HomeMy WebLinkAbout7-17-2024 HHDC Draft Minutes (1) Town of Barnstable Hyannis Main Street Waterfront Historic District Commission www.townofbarnstable.ma.us/hyannismainstreet MINUTES July 17, 2024 6:30 p.m. Members Present: Cheryl Powell, Matt Clark , Tom Doherty, Jack Kay , Laura Cronin , Cornelius Cawley , Conrad Watson and Peri Wentworth Members Absent: Kevin Matthews , Jeniffer Hinckley Needham and Cornelius Cawley Staff Present: James Kupfer, Interim Director, Corey Pacheco, Senior Planner and Karen Pina, Principal Assistant, Planning & Development Dept. in attendance. To all persons deemed interested or affected by the Town of Barnstable’s Hyannis Main Street Waterfront Historic District Commission Ordinance under Chapter 112, Article III of the Code of the Town of Barnstable, you are hereby notified that a hea ring is being held at Town Hall, 367 Main Street, Hyannis, MA Selectmen’s Conference Room, 2 nd Floor 6:30 P.M. on Wednesday, Ju ly 17, 2024. The meeting will be televised live via Xfinity Channel 8 or high definition Channel 1072. It may also be accessed via the Gov ernment Access Channel live stream on the Town of Barnstable’s website: http://streaming85.townofbarnstable.us/CablecastPublicSite/watch/1?channel=1 Please silence your cell phones Call to Order Attendance Roll Call Peri Wentworth Conrad Watson Matt Clark Laura Cronin Jack Kay Tom Doherty Cheryl Powell Corey Pacheco in attendance, Senior Planner in attendance. Town Council Liaison Charles Bloom in attendance Welcome to New Members, Special Guests, Advisors and Comments Updates • Trainings • Awards • Correspondence Chair Cheryl Powell reads request to continue for Champ House into record. Request to continue to August. 21st. Will need to vote on August 7th for this, as the matter is on August 7th Agenda. Reminder of Commission’s Purpose and Proper Procedure New Business Benjamin Yeransian – 394 South Street, Hyannis – Map 308 Parcel 128 Renovations 2 Laura Cronin recuses as she is an abutter. Benjamin Yeransian in attendance. He explains what the proposed renovations will be. New door and siding needs to be replaced. Replace with eastern white cedar siding, which matches the existing. Street view pictures. Will also give access to the second floor, another egress. Tom Doherty, asks about what it will look like, door look like? Benjamin Yeransian hands out a picture of what the door will look like. Tom Doherty, color stay the same? Peri Wentworth, clarifies where renovations will be done, on side? Ben Yeransian, yes, most won’t see from the street. as it is side corner, not facing. Tom Doherty, railing - picture and what will look like? Ben Yeransian, wood and painted white. Tom Doherty, would like to see more detailing regarding/of the railing. Ben Yeransian, could have a rendering made. Chair Cheryl Powell opens up public comment. Peri Wentworth, hard to see what the supplier is suggesting to look like with finished product. Ben Yeransian, can get a rendering done for all to see. Peri Wentworth, maybe supply a supplier brochure with picture for all to see - Possibly on line? Jim Kupfer, confirms - wood, white, railing with detail and that meets standards of the guidelines. Jack Kay, railing on the staircase? Motion made by Chair Cheryl Powell for the Findings - to approve with conditions and to review with Staff, seconded by Peri Wentworth, Roll Call Vote Conrad Watson - aye Matt Clark - aye Tom Doherty - aye Jack Kay - aye Peri Wentworth - aye Cheryl Powell - aye Matters not Reasonably Anticipated by the Chair Chair Cheryl Powell, Design Guidelines – Did not originally pass HHDC vote. Planning has accepted. Subcommittee done. Will have another meeting with the P lanning Board and go over/review. Jim Kupfer, next steps and work toward unified design guidelines. HHDC better and working group established. Chair of P lanning Board joined as well. Met a few times. All to review, a lot of track changes in red. Section on signs has been updated and appendixes as well, native plant list. Review and if any questions, concerns send to Staff and will put on proposed changes. Nex t meeting on Aug. 7th if consider moving forward would need a public hearing. Letting all know considering to update and then a 14 day notice. A lot of good work went into it. Will put on the August 7th Agenda. 3 Tom Doherty, refers to the draft, pg. 20, got away from city scape. Jim Kupfer, this is the base and then further improved, red line changes and the whole sign section and all the appendix. Matt Clark, what board do we work with for redesigned homeless shelter ? Chair Cheryl Powell a lot in the discretion of this Commission, aesthetics. Matt Clark, clarifies the use and what Dept. would have say over/jurisdiction for - Building Commissioner. Laura Cronin, if detrimental to character and nature of historic district – quality of life. Jim Kupfer, ordinance in terms of applicability. He reads Chapter 112, into record. This Commission reviews architectural improvements for the historic nature of the area. Zoning handles use. Chair Cheryl Powell asks all to review and send questions if have any issues or concerns. Laura Cronin, how to reset HHDC to compliance with all that are out ther e now and how to be corrected? Chair Cheryl Powell , Bldg. Commissioner- put together an enforcement letter. Due to complaints and if come to our attention we write to the property owner/persons responsible. We do not have powers of enforcement. Some people just don’t know. Laura Cronin, if subcommission could put down list of violations can put a letter together with property owners? Chair Cheryl Powell explains the process. Tom Doherty, ordinances for signs now – a lot of violations. How can enforce people not abiding right now? Chair Cheryl Powell would have to know when it happened. Discussion regarding enforcement and violations Town Council Liaison Charles Bloom comments, there is no man power for all the complaints made. Bldg. Commissioner has had over 700 complaints this year thus far. Chair Cheryl Powell will try to meet with Brian Florence, Bldg. Commissioner. Jim Kupfer, will talk with Asset Management, any use of public sidewalk requires them as well. Will talk with them. Approval of July 3, 2024 Draft Minutes Chair CP entertains a motion to approve the draft minutes of July 3, 2024, moved by Tom Doherty, seconded by Jack Kay, Roll Call Vote: Laura Cronin – aye Conrad Watson - aye Jack Kay - aye Matt Clark - aye Tom Doherty - aye Peri Wentworth - aye Cheryl Powell - aye Next HHDC meetings scheduled for August 7, and August 21, 2024 Jim Kupfer, at the last m eeting, discussion per demolition – ordinance and requirements and HHDC – difference between demo delay and our ordinance for demolition, delay does not come into play with HHDC, c an either deny or approve. It’s yay or nay. Chair Cheryl Powell – Barnstable Historical Commission (BHC) can delay for 18 months. Historic recognition. Old Kings Highway (OKH) can also delay for 18 months. What does state say ? 4 Jim Kupfer, will follow up. Discussion demolition by neglect. Adjournment Chair Cheryl Powell entertains a motion to adjourn, moved by Tom Doherty, seconded by Jack Kay, Roll Call Vote: Laura Cronin - aye Conrad Watson - aye Matt Clark - aye Tom Doherty - aye Jack Kay - aye Peri Wentworth - aye Cheryl Powell - aye The meeting ended at 7:28 p .m. Respectfully submitted, Karen Pina Further detail may be obtained by viewing the video via Channel 18 on demand at http://www.town.barnstable.ma.us