HomeMy WebLinkAboutCorrespondence between Att Ford and Comm Florence re: Building PermitFORD AND FORD ATTORNEYS AT LAW
TEL. (s08)430-1 e00 FAx (s08)430-997e
MT.HAEL D. r..oRD mike@fordandfordattorneys'com;
Iuly 19,2024
Brian Florence
Building Commissioner
200 Main Street
Hyannis, MA. 02601
RE: Request to lift Suspension of Building Permit BLDR -23-780
Dear Commissioner Florence,
In response to the Notice of Suspension of the above referenced Building Permit issued by
your office, dated March 25,2024 (copy attached), the applicant caused a new ANR plan
to be prepared and filed with the Planning Board which ANR adjusted the common lot line
between Parcels A and B, so that both parcels now meet the provision of Section 240-l D
of the Zoning Ordinance regarding lot shape. A copy of the new ANR plan was endorsed
by the Planning Board and has been recorded in the Barnstable County Registry of Deeds
in Plan Book 705 Page 96 (Copy of the new recorded ANR Plan and the Planning Board
Decision are attached).
Accordingly, on behalf of the Applicant, I request the Suspension of the Building Permit
be lifted.
As you are aware the Building Permit is under appeal to the Zoning Board of Appeals
(ZBL),pending as Appeal No. 2023-042,and is scheduled for hearingonTl24.The
Appellants have raised the additional claims in their appeal;
(1) That Parcel A violates the area requirement because the area of Parcel A covered by
the20 foot wide right of way shown on ANR plan which connects the two 40 foot
wide sections of Windswept Way, has be utilized to meet the lot area requirement.
Our position is that the right of way is not a street within the meaning of the
Ordinance. Accordingly, there is no prohibition on including the area of the right of
way when computing lot area for Parcel A.
(2) That neither Parcel A or Parcel B have legal frontage because they are not taking there
physical access off of Sunset Point where their linear frontage exists. Our position is
that Barnstable Zoning Ordinance requires that you have legal and potential physical
access from the street where your linear frontage exists but does not require that the
constructed physical access to the lot(s) be from that street.
I would ask that you address these two issues when you lift the Suspension of the Building
Permit. Please advise if you need anything further to take the requested actions.
Very Truly Yours,
Michael D. Ford Esq.
'f own of Barnstalrle
Inspectional Ssrvices * Bnildiug llivisian
llrian $lorenucn CB()
?{}0 fi&;lin Strect, I"Iyannis, m h {12601
0f{icc: 508-862-4038 Fax: 508-790-623tI
Notice of Building Permit Suspension
March 25,2A24
EJ Jaxtimer
48 Rosary Lane
Hyannis, MA 02655
Itc:Siotice of Suspension of Ruildirig Permit IILDR-?3-780
Dear Mr. I'lJ Jaxtimer:
Please be advised that in accordance with 780 CMR Massachusetts State Building Codo ninth
eclition Chapter 1 section 105.6 Susperrsion or Revocation and M,G.L" c.143I am hereby
suspcnding Building Perrnit BI,DR-23-?80. You are ordered not to ur:rlertake any additional
rvork pursuant to that irernrit.
Th* rc*son for the suspension ol'this pennit is that additional infnnnatir:n was provided to us that
clillbrs 1i.6n the approvecl huilcling permil applicatiorr. Spec.iiicaily, rvr havc beett adrriscd that
the recluirecl lot shapc factor *24A-7 D has not becn lnct. 'l'l:c purpos* of the suspension instead
clf a rer,,]cation is to alJorv the iipplir:ant time to uncierliik* th* /tNR. prclccs$ at thc Planning
Ilaard anci suhsequegtly provitl* our officc rvith a nrw plan ft;r rel'erencc in thc llui.lcling Psrmil.
BuildingllivisionMailbox@town" h arnsta ble"m a.us
And, if aggrieved by th:is notice and order; to sitow cause as to whSr you shorrld not be
r"ecluired to abate tire Building Clodc violation(s) in rhis notice, yott may airpeal to the Building
App*als Bnard r,vithin (45) days in accordance with }vlassac.huselts {lencral Law Chapler 143
Si:ctinn 100, If, at the expiration tI 1he timc allou,cd, action to abal* th.e violation(s) has not
corilnlenceci. fur:ther action as the lnw rcquircs ma,v be taken"
Ily C)rder",
I)eputv Building Ccmn:issioner
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Town of Bannstable
Planning & Development Department ',
g-ww'tp^wn-hatltslg-hlg, ma, urlEla n Ii nsAltJ I eye lCI pqg,nt
Notice of Approval Not Required (ANR) Plan Enr.lorsement
Property Address:
Assessor's Map/Parcel :
250 Windswept Way, Osterville IS ji.l"rl ?ri r,Uif;*.J
ffifiR'\!'[? fifir-t, T t]$,'ru [i.r nr<Janet l-lolian, llolian Farnily'1rust, 250 Windswel:t Way, Ostervillc
250 Windswept Way, Oste rville
Map 05L anrl Parcel 01"2
Resiclence f'-1 (RF-1) District, Resource Protection Overlay District (RpOD),
Aquife r Protection Overlay nistrict (Rf)
At the regularly sclreduled Planning Board meeting r:f July 8, 2024, the Boarcl unanimously voted to
errdorse tlre plan entitlecl "Plan Showing Lot Division at 250 Windswept Way, BarnstaL;le (Oyster
Harbors) MA" prepared for Hr:lian Family RealtyTrust, drawrt and starnped by Richard R. L'Heurex, P.L,S,
of CapeSurv clated June 26,2A24, as an Approval Not Required (ANR) plan.
The subject prcrperty is located within the Resr:urce Protection Overlay Disffict which requires a
minimum lot area af 81,120 square feet. The suhject property is also located within the Residence [--1
which requires a minirriunr of 20 feet of frontage.
Parcel A (rev): is unimprove d with a total lot area of 91,254 sclLlare feet of Lrpland ancl 289.53
linear feet of frontage with 41.74 linear fee t on Winclswept Way and 247.79 linear feet on
Sunset Poitrt, a private waY.
&$g!!_fu"qyl: is improved with an existing single family dwelling and associated improvements
with a total lot area of 93,639 square feet of upland ancl with 53,64 linear feet of frontage ott
Sunset Point, a private waY,
Parcels C and-D-: l-isted as "not [ruildable".
As proposecl, Lots A and Lot B meet the minimum lot area of 87 ).2A sqlrare feet and also meet the
minimurr frontage of 20 feet.
Lot A ancl the dwelling on Lot B are currently accessed by an existing paverl way,
The plan as submitteil qualifies as an Approval Not Required plan and il should be endorsed by the
Board as:
It floes not constitute a subdivision because eaclr of the lots have the mininrum requirecl
frorrtage on an existing way having suitable gracles, anrj aclecluate construction to provide for
the neecls of vehicular traffic in relation to the ;trnposed use and for the installation of municipal
.services to serve suclr use or lras been labeled as "not buildable";and
Allmaterials and conclitions of Chapter 801, Article lVApproval Not Required Plans, have been
subrnitte d ancl are in full cornpliance.
367 Main StIe{rt, Hyarlrlis, MA 02601 (o) 508-862'4791 (f) 508-862-4782
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A copy of the plan can be found irt the Town Wicle Drive: 'l:\GMD\Planrring Boarcl\Approved ANR &
Suhdivisicrn PIans\ ANR - 051. Parcel 012..250 Windswept Way, Osterville
Respectfully submitted on hehalf of the Board,
r, AICP, Plannirrg &
cc: Applicant
Buildlrrg Conrrni-ssioner
Asse.ssing Dept.
367 Main Street, llyannis, MA 02601 lol 5A8-867.-4791 (f) 508-862-4782