HomeMy WebLinkAboutRees Comment 8.14.24Honorable Old King’s Highway Historic District Committee I’ve finally got round to watching the video of the last OKH meeting. It was cut before the end however so I didn’t see the final views of the committee. I see the application is on the agenda for this Wednesday, but there no updated materials. Here are some comments from the last meeting. I heard the word indigenous several times. I think the word disingenuous would be more appropriate. The Lemays’ Presentation – As Chairwoman McCarthy said an applicant’s back story is irrelevant to an application. The only thing the Committee has to decide upon is whether the application is appropriate for the Old King’s Highway. The expiration of the contingency agreement is also irrelevant. As mentioned by Ms. Marsh at the meeting, Mr. Lemay presented the average of main structures found on Redwing as 3,520 square feet (two of which were rounded up). There are however five houses on Redwing not three. The average square footage is 2,770 square footage – 750 square feet less than Mr. Lemay’s figure. That’s not being disingenuous – it’s being dishonest. As Ms. McCarthy pointed out the square footage of houses on Redwing is irrelevant. One of the so-called largest homes on 6A is in fact nine condominiums and not a family home. Presumably the photo of the sign outside the Barnstable House has some relevance to Carrie Woods – more of that later. Much was made of Aberle Way. Redwing Lane is probably no more than 100 yards from the perimeter of the Barnstable Historic District. Aberle Way is more than a mile outside it. The two are not comparable. Wherever the newest home off 6A close to the village is – it’s not on the Old King’s Highway. Mentioned was made of the increasing the value of the area by repairing the historic wall. As was written in a previous comment – increasing the value of the area is not a good thing for those who have lived here for decades and intend to do so going forward. It means our real estate taxes will rise. There was no satisfactory answer given as to how the wetland buffer line can suddenly change to accommodate the carriage house. The question was asked as to which side of the carriage house faced south. The one shown was not the one with the garage door and yet when you look at the plan (image 1), the paved drive is clearly south of the carriage house. Ms. Marsh asked this question and no one provided an answer. In terms of square footage, the original figures were given as 3,280 for the main house and 1,230 for the carriage house. Now we are told it’s 3,000 and 900 respectively. That’s 610 square feet knocked off and yet we were told it was 474 square feet. No description has been given as to from where the square footage has disappeared. When discussion of the main door came up, Mr. Blakely said that it was the same or similar to one of the new builds on 6A that have already been mentioned. He mentioned the Reed house, presumably 4308 Main Street. There is a driveway to that house and it cannot be seen from the road. The house that was referred to is 4224 Main Street, and the front door isn’t remotely like the one proposed for Redwing. Mr. Blakely was asked the circumference of the pillars. He said 10” - 11 ¼” - 12”. Which is it? What was the purpose of the appearances of Carrie Woods and Matt Chase? The Barnstable House is not residential. There are multiple law offices in that building. The property bears no resemblance to the plan for Redwing and the photo in the Lemays’ presentation was of the sign outside. It seems Mr. Lemay had a conversation about his desire to retire to Barnstable Village with Ms. Woods but has made no attempt to reach out to his proposed abutters to discuss any concerns they may have. Ms. Woods and Mr. Chase did say the same thing though – the contingency agreement was set to expire on 7/31. It appeared that their presence was to sway the Committee into approving the application. The Committee’s responsibility is to uphold the standards of the Old King’s Highway and not to be influenced by factors not relevant to the application before them. In 2008, we presented the OKH committee at the time with an application to repaint the exterior and replace the shutters and fence of our home. We provided the committee with a photo of a house in the village with the exact historic paint color by name and another of the shutters as well as a fence that was similar in style. We provided a drawing that gave precise details of the height and length of the fence. Those were the standards we abided by. This application is sadly lacking much of those standards. The driveway leading to the main house and the carriage house is to the south of the latter and yet we are told the garage doors’ side of the carriage house will not be south facing. If that’s the case how are cars going to get into the garage? At the last meeting changes were made without proper details being written or explained, for example, there is now a large window on the east side of the main house that does not address the square footage nor the view from the Old King’s Highway. On the initial plan submitted, it was stated that vegetation at the front of the lot was to remain untouched, now there is talk of vegetation clearing and a walkway to 6A. (Reference page 2 of the 7/24/24 Meetings material.) In addition we have lost a septic tank and an ancient stone wall and gained a proposed lanai. We are told that the square footage of the two properties has been reduced to 3,000 square feet and 900 square feet. Attached are images from the application of the carriage house from the 6/26/24 Meeting materials when it was still 1,230 sq ft to the 7/24/24 Meeting materials when we were told it had been reduced to 900 square feet. Is there a difference? Similarly where is the reduction of square footage shown on the main house? It has been said by the committee from the first meeting that the overall design is inappropriate for the Old King’s Highway and yet the design has barely changed. Chairwoman McCarthy commented that the changes have been incremental. A truer word has not been spoken. We submitted a comment after the 6/26/24 meeting that made mention of the lack of square footage details. Almost seven weeks later, there has still been no submission of said square footage. On the application presented at the 6/26/24 meeting at the bottom of page 4 under the headings New Building or addition, footprint and New Building or addition, gross floor area, including area of finished basement no square footage has been written down. On those grounds alone we respectfully request that the OKH committee reject this application as submitted. Respectfully yours Dafydd Rees