HomeMy WebLinkAboutAG-081424 August 14, 2024Page 1 of 2 1 Board Members Jacob Dewey – Chair Herbert Bodensiek – Vice Chair Paul Pinard – Clerk Emanuel Alves – Associate Member Mark Hansen – Regular Member Larry Hurwitz – Associate Member Vacant – Associate Member Aaron Webb – Regular Member Vacant – Associate Member Betty Ludtke – Town Council Liaison Staff Support James Kupfer-- Interim Director – james.kupfers@town.barnstable.ma.us Anna Brigham – Principal Planner – anna.brigham@town.barnstable.ma.us Genna Ziino – Administrative Assistant – genevey.ziino@town.barnstable.ma.us Agenda Wednesday, August 14, 2024 7:00 PM James H. Crocker Jr. Hearing Room, 2nd Floor, Town Hall 367 Main Street, Hyannis To all persons interested in or affected by the actions of the Zoning Board of Appeals, you are hereby notified, pursuant to Section 11 of Chapter 40A of the General Laws of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts, and all amendments thereto, that a public hearing on the following appeals will be held on Wednesday, August 14, 2024, at the time indicated: Call to Order Introduction of Board Members Notice of Recording This meeting of the Zoning Board of Appeals is being recorded and broadcast on the Town of Barnstable’s Government Access Channel. In accordance with MGL Chapter 30A §20, I must inquire whether anyone is recording this meeting and if so, to please make their presence known. Minutes None Time Extension Request – 1 year 7:00 PM Appeal No. 2023-028 132 Bay Shore Road, LLC 132 Bay Shore Road, LLC applied to modify Special Permit No. 2002-095 to allow the Applicant to alter and expand the second floor living area. There will be no increase in footprint other than the extension of a covered stoop at the front entrance to the dwelling. The existing floor area is 2,125 square feet (plus 765 square feet of unfinished space) and the proposed floor area is 3,401 square feet. The subject property is located at 132 Bay Shore Road, Hyannis, MA as shown on Assessor’s Map 325 as Parcel 080. It is located in the Residence B (RB) Zoning District. This Decision was approved at the Hearing on October 11, 2023, and Clocked at the Clerks Office October 24, 2023. The Decision must be exercised within 1 year. (Click HERE for Materials) Old Business 7:01 PM Appeal No. 2024-027 Poyant Signs/Cape Cod 5 Poyant Signs/Cape Cod 5 have applied for a Variance pursuant to 240-65 Signs in B, UB, HB, HO, and SD-1 Districts. The Petitioner seeks to install an additional wall sign for a total of 3 wall signs where 2 are allowed, and to install an oversized directi onal sign. The subject property is located at 1620 Falmouth Road, Centerville, MA as shown on Assessor’s Map 209 as Parcel 013. It is locate d in the Residence C (RC) and the Highway Business (HB) Zoning Districts. Members assigned: Dewey, Bodensiek, Pinard, Webb, and Hansen. Continued from July 24, 2024. (Click HERE for Materials) 7:02 PM Appeal No. 2024-028 McGill Scott and Melinda McGill have applied for a Special Permit pursuant to Section 240 -91 H. (3) Nonconforming Lot. The Applicants propose to demolish the existing dwelling and construct a new single-family dwelling. The proposed dwelling will comply with all Town of Barnstable Page 2 of 2 2 setbacks, but exceeds the allowed by-right lot coverage and floor area ratio. The existing Lot Coverage is 17.6% and the proposed Lot Coverage is 30.4% where 20% is allowed, and the existing Floor Area Ratio is 21.4% and the proposed Floor Area Ratio is 45.0% where 30% is allowed. The subject property is located at 394 Strawberry Hill Road, Centerville, MA as shown on Assessor’s Ma p 248 as Parcel 228. It is located in the Residence B (RB) Zoning District. Continued from July 24, 2024. (Click HERE for Materials) New Business 7:03 PM Appeal No. 2024-030 McGill Scott and Melinda McGill have applied for a Variance pursuant to Section 240 -91H.(1) Developed Lot Protection; Demolition and Rebuilding on Nonconforming Lots. The Petitioners seek a variance from the lot coverage and floor area requirements to demoli sh the existing single-family dwelling and construct a new dwelling. The existing lot coverage is 17.6% and the proposed lot coverage is 30.4% where 20% is allowed, and the existing floor area ratio is 21.4% and the proposed floor area ratio is 45% where 30% is allowed. The subject property is located at 394 Strawberry Hill Road, Centerville, MA as shown on Assessor’s Map 248 as Parce l 228. It is located in the Residence B (RB) Zoning District. (Click HERE for Materials) Correspondence Cape Cod Commission Hearing Notice for Truro Local Comprehensive Plan August 22, 2024, at 3 p.m. Cape Cod Commission Hearing Notice for Sandwich Local Comprehensive Plan August 22, 2024, at 3 p.m. Cape Cod Commission Hearing Notice for Brick Kiln Monopole August 22, 2024 , at 3 p.m. Revised Cape Cod Commission agenda for Thursday, August 8, 2024 3:00 p.m. meeting. (Click HERE for Materials) Matters Not Reasonably Anticipated by the Chair Board Elections Chair, Vice Chair, Clerk (Click HERE for Instructions) Upcoming Hearings August 28, 2024, September 11, 2024, September 25, 2024 Adjournment