HomeMy WebLinkAbout7-25-2024 Draft Minutes LCPC 1 Local Comprehensive Planning Committee Minutes Thursday, July 25, 2024 at 5:30 PM Call to Order Wendy Northcross opens the meeting at 5:30 p.m. with an introduction of Committee Members. Member Present Absent Wendy Northcross X Cheryl Powell X Mark Hansen X Amanda Converse X Sue Rohrbach X Meaghan Mort X Alyssa Chase X Asia Graves X Fran Parks X Katia DaCunha X Lindsey Counsell X Jennifer Williams X Bob Twiss X Avery Revere X Also, in attendance are Planning & Development Staff; Jim Kupfer, Interim Director; Kate Maldonado, Senior Planner; and Karen Pina, Principal Assistant CALL TO ORDER Lindsey Counsell calls the meeting to order NOTICE OF RECORDING The meeting will be televised live via Xfinity Channel 8 or high definition Channel 1072. It may also be accessed via the Government Access Channel live stream on the Town of Barnstable’s website: http://streaming85.townofbarnstable.us/CablecastPublicSite/watch/1?channel=1 In accordance with Massachusetts General Law Chapter 30A Section 20, the Committee must inquire whether anyone is taping this meeting and to please make their presence known. APPROVAL OF MINUTES  Approval of Minutes from May 30, 2024 Lindsey Counsell entertains a motion to approve the minutes of May 30, 2024, moved by Jennifer Williams, seconded by Asia Graves, Vote All aye PUBLIC COMMENT- None 2 TOPICS FOR DISCUSSION Kate Maldonado gives an overview of all and where we are now. Review of what doing today. Master plan, first step do existing conditions. Recap of initiative to meet people/public. Natural resources, infrastructure. Six chapters. Next steps, land use map and action plan, specific targeted actions. Map review next month. Also strategies for all chapters. Where implemented around town. Fall will be final step/action plan. Prioritize top five or ten. Community will have chance to review and comment. August 22nd next meeting. Sept. 2nd and 4th will meet. Will change dates in October, Tues 8th and 30th. Promote Local Comprehensive Plan (LCP). Early July incorporated and insert that provided information about this project/effort. Asia Graves suggests to have a translator come in for people that don’t speak English. If these communities know them may attend. Kate Maldonado, we have a contractor that we can get to come – especially the action plan. Translate buttons on website as well. Katia DaCunha, can we see if we have participation? Kate Maldonado, survey and questions we have record of how many in Spanish and Portuguese. Pre recorded, Arts & Culture presentation. Have been sent around for review. Expert recordings. Document library.  Culture, Heritage and Design questions and answers with Bob Frazee, Chair of the Barnstable Historical Commission Bob Frazee in attendance. Accomplishments since 2010. Asia Graves, definition of what is historical? What is considered historic and culture that needs to be preserved? Bob Frazee – need to find out what matters. Commissions work, demolition delay ordinance. This gives time to evaluate. 75 years or older. Some properties can qualify for National Register. What constituency cares about the place. Significance in eye of the holder. If distinguished defined by National Park Service and state office, typically these are key elements. Association with cultural and/or economics. Doesn’t have to be of national importance. Some exceptions. Challenge to blend the need for modernity – generations change. Historical – design and guidelines. Developing guidelines to see what is favorable and not. Have to figure out what would indeed be historical. Bob Frazee replies – presentation pictures shown. Old and new working together. Comparison of buildings new can be compatible with older. Different ways to preserve and renovate/new. Community Preservation Committee (CPC) Planning Board (PB) and Hyannis Main Street Waterfront Historic District Commission (HHDC) have been working on the guidelines. Character, historical. 75 years equates to older. Trying to preserve and keep character. If built well people will want to defend and keep. Fran parks, the bank bldg. beautiful building. Wing School torn down except original 1920’s bldg. going to add housing to that. Important historical vistas in the town that need to be protected. 3 Sue Rohrbach, Face Book page, list old houses. Character important. Historic character and new bldg. can go together. What are we contributing in 2024. A neighborhood with WW2 housing should be preserved. Who decides about if preservable or not? Bob Frazee, Historical Commission does. Section 112. Discretion of going before for a hearing or not. Public hearing and other people can make comment. Community preservation effort. Sue Rohrbach, have CPC and Town Council (TC) that would get involved? Bob Frazee, CPC not for private properties/homeowners. Refers to presentation: PRF Providence revolving fund and POP protect our past based in Chatham MA. Asia Graves, has look at TC and majority of committees, people of color have been left out historically. Not same level of protections – some buildings where some people could not have gone into and why would we want to protect these buildings. Reference to bank building – need to look at what the younger generation would want. Bob Frazee, Zion Heritage Museum went through CPC and other avenues for preservation. Wants broader community to be involved. Katia DaCunha, history should be more advertised, immigrants don’t know what a lot of historical buildings are for. Some children learn at school. Not everyone knows. Bob Frazee, maybe a social media platform would help. Fran Parks, a lot of homes built after WW2, all in one section in Cotuit. Jeniffer Williams, thanks Bob. Communication outreach is so critical for people to know and to get feedback when properties/structures have proposed changes. Housing Assistance Corp. (HAC) have social media presence. So many vistas, part of the fabric to support and preserve history. Younger population and we outreach to a lot. Schools, have interns and work with High School and graduate students that will fund. Age, think is a case by case basis. Key to get communication out. More outreach to be done. Preserving and celebrating is important. Bob Frazee, would younger people be more adept if informed more? Asia Graves, housing is more important than a building that is old and would prevent housing. Susan Rohrbach, outreach to tourists. Don’t think advertised enough. Houses regarding demolition, maybe place a sign that the building is being proposed for demolition. Bob Frazee, networking is a tremendous boost for this. Notifications are sent to abutters and advertised in paper. Publications alert people. Abutter radius. Varies. Cheryl Powell, Communities and other entities – have to integrate into community. HHDC is a gatekeeper, have to preserve historical culture and work in conjunction with developers, the overall picture. Katia DaCunha, important not to lose who we are, can’t knock down everything. Children will appreciate that. Missing communication and interaction with the community . Bob Frazee – recommend a visit to Providence, RI, things that work and things that don’t. Has some similarities to here. 4  Discuss and review draft Culture, Heritage and Design Chapter including issues, opportunities, policies and strategies Workshop Done -Started at 6:36  Discuss and review draft Facilities Chapter including issues, opportunities, policies and strategies Lindsey Counsell reconvenes – did not get to Facilities chapter and future Land Use map. Jim Kupfer, report: one group exercise – Heritage preservation. Other communities what they’ve done, Incentives for private homeowners, educational materials, adding and considering other communities. Developers encourage and inform of historical structures – education materials to prioritize renovations. Additional properties to National Register, so many more to be considered, will look at this. Number of historic commissions and societies, should start working to bring those entities together and educate each other about what has worked not worked and funding. Flood zones. Priority to take closer look at historical structures in flood zones. Other populations, going to students, working with schools to integrate into curriculum and history of villages, integrating modern technology, social media outlets for looking at history in community. View sheds, vistas and to preserve views and ways to water, preserve and enhance. Private properties and access to beaches. Barnstable landscape assessment. Redevelopment and creating mixed use, very play space specific locations. Urban form. Visioning focus on village centers/residential neighborhoods. Human scale and historic architecture. Unique quality of each village, different for each future for each village center. Susan Rohrbach, community – master plans for villages this should be brought up for what can be done in the village centers, that are play space. Jim Kupfer – Design and community character. Roadside beautification, species, educating and recommending improvements. Things that would thrive and survive. Keep scenic roads scenic and keep mature trees and adding sidewalks as well. Susan Rohrbach – pesticides and herbicides, how to outlaw and/or control the use. Lindsey Counsell - state law doesn’t allow local communities to do that. Cheryl Powell, explore how to control the use of pesticides/herbicides, proper use of. Jim Kupfer, policy sea level rising and preserving character, large amounts of land and structures that will be impacted by coastline rise, how to preserve these. Arts and Culture – integrating and reaching out to immigrant community to make sure all encompassing for all of our population to thrive in our community. More safe and effective, lighting, walkways. Educating tourists about historic preservation. Enhance. Coordination public art opportunities. Try to incorporate the youth population as well. Community building. Active and interested in arts and cultural community. Better year round arts venues, improving farmers markets, historical and recreational sports opportunities. Indoor and outdoor opportunities for our community. Collaborating with local farmers market and other opportunities and adding community gardens.  Initial discussion regarding updating the Town’s Future Land Use Map Didn’t get to the Land Use Map 5 GENERAL CORRESPONDENCE Amanda Converse correspondence received NEXT MEETING  August 22, 2024 at 5:30 PM to be held in person at the Barnstable Town Hall James H. Crocker Jr. Hearing Room 367 Main Street, Hyannis, MA MATTERS NOT REASONABLY ANTICIPATED BY THE CHAIR ADJOURNMENT Lindsey Counsell entertains a motion to adjourn, seconded by Fran Parks, Vote All Aye The meeting ended at 7:50 p.m. Respectfully submitted, Karen Pina Principal Assistant, Planning & Development Dept. The list of matters are those reasonably anticipated, which may be discussed at the meeting. Not all items listed may be discussed and other items not listed may also be brought up for discussion to the extent permitted by law.