HomeMy WebLinkAbout8-21-2024 HHDC Draft Minutes (1)
Town of Barnstable
Hyannis Main Street Waterfront Historic District Commission
August 21, 2024
6:30 p.m.
Members Present: Cheryl Powell, Matt Clark , Tom Doherty, Jack Kay , Laura Cronin, Kevin Matthews,
Members Absent: Cornelius Cawley, Peri Wentworth, Conrad Watson, Jeniffer Hinckley Needham
Staff Present: James Kupfer, Interim Director, Corey Pacheco, Senior Planner and Karen Pina, Principal
Assistant, Planning & Development Dept. in attendance.
To all persons deemed interested or affected by the Town of Barnstable’s Hyannis Main Street Waterfront Historic District
Commission Ordinance under Chapter 112, Article III of the Code of the Town of Barnstable, you are hereby notified that a hea ring
is being held at Town Hall, 367 Main Street, Hyannis, MA Selectmen’s Conference Room, 2 nd Floor 6:30 P.M. on Wednesday,
August 21, 2024.
The meeting will be televised live via Xfinity Channel 8 or high definition Channel 1072. It may also be accessed via the Gov ernment
Access Channel live stream on the Town of Barnstable’s website:
Please silence your cell phones
Call to Order
Attendance Roll Call
Kevin Matthews
Matt Clark
Laura Cronin
Jack Kay
Tom Doherty
Cheryl Powell
Welcome to New Members, Special Guests, Advisors and Comments
Town Council Liaison Charles Bloom in attendance
• Trainings
• Awards
• Correspondence
Reminder of Commission’s Purpose and Proper Procedure
New Business
Mary George & Anasteci Pacella d/b/a The Cordial Eye, 430 – 436 Main Street, Hyannis – Map 309 Parcel 219
Anasteci Pacella in attendance. Desiree Filkins, local artist from Cape Cod in attendance. Grant from New England foundation of
the Arts. Has some print outs that are passed out. Have met with community members and asked what does unity look like and
what makes Cape Cod special. Alleyway between old Rockland Trust and the adjacent store between North St. and Main St. is the
proposed location.
Chair Cheryl Powell asks for clarification for type of design.
Anasteci Pacella what is proposed is what was submitted in the packet.
Jack Kay, color palette confirmations. Can our approved colors be used?
Anasteci Pacella explains - did go into the historical palette.
Desiree Filkins, specifically the flowers, hydrangeas , more vibrant. Would need to be able to access the flower colors.
Kevin Matthews, the quotes, what do they mean?
Desiree Filkins, community had and a Cape Cod heritage and blooming where planted.
Tom Doherty, will be there permanently?
Desirree Filkins, yes. - Painted on polyfab material.
Tom Doherty, we are working on new guidelines, but have none for murals as of yet. Not a fan of the library project. How many
murals do we want in the historic district?
Desiree Filkins, this mural was very strategic, used sand dollars as a design component, graphic on bottom to emphasi ze Cape Cod
feel and what community listening session had to say. Native flowers, people like annuals and perennials and highlighting the Cape
in a pretty way and the history, shells, feathers to honor native American aspect. This is like a patchwork quilt of all of this.
Tom Doherty, how many walls, murals do we want here?
Desiree Filkins, art influences in positive way and helps economy.
Jack Kay, can it be stated somewhere on this mural so that people understand what this means ? Would like all to understand.
Desiree Filkins, there is meaning behind the imagery.
Laura Cronin, confirms where this will be located? An explanation may help as to what it signifies. Concerns with how many more
places where we have murals. Sign limitations. Maybe a theme with what kind we would like to have. There is one at Bradford’s
hardware now, people don’t know what it is. Colors to be within the palette.
Anasteci Pacella, will get the colors and as many as possible.
Desiree Filkins, just the color of flowers weren’t as achievable for the quality of what should look like.
Anas teci Pacella, long history of Hyannis having artists and muralists, KKatie’s had one revealed in the building. Recommendations
and community artwork.
Desiree Filkins, a part of this effort is that it is community based. Town of Barnstable – had a listening session. Almost all wanted
flowers and a quote. Design goes onto canvas and then have a paint event day and community paint, run by paint by number. A nd
then installed, ribbon cutting ceremony done when finished. Design based on what feedback is.
Kevin Matthews, need to have guidelines for murals. Historic district, would love more in character. Love to see quote from Eugena
Fortes, that would be more historic to what we are.
Chair Cheryl Powell asks for clarification of what the mural sample states and what stands for.
Desiree Filkins, broad and journey.
Chair Cheryl Powell , not political?
Anasteci Pacella, no.
Chair Cheryl Powell , would prefer something a little more historical. Design Guidelines, we will be discussing on Sept. 23rd. Will be
a public hearing. Suggests to c ontinue until after the guideline meeting.
Kevin Matthews, things that town grew from. Fisherman, something more encompassing to our history. More of who we are. This
proposal presented tonight is a little to modern. Colors. Subject should be more of who we are.
Discussion regarding what would like to be seen. Some examples.
Anasteci Pacella confirms a narrative of what the mural is may be acceptable?
Chair Cheryl Powell asks for any public comment.
Jane Walsh, business owner, Red Fish/Blue Fish. This is a bad alleyway. To put something nice here is good. Color palette, she
will be coming with new logo for her business. Not a color palette item should not be questioned. Also a commercial area.
Businesses are struggling to keep their small businesses with electronic and big box shopping. Other historic communities ha ve
mural s and artwork and they add a sense of community and livelihood. Shouldn’t pigeon hole artists, leave some room for
interpretation. Concerned with such a stringent color palette. Encourages public art.
Desiree Filkins, maybe tweaking some of the design, can shift to address concerns that may have ?
Jim Kupfer, need an abutter notice that they find acceptable to access and to install and maintain, get something from abutte r that
states this.
Tom Doherty, color palette not that stringent. Problem is how many do we want in this town.
Desiree Filkins, clarifies what HHDC looking for, can be submitted prior to the Sept. deadline. It can’t be done under 40 degree
Chair Cheryl Powell , would like to wait until the guidelines are done. Sept. 23rd.
Matt Clark makes a motion to continue until after September 23rrd or until a time certain, seconded by Kevin Matthews to
continue to October 2, 2024, (after Design Guidelines review meeting)
Roll Call Vote:
Laura Cronin - aye
Kevin Matthews - aye
Matt Clark - aye
Tom Doherty - aye
Jack Kay - aye
Cheryl Powell - aye
First Baptist Church – 486 Main Street, Hyannis – Map 308 Parcel 077
Window replacements
Chair Cheryl Powell reads into record applicant’s request to withdraw dated and received today, August 21, 2024.
Chair Cheryl Powell entertains a motion to withdraw, moved by Jack Kay, second by Tom Doherty,
Roll Call Vote:
Jack Kay - aye
Tom Doherty - aye
Matt Clark - aye
Kevin Matthews - aye
Laura Cronin - aye
Cheryl Powell - aye
Continued Business
Adam Burnett d/b/a Champ Homes, Inc. - 75 & 83 School Street, Hyannis – Map 327 Parcels 249 & 258
Demolition – continued from July 3, 2024 and August 7, 2024
Alison Alessi in attendance. Adam Burnett in attendance.
Adam Burnett, - the Commissioners went to see the shed and condition.
Jack Kay found the building to be amazing structure, reasonably sound building, we should preserve. Not have demolished.
Tom Doherty feels the same. Thinks in excellent shape and should be preserved.
Kevin Matthews, are the tow other applications based on the demolition application?
Alison Alessi, it changes our site plan. We are preserving the two other historic buildings. This garage is almost on abutting
property line and is an issue for fire trucks.
Tom Doherty, we were told that they could do the three point turn.
Adam Burnett, yes where the southeast corner is - Site plan came and visualized it. And where can do the three point turn. Front
left corner of the truck would hit the garage.
Alison Alesi, additional expense to move and site is really tight, could not keep in same and will be a zoning issue.
Kevin Matthews, looks like space behind parking, can move to this area.
Alison Alesi , can look at that, may be a chance it fits .
Tom Doherty, why does Fire Dept. need this type of access? Buckets are used now, don’t understand why need a big turn ing
Adam Burnett, we are just following what site plan told us to do.
Laura Crnon, is there any leeway there, how getting through right now?
Alson Alesi, it’s undeveloped.
Kevin Matthews, likes the garage and would like to preserve, would like to keep and move it somewhere – move across the lot?
Adam Burnett, worried about being at 10 ft. mark and would stick out.
Tom Doherty, looking for clarification and explanation why Fire Dept. needs this turning radius.
Matt Clark, need to move the barn.
Jack Kay – maybe put the barn inf front of one of the buildings ?
Alison Alesi, maybe salvage some of it.
Alison Alesi - other two structures, can we discuss so know what the other two buildings can have done.
Two New Buildings discussed
Adam Burnett d/b/a Champ Homes, Inc. – 75 School Street, Hyannis – Map 327 Parcel 258
New Building – continued from July 3, 2024 and August 7, 2024
Adam Burnett d/b/a Champ Homes, Inc. – 83 School Street, Hyannis – Map 327 Parcel 249
New Building – continued from July 3, 2024 and August 7, 2024
Aliso Alessi , canopy structure, very visible from the street. Proposing to remove that, and in way of turning radius. Campus hub,
one story structure. Proposing solar on the east elevation. Greek revival styling and molding to be the same.
Explains the proposed changes to be made to the buildings.
Jack Kay the garage, not as important as larger section that has cupola. Larger section could be the entrance to the propose d
building, may be a solution.
Alison Alesi , proposing two full stories for the building, trying to keep in scale with the neighborhood, get tricky to try and install,
prefer it to be a relocate.
Chair Cheryl Powell asks for any public comment.
Jane Walsh in attendance. Red Fish/ Blue Fish business owner.
Glad Commissioners went to look at the barn there. These houses weren’t really built for what they are being used for now. There
are other places to accommodate the work that they are doing.
Attorney Mark Boudreau in attendance. The town in the past has asked if CHAMP wanted to move. Mr. Bornstein offered us
property , but couldn’t accommodate. Fire Dept. is making it difficult. Because they don’t know if smaller trucks would be available if
needed. Can retain the barn and find place for it on the lot, if potentially either demolish or for someone to come and take that
second structure (the garage and barn).
Matt Clark, why would they not want a building that’s 40,000 sq. ft.?
Attorney Mark Boudreau, program and staffing have built a model that works for all. They have some dignity. Have pride in their
campus. The offering of buildings from Bornstein are set up for offices.
Matt Clark, maybe the size and ambition has outgrown the plot.
Attorney Boudreau, goal is to ultimately abandon across the street, so going down three and providing more space for our program.
Alison Alesi , the only relief is setbacks.
Matt Clark, going down in what your needs are?
Adam Burnett, the garage not in best of shape, willing to work with Commission. Fire would be a moot point, because they cannot
get through there.
Kevin Matthews, has no issues with the two new building proposals, same type of moldings and style.
Laura Cronin, looks overwhelming about what is being proposed. 33 more bedrooms in this small area, there are reasons for
density and for setbacks and security. Another building is concerning.
Adam Burnett, explains and clarifies. They have the money to renovate, ultimately they would be downsizing. Will be cutting down
on back and forth all the time and consolidated.
Jack Kay asks why not do a two story building?
Adam Burnett, being proposed as a campus hub.
Chair Cheryl Powell entertains a motion to continue to Sept. 4th , 2024, moved by Jack Kay, seconded by Matt Clark,
Roll Call Vote:
Matt Clark - aye
Jack Kay - aye
Tom Doherty - aye
Kevin Matthews - aye
Laura Cronin - aye
Cheryl Powell - aye
General Business,
Design Guidelines Update
Jim Kupfer- haven’t received any additional comments for or from the draft from the Commission. Discuss mural, pg. 35, very broad
in terms of murals, pg. 45, section a of the draft. Please give some feedback for this.
Jim Kupfer, will take emails from Commissioner’s for this and how to implement.
Chair Cheryl Powell , greenhouses, maybe put something about that in the guidelines as well.
Jack Kay, timeline? Won’t last if on canvas , like the proposal we just had.
Laura Cronin – Hyannis has way to many violations going on now, to vague.
Chair Cheryl Powell , worked hard to adopt. Have agreed to meet quarterly and tweaked on regular basis.
Matters not Reasonably Anticipated by the Chair
Approval of August 7, 2024 Draft Minutes
Chair Cheryl Powell entertains a motion to approve, moved by Jack Kay, seconded by M att Clark,
Roll Call Vote:
Kevin Matthews - aye
Laura Cronin - aye
Matt Clark - aye
Tom Doherty - aye
Jack Kay - aye
Cheryl Powell - abstain
Next HHDC meetings scheduled for September 4th and September 18, 2024
Chair Cheryl Powell entertains a motion to adjourn, moved by Laura Cronin, second by Kevin Matthews,
Roll Call Vote:
Jack Kay - aye
Tom Doherty - aye
Matt Clark - aye
Kevin Matthews - aye
Laura Cronin - aye
Cheryl Powell - aye
The meeting ended at 8:13 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Karen Pina
Further detail may be obtained by viewing the video via Channel 18 on demand at