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Town of Barnstable
Planning & Development Department
Staff Report
Subdivision #822
Certificate of Completion
Date: November 25, 2024
To: Stephen Robichaud, Chair, Planning Board
From: Planning & Development Department Staff
Subdivision: No. 822
Owner: William A. Riley and Kenneth D. Polivy
Applicant: William A. Riley and Kenneth D. Polivy
Property Address: 2519 Main Street, Barnstable
Zoning: Residential RF-2 (RF-2), Aquifer Protection Overlay District (AP)
Request & Background:
The owner and applicant, William A. Riley and Kenneth D. Polivy of PO Box 212 Barnstable, have requested
a certificate of completion for subdivision number 822. The specific request is to certify the completion of
a subdivision that was approved in 2013.
The Town of Barnstable currently holds a $35,000 surety bond for the completion of the subdivision road.
The Planning Board can authorize the reduction or release of this bond if requested and a certificate of
completion is granted.
The request was filed with the Planning Board’s Office on November 8, 2024. In order to receive a
certificate of completion, the applicant shall file with the Planning Board for review at a regularly
scheduled public meeting.
The certificate of completion shall be by majority vote of the Planning Board.
The request was reviewed by the Town of Barnstable’s Engineering Division and was determined to have
no known outstanding subdivision issues that would result in the denial of a certificate of completion.
A request for comments has been sent to the Town Engineer. The Town Engineer noted the following
deviation for the approved subdivision plan: “The Road Profile Plan depicts (2) 30” x 30” stone pillars to
be set at the entrance to Aberle way, at the time of the 9/6/2024 inspection the stone pillars had not been
Draft Motion:
If the Board agrees to the request, a motion should be formulated to grant a certificate of completion for
Aberle Way, Barnstable, Subdivision 822 as identified in the submission to the Planning Board, and to release
the $35,000 surety bond for Subdivision 822 to the developer.