HomeMy WebLinkAboutOKH 06 26 24 Draft Minutes Town of Barnstable Old King’s Highway Historic District Committee MINUTES Wednesday, June 26, 2024, 6:30pm To all persons deemed interested or affected b y the Town of Barnstable's Old King’s Highway Historic District Act under Section 9 of Chapter 470, Acts of 1973 as amended. You are hereby notified that a hearing was held by remote participation via Zoom Meetings on the following applications: Bett McCarthy, Chair Present George Jessop, AIA Absent Ryan Coholan Present Lesley Wallace Present Wendy Shuck, Clerk Present Erica Brown, Administrative Assistant Present A quorum being met, Chair Bett McCarthy called the hearing to order at 6:30 pm. The Chair explained the hearing and appeal process and invited the public to address the Committee and view the plans of interest when the application is called. ______________________________________________________________________________ Roll Call Chair Bett McCarthy called the meeting to order at 6:30 pm and took roll call. Attendance Roll Call: Ryan Coholan Lesley Wallace Wendy Shuck Bett McCarthy CONTINUED APPLICATIONS Lemay, Matt & Sarah, 56 Redwing Lane, Barnstable, Map 318, Parcel 007, Undeveloped Land Construct new colonial style home with carriage house on vacant lot. Wendy Shuck moved to open the public hearing. Seconded by Ryan Coholan. Roll Call Vote Ryan Coholan- aye Lesley Wallace- aye Wendy Shuck- aye Bett McCarthy- aye Josh Blakely, Matt & Sarah Lemay, and James Stokes were in attendance for this proposal. Josh Blakely started the presentation by describing an expanded colonial with a farmer’s porch that sits about 50 feet from route 6A. They would be using Marvin true divided light six over one windows. The trim details are added in the materials. The shingles will be composite materials, and the roof will be a mimic of a red cedar shake. The doors are true style doors painted white. The siding will be off white coventry grey. The DaVinci shingles will be a mountain grey color. The south elevation is the one exposed to 6A. Lesley- Clarified which elevation will be seen from 6A. Bett- Due to some conservation issues, this home will be set very close to 6A and will be visible from 6A particularly in the six months of the year when vegetation is limited. Bett described the area as historic and stated that in this design she does not see any historical characteristics that would blend within the neighborhood. Bett asked about the curve of the garage doors as they do not fit within the colonial house. Ryan- Echoed Bett’s sentiments and stated that one of the biggest eye catches that stands out to him that does not capture the historical integrity is the overall proportion of the main structure pointing out the roof lines and how it seems to tower over itself. He can appreciate the roofs are stepped but it is not appropriate for the area. Wendy- Asked what the total square footage of the house is. Josh- 3300 square feet for the main dwelling which includes the access room next to the garage but not the garage itself. Wendy- There are features of the proposal that she appreciates such as the window trim and corner boards. The design from the front does not fit in with the area. Is hopeful the architect may go back and make some tweaks to the design. Ryan- Noted the conservation issues and asked if the issues are insurmountable. Josh- The issues now are insurmountable. They are working with an engineer and with conservation on these issues, but ideally, they would move it back as far as they could. Addressed Ryan’s comments stating that the distance from the fascia line to the ridge line appears to be long. They settled on the pitches of the roof to be a 10 pitch. Aside from a flatter pitch which is something that the minimum is 7 pitch and some of the older colonials had a very low pitch. Lowering the pitch on the main roof, they would like to match the pitches on the other roof planes as well. Ryan- Believes that it may be better if the design featured the expansions to perhaps look like they had been married to the house over the years which could give variations in pitches to the roofs. With everything being so symmetrical, everything is too symmetrical. Some variation may give it a timelier look. Josh clarified Ryan’s comments. Wendy- Commented that she struggles with the windows a little bit. The grilles would need to be changed and perhaps where the windows are situated. Bett- It’s more than the windows. It’s the whole design. Lesley- Compact. Lower the roof lines, change the garage doors, asked is there any way to make the little window a little bigger, and the windows need to have the grilles changed. Although the design is lovely, there is still some more that needs to be done. Josh- Lots of opportunities to make changes here and would like a bit more direction. Certainly, open to suggestions. Lesley- Suggested the garage doors to match the doors. Wendy- Noted she did travel down route 6A with the materials in mind and suggested to Josh to travel down 6A and look at some of the colonials such as the Old Barnstable House to gain some insight into the historical features. Bett- Suggested shutters as well to fill in the open space. Asked if the applicant would be willing to continue this proposal to the next meeting to come back with some changes. Josh- Yes, they’re willing to continue the application and come back with some changes. Lesley- Went over the different items they stated and asked about the columns on the farmers porch as well. Bett- Noted they cannot redesign the project, but they have given some suggestions. The Committee members mentioned some different houses to look at and take inspiration from. Public Comment: Dafydd Rees- Noted that the house in Cummaquid is beautiful. He understands that the Committee must keep in mind the whole of OKH, but so much of this is what is between Redwing and Commerce. He noted that the square footage of 3300 sq feet and asked if the carriage house is the garage or if it is a separate building. Wendy noted it is separate and the site plan was displayed to show where the carriage house is situated. Dafydd’s concern is that there is 9 properties between Redwing and Commerce, 4 of which range between 2000 and under 3000 sq ft and 5 houses that range between 1100 sq ft and 1900sq ft. This house would appear enormous compared to the other houses in the area. The main house is far larger than any house on that stretch of road. He noted that in the application there were two photos of houses but in the area but one wasn’t submitted of his house which is directly across the street and asked why that is. Wendy noted that, that is a fair point. Josh noted that 300 yards down the road there are house this big. Josh agreed in that small amount of space, that this would be the largest house but outside that small space it would be in kind with other such house along 6A. Wellesley Marsh- Asked if there is a reason why the carriage house has not been discussed yet. Wendy noted that it seemed they were still discussing the house and that that is not to say that there won’t be any comments about the carriage house. Wellesley stated that she mirrored many of the sentiments discussed such as the size, the requirement for details to match the historical integrity of the area, and the property in Cummaquid was amazingly built with care and attention to detail. Quite a bit can be added or changed to fit in with the area. Nothing stands out as an interesting detail. Asked if the same type of changes would be incorporated into the carriage house as well. Noted that where the carriage house is situated on the lot, it appears to dwarf the lot. Asked what the total square foot of living area because it wasn’t on the application. Josh noted that it is approximately 4600 sq ft including the carriage house. Meredith McKenzie- Asked about the landscape plan as it does not note the ancient stone wall that is on the property line between their property and this property. There are six large maples on the property, are they going to be taken down and how will the integrity of the ancient stone wall be preserved? Josh- Minimal impact on the landscape of the property as conservation is a part of this portion. There’s nothing on this site plan that will affect the stone wall. The only thing that may happen is to remove some of the tree growth to expose the wall. They have a setback they have to honor and there are no plans to exceed that. Committee Discussion (Carriage House): Lesley- How big is the carriage house? Josh answered that it is 1300 sq feet. What elevation would be seen from 6A? The opposite side of the garage doors and the dormered side since it is at an angle. Ryan- Same comments about the main structure. It appears like a blank slate with roof lines. Not appropriate for the area. Bett- Reiterated the garage doors are not appropriate. What faces 6A is not particularly attractive for a historic property. Wendy- Noted that the curved doors may look very nice, but it needs to fit in with the house. It looks like it was an afterthought. Wendy Shuck moved to continue the Certificate of Appropriateness Application for Lemay, Matt & Sarah, 56 Redwing Lane, Barnstable, Map 318, Parcel 007, Undeveloped Land to Construct a new colonial style home with carriage house on vacant lot to the July 10, 2024 meeting at 6:30pm to be held remotely via Zoom. Ryan Coholan seconded the motion. Roll Call Vote Ryan Coholan- aye Lesley Wallace- aye Wendy Shuck- aye Bett McCarthy- aye Ciobanu, Andrei & Victoria, 98 Rue Michele, Barnstable, Map 335, Parcel 029/001, Undeveloped Land Construct a new four-bedroom home. Wendy Shuck moved to open the public hearing. Seconded by Ryan Coholan. Roll Call Vote Ryan Coholan- aye Lesley Wallace- aye Wendy Shuck- aye Bett McCarthy- aye Victoria Ciobanu was in attendance for this proposal. Victoria presented a new house on the lot that is four bedroom including sandstone clapboard siding on the front and natural cedar shingles on the rest of the home. The windows will be black trim with 6 over 6 simulated divided light. Roof to be a 7 pitch with architectural shingle in moire black. Committee Discussion: The Committee all agreed that although this house is big it fits in with the neighborhood and is located in a small neighborhood not on a scenic road. The members asked about the existing barn and Victoria clarified that the barn would be kept as is. Public Comment: None Wendy Shuck moved to close the public hearing. Seconded by Ryan Coholan. Roll Call Vote Ryan Coholan- aye Lesley Wallace- aye Wendy Shuck- aye Bett McCarthy- aye Wendy Shuck moved to approve the Certificated of Appropriateness application for Ciobanu, Andrei & Victoria, 98 Rue Michele, Barnstable, Map 335, Parcel 029/001, Undeveloped Land to construct a new four-bedroom home as submitted. Seconded by Ryan Coholan. Roll Call Vote Ryan Coholan- aye Lesley Wallace- aye Wendy Shuck- aye Bett McCarthy- aye Ellis, James & Parkas, Jennifer, 417 Church Street, Barnstable, Map 176. Parcel 005, Built 1941 Construct new two car garage and mudroom addition. Wendy Shuck moved to open the public hearing. Seconded by Ryan Coholan. Roll Call Vote Ryan Coholan- aye Lesley Wallace- aye Wendy Shuck- aye Bett McCarthy- aye Steve Cook was in attendance for this proposal. Steve presented a plan that had been approved previously by the Committee, but the one-year approval had lapsed. The design is the same as previous. All materials to match the existing house natural shingle, black roof, white trim, and carriage style garage doors. Committee Discussion: The Committee appreciated the materials matching what is existing and felt it was appropriate previously and that it is still appropriate now. Public Comment: None Wendy Shuck moved to close the public hearing. Seconded by Ryan Coholan. Roll Call Vote Ryan Coholan- aye Lesley Wallace- aye Wendy Shuck- aye Bett McCarthy- aye Wendy Shuck moved to approve the Certificated of Appropriateness application for Ellis, James & Parkas, Jennifer, 417 Church Street, Barnstable, Map 176. Parcel 005, Built 1941 to construct a new two car garage and mudroom addition. as submitted. Seconded by Ryan Coholan. Roll Call Vote Ryan Coholan- aye Lesley Wallace- aye Wendy Shuck- aye Bett McCarthy- aye APPLICATIONS Kurinsky, Philip & Barsalou, Lori, 61 Harbor View Road, Barnstable, Map 319, Parcel 047, Built 1954 Demo existing detached garage. Construct new attached garage with mudroom, den, bedroom, and bathroom addition. Wendy Shuck moved to open the public hearing. Seconded by Ryan Coholan. Roll Call Vote Ryan Coholan- aye Lesley Wallace- aye Wendy Shuck- aye Bett McCarthy- aye Jordan Race and Janelle Dakin was in attendance for this proposal. They proposed to demo the existing detached garage that doesn’t display any architectural features and rebuild the garage as an attached garage with a dormer. All the materials to match the existing home including siding, roofing, color, and windows. Committee Discussion: The Committee agreed that the garage featured no architectural or historical features, and that the demolition would be appropriate. The design of the garage is in keeping with the house and does not dwarf the main dwelling. They all agreed that the breezeway with an entrance would create some symmetry as the existing dwelling does not feature a typical front entrance. Public Comment: None Wendy Shuck moved to close the public hearing. Ryan Coholan seconded. Roll Call Vote Ryan Coholan – aye Lesley Wallace- aye Wendy Shuck- aye Bett McCarthy- aye Wendy Shuck moved to approve the Demolition Application for Kurinsky, Philip & Barsalou, Lori, 61 Harbor View Road, Barnstable, Map 319, Parcel 047, Built 1954 to demo existing detached garage as submitted. Seconded by Ryan Coholan. Roll Call Vote Ryan Coholan- aye Lesley Wallace- aye Wendy Shuck- aye Bett McCarthy- aye Wendy Shuck moved to approve the Certificated of Appropriateness application for Kurinsky, Philip & Barsalou, Lori, 61 Harbor View Road, Barnstable, Map 319, Parcel 047, Built 1954 to construct a new attached garage with mudroom, den, bedroom, and bathroom addition as submitted. Seconded by Ryan Coholan. Roll Call Vote Ryan Coholan- aye Lesley Wallace- aye Wendy Shuck- aye Bett McCarthy- aye EXTENSIONS None MINOR MODIFICATIONS Chesnauskas, Patricia, 18 Keveney Lane, Barnstable, Map 351, Parcel 028, Built 1966 Add two, two over two windows. These windows would match the two over two window on the plan. Original COA approved 1/24/24. Discussion: Erica clarified that the window would be behind the chimney and that the windows would match the other two over two windows as presented in the original COA. The Committee agreed that it is appropriate. Wendy Shuck moved to approve the Minor Modification application for Chesnauskas, Patricia, 18 Keveney Lane, Barnstable, Map 351, Parcel 028, Built 1966 to add two, two over two windows. These windows would match the two over two window on the plan. Original COA approved 1/24/24 as submitted. Seconded by Ryan Coholan. Roll Call Vote Ryan Coholan- aye Lesley Wallace- aye Wendy Shuck- aye Bett McCarthy- aye Approval of Minutes May 8, 2024 Wendy Shuck moved to approve the minutes of May 8, 2024, as submitted. Lesley Wallace seconded. Roll Call Vote Ryan Coholan- aye Lesley Wallace- aye Wendy Shuck- aye Bett McCarthy- aye May 22, 2024 Wendy Shuck moved to approve the minutes of May 22, 2024, as submitted. Lesley Wallace seconded. Roll Call Vote Ryan Coholan- aye Lesley Wallace- aye Wendy Shuck- aye Bett McCarthy- aye Next Meeting Date: July 10, 2024; July 24, 2024 ADJOURNMENT- Wendy Shuck moved to adjourn the meeting Wednesday May 22, 2024. Lesley Wallace seconded. Ryan Coholan- aye Wendy Shuck- aye Lesley Wallace- aye Bett McCarthy- aye Meeting adjourned at 8:12pm Respectfully Submitted, Erica Brown, Administrative Assistant Planning & Development