HomeMy WebLinkAboutOKH 07 10 24 Draft Minutes Town of Barnstable Old King’s Highway Historic District Committee MINUTES Wednesday, July 10, 2024, 6:30pm To all persons deemed interested or affected b y the Town of Barnstable's Old King’s Highway Historic District Act under Section 9 of Chapter 470, Acts of 1973 as amended. You are hereby notified that a hearing was held by remote participation via Zoom Meetings on the following applications: Bett McCarthy, Chair Present George Jessop, AIA Absent Ryan Coholan Absent Lesley Wallace Present Wendy Shuck, Clerk Present Erica Brown, Administrative Assistant Present A quorum being met, Chair Bett McCarthy called the hearing to order at 6:30 pm. The Chair explained the hearing and appeal process and invited the public to address the Committee and view the plans of interest when the application is called. ______________________________________________________________________________ Roll Call Chair Bett McCarthy called the meeting to order at 6:30 pm and took roll call. Attendance Roll Call: Lesley Wallace Wendy Shuck Bett McCarthy CONTINUED APPLICATIONS Lemay, Matt & Sarah, 56 Redwing Lane, Barnstable, Map 318, Parcel 007, Undeveloped Land Construct new colonial style home with carriage house on vacant lot. Josh Blakely, Matt & Sarah Lemay, and James Stokes were in attendance for this proposal. Josh Blakely stated that they took everything that the Committee and said and everyone put their heads together. Starting with the farmers porch it was a shed roof before and not it’s a hip roof with arch detail on the bottom of the trim with details to the trim detail, lowered the pitch of the roof and in turn lowered the overall height of the structure, embellished the window trims, changed the doors on the garage, and flying rakes. Less space between the roof line and bottom of the windows. There have been changes to the carriage house as well. All the details are matched on the carriage house to the main house. The dormers were stepped in, and the shed roof was brought down below the main ridge. Embellished the window trim detail and changed the garage door as well to match the proposed main dwelling. Committee Discussion: Lesley- Much better and appreciates the details on the windows and porch. The change in roof pitch does make a difference. Asked if the square footage changed from the first submission to this one? Josh answered that the main dwelling was approximately 3400 sq ft before and is now approximately 3100 sq ft. The carriage house was at 1300 sq ft and is now 900 sq ft. Lesley mentioned that there are some big houses down 6A but Redwing itself needs to be kept in mind. This iteration is much better than the original and this is an architecturally better design. Wendy- Agrees with Lesley and appreciates the changes that have been made. Wendy believes the roof line is much more appropriate for the area and the porch is much more appropriate and blends in well with the area. Wendy noted that the windows are still an issue. Felt like the grille configuration would need a change to 6 over 6 or 8 over 8. The windows on the first floor seem to be in proportion but the windows on the second floor do not and seem off. Colonials typically have evenly spaced-out windows. Would like to see more detail on the door. In terms of the carriage house, the carriage house is more forward on the lot and closer to 6A than the house is which is something that you don’t typically see. A carriage house or garage is typically parallel or behind the home. Seeing the back side of the carriage house from 6A is a little troublesome. Asked if there is any possibility of moving it? Same comments about the windows on the carriage house as the main dwelling. Josh noted the conservation issues surrounding the placement of the dwelling and carriage house. Lesley- Clarified where the conservation line begins and asked if the carriage house could sit on the other side of the driveway? It would be more parallel to the house and be more in line. Josh noted that where the carriage house is currently proposed would help hide cars. Bett- Noted that the comments made by the Committee are very valuable. Some significant changes were made particularly to the roof and garage doors, but still is not getting a historical feel for this design for this neighborhood. Bett noted that she agrees with Wendy about the windows. Commented that if the carriage looked more like a barn that it may blend in more. Public Comment: Wellesley Marsh- Noted that they were at the last meeting and noted that they had submitted comment as well. Wellesley did note they reviewed the tweaks to the plan, but that their concerns remain. Although changes have been made there is no discernible difference between the architecture. Agree with some of the comments made about the character of this house regarding the neighborhood. The concern remains that this design is not in keeping with this historical stretch of 6A. Had hoped that given the last meeting more of the overall design would have changed. Once something is built it sets a precedent. The carriage house location is a concern because it looks like that is the first thing you see. Agreed with the comments about the windows. Marybeth McKenzie- Thanked the applicant for the revisions but agrees with the comments made by the Committee and the other neighbor. Matt Lemay- Appreciated all the feedback from everyone. They’re trying to create a home that bolsters the already beautiful neighborhood. Acknowledged the issues of making a new home look like its historical and conservation. The window change is not significant and not a problem for them. Is unsure of where to take the design from this point. Wendy responded stating that it is the overall design of the home as it would appear more stylistically modern. She noted all the details matters, and it is an improvement but does not hit the mark just yet. Bett noted that they do look at the design, but just as important to the design is the setting and neighborhood that this design is being proposed for and it does not fit in. Bett asked if the applicants if they would like a continuance or if they would like the Committee to vote on what has been presented. Josh and Matt agreed to a continuance. Wendy Shuck moved to continue the Certificate of Appropriateness Application for Lemay, Matt & Sarah, 56 Redwing Lane, Barnstable, Map 318, Parcel 007, Undeveloped Land to Construct a new colonial style home with carriage house on vacant lot to the July 24, 2024 meeting at 6:30pm to be held remotely via Zoom. Ryan Coholan seconded the motion. Roll Call Vote Lesley Wallace- aye Wendy Shuck- aye Bett McCarthy- aye APPLICATIONS Andryauskas, Frank & Margaret, 50 First Way, Barnstable, Map 301, Parcel 046, Built 1974 Demo existing house and build new 30’D x 64’L x 30’H home. Wendy Shuck moved to open the public hearing. Seconded by Lesley Wallace. Roll Call Vote Lesley Wallace- aye Wendy Shuck- aye Bett McCarthy- aye Mike Rockwell, Frank and Margaret Andryauskas were in attendance for this proposal. Mike presented that they would like to remove the existing structure as it is not serving the needs of the homeowners now. Th ey would like to construct a new home. Materials wise it would be classic using CertainTeed architectural shingles, white cedar shingles for the siding, Anderson windows 6 over 0s. White trim. Committee Discussion (Demolition): Wendy noted that she has no concerns as the home has no historic architectural features. Lesley and Bett agreed with Wendy’s comment. Public Comment (Demolition): None Wendy Shuck moved to close the public hearing. Lesley Wallace seconded. Roll Call Vote Lesley Wallace- aye Wendy Shuck- aye Bett McCarthy- aye Wendy Shuck moved to approve the Demolition Application for Andryauskas, Frank & Margaret, 50 First Way, Barnstable, Map 301, Parcel 046, Built 1974 to demo existing house as submitted. Seconded by Lesley Wallace. Roll Call Vote Lesley Wallace- aye Wendy Shuck- aye Bett McCarthy- aye Andryauskas, Frank & Margaret, 50 First Way, Barnstable, Map 301, Parcel 046, Built 1974 Build new 30’D x 64’L x 30’H home. Wendy Shuck moved to open the public hearing. Seconded by Lesley Wallace. Roll Call Vote Lesley Wallace- aye Wendy Shuck- aye Bett McCarthy- aye Mike Rockwell, Frank and Margaret Andryauskas were in attendance for this proposal. They would like to construct a new home. Materials wise it would be classic using CertainTeed architectural shingles, white cedar shingles for the siding, Anderson windows 6 over 0s. White trim. Committee Discussion (new build): Wendy- Noted that the new build is significantly larger than the previous home and noted that the height of the home is quite tall as well. Mike clarified that the height was one of their design challenges, but it does not exceed the code height. Wendy requested to see the front elevation again and noted that the sliders on the front is not typical in the area. Not sure the style fits in with the neighborhood as well. Lesley- Agreed with Wendy’s comments and felt that the design is busy. Suggested a more typical front entrance with a traditional front door with windows on either side rather than the sliders on the first floor. Mike agreed that would be a go od suggestion in the more traditional fashion. Wendy noted that it felt more like the back of a house rather than the front. Bett- The balance is off. Agrees with the front door suggestion. Felt like the sliders and the windows were too much. Some of the larger homes are located on the corners whereas this house is located basically in the center of the street. Feels as if this home will dwarf the smaller ones on the street. Commented on the trend in the area. The rear of the house is also not balanced especially regarding the windows. Mike acknowledged that the rear would not be seen from the road. Mike addressed the misprint on the drawing that all the windows would be matching as 6 over 0. Lesley- Asked if 6 over 6 windows would be considerable. Noted that the neighborhood is eclectic, but it is a big house. Wendy- Wanted to take in consideration that this dwelling will be tall as well. Lesley asked what the acreage of the lot is. Mike noted that it is one third of an acre. Ed Bowers, building department, noted that a third of an acre is 11,000 sq ft. Mike noted that they were cognitive of the height of the structure and were striving ideally for a two-story structure with dormers. They were hopeful the dormers and balcony would alleviate some of the height issues to make it more palatable. Ed Bowers no ted that the center where the building is at its tallest height is a typical two story with a Cape roof and appears taller on the drawing because of the typical one-story Cape roof over the garage. 30ft is to the top ridge line or close because of the dor mer because that’s where the header is of occupiable space. Bett- Suggested if the house was a bit more of a L shape it wouldn’t appear as large. Wendy suggested maybe the garage to be detached as to break up the massing. Lesley clarified the roof pitch. Frank- Would have to work with Mike with the recommendations of the Committee. Is willing to make changes and appreciates the suggestions of the Committee. Public Comment: None Wendy Shuck moved to continue the Certificated of Appropriateness application for Andryauskas, Frank & Margaret, 50 First Way, Barnstable, Map 301, Parcel 046, Built 1974 to build new 30’D x 64’L x 30’H home to the July 24, 2024 meeting at 6:30pm to be held remotely via Zoom. Seconded by Lesley Wallace. Roll Call Vote Lesley Wallace- aye Wendy Shuck- aye Bett McCarthy- aye McManus, Debra, 2876 Main Street, Barnstable, Map 279, Parcel 011, Built 1895 Paint the front of the house including trim on all windows, dog houses, eaves, and soffits. Wendy Shuck moved to open the public hearing. Seconded by Lesley Wallace. Roll Call Vote Lesley Wallace- aye Wendy Shuck- aye Bett McCarthy- aye Debra McManus was in attendance for this proposal. Debra stated that she would like to take the body of the home from a beige to a grey color. The trim of the windows would be white. The French door to white. The doghouse dormer to grey. The front door would stay green. The shutters would be black for some definition. Committee Discussion: Lesley- Clarified that the siding would be grey, the shutters to be black, and the trim to be white. Debra confirmed. It will look more stately. Wendy- Asked if the front door would also be black. Debra stated the front door is green and would stay that way. Clarified the French doors will be white. Bett- Believes the Grey will blend in nicely. Public Comment: None Wendy Shuck moved to open the public hearing. Seconded by Lesley Wallace. Roll Call Vote Lesley Wallace- aye Wendy Shuck- aye Bett McCarthy- aye Wendy Shuck moved to approve the Certificated of Appropriateness application for McManus, Debra, 2876 Main Street, Barnstable, Map 279, Parcel 011, Built 1895 to paint the front of the house including trim on all windows, dog houses, eaves, and soffits with the modification to paint the shutters black otherwise as submitted. Seconded by Lesley Wallace. Roll Call Vote Lesley Wallace- aye Wendy Shuck- aye Bett McCarthy- aye EXTENSIONS None MINOR MODIFICATIONS Maki, Nathan & Brandy, 1730 Main Street, West Barnstable, Map 197, Parcel 035/002, Undeveloped Land Change window sash color to black, siding color to white stained, metal accent roof to black, and asphalt roof to moire black. Original COA approved 4/10/2024. Committee Discussion: Wendy asked what the original siding color was going to be. It was supposed to be natural. Wendy clarified the accent roof on the plans. Lesley commented that it will blend in well. The Committee agreed that they have no concerns. Wendy Shuck moved to approve the Minor Modification application for Maki, Nathan & Brandy, 1730 Main Street, West Barnstable, Map 197, Parcel 035/002, Undeveloped Land to change window sash color to black, siding color to white stained, metal accent roof to black, and asphalt roof to moire black. Original COA approved 4/10/2024 as submitted. Seconded by Lesley Wallace. Roll Call Vote Lesley Wallace- aye Wendy Shuck- aye Bett McCarthy- aye Approval of Minutes None Next Meeting Date: July 24, 2024; August 14, 2024 ADJOURNMENT- Wendy Shuck moved to adjourn the meeting Wednesday July 10, 2024. Lesley Wallace seconded. Wendy Shuck- aye Lesley Wallace- aye Bett McCarthy- aye Meeting adjourned at 8:23pm Respectfully Submitted, Erica Brown, Administrative Assistant Planning & Development