouse UUA Unfinished Utility Attic FEP Enclosed Porch PTO Patio UUS Full Upper 2nd Story(Unfinished) FHS Half Story(Finished) SFB Semi Finished Living Area WDK Wood Deck FOP Open or Screened in Porch TQS Three Quarters Story(Finished) htt ://www.town.bamstable.ma.us/Assessin /Assess05/dis la gge103.as ?ma ar=2960... 1/20/2006 P g P YP,:. . .: P , .PP.,, Town of Barnstable �0r-THE Tti o Regulatory Services : Thomas F. Geiler,Director • saB MBLE. • ' .�� Public Health Division Thomas McKean, Director 200 Main St, Hyannis, MA 02601 Office: 508-862-4644 Fax: 508-790-6304 February 1, 2006 Bert Mosher 30 Thornton Drive Hyannis, MA 02601 RE: Map & Parcel 296-008.00D Dear Addressee: You are directed to connect your building located at 30 Thornton Drive, Hyannis, Massachusetts, to public sewer on or before July 23, 2006 The Department of Public Works, Engineering Division, has notified us that your property abutts town sewer lines. The lines were extended because of the density, 'and the size of the lots in the area, and the potential for serious health problems. Failure to comply with this order will result in a court complaint against you for failure to comply with a Board of Health Order. If you should have any questions, please telephone me at 862-4644. PER ORDER OF THE BOARD OF HEALTH Thomas A. McKean, R.S. CHO Health Agent for: TOWN OF BARNSTABLE BOARD OF HEALTH Wayne,Miller, M.D., Chairperson Susan G. .Rask, RS: ... Sumner,Kaufman,-M.S:P H Return receipt requested -Cc-.,. ,Barbara Childs, Water Pollution Control Q:Sewerorder.doc Town of Barnstable do Regulatory Services sins Thomas F. Geiler,Director 9�A "AM Public Health Division rFD MA'S A Thomas McKean,Director 200 Main St, Hyannis,MA 02601 Office: 508-862-4644 Fax: 508-790-6304 January 23, 2006 Christine Sabo Robinson 2101 Wild Oak Court Kissimmee, Florida 34746 IMPORTANT NOTICE RE: Map & Parcel 296-008.00D Dear Addressee: You are directed to connect your building located at 30 Thornton Drive, Hyannis, to public sewer on or before July 23, 2006. The Department of Public Works, Engineering Division, has notified us that your property abutts sewer lines. The lines were extended because of the density, and the size of the lots in the area, and the potential for serious health problems. Failure to comply with this order will result in a complaint against you, in a court of law, due to your failure to comply with a Board of Health Order. If you should have any questions, please telephone me at 862-4644. PER ORDER OF THE BOARD OF HEALTH Thomas A. McKean, R.S. CHO Health Agent for: TOWN OF BARNSTABLE BOARD OF HEALTH Wayne Miller, M.D., Chairperson Paul J. Canniff, DDSp Sumner Kaufman, M.S.P.H. Return receipt requested Cc: Barbara Childs, Water Pollution Control Mark Giordano, Engineering Q:Sewerorder-doc UNITED STATES POSTAL SERVIC U_ -V First-Class Mail } o tV Fees Paid t._ t J L.. • Sender: Please print your name, address, and ZIP+4 in this box • Town of Barnstable Health Department 200 Main Street Hyannis, MA 02601 {y i {! j ig F y ! !fll31�f1f1'fl-I-11P-fl-f}filfi}I�1�lffl-If}}.}.}iflf1-Ffi1-1lfl}1311 SECTIONSEMER: C6MPLETE THIS SECTION COMPLETE THIS ON DELIVERY ■ Complete items 1,2,and 3.Also complete A. Received by(Please Print Clearly) B. Date of Delivery item 4 if Restricted Delivery is desired. '=� ■ Print your name and address on the reverse so that we can return the card to you. C. signature ■ Attach this card to the back of the mail piece, / /�,-�� ❑Agent or on the front if space permits. p !X r 1/l� ❑Addressee D. Is delivery address different from item 1? ❑Yes 1.tArticle Addressed to: If YES,enter delivery address below: ❑ No WN chael S. Michnay ' i 1367 Highway 15 ' Clarksville, VA 23927 3. Service Type ❑Certified Mail ❑ Express Mail ® ❑Registered ❑ Return Receipt for Merchandise ❑ Insured Mail ❑C.O.D. 4. Restricted Delivery?(Extra Fee) ❑Yes 2. Article Number(Copy from servic,_ ; ; ;7 0 U-3 i 16 8 0 0 0 0 4 f f 5 4°5 8`t'3 6 4'0^ i (lIj�tx x a Fi + xh f9%74 ii i(i� iti PS Form 3811,July 1999 Domestic Return Receipt 102595-99-M-1789 p prrvlm m CO 1 p,Ln r Postage $ 3 t - r O� pp Certified Fee p R tR e Fee --�� Here (Endorsemsem ent Requu ired) Restricted Delivery Fee cE3 (Endorsement Required) c .� -0 tJSP�i r=I Total Postaea R Feac- i o Sent To ` -Michael._S:Mich nay -_ mar 1367- Highway_ 15 ---------- j cry stag °'P°B' Clarksville,-VA-23927. ._ .......... T,r � Certified Mail Provides: n A mailing receipt (asMnaa)zooz eunf'oose uuoj sd a A unique identifier for your mailpiece a A record of delivery kept by the Postal Service for two years Important Reminders: a Certified Mail may ONLY be combined with First-Class Maile or Priority Maile. a Certified Mail is not available for any class of international mail. a NO INSURANCE COVERAGE IS PROVIDED with Certified Mail. For valuables,please consider Insured or Registered Mail. o For an additional fee,a Return Receipt may be requested to provide proof of delivery.To obtain Return Receipt service,please complete and attach a Return Receipt(PS Form 3811�to the article and add applicable postage to cover the fee.Endorse mailpiece'Return Receipt Requested".To receive a fee waiver for a duplicate return receipt,a USPS®postmark on your Certified Mail receipt is required. o For an additional fee, delivery may be restricted to the addressee or addressee's authorized agent.Advise the clerk or mark the mailpiece with the endorsement"Restricted Delivery". . a If a postmark on the Certified Mail receipt is desired,please present the arti- cle at the post office for postmarking. If a postmark on the Certified Mail receipt is not needed,detach and affix label with postage and mail. IMPORTANT:Save this receipt and present it when making an inquiry. Internet access to delivery information is not available on mail addressed to APOs and FPOs. - Town of Barnstable THE Tp� o Regulatory Services Thomas F. Geiler,Director * &MMSTABLE, '�. ,� Public Health Division ` ATED MA'S A Thomas McKean, Director 200 Main St, Hyannis, MA 02601 Office: 508-862-4644 Fax: 508-790-6304 January 23, 2006 Michael S. Michnay 1367 Highway 15 Clarksville, VA 23927 IMPORTANT NOTICE RE: Map & Par`ce1-:2967008.00E�' Dear Addressee: You are directed to connect your building located at 30 Thornton Drive, Hyannis, to public sewer on or before July 23, 2006. The Department of Public Works, Engineering Division, has notified us that your property abutts sewer lines. The lines were extended because of the density, and the size of the lots in the area, and the potential for serious health problems. Failure to comply with this order will result in a complaint against you, in a court of law, due to your failure to comply with a Board of Health Order. If you should have any questions, please telephone me at 862-4644. PER ORDER OF THE BOARD OF HEALTH Thomas A. McKean, R.S. CHO Health Agent for: TOWN OF BARNSTABLE BOARD OF HEALTH Wayne Miller, M.D., Chairperson Paul J. Canniff, DDS Sumner Kaufman, M.S.P.H. Return receipt requested Cc: Barbara Childs, Water Pollution Control Mark Giordano, Engineering Q:Sewerorder.doc Barnstable Assessing Search Results Page 1 of 2 LEI 44 Home: Departments:Assessors VDivision: Property Assessment Search Results 30 THORNTON DRIVE Owner: MICHNAY, MICHAEL S Property Sketc " _ ......... .. Map/Parcel/Parcel Extension 296 /008/OOE Mailing Address MICHNAY, MICHAEL S 1367 HIGHWAY 15 CLARKSVILLE,VA.23?27 2005 Assessed Values: Appraised Value Assessed Value Building Value: $54,800 $54,800 Extra Features: $0 $0 Outbuildings: $0 $0 Land Value: $0 $0 Interactive Property Map: Ma requires Plug in: Totals:$54,800 $54,800 I have visited the maps before 1 6`1 Show Me The Mangy April 2001 photos availablewM Sales History: Owner: Sale Date Book/Page: Sale Price: MICHNAY, MICHAEL S 7/15/1994 9288/291 $52,500 MCCARTHY,GERALD P,TRUSTEE 5/15/1992 8031/072 $ 100 MCCARTHY,GERALD P,TRUSTEE 5/15/1992 8031/072 $ 100 BURKE, JAMES M TRS 10/15/1989 6925/127 $ 100 2005 REAL ESTATE Tax Information: Tax Rates: (per$1,000 of valuation) Land Bank Tax $9.95 Town Fire District Rates Other Ra $6.05 Barnstable-Residential $2.12 Land Bar Barnstable-Commercial $2.80 Barnstable FD Tax(Commercial) $ 153.44 C.O.M.M.-All Classes $1.01 Cotuit FD-All Classes $1.28 Town Tax(Commercial) $331.54 Hyannis-Residential $1.52 Hyannis-Commercial $2.39 W Barnstable-Residential $1.44 W Barnstable-Commercial $2.10 hq://www.town.bamstable.ma.us/Assessing/Assess05/displayparce103.asp?mappar=2960... 1/20/2006 I Barnstable Assessing Search Results Page 2 of 2 Total: $494.93 Due to rounding differences these values may vary Land and Building Information Land Building Lot Size(Acres) 0 Year Built 1979 Appraised Value $0 Living Area 980 Assessed Value $0 Replacement Cost $60,858 Depreciation 16 Building Value 54,800 Construction Details Style Indust Condo Interior Floors Typical Model Ind/Comm Interior Walls Minimum Grade Average Heat Fuel None Stories 1 Story Heat Type None Exterior Walls Pre-finsh Metl AC Type None Roof Structure Gable/Hip Bedrooms Zero Bedrooms Roof Cover Metal/Tin Bathrooms Zero Bathrms Total Rooms Extra Building Features Code Description Units/SQ ft Appraised Value Assessed Value Property Sketch Legend BAS First Floor, Living Area FST Utility Area(Finished Interior) UAT Attic Area(Unfinished) BMT Basement Area(Unfinished) FTS Third Story Living Area(Finished) UHS Half Story(Unfinished) CAN Canopy FUS Second Story Living Area(Finished) UST Utility Area (Unfinished) FAT Attic Area(Finished) GAR Garage UTQ Three Quarters Story(Unfinished) FCP Carport GRN Greenhouse UUA Unfinished Utility Attic FEP Enclosed Porch PTO Patio UUS Full Upper 2nd Story(Unfinished) FHS Half Story(Finished) SFB Semi Finished Living Area WDK Wood Deck FOP Open or Screened in Porch TQS Three Quarters Story(Finished) I http://www.town.bamstable.ma.us/Assessing/Assess05/displayparce103.asp?mappar=2960... 1/20/2006 i Town of Barnstable �oFtKKEE r� o Regulatory Services snxrrsrnsze Thomas F. Geiler,Director 9� � .•� Public Health Division ATFp��a Thomas McKean,Director 200 Main St, Hyannis, MA 02601 Office: 508-862-4644 Fax: 508-790-6304 January 26, 2006 Michael S. Michnay 1367 Highway 15 Clarksville, VA _ RE: Map & Parcel 296 00 UOE and F Dear Addressee:You are directed to connect your building located at 30 Thornton Drive, Hyannis, Massachusetts, to public sewer on or before July 23, 2006 The Department of Public Works, Engineering Division, has notified us that your property abutts town sewer lines. The lines were extended because of the density, and the size of the lots in the area, and the potential for serious health problems. Failure to comply with this order will result in a court complaint against you for failure to comply with a Board of Health Order. If you should have any questions, please telephone me at 862-4644. PER ORDER OF THE BOARD OF HEALTH Thomas A. McKean, R.S. CHO Health Agent for: TOWN OF BARNSTABLE BOARD OF HEALTH Wayne Miller, M.D., Chairperson Susan G. Rask, RS. Sumner Kaufman, M.S.P.H. Return receipt requested Cc: Barbara Childs, Water Pollution Control Q:Sewerorder.doc it Barnstable Assessing Search Results Pagel of 2 IN ^m...,... w.t,_ r-; •.. �mbv¢:.Su...f° {5..�.., Home: Departments:Assessors Division: Property Assessment Search Results 30 THORNTON DRIVE Owner: MICHNAY, MICHAEL S Property sketch Map/Parcel/Parcel Extension .... 296 /008/OOF �� w Mailing Address MICHNAY, MICHAEL S 1367 HIGHWAY 15 CLARKSVILLE,VA.23927 2005 Assessed Values: Appraised Value Assessed Value Building Value: $54,800 $54,800 Extra Features: $0 $0 Outbuildings: $0 $0 Land Value: $0 $0 Interactive Property Map: Map requires Plug in: Totals:$54,800 $54,800 1 have visited the maps before Show Me The Man April 2001 photos available Sales History: Owner: Sale Date Book/Page: Sale Price: MICHNAY, MICHAEL S 7/15/1994 9288/291 $52,500 MCCARTHY,GERALD P,TRUSTEE 5/15/1992 8031/072 $ 100 BURKE,JAMES M TRS 10/15/1989 6925/124 $ 100 2005 REAL ESTATE Tax Information: Tax Rates: (per$1,000 of valuation) Land Bank Tax $9.95 Town Fire District Rates Other Ra $6.05 Barnstable-Residential $2.12 Land Bar Barnstable-Commercial $2.80 Barnstable FD Tax(Commercial) $ 153.44 C.O.M.M.-All Classes $1.01 Cotuit FD-All Classes $1.28 Town Tax(Commercial) $331.54 Hyannis-Residential $1.52 Hyannis-Commercial $2.39 W Barnstable-Residential $1.44 W Barnstable-Commercial $2.10 Total: $494.93 Due to rounding differences these values may vary hq://www.town.bamstable.ma.us/Assessing/Assess05/displayparce103.asp?mappar=2960... 1/26/2006 I UNITED STATES POSTAL SERVICE First-Class Mail Postaage&Fees Paid Permit No._G-10 • Sender: Please print your name, address, and ZIP+4 in this box • I I moo M ct_-cy, srr"-ce,-f' An/Ncs 0,;L60j I SENDER: COMPLETE THIS SECTION COMPLETE THIS SECTION ON DELIVERY ■ Complete item,1.,2,and 3.Also complete A. Signature item 4 if Restricted Delivery is desired. 0 Agent ■ Print your name.and address on.the reverse X 13 Addressee so that we can return the Card to you. B. Received by(Printed Name) C.Date f Delivery ■ Attach this card to the back of the mailpiece, or on the front if space permits. Z � r:. D. Is delivery address different from item 11 Yes 1. Article Addressed to: If YES,enter delivery address below: No ,31 1SCd��../ � " / 3. Service Type � ��—�� � U_Cert'fiied Mail` ❑.Express Mail ❑Registered J:Retum Receipt for'Merchandlsq [3 [3J Insured Mail C.O.D. 4. Restricted Delivery?(Extra Fee) ❑Yes/ 2. Article Number "• ,,l .. s' Q. (Transfer from service label t /7b b O PS Form 3811.,February 2004 .' i i ! ,Domestic Return Receipt 1o25s5-o2-M-1540 1 c co (` I L r` ri Postage $ � D Certified Fee ru F C3 Return Receipt Fee / Here a p (Endorsement Required) 1 1 Here T l Restricted Delivery Fee ® �l8 f= (Endorsement Required) �(0 g3 rU Total,Postage&Fees m ✓. co TO To o ------------'C�? ._ _ �T�_.-.... --------- ----- O Street Apt.Nog / or PO Box No. /y iS'Co U / City,State,Z/P+4 -` --•� ------------------ - - -------------------- JS-r /D11f� L3 3 Certified Mail Provides; _ n c A mailing receipt " IM A unique identifier for your mailpiece n A record of delivery kept by the Postal Service for two years Important Reminders: o Certified Mail may ONLY be combined with First-Class Maile or Priority Mail®. o Certified Mail is not available for any class of international mail. o NO INSURANCE COVERAGE IS PROVIDED with Certified Mail. For valuables,please consider Insured or Registered Mail. a For an additional fee,a Retum Receipt may be requested to provide proof of delivery.To obtain Return Receipt service,please complete and attach a Return Receipt(PS Form 3811)to the article and add applicable postage to cover the fee.Endorse mailpiece°Return Receipt Requested'.To receive a fee waiver for a duplicate return receipt,a USPSO postmark on your Certified Mail receipt is required. a For an additional fee, delivery may be restricted to the addressee or addressee's authorized agent.Advise the clerk or mark the mailpiece with the endorsement'Restricted Delivery". n If a postmark on the Certified Mail receipt is desired,please present the arti- cle at the post office for postmarking. If a postmark on the Certified Mail receipt is not needed,detach and affix label with postage and mail. IMPORTANT:Save this receipt and present it when making an inquiry. IPS.Form 3800,August 2006(Reverse)PSN 7530-02-000.9047 I oa Ai d Ad � �� � , Barnstable Assessing Search Results Page 2 of 2 Land and Building Information Land Building Lot Size(Acres) 0 Year Built 1979 Appraised Value $0 Living Area 980 Assessed Value $0 Replacement Cost$60,858 Depreciation 16 Building Value 54,800 Construction Details Style Indust Condo Interior Floors Typical Model Ind/Comm Interior Walls Minimum Grade Average Heat Fuel None Stories 1 Story Heat Type None Exterior Walls Pre-finsh Metl AC Type None Roof Structure Gable/Hip. Bedrooms Zero Bedrooms Roof Cover Metal/Tin Bathrooms Zero Bathrms Total Rooms Extra Building Features Code Description Units/SQ ft Appraised Value Assessed Value Property Sketch Legend BAS First Floor, Living Area FST Utility Area (Finished Interior) UAT Attic Area(Unfinished) BMT Basement Area(Unfinished) FTS Third Story Living Area(Finished) UHS Half Story(Unfinished) CAN Canopy FUS Second Story Living Area(Finished) UST Utility Area(Unfinished) FAT Attic Area(Finished) GAR Garage UTQ Three Quarters Story(Unfinished) FCP Carport GRN Greenhouse UUA Unfinished Utility Attic FEP Enclosed Porch PTO Patio UUS Full Upper 2nd Story(Unfinished) FHS Half Story(Finished) SFB Semi Finished Living Area WDK Wood Deck FOP Open or Screened in Porch TQS Three Quarters Story(Finished) — Y http://www.town.bamstable.ma.us/Assessing/AssessO5/displayparce103.asp?mappar=2960... 1/26/2006 f Town of Barnstable \ �FfF1E Tp� do Regulatory Services snxxsrna Thomas F. Geiler, Director 69. ••� Public Health Division Thomas McKean,Director 200 Main St, Hyannis, MA 02601 Office: 508-862-4644 Fax: 508-790-6304 January 26, 2006 Michael S. Michnay 1367 Highway 15 Clarksville, VA RE: Map & Parcel <2WO08:001�� Dear Addressee: You are directed to connect your building located at 30 Thornton Drive, Hyannis, Massachusetts, to public sewer on or before July 23, 2006 The Department of Public Works, Engineering Division, has notified us that your property abutts town sewer lines. The lines were extended because of the density, and the size of the lots in the area, and the potential for serious health problems. Failure to comply with this order will result in a court complaint against you for failure to comply with a Board of Health Order. If you should have any questions, please telephone me at 862-4644. PER ORDER OF THE BOARD OF HEALTH Thomas A. McKean, R.S. CHO Health Agent for: TOWN OF BARNSTABLE BOARD OF HEALTH Wayne Miller, M.D., Chairperson Susan G. Rask, RS. Sumner Kaufman, M.S.P.H. Return receipt requested Cc: Barbara Childs, Water Pollution Control Q:Sewerordendoc Barnstable Assessing Search Results Page 1 of 2 �a��iymr y fit , £��ee Home: Departments:Assessors Division:iProperty Assessment Search Results 30 THORNTON Rn"VE Owner: MICHNAY, MICHAEL S Property Sketch "-° a .. Map/Parcel/Parcel Extension 296 /008/OOF ._. Mailing Address MICHNAY, MICHAEL S 1367 HIGHWAY 15 CLARKSVILLE,VA.23927 2005 Assessed Values: Appraised Value Assessed Value s Building Value: $54,800 $54,800 Extra Features: $0 $0 Outbuildings: $0 $0 Land Value: $0 $'0 Interactive Property Map: Ma re uires Plu in: Totals:$54,800 $54,800 1 have visited the maps before ' Show Me The Map ,r April 2001 photos available Sales History: Owner: Sale Date Book/Page: Sale Price: MICHNAY, MICHAEL S 7/15/1964 9288/291 $52,500 MCCARTHY, GERALD P,TRUSTEE 5/15/1992 8031/072 $ 100 BURKE,JAMES M TRS 10/15/1989 6925/124 $ 100 2005 REAL ESTATE Tax Information: Tax Rates: (per$1,000 of valuation) Land Bank Tax $9.95 Town Fire District Rates Other Ra $6.05 Barnstable-Residential $2.12 Land Bar Barnstable-Commercial $2.80 Barnstable FD Tax(Commercial) $ 153.44 C.O.M.M.-All Classes $1.01 Cotuit FD-All Classes $1.28 Town Tax(Commercial) $331.54 Hyannis-Residential $1.52 Hyannis-Commercial $2.39 W Barnstable-Residential $1.44 W Barnstable-Commercial $2.10 Total: $494.93 Due to rounding differences these values may vary http://www.town.bamstable.ma.us/Assessing/Assess05/displaypaTpe103.,asp?mApDar=2960... 1/26/2006 f Barnstable Assessing Search Results Page 2 of 2 Land and Building Information Land Building Lot Size(Acres) 0 Year Built 1979 Appraised Value $0 Living Area 980 Assessed Value $0 Replacement Cost$60,858 Depreciation 16 Building Value 54,800 Construction Details Style Indust Condo Interior Floors Typical Model Ind/Comm Interior Walls Minimum Grade Average Heat Fuel None Stories 1 Story Heat Type None Exterior Walls Pre-finsh Metl AC Type None Roof Structure Gable/Hip Bedrooms Zero Bedrooms Roof Cover Metal/Tin Bathrooms Zero Bathrms Total Rooms Extra Building Features Code Description Units/SQ ft Appraised Value Assessed Value Property Sketch Legend BAS First Floor, Living Area FST Utility Area(Finished Interior) UAT Attic Area(Unfinished) BMT Basement Area(Unfinished) FTS Third Story Living Area(Finished) UHS Half Story(Unfinished) CAN Canopy FUS Second Story Living Area(Finished) UST Utility Area (Unfinished) FAT Attic Area(Finished) GAR Garage UTQ Three Quarters Story(Unfinished) FCP Carport GRN Greenhouse UUA Unfinished Utility Attic FEP Enclosed Porch PTO Patio UUS Full Upper 2nd Story(Unfinished) FHS Half Story(Finished) SFB Semi Finished Living Area WDK Wood Deck FOP Open or Screened in Porch TQS Three Quarters Story(Finished) _ http://www.town.bamstable.ma.us/Assessing/Assess05/displayparce103.asp?m4ppar=2960... 1/26/2006 THE Town of Barnstable OF Tp� y�P` Regulatory Services BARNSUBM Thomas F. Geiler, Director 9 KAM. �A t63p. A,. Public Health Division rF0 MA'S Thomas McKean, Director 200 Main Street, Hyannis, MA 02601 Office: 508-862-4644 Fax: 508-790-6304 June 21, 2006 Michael S. Michnay,1 1367 Highway 15 Clarksville, VA I IMPORTANT NOTICE RE: Map & Parcel 296-008.00F Dear Addressee: You are directed to connect your building located at 30 Thornton Drive,Hyannis, to public sewer on or before July 23, 2006. The Department of Public Works, Engineering, has notified us that your property abuts sewer lines. The lines were extended because of the density, and the size of the lots in the area, and the potential for serious health problems. Failure to comply with this order will result in a complaint against you, in a court of law, due to failure to comply with a Board of Health Order. If you should have any questions,please telephone me at 508-862-4644. PER ORDER OF THE BOARD OF HEALTH Thomas A. McKean, R.S. CHO Health Agent for: TOWN OF BARNSTABLE BOARD OF HEALTH Wayne Miller, M.D. Chairperson Paul J. Canniff,DDS Sumner Kaufman, M.S.P.H. Return receipt requested Cc: Barbara Childs, Water Pollution Control Mark Giordano, Engineering __ _ _ _ w�IMF T Town of Barnstable �sr Public Health Division o5� 'F � 6 200 Main Street z , Hyannis,MA 02601 NMENZEMEWP""E S '1c 02 1A $ 04.640wl J 7002 10.00 0004 6683 1969 0004606238 JAN23 2006 . MAILED FROM ZIP CODE 02601 Henry P. Amster Trust Amthorn Realty Trust 138 Thornton ®rive Hyannis, MA 02601 1S T fvoyicr ❑MOVED,LEFT NO ADDRESS R j U n N E C ❑NOT DELIVERABLE AS ADDRESSED UNABLE TO FORWARD ( � "`•°r o"`� TIEMPTED-NOT KNOWN I 'O UNCLAIMED ❑REFUSED ❑NO SUCH STREET NO SUCH NUMBER xEMovnslE ❑INSUFFICIENT ADDRESS iil i ! ii II ii iih I ii I i t f `�- -----------"""'g"'" —'� — l,:-•-�_ ��4���� fi4lF ! 3 !! 3dl:Sf.i :!f if FiFF I l :Ili F iF 9l�FlF� :.' t , COMPLETE • COMPLETE • ON DELIVERY ■ Complete items 1,2,and 3.Also complete A. Received by(Please Print Clearly) B. Date of Delivery + ` item 4 if Restricted Delivery is desired. ■ Print your name and address on the reverse so that we can return the card to you. C. Signature ■ Attach this card to the back of the mailpiece, X ❑Agent or on the front if space permits. ❑Addressee D. Is delivery address different from item 1? ❑Yes 1. Article Addressed to: If YES,enter delivery address below: ❑ No i Henry P. Amster Trust Amthorn Realty Trust 138 Thornton Drive 3. Service Type ❑Certified Mail ❑ Express Mail ` i Hyannis, MA 02601 ❑ Registered ❑ Return Receipt for Merchandise —-- _ ❑ Insured Mail ❑ C.O.D. 4. Restricted Delivery?(Extra Fee) ❑Yeses 2. Article Number(Copy from service label) f ;s 7002 1000 0004 6683 1969 T J PS Form 3811,July 1999 Domestic Return Receipt 102595-99-M-17 I F p f1rVY17 Er . o ' • r(t1j.�i� . tr - - _111 Postage 3 +� 1 C3 Certified Fee v Post nark „ 0 Return Receipt Fee ;~` h Here t (Endorsement Required) ! JN E3 Restricted Delivery Fee p (Endorsement Required) O Total V—'——"'--- fz SentTc Henry P. Amster Trust 0 Amthorn Realty Trust ------------ r- Street,I , or POE 138 Thornton Drive '------------ City St Hyannis, MIA 02601 Certified Mail Provides: n A mailing receipt r o A unique identifier for your mailpiece 13 A signature upon delivery o A record of delivery kept by the Postal Service for two years Important Reminders: o Certified Mail may ONLY be combined with First-Class Mail or Priority Mail!: o Certified Mail is not available for any class of international mail. o NO INSURANCE COVERAGE IS PROVIDED with Certified Mail. For valuables,please consider Insured or Registered Mail. o For an additional fee,a Return Receipt may be requested to provide proof of delivery.To obtain Return Receipt service,please complete and attach a Return' Receipt(PS Form 3811)to the article and add applicable postage to cover the fee.Endorse mailpiece 'Return Receipt Requested".To receive a fee waiver for, a duplicate return receipt,a USPS postmark on your Certified Mail receipt is required. , o For an additional fee, delivery may be restricted to the addressee or, addressee's authorized agent.Advise the clerk or mark the mailpiece with the endorsement."Restricted Delivery". o If a postmark on the Certified Mail receipt is desired,please present the arti-' cleat the post office for postmarking. If a postmark on the Certified Mail' receipt is not needed,detach and affix label with postage and mail. IMPORTANT:Save this receipt and present it when making an inquiry. PS Form 3800,April 2002(Reverse) 102595-02-M-1133 '4 Town of Barnstable FTME Tn Regulatory Services Thomas F. Geiler, Director 9w �9 Public Health Division Thomas McKean,Director 200 Main St, Hyannis, MA 02601 Office: 508-862-4644 Fax: 508-790-6304 February 1, 2006 David Stocehetti 16 Black Flats Road Dennis, MA 02638 RE: Map & Parcel 296-011 Dear Addressee: You are directed to connect your building located at 30 Thornton Drive, Hyannis, Massachusetts, to public sewer on or before July 23, 2006 The Department of Public Works, Engineering Division, has notified us that your property abutts town sewer lines. The lines were extended because of the density, and the size of the lots in the area, and the potential for serious health problems. Failure to comply with this order will result in a court complaint against you for failure to comply with a Board of Health Order. If you should have any questions, please telephone me at 862-4644. PER ORDER OF THE BOARD OF HEALTH Thomas A. McKean, R.S. CHO Health Agent for: TOWN OF BARNSTABLE BOARD OF HEALTH Wayne Miller, M.D., Chairperson Susan G. Rask, RS. Sumner Kaufman, M.S.P.H. Return receipt requested I Cc: Barbara Childs, Water Pollution Control Q:Sewerorder.doc RE: 30 Thornton Drive, Hyannis Notifications to Hook Up to Sewer. LETTERS SENT TO APPEAR AT FEB 2012 BOH - sent certified on 1/13/12 to all units GREEN CARDS RECEIVED BACK FROM: . Amaral - (Cert Mail 7006-0810-0000-3525-3947) Map And Parcel 296-008-OOA. Fleming*- (Cent Mail 7006-0810-0000-3525-4265) Map And Parcel 296-008-0013+ -OOC Mosher - (Cert Mail 7006-0810-0000-3525-4272) Map And Parcel 296-008-OOD Michnay -(Cert Mail 7006-0810-0000-3525-4258) Map And Parcel 296-008-00E+ -OOF * Mr. Fleming also owns 83 Corporation - Anchor Auto Body, Hyannis that also needs to be connected to sewer-notified March and November 2011 • Warning Tickets sent 11/2/11 to all units Green card returned Amaral ( - Cert Mail 7011-0470-0001-4525-6263) Map And Parcel 296-008-OOA Fleming - (Cert Mail 7011-0470-0001-4525-6256) Map And Parcel 296-008-OOB+C Mosher - (Cert Mail 7011-0470-0001-4525-6270) Map And Parcel 296-008-OOD • Order letter sent 2/1812011,only to Amaral- Green card returned Amaral - (Cert Mail 7008-3230-0002-5177-8681) Map And Parcel 296-008-OOA • Order letter sent 4/11/11, Sent to all units-Green card returned Amaral - (Cert Mail 7006-081070000-3525-5521) Map And Parcel 296-008-OOA Fleming - (Cert Mail 7006-0810-0000-3525-5514) Map And Parcel 296-008-OOB+C. Michnay - (Cert Mail 7006-0810-0000-3525-5507) Map And Parcel 296-008-OOE+F • Order letter sent 1/26/06, Sent to all units-Green card returned Amaral (Cert Mail 7002-1000-0004-6683-1921) Map And Parcel 296-008-OOA Fleming - (Cert Mail 7002-1000-0004-6683-1914) Map And Parcel 296-008-0013+C Michnay- (Cert Mail 7003-1680-0004-5458-3640) Map And Parcel 296=008-OOE+F Mosher was a new owner of unit D, sent letter 2006- not sure he received • Order letter sent 04/02/02, Sent to all units-Green card returned McCarthy - (Cert Mail 7099-3400-0009-8026-5192) Map And Parcel 296-008-OOA Fleming - (Cert Mail 7099-3400-0009-8026-5086) Map And Parcel 296-008-0013+C Elwell - (Cert Mail 7099-3400-0009-8026-5079) Map And Parcel 296-008-OOD Michnay - (Cert Mail 7003-1680-0004-5458-3640) Map And Parcel 296-008-OOE+F i 1 s l UNITED STATES POSTAL SERVICE ;Firsti- `'I•Aq ': .- '� �µ: _.sue,. .. ........,,� i.,;..•,.ey I ' Sender: Please print your name, address;and'ZIP # riyfliis box • ' '' n Town of Barnstable Health Division 200 Main Street Hyannis,MA 02601 I I Ibis,,,,1, ,ii�=11�,,F„Ii,i�fili,�,li�,��,1,11i:�ri'I,►,ti�i�l I. I. SENDER:'&OMPLETE THIS SECTION COMPLETE THIS SECTION ONDEL51V"ERY ■ CompletR,items 1,'2,and 3.Also complete a Signature item 4 if Restricted Delivery is desired. ��H CE� ent ■ Print your name and address on the reverse X= oll � ssee so that we can return the card to you. B. Received by(Printed rM e) C. Date f Dili ery ® Attach this card to the back of the mailpiece, JAN or on the front if space permits. D. Is delivery address diffdTnt from item 11 Y s 1. Article Addressed to: 1 If YES,enter delivery a d e§ below: ❑ No I -Po 13®v/.1, (131 I � 3. Service Type i I LA �n i� Certified Mail ❑Express Mail ) ❑Registered (9-RRetum Receipt for Merchandise o a! 4 O ❑ Insured Mail ❑C.O.D. �G 4. Restricted Delivery?(Extra Fee) ❑Yes 2. Article Number "• '• ' � f i .� iiii, `4 i (transfer from seance label f f f '7 6 '0 8'1 O`. 0 0 0 0 3=5 2 5 1 4 2 7 2 PS Form 3811,February 2004 -Domestic Return Receipt 102595-02-M-1540 ti D LLLGIL`4&I Ln a Rt Postage $� 0 �U) a O Certified Fee l t C3 Postmark O Return Receipt Fee /9 Here (Endorsement Required) O Restricted Delivery Fee (Endorsement Required) co Total Postage&Fees r0 Sent To OStreet,Apt.No.; .... .__ ..................... or PO Box No. So u ��s �lA- Duo Certified Mail Provides: (as�anat/)zppz 2unf oose_ oU sd a.A mailing receipt a A unique identifier for your mailpiece a A record of delivery kept by the Postal Service for two years Important Reminders: q Certified Mail may ONLY be combined with First-Class Mail®or Priority Mails. a Certified Mail is not available for any class of international mail. a NO INSURANCE COVERAGE IS PROVIDED with Certified Mail. For valuables,please consider Insured or Registered Mail. q For an additional fee,a Return Receipt may be requested to provide proof of delivery.To obtain Return Receipt service,please complete and attach a Return Receipt(PS Form 3811�to the article and add applicable postage to cover the fee.Endorse maiiplece Return Receipt Requested".To receive a fee waiver for a duplicate return receipt,a USPS®postmark on your Certified Mail receipt is required. a For an additional fee, delivery may be restricted to the addressee or addressee's authorized agent.Advise the clerk or mark the mailpiece with the endorsement"Reshicted'Delivery". a If a postmark on the Certified Mail receipt is desired,please present the arti- cle at the post office for postmarking. if a postmark on the Certified Mail receipt is not needed,detach and affix label with postage and mail. IMPORTANT:Save this receipt and present it when making an inquiry. Internet access to delivery information is not available on mail addressed to APOs and Ms. Town of Barnstable Barnstable ' IME "°� Board of Health AHM&tN�' M"S. 200 Main Street, Hyannis MA 02601 �pi639. 2007 fFO MPr a Office: 508-862-4644 Wayne Miller,M.D. FAX: 508-790-6304 Paul Canniff,D.M.D. Junichi Sawayanagi CERTIFIED MAIL # 7006-0810-0000-3525-4272 January 13, 2012 , Bert Mosher PO Box 1131 South Dennis, MA 02660 Re: 30 Thornton Drive, Map and Parcel: 296-008-OOD YOU ARE SCHEDULED TO APPEAR BEFORE THE'BOARD OF HEALTH on Tuesday, February 14, 2012 at 3 pm in the Town Hall, Hearing Room, 2nd Floor, 367 Main Street, Hyannis, MA due to your failure to connect your property to sewer by 7/11/2011 as ordered by the Health Division. The Massachusetts State general law Chp.83 Section 11 requires occupants to comply with the Board of Health order to connect to town sewer and this case has failed to comply within the established deadline. You will be given the opportunity to testify, present witnesses, documentary evidence, and other official information. regarding this case. PER ORDER OF THE BOARD.OF HEALTH a i Thomas McKean Agent Q:\Order letters\Sewage Violations\Request to Appear at BOH\30 Thornton Dr D Feb2012.doc A D ,I YV.W11 Ul 01�Fli---�IC-7, Ul m Postage $ `t j C3 Certified.Fee f 1AN 1 3 ZO�Z pstmark Return Receipt Fee Here (Endorsement Required) , O Restricted Delivery Fee rl (Endorsement t Required) US? � CO M Total Postage&Fees s .A pSell'To ...... .......... sneer,,apc Ns.; , or PO Box No. - �.....�............. City,Sfate,ZIP+4 n.Certified aii receeiptI Provides: (—&Aea) OOa dO ooae w,CU sd o A unique identifier for your mailpiece -a A record of delivery kept by the Postal Service for two years important Reminders: o Certified Mail may ONLY be combined with First-Class Mails or Priority Maile. b Certified Mail is not available for any Gass of international mail. p NO INSURANCE COVERAGE IS PROVIDED with Certified Mail. For valuables,please consider Insured or Registered Mail. a For an additional fee,a Retum Receipt may be requested to provide proof of. delivery.To obtain Return Receipt service,please complete and attach a Return Receipt(PS Form 3811)to the article and add applicable postage to cover the fee.Endorse mailpiece"Return Receipt Requested".To receive a fee waiver for a duplicate return receipt,a USPSa postmark on your Certified Mail receipt is required. a For an additional fee, delivery may be restricted to the addressee or addressee's authorized agent.Advise the clerk or mark the mailpiece with the endorsement"Restricted Delivery". b If a postmark on the Certified Mail receipt is desired,please present the arti- cle at the post office for postmarking. If a postmark on the Certified Mail receipt is not needed,detach and.affix label with postage and mail. IMPORTANT:Save this receipt and present it when making an inquiry. ' Internet access to delivery information is not available on mail addressed to APOs and FPOs. Town of Barnstable ; Barnstable °p IHF ti Board of Health �i�a�' BARWrABLE, • �0. . MASS. 200 Main Street, Hyannis MA 02601 s639 Abe 2007 prEO MAt Office: .508-862-4644 Wayne Miller,M.D. FAX: 508-790-6304 Paul Canniff,D.M.D. m. Junichi Sawayanagi CERTIFIED MAIL#7006-0810-0000=3525=4265` January 13, 2012 Richard Fleming ' 7 Corporation Road Hyannis, MA 02601 Re: 30 Thornton Drive, Map,and Parcel: 296.008-0013;1�296.008-00C' YOU ARE SCHEDULED TO APPEAR BEFORE THE BOARD OF HEALTH on Tuesday, February 14, 2012 at 3 pm in the Town.Hall,,Hearing.Room, 2.nd Floor, 367 Main Street, Hyannis,.MA due to your failure to connect your property to sewer by 7/11/2011 as ordered by the Health :Division. x. The Massachusetts State-general law Chp.83 Section 11 requires occupants to comply with the Board of Health order to connect-to town sewer and.this case has failed to.comply within the established deadline: You will be given the opportunity to testify, present witnesses, documentary, evidence, and other official information regarding this case. PER ORDER OF BOARD OF HEALTH Thomas McKean :.. Agent Q:\order letters\Sewage Violations\Request to Appear at BOH\30 Thornton Dr B-C Feb2012.doc I I ' UNITED STATES POSTAL SERVICE Fr"rstrCIass Mall Postage&+Fees Paid IE USPS Permit No.G-10 • Sender: Please print your name, address, and ZIP+4 in this box • Town of Barnstable I Health Division 200 Main Street Hyannis,MA 02601 I I I SENIDER: COMPLETE THIS SECTION. COMPLETE.THIS SECTION ON DELIVERY, ■ Complete items 1,2,and 3.Also complete A. Signature item 4 if Restricted Delivery is desired. _ ❑Agent X ■ Print your name and address on the reverse , ressee so that we Can return the Card to you. B. Received by(Printed Name)�C� C. Date of Del",ery M Attach this card to the back of the mailpiece, \ or on the front if space permits. D. Is delivery address different it 1. Article Addressed to: If YES,enter delivery addr s e � No K ckao rte- M ? C,o�P o l�"'►wfJy� CyQ M 3. Se ice Type a'` `�� f Q; �pC/ `zCert�ed Mail ❑Express Mail I 0 Registered (Return Receipt for Merchandise I ❑ Insured Mail ❑C.O.D. I 4. Restricted Delivery?(Extra Fee) ❑Yes IV 2. Article Number 7DD6 D81D DDDD 3525 4265 (Transfer from service label) PS Form 3811,February 2004 Domestic Return Receipt 102595-02-M-1540 UNITED STATES POSTAL SERVICE First-Class Mail Postage&Fees Plid LISPS Permit No.G-10 • Sender: Please print your name, address, and ZIP+4 in this box • Public Health Division Town of Barnstable -� 200 Main Street Hyannis,MA 02601 11-11111114hill111111, it1L,llill till till 1Is 111till11)JllIf COMPLETE •N COMPLETE7HIS SECTIONON DELIVERY ■ Completi items 1,2,and 3.Also complete A. Signature item 4 if Restricted Delivery is desired. �6k ❑Agent ■ Print your name and address on the reverse X ❑Addressee so that we can return the card to you. B. Received by(Printed Name) 2V'11) elivery ■ Attach this card to the back of the mailpiece, or on the front if space permits. 1. Article Addressed to: D. Is delivery address different from item Iff A7,Yes � If YES,enter delivery address below: ❑ No a-R 11+0- I � Cass — &tY((, w MA 3. S rviceType rtified Mail ❑Express Mall /j -2 ❑Registered [B'Retum Receipt for Merchandise CJ ❑Insured Mail ❑C.O.D. 4. Restricted Delivery?(Extra Fee) ❑Yes 2. Article Number 08101i0000 3525iil947 i I (Transfer from service laben �� �,�1 117006 1 PS Form 3811,February 2004 Domestic Return Receipt 102595-02-M-1540 zr Ir uI ru I U Ln m Postage $ IJsQ j 0p Certified FeeA � Return Receipt Fee 11 3�� ost ark C3 (Endorsement Required) e O Restricted Delivery Fee � (Endorsement Required) 5 Q Total Postage&Fees V ..0 Q SentTO �jvl // Street,Api•No.`!`l.l.���.. or PO Box No. PO City State,ZIP+4, Mai �fm/ Oas3 ti -Certified Mail Provides:'p A mailing receipt (asianaW zoos aun r'ooec wrod sd e A unique identifier for your maiipiece �+ m A record of delivery kept by the Postal Service for two years Important Reminders: e Certified Mail may ONLY be combined with First-Class Mail®or Priority Mail®. • Certified Mail is not available for any class of international mail. is NO INSURANCE COVERAGE IS PROVIDED with Certified Mail. For valuables,please consider Insured or Registered Mail. o For an additional fee,a Return Receipt may be requested to provide proof of delivery.To obtain Return Receipt service,please complete and attach a Return Receipt(PS Form 3811)to the article and add applicable postage to cover the fee.Endorse mailpiece"Return Receipt Requested".To receive a fee waiver for A duplicate return receipt,a USPS®postmark on your Certified Mail receipt is required. a For an additional fee, delivery may be restricted to the addressee or addressee's authorized agent.Advise the clerk or mark the maiipiece with the endorsement"Restricted Delivery". ,A If a postmark on the Certified Mail receipt is desired,please present the arti- cle at the post office for postmarking. If A postmark on the Certified Mail receipt is not needed,detach and affix label with postage and mail. IMPORTANT:Save this receipt and present it when making an inquiry. Internet access to delivery information is not available on mail addressed to APOs and FPOs. Town of Barnstable Barnstable Board of Health MAM`L ` 200 Main Street,Hyannis MA 02601 2007 Office: 508-862-4644 Wayne Miller,M.D. FAX 508-790-6304 Paul Canniff,D.M.D. Junichi Sawayanagi CERTIFIED MAIL# 7006-0810-0000-3525-3947 . January 13, 2012 William and Rita Amaral PO Box 43 East Sandwich, MA 02537 Re: 30 Thornton Drive, Map and Parcel: 296-008-OOA YOU ARE SCHEDULED TO APPEAR BEFORE THE BOARD OF HEALTH on Tuesday, February 14, 2012 at 3 pm in the Town Hall, Hearing Room, 2nd Floor, 367 Main Street, Hyannis, MA due to your failure to connect your property to sewer by 7/11/2011 as ordered by the Health Division. 1. The Massachusetts State general law Chp.83 Section 11 requires occupants to comply with the Board of Health order to connect to town sewer and this case has failed to comply within the established deadline. You will be given the opportunity to testify, present witnesses, documentary. evidence, and other official information regarding this case. PER ORDER OF THE BOARD OF HEALTH Thomas McKean Agent , Q:\Order letters\Sewage Violations\Request to Appear at 1301-1\30 Thornton Dr A Feb2012.doc ('r 'LC4 of:Barntable Barnstable Town ' ,. ° Board of Health F 1 1 sA>sivsrnaL MAS& 200 Main Street, Hyannis MA 02601 fo . Zoos. t _ Office: 508-862-4644 . . Wayne Miller,M.D. FAX: 508-790-6304 ;, ', Paul Canniff,D.M.D. fi= Junichi Sawavanaei January 13,2012` ;. s ,. William and Rita Amaral fi P.O.Box 43 , East.Sandwich,:MA'02537 Re: 30 Thornton,Drive, Map and Parcel: 296-008-00A 71 YOU ARE SCHEDULED TO APPEAR-BEFORE;THE BOARD OF HEALTH on Tuesday,`Feb ruary..14,.2012 at 3 pm in''the Towns Hall, Hearing Room, 2�q Floor, , 367 Main Street, Hyannis,,MA due.to your,failure to connect your property to sewer by 7/11/2011. as ordered by the Health°Division. The Massachusetts State general law-Chp.83 sectionl 1 requires=occupants to comply with the Board:of Health order to connect toatown sewer and in this case = there has been a failure,to comply beyond the established deadline. You will be given,the opportunity ,to'testify, present witnesses, documentary evidence, and otherofficial information regarding this case. , , . - PER ORDER OF THE BOARD,.OF HEALTH.'-y . 7. fi Thomas"McKean. `Agent e f UNITED STATES POSTAL SERVICE First-Class Mail' Postage&Fees Paid USPS Permit No.G-10 i I • Sender: Please print your name, address, and ZIP+4 in this box • I I a Town of Barnstable a Health Division 200 Main Street Hyannis,MA 02601 i 'I111111t ILlit-1III 11111111111 Hill 111-11 is 1iiii1111li4:111 I'11' I I r - COSE&ION COMPLETETHIS SECTION ON DELIVERY . j ■ Cpmplete items 1,2,and 3.Also complete A. Signature item 4 if Restricted Delivery is desired. ❑Agent X ■ Print your name and address on the reverse. ❑Addressee so that we can return the card to you. R qd ted Name) C. Date of ppelive ■ Attach this card to the back of the mailpiece, / / or on the front if space permits. // D. Is delivery address different from item 1? ❑Yes 1. Article Addressed to: c (� If YES,enter delivery address below: ❑No MY Ck i o 0 S' V �/ '�Q J"T 3. Servjee Type I �CrI.IVI J l3bertified Mail ❑_Express Mail � ❑ Registered M Return Receipt for Merchandise ❑Insured Mail ❑C.O.D. 4. Restricted Delivery?(Extra Fee) ❑Yes 2. Article Number sir' 7006 0810 0000 3525 4258- . (Transfer from service labeo PS Form 3811,February 2004 Domestic Return Receipt 102595-02-M-1540 LoLn LrI pmnm ru i • o k �a, I m '� Postage. $ o . ' p certified Fee O Postmark p Return Receipt Pee (Endorsement Required) are Restricted Delivery Fee 3 CD r-9 (Endorsement Required) 201? W O >" Total Postage&Fees $ G nK .� t7 Sent To rAY Sheet Apt. b_46 �/ _O_ V ---.-4- -- Az or PO Box No.o. / _ . City StatB,Z/P+4 'Vf1 3 2_ ... 11 - Certified Mail Provides:■ A mailing receipt (asianaa)Zpoa gun r`cogs uuod sd o A unique identifier for your mailpiece e A record of delivery kept by the Postal Service for two years important Reminders., 11 Certified Mail may ONLY be combined with First-Class Mails or Priority Mails. o Certified Mail is not available for any class of international mail. n NO INSURANCE COVERAGE IS PROVIDED with Certified Mail. For valuables,please consider Insured or Registered Mail. o For an additional fee,a Return Receipt may be requested to provide proof of delivery.To obtain Return Receipt service,please complete and attach a Return Receipt(PS Form 3811)to the article and add applicable postage to cover the fee.Endorse mailpiece"Return Receipt Requested".To receive a fee waiver for a duplicate return receipt,a USPSe postmark on your Certified Mail receipt is required. .o For an additional fee, delivery may be restricted to the addressee or addressee's authorized agent.Advise the clerk or mark the mailpiece with the, endorsement"Restricted Delivery". a If a postmark on the Certified Mall receipt is desired,please present the arti- cle at the post office for postmarking. If a postmark on the Certified Mail receipt is not needed,detach and affix label with postage and mail. IMPORTANT:Save this receipt and present it when making an inquiry. Internet access to delivery information is not available on mail addressed to APOs and FPOs. Town of Barnstable Barnstable Board of Health `"MSS. Y 200 Main Street, Hyannis MA 02601 B i639. � 2007 Office: 508-862-4644 Wayne Miller,M.D. FAX: 508-790-6304 Paul Canniff,D.M.D. Junichi Sawayanagi CERTIFIED MAIL# 7006-0810-0000-3525-4258 January 13, 2012 Michael Michnay 1367 Highway 15 — PO Box 8065 Clarksville, VA 23927 Re: 30 Thornton Drive, Map and Parcel: 296-008-OOE, 296-008-OOF YOU ARE SCHEDULED TO APPEAR BEFORE THE BOARD OF HEALTH on Tuesday, February 14, 2012 at 3 pm in the Town Hall, Hearing Room, 2nd Floor, 367 Main Street, Hyannis, MA due to your failure to connect your property to sewer by 7/11/2011 as ordered by the Health Division. The Massachusetts State general law Chp:83 Section 11 requires occupants to comply with the Board of Health order to connect to town sewer and this case has failed to comply within the established deadline. You will be given the opportunity to testify, present witnesses, documentary evidence, and other official information regarding this case. PER ORDER OF THE BOARD OF HEALTH Thomas McKean Agent Q:\Order letters\Sewage Violations\Request to Appear at BOH\30 Thornton Dr E-F Feb2012.doc L USPS.com® - Track& Confirm hftps:Htools.usps.com/go/TrackConfirmAction.action English Customer Service USPS Mobile Register I Sign In, ' 0�4 USPS. irch l-SPS.com or l"rack.Y-Ickages'. Duck Tools Ship a P'aCl<,ge Send Miaii Manage Your tviail Shop FUSineS5 Solutions Track & Confi'rm ,z .''GET EMAIL UPDATES- PRINT DETAIL) YOUR I.ADFL fd UfAef-R SERVICE ''STATUS JP Y(.11 f:ITER�r DC�fE 5 TIh1E -LOCATION FCATURt_S " 70060S 100000"s525d265 Delivered January 14,2012.1:26 pm - -HYANNIS,MA 02601 Certified Mail" - Processed through January 14,2012,3:05 ain WAREHAM.MA 02571' . • .•. . _ USPS Sort Facility - .. _ .. . Check on Another Item What's your label(or receipt)number? Find LEGAL - ON USPS.COM ON ABOUT.USPS.COM OTHER USPS SITES - Prr,Dc,Polo:/: Go HNnlelll _Imces' Abot'l USPSHams; "_ - -Frc Bess C.,ston- f_at_.•:ay; _ terms of LJ;r; Puy stj,;,Ps 3 Shcp: Mi.wsmU'•I, .,}- - PoMal FOW: - • I"'.il,a L;Iher ith P .,ta�•e,:. Mail Service LJh fifes, In pe:.,oi Genaral - ' - No FEAR Act =G Data i Si.;m-i SU1:ice, rann5 X PUNIcationS I Postal Exolono, Site Inds;i r - •. Careers: 1 C� 201 USES.All f.c,i'L,L+e eL https://tools.usps.com/go/TrackConfirmAction.action 2/8/2012 V ,afekEfYi �.-.u_:h�a.lhWle9lffi? __�. �. a_�.�®:_ym2�... ,. _..V-�.=,_ _..� ,. _. - ��253d.��*�.v�r.:6\at.:.0..--,uyss. .m...ne•..r.�au .i........ 01 OD 9-00-A °p THE TOk, Town of Barnstable Office:508-862-4644 Public Health-Division Fax:508-790-6304 9 BARMASSBLE.�` 200 Main Street• Hyannis, MA.02601 ,6 M a,0 TOXIC AND HAZARDOUS MATERIALS INSPECTION REPORT RFD MPS Business Name: ffical AiAlarno r Date: Location/Mailing Address: Contact Name/Phone: 909 "7 Inventory Total Amount: MSDS: I M&A License#: Tier II : NO Labeling:—XA Spill Plan: Oil/WaterSeparator: Floor Drains: 8 Emergency Numbers: Storage Areas/Tanks: a Df Emergency/Containment E ui ment: Waste Generator ID: fA it Waste Product: oil Date&Amount of Last Shipment/Frequency: 0 Licensed Waste Hauler&Destination: vofggoAr Other Waste Disposal Methods: LIST OF TOXIC AND HAZARDOUS MATERIALS NOTE: Under the provisions of Ch. 111, Section 31, of the General Laws of MA, hazardous material use, storage 7Antifreeze disposal of 111 gallons or more requires a license from the Public Health Division. Dry cleaning fluids Automatic transmission fluid Other cleaning solvents&spot removers Engine and radiator flushes Bug and tar removers Hydraulic fluid (including brake fluid) Windshield wash Motor oils ----/Miscellaneous Corrosives J Gasoline,jet fuel, aviation gas Cesspool cleaners Diesel fuel, kerosene, #2 heating oil Disinfectants Miscellaneous petroleum products: Road salts / grease, lubricants, gear oil Refrigerants V Degreasers for engines&garages Pesticides: Caulk/Grout insecticides, herbicides, rodenticides Battery acid (electrolyte)/batteries Photochemicals(Fixers) Rustproofers Photochemicals.lbeveloper) Car wash detergents Printing ink r t Car waxes and polishes Wood preservat�ps Ccreosote) Asphalt&roofing tar Swimming pool�� hTorine= Paints, varnishes, stains, dyes Lye or causticsbda Lacquer thinners Miscellaneous Combustible Paint&varnish removers, deglossers Leather dyes Miscellaneous Flammables Fertilizers,; Floor&furniture strippers PCB's V, Metal polishes Other chlorinated hyrorbons Laundry soil &stain removers (including carbon tetrachloride) (including bleach) Any other products with "poison labels" (including chloroform, formaldehyde, hydrochloric acid, other acids) VIOLATIONS: ORDERS: INFORM TION/ ECOMMENDATIONS: I `f Inspector: Facility Representative: WHITE COPY-HEALTH DEPARTMENT/CANARY COPY-BUSINESS 2%- 0o `°FTMEI°w� Town of Barnstable Office:508-862-4644 Public Health Division Fax:508-790-6304 BARNSTA BLE.�II 200 Main Street• Hyannis, MA 02601 �PrFDMP+�`0 j TOXIC AND �IHAZARDOUS MATERIALS INSPECTION REPORT g Business Name: C U.c ' r Date: Location/Mailing Address: So Dr Contact Name/Phone: 50-7q0- 34q0 Inventory Total Amount: MSDS: License#: Tier II : Labeling: Spill Plan: Oil/Water Separator: Floor Drains: Emergency Numbers: Storage Areas/Tanks: Emergency/Containment Equipment: Waste Generator ID: Waste Product: Date&Amount of Last Shipment/Frequency: Licensed Waste Hauler&Destination: Other Waste Disposal Methods: LIST OF TOXIC AND HAZARDOUS MATERIALS NOTE: Under the provisions of Ch. 111, Section 31, of the General Laws of MA, hazardous material use, storage and disposal of 111 gallons or more requires a license from the Public Health Division. r� Antifreeze Dry cleaning fluids Automatic transmission fluid Other cleaning solvents&spot removers Engine and radiator flushes Bug and tar removers Hydraulic fluid (including brake fluid) Windshield wash Motor oils Miscellaneous Corrosives Gasoline,jet fuel, aviation gas Cesspool cleaners Diesel fuel, kerosene, #2 heating oil Disinfectants Miscellaneous petroleum products: Road salts grease, lubricants, gear oil Refrigerants Degreasers for engines&garages Pesticides: Caulk/Grout insecticides, herbicides, rodenticides Battery acid (electrolyte)/batteries Photochemicals(Fixers) Rustproofers Photochemicals(Developer) Car wash detergents Printing ink Car waxes and polishes Wood preservatives (creosote) Asphalt&roofing tar Swimming pool chlorine Paints, varnishes, stains, dyes Lye or caustic soda Lacquer thinners Miscellaneous Combustible ' Paint&varnish removers, deglossers Leather dyes Miscellaneous Flammables Fertilizers Floor&furniture strippers PCB's Metal polishes Other chlorinated hydrocarbons Laundry soil &stain removers (including carbon tetrachloride) (including bleach) Any other products with "poison labels" (including chloroform, formaldehyde, hydrochloric acid, other acids) VIOLATIONS: ORDERS: INFO MATION/RECOMME D TIONS: Inspector: Facility Representative: WHITE COPY-HEALTH DEPARTMENT/CANARY COPY-BUSINESS .rj x Number Fee . . 1186 THE COMMONWEALTH OF MASSACHUSETTS- $50.00 Town of'Barnstable Board-of Health This is to Certify that Amaral Automotive 30 A&B Thornton Drive,Hyannis, MA f Is Hereby Granted a License For: Storing or Handling 26 - 110 gallons of Hazardous Materials. -------------- -- ------ -- -------------------------- ------------------------------ -- --------------------------- - --- --- -- ------------- --------------- -- This license is granted in conformity with the Statutes and ordinances relating there to,and and expiresv 06/30/2020 unless sooner suspended or revoked. PAUL J.CANNIFF, D.M.D,CHAIRMAN DONALD A.GUADAGNOLI, M.D. ,.. 07/01/2019 . — JUNICHI SAWAYANAGI — THOMAS A. MCKEAN, R.S.,CHO Director of Public Health I` Town of Barnstable a��{(q /�® A4 Nllil�tli4 41Id��pl��ll Inspectional Services BARNSTABLE FTHE� � eA STOIS 110.1, m4111 o.4r•.evcna Public Health Division �4VRlE ?N4(.4•l :.:F BARNSTABLE, : d Thomas McKean, Director Y MASS. $ -y � `1'Arfo �A`0 200 Main St eef,H*riis,MA 02601 r,�a Office: 508-862-4644 ,;ti;; Faxes 508 7901�6304 rh APPLICATION FOR PERMIT TO STORE AND/OR UTILIZE HAZARDOUS MATERIALS R IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE TOWN OF BARNSTABLE GENERAL ORDINANCE,CHAPTER 108, HAZARDOUS MATERIALS,ALL BUSINESSES THAT HANDLE OR STORE HAZARDOUS MATERIALS GREATER THAN HOUSEHOLD QUANTITIES ARE REQUIRED TO OBTAIN AN ANNUAL.PERMIT,(RUNS JULY 1 st—JUNE 3 0th). APPLICATION FEES CATEGORY 1 PERMIT 26— 110 Gallons: $ 50.00 .. �a:. - - 1 . i CATEGORY`2-PEt` NI-IT`-1 t 1 ' 499 Gallons: --'$125.00 CATEGORY 3 PERMIT 500 or more Gallons: $150.00 ❑ *A late charge of$10.00 will be assessed if payment is not received by July 1st. 1. ASSESSOR'S MAP AND PARCEL N.O. p?9C�•- C� 2. IS THIS A PERMIT RENEWAL? "' YES_NO. IF YES, SKIP QUESTION 3. 3. FOR ALL NEW_PERMIT.APPLICATI.ONS,.INDICATE WHETHER BUSINESS.HAS . ZONING/BUILDING APPROVAL FOR HAZARDOUS MATERIALS STORAGE/USE OF GREATER THAN HOUSEHOLD QUANTITIES (25 GALLONS)? YES ;- NO. 4. FULL NAME OF APPLICANT: Amaral Automotive,NC. 30 Thornton Drive. 5. NAME OF ESTABLISHMENT: WvG04f4s, MA Phone 508-778-6769 6. ADDRESS OF ESTABLISHMENT: 7. MAILING ADDRESS (IF DIFFERENT FROM ABOVE: 8. TELEPHONE NUMBER OF ESTABLISHMENT: t • 9. EMAIL ADDRESS: J 10. SOLEOWNER: YES NO IF NO,NAME'OF PARTNER: f 11. FULL NAME,HOME ADDRESS,AND TELEPHONE #OF: CORPORATION NAME w_.a....,0t:..e_IMc.-.. PRESIDENT Amral TREASURER Hxannis, MA.026.01 CLERK P hone 50 - 12. IF_PREPARED BY OUTSIDE`PARTY: . NAME:. TELEPHONE#: COMPANY ADDRESS EMAIL: - SIGNATURE OF APPLICANT 4, DATE ��Z ✓ '� �Application FormS�Haz Mat App Revised 09 10-18.Q: ocx Number Fee 1186 THE COMMONWEALTH OF MASSACHUSETTS $50.0o Town of Barnstable Board of Health M1 This is to Certify.that Amaral Automotive 30A&B Thornton Drive, Hyannis, MA Is Hereby Granted a License For: Storing or Handling 26 - 110 gallons of Hazardous Materials. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------. This license is granted inconformity with the Statutes and ordinances relating thereto,and and expires 06/30/2019 unless sooner suspended or revoked. ---------------------------------- PAUL J.CANNIFF,D.M.D,CHAIRMAN DONALD A.GUADAGNOLI,M.D. 07/01/2018 JUNICHI SAWAYANAGI THOMAS A.MCKEAN, R.S.,CHO Director of Public Health s ,, . 1, ?d 5 (o0 tol((8 Vo wl of Unstable ch�� gvoj egu atory ervices �FIKE ray Richard V. Scah, Director it Ny 0 tl Public Health Division BARNSTAB`E BAHNSTASLE, = Thomas McKean Director tl,R45-�e E•En[R.I«<•«,I,,r•�I 3.45 S11 MARtilON$nll!S•051E-2:LLI;.•W-5I9'RN'AY.:k MASS. i.en-zo[4 •• 039. a`0 200 Main TFD Street' 'H annis' MA 02601 � hw0 MPS CD ha Office: 508-862-4644 Fax: 508-790.;6304 APPLICATION FOR PERMIT TO STORE AND/OR UTILIZE HAZARDOUS MATERIALS r„ IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE TOWN OF BARNSTABLE GENERAL ORDINANCE, CHAPTER 108, HAZARDOUS MATERIALS,ALL BUSINESSES THAT HANDLE OR STORE HAZARDOUS MATERIALS GREATER THAN HOUSEHOLD QUANTITIES ARE REQUIRED TO OBTAIN AN. ANNUAL PERMIT(RUNS JULY 1 st-JUNE 30th). APPLICATION FEES CATEGORY 1 PERMIT 26— 110 Gallons: . $ 50.00 'f 41 CATEGORY 2 PERMIT 111 —499 Gallons: $125.00 ❑ C) \ g I(01 I CATEGORY 3 PERMIT 500 or more Gallons: $150.00 ❑ *A late'charge of$10.00 will be assessed if payment is not received by 1st. :SNU W 4 3 iI on81 . 1. ASSESSOR'S MAP AND PARCEL NO. � 2. IS THIS A PERMIT RENEWAL?_/YES_NO. IF YES,SKIP-QUESTION 3. 3. FOR ALL NEW PERMIT APPLICATIONS,INDICATE WHETHER.BUSINESS HAS ZONING/BUILDING APPROVAL FOR HAZARDOUS MATERIALS ST-ORAGE/USE OF GREATER THAN HOUSEHOLD QUANTITIES(25 GALLONS)? ,/YES NO. . 4. FULL NAME OF APPLICANT: 5. NAME OF ESTABLISHMENT: •, �iiJ _G�( !410T!(/� Gl� 6. ADDRESS OF ESTABLISHMENT: �G %�C]!L� ?'G✓ ,�� (/� l�l� 7. MAILING ADDRESS (IF DIFFERENT FROM ABOVE: 8. TELEPHONE NUMBEROF ESTABLISHMENT: 9. EMAIL ADDRESS: 10. SOLEOWNER: !'"YES NO IF NO,NAME OF PARTNER: 11. FULL NAME,HOME ADDRESS,.AND TELEPHONE# OF: ., CORPORATION NAME ra utomet���y p�PRESIDENT TREASURER ;'f.' Hyannis. MA 02491 CLERK ,one 50 778 8-6769 12. IF PREPARED BY OUTSIDE PARTY: NAME: ELEPHONE#: COMPANY ADDRESS A EMAIL: SIGNATURE OF APPLICANT /J, DATE Q: �S �Application Forms\HAZMAT APP 2017 REVI doc IQ Number Fee 1186 THE COMMONWEALTH OF MASSACHUSETTS $125.00 Town of Barnstable 4 Board of Health - This is to Certify that Amaral Automotive 30 A&B Thornton Drive, Hyannis, MA Is Hereby Granted a License For: Storing or Handling 111 - 499 gallons of Hazardous Materials. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------- ---------°-------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------- This license is granted in conformity with the Statutes and ordinances relating there to,and and expires 06/30/2018 unless sooner suspended or revoked. PAUL J.CANNIFF,D.M.D,CHAIRMAN DONALD A.GUADAGNOLI,M.D. 07/01/2017 JUNICHI SAWAYANAGI THOMAS A.MCKEAN,R.S.,CHO Director of Public Health ' o ,, of B nstable P �°2`� . . wwnn - egulatory�ervices ' � � Richard V. Scali,Director �tHWE r Public Health Division BARNSTABLE • f � XRRi]U'.5 M6i.i M12PVIl1E�S1 P4c.NitSP&E s LE, Thomas McKean, Director _ -i. 1639-2014 039. 39. s`0� 200 Main Street, Hyannis, MA 02601 Dg Office: 508-862-4644 a al U Fax: 508-790-6304 APPLICATION FOR PERMIT TO STORE AND/OR UTILIZE - HAZARDOUS MATERIALS IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE TOWN OF BARNSTABLE GENERAL ORDINANCE, CHAPTER 108; ' HAZARDOUS MATERIALS,ALL BUSINESSES THAT HANDLE OR STORE HAZARDOUS MATERIALS GREATER THAN HOUSEHOLD QUANTITIES ARE REQUIRED,TO OBTAIN AN ANNUAL PERMIT(RUNS JULY 1st-JUNE 30th). APPLICATION FEES CATEGORY 1-PERMIT- 26`--1Y-10-Ga-llons: $ 50.00 CATEGORY 2 PERMIT - 111 —499 Gallons: $125.00 - CATEGORY 3 PERMIT 500 or more Gallons: $150.00 *A late charge of$10.00 will be assessed if payment is not received by July 1st. 1. ASSESSOR'S MAP AND PARCEL/NO.2. IS THIS A PERMIT RENEWAL? NO. IF YES, SKIP QUESTION 3. 3. FOR ALL NEW—PERMIT APPLICATIONS,INDICATE WHETHER BUSINESS HAS ZONING/BUILDING APPROVAL FOR HAZARDOUS MATERIALS STORAGE/USE OF • GREATER THAN HOUSEHOLD QUANTITIES,(25 GALLONS)? YES NO. r 4. FULL NAME OF APPLICANT: A Amaral Automotive llc,, 5. NAME OF ESTABLISHMENT: 30 Thornton Drive P one 508-778-6769 6. ADDRESS OF ESTABLISHMENT:' 7. MAILING ADDRESS (IF DIFFERENT FROM"ABOVE: - 8.° TELEPHONE NUMBER OF ESTABLISHMENT: Amaral Automotive,llc. -10 orn on nve Hyannis, MA 02601 9. EMAIL ADDRESS: Phone 508-778-6769 10. SOLEOWNER: YES NO IF NO,NAME OF PARTNER: 11. FULL NAME,HOME ADDRESS,AND TELEPHONE#OF:- CORPORATION NAME Amaral Automotive llc " _ :[ uinlon live:• PRESIDENT lytinnis, 44A 0260 1 TREASURER Phone 508-778-6769 CLERK:`, ;:, . a _• 12. IF PREPARED BY'OUTSIDE PARTY. NAME: A X LEPHONE#: • COMPANY ADDRESS MAIL: SIGNATURE OF APPLICAN DATE Q:\Application Forms\HAZMAT APP 2017 REV `1 A . Number Fee 9 1186 THE COMMONWEALTH OF MASSACHUSETTS $125.00 Town of Barnstable � w Board of Health This is to Certify that Amaral Automotive 30 A&B Thornton Drive, Hyannis, MA Is Hereby Granted a License For: Storing or Handling 111 - 499 gallons of Hazardous Materials. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---`------------------------------------------------------------------------------ This license is granted in conformity with the Statutes and ordinances relating there to, and and expires 06/30/2017 unless sooner suspended or revoked. ---------------------------------------- WAYNE MILLER,M.D.,CHAIRMAN PAUL J:CANNIFF,D.M.D. 07/01/2016 JUNICHI.SAWAYANAGI THOMAS A. MCKEAN,R.S.,CHO Director of Public Health Town of Barnstable �t ►o,,ti Regulatory Services Richard V. Scali, Director , STAB BARNSTABLE " MAC. Public Health Division 5639. �0� &"enanennoxs rus os anutmws mnxs sE 1639-2014 Thomas McKean,Director 200 Main Street, Hyannis,MA 02601, Office: 508-862-4644 Fax: 508-790-6304 APPLICATION FOR PERMIT TO STORE AND/OR UTILIZE HAZARDOUS MATERIALS IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE TOWN OF BARNSTABLE GENERAL ORDINANCE, CHAPTER 108, HAZARDOUS MATERIALS,ALL BUSINESSES THAT HANDLE OR STORE HAZARDOUS MATERIALS GREATER THAN HOUSEHOLD QUANTITIES ARE REQUIRED TO OBTAIN AN ANNUAL PERMIT(RUNS JULY 1'st-JUNE 30th). • T APPLICATION FEES ' CATEGORY 1 PERMIT 26— 110 Gallons: $ 50.00 0 'r CATEGORY 2 PERMIT 111 -499 Gallons: $125.00 y 'S CATEGORY 3 PERMIT 500 or more Gallons: $150.00 11 • A late charge of$10.00 will be assessed if payment'is not received by July 1st. ASSESSORS MAP.AND PARCEL NO.�. DATE FULL NAME OF APPLICANT: 30 Thornton Drive NAME OF ESTABLISHMENT: Hyonnis,MA 02601 Phone 3 - - ADDRESS OF ESTABLISHMENT: MAILING ADDRESS (IF DIFFERENT):` TELEPHONE NUMBER OF ESTABLISHMENT: EMAIL ADDRESS: { SOLE OWNER: YES NO IF NO,NAME OF PARTNER: FULL NAME,HOME ADDRESS,AND TELEPHONE#_OF.:. CORPORATION NAME PRESIDENT Amara utomo TREASURER - iom on Olive - , CLERK P one 508-778-6769. As , IF PREPARED BY OUTSIDE PARTY: SIG TU OROPLICANT _ Name: Company Address Telephone#: Email: Q:\Application Forms\HAZZAPP Rev16.doex Page 1 of 2 e Number Fee 1186 THE COMMONWEALTH OF MASSACHUSETTS 1oo.00 Town. of Barnstable Bard of Health This is to Certify that Amaral Automotive 30 Thornton Drive, Hyannis, MA Is Hereby Granted a License FOR: STORING OR HANDLING 111 GALLONS OR MORE OF HAZARDOUS MATERIALS. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------- ------ ------------------- This license is granted in conformity with the Statutes and ordinances relating there to, and and expires 613012015 unless sooner suspended or revoked. ---------------------------------------- WAYNE MILLER,M.D.,CHAIRMAN PAUL J.CANNIFF,D.M.D. 3/10/2015 JUNICHI SAWAYANAGI THOMAS A.MCKEAN,R.S.,CHO Director of Public Health Town•of Barnstable oF'THE r Regulatory Services Thomas F. Geiler,Director Public Health Division BARNSfABLE, Thomas McKean,Director .71 ASS. 200 Main Street, Hyannis,MA 02601 A 1639. TFD Phone: 508-862-4644 Email: health@town.barnstable.ma.us Fax: 508-790-6304 Office Hours: M-F 8:00—4:30 October 24, 2006 Richard'Fleming 7 Corporation Rd Hyannis,MA 02601 RE: 30 C Thornton Drive,Hyannis,MA Dear Mr. Fleming: On September 26, 2006 the Barnstable Fire Department, Town of Barnstable Zoning Officer and Town of Barnstable Hazardous Materials Specialist conducted inspections of the businesses located on Thornton Drive. During our site visit to 30 C Thornton Drive, currently being rented to Dana Woodman,N.E. Auto Polish,we found a 275 gallon above ground storage tank located behind the building. The tank, generally used to store heating oil,was closely inspected. The tank itself is not secure; however it is placed on a concrete pad. The gauge indicates that the tank is half full and there are no connections to the building for heating purposes. Upon opening the cover of the tank,we noticed a strong odor not that of heating oil,but that of paint or paint thinner. At this time,you are being ordered to have the contents of the tank pumped out and have the tank removed from the site by a professional service company. Prior to the tank removal, a permit must be granted by the Fire Department to remove the tank under the provisions of the MGL C. 148. Please refer to Code: 326-21 Tank Removal(A). The Health Division shall also be contacted prior to the removal. Enclosed are copies of the Town of Barnstable Codes Chapter 108: Hazardous Materials and Chapter 326: Fuel and Chemical Storage Tanks for you to review. A representative from the Public Health Division will re-visit your business during the next 30 days as,a follow up to further advise you on your compliance. If you have any questions about the orders or you need further information,guidance or assistance, please do not hesitate to contact the Public Health Division. Sincerely, Alisha L.Parker Hazardous Materials Specialist Thomas A.McKean,RS, CHO Director of Public Health Enc. Chapter 108: Hazardous Materials(copy) Chapter 326: Fuel and Chemical Storage Tanks(copy) cc: Chris Olsen,Barnstable Fire Department(cover letter only) Robin Giangregorio,Town of Barnstable Zoning Officer(cover letter only) r Number Fee 1186 THE COMMONWEALTH OF -MASSACHUSETTS 1oo.00 Town of Barnstable Board of Health This is to Certify that Amaral Automotive 30 A&B Thornton Drive, Hyannis, MA Is Hereby Granted a License FOR: STORING OR HANDLING 111 GALLONS OR MORE OF HAZARDOUS MATERIALS. ------------=--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- This license is granted in conformity with the Statutes and ordinances relating there to, and and expires 06/30/2016 unless sooner suspended or revoked. ---------------------------------------- WAYNE MILLER,M.D.,CHAIRMAN PAUL J.CANNIFF,D.M.D. 07/01/2015 JUNICHI SAWAYANAGI THOMAS A.MCKEAN,R.S.,CHO Director of Public Health y Town of Barnstable FEE Regulatory Services g rY • °� Richard V. Scali,Director MASS SM ' Public Health Division �l 039. , I 'DrEo�,u•�° Thomas McKean, Director 200 Main Street, Hyannis, MA 02601 Office: 508-8624644 d Fax: 508-790-6304- Application Fee: $100.00 1 ASSESSORS MAP AND PARCEL NO. q �J DATE APPL CATION FOR PERMIT TO STORE AND/OR UTILIZE MORE THAN III GALLONS OF HAZARDOUS MATERIALS FULL NAME OF APPLICANT �f CG�� ilir�ll� NAME OF ESTABLISHMENT • A rnaral Automotive,llc. ADDRESS OF ESTABLISHMENT iU 16omton Diva Hyonnis,MA 02601 TELEPHONE NUM Phone 508-778-6769 NUMBER SOLE OWNER: f/YES NO IF APPLICANT IS A PARTNERSHIP,FULL NAME AND HOME.ADDRESS OF ALL PARTNERS: IF APPLICANT IS A CORPORATION: FEDERAL IDENTIFICATION NO. STATE OF INCORPORATION FULL NAME AND HOME ADDRESS OF: PRESIDENT TREASURER CLERK 40G URE OF kPPLItANT RESTRICTIONS: HOME ADDRESS HOME TELEPHONE# 6;7� J:UHAZAPP.DOC i r TOWN OF BARNSTABLE Ordinance or Regulation BAR.-W 6003 WARNING NOTICE -Name.of Offender/Manager Address of Offender MV/MB Reg. # Village/State/Zip, , P Business Name `� + Vn'1� ' v c� } m.; on � � 20 C� _ � Business Addressr� Signaturei_of/Enforcing Officer Village/State/Zip 4 V1 Q Location of Offense / Enforcing Dept/Division Offense X 'I(v_l tl �A Facts vt �_b This will serve only as a warning At this time no legal action has been taken. It is the.goal of Town agencies to achieve voluntary compliance of Town Ordinances, Rules and Regulations. Education efforts and warning notices are attempts to gain voluntary compliance.. Subsequent violations will result in appropriate legal,action by the Town. WHITE-OFFENDER CANARY-ORD./REG.-PROG. PINK-ENFORCING OFFER GOLD- ENFORCING DEPT. TOWN OF BARNSTABLE Ordinance or Regulation BAR -W 6003 WARNING NOTICE Name of Offender/Manager Address of Offender MV/MB_Reg. # Village/State/Zip Business Name �E ,�.�-i �vE�,- _ £'1) am/pm;, on d�', 20c Business Addressr� Sign ature,o,"Enforcing-Officer Village/State/Zi.p. 4 K V1 f aji , U Location of Offense - Enforcing. Dept/Division Offense ���') �✓-� �`�r '� Uv� d� � 1' 1 ' 1 f f_ fry 5-� V �=f Facts e. � : tf eej This will serve-only as a warning. At-this time no legal action has been taken. It is the.goal of Town agencies-to achieve voluntary compliance of Town Ordinances, Rules and Regulations. Education efforts and warning notices are attempts-to -;gain voluntary compliance.-.Subsequent violations will result in appropriate legal action-by the Town: WHITE-OFFENDER CANARY-ORD./REG.-PROG. PINK- ENFORCING OFFER GOLD- ENFORCING DEPT. i IKETok� Town of Barnstable Office:508-862-4644 Public Health Division Fax:508-790-6304 % BARMASSBLE./g' 200 Main Street• Hyannis, MA 02601 ArFOMA�0039. , TOXIC AND HAZARDOUS MATERIALS INSPECTION REPORT co�Cc, 'L Business Name: &&aea-l •��o v� Date: b I8 Location/Mailin Address: b- o« vK, C'��/2. qv) Qfvt!5 bl !- Contact Name/Phone: JkS I &VAWA - -77 9- Inventory Total Amount: SDS: License#: Tier II : Labelino: Spill Plan: Oil/Water Separator: Floor Drains: Emergency Numbers: Storage Areas/Tanks: Emergency./Containment Equipment: Waste Generator ID: Waste Product: Date&Amount of Last Shipment/Frequency: Licensed Waste Hauler&Destination: Other Waste Disposal Methods: LIST OF TOXIC AND HAZARDOUS MATERIALS NOTE: Under the provisions of Ch. 111, Section 31, of the General Laws of MA, hazardous material use, storage and disposal of 111 gallons or more requires a license from the Public Health Division. Antifreeze Dry cleaning fluids Automatic transmission fluid Other cleaning solvents&spot removers Engine and radiator flushes Bug and tar removers Hydraulic fluid (including brake fluid) Windshield wash Motor oils Miscellaneous Corrosives Gasoline,jet fuel, aviation gas Cesspool cleaners Diesel fuel, kerosene, #2 heating oil Disinfectants Miscellaneous petroleum products: Road salts grease, lubricants, gear oil Refrigerants Degreasers for engines&garages Pesticides: Caulk/Grout insecticides, herbicides, rodenticides Battery acid (electrolyte)/batteries Photochemicals(Fixers) Rustproofers Photochemicals(Developer) Car wash detergents Printing ink Car waxes and polishes Wood preservatives(creosote) Asphalt&roofing tar Swimming pool chlorine Paints, varnishes, stains, dyes Lye or caustic soda Lacquer thinners Miscellaneous Combustible Paint&varnish removers, deglossers Leather dyes Miscellaneous Flammables Fertilizers Floor&furniture strippers PCB's Metal polishes Other chlorinated hydrocarbons Laundry soil &stain removers (including carbon tetrachloride) (including bleach) Any other products with "poison labels" (including chloroform, formaldehyde, hydrochloric acid, other acids) VIOLATIONS: ORDERS: INFORMATION/RECOMMENDATIONS: Inspector: Facility Representative: WHITE COPY-HEALTH DEPARTMENT/CANARY COPY- BUSINESS �oF1KKE►oyM Town of Barnstable Office:508-862-4644 Public Health;Division Fax:508-790-6304 BARNSfABLE. MASg, r 200 Main Street• Hyannis, MA 02601 ,6,9 TOXIC AND HAZARDOUS MATERIALS INSPECTION REPORT Business Name! A'Vt.Cf-1 .�`�n uv��—f-�u� Date: Location/Mailing Address:. 3b or,.�}-� 1�r' v2- y�t�✓1� S r,� �,f�L�l 7� Contact Name/Phone: ,� �'. ABM,t.{,,1 - 77A-- 1-,-7 G,/9 r Inventory Total Amount: SDS: License#: Tier II : Labeling: Spill Plan: Oil/WaterSeparator: Floor Drains: Emergency Numbers: Storage Areas/Tanks: Emergency/Containment Equipment: Waste Generator ID: Waste Product: Date&Amount of Last Shipment/Frequency: Licensed Waste Hauler&Destination: Other Waste Disposal Methods: LIST OF TOXIC AND HAZARDOUS MATERIALS NOTE: Under the provisions of Ch. 111, Section 31, of the General Laws of MA, hazardous material use, storage and disposal of 111 gallons or more requires a license from the Public Health Division. Antifreeze Dry cleaning fluids Automatic transmission fluid Other cleaning solvents&spot removers Engine and radiator flushes Bug and tar removers '• Hydraulic fluid (including brake fluid) Windshield wash Motor oils Miscellaneous Corrosives Gasoline,jet fuel, aviation gas Cesspool cleaners Diesel fuel, kerosene, #2 heating oil Disinfectants Miscellaneous petroleum products: Road salts grease, lubricants, gear oil Refrigerants Degreasers for engines&garages Pesticides: Caulk/Grout insecticides, herbicides, rodenticides Battery acid (electrolyte)/batteries Photochemicals(Fixers) Rustproofers Photochemicals(Developer) Car wash detergents Printing ink Car waxes and polishes Wood preservatives (creosote) Asphalt&roofing tar Swimming pool chlorine Paints, varnishes, stains, dyes Lye or caustic soda Lacquer thinners Miscellaneous Combustible Paint&varnish removers, deglossers Leather dyes Miscellaneous Flammables Fertilizers Floor&furniture strippers PCB's Metal polishes Other chlorinated hydrocarbons Laundry soil &stain removers (including carbon tetrachloride) (including bleach) Any other products with "poison labels" (including chloroform, formaldehyde, hydrochloric acid, other acids) VIOLATIONS: ORDERS: INFORMATION/RECOMMENDATIONS: Inspector: Facility Representative: WHITE COPY-HEALTH DEPARTMENT/CANARY COPY-BUSINESS i °p IHE ro Town of Barnstable Office:508-862-4644 � 110� Public Health Division Fax:508-790-6304 BARNSTAB'E ' 200 Main Street• Hyannis, MA 02601 f1639. TOXIC AND HAZARDOUS MATERIALS INSPECTION REPORT 4�� 2R Business Name: 4�o Nt.o'�"i"vZ Date: Location/Mailin Addres : © orw o.. v �✓►✓I"ts 4 S si Contact Name/Phone: ,I I AAjeX-,,, - -7? Inventory Total mount: n�1 MSDS: 1-tMau License#: Tier II : N 0 Labeling: OK Spill Plan: o osos Oil/WaterSeparator: Floor Drains: Pt, Emergency Numbers: Qie- Storage Areas/TanksA 5 e:-J ,AA-- W t- &I l L I �5 Emer enc /Containment E ui ment: < a Joo o,� e- D S e- �le�ucr Waste Generator ID: Waste Product: o 1 V�' Da c�5 ti-eJa"e Date&Amount of Last Shi ment/Fre uenc : (9 7 1 16 0WCo Licensed Waste Hauler&Destination: L<� Other Waste Disposal Methods: LIST OF TOXIC AND HAZARDOUS MATERIALS NOTE: Under the provisions of Ch. 111, Section 31, of the General Laws of MA, hazardous material use, storage and disposal of 111 gallons or more requires a license from the Public Health Division. V�// Antifreeze * �'� Dry cleaning fluids Automatic transmission fluid Other cleaning solvents&spot removers Engine and radiator flushes Bug and tar removers Hydraulic fluid (including brake fluid) %/ Windshield wash Motor oils 1,'/-55 vJ01-5ki Miscellaneous Corrosives Gasoline,jet fuel, aviation gas Cesspool cleaners Diesel fuel, kerosene, #2 heating oil Disinfectants Miscellaneous petroleum products: Road salts grease, lubricants, gear oil Refrigerants Degreasers for engines&garages Q7 Pesticides: Caulk/Grout insecticides, herbicides, rodenticides Battery acid (electrolyte)/batteries Photochemicals(Fixers) Rustproofers Photochemicals(Developer) Car wash detergents Printing ink Car waxes and polishes Wood preservatives(creosote) Asphalt&roofing tar Swimming pool chlorine Paints, varnishes, stains, dyes Lye or caustic soda Lacquer thinners Miscellaneous Combustible Paint&varnish removers, deglossers Leather dyes Miscellaneous Flammables Fertilizers Floor&furniture strippers PCB's Metal polishes Other chlorinated hydrocarbons Laundry soil &stain removers (including carbon tetrachloride) (including bleach) Any other products with "poison labels" (including chloroform, formaldehyde, \hydrochloric acid, other acids) VIOLATIONS: Nk/��0" Sbo<aAA-,J V\AI%A .ak 4� ORDERS: ov a .w< -e 2 A, z w INFORMATION/RECOMMENDATIONS: A a< oV 5 a�, c-g W tti a � I Inspector: Facility Representative: WHITE COPY-HEALTH DEPARTMENT/CANARY COPY- BUSINESS i F IKE r Town of Barnstable Office:508-862-4644 Public Health Division Fax:508-790-6304 BARMASS. ` 200 Main Street• Hyannis, MA 02601 ,639 66. TOXIC AND HAZARDOUS MATERIALS INSPECTION REPORT QED MAy Business Name: -Ama a l ve— Date: Location/Mailing Address- Contact Name/Phone: 52)6-1'1 S- Inventory Total Amount: ^- lq 4,1(0 MSDS: o\A.. 1\v-4- License#: Tier II o Labeling: 0 V(- Spill Plan:T Oil/WaterSeparator: Floor Drains: I)o Emergency Numbers: oosA- Storage Areas/Tanks: t SS ig 1 dt,,,nA- was}e- m.1 , -55-441 JACWwbie- Emergency/Containment Equipment: ya�5ore��•,Os/g�M�cll sd11S Waste Generator ID: M� o �( Waste Product: 611. aK�XreeZ_1e_ Date&Amount of Last Shipment/Frequency: 8 a D Iq too 4 i 1 c S two AO%4 e-A. e5) Licensed Waste Hauler&Destination: A-- o Js h 'S lisp ,1 Other Waste Disposal Methods: —<JeA-.4 LIST OF TOXIC AND HAZARDOUS MATERIALS NOTE: Under the provisions of Ch. 111, Section 31, of the General Laws of MA, hazardous mat al use, storage and disposal of 111 gallons or more requires a license from the Public Health Division "10 Antifreezer55,-w5k-e- K�, Dry cleaning fluids S Automatic transmission fluid Other cleaning solvents&spot removers Engine and radiator flushes Bug and tar removers Hydraulic fluid (including brake fluid) 3 Windshield wash 19-0 Motor oils oo wix5+-e- Zo Miscellaneous Corrosives Gasoline,jet fuel, aviation gas Cesspool cleaners Diesel fuel, kerosene, #2 heating oil Disinfectants z Miscellaneous petroleum products: Road salts grease, lubricants, gear oil ', Refrigerants Degreasers for engines&garages 6 Pesticides: Caulk/Grout insecticides, herbicides, rodenticides Battery acid (electrolyte)/batteries is' Photochemicals(Fixers) Rustproofers Photochemicals(Developer) Car wash detergents Printing ink Car waxes and polishes Wood preservatives(creosote) Asphalt&roofing tar Swimming pool chlorine Paints, varnishes, stains, dyes Lye or caustic soda Lacquer thinners _ Miscellaneous Combustible 3 Paint&varnish removers, deglossers Leather dyes Miscellaneous Flammables Fertilizers Floor&furniture strippers PCB's Metal polishes Other chlorinated hydrocarbons Laundry soil &stain removers (including carbon tetrachloride) (including bleach) Any other products with "poison labels" (including chloroform, formaldehyde, hydrochloric acid, other acids) VIOLATIONS: bykAw 'k J x% 5 ORDERS: 0 �� J ivl. ,P,t, , blv- 01 05 +Z' S j�'o I) (A W, , INFORMATION/RECOMMENDATIONS: 11 6x fl A 15 p5f- A 1 Inspector: Facility Representative: WHITE COPY- HEALTH DEPARTMENT/CANARY COPY-BUSINESS TOWN OF BARNSTABLE Date: �� -7/Zl t3 s t► TOXIC AND HAZARDOUS MATERIALS FORM NAME OF BUSINESS: are..( A0+-6 M I v BUSINESS LOCATION: INVENTORY MAILING ADDRESS: TOTAL AMOUNT: TELEPHONE NUMBER: So$- ?-7gg- 4 7G � ti t o`f 9a 1 CONTACT PERSON: 9 l II EMERGENCY CONTACT TELEPHONE NUMBER: MSDS ON SITE? TYPE OF BUSINESS: Ay+o r'.e.,pg t t e,,,,,,k &INFORMATION / RECQMLM�ENDATIONS:O/U4�0Q o�,.A, n'lSbS she,e-}s Fire District: U Arl, k o,�.s �'�.. �-! t!w.�aQo�s r,J4,a+e. Aor ,4r_,-As �r,•� �S OJIS a- -I IF � o w � ✓t 61 l s art► S at �_boo4-3o alb sts : 'o Ckuek o rt. 6L a4P5 6 K - �t�.c 9-6 Ttj: /60 t ru4e- Waste : MJSoa7'186769 Last shipment of hazardous waste: s � �` Name of Hauler. 4.+,>tvdv So ewe' ve r Destination: Nlvr h g sic (�q A+.bt MA Mrt33/ Waste Product: /,J"fe- ��!/4ti+�c�e� . D,� s � Licensed? es No MA_b069 SSr3 00�" NOTE: Under the provisions of Ch. 111, Section 31, of the General Laws of MA, hazardous material use, storage and disposal of 111 gallons or more a month requires a license from the Public Health Division. LIST OF TOXIC AND HAZARDOUS MATERIALS The Board of Health and the Public Health Division have determined that the following products exhibit toxic or hazardous characteristics and must be registered regardless of volume. - Observed / Maximum Observed / Maximum 1`l Antifreeze (for gasoline or coolant systems) Miscellaneous Corrosive NEW ? ZUSEDD P,,0" Cesspool cleaners 2 Automatic transmission fluid Disinfectants Engine and radiator flushes Road salts (Halite) Hydraulic fluid (including brake fluid) Refrigerants Motor Oils / Pesticides °p Q NEW IS O USED sQ�n,0„�,� P (insecticides, herbicides, rodenticides) Photochemicals(Fixers) Gasoline, Jet fuel,Aviation gas Diesel Fuel, kerosene, #2 heating oil ❑ NEW ❑ USED Miscellaneous petroleum products: grease, Photochemicals (Developer) 7 lubricants, gear oil ❑ NEW ❑ USED o Degreasers for engines and metal Printing ink Degreasers for driveways&garages Wood preservatives (creosote) Caulk/Grout Swimming pool chlorine 13 Battery acid (electrolyte)/Batteries Lye or caustic soda Rustproofers Miscellaneous Combustible Car wash detergents Leather dyes Car waxes and polishes Fertilizers Asphalt& roofing tar PCB's Paints, varnishes, stains, dyes Other chlorinated hydrocarbons, Lacquer thinners (including carbon tetrachloride) ❑ NEW ❑ USED Any other products with "poison" labels (including chloroform, formaldehyde, Paint&varnish removers, deglossers hydrochloric acid, other acids) 2 Miscellaneous. Flammables Other products not listed which you feel Floor&furniture strippers may be toxic or hazardous (please list): Metal polishes S k1lKGf Ca b c54 z4 �&e Laundry soil &stain removers (including bleach) 400 fox. O 2 tJeZ Spot removers&cleaning fluids I D (dry cleaners) Other cleaning solvents Lj Bug and tar removers (O Windshield wash WHITE COPY-HEALTH DEPARTMENT/CANARY COPY-BUSINESS Applicant's Signature Staff's Initials ]�' TOWN OF BARNSTABLE EAR-W Ordinance or Regulation WARNING NOTICE Name of "Offender/Managers i"ityl a� Address of Offender MV/MB Reg.# Village/State/Zip Business Name Awl i'-� m)/pm, on ,;41 P> 20 Business Address +~ 3 to y=rv� "�"r�v� ti y � � �� i — ,Signature of,,.Enfor�cng Officer r _. � . !-.-z v t► Village/State/Zip � �/'t f<tVi) 6 . r Location of Offense Aiyi,,-rA Enforcing Dept/Division Offense T +��+1r t �U ,v� � rca✓� lf,"���, ' .,�r?vi �. iwt �{C" � �r�it.� Facts E.;a 14� -E10 VV-AA Zip. ','>6 ll f - My 14 This will serve only as a warning. At this time no legal action has been taken. It is the goal of Town agencies to achieve voluntary compliance of Town Ordinances, Rules and Regulations. Education efforts and warning notices are attempts .to gain voluntary compliance. Subsequent violations. will result in appropriate legal action by the Town. WHITE-OFFENDER CANARY-ORD./REG.-PROG. PINK-ENFORCING OFFICER GOLD-ENFORCING DEPT: i, .• R TOWN OF BARNSTABLE - EAR-W F Ordinance or Regulation WARNING NOTICE I Name of' Offender/Manager = ' ' } Address of Offender MV/MB Reg.# Village/State/Zip Business Name ,' i - ti �. „�- '_ am/pm, on 20 t r Business Address 1" t . >Y +r ..� . s 1/ 7 Signature of,.Enforcing Officer f r Village/State/Zip s•/ Location of Offense ` *- Enforcing Dept/Division Offense E rL _ ,> x ., `��`� ,. L_�► � :� r �,� Facts J.jt This will serve only as a warning. At this time no legal action has been taken. It is the goal of Town agencies to achieve voluntary compliance of Town Ordinances, Rules and Regulations. Education efforts and warning notices are attempts to gain voluntary compliance. Subsequent violations will result in appropriate legal action by the Town. WHITE-OFFENDER CANARY-ORD./REG.-PROG. PINK-ENFORCING OFFICER GOLD-ENFORCING DEPT. °F IKE►ok� Town of Barnstable Office:508-862-4644 Public Healtl•1 Division Fax:508-790-6304 • BARMAA% L ` 200 Main Street• Hyannis, MA 02601 059. �prfDMP'�a`� TOXIC AND HAZARDOUS MATERIALS INSPECTION REPORT Business Name: A. v'f <-, Date: 6 6 Location/Mailing Address: c, & Contact Name/Phone. S - I Inventory Total Amount: L � MSDS: Yes License#: Tier II Q a Labeling: Spill Plan: Oil/WaterSeparator: Floor Drains: o Emergency Numbers:�— Storage Areas/Tanks: 411� 5 tkZ&vuX W,4A— Q.-S 4A,1 evo-V- Emer enc /Containment ui ment: 4 e Waste Generator ID: V "!'� 1 2 iVaste Product ac'ks <k4u-,l Date&Amount of Last Shipment/Frequency: A- 2 Licensed Waste Hauler&Destination: k v� Other Waste Disposal Methods: LIST OF TOXIC AND HAZARDOUS MATERIALS NOTE: Under the provisions of Ch. 111, Section 31, of the General Laws of MA, hazardous material use, storage and disposal of 111 gallons or more requires a license from the Public Health Division. Antifreeze Dry cleaning fluids Automatic transmission fluid Other cleaning solvents&spot removers Engine and radiator flushes Bug and tar removers Hydraulic fluid (including brake fluid) Windshield wash Motor oils Miscellaneous Corrosives Gasoline,jet fuel, aviation gas Cesspool cleaners Diesel fuel, kerosene, #2 heating oil Disinfectants Miscellaneous petroleum products: Road salts / grease, lubricants, gear oil Refrigerants J - Degreasers for engines&garages Pesticides: Caulk/Grout insecticides, herbicides, rodenticides Battery acid (electrolyte)/batteries Photochemicals(Fixers) Rustproofers Photochemicals(Developer) Car wash detergents Printing ink Car waxes and polishes Wood preservatives(creosote) Asphalt&roofing tar Swimming pool chlorine Paints, varnishes, stains, dyes Lye or caustic soda Lacquer thinners Miscellaneous Combustible Paint&varnish removers, deglossers Leather dyes Miscellaneous Flammables Fertilizers Floor&furniture strippers PCB's Metal polishes Other chlorinated hydrocarbons Laundry soil &stain removers (including carbon tetrachloride) (including bleach) Any other products with "poison labels" (including chloroform, formaldehyde, hydrochloric acid, other acids) VIOLATIONS: ORDERS: I- W<-e— oJ 0 tt a v eS ii,iFdRiviATION/RECOMMENDATIONS: Inspector: v�l`� Facility Representative: J�J, WHITE COPY-HEALTH DEPARTMENT/CANARY COPY-BUSINESS _ 1 Date: (,/,Z7 / l3 TOWN OF BARNSTABLE TOXIC AND HAZARDOUS MATERIALS REGISTRATION FORM NAME OF BUSINESS: AAal���r� �— BUSINESS LOCATION: a "Io c 4 ►n 5 INVENTORY MAILING ADDRESS: TOTAL AMOUNT: TELEPHONE NUMBER: 5'0S -T`? 1 3 I22_ 11 I j CONTACT PERSON: N EMERGENCY CONTACT TELEPHONE NUMBER: MSDS ON SITE? TYPE OF BUSINESS: INFORMATION / RECOMMENDATIONS: Fire District: f�Yl��Lrl.. �'l�,►l.J �"Of 4N�V �,g 1.�_t�[oyCVc.�'g �.�rG�� Waste Transportation: Last shipment of hazardous waste: eve is w Name of Hauler: J`a&A\j p.2yk_ Destination: C Waste Product: _Wa.S+e_ Licensed .9Q'Sey No R1� ab�l oa2�N2 NOTE: Under the provisions of Ch. 111, Section 31, of the General Laws of MA, hazardous material use, storage and disposal of 111 gallons or more a month requires a license from the Public Health Division. LIST OF TOXIC AND HAZARDOUS MATERIALS The Board of Health and the Public Health Division have determined that the following products exhibit toxic or hazardous characteristics and must be registered regardless of volume. Observed / Maximum Observed / Maximum Antifreeze (for gasoline or coolant systems) Miscellaneous Corrosive ❑ NEW ❑ USED Cesspool cleaners Automatic transmission fluid Disinfectants Engine and radiator flushes Road salts (Halite) Hydraulic fluid (including brake fluid) Refrigerants Motor Oils Pesticides ❑ NEW ❑ USED (insecticides, herbicides, rodenticides) Gasoline, Jet fuel,Aviation gas Photochemicals (Fixers) Diesel Fuel, kerosene, #2 heating oil ❑ NEW ❑ USED Miscellaneous petroleum products: grease, Photochemicals (Developer) lubricants, gear oil ❑ NEW ❑ USED 2p Degreasers for engines and metal Printing ink Degreasers for driveways&garages Wood preservatives (creosote) Caulk/Grout Swimming pool chlorine Battery acid (electrolyte)/Batteries 2 L)-"A Lye or caustic soda Rustproofers Miscellaneous Combustible Car wash detergents Leather dyes Car waxes and polishes Fertilizers Asphalt& roofing tar PCB's �4- Paints, varnishes, stains, dyes Other chlorinated hydrocarbons, Lacquer thinners (including carbon tetrachloride) ❑ NEW ❑ USED Any other products with "poison" labels (including chloroform, formaldehyde, Paint&varnish removers, deglossers hydrochloric acid, other acids) Miscellaneous. Flammables Other products not listed which you feel Floor&furniture strippers may be toxic or hazardous (please list): Metal polishes Laundry soil &stain removers (including bleach) OW Spot removers&cleaning fluids P 9 (dry cleaners) a Ikg , 6uQ6'�71e�w <�wtov�S Other cleaning solvents n Bug and tar removers SK. I6,te.S 20 Aa. �afll 610.XgA-" Windshield wash WHITE COPY-HEALTH DEPARTMENT/CANARY COPY-BUSINESS Applicant's Signature Staff's Initials A `Dam�op� Town of Barnstable Office:508-862-4644 Public Health Division Fax:508-7s0-6304 • BARMA�BLE. ` 200 Main Street• Hyannis, MA 02601 TOXIC AND HAZARDOUS MATERIALS INSPECTION REPORT Business Name: • Iq Date: 6 22 l Location/Mailin Address: Contact Name/Phone: 4 a - O Inventory Total Amount: 'C`� a MSDS: OWE-Vw*t-. 6ko f License#: � Tier II : 17 Labeling: 0,K Spill Plan: Oil/VVaterSeparator: Floor Drains. EoDgGency Numbers: D Storage AreaslTanks: , Emergency/Containment Eaui ment: k< OKt, o Waste Generator ID: A Waste Product: Date&Amount of Last Ship ent/Frequency: Licensed Waste Hauler&Destination: Other Waste Disposal Methods: LIST OF TOXIC AND HAZARDOUS MATERIALS NOTE: Under the provisions of Ch. 111, Section 31, of the General Laws of MA, hazardous material use, storage and disposal of 111 gallons or more requires a license from the Public Health Division. Antifreeze Dry cleaning fluids Automatic transmission fluid Other cleaning solvents&spot removers Engine and radiator flushes Bug and tar removers Hydraulic fluid (including brake fluid) Windshield wash Motor oils Miscellaneous Corrosives Gasoline,jet fuel, aviation gas Cesspool cleaners Diesel fuel, kerosene, #2 heating oil Disinfectants Miscellaneous petroleum products: Road salts grease, lubricants, gear oil Refrigerants Degreasers for engines&garages Pesticides: Caulk/Grout insecticides, herbicides, rodenticides Battery acid (electrolyte)/batteries Photochemicals(Fixers) Rustproofers Photochemicals(Developer) Car wash detergents Printing ink Car waxes and polishes Wood preservatives(creosote) Asphalt&roofing tar Swimming pool chlorine Paints, varnishes, stains, dyes Lye or caustic soda Lacquer thinners Miscellaneous Combustible Paint&varnish removers, deglossers Leather dyes Miscellaneous Flammables Fertilizers Floor&furniture strippers PCB's Metal polishes Other chlorinated hydrocarbons Laundry soil &stain removers (including carbon tetrachloride) (including bleach) Any other products with "poison labels" (including chloroform,formaldehyde, hydrochloric acid, other acids) VIOLATIONS: ORDERS: INFORMATION/RECOMMENDATIONS: No 5v25 0l �2LDV�V.tiR , GL Inspector: Facility Representative: WHITE COPY- HEALTH DEPARTMENT/CANARY COPY-BUSINESS 1 Date: / 27/ 13 TOWN OF BARNSTABLE TOXIC AND HAZARDOUS MATERIALS REGISTRATION FORM NAME OF BUSINESS: AA E, 1 q& eo BUSINESS LOCATION: 14v4AK1,S INVENTORY MAILING ADDRESS: TOTAL AMOUNT- TELEPHONE NUMBER: oS 9 0 34 q o S mwx CONTACT PERSON: lav` N410,V.A- EMERGENCY CONTACT TELEP14ONE NUMBER: MSDS ON SITE? TYPE OF BUSINESS: e,Lcesso r•-?.5 0- tw-\l 0bk4,w INFORMATION / RECOMMENDATIONS: Fire District: /�D P�l�, � �00,4- (( . < 1 t 1 1 al) /I y�,n el 5 Waste Transportation: N'� Last shipment of hazardous waste: Name of Hauler: Destination: Waste Product: Licensed? Yes No NOTE: Under the provisions of Ch. 111, Section 31, of the General Laws of MA, hazardous material use, storage and disposal of 111 gallons or more a month re uires a license from the Public Health Division. LIST OF TOXIC AND HAZARDOUS MATERIALS The Board of Health and the Public Health Division have determined that the following products exhibit toxic or hazardous characteristics and must be registered regardless of volume. Observed / Maximum Observed / Maximum Antifreeze (for gasoline or coolant systems) y Miscellaneous Corrosive ❑ NEW ❑ USED Cesspool cleaners Automatic transmission fluid Disinfectants Engine and radiator flushes Road salts(Halite) Hydraulic fluid (including brake fluid) Refrigerants TNE r Oils / Pesticides W O USED 04w a (insecticides, herbicides, rodenticides) Gasoline, Jet fuel,Aviation gas Photochemicals (Fixers) Diesel Fuel, kerosene, #2 heating oil ❑ NEW ❑ USED Miscellaneous petroleum products: grease, Photochemicals (Developer) lubricants, gear oil ❑ NEW ❑ USED Degreasers for engines and metal Printing ink Degreasers for driveways&garages Wood preservatives (creosote) Caulk/Grout Swimming pool chlorine Battery acid (electrolyte)/Batteries Lye or caustic soda Rustproofers Miscellaneous Combustible Car wash detergents Leather dyes Car waxes and polishes Fertilizers Asphalt& roofing tar PCB's Paints, varnishes, stains, dyes Other chlorinated hydrocarbons, Lacquer thinners (including carbon tetrachloride) ❑ NEW ❑ USED Any other products with "poison" labels (including chloroform, formaldehyde, Paint&varnish removers, deglossers hydrochloric acid, other acids) Miscellaneous. Flammables (Kof_ Other products not listed which you feel k,xLwe ,vz54 may be toxic or hazardous(please list): Floor&furniture strippers Qq wj(e, Metal polishes Laundry soil &stain removers (including bleach) 4, 2 0 1 �tow� ,5 ��L c Spot remove&cleaning fluids d cleaners o 0�5 Other cleaning solvents Bug and tar removers Windshield wash Applicant's WHITE COPY-HEALTH DEPARTMENT/CANARY COPY-BUSINESS licant's Signature Staff's Initials kb4, N S M EAD KEEPING YOU ORGANIZE® No. 10334 2-153L MAM M USA GET ORGANIZED AT SMEAD.COM Bellaire, Dianna From: Fidler, Craig Sent: Friday, March 04, 2022 9:29 AM To: Bellaire, Dianna Subject: RE:Verifying Sewer Connections Hi Dianna, I have gone through the list most of the properties are empty lots or parking lots. Please note that only#13 and#14 have been found to have a connection. Hopefully this helps you have any questions please feel free to reach out. 1. 793 lyannough Road — 294-078, this is a corner section of the mall property Not Connected 2. 246 North Street— 038-001 Not Connected 3. 83 Corporation Road- 293-013 Not Connected 4. 191 Barnstable Road- 310-289 Not Connected 5. 187 Barnstable Road- 310-154 Not connected 6. 259 Barnstable Road-310-171 Not connected listed as parking lot 7. 950 lyannough Road- 294-073 Not Connected listed as parking lot 8. 80 Perseverance Rd-295-010 Not connected listed as parking lot 9. 30 Thornton Drive- 296-008-OOA-G Not Connected 10.52 Cit Ave- 312-025 Not Connected 11.211 Airport Rd- 312-001 Not connected listed as parking lot 12.138 Thornton Drive- 296-018 Not Connected 13.82 Thornton Drive, BLDGA, Unit #4- 296-012-OOD rof 1"IT"I'M W-1/���9 14.84 Thornton Drive, BLDGA, Unit#2- 296-012-OOB MI RUN 15.71 Corporation Rd, 293-048 Not Connected listed as parking lot 16.158 Corporation Rd, 293-021-002 Not Connected empty lot 17.55 Sea Street Ext, 308-056 Not Connected 18.19 Angell Road, 306-203-001 Not connected Craig Fidler Construction Inspector I Engineering Division Town of Barnstable 508-790-6400 774-487-8055 (cell) Craig.Fidler@town.barnstable.ma.us _. .. . ......: .......... e. .,. ...a.__.,.. ,.._, w._. From: Bellaire, Dianna Sent: Wednesday, March 2, 2022 1:34 PM To: Fidler, Craig Cc: Beaudoin, Griffin; Bellaire, Dianna Subject: RE: Verifying Sewer Connections Thank you so much. The director is most interested in the list included in the email. The eighteen properties below. Thank you for getting back to me. Dianna Bellaire Permit Technician Town of Barnstable Health Division 200 Main Street Hyannis, MA 02601 P:508-862-4643 Fax:508-790-6304 Email:Dianna.Bellaire@town.barnstable.ma.us The information contained in this electronic transmission("e-mail"),including any attachment(the"Information"),may be confidential or othentase exempt from disclosure.:lt.is for the addressee may be p.riNrileged and confidential work-product or a privileged and confidential communication.The Information may also be deliberative and pre-decisional in nature_As such,it is for internal use.onh.'I7.ie Information naay not be disclosed without the prior written consent of the Director of Public health and/or the. Town Attorneys Office of the Town of Barnstable.If you have received this e-mail by mistake,please notify the sender and.delete it frorn your system.Please do not copy or.forward.it."Thank you for your cooperation. From: Fidler, Craig Sent: Wednesday, March 02, 2022 1:13 PM To: Bellaire, Dianna Cc: Beaudoin, Griffin Subject: RE: Verifying Sewer Connections Dianna, 2 Z 273 502 619 US Postal Service Receipt for Certified Mail No Insurance Coverage Provided. Do not use for International Mail See reverse Sent to C ber o i State ZIP CAe Postage Certified Fee Special Delivery Fee Restricted Delivery Fee to Return Receipt Showing to Whom&Date Delivered n Return Receipt Showing to Whom, Q Date,&Addressee's Address 0 TOTAL Postage&Fees1 ,222 V) Postmark or Date E 0 7- 12, � rn a Stick postage stamps to article to cover First-Class postage,certified mail fee,and charges for any selected optional services(See front). 1.If you want this receipt postmarked, stick the gummed stub to the right of the return address leaving the receipt attached, and present the article at a post office service window or hand it to your rural carrier(no extra charge). 2. If you do not want this receipt postmarked,stick the gummed stub to the right of the � return address of the article,date,detach,and retain the receipt,and mail the article. N 3. if you want a return receipt,write the certified mail number and your name and address rn on a return receipt card,Form 3811,and attach it to the front of the article by means of the gummed ends if space permits. Otherwise,affix to back of article. Endorse front of article a RETURN RECEIPT REQUESTED adjacent to the number. Q 4. If you want delivery restricted to the addressee, or to an authorized agent of the O O addressee,endorse RESTRICTED DELIVERY on the front of the article. 00 t!9 _ 5. Enter fees for the services requested in the appropriate spaces on the front of this E `y receipt. If return receipt is requested,check the applicable blocks in item 1 of Form 3811. ti 6. Save this receipt and present it if you make an inquiry. 102595-99-M-9979 4 �pTME r Town of Barnstable Regulatory Services * r * BARNSfABLE, 9 MASS. $ -Thomas F. Geiler,Director i6;9. �0 A'f039 a Public Health Division Thomas McKean, Director 367 Main Street, Hyannis, MA 02601 Office: 508-862-4644 Fax: 508-790-6304 July 11, 2000 Gerald P. McCarthy, Trustee Culver Nominee Trust P. O. Box 423 West Dennis, MA 02670 RE: Map & Parcel 29600800A Dear Mr. McCarthy: You are directed to connect your building located at 30 Thornton Drive, Hyannis, MA., to public sewer on or before January 5, 2001. The Superintendent of the Department of Public Works has notified us that your property abutts town sewer lines. The lines were extended because of the density, and the size of the lots in the area, and the potential for serious health problems. Today, the Health Department received a complaint regarding raw sewage detected in the catch basin located directly in front of your property. Acting under the authority of Chapter 83-11, of the General Laws of Massachusetts, and Regulation 15.02, of 310 CMR State Environmental Code, you are hereby directed to connect to the town sewer system within thirty (30) days of your receipt of this letter. Failure to comply with this order will result in a court complaint against you for failure to comply with a Board of Health Order. If you should have any questions, please telephone me at 862-4644. PER ORDER OF TH . BOARD OF HEALTH - L as A. McKean, R.S. CH Health Agent for TOWN OF BARNSTABLE BOARD OF HEALTH Susan G. Rask, RS., Chairperson Ralph A. Murphy, M.D. copy: Peter Doyle Sumner Kaufman, M.S.P.H. Return Receipt Requested sewerco2 UNITED STATES POSTAL SERVICE First-Class Mail Postage&Fees Paid LISPS Permit No. G-10 sSender: Please print your name address and ZIP+4 in this box • ,r Publlf b DIn*13 That d Bamstable F,6.Box 534- I R lrilk Masget;husetts 02601 . iil,,,„I,I,PI„1i,,,,,,1i1 ►,,,i,i►„(i„I,,f„il„1„i,,�,li SENDER: COMPLETE THIS SECTION COMPLETE Ti4lS SECTION ON DELIVERY ■ Complete items 1,2,and 3.Also complete A. Received by(Please Print Clearly) B. Dat of D ivery O item 4 if Restricted Delivery is desired. e Print your name and address on the reverse so that we can return the card to you. C. Signature ■ Attach this card to the back of the mailpiece, X ' ❑Agent or on the front if space permits. ❑Addressee D s delivery address different from item 1? ❑Yes 1. Article Addressed to: If YES,enter delivery address below: ❑ No ._,e%l�ll�� 3. Service Type }� ❑Certified Mail ❑ Express Mail ❑ Registered ❑ Return Receipt for Merchandise ✓ ❑ Insured Mail ❑C.O.D. 4. Restricted Delivery?(Extra Fee) ❑Yes 2. Article Number(Copy from service label) PS Form 3811,July 1999 Domestic Return Receipt 102595-99-M-1's9 " ' � 'Town of Barnstable and Environmental Services HAMSTABLE Department of Health, Safety, �16 Public Health Division 367 Main Street,Hyannis MA 02601 Office: 508-790-6265 Thomas A.McKean FAX: 508-775-3344 Director of Public Health May 6, 1997 MCCARTHY GERALD P TRUSTEE CULVER NOMINEE TRUST P 0 BOX 423 WEST DENNIS, MA 02670 RE: Map & Parcel 29600800A ORDER TO CONNECT TO TOWN SEWER Dear Property Owner: You are directed to connect your building located at THORNTON DRIVE BARN, (listed as Assessor's Map and Parcel 29600800A)to public sewer on or before November 6, 1997. The Superintendent of the Department of Public Works has notified us that your property abuts Town sewer lines. The lines were extended because of the density, and the size of the lots in the area, and the potential for serious health problems. Acting under the authority of Chapter 83-11, of the General Laws of Massachusetts, and Regulation 15.02, of 310 CMR State Environmental Code, you are hereby directed to connect to the town sewer system on or before November 6, 1997. Failure to comply with this order will result in a court complaint against you for failure to comply with a Board of Health Order. If you should have any questions, please telephone me at 790-6265. PER ORDER OF THE BOA OF HEALTH Thomas A. McKean, RS, CHO Health Agent for TOWN OF BARNSTABLE BOARD OF HEALTH Susan G. Rask, R.S., Chairman Brian R. Grady, R.S. Ralph A. Murphy, M.D. copy: Peter Doyle Return receipt requested �Tt ' Town of Barnstable e and Environmental Services BA STABLE Department of Health, Safety, MASM 16 3a ,0� Public Health Division 367 Main Street, Hyannis MA 02601 Office: 508-790-6265 Thomas A.McKean FAX: 508-775-3344 Director of Public Health May 6, 1997 FLEMING RICHARD J 7 CORPORATION RD HYANNIS, MA 02601 RE: Map & Parcel 29600800B ORDER TO CONNECT TO TOWN SEWER Dear Property Owner: You are directed to connect your building located at THORNTON DRIVE BARNS, (listed as Assessor's Map and Parcel 2960080013) to public sewer on or before November 6, 1997. The Superintendent of the Department of Public Works has notified us that your property abuts Town sewer lines. The lines were extended because of the density, and the size of the lots in the area, and the potential for serious health problems. Acting under the authority of Chapter 83-11, of the General Laws of Massachusetts, and Regulation 15.02, of 310 CMR State Environmental Code, you are hereby directed to connect to the town sewer system on or before November 6, 1997. Failure to comply with this order will result in a court complaint against you for failure to comply with a Board of Health Order. If you should have any questions, please telephone me at 790-6265. PER ORDER OF THE)BARD OF HEALTH s . cKean, RS, CHO Health Agent for TOWN OF BARNSTABLE BOARD OF HEALTH Susan G. Rask, R.S., Chairman Brian R. Grady, R.S. Ralph A. Murphy, M.D. copy: Peter Doyle Return receipt requested First-Class Mail UNITED STATES POSTAL SERVICE Postage&Fees Paid USPS Permit No.G-10 • Print your name, address, and ZIP Code in this box• Board of HeaPth I Town of Bamstabl® I P.O. Box 534 I i I Hyannis; Massachusetts 02601 I I I I I L SENDER: 17 ■Complete items 1 and/or 2 for additional services. I also wish to receive the H ■.Complete items 3,4a,and 4b. following services(for an d Print your name and address on the reverse of this form so that we can return this extra fee): ;n card to you. ai ■Attach this form to the front of the mailpiece,or on the back if space does not 1. ❑ Addressee's Address 0 permit. y _0Write'Retum Receipt Requested'on the mailpiece below the article number. 2. ❑ Restricted Delivery fn t ■The Return Receipt will show to whom the article was delivered and the date ., c delivered. Consult postmaster for fee. 3.Article Addressed to: 4a.Article Number d C E 4b.Service Type «' ❑ Registered 9-Certified M U) 171 [IExpress Mail ❑ Insured c i W H ❑ Return Receipt for Merchandise ❑ COD 0�7:Date:of_Deliverv...,_._ �r117j]0 5.Received By: (Print e Addressee's Address(Only if requested r LU !\ 1¢Q3 / and fee is paid) 6.Signature s e o ent) 0, y PS Form 3811, December is Domestic Return Receipt j 1� P 339 578 844 US Postal Service z Receipt for Certified Mail No Insurance Coverage Provided. Do not use for International Mail See reverse Sent to J Street&Number Vt d Post Offi tate,&ZIPtCode Postage $ 3a— Certified Fee 16 Special Delivery Fee Restricted Delivery Fee Return Receipt Showing to l Q Whom&Date Delivered Q Return Receipt Slowing to Whom, Q Date,&Addressee's Address 10 TOTAL Postage&Fees $ a2 Sa" Cl) Postmark or Date 0 a- �; ��97 Stick postage stamps to article to cover First-Class postage,certified mail lee,and charges for any selected optional services(See front). 1.if you want this receipt postmarked,slick the gummed stub to the right of the return address leaving the receipt attached, and present the article at a post office service m window or hand it to your rural carrier(no extra charge). CO 2. If you do not want this receipt postmarked,stick the gummed stub to the right of the m return address of the article,date,detach,and retain the receipt,and mail the article. Ln 3. If you want a return receipt,write the certified mail number and your name and address ` on a return receipt card,Form 3811.and attach it to the front of the article by means of the _. III! gummed ends if space permits. Otherwise,affix to back of article. Endorse front of article RETURN RECEIPT REQUESTED adjacent to the number. Q I 4. if you want delivery restricted to the addressee, or to an authorized agent of the addressee,endorse RESTRICTED DELIVERY on the front of the article. co ch 5. Enter fees for the services requested in the appropriate spaces on the front of this receipt. If return receipt is requested,check the applicable blocks in item 1 of Forth 3811. 8. Save this receipt and present it if you make,an inquiry, a Town of Barnstable BARNSPABLE Department of Health, Safety, and Environmental Services 639. � Public Health Division 367 Main Street, Hyannis MA 02601 Office: 508-790-6265 Thomas A.McKean FAX: 508-775-3344 Director of Public Health May 6, 1997 FLEMING RICHARD J 7 CORPORATION RD HYANNIS, MA 02601 RE: Map & Parcel 29600800C ORDER TO CONNECT TO TOWN SEWER Dear Property Owner: You are directed to connect your building located at THORNTON DRIVE BARN, (listed as Assessor's Map and Parcel 29600800C)to public sewer on or before November 6, 1997. The Superintendent of the Department of Public Works has notified us that your property abuts Town sewer lines. The lines were extended because of the density, and the size of the lots in the area, and the potential for serious health problems. Acting under the authority of Chapter 83-11, of the General Laws of Massachusetts, and Regulation 15.02, of 310 CMR State Environmental Code, you are hereby directed to connect to the town sewer system on or before November 6, 1997. Failure to comply with this order will result in a court complaint against you for failure to comply with a Board of Health Order. If you should have any questions, please telephone me at 790-6265. PER ORD R OF THE BOA OF HEALTH Thomas A. McKean, RS, CHO Health Agent for TOWN OF BARNSTABLE BOARD OF HEALTH Susan G. Rask, R.S., Chairman Brian R. Grady, R.S. Ralph A. Murphy, M.D. copy: Peter Doyle Return receipt requested Town of Barnstable 'r Environmental Services • wwsenate Department of Health, Safety, and E Public Health Division 367 Main Street,Hyannis MA 02601 Office: 508-790-6265 Thomas A.McKean FAX: 508-775-3344 Director of Public Health May 6, 1997 MCCARTHY GERALD P TRUSTEE DEERFIELD NOMINEE TRUST P 0 BOX 423 WEST DENNIS, MA 02670 RE: Map & Parcel 29500600C ORDER TO CONNECT TO TOWN SEWER Dear Property Owner: You are directed to connect your building located at 12 THORNTON DR BARNS, (listed as Assessor's Map and Parcel 29500600C) to public sewer on or before November 6, 1997. The Superintendent of the Department of Public Works has notified us that your property abuts Town sewer lines. The lines were extended because of the density, and the size of the lots in the area, and the potential for serious health problems. Acting under the authority of Chapter 83-11, of the General Laws of Massachusetts, and Regulation 15.02, of 310 CMR State Environmental Code, you are hereby directed to connect to the town sewer system on or before November 6, 1997. Failure to comply with this order will result in a court complaint against you for failure to comply with a Board of Health Order. If you should have any questions, please telephone me at 790-6265. PER ORDER OF THE BOA OF HEALTH Thomas A. McKean, RS, CHO Health Agent for TOWN OF BARNSTABLE BOARD OF HEALTH Susan G. Rask, R.S., Chairman Brian R. Grady, R.S. Ralph A. Murphy, M.D. copy: Peter Doyle Return receipt requested DIME Town of Barnstable snMsrnste Department of Health, Safety, and Environmental Services f 39- Public Health Division 367 Main Street,Hyannis MA 02601 Office: 508-790-6265 Thomas A.McKean FAX: 508-775-3344 Director of Public Health May 6, 1997 ELWELL RICHARD E & BRENDA TR SO SHORE YACHT UPHOL TR 141 ELLIOTT RD CENTERVILLE, MA 02632 RE: Map & Parcel 29600800D ORDER TO CONNECT TO TOWN SEWER Dear Property Owner: You are directed to connect your building located at THORNTON DRIVE BARN, (listed as Assessor's Map and Parcel 29600800D) to public sewer on or before November 6, 1997. The Superintendent of the Department of Public Works has notified us that your property abuts Town sewer lines. The lines were extended because of the density, and the size of the lots in the area, and the potential for serious health problems. Acting under the authority of Chapter 83-11, of the General Laws of Massachusetts, and Regulation 15.02, of 310 CMR State Environmental Code, you are hereby directed to connect to the town sewer system on or before November 6, 1997. Failure to comply with this order will result in a court complaint against you for failure to comply with a Board of Health Order. If you should have any questions, please telephone me at 790-6265. PER ORDER OF THE BO RD OF HEALTH Thomas A. McKean, RS, CHO Health Agent for TOWN OF BARNSTABLE BOARD OF HEALTH Susan G. Rask, R.S., Chairman Brian R. Grady, R.S. Ralph A. Murphy, M.D. copy: Peter Doyle Return receipt requested &F } P 339 575 542 US Postal Service Receipt for Certified Mail No Insurance Coverage Provided. Do not use for International Mail See reverse Sent to �'. Street&Number / Post Office tat &ZIP Code Postage $ 3 Certified Fee Special Delivery Fee Restricted Delivery Fee U) Return Receipt Showing to Whom&Date Delivered n Return Receipt Showing to Whom, Q Date,&Addressee's Address 0 TOTAL Postage&Fees $ c) Postmark or Date 0 LL a Stick postage stamps to article to cover First-Class postage,certified mall fee,and charges for any selected optional services(See front). 1. If you want this receipt postmarked,stick the gummed stub to the right of the return address leavingthe receipt attached, and resent the article at a ^~' D p post office service m window or hand it to your rural carrier(no extra charge). m 2. If you do not want this receipt postmarked,stick the gummed stub to the right of the return address of the article,date,detach,and retain the receipt,and mail the article. fir, LO 3. If you want a return receipt,write the certified mail number and your name and address rn on a return receipt card,Form 3811,and attach it to the front of the article by means of the gummed ends if space permits. Otherwise,affix to back of article. Endorse front of article RETURN RECEIPT REQUESTED adjacent to the number. 4. If you want delivery restricted to the addressee, or to an authorized agent of the C; addressee,endorse RESTRICTED DELIVERY on the front of the article. CO Cf) 5. Enter fees for the services requested in the appropriate spaces on the front of this receipt. If return receipt is requested,check the applicable blocks in item 1 of Form 3811. ti 6. Save this receipt and present it if you make an inquiry. CO °DIME Town of Barnstable ealth Safe and Environmental Services BAMSTABte Department of H , Safety, ���•� Public Health Division 367 Main Street, Hyannis MA 02601 Office: 508-790-6265 Thomas A.McKean FAX: 508 775 3344 Director of Public Health May 6, 1997 MCCARTHY GERALD P TRUSTEE DEERFIELD NIMINEE TRUST P 0 BOX 423 WEST DENNIS, MA 02670 RE: Map & Parcel 29500600D ORDER TO CONNECT TO TOWN SEWER Dear Property Owner: You are directed to connect your building located at 12 THORNTON DRIVE BARN, (listed as Assessor's Map and Parcel 29500600D) to public sewer on or before November 6, 1997. The Superintendent of the Department of Public Works has notified us that your property abuts Town sewer lines. The lines were extended because of the density, and the size of the lots in the area, and the potential for serious health problems. Acting under the authority of Chapter 83-11, of the General Laws of Massachusetts, and Regulation 15.02, of 310 CMR State Environmental Code, you are hereby directed to connect to the town sewer system on or before November 6, 1997. Failure to comply with this order will result in a court complaint against you for failure to comply with a Board of Health Order. If you should have any questions, please telephone me at 790-6265. PER ORDER OF THE BOA OF HEALTH Thomas A. McKean, RS, CHO Health Agent for TOWN OF BARNSTABLE BOARD OF HEALTH Susan G. Rask, R.S., Chairman Brian R. Grady, R.S. Ralph A. Murphy, M.D. copy: Peter Doyle Return receipt requested "'E Town of Barnstable ■AartsTABte. Department of Health, Safety, and Environmental Services 161 AN�� Public Health Division MA 367 Main Street, Hyannis MA 02601 Office: 508-790-6265 Thomas A.McKean FAX: 508-775-3344 Director of Public Health May 6, 1997 MCCARTHY GERALD P TRUSTEE DEERF'IELD NOMINEE TRUST P 0 BOX 423 WEST DENNIS, MA 02670 RE: Map & Parcel 29500600E ORDER TO CONNECT TO TOWN SEWER Dear Property Owner: You are directed to connect your building located at 12 THORNTON DRIVE BARN, (listed as Assessor's Map and Parcel 29500600E)to public sewer on or before November 6, 1997. The Superintendent of the Department of Public Works has notified us that your property abuts Town sewer lines. The lines were extended because of the density, and the size of the lots in the area, and the potential for serious health problems. Acting under the authority of Chapter 83-11, of the General Laws of Massachusetts, and Regulation 15.02, of 310 CMR State Environmental Code, you are hereby directed to connect to the town sewer system on or before November 6, 1997. Failure to comply with this order will result in a court complaint against you for failure to comply with a Board of Health Order. If you should have any questions, please telephone me at 790-6265. PER ORDER OF THE BOARD OF HEALTH Thomas A. McKean, RS, CHO Health Agent for TOWN OF BARNSTABLE BOARD OF HEALTH Susan G. Rask, R.S., Chairman Brian R. Grady, R.S. Ralph A. Murphy, M.D. copy: Peter Doyle Return receipt requested i Town of Barnstable fe and Environmental Services ■AMSPABLE Department of Health, Sa ty, y Mass. $ 039. � Public Health Division 367 Main Street, Hyannis MA 02601 Office: 508-790-6265 Thomas A.McKean FAX: 508-775-3344 Director of Public Health May 6 1997 MCCARTHY GERALD P TRUSTEE CULVER NOMINEE TRUST P 0 BOX 423 WEST DENNIS, MA 02670 RE: Map & Parcel 29600800E ORDER TO CONNECT TO TOWN SEWER Dear Property Owner: You are directed to connect your building located at THORNTON DRIVE BARN, (listed as Assessor's Map and Parcel 29600800E)to public sewer on or before November 6, 1997. The Superintendent of the Department of Public Works has notified us that your property abuts Town sewer lines. The lines were extended because of the density, and the size of the lots in the area, and the potential for serious health problems. Acting under the authority of Chapter 83-11, of the General Laws of Massachusetts, and Regulation 15.02, of 310 CMR State Environmental Code, you are hereby directed to connect to the town sewer system on or before November 6, 1997. Failure to comply with this order will result in a court complaint against you for failure to comply with a Board of Health Order. If you should have any questions,please telephone me at 790-6265. PER ORDER OF THE BOARD OF HEALTH as A. McKean, RS, CHO Health Agent for TOWN OF BARNSTABLE BOARD OF HEALTH Susan G. Rask, R.S., Chairman Brian R. Grady, R.S. Ralph A. Murphy, M.D. copy: Peter Doyle Return receipt requested UNITED STATES POSTAL SERVICE First-Class Mail Postage&Fees Paid uSPS Permit No.G-10 e Print your name, address, and ZIP Code in this box C rP Board of Health Town of Barnstable P.O.Box 534 Hyannis,Massachusetts 02601 d SENDER: o ■Complete items t and/or 2 for additional services. I also wish to receive the ui ■Complete items 3,4a,and 4b. following services(for an ■Print your name and address on the reverse of this form so that we can return this extra fee): card to you. ai ■Attach this form to the front of the mailpieoe,or on the back if space does not 1. ❑ Addressee's Address permit. 0 ■Write'Retum Receipt Requested'on the mailpieoe below the article number. 2. ❑ Restricted Delivery rn ■The Return Receipt will show to whom the article was delivered and the date E. r delivered. Consult postmaster for fee. Z v 3.Article Addressed to: 4a.Article Number d 4b.Service Type Y. 2 ❑ Registered Certified cn rNp `3D � � ❑ Express Mail ❑ Insured c o ra ❑ Retum Receipt for Merchandise ❑ COD Or 7.Date of Delivery� J/ , W s p 5.Received By: (Print Name) r NXV 'S.Addressee's Address(Only if requested + W ; ' and fee is paid) t I � 6.Sign, r ( res orAgen PS Form Dec r 1994 �'' .-%` 102595-97-13-0179 Domestic Return Receipt Z 200 4�8 ?80 US Postal Service Receipt for Certified Mail No Insurance Coverage Provided. Do not use for International Mail See reverse Sent to Street&Number C30 Post Office,State,&ZIP Code Postage 04 $ v4,7 7 Certified Fee Special Delivery Fee Restricted Delivery Fee L Return Receipt Showing to Whom&Date Delivered Q Return Receipt Showing to Whom, Q Date,&Addressee's Address 0 TOTAL Postage&Fees $ ' -7 7 all C* Postmark or Date 0 I M I Stick postage stamps to article to cover First-Class postage,certified mail fee,and charges for any selected optional services(See front). 1. If you want this receipt postmarked,stick the gummed stub to the right of the return address leaving the receipt attached, and present the article at a post office service window or hand it to your rural carrier(no extra charge). m 2. If you do not want this receipt postmarked,stick the gummed stub to the right of the 9) return address of the article,date,detach,and retain the receipt,and mail the article. 3. If you want a return receipt,write the certified mail number and your name and address rn on a return receipt card,Form 3811,and attach it to the front of the article by means df the gummed ends if space permits. Otherwise,affix to back of article. Endorse front of article n RETURN RECEIPT REQUESTED adjacent to the number. Q 4. If you want delivery restricted to the addressee, or to an authorized agent of the C addressee,endorse RESTRICTED DELIVERY on the front of the article. 0000 M 5. Enter fees for the services requested in the appropriate spaces on the front of this E receipt. If return receipt is requested,check the applicable blocks in item 1 of Form 3811. li 6. Save this receipt and present it if you make an inquiry. 102595-97-8-0145 d II �Py�ft"E.T°�� a The Town of. Barnstable i sAm,T,n i Department of Health, Safety and Environmental Services Mllal . o 9 Public Health Division' 367 Main Street,Hyannis,MA 02601 Office 508-790-6265 ``. Thomas A.McKean FAX 508-775-3344 Director of Public Health March 13,1998 Michael S. Michnay 30 Thornton Drive Unit, E Hyannis, MA 02601 RE: Map&Parcel 29600800E Dear Property Owner: You are directed to connect your building located at Thornton Drive, Hyannis (listed as Assessor's Map and Parcel 29600800E)to public sewer on or before September 13, 1998. The Superintendent of the Department of Public Works has notified us that your property abuts town sewer lines. The lines were extended because of the density, and the size of the lots in the area, and the potential for serious health problems. Acting under the authority of Chapter 83-11, of the General Laws of Massachusetts; and Regulation 15.02, of 310 CMR State Environmental Code, you are hereby.directed to connect to the town sewer system on or before Failure to comply with,this order will result in a court complaint against you for failure to comply with a Board of Health Order. If you should have any questions,please telephone me at 790-6265. PER ORDER OF THE BOARD OF HEALTH �omas aAkean, RS, CHO Health Agent for TOWN OF BARNSTABLE BOARD OF HEALTH Susan G. Rask, RS., Chairman Ralph A. Murphy, M.D. Sumner Kaufman, MSPH copy Peter Doyle Return Receipt Requested. y�FTNEto*` The Town of Barnstable i 31AWSTA Department of Health, Safety and Environmental Services o pY \�9 Public Health Division 367 Main Street,Hyannis,MA 02601 Office 508-790-6265 Thomas A.McKean FAX 508-775-3344 Director of Public Health March 13,1998 Michael S. Michnay 30 Thornton Drive Unit E Hyannis, MA 02601 RE: Map &Parcel 2960080OF Dear Property Owner: You are directed to connect your building located at Thornton Drive, Hyannis (listed as Assessor's Map and Parcel 29600800F)to public sewer on or before September 13, 1998. The Superintendent of the Department of Public Works has notified us that your property abuts. town sewer lines. The lines were extended because of the density, and the size of the lots in the area, and the potential for serious health problems. Acting under the authority of Chapter 83-11, of the General Laws of Massachusetts, and Regulation 15.02, of 310 CMR State Environmental Code, you are hereby directed to connect to the town sewer system on or before . Failure to comply with this order will result in a court complaint against you for failure to comply with a Board of Health Order. If you should have any questions,please telephone me at 790-6265. PER ORDER OF THE BOARD OF HEALTH Thomas A. McKean, RS, CHO Health Agent for TOWN OF BARNSTABLE BOARD OF HEALTH Susan G. Rask, RS., Chairman Ralph A. Murphy, M.D. Sumner Kaufinan, MSPH copy Peter Doyle Return Receipt Requested ' S f Town of Barnstable .nRHsrnet.E. I Department of Health, Safety, and Environmental Services 9� MJL9& Public Health Division 367 Main Street, Hyannis MA 02601 Office: 508-790-6265 Thomas A.McKean FAX: 508-775-3344 Director of Public Health May 6, 1997 MCCARTHY GERALD P TRUSTEE CULVER NOMINEE TRUST P 0 BOX 423 WEST DENNIS, MA 02670 RE: Map & Parcel 2960080OF ORDER TO CONNECT TO TOWN SEWER Dear Property Owner: You are directed to connect your building located at THORNTON DRIVE BARN, (listed as Assessor's Map and Parcel 29600800F)to public sewer on or before November 6, 1997. The Superintendent of the Department of Public Works has notified us that your property abuts Town sewer lines. The lines were extended because of the density, and the size of the lots in the area, and the potential for serious health problems. Acting under the authority of Chapter 83-11, of the General Laws of Massachusetts, and Regulation 15.02, of 310 CMR State Environmental Code, you are hereby directed to connect to the town sewer system on or before November 6, 1997. Failure to comply with this order will result in a court complaint against you for failure to comply with a Board of Health Order. If you should have any questions, please telephone me at 790-6265. PER ORDER OF THE BOA OF HEALTH Thomas A. McKean, RS, CHO Health Agent for TOWN OF BARNSTABLE BOARD OF HEALTH Susan G. Rask, R.S., Chairman Brian R. Grady, R.S. Ralph A. Murphy, M.D. copy: Peter Doyle Return receipt requested °SINE Town of Barnstable Health, Safe and Environmental Services >?�tvsTnet.>r. Department of H , Safety, i 9� s �•� Public Health Division QED MA't� 367 Main Street, Hyannis MA 02601 Office: 508-790-6265 Thomas A.McKean FAX: 508-775-3344 Director of Public Health May 6, 1997 MCCARTHY GERALD P TRUSTEE DEERFIELD NOMINEE TRUST P O BOX 423 WEST DENNIS, MA 02670 RE: Map & Parcel 2950060OG ORDER TO CONNECT TO TOWN SEWER Dear Property Owner: You are directed to connect your building located at 12 THORNTON DRIVE BARN, (listed as Assessor's Map and Parcel 29500600G)to public sewer on or before November 6, 1997. The Superintendent of the Department of Public Works has notified us that your property abuts Town sewer lines. The lines were extended because of the density, and the size of the lots in the area, and the potential for serious health problems. Acting under the authority of Chapter 83-11, of the General Laws of Massachusetts, and Regulation 15.02, of 310 CMR State Environmental Code, you are hereby directed to connect to the town sewer system on or before November 6, 1997. Failure to comply with this order will result in a court complaint against you for failure to comply with a Board of Health Order. If you should have any questions, please telephone me at 790-6265. PER ORDER OF THE BO OF HEALTH s . McKean, RS, CHO Health Agent for TOWN OF BARNSTABLE BOARD OF HEALTH Susan G. Rask, R.S., Chairman Brian R. Grady, R.S. Ralph A. Murphy, M.D. copy: Peter Doyle Return receipt requested UNITED STATES POSTAL SERVICE First-Glass Mail Postage&FeEs Paid USPS Permit No.G-10 •, • Print your name, address, and ZIP Code in this box • 1 I i Public Health Division I Town of Bamstabie i P.O. Box 534 i Hyannis, Massachusetts 02601 % SENDERa V ■Co-mplete items 1 and/or 2 for additional services. I also wish to receive the rn ■Complete items 3,4a,and 4b. following services(for an H ■Print your name and address on the reverse of this form so that we can return this extra fee): .. _card to you. 0 > ■Attach this form to the front of the mailpiece,or on the back if space does not 1. ❑ Addressee's Address d permit. d ■Write'Return Receipt Requested'on the mailpiece below the article number. 2. ❑ Restricted Delivery ■The Return Receipt will show to whom the article was delivered and the date o delivered. Consult postmaster for fee. v 3.Article Addressed to: 4a.Article Number m c �- E 4b.Service Type «' N ,� G%` �3 ❑ Registered Certified c to ❑ Express Mail ❑ Insured ¢ ❑ ReturnReceipt for Merchandise ❑ COD w a7.Date of Del o Z p 5.Received By:(Print Name) 8.Addressee's Address Only if requested W and fee is paid) t 6.5 : (Addressee or Agent) I o -!PS Form 3811, December 1994 Domestic Return Receipt x 'r P 339 578 862 US Postal Service Receipt for Certified Mail No Insurance Coverage Provided. Do not use for International Mail See reverse San �Igmber Office,State,& e Postage $ . Certified Fee Special Delivery Fee Restricted Delivery Fee u� Return Receipt Showing to Whom&Date Delivered Q Return Receipt Showing to Whom, Q- Date,&Addressee's Address 0 TOTAL Postage&Fees s Go Postmark or Date 0 LL. o_ Stick postage stamps to article to cover First-Class postage,certified mail fee,and, charges for any selected optional services(See front). 1.If you want this receipt postmarked,stick the gummed stub to the right of the return address leaving the receipt attached, and present the article at a post office service m window or hand it to your rural carrier(no extra charge). 2. If you do not want this receipt postmarked,stick the gummed stub to the right of the m return address of the article,date,detach,and retain the receipt,and mail the article. LO 3. If you want a return receipt,write the certified mail number and your name and address °) I on a return receipt card,Form 3811,and attach it to the front of the article by means of the ) gummed ends if space permits. Otherwise,affix to back of article. Endorse front of article r RETURN RECEIPT REQUESTED adjacent to the number. Q r 4. If you want delivery restricted to the addressee, or to an authorized agent of the addressee,endorse RESTRICTED DELIVERY on the front of the article. co 5. Enter fees for the services requested in the appropriate spaces on the front of this V) receipt. If return receipt is requested,check the applicable blocks in item 1 of Form 3811. ki 6. Save this receipt and present it if you make an inquiry. a Town of Barnstable I BARNFABLL Department of Health, Safety, and Environmental Services MAM .�� Public Health Division � A 367 Main Street,Hyannis MA 02601 r, Thomas A.McKean Office: 508-790-6265 Director of Public Health FAX: 508-775-3344 May 6, 1997 ELWELL RICHARD E & BRENDA TR SO SHORE YACHT UPHOL TR 141 ELLIOTT RD ` CENTERVILLE, MA 02632 RE: Map & Parcel 29600800D ORDER TO CONNECT TO TOWN SEWER Dear Property Owner: .(36) You are directed to connect your building located.at THORNTON DRIVE BARN, (listed as Assessor's Map and Parcel 29600800D) to public sewer on,or before November 6, 1997. The Superintendent of the Department of Public Works has notified us that your property abuts Town sewer lines. The lines were extended because of the density, and the size of the lots in the area, and the potential for serious health problems. Acting under the authority of Chapter 83-11, of the General Laws of Massachusetts, and Regulation 15.02, of 310 CMR State Environmental Code, you are hereby directed to connect to the town sewer system on or before November 6, 1997. Failure to comply with this order will result in a court complaint against you for failure to comply with a Board of Health Order. If you should have any questions, please telephone me at 790-6265. PER ORDER OF THE BO RD OF HEALTH Thomas A. McKean, RS, CHO Health Agent for TOWN OF BARNSTABLE BOARD OF HEALTH Susan G. Rask, R.S.; Chairman Brian R. Grady, R.S. Ralph A. Murphy, M.D. copy: Peter Doyle Return receipt requested 29�p- oog -. coo R -Q:;i ------------------ A/ SMEA6 KEEPING YQtI ORGANIZED 10334 2=16 GET' AId�DEl6d I� ORC IZEDA,TSMEAD.COM