HomeMy WebLinkAbout11-6-2024 HHDC Draft Minutes (1) Town of Barnstable Hyannis Main Street Waterfront Historic District Commission www.townofbarnstable.ma.us/hyannismainstreet MINUTES November 6, 2024 6:30 p.m. Members Present: Cheryl Powell, Matt Clark, Tom Doherty, Laura Cronin, Kevin Matthews, Peri Wentworth Members Absent: Jack Kay, Conrad Watson, Cornelius Cawley, Jeniffer Hinckley Needham Staff Present: James Kupfer, Director, Corey Pacheco, Senior Planner and Karen Pina, Principal Assistant, Planning & Development Dept. in attendance. To all persons deemed interested or affected by the Town of Barnstable’s Hyannis Main Street Waterfront Historic District Commission Ordinance under Chapter 112, Article III of the Code of the Town of Barnstable, you are hereby notified that a hearing is being held at Town Hall, 367 Main Street, Hyannis, MA Selectmen’s Conference Room, 2nd Floor 6:30 P.M. on Wednesday, November 6, 2024. The meeting will be televised live via Xfinity Channel 8 or high definition Channel 1072. It may also be accessed via the Government Access Channel live stream on the Town of Barnstable’s website: http://streaming85.townofbarnstable.us/CablecastPublicSite/watch/1?channel=1 Please silence your cell phones Call to Order Attendance Roll Call Peri Wentworth Kevin Matthews Matt Clark Laura Cronin Tom Doherty Cheryl Powell Welcome to New Members, Special Guests, Advisors and Comments Updates • Trainings – Chair Cheryl Powell - clarification regarding abstaining on votes, counted towards quorum, but not counted positive or negative. Don’t count as yah or nay, doesn’t count either way. Also do your Conflict of Interest training. • Awards • Correspondence Reminder of Commission’s Purpose and Proper Procedure New Business Karina Hernandez d/b/a El Mariachi Loco – 569 Main Street, Unit D, Hyannis – Map 308 Parcel 111 Tent Karina Hernandez in attendance. She gives an explanation of the proposal. Laura Cronin will be recusing as a member but will speak for public comment. Karina Hernandez explains the area has no coverage. Customers have to wait in the rain and some walk away. Would like to add a tent, would also like to add the sides. Customer usually waits about 10 minutes. This would be to avoid the weather. 2 Tom Doherty asks will it be up year round? Karina Hernandez, yes, sides down in the winter not in the summer. Matt Clark, is tent already there? Karina Hernandez, yes, tent was taken down but poles are still there. Kevin Matthews, will this be eating area also? Karina Hernandez, not in the winter, but there are tables there now. Tom Doherty, looks temporary with the aluminum poles that are there now. Maybe make a true eating area, maybe with wood materials, something more permanent. Karina Hernandez, aluminum poles are into the cement, but are thinking about doing something better and more permanent closer to the summer. Chair Cheryl Powell clarifies tent size. Did approve a tent before for the season. Have any abutters have said anything? Clarifies the size - 15 x 30 and 10.9, almost 11 inches. Corey Pacheco, clarifies – zoning code for temporary uses for tents, subject to annual approval, may be a temporary structure, and shall conform to all parking and dimensional, cannot be up for any longer than 180 days and then would have to re apply and also through Bldg. Dept. and Site Plan Review as well for temporary structure. Karina Hernandez, went through Bldg. Dept. and Fire Dept. Chair Cheryl Powell, has not done a Site Plan review, clarifies. Chair Cheryl Powell opens up public comment. Laura Cronin in attendance signs in as a citizen to make public comment. Laura Cronin, is an abutter to this property. Did see it when it was up. Thinks it is very large. Takes over the whole area, blocks the view of others. There are other ways to accommodate and more pleasing than this. To big for the area, very dark when sides are on. Courtyard area here as well. Maybe another way. Use another option. Not in favor of this structure on Main Street. Perri Wentworth, does the size meet with the town if application is appropriate? Corey Pacheco, to be determined by the Site Plan Review. Chair Cheryl Powell clarifies that HHDC is only for aesthetics, if approved then moves on. Kevin Matthews, shouldn’t we get Building and Site Plan before we approve? Perri Wentworth, limited inside the building? Is this alternative to not being able to accommodate? Maybe a canopy that extends off of the building? Karina Hernandez, no we thought this would be better because other businesses have them. Jim Kupfer, application has been filed on line. Bldg.Dept has done a review. HHDC is one of the sign offs needed. The form and massing within purview. Kevin Matthews, thinks it will dominate the whole area and thinks looks to temporary. Needs better look. Design doesn’t fit for Main Street. Also limited time, 5 months and then have to re apply. Tom Doherty, suggests looking into the canopy option. 3 Perri Wentworth, extension, how would that work? Corey Pacheco replies, yes attached to the building. Chair Cheryl Powell closes public comment. Chair Cheryl Powell entertains a motion for the Findings, moved by Kevin Matthews to deny the application at 569 Main Street, it does not meet with and is not compatible with the preservation and protection of the district, seconded by Tom Doherty, Roll Call Vote: Kevin Matthews - aye Matt Clark - aye Tom Doherty - aye Perri Wentworth - aye Cheryl Powell - aye Chair Cheryl Powell suggests to let abutters know as well and come back. Jim Kupfer, suggests the local façade grant program that can help with this. He will give her information. Laura Cronin questions the 6 month temporary time limit. How can we make applicant’s come before us. This is a 6 month temporary time frame. Why not 10 days? Discussion regarding temporary time limits Matters not reasonably anticipated Jim Kupfer, working group moving towards a next step per public arts section of the Design Guidelines. Maybe do one more session, hopefully have something before joint mtg. on Nov. 25 with Planning Board. Perri Wentworth asks about multi colored blocks across from old TD Bank building. Jim Kupfer, this is an art project, cultural center did with community. They travel to different events. Also, Asset Management is working on letter to send to people about encroachment in several areas on Main Street. Approval of October 16, 2024, Minutes Chair Cheryl Powell entertains a motion to approve draft minutes of October 16, 2024, ,moved by Laura Cronin, seconded by Kevin Matthews, Roll Call Vote: Laura Cronin - aye Kevin Matthews - aye Matt Clark - aye Tom Doherty - aye Perri Wentworth - aye Cheryl Powell - aye Next HHDC meetings scheduled for November 20th, November 25, (Joint Meeting with Planning Board) and December 4, 2024 Adjournment Chair Cheryl Powell entertains a motion to adjourn, moved by Tom Doherty, seconded by Kevin Matthews, Roll Call Vote: Perri Wentworth - aye Tom Doherty - aye Matt Clark - aye Kevin Matthews - aye Laura Cronin - aye Cheryl Powell - aye 4 The meeting ended at 7:05 p.m. Respectfully submitted, Karen Pina Further detail may be obtained by viewing the video via Channel 18 on demand at http://www.town.barnstable.ma.us