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Barnstable Historical Commission
This meeting was held on October 15, 2024, at 4:00 PM
Selectmen’s Conference Room, Town Hall
Robert Frazee, Chair Present
Nancy Shoemaker, Vice Chair Present
Cheryl Powell Present
Jack Kay Present
Barbara DeBiase Present
John Richmond, Alternate Present
Erica Brown, Administrative Assistant Present
Corey Pacheco, Senior Planner Present
Chair Robert Frazee called the meeting to order at 4:00 pm.
Acting under the provisions of the Code of the Town of Barnstable, ss 112-1 through 112-7, the
Historical Commission held a Public Hearing on the following applications previously
determined significant and referred to Public Hearing:
Quirk, Robert & Denise TRS, 64 Vine Avenue, Centerville, Map 226, Parcel 037, Built 1930
Full Demolition: Demolish the existing structure.
Jack Kay recused himself.
Irena Sumbera was in attendance for this item. She hoped that the Commission was able to
witness the conditions of the property and building from the site visit.
Commission Discussion:
Nancy noted that she did attend the site visit. She had her concerns before regarding the height
of the house and was assured that the new dwelling would still be lower than the dwelling
behind it. She stated that the applicant has been considerate of the surroundings and
neighborhood. Bob noted that he was in attendance for the site visit as well. He noted that this
home would be hard to bring up to code given the age and condition. He commented that the
building proposed is not out of character. Nancy asked that the applicant consider re-using as
many materials as possible. No other commissioners had comments regarding this application.
Public Comment:
Robert Quirk- Commented that they are making their best efforts to preserve the neighborhood
while attending to what they need as they wish to use this home year round.
Motion 1:
Nay: Nansy Shoemaker, Cheryl Powell, Barbara DeBiase, Robert Frazee, John Richmond
Motion 2:
Aye: Nancy Shoemaker, Cheryl Powell, Barbara DeBiase, Robert Frazee, John Richmond
Jack Kay reentered the meeting.
Pemberton, Robert, 125 Parker Road, Osterville, Map 116, Parcel 028, Built 1750
Full Demolition: Demolish the existing dwelling.
Robert Pemberton was in attendance for this item.
The original part of the structure in the 1750s and expanded in the 1920s and 50s. He pointed to
the interior photographs showing the sagging beams and noted that the foundation is failing.
He described the remedies for renovation would be drastic. The building would have to be
lifted and may not survive the lifting. There is back mold present in the structure and to
remediate would be difficult. All the windows have been replaced with vinyl windows. The
foundation is cracked and settled. Attempts at repair and stabilization has failed. The sills have
failed. Mr. Pemberton commented that there are some charming aspects, but the foundation is
the main problem. The grade is all graded into the house.
Commission Discussion:
Nancy Shoemaker asked about saving the wood from the chimney fireplace. Robert commented
that he would be willing and would like to save that. Robert Frazee commented that the some
more defining features are that such of the fireplace area. Robert Frazee asked about the original
perimeter of the 1750s home. John Richmond mentioned that on Zillow the property looked
way better. Robert Frazee commented that he appreciated the interior photos of the home.
Robert Pemberton commented that he plans for something similar in scope.
Public Comment: None
Motion 1:
Nay: Nancy Shoemaker, Cheryl Powell, Barbara DeBiase, Jack Kay, Robert Frazee
Abstain: John Richmond
Motion 2:
Aye: Nancy Shoemaker, Cheryl Powell, Jack Kay, Barbara DeBiase, Robert Frazee
Abstain: John Richmond
Bates, Stephen & Gretchen, 102 Bridge Street, Osterville, Map 116, Parcel 001, Built 1920
Partial Demolition: Demolish dwelling except for the garage and mudroom.
Jimmy Bowes was in attendance for this item. Jimmy presented the historical aerial of the home.
The garage will be kept. He pointed to the original parts of the home and where the additions
were added on throughout the years. The new section to the left is larger than the original part
of the home. The additions have been jury-rigged on throughout the years. The applicant pro-
posed a smaller home to what is existing now. The garage will be detached from the home and
will leave a space between the house and garage. The house is to be razed due to the floodplain.
The garage will be at elevation 6 and the driveway at about 9.5. The foundation will be 30” so
that the grading will look like it has always been there. The new grade will fade down. The new
door will be 5 steps up.
Commission Discussion:
Robert Frazee commented that this is one of the first applications that the Commission has seen
regarding the concern of the floodplain. It is difficult to maintain the necessary codes for the
floodplain with historical homes. It is a difficult position to be in for the applicants and the com-
mission alike. Bob mentioned that seeking alternatives would be appreciated but noted that in
this case he has no concerns regarding the application. Barbara asked for clarity on the front
skirt of the dwelling.
Public Comment: None
Motion 1:
Nay: Nancy Shoemaker, Cheryl Powell, Jack Kay, Barbara DeBiase, Robert Frazee, John Rich-
Motion 2:
Aye: Nancy Shoemaker, Cheryl Powell, Jack Kay, Barbara DeBiase, Robert Frazee, John Rich-
Eastman, Thomas & Terry, 880 Main Street, Cotuit, Map 035, Parcel 081, Built 1910
Partial Demolition: Demolish existing attached garage and rebuild garage with a mud-
room/pantry addition.
Carey Grover was in attendance for this item. He started the presentation by explaining that
this dwelling was once a wing of the house located next door. The wing was taken off, moved
and reconstructed to be used as a house. The flat roof garage would be demolished and rebuilt.
The proposed elevations show the extension of the gambrel and a new garage. Noted that the
homeowners are considering using 2 over 2 windows but they have not made a final decision.
Carey also brought an album showing the move of the wing of the house in the 1950s.
Commission Discussion: Bob asked if there was step back in the roof plane. Carey referenced
the proposed drawings and clarified that yes there is a small step back. Cheryl noted she thinks
it is a good proposal. Nancy mentioned Helen and Nancy were both pioneers during their time.
Nancy expressed her gratitude for the Eastman’s and their pursuit to preserve these buildings.
She also thanked the applicant for bringing in the photographs.
Public Comment: None
Motion 1:
Nay: Nancy Shoemaker, Cheryl Powell, Barbara DeBiase, Jack Kay, Robert Frazee, John Rich-
Motion 2:
Aye: Nancy Shoemaker, Cheryl Powell, Jack Kay, Barbara DeBiase, Robert Frazee, John Rich-
Cheryl left at 5:00pm.
Clerk Nominations- No clerk was elected at this time. The Committee agreed to review the
minutes as group and submit edits.
Matters Not Reasonably Anticipated by the Chair
Next meeting will be November 19, 2024 via Zoom.
With no further business before this Commission, a motion was duly made by Commissioner Kay
and seconded by Commissioner DeBiase to adjourn the meeting.
Aye: Jack Kay, Bob Frazee, Barbara DeBiase, John Richmond, and Nancy Shoemaker.
Meeting adjourned at 5:15pm.
Respectfully Submitted,
Erica Brown, Administrative Assistant